Of the thousands of people watching Kronii's zatsudan stream, most of them were well-behaved. They asked questions about Kronii's day, reacted to her stories, or sent paragraphs of affectionate membership-exclusive emotes. Kronii felt a smile tease her lips watching the stream of positivity race by. She had always wanted to cultivate a supportive atmosphere on her channel, and constantly encouraged her fans to be their best selves. In the past, she had required a number of dedicated moderators to reign in the more troublesome viewers, but it looked like those choppy waters were finally leveling.

ur milkers look heavy ma'am may I hold them? read one of the comments, abruptly sticking out from the golden field of good vibes like a dark briar.

Kronii frowned. Her hand gripped tight over her mouse, nearly cracking the plastic. A swell of red irritation flashed behind her eyes. She was quick to tell herself that it was stupid and childish to get riled up by such remarks, especially when she was a professional streamer multiple years into her career…yet the feeling remained, lodged stubbornly in her chest like a splintered stake. She watched the offending comment get carried up the chat elevator until it disappeared off screen. Out of sight and out of mind.

“...yeah, sorry. Where was I?” Kronii cleared her throat. “Mm, the hotel thing, right! So, IRyS and I were downstairs looking for their breakfast options when-”

can u jump up and down again lol it was really hot said the same user. This was obviously not going to be a one or two time offense.

Kronii could feel her temperature rising. She grit her teeth. “...when, uh, we saw that they only had cereal and stuff. So we wanted to see if some of the other girls wanted to-”


Kronii’s hand slammed down on her desk, startling some of the viewers that had been using her as background noise while they drifted to sleep. In that half-second of fury, Kronii’s mind had been made up. Yeah, she wasn't supposed to use her powers to harm fans, but fuck it; this was her villain arc, right? Besides, the cretin spouting those obscenities wasn't a fan. As far as Kronii was concerned, they weren't even human.

With a snap of Kronii's gloved fingers, the offending viewer was shrunken down to the size of an ant and teleported thousands of miles across the world onto Kronii's palm. They landed on their back in a daze, then swiftly scrambled backwards, whipping their head around as they tried to comprehend what just happened.

Kronii pretended her doorbell was ringing, then switched to the Be Right Back screen. She casually muted her mic and leaned in close to inspect her new toy. There weren't many details to make out with that kind of size difference, and it didn't really matter either way. Who this person was or what they cared about had all been forfeited the moment they appeared in Kronii's hand.

“Hey. Welcome,” Kronii said without the slightest inflection. Her voice bowled over the tiny with its deep, thunderous tones. “I saw you making some hilarious comments on my stream today, so...yeah, I guess you're here now.” Kronii shifted her palm and watched them struggle to stay on their feet. “I haven’t really done this before, but I think this is a good size for you. Like, I don’t want you to break too easily, but I also don’t want it to be too hard to clean up after.”

The tiny dropped to their knees. They brokered various gestures of surrender and apology, but it just made Kronii more disgusted. Why is that little bug trying to communicate with me? Gross.

Still frowning, Kronii plucked the tiny from her palm and brought them in front of her chest. Their desperate groveling paused. Their entire field of vision was dominated by the biggest pair of tits they'd ever seen. Kronii allowed herself a moment of pride while watching their stunned reaction. Her rack was incredible, of course, even without the size difference– two fat, wobbling melons that strained every piece of clothing she tried on, and burdened her back with their weight. They were bigger than her head and had a slight sag from their sheer mass– nothing a Time Warden could do about gravity, regrettably.

“Let's see, what's a good place for you...?” Kronii mused. “Oh, what the heck! I'm not picky, let's go here~.”

In one smooth motion she guided the tiny towards the underside of her breasts where the white strip of her top supported her huge tits. The tiny tried to jump off, but Kronii was too fast. Her finger slid deftly in between the bottom of her heaving breasts and her sheer white top. When she retracted her finger a second later, the tiny was gone and only a thick smear of underboob sweat remained.

The moment they were slotted inside, the tiny was almost immediately flattened under the weight of Kronii's left breast and waterboarded by her sweat. The pressure bearing down on them was plush and warm, but horribly painful all the same. Their muscles ached and bones creaked. They couldn't move a finger, and the mere act of breathing took serious effort. Their chest barely rose when they desperately sucked down enough oxygen to fill their burning lungs. And this was only a small fraction of the burden Kronii's clothes had to support every day.

