A Distant Snow Festival [Part 2]

Ramona: I'm surprised at how popular it was.
Ramona: It's no wonder they have a revival screening.
Hikari: Ramo-san, do you really not know?
Hikari: 'Cosmic Paradise' is a sequel to 'Sata Paradise' too?
Ramona: Aah, I'm sorry for being uneducated.
Ramona: It seems to be a classic, but what kind of work is it?
Hikari: It’s amazing! The first part, 'Sata Paradise,' involves the Eight Great Hells, and the second one, 'Cosmic Paradise,' features a black hole rotating sushi that's always hungry!
Ramona: …Wait please. I suddenly can’t understand Japanese.
Ramona: What did you say…?
Hikari: It's currently trending like crazy on social media!
Hikari: The plot involves turning the eternal torment of the endless hell into sushi!
Hikari: The only thing that can defeat a black hole with an infinite stomach is the eternal sushi! So, to protect the universe, the king of the dead, the former enemy, teams up, and—
Hikari: Oops, I spoiled it!? I'm sorry, Ramo-san!
Ramona: It's okay. Even if I heard it, I wouldn't have understood anything.
Ramona: But you explained the highlights, so that's enough.
Hikari: That's not all, there are many Dai Stars from their younger days appearing!  
Hikari: If you watch it, you'll definitely learn a lot about acting!
Ramona: That seems like a good learning experience. Let's watch with care.
Hikari: Yeah!

Main Character: Indeed...the sushi I made wasn’t edible.
Main Character: But I can at least fill up a black hole!
Ramona: …
Hikari: Hehe…
King of the Dead: If you can't even make sushi properly, you're just a mortal after all. Let's divide the tasks. You handle the rice, and leave the toppings to me.
Main Character: King of the Dead..!
Hikari: Uuu... Grumble...!
Ramona: …Hehe.

Ramona: It's finished huh, hmmm…
Ramona: (Sorry, I can't understand it at all.)
Ramona: (I can appreciate its originality, but it's too far from my sensibilities...)
Ramona: Hikari, how was it?
Hikari: …
Ramona: (No words, not surprising. The content was just too extravagant...)
Hikari: * sniff * …Yeah. I'm so moved that I can't speak...
Hikari: It's a really good movie...
Ramona: I-Is that so? Hmmm...
Ramona: For the sake of learning, could you tell me what you liked about it?
Hikari: They not only have humans and denizens of hell but also aliens lending a hand to protect the universe... * sniff * We're all brothers and sisters in the universe.
Hikari: During tough times, eat sushi... that's a heartfelt quote...
Hikari: I'll go buy the revival pamphlet and merchandise!
Ramona: As expected of Japanese culture, the more you learn, the deeper it becomes.
Ramona: Then I'll also get some merchandise—Oops?
Gingaza Fan A: Hey, isn't that Hikari-chan? Choosing merchandise! Looks like she's having fun!
Gingaza Fan B: If you go talk to her, she might be in the middle of a conversation, right?
Gingaza Fan A: ...No, it's her private time so I'll just quietly watch over her.
Gingaza Fan A: She seemed a bit down during the last members-only stream.
Ramona: …
Gingaza Fan A: But it's good. It's so like Hikari-chan.
Gingaza Fan A: The bright and energetic Hikari-chan is the best.
Gingaza Fan B: Wait, hold on. Isn't Hikari-chan waving at us?
Gingaza Fan B: She's coming over!
Hikari: Thank you for waiting!
Hikari: I also bought some merch for Ramo-san.
Gingaza Fan A: E-Eh!? Ramona-sama was next to me!?
Ramona: Sorry. I was eavesdropping, I couldn't help but find it heartwarming.
Hikari: Ramo-san? Do you know those girls?
Ramona: Ah, they’re wonderful fans who love the bright and energetic Yonaguni Himari.
Hikari: Bright and energetic....
Hikari: That's right! I'm glad.
Ramona: …
Hikari: ...Ah! Thank you for your support, never give up!
Hikari: Let's take a photo! It's okay with Ramo-san too, right?
Ramona: Ah, of course. There's no reason to refuse.
Gingaza Fan A: I-I will continue to support you!
Gingaza Fan A: I wish you the best!!!
Yeah, I'll do my best! See you!
Ramona: Haha, not only photos but autographs and handshakes too.
Ramona: The girls must have been happy with the treatment.
Hikari: Yes, Ramo-san, thank you for joining me as well.
Hikari: Thanks to you, today was really, really fun!
Hikari: Don't overthink things, just live my life like usual... That's my way, yeah.
Ramona: Hey, Hikari.
Hikari: Yeah? What?
Ramona: …
Ramona: (She’s saying she had fun. It wouldn't be right to doubt that and spoil the mood.)
Ramona: Nothing, I just couldn't take my eyes off you because you’re so adorable.
Ramona: Let me stay by your side for as long as you want, until you’re satisfied.
Ramona: So please, I want you to laugh and have fun. Show everyone the lovely figure of Hikari they adore.
Hikari: ……Yeah! Thank you, Ramo-san!

Pub: 09 Mar 2024 22:17 UTC
Views: 189