


“Still no.”

“Pretty please with a cherry on top?”


Kronii closes her eyes and rubs her temples.

“Kronii, it’s the only day the both of us are free… I’m sorry about the sudden change of plans…”

They actually had a date planned a week ahead of time for once, but IRyS has to do some sudden recordings on the same day they were planning on. After checking their schedules, only one other day lines up when they’re both free.

“IRyS, the places we were planning on are closed that day”

Kronii can hear frustrated noises coming from the other side of the phone.

“That’s why I’m saying we should do a sleepoverrrrrrrrrr…”

Kronii sighs, “You’re already pushing it by making me call you when we’re not even streaming…”

Now she hears IRyS tossing and turning, she’s probably lying on her bed.

“Why are you so against a sleepover?” Her angry voice is just too cute.

“It’s not that I’m against it, it’s just…”

“I even have some really cute pajamas!”

Kronii remembers IRyS sent her some pictures of clothes she bought the other day. “Tell me which ones you like the most!” she says, trying to know more of the clock’s tastes in a very discreet way. They are really cute now that she sees them in her mind.

Kronii finally replies, “That’s exactly why I don’t want to.”

More angry noises.

“What’s wrong with some cute pajamas?!”

Kronii whispers, “…I won’t be able to control myself…”

“…You won’t be able to what?”

Did I really just say that. Kronii tries to correct herself.

“…I uh… won’t be able to stay awake… because I’ll be pretty… bored…”

Perfect landing.

“Oh don’t you worry, I won’t let you sleep that night.”

Kronii facepalms, “…But why do you have to say it like that…?”

She can hear IRyS fumbling to explain, “NO, I mean… Playing games! Wait, what did you think I was…? N-NO, NOT THAT.”


“Yeah! We could play so many games, like M—”

Kronii glares at the imaginary IRyS standing in front of her. “Don’t you dare say Monopoly.”

“M-Mario… Kart…”

Kronii stays silent.


“Oh don’t start sounding sad on me.”

Kronii knows this is just acting, IRyS has done this quite a few times.

Sniff I-I really wanted to go out on a sniff date with you… It’s been so long… Sigh

Clear crocodile tears, this is just to try to convince her.


She’s standing her ground this time, the only answer IRyS is getting is “No”.

“I-I thought… Maybe a sleepover would be okay… I just… Really wanted to see you…”

Kronii’s heart can’t help but react. …MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN…


Too bad she loves her too much to actually deny her.

“Yaaaay! Don’t forget to bring some extra clothes, okay?”

The mood change was as instant as Kronii expected, and yet she can’t be mad at her for too long.

“…I’ll see you at your home then…”

“Aw, Kronii, you already know this is your home to—”

Kronii hangs up.

“I really wish she’d think before she speaks…” She says that but she’s happy deep inside.

She paces around in her bedroom, staring at the clothes she tried to pick. She grabs them to look at herself in the mirror over and over again. Putting aside the poses she makes to check herself out, she can’t decide on what to wear.

“Well… It’s a sleepover, so I won’t need something fancy, right?”

She looks at herself with more casual clothes. “She might not even have an outfit prepared, since it’s her… her home…”

Just thinking about it makes her blush. It’s not even the first time she stays over at IRyS’ and yet she can’t get used to it no matter what. “Why am I like this…” She accelerates her pace, getting her workout for the day done.

“It’ll be fine, I’m fine… It’s not like it’s been… weeks… since I’ve seen her in person…”

She takes a deep breath and grabs the outfit she thought was the simplest. “…It’s not a big deal. It’s IRyS, she’s not going to judge…”

She looks at herself in the mirror again, “S-she won’t, right?”

She tries the other outfits again.

“…I still have a few days to decide…”

“I’m coming over, then.”

“You sure you don’t want to meet up halfway?”

“…It’s fine…”

“Then I’ll see you at home!”

Kronii hangs up and keeps walking. “At home, it's your home…”

She shakes her head. “Why am I getting so worked up about that?” She takes her bag and covers her face with it to try to calm down.