Feeling reinvigorated like stepping out from a hot shower, Kronii unmuted her mic and happily continued her stream. “Sorry about the sudden break. I was having some stuff delivered. ...no, I won't say what stuff, it's a surprise!” she giggled, making a point to shake her fat cow tits more than usual.

The tiny felt every movement. Every sway and bounce was excruciating on their little form. They could feel their bones and tendons straining against the uncompromising weight above, certain that at any moment their entire body would splatter like a grape.

Kronii paid close attention to all of their little struggles. It was faint, but she could feel them squirming around down there, uselessly trying to wiggle towards the faint light of the outside world.

Their breath was being waterlogged. Kronii's underboob sweat was building steadily, drowning the tiny in great deluges of warm, salty perspiration. They tried to scream, but only managed a gurgled yelp that didn’t have a chance of reaching Kronii's or chat’s ear.

The only concern for Kronii was how exactly to finish them off. It was tempting to sit back and let them drown in boob sweat, their last moments on earth spent writhing against her tit flesh in agony as they expired. Or maybe she could–

Suddenly, one of Kronii’s screens died.

“Oh shoot. Hang on, one of my monitors went out,” Kronii said as she leaned forward, Her titanic tits flopped down on her desk as she reached for her monitor's outputs, smashing the pitiful tiny against her sweaty underboob with a tiny squelch. Kronii's ears perked up hearing and feeling the little thing crunch beneath her boobs like an errant insect, and a small smile spread across her lips.

“Oh yeahhh, woops. Silly me!” She purposefully pressed down and rubbed her tits in wide arcs, slowly circling as though she were polishing her desk. More tiny pops and crunches emanated from below like a microscopic airsoft gun going off. “Damn. Was the cable here...? Or maybe over here..?” After a full minute of crushing agony, the screaming finally stopped with a loud crunch. Kronii felt the smallest bit of warmth from their blood, and was a bit annoyed they had stained her top, but an amount that small that could be washed away in the shower without a second thought.

Kronii sat back up. A tiny smudge of red sat below her left breast like a spot of cranberry juice. “Thanks for waiting guys! Still getting used to the new setup.”

Before Kronii could fully settle back into her stream, another batch of miscreants quickly revealed themselves in chat.

Why does she always hide her booba? She would be so much hotter if she let them out for us to see imo

holy kronii milkers!! need kronii milkies on my face right now!!

Two more little ingrates teleported on her palm. Kronii’s mood was souring fast, and she decided that she would need a little more time to properly take care of these ones. Using her best panicked voice, Kronii pretended to have mic issues, then turned off the tracking to her model.

“Hello, hello. Welcome to Kronii's bedroom,” she said to the two new arrivals in her palm. “I know, I'm even more amazing in person, you don't have to say it.”

As expected, the two tinies went straight into hysterics. Their gross little bug-like movements across her hand didn’t get any easier to stomach. Kronii tilted her palm and let both of them tumble to her desk. Her keyboard loomed behind them like a great featureless apartment complex. They both ran until their backs were at the “wall”, then stared up at their gigantic captor, chests fluttering in hyperventilation.

Kronii sneered down at them. To her disdain, even at the presumed ends of their lives, their perverted eyes were still clearly sizing up her chest! She wanted to mash them into smears right then and there…

Instead, she cooled off and offered a smile. “Ahem! Now, I know all of this must be frightening, but don't worry, I'm not going to do anything bad.” Her eyes glanced between the two of them. “I just want you two to have a little competition. Whoever wins, gets to have one wish granted! Sound good?”

The two tinies nodded.

“Yay! The competition is simple: fight each other until one of you can’t get up!”

Neither of her victims moved. There might have been words exchanged between them, but, again, it was too high-pitched and miniscule to make sense of.

Kronii narrowed her eyes. “If you don’t get going, you’re both dead.”

