Sins of The Innocent

In Respite
Diary 3---Entry 19 In Respite

“If you know anything, anything at all, please share. This isn’t the time for secrets.” My voice raspy and uneasy. I never liked when they made secrets like this. This is why Kronii stopped trusting them too. Always a layer of deceit hidden by colourful words.

“Meimei, I assure you; I’ve told you everything I know. Whatever’s going on is in Kronii’s perfect hands.” It sounds like her, it has that same tone, but it’s wrong.

“Don’t Meimei me! You could’ve sent her to her death bed! You don’t have a single person watching that area?”

“Kronii is watching it Mumei. Is Kronii not up to par? Does her ability not satisfy you?” This bitch…anything to avoid answering me, treating me like I’m an idiot.

“If you won’t tell me, I’ll just go myself.” I turn around and head for the door out.

“WAIIIIIIIITTTTTTT! MUMEI!!!!!!!!” As if on cue, Bae jumps out of…wherever she was and leaps towards me.

“Moooomei you can’t go yet.” Her face in full pout mode. But I’m not going to be swayed easily, it they won’t tell me…then I’ll…anyways…

“Very convincing argument Bae. But I think I’ll still go and check.” Why are they so adamant in keeping me away.

“I’m serious Mumei! Don’t worry! Kronii had Krono and his goofy partner with her. They’ll be fiiiinnnee. Just trust them yeah?” She smiles at me, and I return the smile, staring back at Sana for a moment. Completely motionless. Utterly defeated. Hasn’t moved a thing aside from her lips to speak.

“Kronii AND Krono?” I raise an eyebrow at the chaotic gremlin, somehow she keeps her head up through all this.

“Kronii and Krono, Mumei. You have literally nothing to worry about.” She reassures me once more. I can’t deny, with the two of them together, you’d find yourself struggling to win a fight. But it’s been so long, Kronii is never late. Never unless she intends to be late. And I think it’s suspicious that Kronii would spend so much time working for these girls today. Something has to be off.

“Sana, there’s a call for you. Would you like to take it?” Fauna enters the stage from the door to the right, holding a phone in her hands. This is almost all of Council…before we…

“Yes. Mumei, if you don’t mind, we’ve some business to return to. We’ll send Kronii straight to you after she returns, promise.” Hiding her face underneath that cloak…I can’t trust it. When you can only see a person’s lips, they become so much more suspicious. But if I act out anymore…they might become distrustful…Am I really worried that much over this…it’s a little late but Kronii showed up just the other day a little late. And only because she visited this place. I guess…I guess I’ll give up and wait for Kronii back home.

“Alright…I’ll head back home then.” I’ll play the good girl and listen. I just need to…
Reaching for the back side of my skirt, I tug on it a little, getting Friend’s attention. Friend floats into my hand and I keep that hand hidden behind my back. Bae and Fauna seem to be giving Sana some help by getting her into the other room. Fauna stares at me and then back at Sana as she wheels Sana into the room. Bae shoots me a giant smile and opens the door for them while waving me goodbye.

“I’ll send Kronii straight to you Mumei. Got it? Now go back home and relax, you’re worrying over nothing.” Her voice fades as she enters the room with the other two girls. I wave at them and turn around. In a whisper, I begin to delve the details of my idea to Friend.

“I’m going to exit but leave the door creaked open just a bit so you can get out Friend. I want to you listen in to that conversation and let me know what they were talking about. Don’t stay too long but if you can, wait for something important…big news…about Kronii ok?” Friend hovers up and down, acknowledging the task and then floats over towards the door. I take my leave and start walking down the staircase. Why am I walking down…should I just fly back to look normal? I take a few more steps before turning back towards the building. I looks pretty menacing in the moonlight. Actually, yeah, that’s a full moon. A huge one. It gives the building a decently creepy look. Maybe I’ll draw at home to calm my nerves…yeah that’s a good idea. I’ll go draw while waiting for Kronii.

And then it hits me, the worst feeling I’ve ever felt in my life. Friend is under extreme distress! This…this is horrible…I feel like vomiting…whatever friend learned…is not good! It’s not good at all…I grab the stairway railing and heave, this is dreadful. My stomach is in a pinch, twisted and uneasy. Th-this can only mean one thing! Kronii’s in trouble! Oh Friend…hurry back…I need more details…what did you record from that conversation. I stare back and the building, hoping to see friend float out. Wrapping my arms around myself brings me a little comfort, I take steps in place, hoping that it’ll calm my nerves, even a little. My breathing starts to get harsh; this is horrible. A silent, sinking feeling wreak havoc on my insides as I can only wait and wait. I tighten my grip around myself and move in place even more. Just take my mind off of it. Just give me a moment to catch up. I feel lost. More than lost. I feel hopeless. Oh Kronii…

The world around me auctions itself off to the night. The bright moonlight contrast with the pitch-black night. A single beacon to lead me to any sort of salvation. C’mon Friend, what’s taking you! Don’t tell me…they found you! Spotted you floating around the door. Ugh…this is bad…my breathing starting to turn into hyperventilation. I’m not good with this. I’m not good in these situations. That’s why Kronii would take care of things. That’s why I need to know Kronii is safe and that I can have her back home tonight.

