Fools Errand

Chapter 3


Day 1

As the light begins to wane you stop to set up your tent.
By the time you've overcome the near insurmountable struggle of setting up a tent without instructions its already last light.
Without time to find dry wood for a cooking fire you settle for heating up one of the MREs you gathered with an esbit stove.
You wait for the food to heat while inside your tent.
You chose a good one. The mylar lining in the tent walls reflects your body heat and warms up nicely.
By the time your dinner is ready the light is gone.
The taste of your beef goulash is off but anything is delicious when you're this tired.
The radio still strapped to your coat crackles to life with a feminine voice.
"Daniel? are you there?"
All of the women have already been taken from town
The unmistakable accent derived from the shape of daxy mouths is a dead give away for whoever just spoke.
Its not really surprising they would get your name from one of their prisoners, but its unnerving nonetheless.
"Please come in Daniel."
You're taken back to boyhood for a moment.
Your mother would call in over the radio to check on you in the evenings when you went out on trips.
The daxy on the other end didn't sound like your mother but it was uncomfortable how much she reminded you of her.
"It's cold Daniel. I just want to know you're alright."
You can almost feel the warm summer air that was present on those nights.
Is the tent warming up that much?
Your nose is no longer numb from the cold.
"If you're hurt just say the word and we can rescue you soon."
You don't respond.
You grit your teeth at the rushing memories.
Mom died years ago but these memories have you grieving all over again.
You feel a sudden rush of extreme loneliness.
Something that never bothered you on your many solo excursions into these hills.
You rub your face aggressively while trying to fight down these intense feelings.
The steel cup holding your meal sits forgotten next to you as it slowly cools.
You hold your head in your hands while losing your fight against these sudden negative feelings.
You thought she wouldn't keep going after you didn't respond but eventually she begins a soothing song in an alien tongue you don't understand.
Slowly the warmth you felt earlier while under the effects of the gas returns.
it's like a solid dam being built up to hold fast against the loneliness.
The feeling is still there but its icy bite is mitigated by the comforting melody that fills your tent.
You think about turning the radio off but much to your chagrin you know its that song that is soothing you.
You don't want to turn the radio off.
She continues singing as your pick up you cup again and resume eating.
You finish your meal as the lullaby comes to an end.
The daxy doesn't say anything else as you zip up you sleeping bag.
The radio stays silent until you drift off to sleep.

day 2

You wake up with hazy memories of a strange dream the night before.
A giant lizard, like a komodo dragon but with pale blue scales holding you down.
Using its massive claws to rend your chest open.
Diving in with an open maw to tear out and swallow your heart.
You shake off the uneasy feeling the dream leaves you with and take stock of your situation.
The roads in and out of town are surely monitored so heading into town and commandeering a car would be certain failure.
You have no idea where you could go that is safe anyways.
You remember a hunter's cabin deeper in the woods.
It's been years since you've camped around that area but you still remember the location well enough to find it in winter.
Who ever owned it has surely been taken by the daxy. He won't have any need for the supplies stocked there.
You can't be sure that its not abandoned or that it has any food left but it's your best bet.
You have no plan beyond the cabin but you can reorient after you get there.

