Avoid schools when they let out for the day. A simple rule and one that has served one Cab Callaway well over the past couple years. In addition to avoiding traffic jams, it also meant that she had to deal with fewer teens. In her experience, younger fares were more likely to ditch without paying, argue about the rate, and generally make a mess of the backseat in one way or another.
The third one has become something of a major issue lately; her last late night pickup had left her cab stinking of teenage arousal for the better part of a week. Ever since that incident, Cab has been declining fares she deems too risky, either for her vehicle or her ego.
Living in Canterlot City as a young, single woman is hard after all, and getting more difficult by the day. Once upon a time, Cab could get away with just chopping her purple-pink hair short and playing herself up as one of the boys at the bar, landing dates and even the occasional one-night stand, when she wasn’t driving around the city of course. With the right attitude, even a somewhat chubby girl like her could find a Mister Right Now to fool around with and flirt for weeks on end.
That was all before Rich’s Barnyard Bargains started dumping industrial run-off into the water table, or whatever conspiracy theory was circling nowadays. Point being, it is very hard to compete against a towering woman with legs that could choke a man, or a petite, barely-legal tramp with breasts wider than her shoulders looking for her latest daddy stand-in.
There were others of course, some oozing femininity and some that would encroach on her territory too. It turns out that the rough and tumble girl act tends to fall short in front of an actual rough and tumble sex bomb. And it’s hard to compete with a young thing that can seemingly make a prospective date blow their load on command.
Maybe that’s why Cab was breaking her rule about avoiding schools, because the closer one got to a campus, the shorter skirts got, the more bustlines swelled, and the more predatory the looks became across the board. Perhaps, if she watched enough, she might figure out something for herself; something she’s missing.
“They really are huge,” the driver murmurs to herself, watching as a trio of girls take up the entire width of the sidewalk as they stroll towards, well, wherever they’re headed. Not even half and again her own age and they’re already built to pound or be pounded by someone into a mattress. “It’s got to be something in the food, right? A lifetime of who knows what and hormones-”
“TAXI!” an almost animalistic howl snaps Cab out of her daze. She panics, searching for the call to get away, but it’s too late. The door pops open and the statuesque teen tosses her long purple locks out of her face, flashing Cab a winning smile and a, “Thank goodness, I need you to follow that motorbike!” before pushing her way inside the backseat.
Well, she tries at least. Forgetting the broad’s buoyant bouffant bumping repeatedly against the door frame as she tried to enter the cab without depressing her hair, there’s also the matter of the sheer wideness of the future fare. While she has a somewhat broad waist, the ridiculous curves of her breasts and backside prove to be as much of a struggle as the woman’s hair. After burning a few precious seconds, there’s a deep breath and an audible pop and the purple-haired woman stumbles into the backseat.
While her passenger struggles to buckle herself in around the enormous breasts, and then secure one that had popped free in her struggle, Cab is quick to spot the target. After all, there are only so many bikes that have half-naked riders. With her fare secured and a roll of her eyes, Cab pulls away from the curb, and begins the pursuit.
As a professional driver, Cab has no trouble catching up and tailing the, well, twin tails. While neither is quite as developed as her passenger, the rider up front has a meaty lower half, a well muscled butt and pair of thighs spilling over the seat and giving the illusion of resting on the lap of the scantily clad girl behind her.
“Ooh, those girls,” the purple-haired passenger hisses, pulling a dark colored headscarf and oversized shades from her purse. Whipping the scarf around her head, a sudden glimmer catches Cab’s eye. Pulling half her gaze away from the road for a moment, the older driver snaps at her passenger.
“Glitter? You dropped into my cab wearing glitter!?”
“It was an emergency, dear,” the teen says with a wave of her hand, “the Fashion Club needed practice with body glitter and I volunteered.”
At the next stop light, Cab turns and surveys the damage. Thanks to her struggles, every bit of the backend is covered in reflective bits of scrap, looking more like an arts and craft store bench than the back seat of a taxi. Heaving and irritated sigh, she glares at the girl, still fiddling with her scarf.
“I’m charging you extra for this.”
“You’ll get nothing if you don’t follow those girls,” the passenger snipes back, spinning the headdress around with a flourish before tying it around her head. The movement sends more glitter up into the air, of course, which is quick to make its way into the front seat. Cab gags as a bit gets on her face and in her mouth, running her tongue over her lips. She glances in the mirror noticing that there is a bit of sparkle lingering to her kissable lips. Pursing them a few times, the pink-haired cabbie shakes off the appreciative thoughts and focuses on the task at hand.
Following the fat-bottomed girls on the motorbike, and making this backseat brat pay for getting glitter everywhere.
Another light and Cab finds herself gaining fast on the pair. Before she can pull up beside them, her passenger squeal, and tighten the scarf around her head, “Not so close, they might see me!”
“You wanted to catch up to them, right?” the driver grunts, rolling her eyes again as she moves over into an adjacent lane.
Her passenger ducks low in her seat, peeking over the bottom of the car window. “Yes, but I want to know why they decided to blow me off!”
Not having a response to that, the driver falls silent and waits. The seconds stretch on and Cab taps her close-clipped fingernail against the increasingly glitter-covered steering wheel. After a few beats she reaches down into the console beside her, pulling up a tube of chap-stick and applying it. For Cab, it’s a natural response to the phrase ‘blow me off’. How many times have her partners gotten excited by the slickness and softness her lips? And how many of those have offered a little extra for some quick fun?
The whole process takes several seconds, considering the amount of plump, sensitive surface she has to cover. She purses her tingling lips in the mirror, giving a loud smack at her reflection while her tongue roams around her mouth, trying to satisfy the growing feeling of emptiness.
