
[15:20] A slight smile was given in greeting to his old, old friend... And that smile extended, to each friendly face around. Sasha, Ryobu, Yul, and many more... But Bell would nod, silently, giving utmost focus to the coming ceremony.

His hands folded over his lap, as he took position in front of Phoenix, near to Elise's side. As if he were shepherding the young Altan, as if he were more than a simple priest in this Mass.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[15:28] As people arrived at the building, eyes could witness the generosity of the most sacred building of Aphros, one that even during so much destruction unleashed across Meranthe, remained as strong and astonishing as ever. Colored windows adorned the walls, allowing the sunlight to join the mass in colored rays due the painted glass.

In the center of the building, right next to the altar, Elise remained silent as she waited for the masses to arrive. Dressed mostly in black yet with white in contrast with everything. A ratter thorned crown rested over her head with its tips made out of gold as well as some jewels scattered across her whole frame.


She cleared her throat with a pair of coughs…hopefully those within the stone walls would get the hint that the mass was about to start. A short wait for those present to silence themselves and find comfort on the wooden benches until, finally, words could be heard.

"Grace and peace be with you all. Today we gather here under the eyes of Athelios, not to mourn over our past…but to cherish our future. "Her hands would open wide while she spoke with her long robe trying to follow the movement but sliding down her members as dictated gravity. "Difficult times have fallen over us in those last years but even so, we remained strong and united. Even if our body was shaken…our faith remained resolute."

"During such trying times, it is crucial for us to remember the core teachings of our Asperan Church. Let us not lose sight of the comforting words from the Book of Aspera, reminding us that 'though the storms may rage, and the path may seem treacherous, the light of our faith shall guide us forward.' We must remain steadfast in our belief that with unity and resilience, we shall emerge from these trials stronger and more united than ever before." Eyes would scan the room from left to right, gazing at each one of the peers as her thoughts were made concrete by her words.

"And as proof of my words...another step towards the future of our faith and city will be announced today." A smile. "But first...let us all kneel for a prayer."

The priestess hands would unite her knees would bend and, perhaps, she has found the true reason behind the cushion placed in the center of the altar...a bit of comfort for the knees of the preacher. Her eyes would close and soon enough, more words could be heard in a chant.

"Athelios, guardian of Helheim, please, hear our prayers...

We stand here under this sacred roof to show you our devotion,

To thank you for the blessings you have granted us,

To cleanse our souls from our sins and to welcome your spirit within,

We dedicate today's prayers for you so with your guiding light we may be guided,

And by your harsh fist we may be protected,


Her lungs would fill with air before she could find herself standing once again, eyes opened once more as if a weight was taken off of her shoulders.

" continue today's mass, I will ask our honored Oracle to share a bit of her words to us. We have suffered much, but if it wasn't for Lirael presence and guidance, we wouldn't be standing here today."

Steps were taken to the side, allowing a clear vision of the Oracle from the peers.

(Elise Montelione)

[15:33] Mandy Oca ponders which side of benches she should sit one. Se glances at Maven, sniffs two times, frowns and decided to sit on the right side
(Mandy Oca)

[15:34] Edward Aubreen says, "Nice weather."
[15:36] Mandy Oca exclaims, "Would be better if it was raining!"
[15:39] Edward, one Bell was quite fond of, was given a rather stern glare for a moment... It would seem such behavior during the Mass would not, be accepted. But only a moment did that gaze last. Ceremony's beginning, was not an idle one.

It was swiftly suggested by the Pontifice that the masses, lend their hearts and prayers along with her. With her motion, as her knees would bend, so too would one of the green-haired priest's. He would kneel down, and reverently would his hands clasp together in steadfast devotion.

His prayer, was a silent one. But let not silent though go unheard, so here it be recorded and penned for all to see.

Athelios, Son of Ymir, Bearer of the Duality of Man.

We have been through Hel and brimstone;

We have suffered, and we have shed tears;

But still we stand tall.

Aphros does not stand on the foundation of man;

It stands, under the divine will of You.

I will not beseech you;

I only give thanks, for delivering your most faithful servants;

to stand proud, after the tragedies of Ragnarok.

How could one lose faith... When the church still stood proud, after all which had come to pass? Bell's faith had never wavered. It only matured, and grew. So here he be, as he stood back to his feet... And eyes turned to the pews, as he would listen with utmost attention to the Oracle's words.

(Bell A. Montelione)

[15:44] Kneeling before the bench, prim and proper, she closes her eyes and bows her head. Praying when the time is called upon.

"Oh Lord Athelios,

Warden of Helheim,

Bless us all and guide us all on the paths we walk.

Help us find your Light after these recent tragedies,

Help us find the strength within ourselves to stand and keep moving forward.

That we may walk in your Shadow,

With grace, hope and the knowledge that You walk beside us.

