after you all got along so well, it only made sense to crash at Tails’ workshop for a while
you almost thought about how you created two monsters now but no, it was very much on them
Sonic was his usual self
practically glued to your cock
but since losing his virginity, Tails had become a little tease
in his own way mind you
despite the… bad influence he still remained a bit more conservative
the fox wasn't as shameless
good thing too because you'd probably have keeled over from a heart attack keeping up with multiple Sonics
for instance, this morning
Tails rubbed his backside against your leg
quietly trying to get your attention
Sonic decided teabagging your face was the best way to announce he was awake too
it didn't take long for him to encourage his friend to be more forward and start stroking his cock and yours while the hedgehog tried his best to smother you
you'd considered yourself fairly open sexually but if you'd told yourself a year ago you'd be having threesomes with talking colorful woodland creatures…
well you'd find that idea insane
you slipped a finger into Tails and he whined and clung to you
his own dick was forgotten as he jerked yours off and rode your digit
Sonic, not to be outdone, grabbed your hair and frotted against your face
he looked down at with a smirk as the first load of the day splattered over your face and pillow
he kept thrusting and moaning even with his cock softening
Tails was shocked when one finger became two and you started fucking his tailshole harder and faster
both of them ended up showering you in cum by the end of it and both of them had to clean it off your body with their tongues
so that was your morning
another AM shower and some coffee and you were good as new
you'd noticed Tails was unusually more clumsy and dropping his tools more often
really started to feel deliberate after the 10th time
his current project was getting his biplane fixed up
Sonic was bored and decided nude sunbathing was in order
no idea how he would get a tan but you felt he just wanted an excuse to get naked on the beach
he did mention a place called Station Square out the door
Tails ended up explaining for him while tinkering
there were humans out here
but they sort of stuck to one city
half the time the talk came off as rumors
Sonic didn't super speed run off to check out something like that?
”well, it's supposedly on another continent.”
he leaned in close
”that and I think he's not all that concerned about a city full of humans when he has one”
you sat at a work bench and mulled over that
could Tails’ plane allow you to check that out?
”doable. hand me that wrench.”
he was ass up working on the engine and pointed over to the table
he had a worn crescent wrench he practically always carried with him
loved the thing
he thanked you as you handed it off
you asked if he needed help
all this unchallenged leisure was strange
so why not see if you could do something
last thing you wanted was to just be a gigolo for a couple of guys
you couldn't do much to help Sonic run faster but Tails could use a set of hands hopefully
he dangled his legs and tightened a few bolts
after a couple seconds of work he finally spoke up
”well once I get the Tornado in working shape maybe you could be my co-pilot?”
well that sounded fun
you didn't feel it was super helpful on your part but at least he appreciated your effort
he hopped down out of the engine
you asked if you should go tell Sonic but Tails waved it off
”he's probably catching a nap as we speak.”
that did sound like him
you'd never flown in a biplane before
was it safe?
”oh yeah. she just sustained some damage last time we took it out against Robotnik.”
that was curious
so was Sonic like a sort of super hero when you weren't letting him ride your dick like he stole it?
Sonic had gone over adventures here and there but a new perspective was nice
you sipped your coffee and gave him space to check over the plane
”we are currently on an island. a big one but an island.”
he guided you over to a chart above the workshop table
his finger pointed to a small landmass in the scheme of things
”there's a few villages and my shop here but over here-”
he continued over to a bigger land mass
”station square is off the coast there. can't see it from this side of the island.”
you were curious
he caught the look on your face
”I've never been but a lot of the talk points to there.”
you commented again how you were shocked Sonic never explored it
”neither of us has seen a human outside Robotnik. he wasn't a good first impression.”
well you were happy to dispel their worries
you pulled up behind Tails a he went over more of the map
a few other island hopping adventures here and there
there was a guy strong as Sonic was fast
you found that hard to believe but you let him continue
he talked about Sonic having a super mode?
