esme rentry
emi rentry

i love my girlfriend so much guys its so unreal fun fact theyre the one that got me into pastebin stuff back in dec of last year isnt that crazy. anyways im soososoo in love its been almost 14 months and my crush on you hasnt ever gone away i love you so much literally nobody gets it. nobody gets ME more than you do (excluding myself) not even my own mother sometimes its crazy. Im so grateful i met you and youve made life so much better for me.. last summer was the best summer of my life and i loved spending this summer with you too!! i love spending so much time with you every day i love laughing with you complaining with you crying with you sometimes aaagh youre so perfect for me.. i love the things you like even if youre a serial gatekeeper.... i remember when you first showed me your favorite thenbhd songs and i couldnt stop listening to ### #### it was my #2 on spotify wrapped i think. and #1 was STILL an emisme song wow.

btw so many ships r biblically accurate emisme. emunene and misakoko was like the first and they r soooo us bro. sosoosos carnally us. and tomoanon and hayakoko and mizisua and mikayuu and cinnaphos and mocahima and minoai and yukilisa and rinlisa and ayachisa and himayori and bronseele and mizumafu and. i can go on we r in every universe i think ^_^ emisme is inescapable we are that lesbian.

theyre so sosososopretty i love their hair their face their personalities i didnt have a type before i met esme actually. i gave my #1 YUME SAYO HIKAWA look hcs and i made her look exactly like my gf BY ACCIDENT. TRUTHFULLY! They also recently got a haircut and oh my god i screamed aagahhdhd im so lucky guys. Im soosososlucky

they spoil me ever since theh got a job im so happy i get good accs robux urls all that jazz I LOVE GIFTSSS I LOVE !!!! it makes me sohappy im so grateful theyre so generous and sweet kyaa THEY ALSO RECLAIM THINGS FOR ME AND AND. MAKE EDITS FOR ME AND EVEN BOUGHT ME SAYO HIKAWA FIGURE FOR MY BDAY LAST YEAR WAAAAAHHH WHY ARE THEY SOGOOD TO MEEE

Pub: 22 Apr 2022 07:18 UTC
Edit: 09 Jan 2025 00:12 UTC
Views: 2067