
Be Anon
For the last few days, you’ve been held captive by some sort of dog-like creature.
It’s probably keeping you for a last meal or something.
You’d check how many days you have left based on how much meat was left in the fridge but it’s padded up with some real tough locks.

In the meantime you’ve been trying to fashion a spear with a stick from one of the enormous potted plants it keeps.
Keyword here is trying, seeing as you had nothing to sharpen it with.
You first needed to find something sharp, it would seem…
Your brow furrows and you drop your stick.
Except if you had a sharp thing, you wouldn’t need a spear in the first place.

Your gaze wanders around your captors room, looking for anything that might prolong your lifespan here.
A plush fluffy bed lay on the floor in a corner, along with a few oversized teddy bears.
There were a few balls that fit in your captors palm, which meant for you it took two hands, a couple of simple picture books, and several different types of human sized clothes piled in a little basket.
You have yet to figure out why your captor likes to dress you up in different outfits.
Maybe she likes to play with her food?
Whatever the reason, they were all at least male, comfortable, and let you cover yourself so you’d accept it... this time.
Also the gifts of food.
You had to accept those.
It didn’t matter if she was probably just trying to fatten you up, you needed energy to escape with.
It also didn’t matter that her meals were stupidly delicious and the smell usually drew you out of whatever hiding spot you chose for the day.
And she knew this.
You groaned and put your hands on your head.
You were totally gonna die...
What you’d give for a way out of this place.

The front door clicked as the deadbolt turned, and you tensed.


“I’m telling you, Sam, you need to be gentle around humans. They’re really sensitive to tone of voice and body language.”

You huffed and rolled your eyes at your friend.
She stood next to you, giving you that signature doe eyed, cutesy smile that only deer gals could.
If it weren’t for you topping her cup size with perky double DDs to her Bs, that smile would have made you strike out on ladies nights together.
Then again, not all guys really liked the cute doe types and gravitated more toward your rougher, shepherd demeanor.

“And what exactly do you know about humans, Korin? My Anon is smart. He knows what I’m saying more or less. He just...”

You rubbed the back of your neck.

“He just needs time to adjust, okay? And it’s been the prescribed amount of time the human guide said he’d start to warm up to me. Look, I’ll show you. I bet today he’ll come right over.”

Korin’s smile faltered and she gave a half hearted shrug.
“If you say so, Sam.”

“Watch me. He’ll come and cuddle me finally and you’ll just have to sit there looking silly.”

The deadbolt clicked over and you swung the door open.
Anon stood right in the middle of the hall, holding what looked like a small branch from one of your potted plants.
What the… oh it’s a toy!
Oooooh that’s so precious.
He came out to play with you for the first time!

“Come here, Nonny and say hi to mama.”

He stood there, frozen like a… well like a Korin in headlights.
Anon let out a playful screech and took off running.
You barely stifled and ‘awww’ and stomped in place while hugging your chest.
Humans are so cute.

“Did you see that, Korrin? Oh my gosh, he’s such a little cutie”

”Uh… Sam? I don’t think that was—”

“Alright, Anon, here I come. Imma getcha, you little adorable human you,” you yelled and took off down the hall after him.

“Oh my god, Sam, stop!”


Be Anon
Holy white balls of fire, you almost pissed yourself.
You not only got caught in the open but your captor growled out something that sounded very pissed off.
Today was the day.
She found you and she was hungry and mad.
Really mad.
Tears welled in your eyes as you sprinted up the stairs.
Oh god, you don’t wanna die!
Your pursuer blasted around a corner and you let out a not so manly scream of terror.
She seemed to find a kind of perverse delight in that, letting out a cackle of sorts before tripping on some carpet and slamming into a wall.
The monster laughed it off and got back up, bounding after you like an immortal beast from hell.


Be Sam.
Why didn’t you get a human sooner!
He was so cute and this was so much fun.
Korrin was shouting after you but you couldn’t hear her over Nonny’s little howls of laughter, which always sent you into your own giggle fits.
It was just so darn precious.
You couldn’t concentrate enough to watch where you were going and kept bumping over things or tripping, but he was slow enough for you to keep up with, despite trying so hard to run faster than you.
Eventually Anon took a turn that led to a spare guest room on your upper floor and he dove under the bed.

A smile formed on your snout and you quickly flattened yourself against the edge of the doorframe around the corner, before he could turn around.
You could smell the sweat on his adorable, smooth skinned body and the tiny, fast panting from under the bed.
You bit your lip and suppressed the need to run in there and snuggle him.
Korrin stomped up the stairs down the hall, shouting something about not backing them into a corner when they’re scared but you were sure she was full of it.
You two were having a blast.

Anon, hearing her, crept out slowly, stick raised above his head as if to show her he still had the thing and neither of you had managed to take it yet.
Korrin called your name, and Anon crept closer, now inches from the door frame.
You couldn’t keep your own breathing calm, and he stopped as he passed through.
Now inches from you, and slowly turned his head to the side and froze.
He looked straight into your eyes and dropped the stick at your feet.
He’s letting you win.

You reached out and scooped him up, hugging him tight to your chest.

“Good boy, Nonny. I love you.”

He looked up at you with those adorable little beady eyes, widening them with happiness before he turned pale white and fell limp in your arms.
You blinked, looking down at your little human.
... huh?

Korrin turned the corner and saw you holding Anon, who apparently had just fainted in your arms.

“Sam,” she said, throwing her hands in the air and glaring at you. “What the heck was that!”

“What do you mean? You saw how he squealed. That was cute as heck!”

She stared at you like you’d grown a second head.
Her palm slapped against her face and she let out a long breath.

“Yeah, Korrin?” you said, giving her a knowing smirk. “Go ahead and say it. Sammy was right, wasn’t she? I can’t heeear you.”

”No, you’re an idiot!” she yelled, taking a step toward you. “Anon was terrified of you and you chased him! You’re lucky there’s not a piss trail down your hall and up the stairs with the way he was screaming.”

You looked at her blankly before turning to the limp Anon in your arms.
He’d started to drool a bit on your chest like a newborn pup.
NO WAIT! Focus.
Cuteness aside... why DID he faint when you picked him up?
You’d expected him to giggle and nuzzle into you.
No… no way.
He just got excited.
Nonny was giggling like a little pup the whole time.

Anon started to stir in your arms.
He blinked and looked around blearily before noting your cozy arms holding him tight.
His gaze slowly turned up to you and he paused, staring for a moment at your smiling face.
Nah… what was Korrin’ talking about.
That look is pure adorbs.
There’s no way he’s afraid of—

He started yelling and struggling like a furry possessed.

The last few seconds came flooding back to you with a new perspective.
Your eyes widened.

”Ohmygosh! Korin, you’re right. Nonny I’m so sorry for scaring you, little guy.”

You began petting his head and nuzzling into him.

“I promise I’ll never do that again. I’ll make you for favorite meal tonight, and I’ll buy you some new toys and—Oh Nonny, please don’t be scared of meeeee.”

He shuddered and screamed louder now, struggling like mad to get free of you.
You turned to your friend, tears starting at the corners of your eyes.

“K-Korin, what do I do? I want to make him happy!”

”Put him down for starters, you idiot!”

It pained you dearly, but you bent down with your howling cute little human and let go.
He flopped down on his face at first, but quickly got up and scurried off past your friend and down the stairs.
Dangit, now you’d have to go find him.

Your friend rubbed her temples and groaned aloud.
”If I had known you were this thick, I’ve had come sooner. Sam, we have a lot of work ahead of us.”

You nodded, wiping your eyes and giving sniff.
She was right.

“Alright, Korin. I'll listen. I want my little Nonny to love me, and I’ll work hard to get it done.”

”Yeah yeah… why don’t you hurry up and make him dinner. I’ll see if I can calm him down or something in the meantime.”


Be Korin, finder of Anons.
It didn’t take too long to find the little guy, thankfully.
With only a few minutes, he’d opted for something familiar—the space under your friend’s bed.
Odd that he got in her room though…
Didn’t she have the door closed?
You almost hadn’t bothered to check her room if it weren’t for the fact that the door lay open, and a trail of crumbled biscuits pieces led under her bed.

And so now here you were, laying on your stomach, staring down under the bed at an adorably frightened human.
He drew away from you, pushing back into some boxes the lay around him.
Poor guy...
Gosh, you wanted nothing more than to hold him to your chest and tell him that everything was going to be okay.
You thought of simply crawling in after him but…
That probably wouldn’t help his fear of furries.
And Sam was a bit messy, so the underside of her bed held several packed away odds and ends which made getting at him difficult.
It would also suck to get bit.
Human teeth weren’t like predator species furs but they could still hurt.
And so, you’d been trying to beckon him out with everything you could think of.

“C’mon, Nonny. I’m not gonna’ hurtcha. I’ve got cookies~” you said, waving one of the small discs you’d brought with you.

He stayed motionless, then reached to the side.
A plastic wrap rustled and he drew his hand back with a cookie, taking a bite without moving his eyes from you.
You blinked and furrowed your brow.
Well damn...
You’ll have to tell Sam to hide her biscuit box better… and to clean under her bed tonight.

You groaned and rolled onto your back, putting an arm across your eyes.
Food, toys, and baby talk hadn’t gotten you anywhere so far.
You might consider waiting it out, but it looked like he’d gathered up food, blankets, and an electric camping lamp under there like some sort of pet prepper.

There had to be some way to deal with him that you weren’t thinking of...
You used to be so good with humans.
Your brother, Toro, had one for a short time named, Pila.
She had been trained beforehand and was a mild mannered sweetheart.
Any bad habits that popped up were ironed out with firm but gentle training by your brother, admittedly, but you remember how well she responded to a soft approach.
A small flicker of homesickness went through you.
What you’d give for one of your mom’s home cooked tourtieres.

Another rustle interrupted your thoughts as the human grabbed a second biscuit and munched away.

“What am I supposed to do with you, Anon?” you said.
(Qu'est-ce que je suis censé faire de toi, Anon?)

You heard some shuffling of boxes for a moment, then total silence.
Considering he’d been munching loudly up till now, that seemed strangely suspicious.
Leaning your head back to look under the bed, you saw his face, clearly lit now that he’d inched a bit closer to you.
He had a curious look and a slight head tilt that made you want to run up and snuggle him.

“Anon…?” you whispered. “Why don’t you come on out? Sammy’s making you some delicious Sauerbraten.”

Anon stiffened and drew back a bit.
Your ears flattened against your head and you let out a sigh.
What a skittish little human he was.
There had to be a way to calm his nerves.
Toro used to sing a local lullaby with Pila got scared during storms.
Maybe that would work…?


Be Anon, moments ago.
The angry deer thing had found you right away.
Outside observers may have criticized your choice of home base, but you knew a wise man once said, keep your friends close, enemies closer.
You’re aren’t sure who said that.
Maybe Gandhi
But whoever it was, it sounded good to you so you’d covered the spot under your keepers bed with heavy boxes, blankets, a light, and enough food and water to last you…
You glanced at the half eaten biscuit box and partially empty water bottle.
Like a good hour AT LEAST.
Ideally you’d have liked an underground bunker with enough canned beans to fuel a methane powered formula-one racecar, but biscuits and boxes would have to do.

Right now you were watching the doe smush her perky breasts against the floor and give you a worried look.
You’ll not fall for those tricks, despite little Anon’s reaction.
You heard the way she roared at the other keeper in that vicious language they used.
She may look like a cute, fuckable bambi, but the way she spoke erased all doubts as to her true, rage-filled nature.
The doe said something really threatening sounding and waved a biscuit at you.
Probably taunting, saying that you’d starve if you didn’t come out like a bitch.
You reached over to the biscuit box and ate one while staring her in the eyes.
Hers widened and she looked surprised for a moment.
That’s right, Bambi, this soldier came prepared for a standoff.

The moments ticked by like that for a while, and she flipped on her back, acting as if she’d given up while simultaneously giving you an eyeful of cleavage.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d have even said she did it with no ill intent.
She was good.

As you watched her chest gently rise and fall, a familiar sensation welled up within you.
A sensation that you’d felt the last time the other house warden lounged about in nothing but yoga pants and an undersized tank top after a hot shower.
She had whispered with barely restrained fury at you from across the room and pat the piece of couch next to her, all while looking at you in a tantalizingly innocent way.
The two-faced fiend…
Yes… this was the same feeling.
A delicate mixture of fear and arousal.
You nodded grimly to yourself.
A powerful psychological weapon.
But you’d not be broken.
If they catch you though, you’re going to shove your face into that chest and motorboat her before you die.

”Qu'est-ce que je suis censé faire de toi, Anon?”
You started and stared at the doe.
What the heck…
Where’d all the demonic fury go?
If anything that sounded downright loving.
You inched closer, curiosity overtaking your common sense.