(Sycamonia Montelione)

[15:56] A long silence ensued, and the Oracle drifted through the pause in her own thoughts. A proper moment of contemplation as she rose and considered the pews and the constituents they housed, likely awaiting her to give an address as she ought to.

Her hands folded at the waist, and she closed her eyes. A minute endured without word.

"The cataclysm that harried our livelihoods is fresh in memory. And though the dust has settled, we've yet many days of hardship ahead. We, of Aphros, now stand at the forefront of an imminent struggle that promises more."

Her eyes opened, trained on the distance with trailing thoughts. A sight that only she could appreciate in full--and was for her constituents to confide in.

"It promises more famine. More death. More sacrifice. Our time to rest is scarce, as those of Vdalion no longer have a place to do so themselves. And to those come here seeking sanctuary, I encourage any and all of you to lend your aid in earnest. In the coming months, we will be expanding our borders northward to accommodate for more residence."

A moment taken to regard the freshly baptized. A new soul to the fold, invaluable in the efforts to befall.

"The enemy continues at our doorstep, waiting to recoup at any second for a reprisal. A resumption of the tragedy we have faced with heavy hearts. The worst is not behind us. Far from it."

A small glance at her son, amidst the throngs seated in rows.

"Our role as a collective is now more integral than it ever has been. I beseech you all to prepare for years of darkness, bearing in mind that we are not the generation destined to enjoy the fruits of our antecessors' sacrifice. With our willing cooperation, perhaps that luxury will be for our descendants."

And with those words finally reaching a terminus, she readied to return at her seat.

"Revel in this period of respite while you can. Do so honestly, and treasure it."
(Lirael Equisol)

[16:02] The young boy remains silent, currently scribbling notes in his book as sermon continues.
(Benjamin Thomson)

[16:09] Accord says, "..."
[16:09] Accord wordlessly stands up. Slowly, she gravitates towards the piano while the sermon progresses.

[16:12] Benjamin Thomson pauses writing in his book, glancing towards Accord with a hint of curiousity in his eyes. Is she going to start playing the piano?
(Benjamin Thomson)

[16:13] Cavi Torre would bow her head, hands tucked politely in her lap and eyes closed in deep contemplation. Or so it would appear.
(Cavi Torre)

[16:13] Her eyes gazed at the Oracle as she spoke her words. A reminder that the golden age was over, that our enemies were near and always growing... Things that could inspire fear on the weak minded...but even if it did, those were not the only message being passed extend a hand towards those in need, aid the ones still in recovery by the recent events...only if we stand together we will remain strong.

Elise filled her lungs as an smile took over her face. As the Oracle returned to her seat, the pontífice would give her a slow yet assertive nod before turning herself to the attendants once again.

"Engrave her words into your minds, people. Ponder over them and, most importantly, stand together against those who threatens us and do not fear the future as Athelios will be waiting for us all to guide our new cycle."

Over the altar, two chalices could be seen placed right in its center. A golden one with transparent oil inside and a silver one with scarlet fluid. While so far their presence was for nothing but to adorn the place, soon enough their true meaning would be witnessed.

"As we all take a step towards the future, we can not let the acts of those who acted towards the wellbeing of our city to go unnoticed. "Her eyes would gaze to the side. "Bell Austwin Montelione, please come forth. "She stated with a warm smile. And while waiting for the man to approach, her left hand would reach for the golden chalice, bringing it close to her and now between the two faithful. "Your faith has been proven strong...and your efforts towards our faith were witnessed by many across all those years of servitude and so, as pontífice of the Asperan Faith, I bless you as the new Cardeal of our faith. Do you accept accept your new role?" She questions him.

(Elise Montelione)

[16:26] A curious glance was given to the curious-er child over yonder... A girl, he should but did not recognize, was taking to the piano. Bell's eyes would turn then to the crowds, the masses... And one thing he would note, was that the old were largely gone. Nay, this was largely a crowd of the young and their words would have to bear this in mind.

So with a bemused smile, the priest would wave a hand slightly to his right. He would not stop the girl from her antics, if they did not escalate... but for whatever reason, she would be the only one to hear her notes as they rung out.

And then, his name was called... Something he had expected, something he was prepared for. A foot stepped forward. Another followed, his stride taking the man just before his wife. Before the head, of the Asperan collective. And he did not stand tall, but knelt down once more, a hand wrapped 'round his chest and eyes closed.

As he spoke, a faint smile writ upon his lips. "...I accept it with alacrity, my love. And I will not take my duties lightly."

Bell, would be named Cardeal. Dubbed with this new title, his eyes would turn to the pews as he knelt. His words, would be directed to those young who had brought themselves to attend this ever-important day for Aphros. "...I will guide the faithful of Athelios, our flock of gentle souls who would devote themselves to He who founded our fair city, with a hand just as gentle. I will be stern, with those who do not respect Aphros' roots. I will be the shepherd who leads Aspera's priests and priestesses to the new era."