Kronii realizes what she’s doing and lowers her bag. She notices other pedestrians looking at her, she tries to make her best poker face and accelerates her pace. This only makes them wonder even more about what kind of person would fluster this woman so much. She takes shortcuts she thinks will help her avoid people. Some alleyways, an empty park… She says they’re shortcuts, but they’re making her take more time than by following the normal route.

“Wow I’m just… so good…”

She pulls out her phone to text her.

Hey, I’ll be a bit late.

It’s fine! I’ll wait for you <3

She closes her eyes. She wonders how a simple heart inside a text message could manage to fluster her. “I need to calm down.”

She looks around to find her bearings, she spots a cake store nearby.

“I’m gonna have to make up for being late and all.”

She walks towards it. “Might as well.”

She heads inside, the change in temperature makes her shiver a little.

“Welcome! How can I help you?” A store clerk greets her.

“Hello… I’m looking for some cakes…”

…What else would you look for in a cake store, dammit, Kronii…

The clerk smiles at her, “You’ve come to the right place!”

“Um… yeah.”

Stop being awkward, stop being awkward, stop being awkward…

She decides to not look at the clerk’s face anymore and starts checking out what’s in store.

“Anything you have in mind?”

“Uh… Do you have… strawberry meringue?”

“Sure we do!”

She walks to the other side of the counter, where a few more cakes are on display. “We also have other fruity pastries if you’re interested”


The clerk grabs it and bags it up.

“Anything else?”

Still refusing to face the clerk, she focuses on the cakes.

“Yeah, could I have… Uhh…”

Kronii begins to sweat.

…Wait, what does IRyS like?

Her eyes dart around, looking at all the pastries available. She can’t remember if IRyS ever told her what cakes she prefers. She scratches her head.

I should text her… Wait, no, that would ruin the surprise…

“Something wrong, miss?”

“Oh! Nothing, nothing… Um… You said you have more fruity pastries?”

“Yep! Let me show you.”

I’m sure she likes fruity stuff, I think…

While showing her what they have, Kronii seems to struggle to pick anything.

This is just making me take even longer, just pick something, Kronii.

The clerk notices how focused her customer is, she laughs a little while Kronii carefully inspects each cake.

“Is this for someone else?”

Kronii freezes at the question, she only manages to make a slight smile in response. “Y-yeah… Was it that obvious?”

She laughs some more. “Not really, no… But I have noticed other customers have trouble while picking something for their partner. They must feel really lucky looking at how much effort you’re putting into this!”

Kronii can feel the blood rushing to her face.

“O-oh! Y-yeah, uhh… no, it’s not like that…”

The clerk can tell she’s lying but decides to play along. “I’m SO sorry, miss.” She gives a light bow as an apology.

She goes back to picking something for IRyS. Now without thinking, she buys another strawberry cake, this time a shortcake. Even the clerk finds it a bit weird but decides to support her decision.

“Oh, this one’s a favorite of one of our regulars now that I think about it. It should be fine if you pick this!”

“Really…? I’ll take it then.”

She buys the cakes and turns around to leave.

“Thank you! Have a nice day!”

“Y-you too.”

The clerk watches Kronii as she leaves the store without looking back. “Hope your special someone likes the cake!”

Kronii manages to hear that and walks even faster. She smirks to herself.

I’m never coming back to that shop.

She finally arrives at IRyS’ place, she knocks on the door and the nephilim opens it with a smile on her face.

“Kroniichiwa, Kronii! Oh you look so good!”

IRyS takes a moment to look at her friend, she gets embarrassed and looks away.


“Awww don’t be shy!”

They go inside and Kronii puts her bag on IRyS’ custom table.

“Sorry for being late…”

IRyS brings her a glass of iced tea.

“Don’t worry!”

Kronii takes the glass and looks around. Her place is still as cozy as ever somehow. She recalls how IRyS first tried to do a monochrome motif but quickly gave up and just got whatever felt right. It was mainly cute stuff though, so it became a mix of black and white and pink and purple furniture.

She takes a sip from her glass. “Oh, this is nice.”

“Well you did drill how you like your tea into my head soooo…”

“I know, I’m so good for teaching you.”