As you neared, she looked over at you and spoke again in her original malice filled tone.
shit shit shit—full retreat.
Dammit, she sounded super nice for a second there.
Did you mishear?

She seemed to think a moment, then began singing in a beautiful, affectionate tone.
The song was soft and gentle, forcing out the tension and stress from your mind and muscles.
No, you hadn’t heard wrong.
Maybe these creatures were just bipolar?
Or maybe this one wasn’t ever mad at you to begin with.
The dog creature always spoke to you like she hated you, even when she fed you her amazing cooking, but this doe actually had only yelled at the dog that way.
The rest may have been frustration at the situation you were in.
Well… either way, you couldn’t stay here forever.
You were out of food and you could smell something amazing cooking, which meant the dog wanted to keep you around for at least one more day.
She kept singing, not opening her eyes, lost in the gentle music that you felt almost putting you to sleep.
You really don’t think anyone who sounded like that could be mad, so for now, it was probably okay to come out.
Maybe this whole thing was a misunderstanding and these girls weren’t so bad...


Be Korin.
Man… singing in French really made you miss home.
Mom used to sing you and Toro to sleep now and again, and it never failed to calm you down even at the worst of times.
Felt good to just get all the stress out of your system and sing a bit, even if it probably didn’t do anything.

Anon’s head poked up at the top of your vision.
Your eyes widened and you forced down a yelp.
Holy moley, you did not expect that.
It actually worked!
Anon looked the most relaxed you’d seen him since you got here.
You were finally able to look at him up close and you can tell why Sam loves him so much.
He had messy dark hair, and one of those small human noses that begged you to lean up and give it a lick.
In fact, you think you’ll be giving in to that temptation.
Without startling the poor thing, you arched your back and gave his snout a quick flick of your tongue and he crossed his eyes at it, looking slightly confused.
Awwwww, this was too much.


Be Sam
Gravy simmered on the range in front of you, and the roast beef had finally finished cooking to a pleasant deep brown.
You couldn’t help but breathe in the fragrant scent of spices and herbs that hung in the air, and your own stomach growled a bit.

Anon never came out until you dangled food in front of him.
And it had to be something he liked, with no repeats for nearly a week.
Other owners might think you spoil him and would say you should just give him kibble in a bowl or something.
But if felt good to see how happy he was when he ate.
Today you were trying sauerbraten, a german classic, and you’d have no clue if he’d go for it not.
Every human had different tastes, even if they could eat just about anything.
Your little Nonny loved meats, and he’d even tolerate your presence if it meant he’d get some beef or ham.
You dipped a ladle into the gravy on the stove had a taste.
Hm, not bad...
You’d gone from frozen microwave dinner guru to passable chef after you’d gotten Anon.
It was great to learn something so useful, but you really just wanted to sit down with him and eat together.
Cooking well was healthy, but it didn't mean much to you honestly.
He’d scamper if you got close though, food or no, and you had to be quiet or he’d get skittish.
Maybe one day he’d eat while sitting on your lap.
Heck, you’d kill to just give him a treat and have him not run away from you.

Your ears went back and you stared down at the dish in your hands.
It looked okay.
Nothing fancy.
You really hope Anon likes it.

“Nonny, din-din,” you hollered, tilting your ears for the usual patter of shoes on tile.

Your heart sank and you placed the dish on the countertop.
Must not smell very good.
Maybe you should have used more garlic.

Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you picked it up.
A letter icon jiggled on screen with the words ‘from Korin’.
You tapped your thumb against it.
’We’re in your bedroom. I didn’t want yell <3’

Hm, must be under your bed again.
At least he’d be hungry.
Grabbing Anon’s meal, you headed toward your room, making sure to grab a few napkins in case he got some juice on his face.
It wasn’t likely but you’ve always wanted to wipe his muzzle clean.
As you walked, the sound of a your friend saying something in her native French drifted past your bedroom door.
You pushed it open and almost dropped the plate.

Korin sat up in your bed, singing and leaning side to side.
Her arms crossed over Anon, as he rest his head on her chest, eyes drifting shut every so often.
A few biscuit crumbs stuck to his shirt and chin as he leaned into her, looking like he was in a blissful daze.
You stood, frozen in place as the pure preciousness of what you witnessing made it feel like your chest would burst.
Oooh god he was too pure for this world.
What you’d give to have him do that with you.

You furrowed your brow, the glowing feelings draining out of you.
He’s never done that with you...
How come Korin got him to do that and you couldn’t even get near him?
It wasn’t fair.
Nonny was supposed to be yours.
You’d thought all this time that Anon was just afraid of furs, but there your friend was, cuddled up to your little guy on the bed, him looking ready to fall asleep in her arms…
Maybe it was just you.
You frowned, every fiber in your being aching to go over there and let Anon cuddle into YOUR chest.

Anon’s nostrils flared and he stirred.
He gave a little grunt and looked around with bleary eyes, before finally setting his gaze on the plate in your hands.
A flicker of hope welled in your chest and you reached out a few inches with the plate, titling it a bit to let him see, without spilling any of the gravy.

“I made you something, sweetie. Hungry?” you said.

“He’s been snacking. I don’t know if he’ll be hungry,” Korin said, keeping her voice low. “He got into a biscuit box. You’ll have to move your spot again.”

Goddammit, that was the third time this week.
He didn’t even eat them all like some humans—just stowed them in places like some sort of feral squirrel.
You looked down at the plate of food in your hands and sighed.
Oh well. You could microwave it later, you suppose.

”You okay, Sam?”

You half-heartedly shrugged and forced a smile.

“I was really looking forward to seeing if he’d like my cooking, is all. No big deal. He doesn’t like me much so this is really all I can do to get him to go near me...”

Korin frowned.
”Sam, I think he’s just—”

“No it’s... it’s fine, Korin. I’ll make us up our own plates. Keep, uh… keep Anon company, I guess.”

Just as you turned to leave, two little hands grabbed the plate in your hands.
You gave a short gasp and went still.
You’d been so busy thinking about how much you wanted Anon to like you that you hadn’t even noticed him move toward the edge of the bed.
Anon took the plate from your hands, his hair in a messy tussle around his head and he sniffed it.
He picked up the fork that lay on the the side and poked it into a slab, then took a tentative bite.
You held your breath as he chewed, your human eyeing the plate with a sleepy, slightly confused expression.
Don’t squeal out of excitement, don’t squeal out of excitement—
A small sound like that of a deflating balloon came from your lips before you caught yourself.
Th-That only half counted as failure, you told yourself.

Anon paused, smacking his lips and tilted his head to the side.
He picked up the fork again and began eating the rest of the Sauerbraten, and you let out the breath you hadn't realized you’d been holding.
You can cook something and he’ll eat it next to you.

Korin gave you a strange look when she saw your excited expression.
“Sam, are you okay? You look like you have to pee right now,” she whispered, trying hard not to spook Anon.

“I’m just… oh you don’t know what this means to me, Korin,” you said turning toward your pet.

You felt so happy and didn’t have a clue how to handle it.

“Oh my gosh, Nonny, Mama loves you so much!” you said as you snapped forward and wrapped him in a hug, nuzzling your snout against him.

His eyes snapped open and he went rigid in your arms.


Between sniffles, you held the ice bag to your swollen eye.
You shuddered as another bout of sobbing racked you.

“But why did he have to h-hit me?” you said.

Korin groaned and dragged her hand down her face.
“He didn’t mean it, Sam. You just freaked him out by grabbing him, and your face happened to be in the way of his panicked limbs.”

She took a face cloth and soaked it in warm water, while you sat on your toilet seat, sobbing away in the master bathroom.
After being satisfied with the temperature, she took your ice pack and dabbed it along your swelling.

“But, I love him so much and he HATES me,” you said.

”Sam, you are an adult fur. Get ahold of yourself.”

“I can’t even get him to eat near me. I am a failure of a pet owner,” you said, crying your eyes out.


“I try so hard, Korin, I really do. Something’s wrong with me and I don’t know what to dohoohoo.”

You felt your face snap to the side and a stinging pain flared up on your cheek.
Korin retracted her palm and you cleared your throat, giving one last sniff.
You both waiting in silence for a moment, before she spoke.

”You done?”

“No. I’m just holding it in.”

She squinted at you with her arms crossed, before letting out a long sigh.
”Sam, you need to learn some restraint. It took me forever to calm him down and you went and threw your arms around him. Anon’s never going to trust you at this rate.”

Your ears went back and you kneed your paws together.

“Do I… need to give him back to the shelter?”

Korin jerked her head back and gawked at you.

“I want Anon to be happy,” you said with a shrug. “I love him to death, but I don’t think he feels happy here. I—I might not be the right owner for him. He deserves a good owner, someone he can love and be loved by… even if that’s not me.”

Korin stared at you for a moment.
She snickered.
”You goof.”

“Hey, I’m serious!”

”I know. That’s why I’m laughing. Sam, you’re such a softie deep down.”

You blushed and looked to the side.

“N-Not really,” you mumbled.

”Besides,” Korin said, “you probably won’t have to return him or anything. It might take some time, but you can get Anon to the point that he’ll be comfortable with you. The events of today prove as much.”

You sat up, looking her in the eyes.


”He might even nuzzle into your chest after some time,” she said, giving you a smirk.
“Yours is bigger and he seemed to really like mine.”

If you had a drink, you would have done a spit take.
All you could do was squirm in place and blush even harder.
Still, you’d give anything to just be able to pet him and have him cuddle with you.

“What do I have to do?”

Korin motioned for you to follow and she walked out of your bathroom with a little knowing smile.

”I have a few ideas...”


Korin grabbed your keys off the kitchen counter and tossed them over her shoulder at you.
You yelped and juggled them for a moment before getting ahold of them.
What the heck are you up to, Korrin...
Scrunching your nose, you headed after her.

She grabbed her zipperless jacket by the entryway and held it above her shoulders, her head disappearing inside the bottom.
”Come on, slowpoke, you’re driving,” Korin said, her voice slightly muffled.

You furrowed your brow.

“But, I thought we were going to do something with Anonymous. Oh, are we going to try to take him for a ride? Korin, I don’t know if he’ll let me put a seatbelt on him, not to mention having to find him in the first place...”

You trailed off as the image of Anon appeared in your head, sticking his face out the rear window, eyes wide with wonder as his hair whipped around his face.
Your mouth made a small o shape and you snapped a paw to Korin’s shoulder.

“Actually, I’ll go find him.”

Her head popped out of the top of her hoody.
”No. There’s no way I’m letting you drive him in a car. That’s not safe until we train him better.”

“What? Then… what the heck are we doing? I don’t want to leave him alone.”

”Is he not potty trained?”

“No, he can use a toilet.”

Korin paused then looked at you.
”You taught him that already? It’s been like a week since you got him, right?”

You gave a limp shrug.

“He already knew. I didn’t really do anything.”

“Huh… must have been owned by someone before. Well if he knows how to feed himself and not make a mess, he can spend a little while without his ‘mama’,” she said, emphasizing ‘mama’ with baby talk.

“Don’t you make fun of me,” you said, crossing your arms. “If you ever get your own human, you’ll understand. Those little eyes looking up at you… m-maybe on a cold night, him coming in my room to snuggle up with me...”

Korin rolled her eyes before opening the door and stepping out into the cool autumn air.
You grabbed your leather jacket and slipped it on before following her.

“So,” you said, “where are we going that’s so important then?”

”We gotta start with two things. First, Anon is going to want some space. Let him feel comfortable in his environment after everything we’ve put him through today. He needs time to destress. I know you don’t want to leave him, but trust me, humans are really smart pets and they can handle themselves for quite a while. Besides, he’ll never learn to miss you if you’re always around.”

“Anon… missing me…?”

You imagined your little Nonny, poking his head up over the windowsill as you drove up, giving you a wide eyed, happy smile.
You’d walk in and he’d hold his arms up to you.
”Uhhnn,” he’d say, which of course meant “uppies.”
You curled your toes, a blush and a big stupid smile forming on your face.

“O-Okay, we can leave for a little while.”

Korin paused, looking at you with a bemused expression.
”Can you please focus and not keep doing that? Keep your weird imagination in check.”

“Nope!” you said with a big smile. “My Nonny’s too much of a cutie patootie.”

“Well, at least learn some restraint. If you ever want Anon to start doing whatever you’re imagining him doing, you’ll need to learn to be more lax. Stop getting all hyper around him and spend a few moments chilling out nearby so he stops associating you with stress. Besides that, we gotta get you some things on this trip. He’s missing a collar and he could use some more clothes besides the ones the shelter gave you. And more importantly, you need to pick up some training books so you stop doing… what you’re doing.”

“So we’re heading...?”