“Ahem,” the girl behind her coughs. Cab spares her a glance and then looks up towards the light, green, before putting her hands back on the wheel, careful to not chip her recent manicure. Sure it might have made her seem less like ‘one of the boys’, but they didn’t complain when she slid them down their cheeks, or necks, or chests, or…
The cabby giggles, biting the bottom corner of her increasingly fat lip and resumes the rather tame game of chase through the city.
The pursuit continues for a few blocks more before the two bike babes pull up short in front of a high end grocery store. Before her eclectic passenger can complain about being spotted again, Cab pulls over to the side of the street and parks. She casts a glance back at the young woman and frowns.
“You getting out here?”
“Not quite yet,” the purple-haired girl responds, pulling a pair of binoculars out of her presumably bottomless purse and staking out the storefront from the backseat. “I need to know what those two are up to.”
“Well, just remember that the meter’s running,” the cabby grumbles, leaning back in her seat. The seconds tick by and the fare keeps rolling higher, but after a minute Cab starts to squirm. Not out of any sense of physical discomfort, but because she became aware of how much glitter has stuck to the steering wheel.
Offering a disgusted grunt, Cab rolls her palms over the steering wheel and tries to pick up what bits of obnoxious trash she can, but only succeeds in further spreading it around the wheel and transferring even more of the glitter onto her hands. She wipes her hands on her slacks with a sneer, which seems to help clear off her hands but is only a temporary fix.
So passes the first few minutes, with Cab trying in vain to clean the glitter off her palms by rubbing the excess onto her pants. After two minutes, the pink-haired driver is rubbing her palms over her thighs as much as she is over her shorts. The glitter doesn’t pull off any easier on the soft skin of her legs, but the full motion scrubbing at least leaves Cab feeling like she’s doing something. It’s around the five minute mark when the poor girl gives up on using elbow grease to get herself clean and rests her hands on her bare thighs.
Most cities would have her arrested for indecent exposure, driving around town wearing nothing below her waist, but Canterlot City is different. How or why, Cab couldn’t say, but she liked to think that it was because the people here were just more physically pleasing to the eye. After all, she grinned, rubbing her thick legs together and feeling an electric tingle run up her spine, she had never received any complaints about her big butt so there must be some truth to that line of thinking. She traces long, leisurely lines along her beautifully bare legs, letting her fingernails roam as she lets the subtle pleasure linger in the back of her mind while considering her next approach.
Around the eighth minute of waiting, Cab again tries to deal with the now fully glitter coated steering wheel by using the hem of her t-shirt. To her surprise, the soft fabric easily lifts the awful substance away from the wheel, leaving a pristine, perfect pink behind. A smile works its way across the driver’s face, and she sets to wiping away the drab grey with a new enthusiasm with her belly baring shirt.
Ten minutes in and the wheel is glistening with pure pink, catching the light and reflecting it in such a way that could only be described as ‘glitterific’. Cab sighs, releasing the hem of her shirt and letting it snap back into place just under her breasts. The handful-sized melons wobble in protest, as though offended by tube top’s attempt to contain them, but Cab pays her headlights no mind and reclines back in her seat.
The plush pink cushioning is a marvelous match for her meaty, glitter dusted thighs, and the vibration feature always sends a thrill through her body when she grinds herself up against it. Driving bottomless really is the best…
With at least part of her vehicle saved from her passenger’s glitter disaster, Cab slides a hand between her legs and gives her pleasure button a victory tweak. That this leaves a light spread of the reflective menace on her isn’t something she worries too much about, instead enjoying the rush of perverted pleasure in getting off without her passenger knowing.
Cab never had any qualms admitting she was a pervert, her penchant for going around nearly naked below the waist had always made her popular with the boys. At the same time, she had long been a girl who knew what she liked, and playing around in public was just something that came with the territory. Besides, this girl is so focused on her stake out that-
“T-they’re shopping without me,” her passenger gasps, Cab joining her as her fingers tighten up out of instinct and swallowing down the pleasured moan that would have resulted. “I’ve never felt so betrayed in all my life!”
Sparing a glance over to the store from earlier, the cabby can only gawk as the fat-bottomed motor cyclist and her curvaceous friend have been joined by a redhead with a knockout body, and another girl with long, pink hair that has some of the biggest knockers Cab has ever laid eyes on, handily beating out her top-heavy passenger. While there’s some clear tension between the two pairs, they seem to be talking easily enough; Cab keeps her eyes on the pink-haired one, massaging her own breasts with her free hand, squeezing at her barely covered chest while the girl behind her drones on about something or other.
After edging herself for almost the full fifteen minutes since they arrived, Cab has no hesitation about finally having the chance to cum her brains out. Cab lets out a shuddering hiss as she rolls forward, her fat, unbound tits wobbling as they collide with her heavy thighs. She pants into the glitter-covered steering wheel, biting down on her plump lower lip as she teases out the orgasm a few seconds more with some expert finger work on her clit.
The world begins to come back into focus, the distant sound of her passenger becoming clearer by the second. The pale, purple haired girl looks up at her with a concerned frown, asking, “Did you hear me? I said take me home!”
A tired but satisfied smile pulls at Cab’s lips as she breathlessly fires back, “G-gonna need an address, girly.”
Considering that for a moment, the girl pouts and gives up the destination before buckling herself back into the seat. Cab takes a few seconds more to steady herself, noting with some pleasure that the modified pink seatbelts are long enough to secure even the purple-haired fare’s mammoth mamms with ease, and then the two are off again. Cab turns on the air, sending glitter circulating through the rapidly pinkening car, but the driver has more important things on her mind, like how her glitter-dusted boobs wobble as they push forward even more, and how her bare nipples harden in the cool air.
Cab never thought she would have a chance to live out a fantasy of being a nudist taxi driver. But Canterlot City really is a magical place…


