Milo's Seven Interview

The following are transcriptions kept within the Seven Associations case files: a Meister and Fixer by the name of Milo being interviewed for his unique abilities to see the likelihood of a human distorting and to understand Distortions for easier attempts in reversing their status.

Fixers (Sorted By Office):


Mirra the Executioner

"Hoowee, those are some augments... durability, strength, reaction speed, stamina, Wings know how much she had to spend on all of that. Reliably powerful all around, not much else to say. Odd to see her at that grade though; has to be sad, or at least frustrating, not to be recognized for your true potential..."
Chance to Distort: Unlikely. Stubborn type of personality. She is experienced in facing hardship alone, no loss to break her.

Ji Jeong-Hui

"Can't say I trust a Fixer hopped up on drugs, been in the Backstreets long enough to see so many guys fall apart from addiction, even worse with those N-Corp cans of fantasies. I won't put it against him, everyone needs a way to wind down, but you won't catch any of my requests taken by him. Still, manifesting an EGO counts for something. Being a former L-Corp employee might too, but I don't have a clue about them, Seven keeps telling me I don't have the clearance for that stuff... seriously, you give me all this juicy info with distortions and even colors, but you can't even give me a crumb about the former L-Corp?!"
Chance to Distort: Manifested EGO. ! However, state known as "EGO Corrosion" observed among borrowed EGO equipment, vigilance recommended !

Shiina, the Black Cat (Color Fixer)

"Coward? Maybe to other mindless fixers who can only think of roughing up whatever is in front of them - which, admittedly, is basically all fixer's do. Yeah, including you Seven fixers... and don't give me that intel BS, you just use it to fight better. Anyway, some say she's taking it a bit too far with the precautions, but nothing goes far enough to keep your own life safe. 'Run and live another day,' most strong people forget that, thinking they're high and mighty at the top, and then the next stronger person drags them off that pillar."
Chance to Distort: Somewhat Likely. Her cowardly nature can be taken advantage of, but might otherwise rise above it should her ideals remain firm.

Alm Claude “Penumbra” Faith

"The technically not-a-Color Fixer. I can kind of understand her reasoning not taking a color title. As superstitious as it may be, being 'lucky' is a skill in the city, and if following old wives' tales makes you feel more lucky, I say go at it. But I can't agree with declining the freedoms and perks that comes with being being a Color... but that's just me, she seems fine with that; and if she lives longer because of it, it clearly works. Guess Rats that climb the ladder just have a sixth-sense when it comes to surviving."
Chance to Distort: Extremely Unlikely. Old, experienced, most likely already in touch with her inner self.

Senna, the Stygian Shadow (Color Fixer)

"Not often you see anyone with this much loyalty. And a Color, nonetheless, on top of support from Zwei and Shi? The two associations almost always at each others' throats? Sheesh. Whoever snags her talents to their side is a winner, that's for sure."
Chance to Distort: Somewhat Unlikely. Though the loss of her charge may lead to Distortion, her charge is capable of defending himself. In addition, their relationship seems to strictly be professional. However, precautions should still be taken in the event he expires under her watch.

Mars Office

Mars Valentinus, the Scarlet Slaughter (Color Fixer)

"And I thought the Black Silence was a psycho... his title really fits to a tee. Thank the Wings that he's at least after Syndicates and screwed up freaks. A bit overkill from what I've read on reports of his victims, but I guess they shouldn't have done that type of stuff in the first place?... Surprised about his past though, never thought I'd see a fellow Rat become a Grade 1 Fixer, let alone a Color."
Chance to Distort: !!! EXTREMELY LIKELY. KEEP VIGILANCE. !!!

Casey Jones

"It really is annoying when you guys censor a bunch of details... seriously, I wanna know what he did on that train! Whatever, I can't really make an opinion on him with all these black boxes. What? You interviewed him? Let me see... Huh. Huh?? Hmph, what a nutcase... Wouldn't wanna tinker with something beneath me anyway."
Chance to Distort: Unlikely. He is more than likely to imagine the voice to be a mind control conspiracy.

Dove Office


"Another day, another tragedy in the City... don't get me wrong, I don't mean to sound apathetic. I understand losing family, so my condolences to her, but this is the perfect conditions for Distortion. If she doesn't toughen up now, she's in for a bad time... Yeah, yeah, you win. I've been desensitized by the City."
Chance to Distort: Very Likely. Inferiority complex and temper that is very easily taken advantage of.

