/vp/ Plays Thread Archive 2
Any threads not here likely means they're in the other rentry, Here's a link to said rentry.
- Rejuvenation V13
- Empire V7
- Xenoverse
- Opal
- Rejuvenation MM
- Wagie's Desolation Nuzlocke
- Reborn Multi LP
- Empire V10 Multi LP
- Post Empire/Pre V13.5 Filler LPs
- Rejuvenation V13.5 Multi LP
- Post V13.5 Filler Threads
- Empyrean
- Post Empyrean Filler threads
- Tectonic Multi LP
- Post Tectonic Filler threads
- Ashen Frost
- Reminiscencia
- The Soulstones Saga
- Unbound
- Post Unbound Filler threads
- Empire v10.5
- Super Pokemon Eevee Edition
- Post Eevee Edition Filler Threads
- Eon Guardians
- Edelweiss Chronicles
- Vanguard
- Post Vanguard Filler Threads
- Floral Tempus EX
- Spanish fangames
- Full Moon
- Post Full Moon filler threads
- Odyssey
- Empire V11
- The VytroVerse
- Post Vytroshit filler threads
- Vanguard 3.0
- Post Vanguard filler threads
- Reborn Multi LP 2
- Desolation Multi LP
- Ashen Frost (Again)
- Post Ashen Frost filler threads
- Z Multi LP
- Empire V12
- Post Empire Filler Threads
- Hidden Place
- Unbreakable Ties
- Post Unbreakable Kino filler threads
- Empyrean (Again)
- Post Empyrean Filler Threads
- Bizarre
- Post Bizarre Filler Threads
- Soulstones 2 Multi LP 2
- Post Shitstones filler threads
- Reminiscencia DLC
- Post Remi DLC
- Xenoverse
Rejuvenation V13
Status: Complete
[1] It's really beginning
[2] >Actually losing to Normal mode Keta1 with Fug and Swoobat on the team
[3] Trip leaked
[4] >Filtered by Marianette's "puzzles"
[5] Nothing happens
[6] Aelita screentime
[7] The Cuck seethes, nothing unusual
[8] Why did we have to fight the Gyarados again?
[9] Shitty prison chapter
[10] bV1 shows just how much worse it was...
[11] Valarie hangout
[12] Fiery Redhead "bonding"
[13] Kristiline time
[14] Why do level caps only apply to the player?
[15] Let the Aelita drought begin
[16] Lavadunked
[17] The era of Jihadbirds begins
[18] Lesbian drama and time travel, what a great thread
[19] The Melia simp dick measuring contest, and CHARIZARD from KANTOOOOOOOO
[20] The Jihadbirds rape Edgevoir
[21] Nuked (magic edition)
[22] Redditor moment
[23] Icy Field gaming
[24] Sidequest filler
[25] More sidequests, except they're notable ones this time
[26] >[154/151/2]
[27] Holy shit, it's the plot
[28] "how dare you get me arrested for terrorism, you all will pay for this"
[29] Finally, Grand Dream Shitty
[30] Samefag
[31] haha! ditto's hidden ability is impostor! get it?
[32] Imagine losing to Venam kek
[33] The cute tomboy is back on the menu bros
[34] Imagine getting filtered vs a mostly fighting team when you have access to Unburden Hawlucha and a Blaziken with protect
[35] Is that a persona 5 reference? (Of course it is)
[36] You WILL fight in the shitty tournament
[37] Musk gets lost (again)
[38] More time travelshit, except Aelita and Erin are here, I guess
[39] Yes, let's stop Vivian from saving the world, surely nothing will go wrong
[40] Oh shit, things went wrong
[41] Fuck, we're still on this boat?
[42] Time to storm the castle and fix shit
[43] God, the ruined timeline is shit
[44] It's finally over, and now back into time travelshit
[45] More Jihadbird spam
[46] Finally, Aelita's curse is broken, oh, she's leaving again
[47] Ren's back, yay
[48] Nothing like a shitty desert area with time travelshit right after
[49] Tournament time
[50] Random fields are fun
[51] Aelita returns, after only 5 threads this time
[52] More desertshit
[53] Shitty broken ""puzzle""
[54] Almost done with the pyramidshit
[55] Chapter 15 Melia filter, nothing unusual
[56] Why is there a shitty training arc
[57] Holy shit, is that a mega ring? I sure am glad we're getting that 14/18 badges in
[58] Kanon is a retard, nothing new
[59] oh no bros...melia has god cancer...
[60] Let the School of Fucking Boring begin
[61] School of Nightmares, indeed
[62] Yet another anon solves the ""puzzle"" for Musk
[63] Probably the only halfway interesting part of the School of Sleep
[64] Wow, another """final boss""". What's that, 3, 4 now?