And then, he would stand. Stand tall, and proud. And a hand would gesture to his left. "As Cardeal, my first role is to aid in this city's expansion. So I spearhead this project, to bring homes to those of Vdalion and those villages which have been destroyed by the scum pervading Meranthe. We will show them compassion. Kindness. And to do it... We require donations. If thou wish to help with this endeavor, I ask that you contact myself. And if thou have questions about our flock... I would hear them now or later."

He would offer them to speak up, if any one had any questions at all about this announcement or another topic. And eyes would glance side to side.

But there was more to be done. So he spoke to the Kitsune behind him. "Phoenix Altan. I ask ye, to stand forward." And then glanced to Elise, to continue as he handled any questions.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[16:28] In the midst of the sermon, Accord idly presses her hand against several piano keys. She reels back, seemingly surprised they made noise.

So instead of stopping, she presses more, her entire focus on them.


[16:30] Realizing that Accord's actions may end up accidently disrupting the sermon at hand, the young boy gets up from his seat to walk with hurried steps towards Accord.

Gently, he'll place a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.

"Not the time. I can teach you about the piano later." He says with a hushed voice, as to not disturb the sermon further.
(Benjamin Thomson)

[16:31] Sierra idly watches as Accord presses the keys on the piano, a smile appearing on her face. She covered her mouth and suppressed her chuckles.

Regaining her composure, she nearly opted to get up and stop Accord herself. Something had to be done about it, but Benjamin got up first and handled it well. Sierra relaxed back into her seat and nodded, giving the two a thumbs up with a smile.
(Sierra Walt)

[16:32] The small framed woman in question would step forward, having her name be called she came before Bell. For once the girl was actually on her own two feet, her attire that reflecting her position in the church. A calm collected gaze came to rest upon the man before her as she stood at her short stature of four feet eight inch's.
(Phoenix Altan)

[16:34] It's only because of Benjamin that she stops.

She tilts her head at him, then turns to follow him.

[16:39] Bell's hand would reach out, resting gently to the girl... In his eyes, would shine past the blank expression... his truest thoughts. He was ever so proud, of Phoenix's earliest years in the faith. And he was not one to let feelings go unvoiced.

"Phoenix. Thou hast shown steadfast faith in Our Lord, since your own baptism. Thou hast been strong, through the harshest of circumstances. Thou hast shown both strength required of the Umbra... and also the gentle kindness sought in the Astra. It is my hope that the children of Aphros will see your example, and decide. Whether they uphold compassion in Astra... Or strength, in the Umbra. Thou are a steadfast woman of faith."

"Henceforth, you are a Reverendo. A proper priestess, and an active member of the Asperan Church. So walk with our leader, Pontifice Elise. And lead the baptism of our newest Acolyte."

Eyes would turn, to Bell's own daughter. One just as proud, in his glimmering eyes. "Sycamonia Montelione. Step forward, for today thou wilt be baptized under Athelios' will."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[16:45] Ezekiel puts an arm around Cavi, like a grandpa would.

[16:46] Maven Locke says, ". . ."
[16:46] A small bob of her head was given in the direction of the newly appointed Cardeal. A soft gentle smile forming across her face as praise was said for her devotion to the church.

"You honor me with your words Cardeal Bell, it is with great honor that I accept the position as Reverendo. In doing so I shall continue to strive to live as our warden ask's of us all. In this time of struggle for us all I aim to continue moving forward for the good o Aphros and her people."

A gentle bow then given before her small figure would step off slightly ti the side to allow the one who was called next to step forward.
(Phoenix Altan)

[16:47] When she is called to rise and step up, Sycamonia does indeed rise. Bringing her hands down and around to smooth out her dress. Swallowing the nerves that rise up and lodge in her throat.

Squaring her shoulders and looking up to her Father, then to her Mother. Smiling brightly to each of them, and then walking steadily, with zero hesitation. Metaphorically reaching for something she has dreamed of and hoped for, for literal years.

A dream of hers, coming true at long last. Her baptism, her joining of the Asperan Church.

Saying nothing, for she has no words at the moment, the fifteen year old girl stands there. Awaiting further instructions for her Baptism.

Her Father would know well enough to know what she would say, if she only had the words.
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[16:54] Maven Locke Arthur fists. He couldn't do anything else at the moment.
(Maven Locke)

[16:59] As Cardeal, Bell was now given the responsibility to look after these two children. The two silver-haired girls who would one day, become the future of Aspera. He would give a brief nod, to Phoenix's words. Again he was made certain, the girl was a capable priestess.

Elise held in her hands a chalice of gold. Its sides engraved with designs of rosevine, wrapped 'round the artifact underneath the hem.

