Severed connection

12:31] Malice stood concealed in the shadows, his crimson eyes fixated on the approaching figure. The bridge, a place of vulnerability, would serve as the stage for his ambush. As she stepped onto the bridge, her guard seemingly heightened, and Malice's lips curled into a sinister smile.

"Ah, another unsuspecting soul," he whispered to himself, his voice carrying a mixture of anticipation and malevolence. "You walk with confidence, oblivious to the impending doom that lurks in the darkness."

With a swift and calculated movement, Malice emerged from the shadows, his form seemingly materializing out of thin air. His presence was felt, a chilling aura radiating from his very being. The woman turned, her eyes locked in gaze with the undead harbinger.

"Surprised to see me?" Malice taunted, his voice dripping with wicked delight. "You thought you could traverse, but little did you know that it would become the gateway to your demise."

He circled her, his steps silent and predatory, reveling in the fear that danced across her features.

"You see, my dear, My occultic powers are unparalleled, and I relish in the chaos and destruction they unleash. Today, you shall bear witness to the extent of my malevolent prowess."

Malice's fingers danced with dark energy, shadows swirling around his hand as if they were alive. The air crackled with a palpable sense of foreboding as he prepared to unleash his onslaught.

"Prepare yourself, for the onslaught of the occultic. My spells shall rend your defenses, leaving you vulnerable and at my mercy. The flames of destruction shall consume you, searing your very essence. And when this battle is over, you shall know the true meaning of despair."

With a final, chilling laugh, Malice unleashed his assault, a storm of occultic power surging towards the woman. The bridge trembled under the weight of their clash, the echoes of their struggle drowning out any other sound.

[12:37] In the midst of the evening, Adrian roams the lands of Meranthe, stumbling upon an interesting situation between Malice and Phoenix.

Yet, it seems he arrived just on time...

A sudden assault launches towards his cousin, surging the foul stench of occultic prowess throughout the quarter. Adrian was quick on the draw, grabbing his katana's hilt, only to stand on guard, letting his cousin fight her battle. "On your guard, Phi. I'll take over if anything happens." Adrian nods, casting a keen eye on Malic, beginning to study his appearance.
(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[12:43] The kitsune would float along the open path, crossing over the bridge near the swamps of Aphros. A silence first given to the undead as they spoke, then her memory coming to better serve her as to where she had seen them before. "Ah... You are the one that attacked miss Azalea... You were fighting Rahl and the rest that day while I was busy dealing with that Koar demon... The Jellyfish."

Her left hand rose up to the hilt of her rapier, the blade being drawn letting a fury of holy light radiate from her figure. Her signature fur lined coat and Christmas hat being adorned as she would let her icy mana surge forth creating a storm of ice and snow.

Golden light glistened through the crystalized shards of ice that blew through the air, her gaze then moving to Adrian as he would arrive on scene. "Very well Adrian, I would rather take this one if I can."

Remembering back how it's target had been one who she considered a friend for along while now, who had even bested her fiancée in combat. Her figure dipped slightly before she would tighten the grip on her weapon and ready herself for a fight.
(Phoenix Altan)

[12:49] {Lost Dangerous RPB against Malice}
[12:49] Malice has inflicted an injury upon Phoenix Altan. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-10 Vit)")
[13:06] The clash between Malice and the holy swordswoman was an intense battle of opposing forces. Each strike reverberated through the air, the clash of their weapons creating sparks that illuminated the darkened bridge. Malice's occultic powers surged forth, intertwining with his every movement, while the holy swordswoman radiated with divine energy, her blade cutting through the shadows with righteous fury.

Their attacks were relentless, a dance of death and destruction. Malice's scythe sliced through the air with deadly precision, leaving trails of purple flames in its wake. The swordswoman's strikes were swift and calculated, her holy blade gleaming with radiant light as she sought to vanquish the darkness before her.

