
Tbhhh this is gonna just be a silly little rentry dedicated to stuff abt my gf but as a quick thinf if ur here from my other rentry, i will tag my gf as anyone and anyhthinf on my acc in any dynamics without invals or that type of stuff! do not ask me to cuz i wont and idgaf abt kinstagrammers delusions irls wtv.
ANYWAYS 10.30.22 as of writinf this we've BEEN together for over 2 years:)) genuine best 2 years of my life, Rentrys r cheesey abd thisll probably be made fun of on some kinstagrammwrs acc but idrgaf I LOVE MY WIFE! she makes me haopy :33 if u dislike my wife then i Hate you and want you as far away from me as humably possible. Anyways. #bombottoyuri4evah i will find some way to bring my gf into any conversatikn so Make note of this if u olan on befriending me.,i do not shut up abt her and i WILL brag abt her. My wife is the bestest ever Ok? Ok. Rentry please dont try and takr this from me it is in use. Olease. Thank you sarah for accepting my appeal

Pub: 01 Aug 2021 20:08 UTC
Edit: 05 Mar 2025 18:42 UTC
Views: 854