I wasn't always this gay
It happened like most things in my life do
All of a sudden and without warning
It was a few months ago
When I first got my human, I was told he might take a few weeks to warm up to me
Being a crocodile, I'm not the most friendly looking thing on the planet
and my size doesn't help either
When I adopted Anon, I wasn't looking for a fuckbuddy, I just wanted someone I could talk to and love
Not that kind of love you sicko, platonic love
When I first brought him home, he was a little scared of me, but wamed up within a few days rather than the few weeks I was told to expect
He was super friendly, constantly begging for attention
Sometimes he would even lick my legs and belly
Not gonna lie, I enjoyed it, but it was uncomfortable
But one evening, I was just out of the shower and air drying on my bed
Great feeling, if you haven't tried it
So Anon, the clever bastard he is, opened my door and walked in
I don't have an issue, I'm just relaxing and enjoying myself
He hopped up on the bed next to me and started doing the whole sniffing thing
Smelling and licking various bits of me
My neck
My arms
My belly
He kept going lower down my body
Sniffing at my slit, he seemed really interested down there
I stared at him, not sure what to do
Then he gave me a long lick across my vent
Not gonna lie, at that point in my life I was a kissless virgin, and feeling someone else down there was mesermising
I still tried to shoo him off though, as amazing as that felt, it was just too weird
Anon was a persistent bugger though, and no matter what I did, he kept his tongue firmly planted on my vent
He slid his hands over my scutes, feeling up my smooth scales
I gave up struggling and relaxed, letting it hapen
This was far from illegal, and hell it was commonplace to make love to your human in most places
My little trooper poked its head out and Anon went nuts
Lapping and sucking on my head like it was the only think keeping him in this world
Pretty soon, the rest of my dick followed suit, the curved rod poking right into Anon's mouth
He was a little shocked by the sudden intrusoin, but recovered almost immediately
Sucking on the stiff hooded flesh, slipping his tongue through the contours of what you might call my 'head'
I'd like to say I was able to keep up with his methods
I'd like to say I lasted for a long time
But the truth of it is I blew my load as soon as I felt his tongue hook under my tip
Surprisingly, Anon took it like a professional, pulling back, and suckling on my tip, swallowing my seed as it came

"Jesus Christ, Anon... where'd you learn to do that"

He just grinned at me, a sliver of cum in the corner of his lips
Still high on hormones and the afterglow, I leaned to him

"Anon, you missed a spot"

Licking the cum off his face, I pulled him onto me, pressing my scaled muzzle to his soft lips
Pressing my tongue into his mouth, I was able to taste myself mixed with his sweet saliva
We kissed for a long time
Passionately at first, then cooling down to tenderly as we relaxed in each other's arms

Pub: 02 Sep 2024 07:42 UTC
Views: 151