Feet turned Bell 'round, towards the altar. The other chalice which was not grasped by Elise, was one of silver. The silver chalice, filled with a blood-red fluid which would smell of wine, was taken into Bell's hands. Held forth, for Phoenix to take from both.

For the first time... This baptism, was performed by three. "Sycamonia. My daughter. Prodigy of the Montelione name of nobility. Thou wish, to devote thyself to Athelios in full? To live your life in the name of duality, of His city Aphros? I have watched you grow since you were young... And always have you upheld the Ordinance."

Eyes gazed upon her own. Eyes which mirrored his own. Eyes which mirrored that of her mother. Sycamonia… was everything, Bell could have ever wished for. And this day, was proof. " all you need do. Is accept Athelios' blessing. Allow your sister to wash away your past sins. Allow Athelios' cross to shine within you. Allow His blood to cleanse you. Sycamonia Montelione. Do you accept your baptism?"
(Bell A. Montelione)

[17:01] Standing there, in the moments before her baptism, all else is drowned out. A look of determination on her face as she nods to her Father.

"Yes, Cardeal. I accept my baptism. I accept Lord Athelios and his Ordinance. I will wear His cross, a physical sign of my dedication to Him and my service in His name."

Having nothing else to say, she turns to face Phoenix. Taking a deep breath in, and smiling softly to her Cousin. Exhaling slowly, to help calm her nerves.
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[17:12] Phoenix would step forth, carefully grabbing hold of the chalice presented to her by Bell. White sleeves of her robes draping down over her arm's as she reached the chalice up to the sky. The dark red liquid shifting inside the silver cup slightly as she rose it forth. Her figure then lowering the cup before her before speaking.

"One's baptism is a passage that cleanses the body and soul of their sin's, thus welcoming them to the Asperan church with open arm's. With the guidance of Enarr and the protection of Athelios."

Her gaze shifting to the crowd as she would bow her head to the crowd gathered.

"Athelios, son of Ymir, Warden of Hel and the bearer of the duality of man."

"In this time of need I ask of thee to cast your protective eye over those who have been ravaged by what lurks in the shadows."

"Let thy fury be felt by those that have sinned, guide them so no more innocent lives shall belost."

"In your name we pray, Amem."

Her words drawing to a close she would then come to rest her gaze onto Syca. A soft gentle smile present on her face as she would await for Bell to continue.
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:15] Cavi Torre would take Ezekiels free hand, holding it tightly.
(Cavi Torre)

[17:16] As the baptism began, the new Cardeal would watch over the proceedings with a surging pride... His thoughts, came to his own baptism. A time so long past... A time he would never, ever forget. So as was right... He was not, the one to finish the procession. Although his smile showed plain as day, that the man wanted to do this for his daughter more than anything in the world...

A nod was given to Elise, Sycamonia's mother and Pontifice of Aspera. She held the golden chalice. And she would be the one to offer it.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[17:17] Ezekiel squeezes back, warmth eminating from the fire drakanite

[17:20] Cavi Torre gently nuzzled her face into the old man with a hiccup.
(Cavi Torre)

[17:23] Ezekiel carresses her hair.

[17:24] Eyes watched the ceremony with pride...her own daughter being baptized under their faith with many present to witness. To make it even better...only if she was the one the be the one to offer her the chalice...and that was exactly the gift Bell gave to her.

Steps were taken forward to approach the younger Montelione. Once again her right thumb would deep into the oil and, with them, the forehead of Sycamonia would be anointed with a cross.

"Thy body shall be cleaned from all your sins, thus being offered to Athelios to carry his will across Meranthe. Amen." She stated.

Her body would lean forward and whispers would escape her lips close to Sycamonia's ears. "I am proud of you."

The golden chalice would be placed over the altar and a step back would be taken, allowing Phoenix to offer Sycamonia the red wine through the silver chalice.
(Elise Montelione)

[17:26] Cavi Torre says, "...."
[17:33] With the silver chalice in hand, the scarlet liquid known as wine within it she would offer it forth to Syca.

"By drinking from this chalice, Sycamonia Montelione. You will be reborn as a new member of the Asperan church, you will be imbued by the holy spirt of Aphelios. You will pledge loyalty to the Asperan ideologies and start your new path as an acolyte of our faith. Do you accept it?"

Following her words a gentle smile would rest upon the woman's face, sapphire hues resting onto the younger silver haired woman as the chalice would be extended forth for her to take.
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:34] Cavi Torre For the moment, Cavi would try to pull herself together in attempt to actively support this monumental moment for her dear friend... Though her eyes remained watery as she clung onto Ezekiel. She watched on, biting back her tears to give Syca the attention she deserved in this moment... She was proud of her best friend, and she wished to have been stronger in this moment.
(Cavi Torre)

[17:34] Ezekiel looks on proudly, seeing Sycamonia about to be baptised.