Korin bounded over to your pickup and spun, giving you a cutesy smile.

“Man Mart.”


You stared up in awe at the large, high roofed building filled with everything from pet kibble, to walking harnesses, to rows and rows of different types of clothes and accessories.
Two cartoony human mascots stood on signs advertising the different sections, looking for all the world completely enthralled with a backpack here, a ball and rope there, or even shampoo suds in their hair, each sign matching with the aisles goods.

Korin had leaned over and watched some of the humans on display near the front.
The Humane Society had a rotation of pets needing a good home, and put them in some clean glass cages for the public to view.
One, a raven-haired female with coffee colored skin put her hand on the glass and made a happy ‘aah’ sound at her.
She was a bit younger than Anon, probably sixteen or seventeen just by the looks of her, and they’d put her in a thin, white sundress that seemed to highlight her bronzy skin tone.
Korin wrapped her arms around her chest and you saw her bite her lip.
She put her paw on the glass, looking into the human's eyes, seeming captivated by their light brown hue.
Her hand dropped back to her side and she turned with a sigh.
Korrin flinched as you gave her the smuggest look you could.
Ohhh, she knew what was up.
She gave you so much crap today for doting on Anon and here she was.

Korin expression soured and she frowned.
”I was just checking some of them out is all. I can’t take one home anyways, okay? Humans are a bit too much work and my apartment doesn’t allow pets. Besides, even if I could, I don’t think I’d get a girl since you can’t—”

“Ahn, ah,” the human said.

The girl pressed up against the glass, pawing at it and looking up at Korrin with sad eyes.

Your friend’s ears folded back and she turned her back to the human.
She grumbled something about not appreciating that look under her breath before grabbing your hand and storming off into the store.
You gave the human one last glance and you saw her sink down to her knees and look at the ground.
Aw… jeez…
Hopefully she finds a good home soon.

After the human cages were out of sight, Korin stopped and let go of your hand.
She stared off at nothing for a moment before giving a huff.
You wonder if you should say something but, you think better of it for now.

“Alright, um,” Korrin said, putting a hand to her head. “Right, we need to get some things for Anon. They have a different setup here than the one where I live but it’s mostly the same stuff. Why don’t you head over to the book section and start looking through a few. You’re going to look for a beginner training guide, a health manual, and whatever else you like. I’ll start on some of the other things he may need while you do that. After we can get him some clothes that fit him better. Oh, and Sam?”


“Don’t buy the books that just have cute kids in them, okay?”

You perked up.

“Th-They have those?”


“All right, fine!” you snapped, and headed over the book section.

It didn’t take long to find the picture books of cute kids.
Though Korin was right.
As much as you loved the fuzzy feeling that looking at wide eyed, miniature humans gave you, the books had little to no information.
Besides, Anon was ten times cuter.

You put down one of the kid books and picked up a much thicker volume with an illustration of the vascular system of a human male.
Your eyes flitted about the pages, taking in some of the scientific illustrations as you went.
Most of this you already knew, or it didn’t particularly enthrall you.
Humans have a powerful sense of smell…
Powerful locomotion and don’t tire as easily as furs…
Exceptionally smart pets who are known for using simple tools…
Highly socially intelligent and pick up on vocal tone and body language to communicate, since they are mostly monosyllabic communicators.
About 5 to 6 feet in height while furs ranged from 7 to 10 feet.
Humans have several races though this doesn’t influence temperament as much as previously believed.

You yawned as you flipped through.
Man… what a dry book.
How the heck were you supposed to get through something like this?
A page with the word ‘anatomy’ flipped over and your gaze met with a rather detailed illustration of human male and female genitalia.
It stood next to pictures of two panting humans, blooding rushing to their faces as they looked at one another with desire.
The top of the page read, Human Sexuality: Learning to tend to your pets needs.

You cleared your throat and snapped the book closed, though admittedly keeping your thumb in the middle of the page.
N-Nonnies were not for sexual.
You grumbled to yourself and twisted the ball of your foot against the ground.
It wasn’t wrong or anything, but doing that to a cute widdle human seemed…
Your tail flicked back and forth and you felt your face heating up.
Humans were often sexual companions for furs.
You’d just never really thought about something like that with your little Anon.

The title came back to the forefront of your mind—Learning to tend to your pets needs.
Would it be bad if you just ignored Anon’s urges?
You admittedly didn’t know anything about human heat cycles or how their sex rituals worked.
Did that make you a bad owner?
What if there was something important you needed know…?
W-What if Nonny started hurting because you didn’t care for him like you should?

Your heart thumped heavy in your chest as you eyed the book in your paw.
You gulped.

“Just a peek.”

Your eyes scanned across the first paragraph on one of the pages.

’... unlike some furs, humans do not have a heat cycle and are ready and willing to breed at any point in time.’

You took a sharp intake of air.
Oh dammit, that was kinda hot.
You continued, reminding yourself this was for your pet.

’In particular, they are known for their sexual appetite, and humans of both genders who are not sexually satisfied can develop several behavioral issues.’
’It is recommended that the owner assist in—’

“Find something good?”

You yelped and spun around.
Korin yelled back and bumped a shopping cart behind her filled with a few dozen collars, clothes, and a mechanical leash.
She caught the cart before it rolled out into the main aisle, then grumbled and rubbed her hip.

“The heck was that, Sam? Did you find a dirty mag in the mix or something? What’s the deal?”

“Nothing!” you said putting the book behind your back.

She glanced behind you and quirked an eyebrow.
“Really, Sam? I was kidding about the mag bit. Or did you just find something saucy in a training book? I know they sometimes include some… extra info.”

You flinched.

“S’just a book. Don’t worry about it.”

”What are you five? Then let me see it,” Korrin said, holding out her hand.


The two of you locked eyes, yours growing wider while Korin's progressively narrowed.
You don’t know how long you stood like that, having your own western standoff in the middle of a pet store like two banditos fighting over loot, but eventually someone had to draw.
Korin snapped her arms out, hooking her thumbs around the sides of your jeans, and yanked down.
The stores cool AC wafted against your bare thighs as your panties lay exposed to the world.
You yelped and flipped the book in front of yourself, and Korin snatched it from you, even keeping the page.
Left with nothing to cover yourself, you opted to crouch low, trying to cover yourself as best you could.

”Oh,” Korin said, holding the book in front of her and giving a smirk, “Looks like I was right, and someone was feeling frisky.”

“Korin, I was just curious dammit!” you whispered harshly at her. “Why did you pull my pants down in the middle of a store?!”

”Because you were being difficult. Just pull them up before someone sees.”

You little…
You snorted, then checked either side of the aisle.
After confirming the two of you were still alone, you stood up and started shimmying your pants back up over your butt in a series of half hops, and small hip wiggles.

Korrin giggled, but at your glare she sighed and walked over, helping you the rest of the way.
After you’d gotten your pants over your hips, Korin gave you a catty smile and booped your nose.
“Black lace looks nice on you, by the way.”

You glowered at her.

“Maybe I should pull your top off and toss it over an aisle, let you see how it feels.”

She giggled and picked the book up.
”If you did that, you’d probably just get us kicked out. Either that or the cute guy at the counter might ask for my number.”


“Loosen up, Sam. Anyhow, let’s see what you found.”
You grumbled, but relented and moved to her shoulder.
She flipped through, humming to herself as she gave each page a glance.
”It looks good, though maybe a bit dry. Lot of important topics in here either way. Mostly biology diagrams, diet guides, sexual information...”

You fidgeted, suddenly acutely aware of how warm you felt.
Korin noticed your discomfort and looked over at you, tilting her head slightly.
“You really are getting flustered about this?”

“Who, me? Pfff… n-no.”


You pressed your pointer fingers together.

“Well, maybe a little. Don’t laugh, Korin...”

“I’m not going to laugh at you, Sam. It’s normal for a first time owner to be a bit overwhelmed by the responsibilities. If anything, I’d be more worried if you were totally gung ho about fucking him silly.”

“Please don’t word it like that.”

Korin smiled and gave a short giggle before putting the book in the cart.
“I can’t decide who’s more precious, Anon or you.”

“Do you have to tease me like that though?”


You grumbled and looked to the cart.

“So what’d you pick up?”

Korin perked up and followed your gaze.
“Oh, right.”
She moved to the cart and pulled out a few products to show you.
”I got Anon a few new jeans, a handful of T-shirts, and a new hoodie to replace the one he seems to like. The one he’s wearing has a few holes and probably needs to be thrown out. For a collar, I figure a deep green would go with his eyes, but it’s up to you. And I got a leash. They’re all pretty much the same as long as they’re not too cheap.”

You held up one of the pairs of jeans, looking it over.
Yep, those were jeans alright.
The small hoodie was a flashy red with no ear slots in the hood, which made it seem cute to you.
The t-shirts looked fine, with a human cartoon graphic here and there with the store mascots.
One of them said “Mommy’s little helper” and that made you smile.
You flipped it over and saw a graphic of a human and female otter tussling under some covers with floating hearts above them.
You glared and Korin and threw the t-shirt over her face.

”Aw, come on. I thought it was funny.”

You shook your head and looked through the rest.
Besides clothes, the cart held a harness, a leash, a lime green collar, and a few bottles of shampoos and body wash.
Wait a minute… shampoo for humans?
Like for their bath time?
That’s right… you didn’t have those at home yet.

Your eyes snapped open.
How did you not realize this sooner!
It’d been at least a few days since you’d brought him home and he didn’t smell bad or anything, but the poor thing was probably dying to get clean.
You were going to have to try to bathe Anon, and soon.

You imagined Anon, hair wet around his face as he looked up at you in the tub.
He’d lean into your paws as you gently worked shampoo through his scalp, slowly closing his eyes…
Or maybe he’d be a little fussy about bathing—maybe afraid of the tub?
Humans weren’t afraid of water but your Anon needed plenty of reassurance with how skittish he could be.
You’d talk to him gently but eventually have to get in yourself to show him everything was alright.
A smile rose in your face as you imagined him leaning into your chest as you bathed together.
He’d turn over, eyes trailing across your naked body.
There was no reason to be embarrassed, not with your little Nonny.
He’d lean forward and—

A vibration erupted on your breasts and you yelped and jumped back.
Korin stood there with a shit eating grin, bent over at the waist with her hands folded behind her back.
She tilted her head slightly and giggled.
All you could do was stare open mouthed at her.

“Did… did you just raspberry my boobs!” you said, face flushed, holding your paws over your chest.

”Didja like it?”

You glowered at her.

“Oh that is it.”


You half tackled Korin and started holding her waist with one hand, the other going up her shirt to tickle her bare stomach.

”Wah! S-Sam, I didn’t expect you to be this f-forward,” she said, trying to sound flirty but her stutter gave her away. “W-Wait hey! Ahahaaha, oh my gosh. Sam, you know I’m ticklish ahaaa.”

“It’s your turn for public molestation,” you said, smiling deviously.

Her eyes started tearing up at the edges as she squirmed in your grip, unable to control her giggling as your fingers kept up their onslaught.
“Oh my god no, Sam! Pleasepleaseplease don’t, ahaha. Come on, this isn’t faiiirrrr.”

Hm, now that you think of it, this wasn’t nearly as embarrassing as what she put you through.
Great idea, Korrin.
While she was distracted at fending off your front paw, you took the other and felt around for her back bra strap.
An evil smile crossed your lips when you touched it, recognizing the clasp type.
In one quick motion you unclipped her, and your other hand grabbed the front of the garment, yanking it down under her shirt and into the open.
Her perky breasts jiggled and she gasped and crossed her arms over them.

“There,” you said, sounding less domineering than you’d hoped. “How’s that?”

She blinked, shifting her feet under her and bending her knees inward.
Her laughing petered out and she blushed a bit,
Korin bit her lip and stared at the garment you held high above your head.
”O-Okay, fair's fair. I’ll stop teasing you so much, okay? Just give it back already. It’s cold and my shirt is thin. Someone could see me poking through here.”
She stilled and her ears tilted backwards.
Korrin rushed forward, inadvertently mashing her breasts against yours as she reached for her bra.
You held it up, keeping it away from her, still having fun with teaching her a lesson this time.

“S-Sam, give it back now please. Someone is coming, for real,” she whispered.

You angled your ears about you, listening for paws on tile.
There was a light patter of feet somewhere in the store, but it was too quiet to be close.

“I don’t hear anything, you liar. You’re just trying to weasel out of this.”

You tossed it over her and it slid over to the edge of the aisle.
Korin glared at you while stuck your tongue out at her.
“Sam, that’s racist, and no,” she said, heading for her bra, keeping her ears forward. “I swear I heard someone right around the cor—!”