[65] Behold, the only game Musk actually finished
[66] Post Ending discussion thread
[67] Sidequestshit: Reborn shilling edition
[68] It's over, for real this time
[69] A totally very necessary thread
Empire V7
Status: Completed
[1] Walls of text and Pokemon center fees, great start
[2] Confirmed Sexo
[3] Let the shit bosses begin
[4] No, you can't hang out with Alanah, you have to do fetch quests
[5] In fact, time to ship her away
[6] Farm hell begins...
[7] You WILL do all the shitty farm sidequests.
[9] Octavius' death fetish
[10] MC's schizophrenia gets a lot worse
[11] North's trial that end's in him getting curbstomped by the champion
[12] Soren couldn't resist his desire to be the center of attention, gets stabbed
[13] E8 released. Played during the early Opal threads
[14] It's over (until the Multi LP)
Status: ded
[1] It's beginning
[2] Cool Buggeru, and shit level curve
[3] Chadgron obtained
[4] Roll Credits
[5] I think Shulong is based but holy fuck the 3rd form is ugly
[6] /mlp/ abuse, based
[7] Because a ghostbuster segment was very necessary
[8] MC forgets to take his schizo meds
[9] >Instagram ""influencer""
[10] Trey intentionally doesn't take his schizo meds
[11] oooo le spaceship
[12] Filtered by walls of text
Status: Completed
[1] Nice crash
[2] Evil team grunt bullied by birds
[3] Cute girl spotted, Musk dies of boredom and Wagie takes over
[5] Gala Sexo
[7] Anons don't bump thread (again)
[8] Wagie dies, so Musk plays something
[9] Punished Apolo
[10] Even as a kid, Apolo is a faggot, Jesus Christ
[10.01] Don't even bother desu
[11] Sex with Gala
[12] Apolo really is a gigafaggot
[13] A couple of Writefag posts while Wagie is in wagie hell
[14] Wow, this Adian guy is on the road to stop being a faggot
[15] kek nevermind
[16] MC goes Super Saiyan and solos 10 E4 level robots
[End] It's over
Rejuvenation MM
Status: Completed
[1] >Playing through a challenge mod of a game you've already played twice
[2] >Continue to use most of image limit on story dialogue
[3] One of the very few times Musk quitting is reasonable desu
[4] Wagie continues this shitshow
[5] oh no...Melia is le dead...
[6] Wagie gets beat up by a child, not unusual for MM
[7] The first (of many) instances of MM Stall Hell
[8] Narcissa spazzes out, then Wagie does some sidequesting before starting the shitty prison chapter
[9] Terajuma arc hell begins
[10] Hidden item autism
[11] Moto does something based for once. Mega Ring obtained
[12] Another masochist enters the ring, while Wagie treks up the hell mountain
[13] Then proceeds to get filtered until an anon suggests the cheese strat
[14] Erick's bullshit makes Wagie go do sidequests
[15] Erick defeated, then the shitty gauntlet with shitty rewards
[16] Bewitched Woods is a fair and balanced field
[17] Wagie and Aelita's astral projection beat the shit out of a ghost child
[18] Time travel bullshit, surely this will end well, r-right?
[19] Wagie gets beat up by another child, and more time travel bullshit
[20] haha multiple mega time
[21] Moto makes Dark Crystal Cave very balanced and fun, thank you Moto. Meanwhile, in White Man's game: https://files.catbox.moe/149bvq.mp4
[22] Because the retarded robotmons definitely need Pulse3 and crests
[23] Sidequest hell, after cheesing the retarded robotmons
[24] I hate Glitch Field
[25] Chapter 15 hell, Angie's frozen hell, just hell tbh
[26] Time for the School of shit that really doesn't matter
[27] It's finally over...
Wagie's Desolation Nuzlocke
Status: Completed
[1] It's beginning
[2] Time for the shitty Ice Mountain
[3] Amelia sexo
[4] Shitview City time
[5] Musk's autism strikes, over Scarlett, of all things, kek
[6] Nova sexo
[7] St. George found the fentanyl
[8] Dreamscape, land of shit mapping and way too many trainers (so business as usual)
[9] Even being a Steelbro doesn't save this faggot, holy shit
[10] Wagie btfo's the Steel faggot, fuck Aaron
[11] Wagie donates to BLM in honor of St. George, then goes and beats up a nigger
[12] We aren't allowed to kill Baron, 4chan dies because of this
[13] Going on a date with- oh wait, nevermind, gotta deal with another annoying retard
[14] Watery hell, but at least Nova's here?
