Turns out the ancient Egyptians had it right
And not just them, either!
The world used to be a place of Gods, beings of immense power, who were greater in humans, in both a spiritual, and very physical, way
Then, one day, the Gods disappeared
From that point on, they faded into legends and myths and religions
Time passed, society progressed, people outgrew, for a large part, their past
And then, one random, before-unimportant day, the Gods returned
Of course, this wasn't just them though, no, they had brought their progeny with them
Wherever the Gods had gone, they had occupied themselves, but they had also mellowed out some
No longer were they the all-powerful beings they once were, though you couldn't call them mortal by any stretch of the imagination. They were still large and strong, but that wasn't the most important feature to them
The Gods were naturally attractive to Humans, in a very literal sense
Humans found themselves being alluded by these heavenly beings. It wasn't like worship, more of a dull, semi-passive desire to be with them, to make them happy and give them comfort
It made sense, when you thought about it, for Gods to be a little addictive
The Gods, for their part, had mellowed out quite a bit from the way they had been before
No longer did they feel the fire and rage that so many had been consumed with in the past. Now, they had families and alliances, friends and companions. They didn't long for war or sacrifices, instead, they wanted to be with the humans they'd cared for so long ago, to see how far they had come, and to raise their families
In the end, Humans, for the most part, accepted the Gods back with open arms, and the Gods were happy to be once again reunited with their people

The Gods weren't overly invasive, or even pushy, as they knew Humanity had grown and changed quite a bit during their absence, and they knew things wouldn't be quite like they were before
They gave people the choice to allow them in, to let them join them in their lives, though when faced with an actual God/Goddess/something else, well
Let's just say it didn't take too long for them to win people over
Soon enough each household had a god, or multiple, living with them, and even for the naysayers, it was hard to deny the /other/ benefits
After all, even with diminished power, they still were a natural source of blessings and luck, and more often than not, those who lived with them found themselves finding money on the street, or a cheaper deal, or someone to love
People did question the legitimacy of these things, but for the Gods, well, they just wanted their people to be happy, and if their being around them brought them that, they certainly weren't going to complain
Over the span of a very short time, it seemed like the dawn of a new age
One issue that came with this new, shared life was the fact that, just as the Gods were new, unique beings for the world to come to terms with, our world was strange and bizarre to them
Many people would help guide newcomers around, showing them what the modern day was like, and explaining how things worked
Some people made a job of being guides, while others took it upon themselves to show the members of their households about
That was where you came in, or rather, that was where you were waiting for your new guest to come in
They hadn't arrived yet, but you'd been told by others you'd get a sort of a feeling when they were close
As it so happened, you almost thought you'd felt something make the hairs on the back of your neck rise
Something intimidating yet...exciting

What should they be, anons? Keep in mind, the gods have had many descendants, so it's more than likely to be one of their offspring.

Getting up from your seat, you slowly made your way over to your door, that tense feeling building inside you, a range of emotions that you weren't entirely sure how to handle washing over you as you drew closer
It was especially odd that you were feeling this way, considering how prevalent they had become
You'd seen them on TV, online, hell, most all of your neighbors lived with themAnd yet, for whatever reason, you were finding it hard to put your hand on the doorknob and open the door
Was it because they were going to be with you, and you with them? A new, unique relationship, just between the two of you?
Were you actually, really ready for this kind of a change?
You felt the cold metal of the doorknob press against your hand as you began turning it
You guess you were ready after all
You opened the door, ready to be blinded by the bright rays of the sun, though you found them quite comfortably blocked!
Of course, the fact that you were standing in a shadow being cast by your guest was another thought entirely, though you were a little more distracted by, well, them
The worry and fear you had been feeling before seemed to melt away when you looked at her, and a warmth spread through your body, like cuddling up in a blanket on a cold day, or relaxing with a warm drink by a fire
As you felt yourself go a bit weak in the knees, you could definitely see why your friends had been so eager to invite others in, this feeling alone was worth it!
Not like the rest of her was all bad, though
She was tall and fairly toned, though despite the muscles that were still fairly evident under the fur, she was also pretty damn soft!
Of course, fertility seemed to be a common trait among most of the rabbits out there
You don't know how comfortable a lot of people would feel having her around during Easter, especially since your head only came up to her tit-boo-breasts
You hadn't said a word out loud and yet you felt like you'd already blown it

