Shinji Ikari forked an enormous bite of pasta into his drooling mouth.

"Ohmn mfn mm," he mumbled as he guzzled the saucy noodles down, chewing and eating and feasting.

He lounged fatly in his immense bariatric wheelchair, which was getting to be so big it increasingly resembled a love seat, or a bed, on wheels. He needed the size because he had become so huge. Shinji was massive. His appetite seemed to never have a limit; the moment he'd outgrown one muu-muu, the moment he'd broken one wheelchair, the moment he'd outgrown one size of diapers, he'd find a new level of gluttony to achieve.

Kaworu sat beside him, observing his feast. Shinji had eaten four large dishes of pasta, from ravioli to lasagna to spaghetti, and now he was polishing off the two remaining dishes. Six whole servings of heavy, buttery, saucy Italian food. Easily more than 20,000 calories. But the big, fat boy wasn't breaking a sweat. If anything, he was eating faster.

"Mmrn," mumbled Shinji as he guzzled his food down. He was a mammoth 345 kilograms these days, frighteningly close to 770 pounds in the standard system. His greedy, beady eyes were set within his hoggish face, bloated and blubbery with rippling huge cheeks, jowls, and three voluminous chins. His breasts were so big, sagging to either side of his gut, that if one didn't know better one could mistake him for a fat woman, not a fat boy. His huge belly would have sagged to his shins if he'd been sitting up; as it was, it rested on a pad, with the front lip of the ocean of gut oozing almost to the floor. Shinji's beautiful pink floral print muu-muu strained to the limit to contain his colossal tum-tum, and the fabric was stained with sauces and drippings from Shinji's hours-long feast.


His gargantuan butt bloomed out a loud, deep fart. Shinji had a backside that could take up an entire sofa, jutting more than two feet behind him in a colossally obese shelf butt. He had an immensely deep ass crack these days; in fact, Kaworu's frequent lovemaking, and the need to part Shinji's buttocks aside in the process, meant that Shinji's huge cheeks naturally sagged to one side and the other when he sat, turning his butt crack into a yawning canyon. Oozing down from his saggy, dimply ass cheeks were his thighs as thick as tree trunks, and his dimpled, veiny calves bigger than the thighs of most fat women. Shinji wore flip flops, the only thing that seemed to fit his fat feet any more.

Shinji's head was fat and bloated. He was so obese that he had increasingly taken on inhuman proportions, his mouth and eyes increasingly small and beady amid his cheeks, his jowls, and his chins. Even his forehead had started to bloat out with fat. Now he greedily eyed the remaining pasta, and with surprisingly deft motions of his hefty arms and fat hands, he forked more, more, more bites into his mouth. He moaned in delight as he continued to feast. He could feel the delightful weight of all the pasta in his stomach. He was in heaven. Kaworu had turned him into someone who loved to eat, who lusted after eating. He was almost never happier than when he was gorging himself. The only thing he loved more than eating was... Kaworu himself.







Until finally, with a final wet slurp of his drooling mouth, Shinji guzzled the last bite of pasta down his throat.

"BUUUUAARRRP!!" he belched loudly, setting his fork down. "Ohhh," he moaned. He smiled, his permanent dimples deepening as his fat pig's face rippled from the motion. "Ohh, that did hit the spot, Kaworu-san."

"Oh, Shinji-kun," cooed Kaworu Nagisa, his red eyes twinkling as he observed his fattened pet. "You truly are a glutton. I'm so glad."

Shinji's enormous, blubbery cheeks blushed. "W-Well, Kaworu-san, I... I know you're always proud of me, when I clean my plate." He chuckled, his massive belly bobbing up and down. "Or plates, I guess, in this case!" He laughed. Then he coughed a bit. "Hff, hff, hff," he put a hand on his chest, sucking oxygen through the cannula inserted into his nose. He set a fat hand on his vast, downward-sloping belly. He could feel the weight of the pasta in his engorged stomach. It was heavy, rich, satisfying. He was going to need a nap later. He might even fall asleep as Kaworu was pushing him home.

But for now...

Kaworu saw the piggy twinkle in Shinji's beady blue eyes. "Dessert, my love?"

"Ohh, yes, Kaworu-san!" said Shinji with a smile and fleck of drool at the corners of his mouth. "Ohh, you, mmm, you know me, Kaworu-san, I love, ooh, I love a something sweet, a nice treat, after a big meal." He wiggled his chubby fingers and licked his lips, unable to stop himself from drooling. Even as full as he was, his appetite was so out of control that the mere thought of dessert sent him into a frenzy.

"Well, here is the menu," said Kaworu, slipping a small paper menu into Shinji's waiting hand.

Shinji's porky face rippled and jiggled as he considered his options. "Hmm... well, I, hmm, I could have the tiramisu, or, oh! The cheesecake..." his tongue lolled out, "then again, the apple tart sounds so enticing too, it comes with sweet cream gelato!"