Of course you are, Kronii-sama.

Kronii didn’t fail to notice the sarcasm from her friend, but she lets it slide this once. She grabs her bag.

“Since we’re having tea already… Here.”

She puts the cakes on the table. IRyS’ eyes widen, “Caaake?!”

“Yeah… As sorry for being late.”

“Awww you don’t have to worry about that!” IRyS scoots over to Kronii to give her a hug. “But I do appreciate the cake.”

“Okay, okay… Let’s eat.” Kronii lightly pushes her away.

IRyS takes another look at the cakes, “Wait, both are strawberry?”

Kronii grabs hers and doesn’t look at the nephilim. “Don’t ask.”

“Hehehe, okay.”

They chat for a bit while enjoying their food.

IRyS starts to slow down for some reason.

“Oh wait… I know this taste!”

Kronii’s in the middle of taking another bite when IRyS says that.

“You what?”

“Did you go to the cake shop down the street?”

Kronii slowly puts her spoon down and looks away from her friend.

“…Yeah, I did.”

“I always get a strawberry shortcake from there! How’d you know it’s one of my favorites?”

She bites her lip. “Uh I… I’m just that good.”

I actually got it riiiiiight let’s gooooo.

“I’m a regular there, so bring me with you next time! They’ll give us a discount!”

Kronii looks away, “…Y-yeah?”

“Well, not much of a regular anymore since I don’t eat sweets that often… But I’m sure the clerk will recognize me! She’s super nice!”

Kronii covers her mouth. “…She definitely is nice…”

Special someone keeps ringing in her head, distracting her from a spoon approaching her.


Kronii looks back and notices IRyS holding a spoonful of cake. “I already have mine, thanks…”

“Say ‘aaaahhh’” She starts to poke Kronii’s cheek with the spoon.


She doesn’t know if she should feel embarrassed or annoyed.

“Oh c’mon! Do it for your SenpaIRyS!”

Kronii glares at her while IRyS just smiles. She lets out a sigh and quickly eats the spoonful IRyS is offering.

“W-wait you didn’t even say it!”

“Oh, I’m sooo sorry, it was right there.”

IRyS pouts while Kronii laughs at her, then she leans in.

She closes her eyes and opens her mouth, “Aaaaahhhhh…”

Kronii stares at her “…No.”


She’s starting to sound angry. It’s kinda cute, actually.

Kronii gives up and feeds her, she even holds her hand under the spoon in case the cake falls. IRyS gleefully eats it.

“Mmmm! Wait, this is good, too!”

“Of course it is, it’s my favorite.”

“Well that’s good to know.”


“Mm-hmm! Now here comes another one~” She slices another piece of her shortcake and offers it to Kronii.

Kronii looks absolutely distraught. “Why are you like this…?”

“Because you didn’t do it correctly!”

She starts moving it around like a plane.


IRyS pokes her cheek with the spoon again. “That’s not ‘ahhh’!”

Kronii can feel she’s blushing again.
Iswearyouonlygivemedespairandsadnessandanger AHHHHH.”

She closes her eyes and opens her mouth, IRyS carefully feeds her.

“There you go! It wasn’t so hard now was it?”

Kronii glares at her while eating, the nephilim only giggles at her in response.

“I’m sorryyyy, you’re too cute sometimes.”

Kronii snaps her fingers and stops time. She covers her face and lays on the floor.


She rolls around a few times.

Realizing she won’t be able to calm down, she returns to her original position and snaps her fingers again.

“Man, just forget about it…”

Kronii lays her head on the table to try to cool off, she tries to switch to another topic.

“…So… how did those recordings go…?”

IRyS takes a sip of her tea, “Oh! They went well, I think? We got the song done!”

She turns to look at her, “You didn’t strain yourself again, right?”

The nephilim pouts at the clock, “Of course I didn’t! You already nagged me enough!”

“Then that means the nagging worked.” She reaches out to poke IRyS’ cheek with her finger. “Be careful.”

“Hrmmm yes Kronii-samaaa…” She’s about to bite her, but Kronii snaps her fingers to stop time and moves her hand away. She places another slice of cake as replacement before snapping her fingers again.