Friend returns, and not a moment too soon. I eagerly away the recording they created and listen in.

“Ok Friend, let the tape roll!”

“No no no no no. C’mon man! Doesn’t this go any faster?!” A man’s voice!

“Krono man…cmon, you know what this car does.” Another man’s voice…this must be Krono and his partner. Then…they’re talking about Kronii right?

“I’m just…dude…something bad happened…something…She’s been gone too long!” They’re definitely talking about Kronii! Something happened 100%!

“The first building right? That’s the one you guys walked past?”

“Yeah…bring us up right to it. She’s gotta be in there! She has to be!”

“Krono! Just…calm down man. You’re not being levelheaded. Not your usual self.”

“I’m…just…it’s…” His voices fades away and the recording finishes. That’s all the evidence I need. Nothing is going to get in my way now. Not Sana, not Fauna, not Bae. Kronii’s in danger!

“Thanks Friend. You did a good job bringing this back to me and going undetected. Get home and wait for us ok? I’ll be quick.

I give Friend a hug and then push them into the direction of our house. Whatever the issue is, I’ll get to the bottom of it and then Kronii will never have to do anything dangerous again!

I stretch my arms and legs out, giving them a little late-night activity before bringing the wings out. The crater right? Don’t worry Kronii, I’m on my way!

My wings spread outwards and I push up into the air. I smash them against the currents floating in the sky, flying faster than I have ever flown before. This first building? Let’s see where this magical building is…I approach the rim of the crater, it’s a decent guess to think that Kronii and Krono also approached from this direction since it was the most direct. Fortunately the moonlight is also out, illuminating the land below. If it was the first building on their journey into the crater then…it should be…that one! I stare down at a dilapidated building that is seemingly in the middle of nowhere. I dive down headfirst, hoping to arrive as soon as possible. A car comes into view…that must mean Krono and his partner are here too. And Kronii should also be here. Landing with the force of a jet, I crash into the ground to the right of the car and run inside the building.

“Kronii? Kroniiiii? Where are you? Kroniiiiiiiiii!?” I yell into the empty building, my voice echo across as I stare into the hollow space. A couple of heads perk up and I sprint to them. They’re crouched down…so they must be by Kronii right? They have to be why else would they be here if not for Kronii’s presence it just doesn’t make any sense.

One of the figures stands up. A man in a suit with hair vents like Kronii. Krono.

“Where is she Krono!?” I scream out at him, hoping to solve the feeling of dread taking residence in my heart.

“M-Mumei? I…you should…turn around Mumei. I…I don’t want you seeing this.” He moves his body to the left…is he hiding something? His partner turns his head around and looks up…This…is a joke right? They’re goofing off…doing stupid guy stuff like playing 21 or marbles or or or or or or ororororororo

I stare into the gap between the two men, a figure, an outline of a person laying down. Dark black surrounds them, like oil beneath a leaky car. Th-that’s odd…wh-what is that? It’s just the…the building already had that right.

“Mumei…get into the car. We’ll discuss it on the way back.” His voice is firm but lacks confidence, I can hear it. Something wrong. It’s definitely wrong! Friend shared the conversation with me! Krono was already panicked!

“Where’s Kronii, Krono?” I take a step forward. He stares straight at me, same position and all.

“Mumei. The car. Please.” I take another step and his partner looks back down at whatever’s on the ground. And that turn was all I needed. A single glance at the thing that shattered my whole world. My purpose gone with her pale, blood-stained face. It fell. I fell.

Light blasts itself on the ground behind Krono, clearly displaying my dread to me. Unreal. Impossible! I refuse to believe it! Sprinting at Krono I raise my fists at him and punch him as hard as I can. I punch and punch and punch at him. My Kronii! My Kronii!

“What did you DO KRONO? WHY IS SHE…HOW IS SHE…SHE’S…SHE’S…” My nails dig into my palms, I have nothing now. No more smiles. No more frowns. No more laughing. No more crying. I only feel rage. Pure unbridled rage. Rage at Krono for failing to watch Kronii. Rage at Sana for sending her out to do this. Rage at myself for not being able to save her. Rage at myself for not being able to help her. Hate at myself for letting this happen. Hate at myself because I wasn’t there for her. Hate. Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate

“Oh Mumei…You didn’t listen to me. Didn’t head on home like a good little owl. That’s a shame. I guess that’s that then.”