[17:40] Sycamonia nods her head, backing up her action with words.

"Yes, Reverendo Altan. I accept this baptism in the name of Athelios. And my joining of the Asperan Church. I pledge my loyalty to Athelios and the Asperan Church. That I may begin to walk the path of the Asperan Faithful."

No more words to be said, she takes the offered chalice.

Turning and looking out to the crowd. Seeing Cavi's tears and smiling softly to her, then turning that smile to Ezekiel, even smiling at Maven. Smiling to Jacob and his family, smiling once to everyone gathered.

Lifting the chalice of wine to her lips afterwards, and drinking from it in full view of all those gathered. A long sip is taken, the chalice lifted from her lips as she swallows. Turning back to Pheonix and offering her back the chalice. Turning to look at her Father, her Cardeal, for any further instructions.

Blue eyes flicking to her Mother, her Pontifice. Tears of happiness leaking from her eyes as she looks between them both.

Newly baptized, as an Asperan devotee.

Newly walking, in the path of Athelios.

One of her dreams, achieved.

One her goals, met and finalized, in this happy moment.
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[17:48] A happy nod was then given, hands stretching forth for the silver chalice once more to set it onto the alter. Her hands then moving to the golden chalice to wet her hand in the clear liquid, moving forward to anoint the girl's forehead.

"Then as a faithful priestess of the Asperan church. Carrier of Athelios grace, I accept you Sycamonia Montelione as an initiate of our faith."

A small nod of her head was then given before her hands came to rest in front of her small figure. A genuine smile of happiness present on her face for the young girl.

"Let us all welcome young Sycamonia with open arm's."


A faint glimmer of light beckoned forth from the window's, the sun setting on the day outside. Soon the bell's would ring loudly to alert the Legio's of a new acolyte rising to join the church.

"A joyous day this is, one ripe for celebration. Let it be known that Athelios welcomes all under his watchful eye."

"Praise be to he who sits upon the edge."

(Phoenix Altan)

[17:48] Cavi Torre would mouthed , "Congratulations, Dear Syca..." Before the tears began to stain her reddened cheeks again.
(Cavi Torre)

[17:50] Ezekiel takes off his mask in public, for the first time since he was 20. Showing his smile towards the alter.

[17:58] Bell would watch on, and though his features normally would show not expression... The emotion in his eyes would glimmer and glow, for anyone to read. His pride in Sycamonia, the sweetest and most wonderful little angel... She proved day and day again, that she was his daughter. Elise's daughter.

The sun shined down upon them... A sun, brought about where once there was but smog and darkness. With this joy in his heart... The Cardeal only wished he could hug his daughter now and shower her with praise!

But his eyes closed, as his lips wreathed with a smile he could not hide... It was time to wrap up the ceremony. "Sycamonia. You are accepted as an Acolyte of Aspera. You have only one duty, and that is to set an example for those of your budding generation." He had no doubt, that she would fulfill this duty and exceed his expectations. She always, did.

His eyes turned to the pews. "Let us offer one more prayer... As our Oracle has said, the days have been dark. Many of us have lost loved ones. Many of us continue to find hurt. But Aspera has not abandoned Aphros in despair... We will not only shoulder the understanding of this terrible night. We will also raise our heads high."

He would gesture forward, with both of his arms, and his voice would raise. He gestured not to one, not to few, but to each of the children in attendance. Sycamonia, Phoenix, Sierra, Thomas, Jabob, every single young soul... And addressed them all. "The night has ushered forth a new dawn. Young, wonderful and beautiful souls who are more capable than we lend them credit for! Let these young, know Athelios who has given them their time of rest and this city they call home! Let Aphros remember! That Athelios still smiles upon these young, and Aspera will always celebrate His name!"

His feet would step forward, past his daughter now named priestes… And as a hand rested to her shoulder, he would bow his head reverently... Eyes closed, and he spoke aloud this new prayer. His words, were gentle yet strong. They flowed from beneath his lips...

"Athelios, Son of Ymir, Warden of Hel. Bearer of the Duality of Man. I beseech you.

Let us not drown in sorrows because we have lost;

Guide us instead, as You once did when Hel stabbed Your back,

to regroup;

To show us the new path,

to show us that compassion and fury;

Will guide us to a world of smiles once more.

In the name of Athelios, we pray...


He opened his eyes... And looked between each face that gazed upon them. Some filled with tears... Some watching with a scrutinous gaze. And so he would speak to them, directly. "I thank all of you, for attending as Aspera is ushered to the stars, as Ad Astra per Astra. That concludes our ceremony, and it concludes with a light heart. The young have already shown their worth, and Aspera will guide them every step of the way."

"But you have come here. You have lent us your time. So I ask of you, all of you. Anyone who has questions, or suggestions for Aspera or Aphros as a whole? Speak now, because none can learn without asking." He would ask, as he looked upon the crowd as a whole, eyes flicking from one to another...
(Bell A. Montelione)

[18:00] Ezekiel nods.

