Chuuba Ambrosia Directory

if there's something new just post it in the thread

Currently not accepting "ringo-adjacent" content (i.e. talking about it), maybe in the future but don't get your hopes up
Links have both baked-in timestamps and written ones, just in case your device is trash.

Sonohara Airi peeing in a bottle - Jul 20 2021 (@ 53:37, 1:09:49, 1:21:57) / Oct 19 2021 (@ 54:43, 57:15, 1:02:20) / Feb 17 2022 (@ 1:25:44)
^ ...and in her pants (ft. Tenshouin Hiina) - Apr 27 2021 (@ 47:22, 49:38, 1:00:28)
Nonoa peeing in a bottle - Dec 21 2021 (@ 6:26 + very small amounts throughout the rest of the vod)
^ ...and in a plastic bag - Jan 1 2022, @ 57:50

Inuyama Tamaki's Pee Holding Tetris (ft. too many to list) -
also note the three streams that aren't tetris, but instead are just other endurance collabs with natsuiro matsuri specifically

Hayama Marin farting -
Amatsuka Uto farting -
Kureiji Ollie farting -
Selen Tatsuki farting -
Nina Kosaka farting - Nov 30 2021, @ 1:34:55
Athena Bambina farting - Nov 10 2021, @ 3:07:00 / May 7 2021, @ 2:14:13 / Mar 1 2021, @ 1:33:09
pinkbuta farting -
timestamps in comments
Nekomata Mel farting -
model changing (sort of) explained here

Shirogane Noel's stomach growling -
Kiryu Coco's stomach growling - Feb 26 2021, @ 57:00
Amelia Watson's stomach growling - Jun 13 2021, @ 34:25

Mori Calliope shitting -
Mazono Akira shitting -
Fumino Tamaki shitting
originally from 52:14 in this stream, has apparently been edited since
Nekomata Mel shitting -
live2d gone because this stream was while she was recovering from the coof so it would be scuffed regardless
^ ...herself -

Someone should probably continue this (use /vtuberingo2 or etc), the only chance of this being updated anymore is if a video gets taken down because I have some of them archived
I just don't really care enough to bother with any parts of this except the piss section

Pub: 27 Aug 2021 16:48 UTC
Edit: 17 Mar 2022 08:11 UTC
Views: 14028