Date Night

Anon encounters a foxy lady

Fuck it, time for something short.

Shit! Shit shit shit!
The sounds of footsteps were getting closer
Your own ragged breath and heavy running pace all but drowning it out as you ran down the hall
You were a fool
A god damned idiot!
How could you have been fooled by that sweet face?!
How could you ignore the one thing you were told repeatedly before moving to an anthro town
Rule 1, 2, and 3: NEVER go out alone during estrus season. Even when you think it's safe. Even when SHE tells you she's able to manage it
Never, EVER, go out alone!
And yet you were here.
The note was flowery and pleasant
Words and perfume worked their wonders on your mind as you met the mysterious girl alone in the office
A confession. A bona-fide confession in this day and age.
The meek fox girl seemed so nervous when she slipped it onto your desk before dashing away
You had hoped she was different. You were near the end of February so you thought you could be safe!
And yet, you ran like you've never run before
Your shoes squeaked along the floor as you rounded the corner
You made a mistake
You looked back
Wide, feral eyes that locked onto yours
A thick bushy tail waving behind her
Naked except for a shredded shirt and stockings
And running on all fours
The secretary ran towards you as a literal beast
You faltered, fear getting the best of you
The ground came up to meet you, and you did your best imitation
Instinct was ruling you, moving your hands to catch you
You rolled and found your feet again, before turning and leaping into an office
You thanked your lucky stars that the doors didn't need a key to lock from the inside
You were so glad that the filing cabinet was easy enough to move
These two formed the barrier between you and...that animal. That thing that was hunting you like
"Little mouse~"
A chill ran up your spine
Your feet moved you away from the door as the voice called out again
"Come outside, Little Mouse! I'm so hungry~"
Your back hit the desk, and you didn't dare turn your eyes away from the doorway
"Oh my sweet Little Mouse. My precious love!
A pause, before the sound of claws grinding against wood filled your ears
"My d e l i c i o u s prey!"
"Don't you want me? Aren't you interested in me as more than a friend?"
Her eye peered through the gap in the blinds towards you
It was somehow hungrier than before
"Don't you WANT me like I NEED you?"
The doorknob rattled once, then once again with more force
"Let me in, Little Mouse. Let the vixen have her fun!"
You couldn't stop the shaking
You shook more as she bashed against the door
"I promise you, I won't bite. I won't leave a mark on that pretty little head of yours."
You thought about moving the desk as well, even as she was staring back at you again
"However...that's only if you come out, my sweet Mouse."
The doorknob turned a little more, the level dipping a little lower as she put her weight and wild strength behind it
You were pushing the desk before you realized it
The second bit of weight seemed to be what you needed as the rattling stopped
"Only a matter of time, Mouse. You can't hide forever, you know."
"Surely you had to know what you were getting into, right?"
The doorknob snapped, and the door moved an inch with the items placed behind it
You were pushing back against it
Trying to keep it shut and ignore the laughter that filled the air
You were pushing back
And losing
"You can't resist forever, anon. You're only human after all."
The strength became greater
"A perfect font of seed that can quench my heat. The perfect lover to warm my bed~"
A sudden burst made you lose a few inches, and her muzzle pressed through
Her tongue ran along its length as she looked at you through her claimed space
"I can drain you dry, Little Mouse. Just eat you up and never get full~"
Another inch
"All night..."
Two more inches
"Every D A Y !"
You scrabbled to press it closed gain
Your own instinct was working with you, regaining space and forcing her to pull back her snout and go back to pushing
No. No no no! You couldn't let yourself get trapped in there
You dug in and pushed to keep that door closed
You managed to gain another in ch back before she gave a wild cry
Your progress was undone in an instant
You were losing ground even quicker as her snout came through
"I can smell your fear, Mouse. I can F E E L how desperately you want to keep me away."
The desk's edge dug into your palms
"I know you're frightened..."
Four more inches
"I KNOW you think I've become some sort, right Little Mouse?"
Your shoes slid across the carpet, trying to gain any sort of purchase to put more of your own strength behind
She was a full foot shorter than you, how was she THAT strong?!
"But I really do love you, Little Mo- Anon. I really do care for you!"
Her face slid more and more into the gap she made, eye meeting yours again
"That's why I CAN'T let any of THEM have you!"
"What they have is just baseline LUST!"
Her entire head came through and your strength was failing you
Please no
Not like this...
"They can't...they WON'T" love you like I can!"
Her hands came to pry the door open, claws digging into the wood on both sides
Her grin grew wider
She knew she won
"I swear, Anon Mouse, I will love you so well! I won't ever let you go-"
Her eyes finally left yours as she looked behind her
Rage and fear
Despair and surprise
She flashed through so many emotions in a second as something gripped her collar
"What are YOU doing here?! Get awa-"
She was yanked through the door and you manged to push it shut
The sound of a struggle could be heard from the other side
A new voice could be heard
"I told you it was a bad idea! You're letting your instincts have the best of you!"
"No!" the fox shouted, "It's meant to be! He wouldn't have COME otherwise!"
More struggles
Furniture crashed
SOMETHING bashed up against the door, but there wasn't a secondary force
You could hear the newcomer's voice shouting "Cool down and stop giving HR a reason to write you up!"
The fox's wailing could be heard, along with grunting
Then silence
A pregnant pause, where you took your shoes off to get more of a grip in case the pushing started
"It's okay, Mous." the new voice said, "She's zip-tied and can't get to you."
A knock, in the rhythm of "Shave and a haircut" broke the tense silence of your nonreply
"You can come out, Mous."
You waited, for anything to happen
No crashes against the door, no deranged laughing
Just the sound of the fox whimpering in the background
The desk came free easy enough, and the cabinet was righted in a second
You tensely opened the door, and saw your boss sitting there
She was in casual clothes, with some rope over her shoulder
She looked at your face, before looking you over
"Did she hurt you?"
Aside from a need for new pants, no
"Good. I'm going to leave your...admirer here until morning. So she can ride this out and think about what she's done."
A pause
"Or, at least TRIED to do." Then to her she added, "The damages are coming out of your check, by the way!"
The fox's head hung in shame
nothing but soft wimpers
"Come on, Mous, let's get you home."
The two of you walked in silence, making your way back through the halls
As you eyed your scuff marks on the floor your boss looked around and sighed
"Idiot girl. That's predators for you. They think they could just run down anything they want."
You could barely believe you...wait how did she know you were there
"You didn't notice that was my office? Security pinged and I was alerted. Looked on the camera and saw that shameful display."
Her hand patted your shoulder
"Seriously...trying to chase down a man like prey..."
The grip tightened
You saw a familiar hunger
"After all. There's better ways than that."

Pub: 30 Jul 2022 10:12 UTC
Views: 995