A human male turned the corner and looked over at Korin.
Your friend gave a small eep as the human turned his gaze straight to her chest, no doubt noticing the extra wobble when she flinched.
He tilted his head, long blonde hair falling to the side for a bit, then looked down at her discarded underwear.
You could see a curious glint in his eyes and he picked it up with a playful smile.

”H-Hey! Give that back!” Korrin said in a harsh whisper, holding her hand out.

Someone called out a name, and the human stopped and looked toward the sound.
Korin lunged for the bra but the human caught the motion and did a short hop backwards, grinning wildly.
They called again, and he gave you one last glance before scampering off, an eager hop in his step.

Korin’s face burned bright red and her legs shivered.
“Oh goooood…”

You snickered and let Korin go while she held her arms around her chest.
She glared at you and you burst out into full blown laughter.

“Oh, ha ha. Very funny.” Korin said with a playful shove before crossing her arms. “What the hell am I supposed to do now? I can’t keep shopping jiggling around like this. One of the store clerks is going to say something.”

You shrugged.

“Hey, they might kick us out,” you said with a smirk, “or they might give you their number.”

Korin grumbled and she fidgeted a bit.
“Well, I don’t want to stay any longer NOW so let’s just check out. Anything you wanted to grab before we split?”

You hummed to yourself and looked off at the different signs overhead.

“Just one last thing. Anon deserves something to play with.”

”You sure you know what he’ll like?”

You rubbed the back of your neck and shrugged.

“I hate to say it but I don’t know much about how to make my human happy. But there’s one thing I do know that will make his day, I think. It’s a little unconventional, but I really want to get some for him.”

She quirked a brow at you.
”How unconventional?”


Be Anon
You stared around the side of your captors oversized couch, watching as she and the deer thing brought in several store bags one after the other.
There was no telling what they’d brought home from here, but as they set about putting the goods away, the dog creature looked around, called out a few times, as she tended to when she got home.
She waited for a few moments, then pulled something out of one of the bags.
She walked into the living room and you were too slow to duck back.
Seeing you, the dog smiled and said something in a frustrated tone, before setting down whatever she had in her hand and left.
You poked your head out and saw what she’d left.

You cursed.
What were you, some sort of child?
Dammit though, you really had a weakness for that stuff.
But you’d be strong.
You could weather this and stay in cover.
With nothing to do in here… for hours… bored.
When you could be enjoying yourself for a minute or two.
You gritted your teeth.

Be Korrin.
You eyed your friend as she came back to the kitchen with a giddy grin.
She pressed herself against the wall and peered around, likely waiting to see if Anon would go for what she’d bought him.

“Are you sure he likes that stuff? I mean it’s not even a toy. Usually they’re kinda afraid of the sound it makes. Why don’t you open the ball and rope toy for him and put that out, or maybe the kong treat dispenser?”

Sam just figeted and put a finger to her lips, shushing you.
A moment of silence passed and a small pop rang out.
Sam’s tail wagged as she stood and watched, making little excited noises to herself.
More pops came, and you sighed, shaking your head.
Anon was a weird pet, but Sam was right.

He fucking loved bubble wrap.


The house lay still as you idly nudged a treat ball across the tile, just outside the den.
You snorted as you watched it roll, knowing the small candies would eventually find one of the holes in the shell and fall out.
It was sick and wrong that these were a thing.
What are you, some sort of animal?
Why do you put up with this?
A chewy gummi treat popped out.
You snatched it up and put it in your mouth, sucking on the treat while grumbling to yourself.
Hm, lemony this time.
That’s new.
How many flavors are there…?
You rolled the ball again.

Humiliation aside, that wasn’t what bothered you today.
You could take some belittling.
Heck, that was practically your existance now—tidy meals in a bowl every evening, cutesy clothes with kiddie art on them…
That mean dog even tried to come into the bath a few days ago, naked as the day she was born to show dominance.
Little anon twitched as you recalled the way her hips flared, that bushy long tail that wagged behind her heart-shaped rear.
And that chest… perfectly round with a small jiggle as she took each step with an excited smile.
You looked down and noticed you were rock solid already.

But she wouldn’t break you.
Not now, not ever!

A red treat popped out and you snatched it up.
Hm, watermelon.
You rolled the ball.

No… you could take this abuse and retain your pride.
But something else didn't seem right to you.

A tiny noise, like a high pitched squee, met your ears.
You paused and glared over to the person in the living room.
Not more than a few feet away, the dog girl sat with her paws under her chin, elbows propped up on a couch arm.
She looked at you with that sadistically giddy expression she sometimes had while her tail swished back and forth.
You caught her eye, and she stiffened.
The dog cleared her throat, then moved that strange book with a human on the cover in front of her face.
She hummed to herself, toes curling as her legs rubbed together.

You frowned but didn’t leave, instead going back to your toy.
What bothered you the most… was that you’d gotten used to her.
It’s impossible for even the most hardened individuals to stay on guard 24/7.
Security guards are only alert for the first few hours of a shift even.
You’d felt yourself slipping up from time to time.
The first time, you’d hidden behind a dresser all morning, and all you wanted was to rest on the nice soft couch for a bit.
You told yourself you only wanted to try it after sleeping behind it so many times.
You’d ended up falling asleep and staying that way until you were woken by a strange feeling.
That dog’s stupid, giddy smile loomed over you when you opened your eyes.
You managed to get away… somehow.
Usually she’d chase, just to toy with you.
But she just let you go.
Even looked a little sad as you ran out of the room.

After that was when you’d noticed the change.
Slowly but surely, she’d been spending more time near you.
First a few rooms away, merely within earshot.
Then a room away, in sightline.
And now here you were, the girl a few bounds from you, wearing only a tank top and some short shorts, showing off her toned thighs and that stacked chest.
Classic fearousal tactics.
And you just let her come close.
Your mind just couldn’t take being alert and ready to bolt any longer.
So you just stopped giving a fuck.
It wasn’t possible to anymore.
She could have killed you at any point in time but she hadn’t laid a finger on you for weeks, instead lounging quietly about the house, reading or playing with her phone while showing skin, er, fur.
She didn’t yell, or growl at you anymore, and the deer mirrored the behavior when she came over.

Another treat popped out but you let it sit on the floor, giving it over to the bacteria of the five second kingdom.
It felt so normal.

And that really freaked you out.

You turned your head to the dog.
She still held the book, but after a moment of waiting, you saw her eyes flick toward you then back again.
Was she even reading…?
She gave another glance toward you and her tail started to wag.
Her butt wiggled back and forth in her seat and her breathing even started to pick up.
You got up and took a tentative step closer, wondering what the heck was happening.
Was it the book or something you did?
She seemed to be holding in a ton of energy as soon as you crept closer, and you didn’t want to set her off in any way.
You felt coiled like a spring again, ready to bolt at a moment's notice, but the sense of normalcy remained, making it feel possible, no, completely reasonable to come up and see what had her so interested.


Be Sam, moments ago.
Butterflies whirled in your stomach as you watched your pet play with his treat ball.
You’d been reading and following the book’s instructions as best you could, giving Anon space, clean water, comfortable clothes, and plenty to play with.
Nonny was a particularly smart human so you didn’t have to do a whole lot honestly—just get his meals in order and make sure he didn’t start making supply caches.
Must be those hunter gatherer instincts.
Nearly breaks your heart when you have to put everything back and he comes to realize it later.
He makes little upset and surprised noises when he finds everything gone.
Otherwise he cleaned and dressed himself and didn't get into too much trouble, though you still couldn’t keep him out of your pantry for some reason.
In any case, giving him space had done a lot for his fear of you.
Boy had it been hard though.
Every part of you ached to go and be near him when he was out in the open, but you knew he’d bolt if you jumped the gun.
Then you’d be back to the start, and who knows how many chances you’d have.

Your heart leapt as a treat came out and you fought down the urge to cheer.
Oh mama’s so proud, you thought to yourself as he happily sucked on it and continued to roll the ball around.
Hnnng, Anon was just so darned cute.

You’d do anything to make him happy here, so the last few weeks you had been painfully careful, with just a little bit of exposure training each day.
Also, you did lots of reading.
In fact, most of your free time had been spent diving into your guidebook, since it discouraged staring during the adjustment periods.
Right now you were cheating, but it felt so good to just watch him after holding back so long.

He glanced over and looked straight at you with those little green eyes.
Oh god you needed to hug him RIGHT NOW!
You bit your lip.
No… resist!
Remember the guide, Sam! Don’t stare at him.
You shifted and put the book in front of your face, blocking him out.
Hopefully he didn’t think you were ignoring him.
No, you needed to stop worrying.
Any day now, Anon would complete this stage and you’d finally be free to come over to him.
The guide said that after your pet got adjusted to you, they’d get curious and comfortable enough to approach you themselves.
You could still feel his gaze wandering across you and an excited jolt coursed down your spine and into your toes.
’Pleeeeease,’ you yelled in your head.
’I just want to hold you one time and have you snuggle into me like you did with Korin.’

Your eyes flicked over to him and you saw he’d already gotten to his feet and was giving you a curious look.
You sat up and clenched your eyes shut.
Don’t move… don’t mess this up.
He put his foot out in front of him, taking a step.
Then another.
He quirked his head and narrowed his eyes.
You watched him out of the corner of your eye, trying as hard as you could to concentrate on the words in front of you.
You could have sworn this paragraph made sense a second ago.

His path curved around you and he disappeared from sight around your book.
Your heart beat fast in your chest and your arms started to feel weak.
Ohhh… ohhh god.
Any second now—you could hear his little feet coming closer.
He was going to reach out and touch your leg, th-then ask for uppies.
Concentrate, Sam.
Don’t make a sound—don’t move a muscle!
You saw his shadow fall over your lap and you felt a tingling sensation across your skin.
He was so close.
He was gonna touch you.
Anon took another step.

Your heartbeat grew faster and you started to feel light headed, the room seeming to swim around you.
Wait a minute—
You haven’t been breathing.


You flopped hard to your side and dark curtains closed over your eyes.
Before you conked out, you were able to look up at Anon for a small moment.
Aw… he looked worried.

Be Anon.
You… are not sure what just happened.
A second ago this dog had been playing sneaky peeks while trying to act like she was reading, and for some insane reason, you thought to walk over and sate your curiosity.
And she had a heart attack right when you got close.
Normally that’s your job.

You inched closer, ready to spring away if she so much as twitched.
Your eyes traveled over her, looking for any signs of deceit.
Being this close you couldn’t help but note how attractive she was.
Her hips flared and curved inward at her stomach, and your gaze roamed across the slight arch in her back, then over her thin but not too thin shoulders.
Her chest drew your gaze and you felt your face heating.
They seemed way too perfect, having just the slightest slant from gravity but still staying round and plump.
You marveled as the dog’s perky, full chest rose and fell with a breath, almost seeming to strain against her low-cut tank top.
’Oh god…’ you thought, and bit your lip. ‘This is too much.’

You froze.
She was breathing.
A small moan left her lips and she shifted, fluttering her eyelids open.
She looked up at you, then down at your crotch and let out a small noise of surprise.
You didn’t have to look down to know what she was looking at.
She looked meekly back up to you, a small blush forming across her muzzle.
Oh… she doesn’t seem mad. If anything she looks like she wants to—
She spoke, that same rough and fury-filled tongue ringing clear, and your lust filled haze snuffed out like a candle in hurricane winds.
Two thoughts became clear.
You are a yard away from her.

And she was going to kill you.

All at once your sane mindset came slamming down on top of you, and you screamed, using the last shreds of your manly pride and concentration to not pass out where you stood.
She reached out after you, looking worried but still speaking aggressively, and you turned on your heels and darted out of the room as fast as you could go.

Be Sam.
You watched Anon zip around the corner, almost tripping on his ball as he headed to the nearest hiding spot.
Hopefully it’s not behind the desk in your study room.
He tends to get stuck behind that one.

You of course didn’t go after him—you knew better at this point.
Your eyes stung a bit as you pulled your knees up to your chest, hugging them close to you.
So close…
You crossed your arms over your knees and buried your face into them.
He was not more than a few feet from you and you still managed to freak him out.
After all that hard work you went and messed it up!
You sniffled and felt moisture pooling the edge of your eyes.

”Don’t cry, you big baby,” you said to yourself.
“Anon w-wouldn’t want to be near you if you cry and make so much annoying n-noise. Come on, Sam, be a big girl all on your own. Y-You can do this!”

You clenched your eyes shut as you felt tears start to form.

Your home phone rang on the coffee table, startling you.
You frowned and clicked the ignore button, letting it go to the answer machine.
The last thing you needed was to try to talk to your boss while sniffling like a kit.