"You're Anonymous, right~?" Came a melodious voice, one that commanded attention despite it's soft, good-nature'd air
Your eyes quickly snapped up from her bust to her face, two big eyes meeting yours, a little, pink nose wiggling just above a warm, caring smile
While she looked young, there was an almost matronly air about her, as if she knew more than she let on, a certain kind of hidden maturity there
The body of an athlete, the curves of a model, and the voice of a milf of the highest degree
It had become a cliche, but it had stuck around for a very good reason
It felt like you'd died and gone to Heaven
"Would you like a moment, Anonymous? I know we can be somewhat...overwhelming, after all." Came her voice again
Fucking hell, no wonder people worshiped them back in the day

"N-No! No no, it's quite alright, please, come in, make yourself at home!"

You quickly blurted out, your body protesting as you dragged your eyes from hers, a giggle sending shivers up your spine
A little laugh should NOT be able to get to you like that!
She stepped inside, ducking her head down to pass your door, her large ears brushing up against the frame before they sprang back up above her, brushing against the ceiling
Okay, you'd probably need to get that fixed

"Here, just uh...sit down on the couch and I'll bring you some stuff! What would you like to drink?"

You said, gesturing to the couch before hurrying to the kitchen, thinking on the way as to what you had ready
You really should have stocked up on more for the occasion
Sure, the Fridge was full, but still!
"Do you have any Carrot juice, perhaps~?"
Did you-
Oh shit, you didn't
Popping out of the kitchen, you began to make a break for the door, not even registering it as being still open

"Don't worry, I'll run to the store and grab some! I'm so sorry about not-"

you promptly found your words drifting away as you felt her hands grab you carefully by the hips, dragging you back towards her

Your legs hit the edge of the couch, and then you were being pulled up and onto her lap
It was a little hard to think of excuses when those soft paws were holding you, the feeling of their grip easy to feel even through your clothes
That only got worse when you felt her sit you down, your butt sinking into her thick thighs
While you could tell that they were powerful, they were also so very soft, like you could just relax yourself utterly and sink into them
Maybe you could just sit here for a while before getting her some
Oh Gods, she was wrapping her arms around you and-
You could feel her belly press against your back, and her bust against your head, and you quickly came to realize just how thin what little clothes she wore were
You knew the Gods felt fully comfortable in the nude, and, generally, due to their bodies, they could hide their
With how you were feeling, you didn't know if you could handle completing that thought
Either way, as you felt yourself slump against her, you became intimately aware of just how little she wore to remain 'decent' in modern society
Wait, couldn't they sense emotions? There was something like that to them, right?
A worry started to build inside you, making you want to push away from her grip and apologize for having such lewd thoughts and
...Wow she was strong, huh? Even with polite, yet firm attempts, you weren't able to get past her arm as it held you against her
Wait, arm? If that one was there, where was
You shuddered in her grasp as you felt her arm brush your side, her free paw coming down on your head as she began to stroke you, running her paw over your head again and again
How did it feel this good?
With every stroke, you could feel your struggles getting weaker, your drive softening
Maybe...Maybe she would be fine just doing this
A low, soft groan escaped your lips as you fully gave in, a shiver making you shift in her hold, pressing your back against her abs, your head sinking further into her chest
You heard her giggle as you squirmed in her lap, your shifting giving her easy access to work her paw down over your back as well, tingling feelings sinking into your body as she worked down
She hadn't really changed the pressure much, but as soon as her hand was running down your back, it felt like she was massaging you, working every spot of tension out of you all the way down
Wait, were you feeling sleepy? You just yawned!
Not only that, but your eyelids were feeling heavy too
Your head started to slump forwards, though her voice perked you up, that cute giggle making you tingle again, and you tried to make a note to ask her what she said later on, because you just felt so



