Original Post: >>48028085

It would be so nice to come across Alban trying to sell himself. His body shaking slightly and his eyes glassy from malnutrition. He tries so hard to look appealing but if I wasn't some pervert degenerate he'd look pitiful instead. Thankfully for him it's that pitifulness that's why I slip a hand up his shorts and ask him his rates. It's why I then grab his hand and drag him dlwn the nearest alleyway. It's plain to see that I'm not the first from how easily he follows along with my motions.
I let him take care of my fly and pants and have him sink to his knees before I take charge he still shakes, body on the verge of giving up as I slide my cock between his lips and fuck his face. I wouldn't be surprised if the only sustenance he's gotten lately is the cum of the john's he's picked up and he's surviving on that alone. Increasingly I pick up the pace but he keeps up, almost keeping himself from gagging as he's forced to abide by my pace. Finally when he does choke, I'm rewarded handsomely, he pushes me back, retching and starting to sob as his empty stomach tries to bring up anything at all. It doesn't work. Sighing I start to jerk myself off to the pathetic sight, eventually grabbing his chin and tilting his face up towards me to cum all over it. Though I do take some pity on him, still paying him for the bj as I hope he's still alive when I drop by again.

Pub: 16 May 2023 03:07 UTC
Views: 365