The battle was brief but violent. From her perspective, Kronii could only see a messy blur of limbs as two combatants that had never been in a serious fight, let alone hurt another human being, were suddenly battling for their lives. One of them had a clear height and weight advantage, and summarily knocked the other to the floor with an amateurish, powerful shot to the jaw. The loser was dragged to the center of the desk and presented like an offering to a goddess. Which, of course, Kronii was.

“Oh, wow! Great job out there, kronie! I’m so proud!” Kronii looked down at the crumpled form of the loser, her glare turning icy. “As for you...”

Kronii hefted her breast with one hand, tit flesh spilling over her fingers, then leaned over the loser and drowned them in shadow. They looked up, seeing only the narrow white band of material straining to support those fat tits that they had jerked off to hundreds of times before this day.

“Bye bye~!” Kronii sang.

With a sly wink, Kronii let her breast flop down onto the desk. The tiny fan was obliterated beneath her, instantly crushed into bloody paste before they could scream for mercy. The desk shook and the other tiny was briefly launched off their feet from the resulting shockwave while Kronii's assets wobbled. She slowly dragged her chest back, trailing a tiny streak of blood down to the edge of her desk. She grabbed some tissue paper and promptly wiped up the remaining gore, a look of disgust on her face like she was picking up a dead spider.

“So!” Kronii clapped her hands, sending a painful boom across the remaining tiny’s eardrums. “Congratulations, you did it! Wahoo!”

The tiny tried to show gratitude with a small jumping motion. The fact that they had indirectly murdered another human being was secondary to the relief of their imminent escape. They gestured a few more fist pumps, then patiently waited to be teleported back.

But Kronii only stared.

A curious smile crossed Kronii's face. “Hmm? Oh, you want to go back? ...I only said I would grant your wish.” Kronii shook her chest, letting her great tits slap against each other. “And apparently everyone's wish is to get between these, right?”

The tiny bolted across the desk, Kronii’s laughter filling the air. They made pretty good distance for someone their size, and managed to leap over the edge before Kronii snatched them up in midair. They were still kicking and screaming when she brought them over the shelf of her tits.

“Gimme one second,” Kronii said as she unzipped her black crop top. “Okay! Good luck in there~!”

She relaxed her fingers, letting her wailing captive drop straight down into the depths of her incredible cleavage. They bounced off one breast, then quickly hydroplaned down on a slick surface of boob sweat, going deeper and deeper until the air grew muggy and the light vanished. They came to a stop right in the middle of Kronii's cleavage, slotting in like a coin, pressed in at all sides with soft, sweltering tit flesh. A mangled cry slipped past their lips as their entire body compressed.

Their squirming was surprisingly easy to feel. Kronii put both palms on each side of her enormous tits and pressed them together, forcing a terrible shriek from the depths of her cleavage.

“Yeah, yeah, struggle all you want,” Kronii said. “You're just gonna be another stain on my perfect rack in a few seconds~”

She mashed her boobs together and started grinding them against one another. Shaking them up and down, slapping them together like an obscene parody of applause. The tiny's bones creaked and snapped as they were violently pulverized into mulch.

At the last second, Kronii had an idea. And it was not one of mercy. She figured she'd already crushed two of her victims today, and the mark of every good streamer is variety. Tilting her head down, Kronii opened her mouth and let a long clear string of drool spill into her cleavage. The warmth slowly traveled down her tits and filled her cleavage, swallowing the broken, battered tiny. Smiling, Kronii zipped up her top and readjusted her ribbon to make sure everything looked right.

“Kroniichiwa~! Sorry for the delay, guys. I seriously have no idea what's going on today.” She launched back into her stories and was pleasantly surprised that no more offenders showed up to sully her chat. After a few minutes, she briefly felt the worthless speck struggle vehemently inside her stuffy, sweaty, spit-soaked cleavage, then abruptly go still. I guess he held his breath that whole time...damn, that's kinda impressive, Kronii thought. She casually used her hands to smash her tits together one last time and finished the tiny off with a meaty crunch. She would forget all about them within the next forty seconds.

Kronii watched the rest of the stream go off without a hitch. It really was just a case of a few bad apples! A comforting thought entered her mind; no matter how many dozens or hundreds of times she had to “handle” her viewers like this, her chat would eventually be perfectly moderated.

Pub: 07 Dec 2024 02:00 UTC
Views: 280