in a ways you couldn't mentally picture Sonic the way Tails described
the two of them had been to space in addition to dimensions
it was shocking
and yet Sonic just didn't brag about it
the way Tails talked was like a little brother proud of his big sibling
but you detected something more under there too
something you had suspected
you had to tease him
your hand slipped over his fuzzy chest and his heart skipped a beat
he even gasped a little
you remarked how it sounded like he had a little crush
Sonic was his hero wasn't he?
but more than that
you picked the fox up and sat him on the table
he stammered and tried to avoid the question
you figured from how Sonic talked about practicing kissing and their closeness it was a mutal thing
and you gently reassured Tails you wouldn't break that up for the world
it turned Tails on to have Sonic watch you deflower him
the way he bit his lower lip told you plenty
well, you weren't here for cucking
you murmured that as you kissed along his neck
you frotted him through your clothes
you wanted Tails to want you too
you had suspicions at all the metal Sonics he had “safekeeping”
they were being worked on
not trashed
actively worked on
you asked him
did he love it
you didn't want to get in between him and Sonic
you'd feel like a shit doing that
he undid his suspenders to allow your hand more access to his fluffy chest
you wanted to hear it from the fox's mouth
while you enjoyed the threesomes, you wanted to make sure there wasn't any bitterness
last thing you wanted was to fuck up something that worked fine for what looked like years
with Sonic out of the room this gave you a chance for a one on one with the fox
you told him you wanted to make sure you did the right thing here
he teased you but you needed him to be honest
you slipped your hands under the fox's coveralls to grip his ass
you asked, right to his ear
did he really want you as his co-pilot?
did he need it?
you pulled him close and he cuddled up to your chest
you didn't want to break up a friendship with this and you didn't want Tails pining for his friend from afar
you figured it wouldn't have been as simple as Sonic saying it was a package deal
he might be a wild and free-spirited enough for it
Tails wasn't just some sidekick though
you wanted to make sure you respected him as a guy
he finally mumbled and you asked him to speak up
”thank you,” he replied
he wasn't just an accessory in all this and you wanted him to know that
you said as much and he rubbed his face into your chest
”I had a thing for Sonic but I'm happier this way. plus I don't think I could get Sonic to settle down like you did.”
was he… promiscuous?
you didn't want to bring up the subject of a body count but his level of experience made you worry you'd catch hedgehog syphilis more than once
”no, not like that. he's just got a bad habit of never wanting to stay in one place for too long.”
he tried embracing you
”I can see why he likes staying in this particular spot.”
so Tails really was happy with this arrangement?
”it took a while to think over the idea but I like this.”
well you were glad he was happy with a partnership
his dick rubbing through his clothes told you his body liked it but you had to make sure his heart did too
with that doubt hopefully shelved for good you decided to come back to the matter at hand
well, hands
you gave his ass a squeeze and he moaned
the twin tails waved softly back and forth
he did really enjoy this if those were any indication
well you'd love to be his co-pilot
Tails felt more vulnerable than his friend
Sonic felt like he could bounce back from anything
the yellow fox clinging and whinging against your chest felt different
maybe that's where your concern came from
well if he was really OK with it you'd definitely have him too
”you should have heard what Sonic would say about you.”
”he definitely had some praises for you.”
the fox fidgeted against you, grinding to meet your dick
”I liked seeing you…”
he trailed off
but you insisted he finished that sentence
you hefted him up by his fluffy ass, fingers spreading his cheeks apart
what did he like seeing?