[18:00] Moved her hands in front of herself to join Bell in silent prayer as he spoke, coming to stand next to them once finished.
(Phoenix Altan)

[18:01] Phoenix Altan whispers to Bell A. Montelione: When we are done here, I have a thing or two I wish to speak to you about.
[18:02] Bell A. Montelione whispers to Phoenix Altan: Very well, dear. Just give me a minute to let things conclude.
[18:04] Cavi Torre sniffled, gripping onto Ezekiel even more firmly.
(Cavi Torre)

[18:05] Bows her head when her Father prays, hiding the fact she's crying happy tears. Until she looks up when he is done praying.


Smiling right at Cavi and Ezekiel. Noticing Ezekiel's maskless, and looking surprised. Yet saying nothing at all, instead nodding to the old Drakanite.
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[18:06] Maven Locke says, "Athelios guide me..."
[18:07] Cavi Torre locks eyes with Syca, A mixture of admiration, pride in her friend, and deep sorrow. She would muster her warmest smile before hiding her face in Ezekiels chest and sobbing.
(Cavi Torre)

[18:07] With Bell opening the door for people to ask questions, the young Benjamin takes the opportunity to chime in:

"The Oracle said we all should prepare for the years of darkness ahead. I must ask, how."

He inquires, a pencil already raised to write down the answer.

"Is there a plan? A method? Goals to achieve?"
(Benjamin Thomson)

[18:08] Lila Woodes idly debates caving Leah's skull in.
(Lila Woodes)

[18:09] Bell would turn to his side... While he would like to answer these questions himself, this was one for another. He looked to Oracle Equisol for her reply. But he might have some words himself, after seeing her reaction...
(Bell A. Montelione)

[18:21] All fair questions. Inquiries that merited a proper response from the Oracle herself--given that it was her guidance and her speech that stoked them.

"As we speak, the Empire's remnants are fortifying our position to the north, stationing the strongest this continent has to offer within the trusted safety of our borders."

A hand gestured over to the Reverendo.

"If you are asking, specifically, how you may contribute to the effort: the Asperan Church is accepting all donations towards relief efforts. Including the aforementioned expansion to our northern quadrant that will provide ensconsement and housing to any able bodies fled from Vdalion."

It folded back at her waist with its twin.

"As for myself, I will be offering tutelage and direction to all occulted denizens of Meranthe. My small part to play in this grand tapestry."

Her eyes turned to consider Benjamin--the boy responsible.

"To be fully transparent: most of our military ventures are not for me to freely disclose. Rest assured, I am working closely with the germane parties to effect the most viable path forward."
(Lirael Equisol)

[18:27] The young boy writes down in his book after the Oracle's answer.

"You've mentioned the army, the Empire's remnants, and the Asperan Church as part of the options available to combat against said darkness, but there is another issue I must inquire on."

The young boy lifts the pencil, tapping it's bottom end on his head's right temple.

"What about more scientific approaches? Research, studies, and the like. Even at the basic level, there are still kids close to my age who can't yet read and write, and I had the luxury of studying abroad from Aphros."
(Benjamin Thomson)

[18:27] Bell would give a slow nod as he listened to Lirael's reply. It was... partly, what was expected, but he felt there was one more thing to reiterate.

"...what you can do, young one." He would say, before eyes turned to the rest. "What all of you can do. Is to live out your lives. Hone yourselves, grow. Right now, that, is the very best thing you can do."

He raised a hand. "There are paths for you to take. If one wishes to learn more about Aspera, and how they might align themselves with Athelios' predominant church, they are to ask me. But Aspera, is not as in need..."

He would raise another hand, palms both lifted skyward. "As the Bastion. Those who seek to fight for Aphros, can aim to join Aphros' military, the Bastion and rise its ranks. To face the demons head-on, is the utmost one can do."

"But more than those two paths, there are two lifestyles for one in Aphros. Whether you live in compassion as a follower of Astra, like my daughter here... Or with the strength of will to steep one's hand in the foul for the good of mankind, as a follower of the Umbra. All of you, I ask only one thing. Bear this question in mind, which suits your lifestyle? And consider what you can do to fulfil it."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[18:28] The kitsune would step forth, directing her words to Benjamin. "In these times of darkness, we must look to one another for aide. To help those who can not help themselves. Such is the way in which we will all arrive at a better tomorrow."

The woman then took a step back to where she was originally standing.
(Phoenix Altan)

[18:33] Accord blinks one eye, then the other.

[18:38] A nod was given to Phoenix. This... Was very true. Her words stated that mankind had to be at one another's side if they were to move on from this deep night. And those words were so, very necessary...

