A Beautiful Silvery-White Girl (Lilja 2 Star Card Part 2)
Lilja: ......So you want to do an in depth interview with me. Do you want to know me that badly?
Ramona: Lilja Kurtbay. She is a high school senior from Finland. Her parents are a musician and a model. She has a lot to say about beauty.
Ramona: ......Says the official Gingaza profile. But like the other day, the more I learn about her, the more mysterious she becomes.
Lilja: If you want to know, why don’t we take off our clothes? When we have nothing to hide, we can get to know each other better.
Ramona: Ahem! A-Anyhow, this is an interview.
Lilja: Then I'm good with spicy food. I like spicy food, so everything is fine.
Ramona: Come to think of it, you liked Xue's homemade hot pot.
Ramona: But that's pretty spicy......
Lilja: That's still for beginners. Xue is just exaggerating.
Xue: I can’t ignore that. If you're that confident then you can have a tough fight with me, right? Spend your money.
Ramona: Sorry, Xue. We’re in the middle of an interview. Can we save the spicy competition for later?
Lilja: Yes, good. I accept Xue's challenge.
Xue: You idiot. I'm from China, the land of hot and spicy food. I'll show you the difference of 4,000 years of Chinese history!
Lilja: In that case, I'll order the super spicy dish. The one who finishes it first wins. Is that okay?
Xue: If you're going to turn back with your tail between your legs, now's the time to do it, okay? I won't let you leave any leftovers even if you cry and apologise!
Ramona: H-Hey.......
Ramona: And so we have a very spicy showdown....... So, what did Lilja order?
Lilja: I just received it. ......Here we go. Thanks for the food.
Xue: Y-You, this is......!?
Ramona: This is...... I can feel the danger just from the smell. Your face looks tense, are you okay, Xue?
Xue: ......It's not how it seems! The intense red color and pungent smell is overwhelming, but I bet it doesn't taste that bad!
Lilja: This is 33 times hotter than normal. It's too painful. A curry that is beyond spicy.
Lilja: ......Looks delicious. Let's eat it before it gets cold, Xue. Thanks for the food.
Xue: H-Hmph! I'm the one who eats it up first!
Xue: Phew! .......Okay, I'll eat it!
Ramona: Oh, you both put it in your mouth! How does it taste!
Xue: -Mmmmmmmmmm ~~~~~~~!?!?
Xue: coughing Water! No, milk!
Lilja: ......Yeah, it's delicious.
Xue: What is wrong with your taste buds!? How can you eat such hot food-!?
Lilja: If you can't eat it, you don't have to eat it. It's too spicy for an amateur.
Xue: You’re calling me an ‘amateur’......!?
Xue: Whoever finishes it first wins! It's not over yet! I won't let you take a single bit of my money!
Xue: Giihiiiiiiii!!!
Lilja: Thank you for the food. .......It was delicious.
Lilja: If you won’t eat it, can I have some of yours?
Xue: Are you all right after eating this......?
Lilja: ......Yeah, it could be spicier.
Xue: How like Finland.. Well, I lost....... Bang.......
Ramona: Hmm, the more I dig, the more interesting it gets. As expected, Lilja is mysterious......