But Malice was a master of the occult, his powers tapping into forbidden realms. He summoned ethereal tendrils that snaked around the swordswoman, ensnaring her movements and hindering her defense. She fought valiantly, her every strike imbued with divine purpose, but the relentless onslaught of Malice's occultic magic began to take its toll.

As the battle reached its climax, Malice seized a moment of opportunity. With a swift and decisive strike, his scythe found its mark, slicing deep into the swordswoman's side. A surge of dark energy coursed through her, intertwining with her very being. The wound was not just physical but spiritual, a permanent scar that would forever remind her of the power she had dared to challenge.

But Malice was not finished. With a sadistic smile, he launched a final assault, an overwhelming surge of occultic power that overwhelmed the swordswoman. Her defenses shattered, her strength waning, she could no longer withstand the malevolent force that enveloped her.

As the battle came to an end, the swordswoman lay defeated, her body battered and broken.

"You dared to stand against me, to challenge the depths of my power," he hissed, his voice laced with a chilling satisfaction. "Now, you shall forever bear the mark of your defeat. Let it serve as a testament to the futility of your holy righteousness in the face of my darkness."

As Malice stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, his gaze shifted to the swordswoman's companions who had witnessed the brutal encounter. A cruel smile played upon his lips as he addressed them

"Behold, fools, the fate that befalls those who dare to challenge the might of the occult," he sneered, his eyes glinting with a malevolent fire. "Your valiant friend, the embodiment of righteousness and divine justice, lies broken and defeated at my feet. Her futile struggle against the darkness has been met with resounding failure."

He paced slowly, relishing in the discomfort and fear that hung heavy in the air. The shadows seemed to dance around him, amplifying his sinister presence.

"You, who thought yourselves champions of light, defenders of the weak, what now? Will you cower before the might of the undead? Will you abandon your delusions of grandeur and face the truth of your own insignificance?" His voice dripped with contempt.

"You see, the world you know is an illusion, a feeble attempt to cling to hope and righteousness. But I am the embodiment of the inevitable. Darkness will prevail, and your feeble attempts to thwart it are nothing more than a mockery."

"By the will of Varrach, I am Destruction."
"I AM, Chaos."
"I am - MALICE and in his image, I will have my vengeance."

[13:07] The swordsman remains silent, watching from within the gloomy forest as the unfolding battle commences. His grip strengthens, anger was evident upon his brick wall visages, the more he watched his cousin lose the upper hand against Malice.

"I think I've seen enough!" With haste, he begins to withdraw the whistling katana out its sheath, armed and ready for battle.

"It becomes quite personal when family is involved."

Adrian tilts his head from left to right, warming up his body for the upcoming bout between himself and Malice. He begins to advance near Phoenix the moment she hits the ground, guarding her from any further harm. "You've done enough for now, Phi. Let me take over a bit." Adrian said, glancing down at his cousin and extend out his tail around her shoulder for comfort.

Forest-green eyes meet Malice, recalling many warriors with his kind of magic throughout his journey. His thoughts storm on, wonderinghow he would fair against a undead champion.

Would there even be competition at all?

There was only one way to find out his current limits.

Adrian sprints forward, ready to unleased a series of blows upon Malice!
(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[13:22] Malice's eyes flickered with a mix of amusement and malevolence as Adrian's strikes rained upon him. He danced effortlessly, his movements a dark ballet of evasion and counterattacks. The clash of Adrian's blade against his own sent sparks flying, each strike serving as a testament to the swordsman's skill.

"You possess a formidable spirit," Malice spoke with a chilling calmness, his voice laced with an undertone of sinister delight. "But do you truly believe your strength can rival the darkness that resides within me? The very essence of undeath courses through my veins, granting me powers that transcend the mortal realm."

As Adrian's relentless assault continued, Malice's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He allowed the attacks to rain upon him, each blow adding fuel to the inferno of his power. Shadows coiled around him, tendrils of occultic energy pulsating with a hunger for more.