A gentle touch upon his shoulder. Shinji's chins rippled as he turned to look over at Kaworu. The red eyes sparkled. "What if I order you one of everything on the menu? You did such a good job finishing your meal, you deserve a feast of dessert!"

"Ohh... ohhhh...." Shinji moaned, eyes widening, the wheelchair rocking as his enormous body fidgeted despite the weight. "Ohh, Kaworu-san, yes, yes, yes! Bring me one of... mmm, bring me one of everything!"

"I'll be right back," said Kaworu, winking, and turning to walk off into the restaurant.

Shinji's heart hammered in his chest and he got an erection, his stubby penis buried deep in his fat stiffening. He was so excited he actually peed himself a little. Dessert! Dessert! He was going to have so much dessert! He loved sweet things the most of all, and Kaworu almost never let him order the entire menu!

"Mmm, mmm, ohhh..." he moaned in delight, wiggling his fingers, licking his lips, trickles of drool running from both corners of his mouth. He was in a state of euphoric anticipation. He couldn't wait, he was so excited, to gorge himself on dessert. It was almost like a religious experience for the fattened, pampered boy. The more he thought about it, the more excited he got. You could see his big fat nipples stiffening under the fabric of his muu-muu.


The flatulence issued from him as he dreamed and gloried. He was so excited! He was going to get to eat so much... so much... so much dessert! He wanted to eat. He needed to eat. He felt like eating until he exploded! He was barely thinking, he was so excited for his feast of sweet treats.

"Ohh, ohhh," he moaned, his belly gurgling and bouncing up and down in its enormity. "Ohh... I'm going to have a treat!"

"Pilot Ikari."

That voice -- cool and gentle, yet sharp -- somehow cut through all of Shinji's gluttonous reverie. He knew that voice. His beady, hazy blue eyes suddenly regained a hint of their old sharpness, and he turned his head and saw -- "Ayanami?!"

Indeed: Rei Ayanami, the First Child, was standing next to him on the checkered tile floor of the Italian restaurant. The contrast between Rei's slim frame and Shinji's gigantic obesity was absurd, even comical. Now Rei gazed down at him where he sat in his wheelchair, and her red eyes, so like Kaworu's, regarded him with wonder. And not just wonder -- disgust. "Pilot Ikari, what has become of you?"

"Ohh, uh, um, R-Rei, Ayanami, I..." Shinji suddenly felt himself feeling deeply uncomfortable. Seeing Rei, after all this time, dredged up memories that he actively tried to avoid. Memories of Tokyo-3, memories of the Evangelions, memories of the Angels, of Misato, of his father -- "Ohh, buuh, hff, hff," he pawed at his chest, his heart hammering. "A-Ayanami, what are you... doing here?"

"I followed rumors that you were in this city, and so I tracked you down. Ikari-kun," she made a revolted face, "what on earth has become of you? You are so fat! You stink, also. I can smell your body odor from here."

"I, I, hff, pff, Rei, Rei, I... you... you don't..." Shinji was freaking out. His heart was hammering. He was having a panic attack.


Shinji pissed himself out of sheer panic, buried penis emptying a lake of urine into his diaper. Rei could smell Shinji wet himself, and she wrinkled her nose.

"What has gotten you into this state? I have heard you are with Nagisa now. Is this his doing?"

"Rei... you..." Shinji began to foam at the mouth, his overwhelming panic initiating violent bodily reactions. He was suddenly confronted with the life he thought he had left behind. The life he had been overjoyed to leave behind. He wasn't taking it well at all. Where was Kaworu?! Foam oozed out of Shinji's mouth as he fidgeted in his wheelchair, so much that it creaked rather ominously. "Rei..." he mumbled weakly, "you... you don't... hff, pff, hff... you don't understand..."

"You are bloated like a tick. How on earth did you allow yourself to become so outrageously obese?!"

"I... I..."

"Ah, Shinji-kun, seems I've arrived just in time," said Kaworu, appearing over Shinji's shoulder. He set down a huge tray, and it was loaded with five platters of dessert. One of each of the five desserts on the restaurant's menu: tiramisu, cheesecake, apple tart with gelato, panna cotta, and banana cream pie.

"K-Kaworu-san!" said Shinji, tears coming to his eyes at the return of his boyfriend. Kaworu was here again. He no longer needed to worry. He never needed to worry when Kaworu was around. Kaworu always took care of everything. Kaworu was so good to him. He was Kaworu's special boy.

"Shh, shh, shhhhh," said Kaworu softly, stroking Shinji's dark brown hair. His pale finger gently wiped the tears from Shinji's eyes. "Never fear, my darling. I am here again. Never worry about a thing. I shall always look after you, Shinji-kun."

"Ohhh," moaned Shinji in delight and comfort.