Blue Dragon Office

Alma, the Blue Ringmaster (Color Fixer)

"The only Color I've met directly, she asked me to help with a few Distortions before, sometimes to reverse them, sometimes just to understand them. Just like the last Blue, she surrounds herself with Distortions, but at least this one wants to help them and has no ulterior motives. Not too sure about keeping them as Distortions though..."
Chance to Distort: Somewhat Likely. She seems quite attached to one Distortion, if that one were to expire or succumb to her nature and turn against Alma, it may cause her to Distort.


Ava, Lady Luck

"Miss Ava? She's been a customer even before I officially went legit, asked me to join her Syndicate a bunch of times too (who hasn't, though?). For all the coldness and ruthlessness she plays up, she could have conned me six ways from Sunday when I didn't fully understand monetary value, but she didn't. Of course, I try my best to tell my Oufi contacts not to pull a fast one on her too, it's the least I can do for the support she's given me when I started."
Chance to Distort: Manifested EGO.


"You guys and your censors... I can't really make an accurate prediction when you hide so much. Verbal? Fine, nothing spoken from now will get out of this room."


Wilfrid, W-Corp Enforcer

"Seems like just another run-of-the-mill feather... What was that? Yeah, I got tipped off that W-Corp was sending a Shi fixer after me, nothing happened though. That was him? He had a say in aborting the contract too? Huh. Seems like a decent guy then.
Chance to Distort: Unlikely. No distinct experience, possession, or relationship that can cause Distortion.

Haneul Vierordt, W-Corp Enforcer

"Quite ambitious. You know how higher-ups are though, make too big of jumps and they might not be too happy being overtaken. And you know how some Corps are, the cannibalism is probably by design."
Chance to Distort: Unlikely. No distinct experience, possession, or relationship that can cause Distortion. However, failure or impediment of her goals may cause it. ! However, state known as "EGO Corrosion" observed among borrowed EGO equipment, vigilance recommended !


Azrael, X-Corp Enforcer

"Y'know, I've always wanted to get my hands on X-Corp's singularity... oh, can it, nothing spoken now gets out of this room, you said so. Another common feather, indebted this time. Looks like they got a real hold on her leash... too bad, all that genius is being caged."
Chance to Distort: Manifested EGO.


His Mycelial Majesty

"Harmless enough... to me, at least. I know most mushrooms and how to tell if it's poisonous, read about 'em from a book a few years ago, sucks for anyone who didn't though. Not that it makes a difference, anyone desperate enough to scrape his mushrooms off the floor is desperate enough to scrape anything off the floor, at least they live another day as long as they're not unlucky. Curious about his past though, Seven's got nothing on this guy."
Chance to reverse Distortion: Unknown. Not enough information.

Emma, The Shadow Queen

"This is it? This is all you have? Hah, well, all I can say is that this kind of thing is basically expected in this district, she's not really an immediate issue, I guess... Of course I noticed, too much of a coincidence that almost all of her victims have been street Rats. Well, yes, I do have a bias, because for all I know, any one of those victims could have been me on an unlucky day."
Chance to reverse Distortion: Unknown, but unlikely. Elimination recommended.


"Oh, this guy. You tried to recruit me into one of the squads that tried to deal with him, couldn't make it before he got away though, was too busy with a high-priority order. I don't think I can give any more help that you couldn't get from a higher grade fixer though, too much in the deep end from what I've read on his 'followers'. Even if I managed to reverse his Distortion, he seems like the type that was already crazy before he transformed and would just distort again."
Chance to reverse Distortion: Very unlikely. Very likely to distort again, regardless. Immediate elimination recommended.

Funeral Rites

"Alma had good reviews about her, so I'll trust the Ringmaster's word on this. From what Alma has told me, she is perfectly capable of defending herself, but is otherwise not a danger at all. To be honest, I'd like to have her by my side if I'm dying. Just a comfort thing, y'know? Knowing you're in gentle hands as you take your last breaths... screw off, you made me this way, you made me aware that I can die at any time in this line of work."
Chance to reverse Distortion: Likely. Subject is amenable and communicative.

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Pub: 24 May 2023 06:32 UTC
Views: 474