Shinji Ikari was gorging himself on a fried and greasy feast. The table of the restaurant was full to overflowing with all manner of foods dripping in grease and lard. Shinji was eating and eating. He had been here for more than an hour, but he kept ordering more food. More. More. More!

"BUuuaarrrp," he burbled a belch out. He grabbed a bacon cheeseburger and took an enormous bite, his cheeks and jowls and chins oozing and jiggling as he chewed. He dipped a fry in spicy mayonnaise, brought it to his lips, and popped it in. He swallowed his bites, then grabbed an enormous gooey handful of nacho fries and crammed them into his mouth.

A spare fry, dripping with cheese and sour cream, escaped his chewing maw. It fell and landed on the billowing slope of his enormous belly. Swallowing the majority of his bite, Shinji's beady blue eyes noted the fallen food. He wiggled plump fingers shiny with grease, then reached and plucked the fry off his belly's jutting well. Then he cut an enormous bite of chicken fried steak, dunked it in gravy, swirled it in mashed potatoes, and popped it into his mouth.

PRRRTTT, came the blooming fart from his gigantic bottom.

Across the table, Kaworu Nagisa smiled.

Shinji had become enormous. Kaworu didn't even have to prompt him to eat any more. He had carefully groomed and cultivated Shinji, prodding him, pampering him, spoiling him, and feeding, feeding, feeding him. And the results had been glorious. The former Eva pilot had awakened in unstoppable gluttony in his heart, a lust for food that gave him an almost automatic urge to eat any time he saw something to put in his mouth. He could eat whole tables of food these days and still ask Kaworu where they were going next to "top me off, please." And dessert! He had a serious sweet tooth, an insatiable sweet tooth, an addiction to sugar. Kaworu had turned Shinji into a boy who absolutely lived to eat.

And the results showed in Shinji's voluminous size. He was colossal, immense, elephantine. At present he tipped the scales at 336 kilograms--well over 700 pounds in the standard system. He currently sat in a custom-ordered bariatric wheelchair; he was so fat that walking was challenging these days, and he remained seated even when he left the house. Getting Shinji out of the house was a production these days, but he still liked to leave once a week, to bask in the glory of restaurants, ice cream parlors, and bakeries.

"Mrmn," he mumbled as he chewed, his huge face oozing and rippling. Shinji had a fattened pig's face; his short brown hair sat atop a bloated head that made the teenage boy look like livestock in a pen. His blue eyes, once so bright, were now milky and dull, and they were squinted by the huge fatness of his cheeks, which in turn oozed down into broad, wide jowls; his cheeks had become huge, blubbery sacks that gave him permanent dimples around his always-hungry mouth. His wide, wide, wide jawline swelled into a big, beefy second chin, and then billowed down into a third chin that always sagged heavily onto the tops of his breasts.

Those breasts--what boobs! Shinji had billowing, feminine udders, huge sacks of blubber that had dark areolae and big, plump nipples. His boobs were bigger than beach balls, and they made him often look womanly, like some fat lady, not a fat boy. The boy had a hefty bosom, and his breasts were surprisingly sensitive. Kaworu would often playfully tease Shinji by tweaking his nipples.

On either side of the big boy breasts were his arms, which were bigger around than the waists of most fat people. Shinji had porky, plump upper arms that oozed well over his elbows, and they were dimpled with cellulite, leading down to his hefty hamhock forearms. His hands were fat, and his fingers were plump, so that he had trouble using his phone these days.

Shinji reached for a steak sandwich. He brought it to his lips and took a huge bite. "Mrngn," he mumbled, grease and sauce oozing down his face, as flecks of steak and cheese spattered down onto his huge, huge, huge belly. Shinji had a belly like a hippo or a whale. It was a massive mountain slope of blubber, riddled with stretch marks, covered in cellulite, and on the rare occasions he stood these days it came down to his ankles. It jutted out more than two feet in front of him, and it was so heavy Shinji usually needed support to remain standing. Far down at its base, it bisected into a 'front butt' that formed a deep, stinky cleft. The wheelchair was custom-made with a special pad that gave the belly plenty of support, but also lowered it so Shinji could be pushed up to a table without obstruction.



