F.A.Q. for new players

Q: Does the game feature limited time content?

A: Story chapters, sub-stories, bond episodes, memory episodes and all other plot related content have no time limit and are all archived to be accessed forever.

Hard Mode boss battles (EN: Anachronies), Rhythm Mode (EN: Gig mode) and all upgrade item related grind bosses have content that unlocks over time, but are never time limited.

Some modes have seasons or cycles and will reset/update. Score Attack, Arts Battle, Wave Battle. These will change enemies and rewards and those can be missed. But there will always be a new cycle to replace the last.

There are special battles that are time limited like the Dimension battle (EN: The Astrarium) which will only appear every few months and the battles don't repeat (yet).

There are contests for the Rhythm mode and rankings for Arts Battle and Wave mode that will only last a certain time before the season resets.

There are item campaigns/missions that will only be up for a limited time in which one can earn their rewards. They happen fairly regularly.

There have been two holiday related short episodes (Christmas/Halloween) that were time limited and did not repeat. They are only available on Youtube or other platforms where people recorded them.

Q: Dailies, missions, currency gain. How do they work?

A: Daily missions earn you 110 quartz and simply require the use of 3 stamina (the yellow ressource on the top of the home screen) for whatever purpose you need them.

Weekly missions earn percentages for a level up station that can raise one SS style's limit break. 100% = LB1/2 200% = LB3. These weekly missions earn a maximum of 7.25% and require more effort than the dailies. Spending life stones, doing a certain amount of battles and creating gear at the cat shop.

Monthly missions earn a variable amount of quartz depending on whether you have a subscription. Said subscription can only be taken on mobile devices or on the EN PC client. Steam does not allow subscriptions. At their lowest/free monthly mission output is low, but still worth getting. At the premium subcription it is the most worthwhile investment of money the game offers. On subscriptions the output increases over 3 months. Monthly missions are related to daily log-ins, amount of battles finished (auto-arena does not count).
These mission rewards also contain a few A/S/SS shards.

Free quartz can be earned by doing pretty much anything. Monthly event shops can earn you 1500 quartz on average and don't disappear. Score Attack rewards include quartz as well and reset periodically. Beating story chapters and milestones will earn one time quartz rewards. Every season of Arts Battle/Wave Battle reset quartz rewards. Beating Hard Mode bosses for the first time earns a chunk of quartz and give a smaller amount for beating them again. Reaching a certain score in Rhythm mode on every song and earning Accolades for characters give minor quartz rewards that accumulate. There is one Patrol mission per story chapter that earns 200 quartz on completion.
One of the most common sources of quartz early on will be bond episodes (EN: Socialisations) and memory episodes (EN: Recollections). They each give 200 quartz and there are several per character in the cast. They unlock as the story progresses.

Gacha tickets are also commonly earned through missions or completing milestones. Guaranteed S tickets are the most common rewards. There are also tickets for various side modes that can be used instead of stamina to repeat the battles. It is possible to earn fragments for a guaranteed SS ticket via specific missions, specifically in Score Attack and Wave Mode.

Q: What about style tier lists and reroll guides?

A: Extremely subjective. There are sites that offer community based tier lists. Some examples:

For EN players specifically there is an extensive list of all styles and what to roll for here:

Q: Are there tutorials for gameplay?

A: The game does a good job of explaining its mechanics over time. New players should not struggle with understanding the systems if they pay attention to the in-game tutorials. There are also Youtube videos that explain the basic mechanics. Here are the English tutorials (more TBA when they release):
For EN players this guide contains info on all game mechanics and details how everything works:

Q: What levels are required for every chapter?

A: There are no official recommended levels, because HBR bases its difficulty on a challenge rating, which takes into consideration the power level of your party (visible above the party creation screen). Levels stop mostly mattering towards the late game, especially because of level caps. But here is a general estimate for what level is expected for every chapter's final boss:

Chapter Level
1 40
2 60
3 80
4a 100
4b 120+
5+ --

Q: Is there a database for styles/memoria stats/abilities and enemies?

A: There is a fanmade database site with English translations and data on all styles, enemies and events. If you are playing the EN server, beware of JP spoilers. https://hbr.quest/

Q: What order should I play the game's story and event content in? Is there a list of requirements for memory episodes/recollections?

A: Here is an extensive guide made for the sole purpose of giving new players a structured game experience that avoids spoilers as much as possible. There is a Chronological release order and a Thematic play order. For more specific content interactions there is a detailed Event Conditions table that exhaustively lists every single connecttion so players can make sure they did everything required. Finally there is a list of all Memory Episodes/Recollections as well.

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Pub: 09 Nov 2024 15:23 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2025 13:55 UTC
Views: 1461