[15] Desolation shows it's still a rebornlike by letting fucking Baron escape
[16] Time to fight the Water schizo and continue into E6 content
[17] Nigger Rage activated. 95% Accuracy fucking thing up at the last possible moment, but Wagie made it
[18] After a cute date with Rosetta, it's over.
Reborn Multi LP
Status: Completed
[1] It begins
[2] Waiting...
[3] Wow, is that an Ipod?
[4] More tourney shitcode, thanks Reborn devs
[5] Tripfags fight through Dr. Electrorape's orphanage to kidnap a child, they end up kidnapping like 5 I think?
[6] Hey, another shitty factory segment
[7] Edgekino
[8] Tripfags leave Reborn City
[9] Tripfags raid a meteornigger base, and Fern is still being a faggot, nothing new
[10] Chessfaggotry and Cultshit
[11] Bug incel gets told to fuck off, tripfags suffer through circusfaggotry
[12] Faggot (literal) wants people to ride his CHARIZARD FROM KANTOOOOOOOOO, seethes when refused
[13] Julia is somehow one of the more mentally sound league members...?
[14] Tripfags roam through a unnecessarily large desert map after sidequest hell
[15] Lin leaks Orevald's affair to Am*ria, she then tries to drown him
[16] Hey guys, remember Kiki? How about now?
[17] Terra's Tournament Hell
[18] Victory Road Hell, then the league
[19] Postgame begins
[20] Samson becomes a Pokefucker
[21] Orevald gets forced into the Belrose lineage
[22] Meloetta gets simped for by an entire circus
[23] Time travel bullshit
[24] Based Dr. Electrorape denying a tranny her meds, and based Lin mocking said tranny
[25] Faggot (literal) is back, and still seething over nobody wanting to ride his CHARIZARD FROM KANTOOOOOOOOO
[26] Taka and his tranny maid destroy centuries worth of history, because they didn't like it
[27] John Desolation appears and fucks with tripfags
[28] Vitus finishes the game, the other tripfags are almost there...
[29] It ends. Tripfags make the mistake of agreeing to play Empire
Empire V10 Multi LP
Status: It's over
[1] Alanah impregnated
[2] Yu-Gi-Oh move autism
[3] Schizo Sword gets obtained, tripfags immediately start hallucinating
[5] THE MAD BULL APPROACHES, Jannies nuke the thread
[6] Wagie got a vacation thanks to jannies, Octavius' death fetish bleeds into his shit game
[7] Tripfags enter the unnecessarily large Schizo City
[8] More Schizo City bullshit, along with a shitty stealth section
[9] A literal child trafficking sidequest, what the fuck, Octavius?
[10] Bullshit bosses, my favorite!
[11] Edgy motherfucker goes bowling
[12] The NTR begins. Based Aelita hexes.
[13] Wagie commits (temporary) suicide, but not over this shit game. It's over
Post Empire/Pre V13.5 Filler LPs
Games that were played in between the big projects, and didn't last long
Status: Completed, somehow
[1] Holy Autism. Scytherbros fucking lost...
[2] Bullshit starts ramping up. Multiple megas, Gym leader mitosis, and illegal Moves/Abilities
[3] Lots of Watery MILF correction
[4] The faggot modder, Low Effort, lives up to his name, lots of stolen shit
[5] Orevald suffers through Calreath, while Lime breezes through the E4 with TR, and I suffer through broken Postgameshit
[6] Orevald finishes the league, while I finish postgame hell, after having to fix one more crash on the champion rematch, of course
Status: Completed, was fun
[1] Holy Sexo
[2] Even more sexo, with some shitting on KANTOOOOOO on the side
[3] Going on a date with the cute blonde, and also bodyswapping with her later
[4] Red from KANTOOOOOOOO gets murdered by some nigger, everyone finishes the game
Status: Completed, technically?
Orevald disappeared during the 2nd thread, but I finished it, at least?
[1] This is pretty okay
[2] Basically just a filler thread
Rejuvenation V13.5 Multi LP
Status: Completed
[1] It's beginning
[2] The cute tomboy appears
[3] Other tripfags catch up
[4] 1st tourney done. Contract autism is very strong
[5] Jan's ""balancing"" at work
[6] Shit chapter incoming
[7] Getting extra dialogue for beating Madame X is based
[8] New Terajuma is pretty cool
[9] Mostly sidequests and shit
[9.5] Musk's autism strikes again
[10] Orevald gets banned by shitty weather, Part I
[11] 2nd tourney done. Jan still seethes over rain, while the other weathers can get their setters by the end of Terajuma at the latest
[12] White Man and Vitus join the fray, while faster tripfags start getting to Chapter 12
[13] Fast tripfags hit Chapter 13, which has the first notable instance of ng+ shit
[14] "Oh mistah Adamu..."
