Fools Errand chapter 3 outline

  1. first night
    ....A. setting up camp as the light is dimming
    ....B. take stock of gear
    ....C. start making mre dinner
    ....D. daxy call
    ........a. almost grab radio. thats not your mom
    ............I. some reminicing
    ............II. pain
    ............III. despair at situation
    ............IV. dont respond
  2. day 2
    ....A. head for cabin
    ........a. dream last night but only a vague memory
    ............I. giant lizard holding daniel down and tearing out his heart to eat it
    ....B. axia pov
    ........a. holo conversation with daxy weapons testing engineer
    ............I. happy that it works well
    ............II. VERY happy that daniel got away, means better research
    ................i. pheremones in the gas mortars are modified
    ................ii. longer lasting
    ................iii. mild addiction causes males to want to be with daxy
    ....................O. this is why daniel didnt want to shut off the radio
    ....................OO. this will make Daniel want to return
    ....C. Axia coversation with james' mate
    ........a. Talks to Issaya
    ............I. >Issaya cracks a sly smile. "I decided to move her off search rotation today seeing as she had a long night last night with that cute boy of hers."
    ........a. short conversation with mate
    ............I. mate in very good mood. they totally banged.
    ............II. "thanks for letting me talk to James."
    ............III. mate glad that she gets to be near her mate but at the same time wishes she was out looking for that poor cold male
    ............IV. reveal that mate is also a strong adherant to Axillis
    ............V. send her on a mission to get the song book
  3. day 2 night axia pov
    ....A. 2nd conversation with james and his mate
    ........a. got song book
    ........b. james is in very good spirits
    ........c. mate's protective edge now dulled and she is relaxed
    ........d. more info from james
    ............I. he has totally drank the coolaid. happy to help
    ............II. talks about feeling conflicted and trecherous for helping the enemy. know daxy arent the enemy anymore
    ............III. axia wants him to tell that to Daniel
    ........e. mate is very affectionate to James. shes a little bit jealous that she doesnt have her own male to love
    ............I. her duty to save males is more important than her own wants.
    ........f. schedule radio message with james for another date but dont know best time.
  4. daniel pov, more camping
    ....B. second evening call
    ........a. axia says the males are safe and happy
    ........b. offers to let Daniel talk to James
    ........c. no response still
    ........d. human lullaby
    ........e. more memories of mom. its a song she would sing to him.
    ........f. daniel responds, he's angry
    ............I. mom used to sing that
    ............II. this is all daxy mind tricks
Pub: 16 Sep 2022 01:51 UTC
Views: 527