When you woke up, you slowly pushed yourself up off the couch, looking out the window to the dark sky outside, the light of the stars twinkling down
Yet another aspect of the Gods, however that worked. At least it looked really nice
Your eyes started to scan the living room, thoughts on the Gods driving you to ask yourself as to the whereabouts of yours
After all, you were supposed to help her adjust
Still turning, your eyes caught a glimpse of legs, and you followed them up
and up
To those big eyes, her soft, fuzzy face smiling down at you
She'd really just been sitting here with you while you slept, huh?
"Evening~ I didn't realize you were feeling so stressed when I about the juice, I only meant it as a joke~"

She explained, and you found yourself nodding along, another part of you hoping she'd go back to petting you again
"N-No, it's okay, I guess I just really wanted to make sure everything was set up right for you, you know? You're pretty important after all!"

You found yourself explaining your situation with a surprising amount of honest and ease. Was that just another element to Gods? Confession?
To be fair to yourself, if no one else, it /did/ feel good to tell her. Something about the way she smiled and nodded and listened with those big bunny ears of hers just made you feel good for being truthful
"I understand~ I know we have been regarded very highly by Humanity ever since our return, but please, you don't need to worry so much, alright~? While I am new to this world, I know I will enjoy caring for you, and I hope you feel the same way about me, too~"
Well, it /did/ give you a certain sense of pride to know all this useful information after all
Man, if you'd been born a dog, your tail would have been going like mad right about now

"Of course! I'm really glad you came to live with me~"

You replied happily, a bit of her infectuous sing-song way of talking slipping into your tone as you leaned towards her, trying not to wiggle into her pads when her paw started to stroke you yet again
"Well, how could I resist knowing I'd be living with a cute Human like you, Anonymous~?"
You managed to catch yourself right before you fell over with how much you were pushing your head into the pads of her paw, her mentioning your name alone enough to make you want to flop on her lap and give in
"Now, considering the lateness of the hour, shall we prepare dinner~? I hope you'll excuse my lack of knowledge of your food~ It seems Humans have changed the way some things are grown, to say the least~! I know a few of my fellow Gods who were rather embarrassed to not recognize little things like Bananas when introduced to them~"
She laughed, slowly getting up, her paws slipping down to your hips, helping lift you up and onto your feet and, after a moment of wobbly knees, you led her into the kitchen
Sitting her down, you began to get things ready for soup, salad, and your secret weapon, carrot cake for dessert! There was no way this would fail
She marvelled at the various items you used, examining the, as she called it, "fine craftsmanship of the metal pots and utensils you used" and the "mysterious machines" that kept your food chilled and your dishes clean
She had a basic understanding of the world, but a lot of the smaller things had been left up to her, like with most Gods, to discover
That, or she just enjoyed watching you work and listening to you explain things
She also seemed quite interested in the ingredients you were using, asking you all sorts of questions about the various items, how they were made, where they came from, etc
Probably had something to do with being both a bunny and a Goddess of life, in a way
Here's to hoping you were as good at cooking as you thought you were


With dinner finally prepared, you went about setting up the table, placing a large bowl of salad down in the center, inviting her to sit down while you added the last touches to the soup

"Go ahead an serve yourself out what you'd like, I'll be over there in a minute!"

You called out from the Kitchen, and she smiled and nodded, taking a seat, waiting for you to return
When you joined her, you could see she took a very moderate amount, less than you'd even figured she'd have taken, especially given her size

"Not a fan of the salad?"