you prodded his ass through your clothes and his gloved hands grasped at your shirt
”I never knew I could like being that dirty”
well neither did you
this new life you had going on was eye opening
you'd always prefered guys and now you had two that looked pretty damn good
you allowed yourself a moment to appreciate that maybe a gift landed in your lap
your old life wasn't missed a whole lot
no power bills or rent here
not a whole lot to miss over there
these guys were dangerous
if you could stay in bed full time you might take the offer, wanting to feel useful or not
by now your dick was doing the thinking for you
Tails whimpered that there was no lube down here
you'd just make do
you had set him down and bent him over
ripping down his coveralls, you could see he was panicking
but you had no intention to hurt the fox
his blue eyes got wide when you dropped your pants and pulled down your underwear
you let you cock flop down on his ass and you could tell he was nervous
no lube just meant you weren't going in
he had enough ass for this
the feel of his fluff rubbing against your dick was nice
it was even nicer when you wedged it right between his cheeks
the nervous look faded as you grabbed his ass and pushed it tight as possible against your manhood
you'd show him something new today
his own cock twitched, reacting to his imagination running wild
you couldn't see that but you did see the look in his eyes become curious
you fucked his thick ass
he had a great butt for this
your cockhead poked out with every thrust forward
he was getting into it, watching you rut him
eventually his hand snaked down to his own dick
his other hand rested on the work table
this was a good compromise
not quite nutting in him but you'd both get off
your fingers gripped at foxmeat as you kept running your shaft over his hole
Sonic was right about both of them being bottoms
Tails stroked himself as he watched over his shoulder
he'd gotten his first actual taste of being with a guy and clearly liked it
hotdogging was new to you, sure you'd heard of it
but you'd never indulged in that particular act
it lacked the tight warmth of actual anal but it was still good
gliding over Tails’ hole earned you a whimper
he loved the attention
and you were happy he was happy
clearing the air earlier felt necessary
you'd have to make sure to get alone time with the two of them in addition to threesomes
no reason to make neither feel like they were left out
it was weird to think about
how this all started with punishing Sonic’s bratty ass
now you were worried about the feelings of two guys
this was definitely a partnership now
you fucked into Tails and he thrust back occasionally
his hand stroking his own rigid cock as his orgasm approached
surprisingly, you came first
maybe because you weren't slamming it into his prostate
or his hand just wasn't as fast
you frosted his ass like a cake with a groan and he watched
it didn't take him much longer to reach his own orgasm
he shot his load onto the floor as his knees buckled
you were there to brace him though
you took a moment to relax
with your heads clear, Tails spoke up first
”want to take out the Tornado now?”
but shouldn't he clean up?
he slipped on his coveralls and started over for the plane
”smelling like you isn't so bad.”
the fox got to work fueling the plane and you wiped up his mess with a shoprag
well at least he seemed happy with your current arrangement
you scribbled a quick note for Sonic
he was smart enough to put 2 and 2 together but you felt like it was rude to just dash off without saying something
this scouting run would be quick
you were still kind of shocked neither Sonic or Tails had checked out this city themselves
as much as Sonic seemed to… enjoy your company
he made no attempt to check out a city of humans before meeting you
maybe that Robotnik did leave enough of a bad impression on them
you wondered just how bad the guy could be
with all the preliminary flight checks in place, Tails signed off on the Tornado's outing
he tossed you a pair of goggles before donning his own
you had to adjust yours, no doubt they were usually intended for Sonic
you realized the plane was a one seater
you asked how that would work
”you first, then I sit in your lap. Sonic usually likes riding on the wings but I don't think you'd like that all that much.”
well you didn't share that quality with the hedgehog, that's for sure
so he planted his ass in your lap and you buckled both of you together
this was going to be a distracting flight
you'd flown maybe twice in your life
not in anything like this biplane
the hangar doors slid open and the runway seemed so short
but you had faith
nervous as you were you were I capable hands
Tails flicked switches on the console and the engine whined to life
the rumble of the machine had Tails jostling against your crotch and goddamn was this going to be distracting
the take off was smooth
you couldn't see his face but his body language was confident
he knew what he was doing in the air
he wasn't boasting
but you got the vibe he was in charge up here
your duties as co-pilot seemed to be try not to concentrate on him vibrating against your dick
you'd just cum but he wasn't helping
you couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose or not
probably not for how skittish he was normally
this was just the easiest way to fly
the beach breeze felt good as you ascended through the air
you tried looking down to see Sonic but by the time you were up in the air the beach was distant
”I'm going to try and push for across the water, see if there's a mainland out there.”