"Who's a good boy?" said Kaworu, gently rubbing Shinji's gigantic belly. Shinji whimpered, and the soothing touch of Kaworu on his vast midsection soon smoothed out the worry in his face.

"Ohh, Kaworu," he moaned, "I love you."

"I know you do," said Kaworu. He handed Shinji a fork. "Now... dig in."

Shinji's eyes fell on the dessert, and immediately became beady and greedy and piggish again. He forked a bite of the tiramisu into his mouth, and moaned erotically, and then was absolutely gorging himself on the platter of desserts.

Rei had watched all of this with horror. And when Kaworu pulled away from Shinji, and walked up to her, she said sharply: "What have you done to him?!"

"Nothing he didn't want himself, deep in his own heart," said Kaworu. Those red eyes took on a sharp glint. "I'll thank you not to interfere with my fun, Lilith. My precious pet is dear to me, and I'll not have the unpleasant realities of the world intruding on his life of gluttony and bliss."

"Tabris..." Rei said, her own red eyes narrowing, "have you any idea the chaos you've caused? Do you know there is almost nothing left of NERV or SEELE? Do you know what is happening in the wider world, as a result of you abducting Ikari?"

"Let the old men pound their fists," said Kaworu with a grin. "What can they do to me? Without me their plans for finishing the Eva Series go nowhere. Without Ikari, Third Impact and Instrumentality is impossible. Without him, without me, without you... well, everyone's carefully laid plans have gone up in smoke." He grinned. "Except my own, of course."

"SEELE will be indignant. They are indignant," said Rei.

"What can they do to me? I am the last of the Angels. I was the last card they had to play. If I have turned out to be a Joker in their deck... well, Lilim always think they're so smart, until they're not." He grinned deviously.

Rei's eyes drifted past him, to where Shinji was feasting on dessert. The gigantic fat boy had a rapturous, orgasmic look on his face as he guzzled down cheesecake and gelato. Drool and drippings of icing and cream ran down his triple chins. He seemed almost like he was making love to the dessert as he ate it, so enraptured was he. Rei arched a blue eyebrow. "He is enjoying his food."

"He truly does," said Kaworu. "As I said, Lilith, what you see before you is merely what Shinji-kun has always been destined to become. This fattened, pampered, spoiled boy... this indulgent cream puff pet... is what Shinji-kun always had it in him to be. What always lurked inside him. I have merely enabled him to act on his deepest impulses. I have given him the love and support necessary to transform into his true form... and do you know, he is extremely happy? He is happier than he has ever been in his life." The red eyes glinted again. "You wouldn't want to disturb the poor Third Child's perfect paradise, would you?"

Rei tilted her head to the side. "I do... wish for Shinji to be happy," she said softly. Her eyes narrowed. "But the oxygen supply... I can feel his heart beating hard. I can hear him struggling to breathe."

"I have kept him from experiencing most of the health problems associated with obesity."

"But if he gets too big, he will simply not be able to breathe, and his heart will not be sufficient to supply his body."

"Well, if that is Shinji-kun's wish... if he is so invested in gluttony that he is willing to eat himself to death... should we not let him do so, if that is what makes him happy?"

Rei's eyes narrowed.

Kaworu's did as well.

There was the glint, just the hint, of the shimmer of orange hexagons.

But then Rei blinked, and sighed. "Perhaps it is better this way."

"Perhaps," Kaworu answered.

"He does seem happy. Happier than perhaps I, or anyone else, could ever have made him."

"Ohgm," gurgled Shinji, loud enough for them both to hear. He was finishing off the rest of the banana cream pie, his hoggish face rippling as he guzzled his sweet treat. He was smiling. Rei saw it. He was happy.

And wasn't that what mattered?

"Very well, Tabris. I shall leave the two of you be. As... unpleasant as I find what Ikari has become, if that is what he truly wants... I am loathe to interfere." Rei turned to go. But she paused, and her red eyes swiveled back over her shoulder. "I detect he has a bit of a diaper rash. You should powder his bottom more carefully."

"I shall keep that in mind, Lilith," said Kaworu. Then Rei turned, and walked towards the exit of the restaurant.

Kaworu returned to Shinji, who by now was finishing up the last of the desserts. "How are you feeling, my pet?" he asked, stroking Shinji's blubbery cheek.

"Ohh, Kaworu-san, this is so good," moaned Shinji. "Ohh, I love... I love... I love to eat... I love, mmm, so many sweets and treats and desserts and sugary things!" He blushed, his porcine face taking on a flush amid its blubber and blobby flab. "I'm so happy!"

"And perhaps after this, we can top you off with some doughnuts."

Shinji smiled fatly, grinning like a pig in a wig. "Ohh, Kaworu-san... that sounds delightful." And he continued to eat his feast of dessert.

Pub: 16 Aug 2023 04:45 UTC
Views: 520