The answer machine clicked and a beep rang out.
“Sam, help! Please please please pickup. I fucked up. I fucked up real bad and I need your help. Just pick up the phone and answer already!”
You sat up, eyes wide.
That was Korin.
You snatched your phone off the table and clicked the answer button.

“Korin, what’s going on? Are you okay?”

”Y-Yes? No? I don’t know. I just did something really stupid.”

“Did you lose something, um, up there?”


“I mean you’re supposed to use ones with a base so that can’t happen, but emergency rooms deal with this all the time. It’s fine. It happened to me when I was a teen actually.”

”Sam, what the heck! There’s nothing in my butt!”
You blinked and your mouth opened up in an o.
A blush worked it’s way over your muzzle.

“O-Oh… m-mine either. Ha.”


”It was one time, okay!”

Korin sighed.

“Whatever just… can I come over? There’s something I need to talk to you about and I need your help.”

You paused.
It felt odd to hear her talk like that.
Korin was always the one who was more in control out of the two of you, wrapping people around her finger and maneuvering through her office workplace.
You just worked at the firestation and it’d been weeks since you had any action in contrast.
Hopefully this wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle.
Korin did so much for you.

“Yeah, I’ll do whatever I can.”

She let out a breath.
”Okay, um, it’s around Anon’s dinner time, right?”

“In a half hour. Why?”

”I’ve only got leftover pizza here, so could you make an extra helping of whatever he gets?”


Be Anon, hardened survivor.
You had hid for awhile then gotten sorta stuck behind a desk.
A little wiggling got you free this time, saving you from the humiliation of calling for help.
A short time later, the sweet smell of food wafted out from the kitchen, and your stomach grumbled, reminding you that dinnertime was just around the corner.

You went out and peeked into the kitchen, eyeing the dog girl as she flitted from stovetop to pantry to cabinet, getting things ready while she humming to herself.
Her tail wagged while she stirred something that smelled amazing, drawing you closer.
The dogs ears flicked back and she looked over her shoulder at you.
The tail sped up, but she snapped back to the cooking pot, making a point to not look at you.

You narrowed your eyes up at her, glaring at her stupid silky fur and that silly, big, bubbly butt which wasn’t fully contained by her short shorts near the bottom.
What a… stupid head.
If she wanted to play this game still so be it.
She probably laughed her tight ass off when you freaked last time.
You’ll just go ahead and wait right here this time.

The doorbell rang and you let out a yelp.
Er… a war cry.
She snickered at your war cry and went for the front door.
You snuck behind her, curious to see who’d come over.
The door opened and the bipolar deer walked in, looking worried and saying something to your dog girl in their typical harsh tongue.
You snorted and shrugged.
Whatever. You’re cool with eating in your room while they distract one another.
It’s a nice way to get some much needed peace without feeling eyes on you.
You turned away from the front door and headed to find one of the doohickies to mess with until food was out.

Something tackled you from behind, pulling the air from your lungs and nearly sending you to the floor.
You gasped for air, clutching your stomach as two dainty arms wrapped around your midsection from behind.
The person giggled girlishly and you felt a small tongue drag itself along the side of your neck.
What the heck…?
You turned and your eyes shot wide.

Hugging against you was a dark skinned girl with long, raven colored hair and large, childlike green eyes.
She smiled at you and laughed as she snuggled into the back of your head.

“Hiyah other human! Let’s play!”


Your brain seemed to have fried a bit.
This girl has a collar and the deer just unhitched her from a leash.
Not only that, but she seemed to be content about it and decided to squish herself up against your back.
You blushed, feeling clearly that she was only wearing that small sundress.
The two animal overlords giggled and aw’ed at the scene, as if you were two little puppies bounding around one another for the first time.
You glowered and nudged her off.
She pouted and closed in on you again, but was stopped by your outstretched hand on her forehead.
The girl let out a whine and reached toward you, not quite reaching all the way.
What the heck did they do to this poor girl?
She was acting like a—

Her face lit up and she gasped.

“Ooh! Can I play with your toys, please?”

“Huh?” you said and followed her gaze toward the living room.

There lay what you had termed ‘the collection of interesting baubles’ which the dog had brought home one day.
They were small trinkets and odds ‘n ends which you amused yourself with now and again, not toys.
The girl hopped back and forth on her feet, looking for all the world like it was taking every shred of willpower to not bolt past you.

“I guess?”

She let out a happy yell and ran toward the living room, grabbing your forearm as she shot past, dragging you with her.
The two animal women watched, giving knowing looks to one another and smiling.

”Oh my gosh, I can’t wait!” the girl said, talking a mile a minute. “I never got to play this much at the pound, NEVER! And they kept us all separated too, so we couldn’t feel good together, but now we get to play and run, and get petted by our big fluffers, and...”
You merely stood there, moving inch by inch across the floor by the power of this energetic… thing.
She wasn’t a human, whatever she was.
At least not a human like you.
What the heck was going on?

You felt carpet under your feet and the girl’s hand left you as she bounded over to the first thing that caught her eye—a set of small blocks with magnets in them.
She picked one up and went to stack it with another but it snapped up early, clicking in place along some ridges.
The girl’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped before she looked up at you.
“Th-These are so cool! It just clipitty’d up and now they’re stuck.”

“Yeah? I mean… it’s magnets.”

”Magnets? What’s that?”

You gave her a deadpan look.
Something was wrong here.
You tilted your head looking for anything off about the girl.
She giggled and mirrored you.
As far as you could tell, she was maybe somewhere in her mid to late teens, and with skin the color of light coffee, she was probably of latino or pacific islander ancestry.
Maybe a mix?
Hard to tell with those green-blue eyes of hers.

“So,” you said, “where are you from exactly?”

”The big place where they keep all the humans who don’t have fluffers to take care of them.”


”You know, your mama.”

”My… what?”

”The one with big chest curves and sharp teeth who looks super pretty.”

You cleared your throat.

“... th-the big what now?”

“She’s your fluffer—your new mama,” the girl said, as if it were the most amazing thing in the world. “The other humans at the big place talked about this all the time, because big fluffers would always pick us up and give us a home, and now I have one too!”
She bounded over and hugged you, nuzzling into your neck.
”I miss my friends at the big place but now I have you, and there’s this really big feeling in my chest and it makes me want to run and shout and play all day.”

You stood awkwardly for a moment as her face gently rubbed against your neck and chest.
Should you shove her off?
Well… this is sorta cute honestly.
No, this girl is clearly not right in the head!
This is like taking advantage of a child.
Her breathing hitched and her hands started to roam along your back, then moved to trace around your arms.
”You smell really good,” she said, and pressed up against you more forecibly. “I f-feel kinda funny.”
Okay, this got weird.
You pushed her away by her shoulders and she looked at you with hazy eyes, panting.
She let out a small whine then reached toward you, this time fiddling with the hem of your shorts.

“Hey!” you said, slapping her hands away. “Knock it off. What’s gotten into you?”

The girl shrank away from you, casting her gaze down.
”I’m sorry, mister. I’ll be a good girl, I promise.”

Damn, now you feel bad.
This girl was a little touchy feely but that was no reason to yell at her.
She probably didn’t even know any better.

“Look it’s—not a big deal. Just don’t touch other people unless they say you can, alright? No grabbing or taking clothes. It’s not okay.”

She looked at you blankly but nodded anyways.
”Okay, gotta ask first. Can I touch you then?”


She frowned, looking like a kid who just dropped her ice cream cone.

“No, not never just… maybe some time later. I don’t even know your name.”

She tilted her head at you.
“My what?”

“You know, your—”

You waved your hand in the air, trying to think of a way to explain it.

”Anon! Abendessen!”


“That,” you said, gesturing toward the kitchen down the hall. “My fluffer just said my name, or at least the name she gave me here.”

“Oh, your call. Yours is A-nawn.”
She said it slowly a few times, trying to see how the word felt in her mouth.
”Anoon. Ah-nun. Anon.”

“That last one. You might as well call me that too. What does your fluffer call you?”

”Oh, I don’t have a call. I just came here with mama.”

“What do you mean, you don’t have a call? What did the uh, other humans call you at the big place then?”

Her eyes lit up and she smiled.
“Oh! Coffee Girl. I thought that was just my breed though. Is that my fluffer call too?”

You stood still for a moment, staring past her.
Her breed?
Are there dumb humans all over the place being bred and called by flavors instead of nationalities?

“Maurie, din din.”

The girl perked up and spun around.
You recognized the voice too, this call coming from the deer.

“So that’s it then. She named you Maurie.”

Girl looked over at you, mouth slightly open.
She took a big breath then smiled wide and jumped toward you, wrapping her arms around your neck.
”Anon! I have a call now. The big feeling in my chest feels so strong right now!”

“Dammit, what’d I tell you about touching!”

“Wah! Sorry! I don’t want to be a bad girl, Anon.”

“Then let go!”


You always appreciated the effort the dog put in to feed you.
She made a variety of dishes, let you eat at the table if you wanted, and seemed to be getting really good at it.
Sometimes she’d make something strange, and of course you couldn’t make any requests since she couldn’t understand you, but everything felt like it was made with you in mind.
You took a bite of your grilled cheese, savoring the deep flavor of cheddar with the salty tang of ham.
She was learning your weaknesses.
Screw it though, it had been what, a decade since your mom made you grilled cheese and tomato soup?
You chomped into your sandwich, feeling the crunch of butter-fried bread.
God, this took you back.

A giggle drew your attention to the other side of the table.
Maurie had her mouth around the straw of her juice box and blew into it, causing the half empty carton to inflate with small crinkling noises.
You’d think portable juice was the most amazing thing in the world the way she smiled and sucked it concave again, draining it dry this time.
She picked up another box from the table and turned it around in her hands.

”Non, where’s the stick?”

“Stuck to the side.”

She found it after a few rotations, peeled it off with a small grunt, and started shoving it into the side of the box, far from the insert hole.
Juice leaked out of the side and onto her lap as she tried to force it in.
Dammit, she was going to make a mess.
You got up quickly and grabbed it from her.

”Hey, that one’s mine!”

You went to one of the kitchen counters, taped the side, and poked the straw through the foil insert.
Maurie gave you a grumpy stare until you came over and handed it to her.
Understanding came across her features and she took it from you, sipping away and swinging her feet under her.
After a moment she met your eyes, looked at her food, then bit her lip and looked back at you.
She lowered her head and scooted a bit away from the table, pursing her lips and gripping the sides of her chair.
You narrowed your eyes, trying to figure out what she was up to.
If you try to think like a pet, this was a lot like submitting to an alpha.
Poor girl… did she have to do that at the pound?

“I’m not going to take your food, Maurie,” you said and headed back to your spot.

Maurie stayed quiet and fiddled with her hands in her lap before scooting in and going back to her meal.
Made you wonder what things were like back at the “big place.”
Maurie was a bit thin now that you noticed.

You found yourself taking small bites, watching her.
She grinned and picked up her sandwich in both hands, then took another massive bite out of the center.
The sides of her cheeks dripped with cheese and crumbs clung along the sides of her mouth.
Maurie hadn’t even gotten to the soup yet.
You can only imagine the mess.
Suddenly the way the dog had fed you at first made much more sense.
She’d started with bits of kibble in a bowl, then chicken nuggets and finger foods.
Then a spoon with apple sauce, which was easy enough to clean and wouldn’t stain if you’d been like this and got it everywhere.
If Maurie was any clue, humans in this world could handle some tools, as she could pick up the straw and understood it needed to go somewhere on the box, but you remember the strange look the dog girl had given you when you’d eaten with a fork the first time.
Was that not normal here?

Maurie gulped down the last of her sandwich, let out a satisfied ‘ah’ and then plunged face first into her soup.
It splattered across the front of her dress and partway across the table.
You took another small bite of your sandwich.

Well that answers that.

The deer came around the corner and flinched.

“Oh baise!” she said.

The deer rushed over and held up a pointer finger, looking ready to scold Maurie.
Maurie looked up and smiled innocently, tomato soup dripping all the way from her nose to her chest.
Giving a sigh, the deer rubbed her forehead and groaned.
She pulled Maurie’s arms above her head and slipped the dress right off her in one smooth motion.
You choked as a pair of tanline-free breasts jostled free in the open air.
It felt like it’d been so long since you’d seen human breasts.
No internet, and nothing but the two animal girls.
They had assets, that was for sure, but you couldn’t help but lean forward and feel your mouth open as you stared at her smooth bosom.

The deer rushed past you into the laundry room, making annoyed sounds under her breath.
Maurie looked over at you and quirked her head, just as you had the good conscience to avert your eyes.

”What? Anon, what are you staring at?”
You cleared your throat.

“N-Nothing. Just… Maurie, does anything feel odd to you right now?”

”Like what?”

“Don’t you want to…” you said, gesturing with your hand, “put something on?”