the fox was shouting over the engine to try and speak
normally as soft spoken as he was, he'd never be heard over the roar
his gloved hand pointed towards the horizon, past the island below you
you saw a few of the little villages dotted across the island and it truly felt small
it felt chilly up high but Tails made for some kind of insulation
this wasn't something off your bucket list but it was an experience you were glad to have
sure enough, the plane veered towards the area he pointed to
you'd cleared over the mountains on the island and he throttled the plane up, pushing the acceleration
it was hard to get a good idea of how fast you were going except for the island that was rapidly disappearing from sight
eventually you were out at the open sea and you could swear you saw movement below you
was Sonic running that fast?
maybe you two had made him curious
hard to say
you pointed it out to Tails and he swooped down closer
it didn't take long to see it was indeed Sonic
just casually matching pace with the plane over the water
he at least had clothes on
even if it was a women's one piece swimsuit with a tropical shirt fluttering like a cape behind him
you waved
he waved
after about an hour, you finally saw land
actual land
you took in the sight
a city, similar to something from earth
you could see it
so the rumors were true
humans must be down there
you flew towards the mountains, Tails no doubt trying to find a landing strip
there was plenty of jungle around
hopefully there was something
just in time too
you were approaching the point of no return and he didn't have spare fuel
granted Sonic could just run back
but you didn't know if he'd remember just where it was
as easy as it was to get lost out on the ocean in a boat no doubt it would be easier running
you wouldn't risk either of them
it was weird to think how they were both growing on you
Sonic was right
you did like them
you liked this life
as if on cue the second you crossed the mountain and saw some ruins, something shot one of the plane's wings up
if Tails hadn't made a last minute evasion it could have been worse
your first biplane flight was turning into your first plane crash
you wrapped your arms around his stomach while he tried desperately getting the plane under control
it would be a crash landing in the jungle
whatever happened you were landing near it apparently
the violent sounds of the jungle canopy smacking into the plane sounded ugly
you ducked to protect your head
Tails kept in control the whole crash landing and kept the plane steady
his composure here was so different
he really was more comfortable here, even in a crash
eventually, the plane lost momentum and not a moment too soon
the front of the plane rested in the sands of a coastal beach
Tails asked if you were OK and you asked him the same question back in reply
you both seemed intact, minus three ringing in your ears from all the noise
you unbuckled the both of you and allowed Tails to hop off your lap
he jumped out of the plane immediately and you followed him
shortly after Sonic had curved around the peninsula
you noticed the concern on his face before it vanished when he saw you two were safe
”sorry, I just got a little nervous.”
the apology was actually sweet
you never saw him worried
you weren't in a hurry to get into another situation to see it again, but it was sweet
he cared more than he let on sometimes
the hedgehog approached and surveyed the damage
you were fit enough to laugh it off
the plane took the brunt of the impact and Tails was a skilled pilot
you all were lucky though
you didn't gloss over that fact
someone shot at you from those ruins
for now you were stuck in this continent
that human city might have the parts you'd need
it might be faster to split up but it didn't seem wise out here
Sonic broke your thought
”so you and Tails?”
he motioned a finger through a ring formed with his other hand
oh lord
how did he even know
”I can smell it on you,” he replied with a laugh
he kicked the sand with a sandled foot
”let's go pay whoever shot at you a visit.”
he was already heading into the jungle
taking a nice slow pace
he rested his arms behind his head as he took in the sights
Tails, a little embarrassed about the earlier question, followed in suit
you took a look at the crash and then rushed to catch up

something you immediately noticed about Sonic was a difference
aside from that joking around on the beach he was tense
so you came out and just asked
he'd been quiet for a while and that wasn't his usual behavior
”someone tried to kill you two. if it's who I think it is I'm having none of it.”
