Chess websites, tools, videos and books

Play chess

Play variants


Training games

guess the opening sequence:

guess the puzzle sequence:

guess the mating pieces:

guess the move, the engine hints which piece to move:

guess who is better:

guess the stockfish 16 evaluation:

guess the sequence of best moves:

sort the puzzle moves:

guess the blunder:

click on all loose pieces:

capture as many pawns as you can:

capture all the pieces to win:

capture a piece with every move until just one remains:

guess the ELO:

Openings explorers

Games, databases and PGN files


chess rating systems FAQ:

estimate your rating:



Glicko ratings:

The Elo Rating System for Chess and Beyond

list of Lichess arenas by average rating:



  • the homepage of has a calendar that lists the top players attending some of the events.
  • the list of the eligible tournaments for the FIDE Circuit can be used as a calendar of "relevant" tournaments, as the requirements to be listed there are very strict.
  • for events near you check the websites of your country chess federation and of the nearest chess clubs; the website can be helpful in finding chess locations.

Live and results


chess events statistics:

get notified when a streamer is playing:

News and photos

Blogs and newsletters


Forums and socials






PyChess Players:

The House:


TCEC official:

other servers:


Tournaments predictions and simulations

Computer chess



Correspondence chess

Blindfold chess

coordinates training:


  • on Lichess you can toggle blindfold mode in games or puzzles via the board menu hamburger or the shift-B shortcut; try also the "speech" sound and to set "input moves with your voice" in your account preferences.
  • the braille chess associations has tools that you can use.

Build your opening repertoire

opening stats:

compare game(s) to opening:

opening recommendations:

ECO Codes:

Endgame tablebases and training

how to use tablebases:


chess principles:

chess tactics:

checkmate patterns:




chess cloud database:

chess database and PGN viewer:

XBoard / WinBoard:

Arena chess GUI:

cross-platform chess GUI:

other graphical user interfaces:

next move calculators:

online analysis board:

live analysis of relevant games:

chess analysis (1 game per day is free):

chess analysis with brilliancies:

chess analysis app:

AI models' chess evaluations:

open-source chess analysis tool:

personal chess coach:

digital chess coach (some features are free):

chess improvement app:

cloud platform for chess training:

Chessr Vision Trainer

PGN trainer

quickly review any chess player’s performance:

free chesscom insights:

analytics for chess players:

CQL: Chess Query Language (searches for user-defined patterns in chess games and studies)

filtering of chess databases:

Novelty Grinder

Elocator: Chess Complexity Calculator

Bernd's Random-FEN-Generator

Chess960 initial position generators:

positions from real games:

random equal positions:

Lichess Tactics Generator

offline puzzles:

offline training:

offline variants:

Bughouse viewer:

visualize chess games:

interactive chess template for Anki:

open-source chess trainer that can use Anki:

Chess Self-Play (auto-rotates while playing both sides)

animated GIF from PGN, puzzle editor, etc.:

convert GIF to WebM:

create GIF, MP4, WebM:

generate videos from chess moves in SAN notation:

extract FEN from images, with analysis board links:

image to chessboard:

scan chess positions from websites, books, images and videos:

chess diagrams for printing:

create PDF with chess diagrams from FEN notations:

paste your game for quick sharing:

find the cheaters you played against on chesscom:

calculate the victory distance to Magnus:

other tools, apps and software:

Browser extensions

Tournament management systems

Recognition, notation and broadcast of OTB games

Chess clocks



Lifetime Repertoires and other courses:

Building Chess Habits by Chessbrah

Chess Fundamentals by John Bartholomew

Beginner to Chess Master by ChessNetwork

Hanging Pawns by Stjepan Tomic

Chess Classics by PowerPlayChess

The Immortal Games by Chess School

The Amateur's Mind by ChessCoach Andras

Chess Improvement by ChessDojo

Chess course from beginner to master level | Learn how to play Chess the right way by NM Robert Ramirez

Secrets of Chess Tactics by Kingscrusher

Jan's Opening Clinic by Jan Gustafsson

Top 15 Chess Principles by Epic Chess

Endgame Course by Chess Vibes

Improver Level | Chess Lessons | Chess Rating 1200+ by Chessfactor

Guide to Adult Improvement in Chess by Adult Chess Improver

Basics by Chess Boot Camp

Logical Chess: Move By Move by Chess Mastery

Gambit Chess Openings by Remote Chess Academy

Chess Masterclass by GM Talks

Lessons by Anna Cramling

Master Class by Alex Banzea

Silicon Road by Matthew Sadler

Chessable free courses:

Saint Louis Chess Club lectures:



recommended books:


users reviews, databases and book sharing:

Internet Archive:

Project Gutenberg:

used books:

collections of games found in chess books:

FIDE books awards announcements:

chess books on Wikipedia and Wikibooks:

chess books on Reddit:

Chess Book Collectors

e-books readers:

Library Genesis (use at your own risk):

for torrents it's recommended qBittorrent and its internal search engine (use at your own risk):

Glossaries and printable educational materials

History of chess

A History Of Chess by H. J. R. Murray (1913)

A brief history of chess by Alex Gendler

The History Of Chess: The World Chess Championship by Dean J. Andrews

The Life and Chess of Series (2014-present) by Lucas Anderson

The Best Chess Players Over Time (Estimated By Accuracy)

14 Times Chess Got BANNED Around the World by the chess nerd

The story of Lichess

Rules of chess

FIDE Laws of Chess taking effect from 1 January 2023

European Chess Union Tournament Regulations

US Chess Federation's Rules of Chess

Handbook of Chess Composition

Top Chess Engine Championship (TCEC) rules

International Braille Chess Association (IBCA) rules

Diving Chess rules


Pub: 30 Jan 2024 17:06 UTC
Edit: 09 Mar 2025 00:20 UTC
Views: 10692
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