”I’m not cold, Anon. I have warm soup in my tummy.”

You grumbled and took another bite of your food.
Humans in this world apparently had no nudity taboo.
But Maurie had at least come in wearing something, even if it were a moist breeze away from being transparent.
And the dog had bought clothes and hadn’t had much of a reaction to you dressing yourself.
Did humans learn to dress themselves or did they do it naturally?
Maybe some humans naturally had instincts to cover themselve—

Your view of the wall was replaced by tan cleavage.
You almost choked for real this time and snapped your eyes up to Maurie’s face.
She was leaning over, hands on her knees, incidentally pressing her breasts together in front of you while giving you a curious look.

”Are you mad? You’re scrunching your face real strange and ignoring me.”

You beat your chest, trying to swallow.

“Maurie, for the love of god...”

You took off your red, zipperless jacket and popped it over her, pulling her head and arms through with only a bit of trouble and whining from Maurie.
It was big on her, the sleeves going past her wrists and the torso concealing most of her figure.
Though it still curved around her chest, and most of her upper thigh remained exposed.
If she bent over, it would ride up and expose her butt, but it was something for now.
You tilted your head as you looked her over, watching her getting used to the feeling of the sleeves.
Maurie looked cute, like an oversized kid wearing their siblings clothes.
She looked up at you with a small frown.

”Did I do something weird?”

“No, Maurie it’s just—Did humans wear clothes at the big place?”

”Of course. We have a bunch of green zipperups that keep us covered, but I really love rolling around and feeling soft grass all over, so I tried to take it off outside all the time. The fluffers at the big place always stopped me though.”

Zipperups probably meant something like a jumpsuit.
Makes sense.
They can’t really give clothes to each and every stray.
And the material might not be comfortable but it was rugged and it wouldn’t matter if they stained it.

“So the deer, er, I mean your fluffer, she gave you that dress?”

And skulks around to see if you try it on or not.
Or maybe she just liked to see you naked.

“Anyhow, I hope the jacket isn’t too hot or uncomfortable for now.”

Maurie looked down and swished her hips back and forth, feeling the fabric rub up against her.
”It’s a little warm but my legs are free so it’s not bad. Besides…”
She pulled the collar up and smushed it up against her nose.
”It smells really good, Anon,” she said, a hazy look coming over her for a moment.
Hm, must be nice detergent.
You wouldn’t know.
You might be nose blind compared to Maurie.
Either way, it’ll do for now.

“Alright, I’ll be finished in a bit. Be good, okay?”

You went back to your lunch without much more and Maurie decided not to bug you.
She instead went to explore around the kitchen, not going farther than the hallways where she had sightline toward you.
A few times Maurie came over to see how close to being done you were, and you could tell by the way she shifted her weight she wanted to say something but choose not to.
No sense in asking, as you were pretty sure she was just impatient to play, but it was good to see she could respect boundaries of sorts.
She wasn’t an animal, but you wouldn’t say she was a child either.
You tipped your bowl back, finishing off the last of your meal.

That did make you think though…
If Maurie was a typical human in this world, that meant nobody could help you.
But more than that, it forced you to realize one thing.
You put your face in your hands and groaned.

“I’m a goddamn pet.”

You let out a long breath.
Everything made a lot more sense now.
It didn’t make it BETTER but you’d take being a cat or dog in this world over being a meal some dog demon kept around.
But you were still a pet.
You crossed your fingers in front of your mouth and leaned your elbows on the table.
A pet with an owner who had a short fuse.
That was the problem, and the deer was pretty mean sounding too at times, though to a lesser extent.

Your gaze drifted over to Maurie, who had found a bar of soap by the kitchen sink
She rotated it around as she looked at it and gave if a sniff.
Would she be okay?
Should you do something to help her?
Maurie would be staying with the deer so you couldn’t really watch over her.
Then again, it’s not like you could really stop either creature if they really wanted to hurt her.
But the deer wasn’t nearly as bad.
When she was alone with you, she seemed calmer, even a bit sensual strangely enough.
Maurie was a girl so she wouldn’t be molested.
She’d need to be cautious but she was in a much safer situation.
Maybe she could take care of herself?

“Anon, I found a snacky!” Maurie called out, holding up the bar of soap.
She took a bite and chewed with a bright smile on her face, just as you’d opened your mouth to say something.
Maurie’s chewing stopped and the look of happiness on her face dissolved away.
She turned to the bar of soap, a jagged bite mark taken out of the corner and a look of pure betrayal came across her face.
“Waaaghh, isch baad,” she said, bubbles flying out of her mouth.

Maybe she’d need some help.


The guest room on the upper floor of the house always made you feel at ease.
A desk sat a small distance away from the bed, next to a window facing the driveway.
You’d sit and glance through books you couldn’t read, but as long as you left the window open a crack, you could hear the dog come home and look out to know exactly how much time you had to put everything back.
There were even a few stowed treat boxes that hadn’t been found yet and a few cans of food under the bed.
Granted they were cans of pizza sauce and you had nothing to open them with.
But it felt RIGHT.
Someday the dog would get fed up and choose not to feed you, but you’d just laugh and slurp up pizza-y goodness.

For now, you had some tests you put Maurie through in front of you.
You picked up one of the sheets, a basic addition and subtraction exercise set you made, and turned it sideways.

“Maurie, what did you draw on this?”

The girl bounced on the bed, the red jacket she now owned resting on her shoulders and a bright smile on her face.
She’d also picked out a pair of bicycle shorts which you’d never wore, saying she liked stuff that felt good on her skin.
”It’s you me and mama.”

What? No, that’s clearly a shoe and a—
You flipped it upside down.
There it is.
Before you, across your carefully penned math problems, was a somewhat childish picture of two humans and a deer person all hugging and laying down on a bed, cuddling.
Shit… that’s actually really cute. Maurie was real sweet.

”Turn it over.”
You flipped the page and saw what looked like two humans, one bent over and on their hands and knees, while the second kneeled behind them and was thrusting into their backside.
There were hearts all over the page.
”We’re making each other feel good!”
Your eye twitched.
You crumpled up the sheet and tossed it in the wastebasket.

Maurie hopped down and grabbed the sheet out of the trash, giving a dirty look as she straightened it out on her chest.
You sighed.
Whatever, it was just a drawing.
What’s important is that you found out math was beyond her, or at the very least, she was completely illiterate.
You picked up the second sheet, a coloring page featuring some strange human cartoon characters.
Maurie had carefully colored inside the lines and even added a few small details to the scene that the lineart hadn’t dictated, like a bow tie and small hair accents.
Nothing crazy but she had surprised you.
Part of you expected her to hand it back with a bunch of colorful scribbles or covered in drool.

This gave you a much better idea of where she lay in terms of intelligence.
It also told you she had as much dexterity as you, if not a little more.
She seemed able to smell things better too—she’d found your canned food almost right away.
You’d have to share.
She made you promise.
No matter…

You steepled your fingers and hummed to yourself.
This was good but you had so many questions still.
Humans in this world could develop language but not writing, and had, despite humanities clear evolutionary deficiencies, managed to—
You heard a faint squish from behind, making you pause.
No, don’t get distracted.
Maurie probably found a bug or something.

You took a breath, concentrating again.
Here, animal people were the dominant ones, maybe causing human evolution to stifle by breeding them as pets.
But how deep did this rabbit hole go…
And Maurie… could you even come to understand how her mind works?
Between her playfulness and innocence, she had an eye for detail, the drawing proves as much.
What kind of secrets could humans discover they could commune with these other humans?
It could—
You heard a wet slick sound and Maurie let out a little eep.
It could answer some of the age old questions, like where—
Another squish sound made your ears twitch.
Like where we come from, or what it means to be truly huma—
A breathy moan came from behind.

Okay, what the hell!?

You turned and locked eyes with Maurie, the girl beet red in the face and her hand down the front of her pants, working it back forth.
She squirmed, legs giving little twitches as her toes curled.
Maurie looked up at you with hazy eyes and gave you a loopy looking smile.

“Mmn, hiyah, An-non. You ready t-to play yet? Ah!”


Be Maurie a little while ago.
You smoothed out the drawing of you, Anon and Mama, looking it over to make sure it wasn’t smudged or ripped.
You frowned and hugged it close to your chest, looking over at Anon.
Why would he toss it out like that? You made it just for him.
Does he not like you?
It was rare, but you’ve seen humans push each other away when they came over to feel good together.
You crossed your legs on the bed and looked down at your new pants—’blew jeames’, Anon called them.
The red jacket, which was now yours, rest on your torso, still having that light warm musky scent like a hug from a boy human.
You ran your hands across your pants, feeling the ridges and tracing your fingers around the pocket lining.
A smile crept onto your face and you pulled your knees to your chest.
No, Anon didn’t hate you. He was nice and you could tell he was looking out for you.
Something else was wrong.

You looked up at his back, gaze wandering over those broad shoulders and that short hair that smelled like shampoo if you got close enough to smell it.
A tingling sensation sparked in your chest and you squirmed a bit.
Your breathing hitched as a warm feeling spread through your tummy, traveling lower.
Yesterday had been busy.
There was so much cool and fun stuff that you didn’t take care of your urges like you usually do!
Anon studied your coloring page, and leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling.

You didn’t want to bother him.
Nonny was super smart, so whatever he was thinking about was probably important.
It was a good time to take care of yourself.
Maybe he’d even make himself feel good too before you went to play?
You shivered as you imagined watching him, stroking his boy part.
You’ll ask if he can show you—you’d seen a lot of males at the big place but you wanted to see what his looked like.

Your hand traveled downward and you unbuttoned your pants, sliding the little zipper to give you better access.
Normally you’d take everything off, but right now the clothes felt good on your skin, and their smell made you feel tingly.
Your middle finger travelled toward your special place and you slid it along your outer lips.
A long, breathy sigh left you as the familiar sensation drifted through your body.
It really had been a while.
You’d get grabby after another day and Anon didn’t like that, so you needed to take care of this for sure.
You leaned back against the pillows on the headboard, savoring the feeling as your finger rubbed little circles around your entrance.
A touch of slipperiness touches on the back of your hand, which means you can start doing the best part!
You bite your lip some while your finger pushes inside, just a little push, until the tingles slow down.
You probed a few times at the entrance, savoring the first taste of what was to come, then pushed in, feeling the small ridges and bumps as you went deeper.
Your finger came back all wet and warm before you plunged in again, this time forcing a small gasp out of yourself.
Another one, you thought to yourself. Another finger. Now.
A small squelch noise met your ears as your pointer finger joined in, stretching your folds further.
You let out a hot breath and slowed, trying to steady yourself.
Your chest felt hot and tight, like you’ve been playing chase all day, and the tingling made you feel dizzy for a moment.
That was a little stronger than you were expecting…
But you didn’t have that much time and you wanted to be ready to follow when Anon got up.
You shoved both fingers deep inside, slowly but surely heading as far as you could go.
Pleasure rolled through your hips, making your legs shudder.
Your insides felt hot and wet around your fingers, gripping tight around them for more of the tingling.
You pulled out, then in again, unable to keep a steady pace as your body screamed for more, yet quickly found itself overwhelmed in seconds.
You worked your fingers back and forth, pausing in your rhythm now and again to rub the outside of your entrance with your whole hand before diving back inside.
The pumping became faster and you felt the warmth spread from your core toward your chest and your face.
Everything felt hot and you squirmed against your clothes, feeling the softness cuddling your chest.
You didn’t know they could be so tickly and good.
You arched your back, pushing your hips forward, trying to push your fingers deeper.
No matter how good you got, you always wanted to reach farther, feel all the way inside.
Instead you settled for speeding up.
Your hips settled back down and you bit your lip, switching fingers and teasing the outside.
You can’t focus on anything anymore, just whatever makes you feel the fuzziest.
You let out a moan, feeling a pressure building in your center, deep down inside you.
Close… getting closer.
Not much longer.
Your thumb moved up towards the sensitive nub above your entrance and rubbed small circles on the hood.
Pleasure rolled through you like lightning and you gasped, feeling suddenly breathless as you squirmed.
Your mind wandered as you focused, driving closer and closer to the final crescendo.
The first moments when your mama took you home came to the forefront of your imagination.
You loved her so much for wanting you.
You cuddled on the couch that first day, television droning in the background as you nuzzled into her lap with your torso.
Mama ran her hands across your long hair, combing through it as she looked down at you.
The two of you felt so close, her warmth spreading into your chest and making you feel safe and cared for.
So this is what it’s like to have a home, you’d thought.
The pleasure rose as you imagined it had gone different after that, her hand wandering down to your chest or between your legs.

Movement caught your eyes and you blinked away the haze to see Anon staring at you, a blank stare on his face.
You squirmed, legs giving little twitches as your toes curled.
You looked at up at him with unfocused eyes and smiled.