"Your determination is commendable, but remember this, Darkness thrives on conflict. It feeds upon the very essence of your being. The more you resist, the stronger it becomes," Malice's voice carried a chilling warning. "Prepare yourself, for you have merely scratched the surface of my true power. This dance has only just begun, and soon you shall witness the true extent of my occultic might."

[13:41] The clash of holy and dark energies would reverberate throughout the sounding area. The battle of the two moving from place to place along the river bed and open road on either side of the bridge. Tendril's of darkness and benevolent rays of holy light would cause one another to implode onto one another. Waves of ice and blood changed the landscape over and then some, the gooey red liquid causing the frozen landscape to melt and crack beneath her feet continuing to upset the footing of the holy magi.

Slash's came from every angel of the scythe wielder . The moment in time being acted upon as the long edge of the weapon would find it's way into her side. Blood rushing to her mouth as she was forced to cough up a worry some amount for a girl of her size.

For what lay next she could only simply try to withstand it. her holy aura flaring up around her in retaliation to the oppressive force of the occult. The very essence of the magic infesting her flesh andmoving to infest her mana circuits. A cry of pain was let out from the girl, her sword coming to be dropped onto the grass.

The girl falling to her knee and clutching her side, the physical wound nothing that would be considered fatal yet instinctively she new something was very wrong as soon as the remnants of the occult energy dispersing into the air as the one who had come to assault her laid claim to their name. The name of the one who's image they had come to be made in.

"You....Your master is the one of the ones.. Who took away sissy..."

Her words coming with struggled breath's in between them. A very wet sounding cough coming after uttering only that one sentence. With both her and her holy knight having been defeated and the energy of the life stream steadfast slipping away from her grasp she knew that they had been defeated on this day. Her hand moved to grab hold of her sword once more, using it to hold herself up as sapphire hues would come to rest on Malice. Ferocity held within them as she glared at the undead.

"You.. And your kinds reign will soon come to an end in these lands."

Small break's taken in between her words but remaining strong still as the last bits of her magic were drained from her. The holy light that was surrounding her figure flickering away rapidly as it was struggling to keep itself ablaze.

"Even if you have defeated me here today, I will continue to stand for my believes and do what I must to enact the tenets of Athelios and carry out the will of Aschea.. No matter how many times my flesh is cut, my heart wounded or my loved ones are lost... I will not falter... We will not yield."

The last of her strength falling now as she was forced to fall onto the ground her weapon laying in the grass next to her. Doing her best to halt the bleeding with the use of her ice magic. With Adrian's safety guaranteed she would aim to make her way over to him so they could make their escape.
(Phoenix Altan)

[13:48] Adrian's strikes came with swift precision, his blade slicing through the air with deadly intent. But Malice, fueled by his dark powers, matched every move with an eerie grace. Shadows danced around him, forming a protective shield that deflected the onslaught of blows.

With a sudden surge of energy, Malice unleashed a torrent of occultic flames from his outstretched hand, engulfing Adrian's blade and forcing him to retreat momentarily. The intense heat seared his skin, leaving behind singed marks as a painful reminder of the encounter.

Undeterred, Adrian pressed forward, determination etched on his face. He launched a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, aiming to find a weakness in Malice's defenses. But the undead harbinger was relentless, his movements fluid and precise, countering each attack with calculated ease.

In a swift motion, Malice evaded Adrian's sword and delivered a powerful kick to his side. The impact sent Adrian sprawling backward, his body crashing against a nearby tree. He grimaced in pain, feeling the temporary effects of the blow coursing through his veins.

Malice approached, his eyes gleaming with a twisted satisfaction. "Your resilience is impressive, Adrian. But remember, I am the embodiment of the darkness that plagues your world. Your light, no matter how bright, shall ultimately falter in the face of my occultic powers."

But Malice spared Adrian from further injury, no, he knew there was likely more to be done here, and so he turned to face the others.

Pub: 18 Jun 2023 08:56 UTC
Views: 93