Don't shy away, write your thoughts and suggestions about this page presentation and its contents at our usual /vr/ congregation place.

Table of contents

Main article

In which we assort all essential game modifications we've done through the means of anonymous image boards into neat *portfolio*

Classic Doom

Minutes of /vr/ series (Boom-compatible and Limit-removing, DOOM2.WAD) [2014-2022] DoomWiki pages

400 Minutes of /vr/

Fruitions from our speed-mapping events, wide-ranging skill exhibit of both proficiency and inordinate passion.

100 Minutes of /vr/: idgames, WadsUp, DSDA, Doomshack -complevel 9 [December 2018]
200 Minutes of /vr/: idgames, WadsUp, DSDA, Doomshack -complevel 2 [July 2014]
300 Minutes of /vr/: idgames, WadsUp, DSDA, Doomshack -complevel 2 [September 2017]
400 Minutes of /vr/: idgames, WadsUp, DSDA, Doomshack -complevel 9 [May 2022]

Bonus Isometric planeviews, beware of spoilers: MEGA

2048 Units of /vr/ (MBF and Boom-compatible, DOOM2.WAD) [August 2020] DoomWiki page

2048 Units of /vr/

True original which gave us spark, amateur but brimful of profound creativity pushed from under limits.

2048 Units of /vr/ (Full): idgames, WadsUp, Doomshack -complevel 11
2048 Units of /vr/ (Clean): idgames, Doomshack -complevel 9
2048 guns add-on (ZDoom): idgames, Doomshack
2048 guns add-on (Vanilla): Doomshack

Bonus Isometric planeviews, beware of spoilers: MEGA

512 Linedefs of /vr/ (Boom-compatible, DOOM2.WAD) [July 2022] DoomWiki page

512 Linedefs of /vr/

Byte-sized mapset which shouldn't take you long to complete, if you're sharp enough for surprises that is.

512 Linedefs of /vr/: idgames, WadsUp, DSDA, Doomshack -complevel 9

Bonus Isometric planeviews, beware of spoilers: MEGA

Hard Fast *Fabulous* Maps (Boom-compatible, DOOM2.WAD) NSFW 18+ [June 2021]


Gachimuchi inspired, whole of brisk and fierce wrestling fun. In loving memory of Billy 'Aniki' Herrington.

HFFM (Cut version): WadsUp (Slightly censored) -complevel 9
HFFM (Uncut version): WadsUp (Uncensored) -complevel 9
HFFM (Gagged version): WadsUp (Uncensored, removed sounds) -complevel 9
HFFM (Stripped version): WadsUp (Removed sounds and graphics) -complevel 9
Party Pack add-on (Vanilla): WadsUp (Separate sounds and graphics)
Party Pack add-on (ZDoom): WadsUp

Unrattled (Boom-compatible, DOOM.WAD) [December 2022]


"In a world where there are no apparitions to agitate, no bones to bamboozle, all shall remain..."

Unrattled: idgames, WadsUp, DSDA, Doomshack -complevel 9

Fore/vr/ Alone (Boom-compatible, DOOM2.WAD) [September 2024] DoomWiki page

So ronery

Records of a longest pilgrimage, in search of ephemeral made eternal.

Fore/vr/ Alone: idgames, WadsUp, Doomshack -complevel 9

Fraggot (UDMF, Deathmatch, DOOM2.WAD) NSFW 18+ [June 2024]


Fraggot: idgames, DSDA

Mondo Project (Various) [January 2023]

Mondo Project

This oddity assortment of wondrous variety is here to serve your curiosity, dear anonymous.
Inspired by Doomworld Mega Project. For source port designations please refer to text files.

Mondo Project: Web Archive
List of contents: Pastebin

Ad Mortem (In development, MBF21-compatible, DOOM2.WAD) DoomWiki page

Ad Mortem

Halloween-themed, full of whimsical macabre. Exquisite weaponry to slay horrors with included.

Ad Mortem: WadsUp, Doomshack -complevel 21
Ad Mortem guns add-on (ZDoom): Doomshack

94 Protons of /vr/ (In development, MBF21-compatible, PLUTONIA.WAD)

94 Protons of /vr/

"Doomguy lost all his fucking protons… someone’s going to pay."
High-charged action movie from our beloved slack director, decades long production!

Preview screening: MEGA -complevel 21

/Vertex Relocation/ (In development, Boom-compatible, DOOM2.WAD)

Under construction

Making maps on top of Doom 2's retained monster placement.
List of already claimed maps in the pastebin link below.

Beta version 6: Catbox -complevel 9
Submission rules: Pastebin Deadline: Indefinite
Cleaned-up Doom 2 maps: Catbox

Original Quake

HUH (Increased limits) [October 2019]


Raw and nasty mapset enriched by the most impish of oldschool sensibilities, keep your nailgun steady.

HUH: Quaddicted

Violent Rumble (Increased limits, BSP2) [December 2021]

Violent Rumble

More than worthy successor to HUH, expect amplified arms and expanded fiendish bestiary.

Violent Rumble: Quaddicted, ModDB

Build engine

500 Millilitres of /vr/ (BloodGDX, NBlood, Raze) [February 2021]

500 Millilitres of /vr/

Brought by Crudux cruo! anonymous initiative, must-try for any Build interactivity aficionado.