IRyS almost chokes from the surprise treat but manages to chew a little.

“Lucky you…”

“You wouldn’t bite me anyways.”

“…Not too hard.”

IRyS takes another sip of tea to wash it down when she realizes something.



“Why didn’t you just stop time while getting here? You’ve done that before so you’re not late.”

Kronii’s eyes widen.



She facepalms in disappointment, “I… I forgor…”

IRyS tilts her head. “You… forgor…”

“It just happens, okay?! I don’t have to explain myself!”

Kronii expects more teasing from the nephilim but when she looks at her, she seems confused.

“…What does ‘forgor’ mean…?”

Kronii takes a second to process the question, then stares at her with her eyebrows all the way up.

“…You’re serious?”

“…Yeah… I do remember you saying it a few times, but I don’t get it…”

Kronii’s lips tremble as she’s trying to contain her laughter. She also ‘forgor’ how this girl is with memes.

“Right, you’re still innocent.”

Now IRyS is the one blushing, “What do you mean innocent?!”

“Nothing, nothing… Here, let me explain.”

It takes IRyS a little while to process the new information.

“…So you also say rember, huh?”

“Yeah, yeah… that’s just a shortened version of the word, no need to rack your head over it.”

IRyS crosses her arms and closes her eyes, Kronii can’t believe how much of a struggle this is for her.

“Okay… Thanks, Kronii.”


IRyS opens her eyes and looks at the clock. “If that’s the case… can you teach me some more?”

“Pffft…” Kronii can’t hold herself back anymore.

“Heyyyy, I’m serious!”

Kronii laughs some more, making IRyS redder and redder.

“You really want to know more?”

“Yeah! Maybe I can even use some on my streams!”

Kronii looks at her, still giggling. “Please don’t.”

“Why not?!”

“If it’s you saying them, you’ll sound like a grandma.”


They finish up their tea while Kronii explains a few more memes to her nephilim. She can’t stop laughing at the questions that keep popping up from the poor girl’s head. She’s also really happy she’s the one doing the teasing now.

“I think I got it…”

“You sure?”

“…I sure hope so…”

Kronii stretches and lays on the floor. IRyS follows suit on her side. They stare at the ceiling together.

“I think a fan would look great up there.”

She smiles knowing full well what her nephilim thinks about that obsolete thing.


“Dunno, just staring at it while it’s turned on would be fun.”


IRyS gets up to look at Kronii, when she notices her smiling she moves closer to her to pinch her cheek.

“Ow, ow! I’m sorry!”


“I’m just killi— I’m just spending time here, okay?”

IRyS lies down next to her, still pinching her cheek. “Well, we could take a nap right now.”

Kronii grabs IRyS’ hand to stop the pinching, then lightly returns the favor.

“…Nah, it’s fine like this.”

“Then… wanna play Mono— OW!”

Kronii pinches a little harder. “Wanna play Mario Kart meanwhile? Sure!” She gets up to prepare the switch and the TV. She also takes the chance to order and clean up things that bother her. IRyS stares at her from the floor. Kronii knows exactly where everything is after coming over a few times.

“Wow Kronii, it’s like you’ve been living here forever.”

“You wish.”

“Would be nice~.”

Kronii turns to look at her, IRyS has her eyes closed. Seems like she’s daydreaming. Couldn’t you be less direct for once…?

She finishes her preparations then walks to the nephilim. She puts the controllers on the table but IRyS doesn’t do anything.

Kronii smirks. “Hey, get up.” She lightly kicks her.

“H-hey!” IRyS reacts by grabbing onto Kronii’s leg.

“How dare you do that to your SenpaIRyS!”

She shakes her off and sits next to her, “You weren’t moving!”

“That’s not a good reason to do violence!” IRyS gets up and lightly pokes Kronii with her horns.

“Hey, keep that to the race.” She pushes her head away while ruffling her hair a bit.

IRyS pouts again, “Oh sure, let’s ignore the kicking.” She grabs her CUTIE pin and puts her bangs up.