"Quite the contrary, I didn't want to impose and take too much~ Besides that, I don't really need to eat much to sustain myself, so you don't need to worry about me~ Please, take as much as you'd like~"
You nodded, giving yourself a fairly equal amount to her
She clearly knew how to use the tools, and once you'd begun, so did she, though unlike you, she paused on her first bite, lettuce, tomatoes, and some very thin carrot slices disappearing behind her plump lips
You watched her as she chewed, eyes slowly closing as she shifted the food from one side of her mouth to the other, savoring every bite, a soft thumping sound rising up from behind her
Before you knew it, you were watching her, a smile growing on your face as one grew on hers, your view only breaking when she opened her eyes up, staring down at you
"Oh my! I'm sorry about that, I...well, this salad is rather incredible! While these vegetables are certainly different as to what I'm used to, and what I've learned from others, they're no less delicious~! If your soup's nearly this good, well, I wouldn't hesitate to call you a wonderful chef~"
That was unreal
It was like a physical wave had crashed over you, sweeping all around you, the pleased tone, the warm smile, the sense of comfort and trust
You had to make sure the soup was okay
Scarfing down your food, you rapidly excused yourself, and rushed into the kitchen
Save the soup!

You pulled open the lid of the pot, steam blocking your view momentarily before you got a glimpse at the food
It was still good!
Though...maybe it wasn't made right?
You /had/ put the right seasoning in, hadn't you?
Maybe you should order something?
She'd understand, right?
"Anonymous~? Are you feeling alright~? You look worried for some reason, you know~"

"Oh, uh, n-no, I'm fine! Here, I'll bring the soup over!"

You grabbed the bowls, speeding over to the table to set them down before fetching the pot, ladling in soup until she let you know it was enough
After returning you pot, you started to head back to your seat, only to see her standing there in front of you


You tried to sound assured, with maybe a hint of aloofness, but your voice just squeaked out instead
She sighed, smiled, and then picked you up with ease, carrying you over to her seat
You, of course, tried to excuse yourself and insisted that she didn't need to carry you, but she simply ignored your requests, sat down, and set you down on her lap once again
Ahh, how you'd missed this
Sure, it had only been a few hours, but she just felt so good!
Just sitting on her plush thighs, you felt like you could sink into her, not to mention the way her body shifted behind you giving you the feeling of a massage chair
Gods, she was so soft
Oh shit, pull yourself together!


Could have tried a little harder than that, admittedly
"It's wonderful that you wish to make this place perfect for me, but please, you needn't work so hard~ As much as I enjoy holding you, I'd rather it be because we were both relaxing together, or some other sort of activity, and not because you're frantically running yourself ragged, as cute as you might look in process~"
Ah, more praise
Take me now, you beautiful bunny

Wait, were you supposed to respond to that?
Nod, idiot!
A paw landed on your head, stroking you again, and you probably could have fallen asleep then and there if it wasn't for her drawing your attention to her bowl of soup
Wait, scratch that, it was your bowl
"Now, you just sit there and eat, alright~? No more running around until you're done at the very least, you need your energy, you know~"
She was definitely smiling when she said that
You couldn't see it, but she was absolute-
Ohh, more petting
Still, not wanting to lose the upper ground (even if she was a god) you chuckled

"Okay okay, but you're going to have to let me up for the surprise!"

She nodded in a rather knowing, motherly way, as if you'd made a silly request but she'd accept it any ways
With the matter settled, you went back to your soup, and she hers, the two of you eating
You were in for a surprise when she took her first spoonful
Her body tensed, those soft thighs flexing beneath you, raising you a few inches, muscles tightening, before suddenly softening, dropping you back down onto your comfortable "seat", and then some!
Heck, she almost felt like an odd kind of massage chair when she shivered!
"Oh goodness, Anon, this is fantastic~! However did you become such a wonderful cook~? This is better than I could have imagined possible~!"
The softness of her body, the way she was stroking you, her warmth and her radiating praise
Just to be careful, you crossed one leg over the other before responding

"N-Not that I don't enjoy being praised for my work (and I do please continue), but I'm a little surprised you like it so much."

