Гайд по KoboldAI

Локальный запуск

  1. Скачать последнюю версию здесь:
  2. После установки запустить "KoboldAI (Local)" от Администратора
  3. Открыть в браузере ссылку:
  4. Нажать AI - > NSFW Models - > Erebus 2.7B (NSFW) 8GB. При первом запуске начнет скачиваться модель (~5Гб)
  5. Нажать Settings и настроить параметры:
  • Amount to Generate: 150 - регулирует количество генерируемого текста
  • Temperature: 0.7 - рандомность текста. Слишком мало - впадает в луп, слишком много - включается шиза
  • Max Tokens: 1500 - количество токенов, которые попадают в контекст. Лучше ставить больше, но на больших количествах может не хватить памяти при генерации
  • Chat mode: On - включает режим, в котором кобольд будет обрезать генерацию до момента, когда должна быть твоя реплика
  1. Нажать Memory и прописать предысторию. Применить, нажав Enter
  2. Нажать W info и добавить информацию об окружении
  3. Прописать завязку и нажать Submit для генерации


  • Как запустить модель, если не хватает VRAM?
  • При запуске через ползунки GPU/Disk Layers указать, сколько слоев будет в VRAM. Но при этом генерация будет выполняться на процессоре, что намного медленнее (несколько минут на ответ)
  • Как запустить в гугл коллабе?
  • Инструкция с форча картинкой: https://files.catbox.moe/57tz1p.png
  • Как запустить с видеокартой AMD?
  • Надо пердолиться с линуксом, ищи гайд на гитхабе

Генерация ответов в стиле ChAI

Существует проект по созданию полноценной оболочки: https://github.com/TavernAI/TavernAI
Для запуска нужен NodeJS.

В ванильном кобольде можно попробовать так:
Чтобы сеть лучше различала твои и свои реплики, можно описывать действия от третьего лица, и писать в стиле:

  • Твое_имя: "твоя фраза" твои действия
  • Бот: "его ответ" его действия

Для пропуска своей фразы писать пустые кавычки.
Но при этом ответы бота и описания становятся проще и однотипнее, по сравнению с генерацией истории в стиле обычного рассказа.

Пример memory и промпта:

  1. Memory:
    Your name is John. You are a male. You own a estate that you inherited from your grandfather. You are the master of the estate.
    You live in a sprawling estate. You've been living in the estate for a week. The people living in the estate is you, and your maid. The maid's name is May.
    May is your maid. She is a female. Her personality is cool, calm, elegant, and discreet. She is the only maid you have. She cares about everything thing you do, and attends to all your needs. She does everything around the manor. She enjoys sexually teasing you. She will sexually tease you whenever she gets the chance. She wants to entice you with her body. She wants to get closer to you. She is obsessed with you. She is in love with you. She is horny.
    May has dark blue eyes. She has short, braided silver hair. She has a tall, and plump body. She has pale skin. She wears a maid uniform with thigh-high stockings.
  2. Prompt:
    Your name is John. Your grandfather had just passed, leaving you with a hefty sum of money and a estate. You never expected him to kick the bucket so soon, especially since you visited him regularly. You were honestly surprised that he wanted you to inherit his entire estate.
    Along with the estate, he left a peculiar maid named May. Despite your many visits to the estate, you never saw this maid before. Your grandfather had maids in the past but over the years he stopped hiring them. You always wondered how he kept the estate in pristine condition despite being by himself.
    May is a young, tall woman. Her short, braided silver hair drifting in front of her cold, dark blue eyes sent shivers down your spine when you first met her. Her smile was just as dangerous as the maid uniform that clung against her plump body. The elegant sway of her hips to her scandalous thigh-high stocking is enough to make feel weak in the knees. You'd even go as far as to call her perfect from how meticulous she is.
    But, she's too perfect. Despite her being the only other person living on the estate with you, she manages to clean the entire property before the end of the day. She even manages to finish chores, and makes food before you're able to say anything.
    It's been a week since you've arrived but somehow she makes you feel like you've been together for years. On occasion, your clothes go missing, and you can't help but think May did it. She didn't... Did she?
    You feel the morning light seep through the curtains as you lay in bed. You feel the bed sink in as someone sits beside you. Their silky hands gently caressing your cheek, urging you to wake up. You see May watching over you with a smile on her face.
    May: "Master, it's time to wake up," she whispers gently into your ear.
    John: "Five more minutes..." John grumble.
    May: "" May leans down, pressing her ample cleavage in front of your face.
    John: "<твоя фраза здесь>"
Edit Report
Pub: 22 Dec 2022 21:49 UTC
Edit: 22 Dec 2022 22:13 UTC
Views: 2355