“Getting serious right off the bat? Daaaaamn…”

Kronii goes ahead and starts up the game.

“You’re lucky we were in different groups back then.” IRyS grabs her controller.

Kronii laughs at her. “You weren’t even in the tsuyoi cup, you can’t say that.”

“T-THAT… Grrrr…” Unable to find any comebacks, IRyS starts making angry noises.

“…I didn’t know that map…”

Kronii notices a little change in her tone, she’s still a little bit upset.

“Then let’s practice those maps.”

“No! I’ll show you I’m good at this!”

“Fine! Be that way! I’ll just throw shells at you!”

She says that but she has no intention of bullying her too much. She plays normally while IRyS tries every trick she’s learned to win against the CPU’s.

They play on one of the maps IRyS isn’t that experienced with. It’s a bit too obvious since IRyS isn’t going as fast as she would normally.

Kronii pays more attention to the nephilim’s side than her own. “Oh, IRyS, don’t—”

“Don’t wha— AHHHH!"

She drifts too far and falls off a pit.

“Yeah, that.”


She leans to the side to poke Kronii again
“I don’t see any rules that say that.” Kronii grabs her horn and pushes her away. Meanwhile, she takes 1st place while IRyS goes all the way down to 12th. Kronii wants to laugh at the cute angry noises she keeps hearing by her side, but she does want to win at least once.

“It’s okay, I can still catch up, it’s not a pro—"

Then a blue shell appeared in IRyS’ hand.

Kronii doesn’t even have to look at her to guess she’s smiling.




Kronii’s really close to finishing the race.

“D-don’t what?”

She can clearly hear how IRyS is holding in her laughter right as she presses the button. She sees the blue dot homing in on her from the mini map. She also realizes the CPU’s decided to use their red shells too.

Kronii ends up in 12th place while IRyS got 8th dying from giggling.

She lies down and groans. “IRyS...”

The nephilim lies down with her still laughing.

“You bring me so much despair, IRyS.”

“How can that be?! I only bring happiness and hope!”

Kronii covers her face. “uuuuUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHH…”

“I’m sorry! I’m sor— pfffft, ahahahaha!”

They both take a while to calm down. After a few more races, they start thinking about food.

“Are we ordering take-out?”

“Hmmmm…” IRyS gets up to look at her kitchen. She makes a tired face. “Yeah…”

“Alright, cool. You’re paying.”

“I’m what???”

“You’re not gonna make your guest of honor pay, are you? I even bought cakes, too.”

“Are you really that salty over a blue shell?”

Kronii makes a surprised face, “Whaaaaat? ME? Absolutely noooooot.”

IRyS stares at her. “Alright then.” She moves to the other end of her table and places her elbow on it. “Let’s do this fair and square.”

Kronii smirks. “We’re not doing this.”

“What’s wrong, noodle arms? SCARED???”

“YOU’RE NOT ANY BETTER, YOU KNOW” Kronii places her elbow and grabs IRyS’ hand. In any other situation she’d be too flustered to even touch her hands but thankfully anger is blinding her at the moment.

“Best of 3. Whoever loses, pays. Noooo cheating.” IRyS says with a face that clearly tells she’s going to do the opposite of that.


“On 3.” IRyS grabs both of their hands with the one she has left.

“1… 2… 3!” She lets go and they start pushing.

IRyS slowly manages to inch closer and closer to her win while Kronii struggles to put more strength in.

“Where’s that stamina Kronii???”

“Right… here!”

Kronii finds a moment to push harder and brings them back to a stalemate.

“Did you really think… you could beat HOPE?”

IRyS smirks at her, putting more strength in.

“W-well…” Kronii struggles to make a comeback. “…I hope I win.”

Suddenly, IRyS feels weaker. Kronii notices immediately and pushes with all her strength, getting her the win.


IRyS looks at her arm. “W-wait how did…”

“IRyS, how kind of you to put hope on my side.” She tells her with a very smug look on her face.

“I… I thought that only worked with people I lo—”

IRyS’ face turns beet red.

She reaches out and grabs Kronii by the shoulders. “KRONII”

“A loss is a loss, IRy—”



She shakes her around. “SAY IT.”