She tilted her head to look down at you before staring back at her bowl, a pensive look on her face
"Well, our senses tend to be heightened further than those of Humans, so where you might have, say, a strawberry, and to you it tastes sweet and juicy, for us, the flavours are far more complex and rich~ I wouldn't say that I pity Humans for not being able to experience this, as that sounds rather patronizing, but perhaps a certain degree of sadness is applicable~"
She sounded truthful when she spoke about it being an unhappy fact, and a part of you wanted to hug her to make her feel better
It was only then that you realized you already were
Your face was buried in her chest, but you could feel her hands start to stroke your head and back
she didn't say anything, but simply kept letting you squeeze her until she finally stopped and turned you back around
"For the moment, let's enjoy our meal before it gets too cold, hm~?"

"Sounds good to me!"

Relaxing together, the two of you continued to eat, her little shivers and wiggles making your heart swell with pride
It felt good to see her happy, both in the normal way, as well as this enhanced version of things you were still happily reeling from

With the main meal done, and a certain portion of the remaining salad mysteriously gone, you started to push off from her lap so you could grab dessert, only to feel her arms shift around you, scooping you up like a bride on her wedding day
"I don't think so~ Now, what do you have in mind~?"


Good grief that flustered you
Being carried like this, her bust pressed against your side, her arms cradling you, her face smiling down
It felt weird
Yet good at the same time
Plus there was a hint of...something else? It all seemed innocent to her and yet...
Oh, you were at the fridge already

"Alright, you're either going to have to put me down, or this is going to be pretty hard to handle."

"Oh really~?"
A quick shift of her arm startled you, and for a moment you felt like you might fall, only for a single twist to send you down, face-planting against her right boob
You had to resist a certain urge to flail, your mind saving the fact that she was carrying you like a baby right now
Yeah, she was strong alright
With her other paw, she opened up the fridge, your feet brushing against the cool tiles while she looked inwards
Withdrawing her left, she held up a large, sealed white box
"Is this it~?"

"Y-Yeah, that's it"

You tried to ignore the bump under her top you felt your lips glide over when you spoke
If she'd felt it, she certainly didn't show it
Carrying you and the box back to the table, she sat down, sat you down in her lap, and then started to open it up, before pausing
"Actually, would you care to do the honors~?"
You nodded and got to work on it, unfolding the sides before lifting the lid up, revealing a large cake
Carrot cake, to be specific, the top of which was covered in a layer of white icing, adorned with an icing carrot in the center and some flowery designs around the edges
Looking at it now, a part of you felt you /might/ have been a little on-the-nose with all this

"Is that a carrot cake~?"
There was a bemused tone to her voice when she spoke, and you tried to keep your eyes from wandering down to her pink nose as it wiggled, or up at her tall, fluffy ears

"Well, you know, I wanted your first day here to be special and all so I figured I'd get you something nice. A little on-the-nose though, huh?"

"Salad with strips of carrot, vegetable soup, and now carrot cake~? I dare say it might be just a little, but that's quite alright by me~"
Back to your head went her paw, and you smiled up at her
"Still, you don't need to limit yourself to a solely vegetation-based diet~ While I do enjoy carrots as much as you might think, I also enjoy meat too~"
Aaand time to cross your legs again

"I'll remember that for the future."

