ADVENTURER TEAM PROFILE Badge of the Third Talon

Third Talon of the HoloKaiser


Name: Third Talon of the HoloKaiser.
Company/Guild: "First and Final Explorer Company of the God Kaiser" (AOGC).
Company/Guild Status: State owned royal company specialised in defense, security, reconnaissance, and intelligence.
Nation: HLGG.
Dignitas: Moderate, Class 2.


The Third Talon of the HoloKaiser is somewhat of an interesting division formed by the AOGC. It is considered to be among the first few to have non-Imperial adventurers within its rank. The bizarre composition of skillsets and experiences by the individual members of this division made them a common choice for clients looking for non-standard operations. The Third Talon was, unofficially, founded in 1119, following a spontaneous attack by a group of Fandead rioters going through Schizofication. The rioters were reported to be protesting outside an Imperial Court, denouncing against the Imperial Decree to maintain Containment during the Collapse and Schizo Invasion of Nekoromanya.


A term used to describe Pre-Rediscovery Era policies of extreme isolationism, apathy, and inaction against bordering nations to maintain peace and avoiding Schizo invasions. Policies extend to include member states, charter companies, republics, kingdoms, duchies, and various vassals of the HLGG Empire.

As the group of rioters were carrying around religious amulets composed of Rushia Chuubanite, several of them succumbed to the maddening radiation and transformed into Schizos. The soon-to-be members of the Third Talon were coincidentally on-site, some of them being newly met acquaintances. Responding to the threat of an imminent Schizo attack, the group formed a temporary coalition to contain and neutralise the Schizo attack.

The group's de-facto leader at the time, a newly promoted Kronie admiral from the island continent of Infinitum, was reported to be fighting a group of Schizos with a cutlass and his own fists. His partner, a foreign priestess from the savage lands of Matiyotl, held the group of Schizos down with her Chuubanite powers, before a Vesperian arquebusier and KFP mage gun them down from afar. The battle ended with the group going against a halfway mutated Schizotroll inside the Royal Court. Eyewitness accounts described the admiral wrestling against the beast in close combat.

Following the battle, the AOGC contacted the party and officialised their group as an adventurer division.


Admiral Jovial

Nationality: Infinitum-Imperial
Born: 1098 VTE
Home: Ourogata, Infinitum
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Kronie
Former Occupation: Admiral
Role: Command, frontal assault.
Skill: Swordsmanship, close quarter combat, marksmanship.
Mental Analysis: Optimistic, go-getter, foolhardy, adventure seeking, father figure.
Item of Note: Cutlass made of Kronii chuubanite alloy.


Born to a commoner family of fishermen, Jovial grew up with the burning ambition of sailing the high seas, inspired by tales of horrific creatures beneath the waves and accounts he hear of brave Kronie sailors fighting pirates and sea-faring schizos. He got his wish at the age of 12, enlisted in the, then Infinitopian, Admiral School.

If there's ever a man to prove to you that the spirit of swashbuckling and chivalry are still burning hot, this man would be the perfect example. Even kilometers inland, he fights as if he is on the high seas. Cutlass in one arm, a dagger in the other, this sea-dog will never give up until the fight is truly finish. Disarm the man and he will resort to close-combat techniques such as wrestling and boxing.

True to his name, he's the most optimistic of the group. His leadership method of leading by example is the glue that holds the division together. However, his reckless optimism would often lead to the team using unorthodox and dangerous approaches in dealing with obstacles. Approaches that will put the lives of civilians at risk. Refer to a certain 'Risuner Meatshield' Incident for further inquiries.

'Admiral' is not just Jovial's rank, it is also his forename. Moments after his promotion to celebrate over the victory at the Siege of Schizograd, Jovial legally changed his first name to 'Admiral'. What was his previous forename you may ask? 'Captain'.

Xohildr Dyrdottir

Nationality: Matiyotl
Born: 1075 VTE
Home: Margacatla, Matiyotl
Race: Enhanced Human, Catalognaut (major /become/ level)
Ethnicity: Yectic
Former Occupation: Priestess
Role: Support, berserker.
Skill: Catalognaut related abilities, regeneration, flesh manipulation.
Mental Analysis: Reserved, inwards, short-fused, sanguinophile (Possibly cultural).
Item of Note: Standard KTF issued mage staff that has been custom modified.


Xohildr was born to a semi-prestigious family. Her mother served as a xochimær (lit. shieldmaiden/flower warrior), assisting vikingchiuhqui in their raids throughout the coasts of the Ailivian Gulf, and her father was a ticitl (lit. doctor) employed in public sector. The news that their daughter was born a Catalognaut was met with praises by the theocracy, granting the family an awiyani caretaker and to the father, his own clinic.

The savages of Matiyotl are known to put their warriors for hire as mercenaries, or Varangians in their tongue. Being a Catalognaut, the Matiyotl Ministry of Battle was hesitant at letting an important asset go as a mere Varangian, as the theocracy of Matiyotl is fond of exploiting Catalogposting as a fundamental part of their cult intelligence network. Xohildr pleaded to her superiors and was allowed to become a Varangian herself. As part of the Matiyotl-Infinitum diplomatic policy, she was hired by Admiral Jovial to aid him in his journey across the Eastern coast of Ailivia and defending the Infinitum Protectorate of the Risuners from Schizo invasions and pirate raids.