that Robotnik guy?
he talked a bit about his adventures and the guy did sound like an asshole for no reason
when Sonic had mentioned using small animals as a power source for his machines you'd pictured a super villain
still, it was unusual to see Sonic revert to a stoic look
you sometimes took for granted what you had with him
maybe this really was something special if harm coming to you made him drop the funny guy bit
if something had happened to him, you'd like to think you'd be pissed too
you hoped it wouldn't ever come to that
his joking the other day about you loving him replayed in your mind
this was all such a weird unprecedented part of your life
but it wasn't so bad in hindsight
someone that didn't want you getting hurt was a small gesture but a welcome one
you walked along with the hedgehog and fox
the crash hadn't taken you too far from the ruins
Tails seemed a little tense and jumpy, at least less confident than Sonic
you kept an eye on him, hoping he wasn't too shaken up by the crash
”should I scout ahead?”
Sonic looked over to the fox after he spoke up
he shook his head
”that gunfire was pointed skyward. if we come in from ground level we should take them by surprise”
he had a point
it was strange to think the same guy that bounced on your dick was thinking strategically
but he could do both
you kind of enjoyed seeing this side of him
it was like seeing Tails in the cockpit
they really did know what they were doing out here
and honestly it was kind of cool

you did have a question though
if this guy was as dangerous as they'd said why didn't you stay back
not that you were a coward but what could you offer in comparison
Sonic chimed in
”if it's Robotnik he'll send a scout out to the crash site.”
fair point
you don't need to be killed by some robot while hanging around a plane wreck
”plus, I needed someone to watch our asses and you've got experience”
well there's the flirty edge to him you'd noticed was absent earlier
he said he didn't get too good a look at the ruins but he bet it was a facade going by whatever anti aircraft measures it had used
most likely some sort of hidden base
Robotnik was smart enough to hide and lick his wounds from the last fight they'd had
Sonic treated Robotnik as a threat and you took heed of it
you'd try to keep your head down if shooting happened
this sounded different than fleeing some vague government body on earth and you'd seen some of the wrecks in Tails’ shop
so you let the two take the lead on this
eventually you saw an overgrown temple compound
looked like something you'd have seen on earth
there had to be hidden defenses
the three of you hunkered down and watched for a while
no real movement
a door facing you opened and a small spherical robot with spindly arms and legs walked out
once clear of the doorway it started to lift up thanks to small rockets on its back
you pulled your companions close and hugged the ground under some dense vegetation
that had to be the scout Sonic brought up
you watched it fly off towards the wreck
”we won't have long before it reports back the plane was empty,” Tails reminded Sonic
he spoke in a whisper, his eyes glued to the direction that egg robot flew
Sonic agreed
once the sound of the engines was distant he hopped up and rushed around the facility before you could react
nothing else reacted to his loop around the facility for that matter too
that was his form of poking the thing with a stick
he reported back
”good news and bad news, I'm pretty sure nobody's home.”
so this had to be some sort of safe house he'd stashed away
”normally he'd see me, fly into a rage and start ranting. I don't even have to say anything any more.”
he shrugged and grinned and you could see him finally ease up a little again
”let's check it out anyways. could be fun.”

Sonic took the lead and the three of you climbed the ancient pyramid
or maybe the worn down appearance was an act to get your guard down
no one suspect a high tech facility here after all
makes sense with the proximity of that Station Square
good way to discourage trespassers
make them think there's not hinged out here
when you all got to the door the robot came out of you checked the seal
neither you or Sonic could feel an opening and Tails spoke up
”the robot most likely sent out a wireless activation code to the doorway, wait for the robot and we go in.”