Picking up the knife your set down earlier, you pulled over two of the still-clean plates and got to cutting out squares
Today definitely hadn't been the smoothest, but still, as you ate your cake and felt her shudder, squeak, and squeeze you in a hug, you came to the conclusion that it had been pretty good all the same
You also pretended not to notice when she took a second, larger piece afterwards

The final issue arrived after dinner, when the two of you were getting things ready for bed
extra plus-sized beds were costly, and their rather huge size made it difficult to fit them into most normal houses without moving furniture around or dedicating large rooms to be temporary bedrooms
While the government had been trying to help people pay for such changes, it hadn't been easy and, unless you could get an extra room added to your house, things were going to be a bit crammed for the first while
You'd hadn't been able to get the bed she'd need just yet, so you'd modified your room to fit her, figuring you'd sleep on the couch for the first week or so, however long it took before you could get her stuff
As such, you'd made some space in there for her things, though you could tell, judging by her simple outfit and nothing more, that that wasn't much of a worry
She'd protested, of course, that she should get your room, but you'd insisted on this, if nothing else
You'd let her keep you from running about before, but you were giving her this
Eventually, she gave in, accepting her fate while you started to get ready
She asked you questions about your toothbrush and the toothpaste you used, how it worked and what it did, and she marvelled at the fact that Humans had discovered such tiny creatures in their own mouths
It seemed that much of what she knew about dental care came from the way some Gods would let birds land in their mouths to clean things up for them
When you finally got to bed, you curled up with a blanket and pillow on the couch, passing out quickly
You wouldn't realize until tomorrow that she'd snuck over to you in the night and carried you back to her bed to sleep alongside her

After untangling yourself the next day, and letting off some steam, so to speak, in the shower, you got dressed, then went to make breakfast
You were glad she hadn't woken up while you were grabbing your clothes because, as handsy as she was, you'd feel pretty awkward about showing up to her room in nothing but a towel on the second day of her staying here
Putting bacon into the pan and getting it sizzling, you faintly heard a mumble from the bedroom
Either she had a fantastic nose, or she was just getting up
After yesterday, you weren't sure the first was wrong
You mixed the batter up thinking about what the two of you should do today
While she was getting accustomed to the house, and you, you did want to show her around more before work picked up again
Sure, you can work from home, but still, you'd rather not be so busy that you couldn't help her out
Pouring the batter onto a griddle, you hear heavy, yet soft footfalls from the other room, a bit of shuffling around being followed by your house guest stepping out of the room, bending down a foot or two so that her ears only brushed against the top of the door frame
She was wearing the same cloth outfit as before, adjusting the lower half of it as she stepped out from the hall
"Good morning, Anonymous~ What are you making~?"

"Pancakes and bacon."

"Mm~ It smells heavenly~"
Chuckling at that, you kept cooking, making sure to be rather obvious with what you were doing, answering any questions she had about the process as best you could
You didn't know everything there was about this stuff, but you knew enough for her to nod and thank you for sharing
Maybe she wanted to cook? You wouldn't put it past her with what you could figure so far
When the food was ready to go, she helped you carry everything over to the table, eagerly setting things down
You could see she wanted to sit you down on her lap preemptively, but you managed to duck her arms, promising you wouldn't get worked up

Eating, the two of you talked about ideas for the day, where you both might want to go,
"Why not someplace with a lot of Humans~? It would be lovely to get to see more of you all~"

"Sure, why don't we head into town, then? You could get some, well, any, new clothes too."

She tilted her head at that, looking down at you
"Oh~? Is this not suitable~?"
She gestured to her cloth two-piece
In your head, you tried to assuage the subconscious fear that you might have hurt her feelings
"I know Humans need to wear clothing due to your bodies not being as resistant as ours, but I didn't realize they were that important to you all~ Not only that, but are you sure it won't send the wrong idea~?"

"I mostly figured you might enjoy changing what you wear up some, though you've got me wondering about what this "wrong idea" is."

Her head straightened back up, her smile growing a little wider
As she spoke, you tried to ignore the way her large paw wrapped around her knife, squeezing it tight and pumping back and forth, cutting through another pancake
"That I'm looking for a mate~"
You felt proud of yourself for avoiding choking on your bacon when she said that
And from directly staring at her boobs while she kept working that knife
It didn't make a huge difference, but there was just enough jiggle there tooooofocus on her eyes!