“I-I hope it’s normal…”

Is she okay…?

IRyS returns to her position and places her elbow on the table.


“Sure!” Kronii places hers too. “You’ll lose anyways.”

They start to arm wrestle again, but they reach a stalemate really quick. “Where’d that bravado go, Kronii???” IRyS smirks at her.

“S-shut up… You can’t handle it anyways…”

“YEAH I CAN.” IRyS grits her teeth and pushes harder.

Just as Kronii is about to lose, she snaps her fingers with her other hand. She takes a moment to catch her breath while time is stopped.

“Is this how you treat your guests, IRyS???” She moves closer to her with an evil smile. “Time for a little payback…”

She starts tickling her, just enough where she’s sure it’ll cause a reaction. She also pinches her cheek for poking Kronii with her horns. She goes back to her original position and snaps her fingers again.

“AH! Hehehehe… Hahahahaha— OW" IRyS feels everything Kronii did to her and falls over.

“Ooooof, IRyS… Guess I win…”

IRyS recovers and points a finger at her. “THAT WAS ACTUAL CHEATING THOUGH???”

“I have nooooo idea what you’re talking about.”

IRyS places her elbow on the table once more. “ALL OR NOTHING.”

“You’re in no position to ask that.”

“Why not???”

“I can easily stop time and pay with your stuff.” She holds up her hand, ready to snap her fingers.

“You don’t know my credit card info or any of my passwords.”


Kronii sits down and grabs IRyS’ hand. “Last one.”

“Mm-hmmm…” IRyS squeezes Kronii’s hand.

They do the countdown and go at it again. They’re both tired by now so it’s even more of a stalemate. Kronii can see IRyS is reaching out for something.

“IRyS, what are you doing?”

“Just stretchin’~.”

“I’m sure you already know that there’s absolutely NOTHING you can do to distra— Oh, hey sexy~.”

IRyS put a pocket mirror in front of her. Kronii checks herself out. Just as she’s about to blow a kiss at herself, the nephilim puts all her strength into her arm and almost makes Kronii fall from the force.

“Wha— HEY!"

Guess I win, Kroniiiii.” IRyS gives her a smug smile.



They stare at each other for what feels like hours. Neither can take it anymore and they start laughing, “Let’s just pay separately…”


They order their food and start playing Smash, Kronii has had enough Mario Kart for a while. IRyS sits in front of Kronii and leans on her.


“Your fault for making me tired.”

Kronii makes sure to torture IRyS as much as possible as payback for that blue shell.

“How many times do I have to say sorry, Kronii.”

“Ehhhh…” Kronii uses her final smash to end the game. “We’ll see.”

IRyS puts down her controller to pinch Kronii’s cheeks. “You’re such a meanie…”

While Kronii’s picking another stage, IRyS’ phone vibrates.

“Is it our food?”

“Mmm…” She reaches out to grab her phone. “Oh, it’s Ina.”

Kronii rests her head on IRyS’ to look. “You’re really talking to other girls while I’m here?”

“It’s for a collab, you dummy.”

IRyS… Can we move the collab an hour or two? ; - ;

Is something wrong?

I… wanna sleep… (:3/ L)

Oh that’s fine! I was going to ask the same anyways lol

“No you weren’t.” Kronii pokes IRyS’ cheek.

“Shut up.”

Thank youuuuu!!! ; w;;;; I’ll message you when I wake up

Got iiiit, sleep tight <3

“You never send me hearts.”

“Wanna bet???”

IRyS switches to her DM’s with Kronii to show her the messages from this morning.


IRyS looks up at her and sticks her tongue out. She gets another message from Ina immediately after.


“…Why does everyone say that now…”

“It’s just such a good bye!”

IRyS sighs.


“Let’s keep playing…”

Kronii lets IRyS win a few times out of embarrassment from the heart comment. Just as another result screen appears, they receive a notification for their food.

“You go…”

“Kronii you can’t be this lazy.”

“IRyS you’re literally on top of me.” She starts to push her.

“…Oh yeah.”