Axia steps out of a conference room having just finished her morning brief and set down at her desk
She opts to read it right away
"I saw your report on the experimental mortar, give me a holo as soon as possible so that we can more regarding this lost male."
First the pilots, now engineering. Can anyone around here actually communicate instead of giving the sparsest information?
She straps a holo to her head and two cameras mounted to booms rise up from behind her monitor.
A moment later her monitor is filled with a video feed of of a daxy clad in dirty coveralls with a lifted face shield above her head. In the background are various parts strewn about and manufacturing machines spewing sparks as they cut and weld various parts.
"Talis, you wanted to talk more about the gas mortars?"
Talis has a passionate glint in her eyes.
"Hey, yeah! You said there is one more male that wasn't captured, that's awesome!"
Axia's scowl quenches her excitement only temporarily.
"I mean its not good that there is a male out there in danger but this presents us with the first live test of the new pheromone blend we've been working on."
"With the normal stuff the pheromones would make males docile so we could scoop them without hurting any of them. You already saw that. The problem is that if we didn't capture the males they would just get taken back to wherever they are hiding and it would wear off."
"This new stuff is devious though. It's got a short term addictive effect. It doesn't just make them want more. It makes them want the real thing. Even better, it changes how males think about us. After the main effect wears off They still seek our comfort afterwards. If it works as good as we hope affected males wont just keep fighting, they'll defect and just come to us if we don't manage to capture them right away."
Axia frowns. "Honestly Talis I'm not sure that I like this idea. It sounds like it could be abused or go awry."
"We did extensive testing prior to male trials. Check this out!"
Talis walks closer to the holo's field of view and taps away at an unseen terminal.
The video feed is replaced with a paused recording of a male sitting on a bed in a holding cell.
"This male would fight with any daxy that tried to make contact with him. He already had been assigned a mate but she couldn't claim him because he was so aggressive. He had already been cleared for direct injection with her pheromones but we presented our data and between how safe we know it is and his mate's hesitancy to use injection we were able to trial the new blend on him.
The recording unpauses and the door to the holding cell opens. A daxy walks in somewhat timidly.
The male immediately jumps up onto to the bed from his sitting position and draws back to the corner of the room where the bed was pressed up against.
"This is about 12 hours after he recovered from the dose we administered by gas. Before this he would try to attack anyone that would come near him."
The daxy approaches the bed and sits on the other end away from him. Her mouth is moving but the audio is muted.
Eventually she reaches out slowly with both claws and holds him calmly.
Rather than fighting or running he allows it to happen.
"This is my favorite part!"
The commentary isn't necessary but Axia keeps quiet.
She slowly pulls him closer until he is in her lap.
He puts a hand on her chest as she softly strokes his back and hair.
After a while she starts rocking him slightly. Her mouth moves slightly as she whispering things into his hear.
He seems to be trembling and Axia realizes that he must by crying.
The recording cuts and the screen returns to Talis.
"See, complete immediate success!"
She taps a few more keys and an image of the daxy and her mate replaces her. They are both wearing garb typical of a mating ceremony.
She his holding him with one claw hooked under his knees and the other one supporting his back. His arms are wrapped lovingly around her neck.
They are both smiling.
Axia forgets for a moment that she is looking at a test subject and wishes it were her in place of that lucky daxy.
"That was a few weeks ago. We've had him back in for tests and hes completely normal, other than not fighting everyone like a wild animal at every chance. They're really cute together."
Axia recovers from her self pity. "I have to say I'm impressed. If it works as well as you say this could be a gift from Axilis herself."
"That's where you come in lieutenant. We want to consider ways that we could try and encourage another success."
"I'm not sure that Daniel was even exposed though. He wasn't found in the camp with the others."
Talis humms. "We should still work on the assumption that he was exposed though. If he was he could very well come in on his own but I'm sure you don't want to just sit around waiting. Do you have any way of communicating with him? If you had a way of getting his approximate location you could try dropping some kind of supply package for him you could taint it with pheromones so that he gets another small dose. That could be the reminder of what he needs and come in after that."
Axia sits back and rubs a claw on her chin. "We've had patrols out searching for him but haven't found a hair. I did get his friend's radio signals and tried to contact him that way last night but he didn't respond. I don't know if he heard or not."
"Its something and its the best we've got. Unless a better option comes up you should keep up the calls just in case. Even a daxy voice is encouragement for him to come to us."
"I'll share this with my commander and we will take it into consideration when planning the rest of the mission. Thank you staff sergeant."

"Keep me updated please, I really think this will be good for avoiding casualties."

"Of course." Axia ends the call and stands up.
Axia peeks into Issaya's office. She has her head buried in a terminal doing paperwork.
"Commander do you have a moment?"
Issaya leans back from her work. "Damn I need a secretairy or something. What's up?"
Axia steps into the room. "Is Saxis on patrol currently? I need to pull someone for a special assignment and had her in mind."
Issaya leans forwards with interest. "Ooh, a special assignment, tell me about it!"
"I just spoke with one of the engineers working on the prototype weapon. She wants me to make contact with the human and I felt that some human books would make the task more effective. I need to send someone fluent in reading English to this towns book depot to retrieve material."
"Yeah Saxis was on patrol yesterday so she should have been rotated to guard duty. She's upstairs somewhere at one of the windows. Bet you she's playing with her humie but who cares, there's only one male left anyways. Send her off for whatever you need."
"Great, thanks Commander!"
Axia steps out and begins searching for Saxis.
While passing one of the rooms she hears faint conversation followed by laughing behind a closed door
she opens the door to find Saxis lounging on a chair next to a window, her rifle propped against a wall, and James sitting nearby In the middle of a story.
She smiles "I guess I should be glad I didn't take the commander's bet."
Saxis acknowledge the intruder. "Oh yeah, what bet was that?"
"That I would find you up here quote: 'playing with her humie.'"
James blushes at the remark.
Saxis chuckles. "Guilty as charged. We both know there's nothing to guard against out here."
"I believe you. The commander said the same thing. I hate to ruin your fun but I've got a special assignment for you."
Saxis leans over and wraps an arm around James. "I've got my 'special assignment' right here than you very much."
James blushes even harder and smiles.
Axia takes a mock stern attitude. "You know what I mean. I've got a mission that will help Daniel."
Saxis pouts. "You'd really pull me away from my love?"
"It wont be long and I'll even give you an out. If you feel you're fluent enough in English I'd like you to go to the town's book depot and get some books about songs that I could use."
James responds before Saxis can. "Book depot? You mean the library?"
"Yes thank you, I didn't know what you call it."
James smirks. "You know you could just have both of us go. I know where the library is and while I haven't been there since probably middle school I'm sure I know how they're sorted better than a couple of aliens."
Axia puts a hand up. "There's no way Saxis could get away with taking a male out into the field.
Saxis waves her concern off. "Oh come on the commander herself already said there's nothing to worry about. I think James has already made a good point. If you really want those books you should be taking advantage of local knowledge.
James chimes in "It gives us something better to do than be cooped up in her anyways."
Axia frowns and thinks it over. "...Alright but you better bring back some great material for me, and keep and eye out for him."
Saxis stands up. "Awesome, I was worried that we would run out of stories and never have anything new to say."
The three make their way downstairs and Axia sees them off with further encouragement to keep James safe.
Axia keeps herself busy by updating herself on archives of human music customs and learning to decipher musical notation.
Humans might actually be more advanced than daxy with the intricacies of music. This will be much harder than expected.
By the time Saxis and James return there is only two or so hours left until sun down.
Axia hears the door shut and turns to see the two strolling up to her desk with a stack of books in Saxis' hands and James holding some unidentified human device.
Saxis is the first to open the conversation. "James picked out some books but managed to do you one even better."
James offers her whats appears to be a rudimentary holo band with a wire running down to a small box. She takes the band and starts turning over with interest.
James mimes putting the band over his head and cups his ears. "Put in on so that the speakers go over your ear... holes.
She does as instructed but before she can ask what its for he has already taken a small plastic disk out of its case, inserted it into the machine and pressed a few buttons.
Human music starts playing in the speakers placed over her ears.
James starts talking again but she cant hear him over the volume of the music.
She pulls the headpiece off. "What was that? I couldn't hear you."
"Saxis took one look at the music and said that you guys don't have any training in reading our music so I got you a CD player. That way you can learn by listening instead of figuring it out by reading."
Axia smiles. "That is very thoughtful of you."
Saxis put an arm around his shoulders. "That's my man thinking ahead."
Axia responds "I'll be honest I was going over our archives on music and couldn't make sense of it. Having to read it would not have been fruitful."
James smiles. "Don't worry about it. I look at this stuff and I cant make hide or tail of it either."
Axia smiles. "Alright I need to study this before tonight. Thank you so much for all the help."
Saxis responds. "Hey no problem. It got us out of the base and I got to learn more about humans. Anything for James' friend."