As a major level Become, her physical appearance almost match her patron deity, Comma Dentata. Personality-wise, Xohildr appears quiet and calm for most of the time on the battlefield. Preferring to reinforce her upbringing as a cleric to cure, aid, and assist her partners, allies, and soldiers on her side. However, as per all sado-masochists of Matiyotl, pain and suffering are but ecstasy to her. Though she refrained from battling, excessive pain inflicted upon her and her allies will cause her to go berserk, making her switch her Catalognaut powers for offensive purposes instead.

Her common application of Yectic Chuubanite is the accelerated growth of chuubanite infused flesh within her body and shaping them into vines riddled with keratin thorns.

Lenz Brandwache

Nationality: KFP-Imperial
Born: 1067 VTE
Home: XXX, Kaiserreich
Race: Enhanced Human, Chuubanite Exposure
Ethnicity: Pölitid
Former Occupation: Royal Phoenix Wizard
Role: Applied mage, frontal assault, ranged.
Skill: Pyromancy, ironwork smithing, artificing, engineering.
Mental Analysis: Wise, defensive, patriotic, crypto-heretic, curious, Schizophobe.
Item of Note: Standard Vötzmich issued mage staff that has been custom modified and custom made chuubanite powered lantern-kite, Die Kerze.


Born to a dying Fönixid family known as the Valter-Meyer, with only 2 living members as of date, Lenz was born without any records by the request of his parents to give him the life of a commoner. As a toddler, his parents had sent him to an orphanage in the lowlands to reset the bloodline anew, far from the elite courtly class. At first he grew up living the craftsmen life, becoming an apprentice under contract with the local blacksmiths and artificers, developing his talents along the way. However, providence said otherwise when he chose to stay in military service, finding newfound passion to use his skills at "[sic] exploding his enemies alive".

The Third Talon's mage, engineer, and weapons specialist. Throughout their journeys, Lenz abides by one tactic; carpet bombing. He uses his chuubanite expertise not to just burn his enemies, but to ignite artillery, rockets, and commanding his personal pet phoenix. The opposite of a shell-shocked veteran, this mage would celebrate as artillery fire decimate schizos and burn them alive. Particularly fond of cooperating with Kaya due to their shared love for gunpowder.

After his military service, Lenz was enlisted to join the Vötzmich Academy under the Arcane Studies wing. His prior craftsmanship skills proved to be a boon in the Vötzmich, assisting in the construction of innovative chuubanite appliances and maintenance of standard issue weapons such as the flamschwerts. He then chose to become a Falkenmagier; specialised falconry oriented mages that employ trained reichsadler to scout and track soon-to-be ash for their Lustrider allies.

Lenz's constant exposure to chuubanite radiation in his work and use in battle has enhanced his physical state. His body became semi-fireproof and shockproof. Like a phoenix he would climb himself out of a fire or into them to save his allies. He even use his acclimatised form to burn and decimate his enemies up close. According to rumors however, enhancements have led him to believe in ideas that strayed off from the path of Kiara worship such as refusing to cool down during autumn and meditate in the fumes of incenses mixed with chuubanite remains he collected from his battles.

In his later years, there was a lack of a pet eagle in his campaign. After the loss of his beloved flying partner to a schizo attack on the Kaiserreich, Lenz believed that the application of falconry in the Falkenmagier was not enough. He needed something that could fight back and not get killed at the slightest touch. With his craftsmanship, he invented and constructed an artificial predator out of metal, paper, and canvas called, Die Kerze. To the unacquainted brutes, he may had built a lantern fitted with rockets, strapped to kite wings fitted with feathers. A mockery of an eagle and a phoenix. The laughter of schizos stopped when the lantern flies behind enemy lines and launched gunpowder propelled clay grenades filled with burning caltrops.

Kaya Shirogane

Nationality: Vesperian
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Vesperian
Former Occupation: Soldier, lieutenant
Role: Markswoman, sniper, ranged.
Skill: Enhanced sense redirection, ambidextrous.
Mental Analysis: Prone to tunnel vision, Schizo tracker, gunpowder addict.
Item of Note: Chuubanite scope
Assessment: TBA

Known Activities

1119 - Schizo attack on the Royal Court, unofficial formation of the division.
1119 - Official registration and founding of the Third Talon of the HoloKaiser.
1119 - Third Talon was hired to protect refugee caravans going out of Nekoromanya.
1121 - Third Talon was hired to investigate activities in the Pirate Republic. (Ahoy Dock Explosion Incident)
1123 - Third Talon was hired to protect Risu tribesmen from Watamelon invasion alongside the Oiseau's 'Lame Arditi' Adventurer Team. (Risuner Meatshield Incident)
1125 - Third Talon was hired to protect a Republique Owl caravan passing near Nekoromanya fallout territory. Joint with another AOGC division, First Greater Wall of Hoshiyomia.
1129 - Third Talon was hired to [DATA EXPUNGED]. (Investigation still ongoing as of 1130 VTE)
1129 - Third Talon was hired to investigate the crash site of Lamington Station. (Party member kidnapped by Schizos halfway)
1130 - Third Talon was hired as part of the First Imperial Coalition against the Schizo Raid on Lamington Station.

Works Featuring This Adventurer Team

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Pub: 11 Sep 2022 16:28 UTC
Edit: 15 Sep 2022 07:50 UTC
Views: 661