500 Millilitres of /vr/: ModDB


Accursed place where all abandoned projects end up being, patiently waiting for a blaze of spotlight to shine anew.

Project Engine Dates Archived links
Untitled Halloween project Doom 10/01/2017 — 10/26/2017 Announcement
Porkin' Across Parthoris Heretic 09/01/2019 — 11/28/2019 Announcement, Results
Patchwork project Doom 11/06/2021 — 12/10/2021 Announcement
Violent Rumble II Quake 09/05/2022 — 05/13/2024 Announcement, Mapping kit
First Dates of /vr/ Doom 12/31/2022 — 01/07/2023 Announcement
A Serious Case of /vr/ Serious Sam 01/28/2023 — 12/30/2023 Announcement, Mapping tutorial
Sum Ting /vr/y Wong Shadow Warrior 11/14/2023 — 06/24/2024 Announcement, Mapping kit

Documented lifetime of /vr/ projects with analysis graphs: Original post, Development lengths, Annual outputs (05/13/2024)

Author's corner

Not strictly limited to affiliates, here are some prime examples of 90s shooter modmaking for you to pass time with:

Level packs

Nanka Kurashiki


Project Author Engine Download links
Hell Frontier (Limit-removing) ViolentBeetle Doom idgames, WadsUp, Doomshack
REKKR (Vanilla) Revae et al. Doom Steam (Sunken Land expansion), idgames, WadsUp
Rise of the Triangles (Vanilla) Anonymous Dom idgames, WadsUp, Doomshack
Uprising (Limit-removing) Cheesewheel Doom idgames, DSDA, Doomshack


Project Author Engine Download links
The 10x10 Project (Boom-compatible) LunchLunch Doom idgames, WadsUp, DSDA, Doomshack
Actinia (Boom-compatible) Release candidate Various Doom Mac's Demesne, Doomshack
Delirium (MBF21-compatible) Beta floatRand Doom Google Drive, Doomshack
Disjunction (Boom-compatible) floatRand Doom idgames, DSDA, Doomshack
Hopscotch (MBF21-compatible) LunchLunch Doom idgames, DSDA, Doomshack
Machete (Boom-compatible) A2Rob Doom idgames, WadsUp, DSDA, Doomshack
Malevolence (Boom-compatible) Cheesewheel Doom Dropbox, Doomshack
Pirate Doom II (MBF-compatible) Darch Doom Google Drive
Preacher (Boom-compatible) Darch Doom idgames, WadsUp, Doomshack
Running Late 2 (Boom-compatible) A2Rob Doom idgames, DSDA
Temporal Tantrum (MBF21-compatible) Various Doom idgames, DSDA, Doomshack
Terror Signal (MBF21-compatible) Sitri Doom WadsUp, Doomshack


Project Author Engine Download links
Chainworm Kommando (ZDoom) Chainworm666 Doom idgames, Doomshack
Pirate Doom (GZDoom) Darch Doom idgames, Doomshack
Zero Brightness (GZDoom) GuyWithTeaCup Doom Yandex Disk, Doomshack


Project Author Engine Download links
Quake II 25th AC collaborative UNIT Various Quake 2 Quakeulf




Project Author Engine Download links
Babel (GZDoom) (Mixed) Xangi Doom
Bring Your Own Class (ZDoom and Zandronum) (Player) Various Doom
Colourful Hell (GZDoom) (Monsters) Hege Cactus Doom Dropbox
DAKKA, Lelweps, etc (GZDoom) (Player) ljon Doom jinotrain
Deathstrider (GZDoom) (Mixed) Accensi Doom GitLab
Demonsteele (ZDoom and Zandronum) (Player) TerminusEst13 Doom ModDB, GitHub
'D' Radys (ZDoom) (Player) Toooooasty Doom Doomshack
Final Doomer (GZDoom) (Player) Sgt. Shivers, Yholl Doom greyserv
GMOTA, Combined_Arms, etc (GZDoom and Zandronum) (Mixed) Combine_Kegan Doom
High Noon Drifter (GZDoom) (Player) TerminusEst13 Doom Powerhouse, Google Drive
IMPatience (ZDoom) (Mixed) HexenMapper Doom MediaFire, Doomshack
La Tailor Girl (GZDoom) (Player) Hege Cactus Doom Dropbox
Rampancy (GZDoom) (Monsters) Yholl Doom Crantime
Treasure Tech (GZDoom) (Mixed) HyperUltra64 Doom Google Drive, MediaFire


Project Author Engine Download links
Daynight cycle (GZDoom) Accensi Doom GitLab
Universal gibs (GZDoom) Accensi Doom GitLab


Project Author Engine Download links
Golden Souls, Castlevania: Simon's Destiny, etc (GZDoom) Batandy Doom
Rough Waves (GZDoom) In development Khodoque Doom
TurokDooM (GZDoom) In development DrDoctor Doom MEGA


"Rolling schedule of dozen FPS games available, spot a deathmatch with a good stranger!"

"Comprehensive Doom modding database brought by the coolest of hosters, submissions are welcome!"

Jung Hae-Lin

Pub: 15 Jun 2022 10:24 UTC
Edit: 13 Dec 2024 21:59 UTC
Views: 10087