Eyes turned back to Benjamin. The boy's question was one which would resonate deeply within Bell. This, was a question he felt was best answer by himself. "...I will not answer this. Not as a priest." He would state with a bemused hum...

"I will answer this as the head of House Montelione. Knowledge is power, and that is why the Montelione household has always, sought to compile and share that power. For the betterment of mankind as a whole, not only Aphros. Our libraries are open for all, Magi or not, and currently they are under my supervision. While your question is, admittedly, a bit vague and hard to answer..."

"I will answer it to the best of my ability. Aspera accepts all, regardless of what they can accomplish. I cannotannounce it properly now, but there is the potential possibility that Aspera will once again delve into the ancient art of Holytech. If you are curious about this and wish to aid in its development, I ask that you seek out Pontifice Elise. But aside from that...?"

"Study our libraries. Learn whatever it is you are interested in. Teach if it is in your capability, for there are many who need that aid... That ceaseless study is how I came to be who I am today, and I am quite happy with my contribution to things so far... And if you wish to be baptized as a researcher and use that knowledge you have gleaned directly for the church, this is another path you can take."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[18:38] Sycamonia Montelione whispers something.
[18:44] Sycamonia Montelione whispers something.
[18:44] Sycamonia Montelione whispers something.
[18:46] Bell's answer has stirred a light smile on the young boy, finding it noteworthy enough to not just write it down in the book,
but to keep that particular tidbit memorized in his head.

"I agree, it was a vague question. Given the numerous options for research though? The answer on what to focus on can be just as broad."

The boy says in return, raising the pencil to once more tap at his head's right temple as he now starts to think.

"I don't have any knowledge about this 'Holytech', but it might be useful given the current problem that are demons and undead. The right tool for the right job can do wonders."
(Benjamin Thomson)

[18:47] Shifts slightly, looking to Benjamin.

"I've actually been researching Holytech on my own. It is quite the fascinating topic, with endless possibilities. Yet it is tied to the Church. There is a book in the library on it. If you'd like, I can show you to the book?"
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[18:48] Benjamin nods enthusiastically at the suggestion.

"That can work! Any information can eventually prove vital to further research!"
(Benjamin Thomson)

[18:49] Bell hummed lightly... It would seem the expert, had that from there. Bell would look around once more, to see if anyone had some particular question, or even a gripe... Though it did catch his attention. While the children had seemed bored at first, they were still here some time after he had offered they could leave!
(Bell A. Montelione)

[18:49] Leah Lachlyn says, "--"
[18:49] Ryobu sat there, silently staring at the members of the Church without much to say.

Most of their words came out one ear and out the other; nonetheless he made an effort to listen to the whole thing: including the baptism, the preaching, plenty of church stuff that one has to offer to the crowd.

As for an question? He has none in mind.

"With the demons becoming much more of a threat every day, it's apparent one has no choice but to fight for the safety of humanity as a whole, setting aside personal affairs and differences to unite against the greater evil. I agree."

After all? He didn't want his newfound friends die in the hands of such monstrosities that somehow found its way to fester in the realm of the living.

He might've felt some inspiration to align himself with the church to be enlightened by the Asperan faith. But he didn't feel the need to embrace it just yet, as he's unsure if it's the right decision.

"..Holytech? I never heard of that..." Ryobu rambled off, immediately taking his attention away from the main subject.

[18:50] Ezekiel smiles, pulling Cavi into a one armed hug as he sat next to her.

[18:54] Cavi Torre would burst into tears as she tried to open her mouth to explain to Leah, and can't. She simply shakes her head, leaning into the hug like a small child.
(Cavi Torre)

[18:58] A smile was given to Ryobu… His words were wise ones. The boy, who Bell had grown quite fond of as late, was growing- Or perhaps he had grown already, at an earlier age than most? Precocious young boy, Ryobu… "You are quite right. All of the Empire will fight together, for that is our only choice. If there is one good thing which has come from the recent wars? It is that."

But to the question of Holytech… Bell would decide to explain this in depth. "...then I will enlight all of you, now." He would speak now... Hardly recognizable, from his demeanor during the ceremony. "If one truly, and deeply wishes to hone themselves, perfect their bodies to be able to aid in the fight against demonkind?"

"...they can offer their bodies, to Athelios. And not in spirit. Physically alter their bodies. I am speaking of entire limbs, removed and replaced with machines. Digits changed to gadgets which would help in their fights. To change their bodies through technology, and perfect those bodies further."

"But it is an involved process. If somebody among you is curious to work towards this... I ask again, to consult with Pontifice Elise. She has been working on multiple Holytech devices for as long as we have been together, and has completed one before."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[19:00] Benjamin broached neglected facets of the Aphrosian ambit. Those that the Oracle herself so happened to appreciate on a personal level, but never endeavored to make anything big. Perhaps it was something worth considering at this time.