“Mmn, hiyah, An-non. You ready t-to play yet? Ah!”

He stared open mouth for a moment before speaking.
“Maurie, what what the heck are you doing?”

”I wanted to feel g-good,” you said, slowing a bit but still coaxing yourself closer to the edge.
”Yesterday there was so much going on when Mama took me home. I didn’t really have time, nnnf. I don’t normally go a whole day without making myself feel good, so the warm feeling is really strong and I had to do something.”

Anon’s face reddened and he turned away.

You furrowed your brow, hand hesitating.

“Huh? But why?”

“Just,” he said. “It’s not… just not in front of me, okay? Please?”

You frowned.
Why would Anon tell you not to feel good?
You don’t always understand things, but this was a good thing, you knew it was.
Why would it feel so nice if it wasn’t okay?
All the humans at the big place did it.
Granted you did it a little more but… this was the first time.

Anon shifted in his chair and your eyes drifted down, noticing a tent in his pants.
But…! He was mad at you just now for needing to feel good!
If he needs do it too then why did he...
Your mouth dropped open as everything fell into place.
A smirk grew on your face and you fought back the urge to giggle.


Be Anon
Holy hell, Maurie was just masterbating, and right there in front of you no less.
She’s at that age when hormones were raging, you suppose.
Nothing wrong with taking care of yourself really and learning how your body worked, but she needed to learn some damn modesty.
You shifted in your seat, feeling the uncomfortable stiffness in your pants, which showed no signs of going down.
Great… just great, now you have to wait for it to go down.

Maurie snickered and you snapped your gaze over to her.
She had her hands behind her back and a big, shit eating grin across her face.
The girl hummed a directionless tune, shifting hips back and forth.

You sighed.

“What, Maurie?”

”I know something Mr. Smarty Pants doesn’t know.”

You quirked an eyebrow at her.
”And what might that be?”

“You~” she said, booping you on the nose with a finger. “Don’t know how to make yourself feel good, and you’re too embarrassed to ask because you feel silly.”

Several seconds of silence filled the room as you stared blankly at Maurie.
Everything seemed to have stopped in your brain for those moments, only her humming running through your ears.
A glare slowly formed on your face.

“What the…? Maurie, I know how to masterbate.”

She put a hand to her mouth, as if considering it for a moment.
”Mastlerbasing is pretty smart BUT I know how to feel good,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.


“Maurie, it’s the same damn thing! Masterbating IS feeling good.”

Maurie blinked.
”Huh? Er, I knew that—I was testing you! But I don’t believe you, anyways. Show me you know how. I wanna see.”

“What the— no, i’m not showing you!”

She grinned smugly.
What the heck is going on?
No, Anon don’t rise to it.
She’s basically a kid, even if her body is close in age.
It’s not fair to get mad and—
You felt the button on your pants pop and a hand gently pull the zipper down.

“It’s okay, Anon,” Maurie said, seeing your startled expression. “I saw how other human guys did it. If you admit I’m smarter than you, I’ll show you how.”


“Anoooon, lemme out.”


Maurie pawed at the cage door, letting out a small whining sound.
You remained sitting in front of it, legs crossed, unmoved to her plight.
She brought this on herself.

”Anon, I’m sorry for being mean. I’ll be a good girl, I promise. I wanna playeeeeeee.”

You didn’t answer.
Instead you softly nudged your treat ball across the carpet toward your left.
Maurie’s whining stopped and her eyes locked onto the ball, her mouth slightly ajar.
You rolled the ball back to your right hand after a second and she flinched, letting out a small gasp.
A treat popped out.
Maurie gripped the bars tight and let out a small squeak.
You brought your hand down, slowly encircling the treat and picking it up then holding it up to the light
It was a yellowish tint this time, which meant it was one you’d normally throw out, but you took a moment to turn it in your hands as if appraising a gem.
Maurie’s tongue edged out, as if to lick it as you moved the treat toward your mouth.
You popped it in and started chewing.
Your least favorite; pineapple.
You kept your face steady and let out a long mmmmmmmm.

”Noooohohoho, Nonny pleeeease. I wanna play and have tasties with you!” Maurie said, squirming around on her knees as she held the bars.

You moved your hand over toward some blocks and nudged one.
It clicked into place by the magnet ridges.

“Ahhhh!” Maurie yelled, wrapping her arms around her head and throwing it back while she squirmed. “It looks so fun. Nonny please!”


“But why?” she said, squishing her face against the bars.

“Because this is time out. You were bad.”

”I’m sorry, Anon. I won’t do it again.”

“Do what again?”

”Try to grab at your no-go zones with my hands.”

You gave her a look.

”O-Or try to lick you. And to always wear clothes because Mama works hard to keep them clean so I can always look pretty.”

You nodded.


You rolled your treat ball again.

Maurie watched for a moment, kneading her hands together.
”Nonny?” Maurie said. “Can you open the cage now?”

“You still have two minutes left.”

Maurie flopped on her back and groaned.
”Aghhhh. When I get out I’m gonna play with you so hard that you’ll never wanna lock me up again!”

You held down a snicker.
How threatening.
You stood and stretched, feeling a few joints pop in your back, then meandered down the hall from your room to keep the deer and dog in earshot.
If you had to move her suddenly to keep her out of harm's way, you’d need an extra second to get her out of her tiny prison box.
Maurie had been coaxed into a human cage, similar to the dog crates back home but with a lot more sturdy bars.
The dog had actually put you in it on your first day here, but the only thing keeping you in had been two sliding bar latches that you could easily reach from inside.
Maurie had stared at the latches when you slid them in place but only pushed on the door before asking to be let out.
She probably didn’t know how to free herself.
You sat down near the top of the stairs, keeping some spare attention on the murmur of conversation drifting up toward you.

“What am I doing to do with this girl…?”

You turned your head slightly, watching her out of the corner of your eye.
Her nose scrunched as she stared at the latches.
She gave one a poke and you heard her grumble.
You hummed to yourself and turned back to look down the stairs.
The girl was clever, more so than a housepet for sure, but you suppose if humans could do everything fluffers could, they wouldn’t make good pets.
Maurie couldn’t use utensils properly, or unlock a door, but she could turn door handles and draw and color within the lines, so it was probably not a matter that she couldn’t learn things, just that nobody had shown her.
You nodded to yourself.
With a little bit of coaching, you could help her learn how to take care of herself.
Neither of you were food, you knew that much now, but that didn’t change how pissed off both your owners could be.
She had to know how to keep herself safe.

You glanced at your watch, taking note that it was time to let her out.
First up would be to show her how to undo the crate latches.

“Hey, Maurie, you did good. Stayed quiet and everythin—”

The crate door swung limply on it’s hinges, both latches having been slid open.
She poked her head around the corner, only half her face showing.
She tilted her head down and looking at you with a guilty, worried expression, one of your oversized teddy bears held in her arms.

You smiled.

“Clever girl…”


Be Korin.
You stared off at the adoption cages, twirling a bit of hair in your fingers and keeping your distance so as to try and avoid looking too interested.
The adoption had a cycle and swapped out humans every two days
You wanted to see if anybody adopted that one girl yet.
It was only out of curiosity of course.
You bit your lip.
Just curiosity, nothing more.

Sure enough, a Rhino fur walked in with ‘Humane Society’ printed on his shirt.
He held four leashes in one tight fist, each leading to a different human.
They tugged around in different directions, making excited squeals and ahs.
Their rambunctious squirming was mere child's play in his iron grip as he escorted them over to their cages.
Your heart lept as you saw a tan girl, wearing that same thin, white sundress, looking around with wide eyed wonder like a kit in a candy store.
The Rhino placed them in their cages, and the humans all got down to check out the various toys left for them to explore and play with.
The girl you’d been watching seemed to sense your stare and turned to look over at you.
Her face lit up and she let out a happy sound and pointed.
She ran over to the side of the cage, pawing at the clear glass
Your ears went back and you cursed under your breath.

“Don’t get so excited. I’m just curious, okay?” you said under your breath. “I’m here to get… more treats for Anon… who I don’t own.”

The girl seemed to deflate a bit and called out with an ‘ahnn’ when you didn’t come closer.
Your hands tightened on your purse strap.

“Stop looking at me like that, already. I can’t keep you where I live, and besides, we’re both girls. That’d… I’m not... It’d be weird!”

The girl tilted her head to the side, giving you an innocent look.
Great job Korin, you’re talking to an animal several feet away at normal volume.
She hasn’t a clue what’s going on.

“You know what? Screw this. If I keep staring at her then I’m going to do something stupid.”

You took a deep breath and headed for the front door, keeping your eyes straight ahead.
Don’t look anymore, Korin. You can’t just buy every cute thing you see.
She was really cute though, with that short black hair and the way the straps on her dress sometimes slip.
You chanced a glance over at the girl as you passed.
The girl stared back innocently, a curious look on her face.
You cursed under your breath and sped up.
Dammit, that was cute.
She put a hand to the glass and you heard her whine toward you in that sad ‘aahhnn’ humans sometimes did.
Your heart skipped a beat.
For a spare moment you had to fight the urge to run up and wrap her in your arms.
Your tail stiffened and you power walked out of the store.
”No, I can’t,” you said to yourself while you shook your head. “I couldn’t keep her if I wanted and she’s really cute but it’s so much work and even giving it this much thought is a bad idea and oh my god it would be so nice to cuddle with her and keep her safe…”
You trailed off and your walk slowed to a halt.
Your feet had hit the warm black parking lot pavement and your car was not but a few feet away.
Yet something held you there.
The image of the girl you just walked out on appeared in your mind.
Your heart ached as you remembered her forlorn face, hand reaching out for you as you walked right by her.
Abandoning her.
You turned and swallowed, taking one last look over toward the large store window.
The little human girl peared at you from inside, eyes just barely making the windowsill.
A feeling you couldn’t describe welled in your chest.

You walked back in.


A loud buzzer echoed in the small laundry room, giving you a start.
Right… her dress, you thought to yourself.
You bent down, popping open the dryer door and grabbed the clumped up fabric.
The dress had lost the bright stain from tomato soup earlier and you rubbed your thumb over the soft, warm cloth.
A smile crossed your lips.
Maurie would probably worm around in it a bit.
You could still remember, your mother used to give you your PJs right after they came out of the dryer.
She would time it so they came out right before bed, and you’d snuggle under the covers, feeling the toasty warmth of your footie pajamas against your coat.
You headed out into the kitchen, dress in hand, and stopped just inside the archway.
Maurie and Anon were nowhere to be seen, and their plates had even been put up on the counter.

Hm, Sam must have cleared the table already.
You headed down to your friend’s room, keeping your ears out for any sound of either of your pets.
The house was quiet.

Sam sat cross legged on her queen sized bed, her pet guide open in her lap with several sticky notes peeking out from between pages.
She popped a cap on a pen and scribbled something down on a notepad to her side.
You stopped in the doorway, tapping your knuckles against the open door.
Sam looked up at you.

“Hey how are the two cuties doing with lunch? They done yet or…”
She trailed off as her eyes caught sight of the dress in your paw.
”Oh, uh, you’re not letting her wear clothes?” Sam said, clearing her throat and blushing.
”If you’re sure…”

You blinked.


Sam gave a shrug and a kind of crooked, unsure smile.
The sort of smile a mother gives when her son when he declares he’s to art school instead of studying engineering like she’d hoped.
“Anon gets pretty self-conscious without them is all, but er, Maurie is pretty free-spirited so I suppose maybe she’s content like that? I guess if you want to look at your pet, you want to look at you pet. It’s just with Anon in the house I thought—”

“No— I… What?” you sputtered.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out where she was going with this.

“Sam, she got soup all over her clothes so I had to wash them. I’m looking for her now so I can dress her, dammit. And what does Anon have to do with it?”

Sam cringed.
“Well I mean he’s a healthy male,” she said, pausing and looking at you meaningfully.
“And Maurie is a young female who’s not wearing anything in front of him, and is right at the tail end of puberty which causes hormones to rage...”

The gears began to click in your head.
That’s right.

“Uh… we should stop that… you know before he puts a bun in the oven and stuff.”

Sam bit her lip.
Her eyes glazed over and stared off into space in a way that told you her mind was elsewhere.
The short giggle a second after told you that elsewhere was probably something to do with Anon.
Dammit, you don’t have time for this.
You were gonna have to pry them off each other at this rate if you don’t get moving.

“Sam!” you snapped.


“Stop fantasizing about little human kits and help me.”

Sam bit her lip.
“Oooh, but Korin, they’d be so small and cute. I’d—Oh my gosh, it’d be like having little grandkits running around but so much cuter!”
She put her paws to her face, eyes nearly tearing up as she squirmed in place.