well that was a good idea
the three of you hung around the opposite side of the pyramid and waited
you patience was eventually rewarded by the sound of jets
it had found what it wanted
one the count of 3 Sonic would rush the robot when the doors opened with Tails and you right behind him
the robot had a simple gun but you were confident he'd handle it
you'd never actually seen him fight but you trusted in his experience
the clink of small metal feet on stone was his cue
he vanished and both the fox and you ran around the temple, the sound of smashed metal near instantaneous after the vanishing act
sure enough, door was open and Sonic tossed the head of the robot over to his friend
Tails studied it and remarked it was an older model, a good sign this place hadn't been touched in a while
most likely the automated gun had been calibrated for the Tornado specifically
Tails carried the head under his arm and you made your way inside
Sonic was a lot more relaxed
you all were
this safe house was cozy
by that you meant claustrophobic
computer servers, loose cables everywhere, a robot charging station
place was cramped but it had everything a mad scientist could ask for
Sonic surveyed the room, while Tails headed over to a monitor and started booting things up

”since Robotnik isn't home,” the hedgehog remarked, “wanna fuck on top of his stuff?”
you pinched the bridge of your nose and Tails did a double take with how blunt that was
you shouldn't be surprised
yeah he was back to usual
Tails had set himself up to check out Robotnik's computer
probably gleam info
would be a good idea to disarm the gun too
you checked out over his shoulder as he worked
arms wrapped around you front as Sonic pressed up against
”pretty please~”
his finger drew circles around your lower waist
his voice was genuine
good lord
you could be in danger
what if Robotnik came back?
”then he sees me getting boinked”
you tried not to think how he picked that up
you rolled your eyes
probably wouldn't drop it
however you did point out Tails was busy
”hey, buddy, you ok if I borrow him for a minute?”
he glanced around you and Tails was clearly absorbed in playing around with the system
Sonic poked him on the head and that snapped him back to the situation
he looked over and Sonic asked about “boinking”
you'd hope Tails to be the mature one here and point out the danger
instead he just warned against damaging any of the servers and went back to searching through folders
well there went your excuse

you'd fuck him
but he didn't have lube
when you brought that up he pulled a bottle from the chest of his swimsuit
well you weren't surprised he was prepared
he tossed you the bottle and walked over to a wall
the white shirt was tossed to the side, leaving him in his one piece
his tail wiggled as he bent over, his eyes on you
”I'm waiting,” he teased
well you couldn't lie and say that wasn't making a tent in your pants
one of his hands slapped down hard on his ass and he spread the cheek enough to see the hole flossed by the swimsuit
he smiled over his shoulder as you freed your dick
”smelling you marking Tails had me wanting this the whole time. Robotnik had to go and ruin the mood by trying to hurt you two.”
you lubed up your dick and pressed the head to his hole and he impaled himself without you needing to push
he shot a load onto the floor and groaned
damn he must have really be pent up
granted, he was always a quick shot
but this was almost instant
his hole clamped down and you enjoyed the ride
your hands went for his hips and you gave him a moment to relax
he repaid this consideration by peaking over his shoulder
”that all you got slowpoke?”

the taunt earned him what he wanted
within moments you had him in a full nelson
his hands grasped at anything for leverage but he was unable to do much else
you pummeled his prostate without mercy now
he wasn't much for insults now
moaning like a girl was about all you could get out of him while you jackhammered
you'd turned around and used the wall for stability and caught Tails shyly eyeing you two before he shot back to the computer screen
the clicking of keys returned and you realized he must have been watching you two for a while
you were content to wring another orgasm out of Sonic and his cock sprayed ropes everywhere it bounced
well, this definitely would piss off that Robotnik if he came back and the safe house reeked of sex
you'd be pissed too
you half paid attention to Tails over his shoulder while emasculating the guy on your dick
another climax
man he was really pent up
it looked like Tails got cameras online
smaller screens popped up of areas around the ruins and movement attracted the attention of the fox on one of them
”uh, Sonic.”