The final leg of the drive is simple enough. No detours, no weird requests, just a young girl fighting back tears in the back seat. It is a story Cab has seen time and time again, so she doesn’t bother trying to console her passenger, even if she does feel a little bad about the apparent betrayal. And, admittedly, a little aroused.

Pulling up to the destination, the young woman is quick to pay off the fare and opens the door. Even with her ridiculous rump, the girl slides out with ease due to the purposefully widened frame, slipping through the door like butter before she hurries into the house. Cab can swear she hears the waterworks getting ready to start. She smiles despite herself, biting her lip and touching the inside of her thigh, leaning forward so that her own huge breasts rest against the bottom of the steering wheel.

“God, she was hot… that was hot,” she sighs, fingering herself while the air conditioning blows frigid air onto her oversized nipples. Cab’s eyes roam the front dash, noting the luscious pink color and the erotic bobble-toy she has on it: a man and a woman, the latter bent over perpendicular to the man with her backside facing him. Rather than their heads moving up and down, a quick tap with her fingernail sends their hips bouncing in time, making it look like the pair are fucking on the front of her car.

With a groan, Cab reaches into the center console and pulls out two dildos. One is much larger than the other, and goes right between her legs. She’s a sopping mess, so it’s easy going. The second, shorter but still thick, finds itself snug between her lips. Cab’s eyes roll back into her head as she suckles the stiff toy, feeling tingles all the way from her overstuffed lips to her brain. She grinds her nipples against the glittery, hot pink steering wheel, and thinks.

What was she doing with her life just being a cabby, the driver wondered. Day in and day out just driving normal people to normal places was getting so boring; why couldn’t all her fares be hot sluts like the last one? Tightening her holes, and pressing hard enough against the wheel to make it give a short beep, Cab cums. And has a moment of clarity.

Cab navigates her phone with her not sticky fingers, quickly finding what she’s looking for. ‘Boober: Drive Hot Sluts & Studs’, the header proclaims, complete with half a dozen caricatures with either big tits or huge dicks.

“No way that’s for real,” the cabby laughs, rubbing her slick thighs together. Still, Cab smiles and lets her eyes run over the page, eager to learn more about what Boober offers. If it brought more bimbos like her last fare, she might even consider taking a bit of a pay cut…

Pub: 19 Oct 2022 12:25 UTC
Views: 1474