You groaned and leaned against the doorframe, rubbing your temples.

“Sam, I don’t want Maurie getting scared or anything here. She’s just a teenage human. Poor girl probably doesn’t even know what sex is and Anon’s a real nice pet but he can’t help it.”

Sam looked at you and tilted her head a bit.
“Oh… true. My little Nonny will be having all those urges. It’s one of the reasons the book recommended teaching…”
A tinge of pink formed on her cheeks and her eyes shot wide.
”T-Teaching… THINGS!”

“Like fucking them?”

Sam yipped and gave a little jump.
”No! Something else!”

Yeah, it was fucking.

“Well Maurie will be learning all about those super secret ‘things' if we don’t get some ice water and douse them soon.”

Sam frowned.
”But… Nonny might hate me,” she said, then looked at you with a flimsy, hopeful smile.
“I mean, what’s the harm with letting them do it the one time? You can’t just make a baby the first time, right? I bet if we just wait he’ll get bored and not even—”


She teared up and stared at you for a moment as she’d been slapped and you gave her a look that said, ‘you know what you’re doing’.
Sam whined and put her face in her paws.
“I’ll get the spray bottle.”


Be Sam.
The house lay eerily quiet as the two of you peeked around the corner toward your guest room.
Maurie sat on the queen sized bed, legs crossed, a quaint little smile on her face.
She hummed to herself and bobbed back and forth to an unheard beat, the very picture of a jovial and content pet.
Which was… surprising, in a word.
You’d expected to find her backed into a corner, frightened and confused at Anon’s advances.
Though, she was at that age when humans got really feisty according to your book so who knows.
Some humans were… very eager pleasers.
Though you’d only heard that and it totally had no bearing on why you’d bought Anon—NOPE.
Nonny’s were for pure handholding and not for sexuals.

Anyways, you thought you’d have to make sure that was the case between Maurie and him.
Gotta keep your cutie pure and stop him from getting distracted by any silly human girls.

Instead of being pinned and mewling under him though, Maurie had been, of all things, fully dressed, wearing blue jeans and a baggy red jacket.
From this angle you couldn’t see your boy, but he’d been spotted handing some paper to her to color on.
You smiled to yourself and a happy feeling welled in your chest.
That was so precious.
Here you two were worried, and he’d fallen into a doting older brother role.

Though, you do wonder where the clothes came from.
Maurie supposedly only had the dress according to Korin, so that would have to mean she got them from Anon’s spares.
But surely she could sense his scent on them, like humans do.
Taking them would be a challenge to Anon, a local alpha, yet she just sat there, looking them over like prized possessions.
Or gifts.

You furrowed your brow.
Did he give her those?
You’d never heard of a human dressing another, let alone gifting them clothes.
But Anon was a weird one.
He knew how to dress himself flawlessly so it would have had to be him… you remember Korin telling you how her morning had gone just trying to get Maurie to put on panties.
Maybe female humans were just fussier… Anon never gave you any trouble.
Then again, Anon never let you near him in the first place.

Your heart sank a bit at that, but you cleared your throat and focused.
Part of being a good Mama to your boy was discipline.
A nervous flutter in your stomach rose up and you wonder if you could really do anything like that.

You heard Anon crumple one of the papers and Maurie let out a squawk before hopping down and going to him.
Aw, she drew you something, Nonny.
Don’t be mean.

Korin shifted to your right and grumbled under her breath.

“Darnit, can’t see either of them now.”

You glanced over to her and the giant super soaker in her hands.
”I feel really stupid right now by the way, you know that, Sam?” she said, gesturing to the water gun. “What the heck is up with this huge thing? It must be thirty pounds and it’s not even full.”

You gave her a sheepish smile.

“I uh, couldn’t find the spray bottle.”

”So you grabbed this? Sam we’re trying to make sure they don’t make any pups, not wash them down the stairs.”

“Well what do you want me to do? They’re being too quiet right now for me to get downstairs without them hearing.”

”Whatever just…” Korin trailed off, watching Maurie hop back up on the bed.
The human smoothed out a piece of paper, and after being satisfied that it had been saved, she turned her attention to her clothes.
Her fingers traced little trails across the seams a fascinated look on her face.
“I don’t want anything to happen to Maurie and I don’t want to scare her either.”

You pursed your lips.
Yeah… you wouldn’t want to do it either.
Anon was your world; You’d never do anything to hurt him.
But it was your job to teach them right from wrong and be firm now and again.

You put a hand on your friend's shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze.

“It’s fine. They’re good pets. If nothing has happened yet, they’re probably not going to do anything we have to step in for, alright?”

”... you think so?” she said, giving you a hopeful look.

“Yeah.” you said, your voice taking on a more positive tone. “Nothing sexual is gonna happen at all. Just you watch.”


Sexual things happened.

Maurie arched her back as a wave of pleasure rolled through her.
She shivered and scrunched her face in concentration, trying to throw herself off that final orgasmic ledge.
Little gasps traveled down the hall and burned in your ears.

Be Korin.
Sweat poured down your face and you bit your lip, suppressing a small shudder that ran up your spine.
Oh sweet furry jesus.
Your little girl was… was…
You let out a long hot breath, feeling your heartbeat thud in your chest.
This was LEWD!


Your friend stared down the hall right beside you, eyes wide with a faint red tint coloring her cheeks.
She didn’t turn when she spoke.

“This is pretty sexual.”

”...s-so it would appear.”

“Like, really sexual.”

She grunted in response.

“Like this is cute too, sure, but it’s not the type of cute you put on human Ewetube channels. This is the kind of ‘cute’ people post to /skn/.”

You heard her swallow.
She snapped head toward you.
“Wait, you go to /skn/?”

“…M-Maybe sometimes.”

Sam crossed her arms and gave you an accusing look.
”Korin, how could you? That place is for degenerates!”

Maurie let out a light moan, a small squeak from this far away, and threw her head back.
A moan bubbled up in your throat.
This was… oh boy, this was really a bit much.
And where the heck was Anon in all of this!
You couldn’t see around the doorway but you thought he was sitting at the desk last, right?
Did he sneak out the window?!

”Well,” Sam said, licking her lips. “We can try spraying her with cold water I guess… She has to learn she can’t do that in front of other pets, especially male ones.”

You nodded.

“Right that’s—that’s what we came for. Of course.”

You angled the gun toward the girl and you brushed your finger across the trigger.
Should you go in there and scold her first maybe?
Would she listen?
It was notoriously hard to get humans to stop rutting once they got into it, you knew that much.
They had really strong libidos sometimes.
No, she’d think you were playing and she might start running around.
You don’t want to get EVERYTHING in the room wet if you can help it, and she had to know this wasn’t how to behave, especially in front of a male.

Sam noticed your hesitation.
”What are you doing?” she said in a harsh whisper. “You were the one who yelled at me for second guessing this earlier.”

“I know, I know. Just shut up, okay? I’ve got this.”

”Do you?”

“Yes. Just let me aim, okay!”

Your fingers trailed over the trigger and a knot formed in your stomach.
You imagined soaking Maurie through her new clothes, watching her turn to you in confusion.
You’d try to scold her, tell her what she was doing was bad but her face alone would make the words catch in your throat.
Tears would form in her eyes and she’d let out a hurt sob.
Would she feel like she was being punished just for doing what felt natural to her?
Maybe she’d hide from you like Anon did to Sam.
Your little Maurie, too afraid to come snuggle up to you—it’d be horrible.
No… you’re not going to take that chance.
You sniffled and your arms felt weak.
The squirt gun muzzle dropped.


You shut your eyes.
D-Don’t do it you silly fur!
Don’t you dare cry!


You burst out crying.

“I can’t doooooo it!!”

Sam slapped her hand over your mouth, muffling your sobbing.
Maurie didn’t seem to notice.

”Korin, get a hold of yourself! We have to—”

“Venn voo do et,” you said through her palm and shoved the gun toward her.

You crossed your arms under your chest.
You were not a good pet mama.
Who cares!
You weren’t gonna be the one to make Maurie sad—NOPE.

Sam moved her hand away and narrowed her eyes at you.
”Fine I’ll just… go in there, grab Nonny by the hand and take him downstairs instead.”
She turned toward the guest room doorway and paused.
You could see her mouth move, as if to say something and she swallowed.
”I mean… he’s afraid of me either way and all that so this will just set me back like usual, you know? He’ll just…”

You didn’t say anything.
Your pet had broken you, weathered you down with cuteness and smiles and innocent curious looks.
Let her masterbate.
So what if other furs would raise a fuss?
You’ll fight ‘em.

”I gotta be a good owner,” Sam repeated to herself. “He’ll just not understand that and I… I don't’ know if...”
Sam sat there for a moment, rising then going back to her haunches several times.
You could see the gears shifting in her mind, running through iterations of how she could speak to him and scold him if he resisted being moved.
That far off, dreamy look came over her and she bit her lip.
She looked on the edge of crying then, and took a final, deep, sobbing breath.
Then the dam burst.
“I caaaan’t do that to hiiiiim! He’ll be scared and h-haate me!”
She put her head in her paws.

You groaned, drew your knees up and flopped her face into your crossed arms.
Oh neat. Now you’re both hopeless cases.

“Sam, for the love of furry jesus, get ahold of yourself,” you said in a monotone, only half meaning it.

”But I jus’ wanna hold him. J-just onehahahahaauunnnce.”

A part of you wanted to tell her how stupid she sounded.
But as you glanced over to your little girl, now squabbling with Anon over something, you knew exactly how she felt.


You’d both learned a valuable lesson that day.
Both of you now owned pets and found them extremely adorable—to a crippling and concerning degree in fact.
And both of you had no ability to discipline them

You’d stayed silent after you’d both realized this, watching Maurie masterbate from afar, telling yourself that you could step in if you were REALLY needed.
The two squabbled over something, probably a toy or maybe a particular coloring marker they both wanted.
Maurie tried to pull Anon’s pants down and was instead pulled into Anon’s room by her ear.
Then locked in a crate while he played with toys in front of her.
Needless to say that was… concerning.
Also made you think…
You’ve never seen a human display that kind of behavior.
The best you could figure was that it was a dominance display but yet he’d given her clothes didn’t he?
What exactly went on in Anon’s little noggin anyhow…
You shook your head.
You’re overthinking this; He’s just a human.
It was just mean either way, doing that to another pet.

A little voice had yelled at you to go in there and stop their behavior and put them in time out or flick their ear, or scold them or SOMETHING before this become normal for them.
But every time you played it through your head you couldn’t bare to go through with it.
Neither of you wanted to be the mean parent.

And so, the both of you snuck down to the kitchen, put on a pot of coffee, and stared around the room you’d both seen a millions times.

“So…” Sam said.
You could tell by her tone it was an empty word, just something that said she thought it was time to talk but wasn’t quite ready yet.
She cleared her throat and warmed her palms against her steaming coffee mug, barely a sip taken from it while you continued to idly swirl a spoon through your own cup.


Neither of you felt like talking yet.
Between you lay the kind of silence of two siblings, who had just caught their parents fucking and decided against all sense to watch them.
Or maybe in this case watch them NOT fuck?

At the very least, things had been educational.
They both knew how to use the latches now.
Maurie learned by watching Anon.
That added to the feeling of helplessness.
Anon is, in fact, not strange and retarded.
He’s just strange.

And Maurie—
The girl had no self control whatsoever.
Or no sense.
And Anon had no clue how to communicate in a healthy way with her at all.
He just got frustrated.
Neither of you had to consult the behavior manual for this one.
It was obvious.

“So, they both have behavior issues and we’re too afraid to tell them no,” Sam said in a distant sounding tone.

You licked your lips.


The distant wail of glee followed by a crash of some sort of lamp or vase echoed through the house.
Sam gingerly sipped from her mug.
”We should do something about it.”


More bickering and squeals of annoyance drifted down to you.
Hm, they were fighting again.

”I wish we could just… take them to a training school of some kind. Let someone else be the bad guy, but who also knows what they’re doing and can teach them right from wrong. And it’d give ‘Non and Maurie something do during the day maybe, like a day care.”

“Mm, seems obvious, doesn’t it?”

You sat up and tilted your head.
Sam blinked and pursed her lips.

“Obvious enough to be a thing…” you said.

It was strange how in quiet moments, sparks of brilliance come.
Because as it turns out, someone in town indeed had a training day care.
After a quick phone call and an email with some paperwork to hand in when you got there, you had appointments to drop off Anon and Maurie at ‘Daisy’s Training School for humans.’

You hung up the phone, did a little excited hop and high fived Sam.

“This was gonna be great! They’ll love it!”


Pub: 02 Sep 2024 07:36 UTC
Views: 292