IRyS gets up and brings their food. The arm wrestling was just too much excitement, so they just eat in peace. As peacefully as they can with Kronii constantly stealing bites from IRyS’ food.

“…Kronii, you could at least share some of your own.”


“Want me to feed you again???”

“…Just eat a little…”

IRyS can barely grab a few bites before Kronii takes her food away.

After their meal, they discuss on what to do next.

“Mmmm… Wanna sing a little? I kinda wanna sing” IRyS starts to look up songs.

“You’re not singing today.” Kronii grabs IRyS’ phone.

“And I’M the one bringing despair?!?!”

Kronii flicks IRyS’ forehead. “You already sang a lot yesterday, I told you to be careful.”


More angry noises.

“Then YOU sing!”

Kronii starts to laugh. “Absolutely not!”


“You obviously don’t deserve it after losing so much.”



“We’re watching a movie.”

She walks away but IRyS pulls on her sweater
“…Can we at least watch Initial D…?”


“Just a few episodes! We could just watch some races!” She gives the cutest pleading eyes possible.

Sigh… Fine…”

They sit down to watch whatever episode IRyS picks, continuity be damned. Kronii doesn’t mind though. She just smiles when IRyS gets excited when the music picks up and when she starts singing.

“What did I tell you about singing, IRyS?”


“Just don’t overdo it.”

IRyS keeps singing and leaning to the sides, following the movements of the cars. Kronii can’t help but move along with her.

After an hour or two, they decide to call it a day. They each take a bath and meet at IRyS’ room. When Kronii goes inside, she finds IRyS wearing some really cute pajamas.

“See? I told you they were cute!” She shows her outfit off with a few twirls. Pink and fluffy are the main adjectives you’d describe it with. And ‘really, really, REALLY cute’ would fit somewhere in that description. Kronii has to hold herself back from hugging the cute nephilim in front of her.

“Do you like it?”


Kronii’s wearing her usual shirt and shorts combo, it’s what she’s comfortable with. She yawns and looks around IRyS’ room.

“So uh… Where’s the extra bed?”

“Extra what?” IRyS tilts her head.

“Y-you know… where I can sleep?”

“You’re sleeping with me, dummy!” She starts to pull Kronii to bed.

Kronii stops her and steps back. “Uhh… No.”

“It’s not a sleepover if we don’t sleep together!” She tries to pull harder.

“What?! Who taught you that?!”

“Doesn’t matter!”

“There’s NO WAY I’m going to sleep there, IRyS!”

They end up lying next to each other in IRyS’ bed.

“…I really have to build up a resistance to your puppy eyes.”


Kronii turns around to look at IRyS. She’s staring at the ceiling.

“Something wrong, IRyS?”

“Hm? Oh, no, don’t worry!”

“I thought by this point you’d be hugging me.” Kronii pokes IRyS’ cheek.

“Well… I would if I could.” She points to her horns.

“I thought they were detachable.”

“They are but… I can’t take them off right now…”

Kronii slowly smiles. “Really.”

IRyS grumbles, “I don’t know what happened…” She tries to pull them off, but she can’t.

Kronii senses an opportunity for more teasing.

“Welllllll… if you’re like this… I’m sure you won’t mind me having some fun.”

She starts to poke IRyS’ entire face. Her cheek, her ear, her horn. At one point she moves to pinching lightly.


“Don’t tell me HOPE is getting angry~.”

She keeps teasing for some time until IRyS can’t take it anymore.


She pushes Kronii and lays on top of her.


“It’s gonna be chilly tonight, be thankful to your SenpaIRyS!” She gives Kronii a smirk while hugging her. “You get your very own, personal, custom-made, weighted blanket!”

Kronii looks away, “…Yeah sure, personal.”

IRyS pouts, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I bet you’d do this with the others, too.”

She frowns and presses her face against Kronii. “No I wouldn’t…”

They stay silent for a few minutes.

Aaaaand now I made it awkward…

She can feel IRyS fidgeting. She looks up to her. “I had a lot of fun today…”

Kronii gives up and pats her head. “Me too. Thanks for asking for a sleepover.”