The horrible, stinky farts made people look up from their meals and put aside their food, not that Shinji was any less a spectacle without his considerable gas problem. Shinji's ass was a kingly, massive thing. A very, very, very, very big seat. Each buttock was more than a meter wide, and they jutted more than a foot behind him, oozing out the back of the chair where he sat. The ass of Shinji Ikari was truly immense. His big, fat, greasy folds of back fat burbled down his back until the biggest and widest of them rested on the big shelf of the ass. The bigness of his butt extended into a vast, wide hip size; Shinji had truly billowing, womanly hips. His thighs were bigger than the waistlines of most fat men; there were padded cushions on the wheelchair upon which they rested, though the meaty thigh fat oozed over the pads on either side. They led down to calves like turkey legs, big and fat and drooping wetly over his ankles. He had fat feet and cute, chubby toes.



"Mrnmn," mumbled Shinji, mouth full of food. He could feel his innards working--


"Ohh, Kaworu-san," he burbled, "I just went poo poo." Sure enough, the big boy had just taken a big shit, his impressive ass expelling a creamy brown mudslide. He was wearing a truly gigantic bariatric diaper that swathed his pelvic area. So, at least, he had not leaked into his muu-muu. Yes, Shinji wore a muu-muu. He was so fat these days that pants were a distant memory. Currently he was wearing a massive floral print dress, the size of a tent, draping and flowing around his bulky body.

"Yes, I can tell, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. "You do always make a certain expression when you have soiled yourself."

Shinji made that expression again. His dull blue eyes blinked, and his lips worked. "Mrnf," he burbled.


Another big dump into his diaper. "I'm, mnf, feeling poopy today, Kaworu-san," he huffed.

"Nothing for it, my dear," said Kaworu. "When do you suppose you will be finished?"

Shinji swiped up more nacho fries. He crammed them into his mouth. He chewed, and chewed, and swallowed.

"BUUURRRP!!" he belched loudly. "I... mmm, I think... hff... maybe a bit of a cheeseburger or two more... and then I'll URRP be ready for dessert."

"We must not let you go without that, my pet," said Kaworu, walking around the table. He took a napkin and began to wipe the grease and cheese and sauce from off of Shinji's enormous face.

Sitting in the wheelchair, Shinji's face was roughly level with Kaworu's crotch. Shinji saw the bulge in Kaworu's crotch area. His heart rate, already very fast, quickened even more. He licked his lips. His fat hands rested tentatively on his huge belly. "Ohhh, Kaworu, ah, hff, Kaworu-san, mmmm, maybe a sucky after lunch? Before dessert? Mmm I do, ah, feel like a sucky."

Kaworu smiled.

When they were finally finished at the restaurant, and Shinji had been sufficiently wiped off from all his stains, Kaworu wheeled him out through the door. It was difficult to get Shinji in and out of places these days; they were sometimes limited to establishments whose doorways were particularly wide. Or, at least, not narrow. But now they were out on the sidewalk, and Kaworu was making for the park.


Kaworu heard the low bass putter of Shinji's bowels. "Pooping again, Shinji-kun?"

"Ohh, yes, Kaworu-san," said Shinji, hands resting on his massive gut. He felt the wet, hot, heavy flow. Shinji had been having anal sex with Kaworu for so long that his bowel control was nonexistent. Hence the need to wear diapers. The big, fat, gay boy was completely content with it. He smiled, his fat face sagging and oozing. "Oh, you know me, Kaworu-san! I'm so poopy sometimes. I'll probably be going for the rest of the day. The diaper should be fine unless I get one single really big load."

"You are such a good boy, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, patting his shoulder. Shinji cooed and whimpered like some kind of dog.

"Kaworu-san... the sucky..."

"Here we are," and Kaworu had wheeled the wheelchair off the path, into the grass of the park, into the depths of the trees. They were well out of sight of anyone now. Kaworu came around to Shinji's front, again presenting his crotch at the same level as Shinji's head. Kaworu ruffled Shinji's hair, then stroked his blubbery cheek. Shinji moaned and cooed out of his fat-swathed throat. He loved it when Kaworu touched him.