“Y-you? How did…when did you?”

“Oh Krono…did you think the light was just for show?”

“Right…the moonlight. Nifty trick. But you are space. Just goes to show what I know I guess.”

"You...know...nothing. Now step aside time reject. I'm here for Mumei." I can hear Krono scoff. What happened? I zoned out for a bit. Oh right. Kronii.
"What happened to Kronii, Sana?" I ask as if it were any other question. I just want an answer.

"Look on the ground and see for yourself silly~" Her voice cheery, not a sign of any other emotion. Unfortunate.

"What. Happened. To. Kronii. I will not ask again." I take steps towards Kro...Sana. Each step a little closer to an answer. Sana takes a deep breath and begins to speak again.

"She faced her destiny Mumei. Power far beyond her own. It was her or us. That was the deal."

"Her or us?" Standing there. STANDING! This disgusting bitch! Faking her injuries! To trick us? Deceive us? Into believing her? That's why Kronii's dead?!

"You say that standing over her body? How dare you!" I reach for Kronii's body. Krono is standing off to the side, his right hand over his face. This is her sword. I didn't even notice...Killed by her own weapon. How cruel. How unimaginably cruel. I reach for it and pull it up. Sana begins speaking again, but I don't care about what she has to say. friend...

"What do you think Mumei? A fair deal I'd say." Krono's voice also enters my head. What's he going on about?

"A deal? For what? Your life? Is this how you get by? That's sad..." In the corner of my eye I see a glint. A faint one, but it's there. I crouch down and reach for it. Oh...her watch. Yeah this is definitely her pocket watch. I slip it into a pouch on my belt.

"M...e...i" I so very badly want to shoot my attention down. A whisper! That was her voice! She's...oh god...I ripped the sword out...that must hurt. Poor Kronii. stay strong. If I show anything slightly off, Sana will pick up on it. Her rewinding was getting worse and worse…she couldn’t even do the scratches on her face the other day…No…No I need to believe in her right now. I can feel my hands shaking. My head is getting light. A host of emotions are messing with my head right now. But be strong. Kronii would be strong for you.

"I think I'll pass. Actually, I'll counteroffer Sana. You let us take Kronii's body for proper send off, and I won't have Fauna and Bae come back to give you your send off. Sound like a deal?" I stand back up and stare into Sana's soul. Armed with Kronii's sword, I know I at least wouldn't be a push over. Sword fighting is humanity's thing anyways.

"Deal." Huh? S-seriously?

"Deal?" Krono shouts out in confusion as well.

"Like I said. It was her or us. I fulfilled my end of the bargain. We're here. She's not. I have no qualms with you, regardless of the fact that you may now have some with me. I did want to make sure she's dead but...with who she faced...Whatever. Take her and get out of my sight." Sana turns around and motions her arm out into the emptiness of the building. Bae leaps out and gets behind Sana.

"N-nothing personal Mumei. Just following orders..." She keeps her gaze averted from Kronii's body...disgusting...her own friends leaving her for dead. Wait if Bae was here…she might’ve picked up on Kronii’s whisper…what is she…No don’t even consider it. We need to leave.

"Krono, meet me at my apartment so we can get this all sorted out." I crouch back down to Kronii, running my fingers over her blood-stained face. Hang in there...just a little more...I've got them playing along.

"Y-yeah...right ok. Armando, get the car started for us." The silent blond guy in the back runs out, listening to Krono.
"I'll fly on ahead. You remember where right?" Krono nods and then I turn my sights on Bae and Sana.

"I hope I never have the misfortune of ever seeing you two again." Picking Kronii up, I turn away from then and walk out of the building with Krono.

"I'm sorry Mumei! Really! I'm sorryyyyyy!" Bae shouts at the top of her lungs. These two...I can't even...think straight...

Krono and I enter the moonlight of the nighttime world and the car wraps around and stops next to Krono. He opens up the door and before shutting it, begins to speak.

"We didn't just..."

"My place. Go there. Make sure. Double, triple check nobody follows you. Got it?" I stare into his eyes, and he stares back.

"Y-yeah. We'll make sure 100%."

"Good." I spread my wings out and flap them. I jump into the sky and shoot straight back home. The cool night air pushes against me, I feel like I'm starting to wake up.

"Mu...mei..." The whisper makes it past the sound of the winds, and I start to cry. poor Kronii. Tears from my face drips down onto hers. Never again. Never again will you need to work for them. We'll run away. We'll find something. We'll make it work. With this watch...I'll fix everything.

In Solitude:
Entry 18 In Conviction:
Entry 20

Pub: 22 Aug 2022 05:54 UTC
Edit: 27 Aug 2022 07:51 UTC
Views: 411