You did a better job of gauging sundown tonight.
You stopped earlier than yesterday and after setting up your tent you had enough time to collect kindling and dig a small hole for a fire.
While setting up camp you clicked your radio on out of habit.
Something deep down stopped you from turning it back off. Loneliness? Memories of your mother? You couldn't put your finger on it.
By the time the light was gone you were digging into a meal made from canned food cooked in a steel mess cup.
Unsurprisingly the radio chattered to life again.
More Daxy lullabies.
Once again the nip of the cold air recedes and your meal is just a little more warming than before.
Then something new.
"This little light of mine"
"I'm gonna let it shine"
"This little light of mine"
"I'm gonna let it shine"
"Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine"
One of your earliest memories was singing this with mom at bed time.
The daxy has to be messing with you, but you can't bring yourself to anger.
Axia looks over her shoulder to see Saxis' head peeking around a corner.
just beneath her is James head peeking as well.
She makes a split decision.
"Daniel if you wanted to, you could talk to your friend James."
Now she's really fucking with you.
The confusion and frustration overcomes the warm feeling in your chest.

"How did you know about that song?"

"Wh- Daniel? Are you there? are you alright?"

"I'm fine no thanks to you, how did you know?"

Axia switches the audio output from headset to speakers for the benefit of her eavesdroppers. "Know what?"
"The even calls, the singing, how did you know?"
"I don't know what you mean. I'm just doing what little I can to make sure you're safe."

"Don't play stupid. You're torturing me by acting like my mother. She used to call me every night. She would sing. Her voice was just as beautiful-"

You weren't about admit how well the enemy sung.
Axia is slow to respond. "Daniel, I only call because I want to know that you are okay. I don't know anything about your mother but I want you to know that all you have to do is say the word and we can make you safe. Its cold outside. You can't keep going forever. Please come back before its too late."

"Too late for what? Your mission runs out of time and you finally leave me be?"

"I don't want you to die cold and alone Daniel."
You sigh. What is up with these daxy?

"Listen, if you have James as prisoner then I'm sure you already know I'll be just fine without you. I don't need or want your help. Leave me alone."

"James isn't our prisoner. He is happy here."

"Yeah with that brute that was manhandling him and throwing him around?"

Axia hears a quiet scuffle behind her. She turns around to see Saxis pulling James back to the corner. She shakes her head at the two and mouths 'not now'. "I think I know who you're talking about and if its any consolation she is not James' mate. I don't like her either."

When you don't respond she continues. "The worst case scenario here isn't capture, it's death. No one want's that Daniel. We want you to be safe and warm."

Responding was a mistake. They know your listening and they know how to get to you, at least emotionally.
You use the last of your anger to stamp out what's left of the small cooking fire.
She has started singing another song in her tongue.
You could reach out and turn off the radio but that thing deep down that you refuse to acknowledge is still stopping you.
instead you zip up your tent and quickly fall asleep to the soothing sound of her voice.

Chapter 4
Pub: 19 Jun 2022 02:21 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2022 01:25 UTC
Views: 3060