Sonic was busy right now, he might need to leave a message
”this might be important,” the fox glanced around to you to be greeted by the hedgehog having a fourth orgasm and seeing the cum fly a good couple feet
he stared wide eyed for a second before regaining composure and you caught the blush on his face
against your interests you hit pause for a second
Sonic regained his composure and looked towards the screen
Tails pointed to what looked like a pink hedgehog
”oh no,” was the first reply to come from the hedgehog

you had no idea what the issue was
you'd seen plenty of animal people before
villages of them
the pink hedgehog looked like a girl, complete with a dress
though that wasn't completely true in some cases
the guy on your dick being an exception
so you had to ask
why “oh no”?
he stopped bucking on your cock and relaxed a little
”I probably didn't tell you I got a stalker right?”
he reached his arms behind your neck to balance himself
you noticed he didn't ask to be put down
instead just making himself comfortable
”you save a girl and she thinks you're her boyfriend.”
but he clearly did not play for that team
so that was an issue
but why not say no?
”tried that. tried running too. see how well that worked?”
maybe you could just talk to her
it was clear Sonic wasn't interested in girls
his ass clenched around you when he saw her moving deeper into the jungle towards the ruins
so should you move out or…?
”nope. hiding. and who said you could stop?”
he rolled his hips
”the doors are locked, right?”
Tails nodded and went back to the computer systems
so his master plan was to hope his stalker just went away
well not the smartest idea but he was sort of in charge here
your dick was being held hostage and your brain was held hostage by your dick
such cruel fate

fine, you wanted to cum too
but just hiding from the girl probably wouldn't be a long lasting solution
you told Sonic he might have to just tell her the truth
”she has a hammer.”
he fought a mad scientist with robots
yet one chick with a hammer made him hide
”I'm not hiding”
yes he was
he pouted, you could feel it against you
not very dignified while impaled on your manhood
but come on
she'd just have to be told her crush was obviously into guys and…
Sonic cut you of
”I'm not worried about her coming after me with a hammer.”
he poked your face with a finger
so she might target you
he had a point there in that case
”step it up, I know you haven't cum yet.”
he tried thrusting down onto you but he had no momentum here
the tension slowly ebbed away as you just gave back into your instincts
Tails still looking through the computer
you decided to throw caution to the wind and give him what he wanted
it didn't take long for him to become a whiny mess on your dick again
when it looked like you were close all three of you paused at hearing knocking on the safe house's door
three sets of eyes locked on the doorway

a thought occurred
none of you cleaned up the egg robot
there was tense couple of seconds
you cursed not picking up the metal remains
what if this Robotnik had come back?
he'd have seen that
this was a more pressing concern than Robotnik
”Tails,” the hedgehog responded in a whisper, “please tell me this place has an escape hatch.”
you felt blue balled but you pulled Sonic off your dick, gently
he winced
you could hear it in his voice
but the small knock was followed by smashing
so she did have a hammer
yeah escape hatch sounded great
Tails ended up pulling schematics up and found a vent
issue was it was pretty small
as in not human size
so that was ruled out by Sonic as he walked towards the computer on wobbling legs
what was the worst if Sonic just spoke the truth?
you'd never seen the hedgehog scramble before
his fox friend had no answers
the door started caving in and all three of you ended up against the wall
”alright, where is here?”
the voice was a girl's
the tone filled with pure fury
maybe this is what spooked Sonic
lord only knows that noise scared the hell out of you

the three of you hugged the back corner of the room while a female voice demanded to know what Robotnik had done with Sonic
her anger seemed misplaced but she'd almost caved in a metal door
not like you'd be able to stop her
it also happened to be the only viable exit
this was a rock and a hard place
thankfully this had killed your sex drive so no need to worry about disappointment from a lack of climax on your part
one last swing and the door crumpled enough to her satisfaction and she jumped in with a massive colorful hammer raised above her head
what were these animal people made of?