IRyS gives her a big smile. “I’m happy you said yes.”

They hug and close their eyes.

“Good night, Kronii.”

“…Good night, IRyS.”

After a few minutes, IRyS starts fidgeting again.
“You okay?”

IRyS doesn’t look at her this time, “…I can’t sleep.”

“Are you finally getting embarrassed?”

She nods.

Kronii pats her head and ruffles her hair. “It’s okay…”

“…The pampering is making this even more embarrassing.”

“I know.”

She keeps patting her head.

…Maybe this will help.

Kronii starts singing lullabies.

“Do I deserve your singing now?”

“Just this once.”


IRyS closes her eyes again, listening to Kronii’s voice. She alternates between actual lullabies and just softly singing whatever songs she remembers. Slowly but surely, the nephilim falls asleep.

Kronii keeps patting her head while thinking. I wonder what happened in that first arm wrestling match… IRyS was definitely going to win, but she lost her strength somehow. Was it something I said? She tries to recall what she said. …Oh!

She looks at the sleeping nephilim. Hope, huh… Since when was that a magic word? I guess that’s why she made me say that after I beat her… She wants to find out more about her, but she’ll have more chances to talk about that with her down the line… Hopefully.


Am I really expecting to spend more time with her? I’ve gotten soft. She smiles at IRyS. I guess I don’t mind.

Kronii softly kisses IRyS’ head and closes her eyes. “Well… since it’s a magic word…”

“I hope we sleep well.”

The sun’s already up by the time they wake up.
They definitely slept well, they feel refreshed… Except for the soreness, that is.

“…What happened to hope, IRyS.” Kronii’s massaging her neck while IRyS stretches.

“Hope can’t do much when we can’t move an inch…”

They stare at each other, trying to find ways to blame the other party. They just end up laughing.

“Just make sure you can take your horns off next time.”

“Oh, next time?!” IRyS beams her a huge smile.

“UH I MEAN… Whatever, yeah, next time.” She’s too sore to switch the topic. She's still half-asleep too.

“Yaaaaaay— owwww" IRyS tried to do a celebration but the soreness catches up to her.

She notices her phone has a notification. It’s from Ina.

HiRyS! Good morning! > w < )////

“…Even HiRyS, huh”

Kronii looks at IRyS’ phone and starts laughing.


You okay?

Oh, yeah… just a bit sore

Ooh no, what happened? ; __ ;

A mischievous smile appears in IRyS’ face.

Kronii wouldn’t stop teasing me last night, lol

|w ' ) oya oya

Kronii wakes up for real when she reads IRyS’ message.


She takes her phone away and starts typing.

That did NOT happen okay???

|w ' ) Oya oya, that’s even more suspicious. Your secret’s safe with me = w=)b


Just tell IRyS we’re moving the collab 2 hours ( ^ω^ )


“You saw it, right?”

Kronii looks at the nephilim, she’s currently dying of laughter.


“I don’t mind it though?” IRyS smiles at her, making Kronii blush even more.

She sighs. “Let’s just eat breakfast…”

They manage to whip up something decent and eat together. Kronii refuses to look at IRyS the whole time.

After eating, they change clothes and Kronii gets ready to leave. IRyS seems a bit sad.

“Thanks for coming over, Kronii.”

“Yeah… Have fun in your collab.”

“I will!”

While Kronii heads to the door, she looks back and notices IRyS fidgeting. She smiles and walks up to her.

She pats her head. “I can come over again some other time.”

“Promise?” IRyS looks at her with puppy eyes once more.

“You don’t have to use your secret weapon, you know?” She lightly pinches her cheek “I promise.”

IRyS was expecting the pinch, but it doesn’t hurt as much as she thought. She giggles a little, “Take care, Kronii!”

“You too.”

Kronii walks out the door but stops.

“Did you forget something?”

She turns around again.

Hope I can see you soon!”

IRyS is stunned for a second, then gives her a huge smile.

“I hope so too!”

t. Nameronii

Sources for the art used:

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Pub: 11 Feb 2022 11:33 UTC
Edit: 11 Feb 2022 16:59 UTC
Views: 1249