"Initiatives on institutions of learning have borne mention in the past, but nothing substantial has arisen from said discussions."

Her view cast to the side, where her thoughts appeared to lay. The boy had stirred real consideration in the Oracle.

"Should you have any projects of a more technical variety, you may speak with me personally. I've lent my expertise in numerous technological undertakings over the years. Though I cannot say I've ever thought of it as a priority. Especially with events as they are now."

She made her way over to the pews, and past the carpet,where she intended to make her exit. This parochial affair, for the most part, looked sorted out.

"Youth yields creativity. Provide a solution to our many problems, and I will heed you. For now, I will see myself adjourned from this proceeding."
(Lirael Equisol)

[19:02] Maven Locke offers a wave to Lirael. It was his only action besides arthur fisting as hard as he could with his other hand.
(Maven Locke)

[19:02] Hearing the mention that said holytech will involve a physical, permament alteration of the body to make it part machine?

The smile faded away from the boy's lips, his expression looking a tad more sullen.
He doesn't speak his thoughts however, instead just focusing to writing down in the book.
(Benjamin Thomson)

[19:03] Cynder looks over at Jacob and just shakes his head as he straightens his shades.
(Cynder Walt)

[19:04] Once he finished writing in the book, Benjamin puts the book down to look back at Lirael.

"I'll consider the offer. Currently, I plan on traveling across Meranthe, scout around for other people's scientific ideas and aspirations before I'll make my mind on what to focus on first. While there are multiple subjects I'll like to tackle, I have a limit on how many I can focus on at once."
(Benjamin Thomson)

[19:05] Bell couldn't help but sigh lightly... "Angelo really made her believe I was aiming to become headmaster..." But with that little gripe muttered, Bell would look around one more. If none appeared to have another question? He would look to Phoenix. "You wished to speak, dear? Would you like to walk me home?" He asked with a tilt of his head toward his god-daughter.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[19:05] Jacob had sat silent until the mention of turning people into literal cyborgs. His face soured for a split second at this, but just as soon as it happened. It was gone, business deals for the boy had changed his mind. Thoughts left in his mind, he turned to Thomas. A blink before adjusting to look back at the family that stood in front of them.
(Jacob Walt)

[19:07] Steps forward, looking to Benjamin and holding out a hand toward him.

"If you would kindly walk with me, I can show you to the library. And to the book on Holytech, as well as some other books that may be of interest. I remember having found one on Barrier Magic that was quite the interesting read."
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[19:08] The boy nods, getting up to take Sycamonica's hand. It'll be nice to be inside a library for a while.
(Benjamin Thomson)

[19:08] Ezekiel exclaims, "Bye.. Syca.. This was beautiful. Congratulations!"
[19:08] Maven Locke says, ". . ."
[19:08] Sycamonia Montelione says, "Ah. Thank you, Ezekiel."
[19:09] Cavi Torre would nod in agreement with the old man... Not daring to face her friend just yet. Not like this.
(Cavi Torre)

[19:10] The Nephilim had sat quietly throughout the entire proceeding- one leg folded over the other as eyes were closed. She had been quite patient. Any who knew her likely knew that she wasn't here for religious reasons, however.

And so, when Bell would speak of leaving, Lila opens her eyes to glance up at him. "Before you go Reverendo Bell- sorry, Cardeal Bell- there's an important matter I need to discuss with you and Pontifice Elise, that I hope you will make the time for prior to your departure.

However- it is a bit of a private matter." She flicks her eyes off to the side, towards Ezekiel. "Something that would rather not be discussed so openly and publicly."
(Lila Woodes)

[19:11] Thomas took in all that had been said in silence. Nothing of which was said would be spoken upon despite having his own bottled opinions undersurface.


There's naught but silence coming from him. As a glance is payed toward him, the Walt takes note of it, however he offers nothing more than a shake of the head. Something he'd address perhaps at a later time.
(Thomas C. Walt)

[19:16] A light sigh... Of all the people, to call upon him. Bell would turn to Elise, as if asking for her thoughts on Lila's offer. And then he would turn back to Lila. He was admittedly, not surprised she wanted to speak. Her presence was an unusual one, at best...

"If the Pontifice allows it... I will speak with you with her company."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[19:19] Elise Montelione says, "I do not see any reason for us not to speak. We can find privacy in the room on our left"
[19:19] Cavi Torre would onto Ezekiel, latching onto him tightly.
(Cavi Torre)

[19:19] Lila nods, glancing towards Ezekiel as she stands up. She leans in close for a whisper, then moves towards the room in question, evidently expecting the man to follow.
(Lila Woodes)

[19:19] Bell would nod, and his feet would guide his wife to the leftmost wing of Aspera. A slight nod of his head would ask tacitly that Lila follow.
(Bell A. Montelione)

Pub: 17 Jun 2023 05:13 UTC
Views: 122