she saw the three of you and the rage in her eyes instantly vanished
and she locked eyes with Sonic
he tried scampering backwards up the wall but since he wasn't a lizard or bug, there was no retreat
she dashed over and he recoiled
she didn't take notice and instead pulled him into a crushing hug
Tails and you watched this
you were unsure how to react
you'd just spent the better part of a half hour making him a squeak toy
like a couple of minutes ago you were inside him
he eventually wriggled out of her grip and regained his composure
”Amy,” he replied nervously, “why are you here?”
very mundane after Sonic and Tails
she had calmed down and was gushing all over the blue hedgehog
you felt slightly jealous
you didn't think that was possible for how fast and loose you three had played out this relationship
you tried to hide that small resentment
Sonic enjoyed your company
but it felt like someone trying to intrude on your territory and you didn't like it
the hammer
no wonder she scared these boys a little

however, you felt the need to speak up
or at least take action
you stood forward and placed yourself in front of Sonic
when she finally noticed you she didn't seem alarmed
somehow she was on this island so she'd probably seen humans before
you reassured her Robotnik wasn't here and everything was OK
she should probably get going though
you weren't hostile but you did sort of want the problem gone
while being keenly aware the problem could crumple metal
though honestly, she probably just had a misguided crush
he saved her so she saw her shining knight in armor
Sonic tried to make it not obvious you were being used as cover
Tails squeezed your hand in his behind your back
while the gesture was appreciated, you focused in the task at hand
Amy did look like the same type as Sonic
you didn't know how this all worked but she had hair quills like him
just all in pink
he was almost as girly as she was
his hips were better
the things one thinks about under pressure
Amy eyed you with suspicion, then she smelled something
you thought back to Sonic’s comment earlier and realized the 3 of you couldn't hide what you'd been up to
her eyes narrowed

the hammer was immediately brandished
she didn't even give your time to react
Sonic moved you to the other side of the room and Tails leapt out of the way
she tossed the weapon at you and you ducked
Tails grabbed you by the hand and without warning you'd been pulled out of the room and upwards
you looked up the the fox and saw his tails worked like a helicopter
your life was definitely more interesting than when you were on earth
he placed you both on top of the pyramid
Sonic followed out the ruined door along with plenty of smashing
this Robotnik was down a safe room
you asked Tails if he gleaned anything from the computers
sure enough there was plans for a “master emerald”
you would have to hit Station Square
after Sonic dealt with this
Amy crawled out of the ruins and whipped her head to look at you
you now knew why these two were terrified
Sonic spoke up when she started cursing you out
”Amy, stop that.”
he was firm again
standing up about as dignified as a guy in a female swimsuit could be
Amy seemed to pause, turning to look at him standing on the pyramid steps
it was strange to see him so take charge
”look, he's my boyfriend. I can't be with you. simple.”
she tried speaking and he cut her off
”you nearly took his head off.”
he'd found his balls with her and all it took was her almost killing you
he folded his arms and looked up to her
Tails and you watched from your safe distance
she mulled it over and then left without saving another word
you got a little worried but she seemed to take the hint

her walk away was a quiet one
she just sort of gave up
maybe she just needed to hear the words from Sonic
well you'd made boyfriend status
Tails let you back down on the stairs
that flying trick was neat
it had not come up before but these guys were fascinating
this whole world was
and you were headed into a city with people like you
the wonders never ceased
you asked if she was going to be ok
Sonic spared a glance over his shoulder
”I hope so..”
Tails told Sonic what he told you
plans involving this master emerald usually didn't mean anything good
nothing Robotnik planned was good
it sounded like he'd already broken the thing judging by the computer records
Sonic pulled his shirt out of the wreckage of the lab and threw it on
Tails would be taking you to Station Square while he rushed ahead
whatever awaited you'd confront it
well, they would
but you'd try to help best you could

Edit Report
Pub: 24 Nov 2023 01:12 UTC
Edit: 15 Dec 2023 11:53 UTC
Views: 1094