"Touch me more, Kaworu-san," he moaned, and Kaworu obliged, gently tweaking Shinji's nipple, stroking the back of Shinji's fat hand, running a soft, silken hand down the huge slope of Shinji's belly. Shinji moaned in delight and felt his small, shrunken penis grow rock-hard, deep beneath his folds and rolls, sunken into his gigantic fupa. Then Kaworu unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his pants. He pulled down his pants, and pulled down his boxers. And Shinji saw his prize. Kaworu's very, very big penis was dangling there, pale and uncircumsized in the open air. It was rapidly becoming erect. Shinji's cheeks flushed red. He licked his lips. "Gimme, gimme..."

Kaworu guided his penis into Shinji's mouth, and Shinji began to suck on it, slurping on it like he was a baby at a bottle. Shinji had grown to love sucking cock. He was so completely submissive, so utterly subservient. A kept and leashed pet. And he loved it. So this step towards sucking his boyfriend's dick had become wonderful to him. It was yet another sign of Kaworu taking care of him. He loved being taken care of. He loved being Kaworu's pet. Kaworu showered him with love and affection, sex and food, pampering and swaddling. Shinji had become a fully cared-for, comforted creature. He had no ambitions, no dreams, no initiative. He was an overgrown baby and it was all he had ever wanted. Subconsciously, whether he knew it or not, the desire to suck was part of that. A baby with his bottle.

So he sucked...

And sucked...

And sucked...

And Kaworu, his Angel body fully in control, allowed release.

"Bmrf," mumbled Shinji as his porky cheeks bulged outwards, filling with semen. Of course he swallowed. He was such a kept pet. "BUuuuaarrrp," he belched, a dribble of cum oozing down his chin, then his double chin, then his triple chin.

He was breathing hard. "Do you need oxygen, Shinji-kun?" asked Kaworu.

"Ohh, oh, yes, yes, hff, pfff, I, pff, hff, I, ah," Shinji leaned back, feeling out of breath and tired, a fat hand going weakly to his big right boy boob. "Yes, hff, Kaworu-san, I do, mm, kff! I think I, hff, need a bit, hff, pff, a bit of a puff, a puff, a puff..."

Kaworu went around to the back of the wheelchair. He brought out the portable supply of oxygen. Kaworu's Angel powers could protect Shinji from many of the problems and complications associated with extreme obesity. But they couldn't protect Shinji from the sheer burden of his own massive size, especially on his heart and lungs and bones and joints. So Shinji often needed help breathing after anything even faintly strenuous.

Kaworu put the mask against his mouth. Shinji greedily sucked in oxygen. "Ohh, hff, oh, yes, ohhhh, you're so, so good to me, Kaworu-san," he mumbled, sweat running down his fat face. The mere act of giving a blowjob was enough to tire him these days.

"Shhh, such a good boy," whispered Kaworu, stroking Shinji's hair.

"Ohh, I... I love you," mumbled Shinji, breathing oxygen deeply through the mask.

"Shinji-kun, I really don't think you should leave the house much any more. Look at you! This little excursion has you almost worn out. You need so much care and protection these days," Kaworu stroked Shinji's huge belly, "it would be better to keep you at home permanently."

"Ohh, oh," Shinji breathed, "mmm, maybe, hff, maybe you're right, Kaworu-san. It's not like I need to go out... when I have you." And Shinji's dull, milky eyes stared with bliss at Kaworu.


Relaxed, comforted, awash in his caretaker's love, Shinji's bowels truly emptied. A big, hot, heavy flow of feces absolutely plowed themselves into his diaper, almost threatening to burst the taped fastenings.

And Shinji Ikari, in that moment of supreme helplessness, and utter lack of agency, knew: this was his destiny. His long-ago dream of overcoming his fear, of not running away, of reaching out to connect with someone even at the risk of getting hurt... it was so stupid. Why had he ever dreamed of such a thing? Kaworu and his effortless, unconditional love and care was all he needed. It was his destiny to be cared for. It was his destiny to be fattened and fucked and pampered and reduced to something subhuman. It was his destiny to be a blob that did little more than eat, sleep, shit, and have sex. It was his highest joy and his deepest bliss. It was, deep down, all that he had ever wanted.

Shinji smiled. "I'm so... so happy."

Kaworu smiled too. But it was a cold smile.

Lilin really were not that complicated, deep down.


Pub: 11 Apr 2023 03:42 UTC
Views: 700