"Looking f-for a mate?"

She nodded, popping another piece of pancake into her mouth, a bit of syrup running over her lip before being deftly licked up
"Yes, isn't that what you Humans do to find yours~? You all put on your adorable little outfits and preen yourselves to look fancy, and then you try and find someone else who looks rather flashy to go with~"
She said with the same enthusiasm and relaxation as that of a novice gambler who'd just won three times in a row and decided to go all-in on their fourth attempt

"It's not too different from other mortal animals in the world, after all~ Most Gods noticed it way back when Humans first began to follow them around~"
Well, she certainly wasn't entirely wrong
It did feel kind of weird to be compared to animals, though if the Gods really did exist long ago, maybe Humans /had/ merely been dumb animals that the Gods had blessed with knowledge?
Considering that, that could be another reason why the Gods loved Humans as much as they did. They'd seen them at their lowest and most vulnerable and wanted to help them and care for them
In a way, it sounded kind of similar to-
Your train of thought slipped off the rails, drifting across multiple tracks before it settled on one

"Hm? Sorry, what?"

"You started looking all pensive there~ Thinking about something~?"

"No, I'm okay, and clothes can be worn just because they look good on a person, you know. Humans don't just think about "mating" and stuff like that."

"Of course, of course~ Well then, why don't we go into town and see what we find~"
Once the two of you were done with breakfast, you both got ready to leave, you grabbing the light essentials while she simply watched and waited, taking your hand and pulling you from the kitchen as she seemed to know you were going to start packing supplies for the "trip" otherwise
When you both were out of the house, she asked if she could have the keys, watching as she pushed the key into the lock, her tall ears twitching, listening to the inner workings go
Standing outside, you were fairly glad she was looking at the lock, as you were marvelling at the way she practically glowed in the sunlight
Then, with her back by your side, the two of you headed into town

While you'd been planning on taking the bus, partially because it was a bit of a walk, and partially because it would let her see more Human inventions, as well as more people in general, she insisted on 'going for a walk'
Something something 'beautiful day', something something 'good exercise', something something 'I'm a huge bunny with the stamina and endurance of a god so lets walk for a while
If she hadn't looked so eager, you might have pushed the point but hey, here you were
Actually, thinking about it, you were pretty surprised by the fact that you really weren't feeling all that tired right now
Hell, you felt pretty good, actually!
Was it because of her somehow? It had to be, right?
You weren't out of shape by any means, but even still, you'd think you be feeling a bit of...something
But you still felt as good as ever
Was it because you'd spent some time with her now?
Was it because you were holding hands?
You took a second to glance over at your hand, looking rather engulfed in her warm paw
However it worked, you were hardly going to complain about it
Instead, you'd press on! Heck, you were even starting to feel a certain spring in your step as you went!
Maybe this whole "going for walks" thing wasn't too bad an idea after all
Even so, you'd need to get her into a bus or something at some point
This trip took a whole lot longer when she stopped to stare at the different vehicles going by, asking you all sorts of excited questions about how they worked, or saying about how cute humans looked zipping around in their machines
For whatever reason, the image of a hamster in a ball came to mind
Not entirely sure why you thought of that, you didn't notice you were standing still until she gave your arm a little tug
Caught you zoning out again
Well whatever, you could figure out some way to get her back, and considering that you were nearly to town, that wouldn't be too hard to do!

You decided to take a walk down one of the main streets in town, figuring that would give her the best selection of possibilities
There were clothing stores, books stores, restaurants, cafes music shops, hell, there was even an arcade
Not to mention, due to it being one of the main streets in town, it was easy to get to other locations, as a lot of the places like museums were right nearby
From the way she was looking around, you guessed she liked it
"Oh my~! There are so many Humans here~!"
Not only that, but there were actually a decent amount of Gods around too, mostly just walking along the street, either on their own, or with a Human or two by their sides
Still, others were ducking in and out of stores, most likely looking at what was available, or squeaking over the fact that there were Humans 'playing' with big metal boxes, taking paper or plastic for whatever they happened to be selling
You wondered how much of it they actually understood
Speaking of which, you'd found the place you'd been looking for!
Things had been awkward at first when the Gods returned, as most places were built with Humans in mind, from the architecture, to the sizes of the things they were selling, and more
With time though, they began to adapt, adding in extra clothing options, or foods that might be reminiscent of a past time, and more
If there's money to be made, some Human will work issues out to earn it
With that thought in mind, and a bit of pulling, you guided her over, and into, the clothes store
It was a large place, and you knew it did enough business to be able to relegate a chunk of their store's floor space to Gods-specific stuff
Much like outside, it was mostly just Humans in here, but occasionally you'd see a God emerging from around a corner, or walking down a long walkway

More often that not they were talking to, or even carrying Humans!
It didn't seem to bother either party though, and from the way they'd talk and laugh, it sounded like they were enjoying themselves quite a bit
You felt a paw tighten its grip on your hand, and you looked away from what looked like a large crocodile-like God carrying a half dozen bags, and a woman, in one arm, scratching behind her ear with another

"Something up?"

"Nothing~ Now, where are these clothes you mentioned~? I'm mostly just seeing Human outfits and, while they look adorable, I think I'd have a hard time fitting into them~"
You tried not to imagine her trying on your clothes as you led her to the Gods' section
It was actually a sizeable chunk of the store now, clothes having been a popular novelty amongst the Gods, so far as you knew
Speaking of which, yours was already taking an interest, examine clothes, cooing over how well-made they were, and how nice they felt to the touch
You would have gone with her as she explored, but that was when you saw a familiar face a little further on

"Hey, Jesse! How's it going?"

Jesse had always been a fairly shy guy, slight, and honestly kind of girly, and yet he'd always been one of the guys
He went to games, drank, hung out, and was pretty alright all-around, even if he could be a bit nervous
Hearing his name, his head perked up from whatever he'd been looking at, and a smile broke out on his face
"Hiya Anonymous! What are you doing here?"
He asked as you closed the distance

"I could ask you the same thing! What are you doing in this section, Jesse? Did you start living with a God t-"

One second, you playfully punching Jesse in the arm, still feeling pretty good from before
The next, two absolutely massive paws grabbed you and lifted you high up into the air alongside an angry, booming voice that tickled your more primitive parts into locking up

Despite the fact that your body felt like it was actively trying to evolve a tortoise shell, you picked up something from that massive bellow
It was a chorus
You had a theory, but with the growling coming from behind you, you were pretty sure you might piss yourself if you tried to look
You tried not to since when the paws brought you face-to-face with Jesse
Jesse seemed pretty frozen as well, but when his line of sight of...whatever was behind you was broken, he quickly moved past you, his voice now just a low murmur
Was he trying to take whatever was back there?
Holy shit, this wasn't /his/ God, was it?
You were still a bit she'll-shocked, so you didn't quite know what the group of people were saying behind your back, but as the grip on you weakened and your feet touched floor, you honestly didn't care much
You grabbed hold of a clothes rack, using that to keep you up while your legs shook
Holy FUCK that had been terrifying
Still was, actually
Fucking God auras
You missed your God already
Where was she? This area wasn't /that/ big and she was tall as hell
You heard Jesse say something, but you mumbled a reply back about seeing him later, then stumbled off
You slowly walked the aisles before you heard an oddly familiar sound
it had barely been a day and a half, but you were already beginning to recognize her footfalls
The sound of her creamy-smooth, warm voice asking you what happened
Then those soft paws and warm arms scooping you up, lifting you higher and higher until you were surrounded by warmth and you could feel that feel-good radiance sinking into your bones, the mix of emotions hitting you hard
You definitely didn't cry once your face was buried in that fluff
Nope, not one bit

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:32 UTC
Views: 252