[15] 4th wall breaking faggot seethes over debugged gayshit, seethes more when you cheese his bullshit OP mythical
[16] Arceus gets killed, and he takes Sex with him
[17] Jan seethes over people liking side characters more than Melia, kills the cute android and assassinates Dylan's character
[18] Nymiera is a piece of shit, and needs to be killed
[19] Orevald does a fuckton of quests, before finally getting to Chapter 14. Thread also dies overnight, thanks to bump limit
[20] Orevald gets banned by shitty weather, Part II
[21] White Man is forced to go on a shitty scavenger hunt in GDC on Paragon, while Vitus gets to actually have fun on Renegade
[22] Based Visornigger, for once
[23] Wagie returns from the dead, after the Empire Multi LP incident, and White Man starts Renegade
[24] Aevium has access to 4chan, apparently
[25] More Chapter 15 hell, while I start on playing Paragon/Renegade
[26] I suffer through tard wrangling the Cuck and Crescent, at the same time
[27] Based M2 hexes get. Orevald gets to Paragon
[28] Building destroying sex with M2!
[29] I finish up Renegade, and go back to suffering through Paragon, and another anon starts showing off the early Rejuv versions
[30] Metashit autism, and a fucking lot of it
[31] It's over...
Post V13.5 Filler Threads
I loaded up Empire during the last Rejuv bread, ignoring everyone's warnings, White Man joined in on my suffering, and another anon was playing Deso, so these threads were made so we could finish and decide what to play next
[1] White Man and I continue to play Empire, Wagie plays through Perish Song, and another anon plays through Desolation
[2] Empire crashes, so we look into another game, and decide Myth looks pretty good
Status: Completed
[1] Our dad is a incompetent retard, Myth's overtuned earlygame shit has followed us...
[2] GP/Card autism is retardedly strong. The autism is ramping up
[3] Sexo with the faggot rival's sister achieved*. The Pokefucker faggotry begins
[4] White Man unlocks more of Thanatos' power, Yarabros fucking lost...
[5] The story autism begins, Pokefuckers are everywhere in the future arc, I unknowingly open up Pandora's box
[6] Postgame bullshit starts, and more sexo with another cute girl
[7] I get the endings done, and White Man's suffering begins, while Wagie suffers through multiple trainer gauntlets
[8] White Man's suffering continues, and Wagie suffers through the future arc full of Pokefuckers
[9] White Man still suffers through bullshit, Wagie sexos his descendant
[10] Wagie finishes the maingame, threads move to filler. The Pr*sm T*w*r incident begins...
Post Empyrean Filler threads
I started playing through MM in the last few threads, another anon is playing Reborn, while White Man's suffering through modded Empyrean's postgame continues
[1] Wagie shows off MM's shitty scrapped postgame addon and I get to Chapter 10 in MM. The Pr*sm T*w*r incident is over, after killing over 3000 Pokemon
[2] White Man finally gets instructions to a quest, the Tower of Babel incident begins, and Orevald starts up a quick Deso playthrough
[3] The Tower of Babel incident ends, and White Man finishes the quest tracker, but there's still more quests hidden throughout this shit
[4] White Man finished up the hell that was EoE. Tectonic next
Tectonic Multi LP
Status: Completed
[1] Type chart autism comparable to Empire
[2] Thread somehow survived the DLC releasing
[3] Rejected...
[4] Tripfags start finishing the game
[5] Everyone finishes, except for Wagie. Thanks Musk
Post Tectonic Filler threads
Wagie got sent on a vacation, so while we wait for the Ashen Frost devs to fix their game, we play whatever
[1] Holy Sexo legendaries
[2] Cyrus faggotry
Ashen Frost
Status: Completed
[1] Hard mode is pretty bullshit
[2] More Kaizoshit retardation
[3] Lots of bugs, with a side of more Kaizofaggotry
[4] noooooo not the heckin bidooferino!
[5] You WILL love the dykeshit.
[6] The Cuck escapes Rejuvenation and hides out in Reborn's shitcord exposing himself as a pedo
[7] The Kaizoshit's still here, don't worry
[8] Bonding time with the Zapdos
[9] Kidnapped by edgy Giratinafags
[10] It's over. Urmumium suffering continues, however
[Epilogue] Fuck Demice
Status: Complete
[1] Sexo, as expected from the Realidea devs
[2] Sex with the Busty Bird
[3] """Bad""" ending is the Based ending
The Soulstones Saga
Status: Complete
[1] Being an amnesiac time janny is certainly something
[2] nooooo you can't kill the bad guys! that's le bad!
[3] It's finally fucking over, thank god
[End] Postgame discussion/Break thread for Wagie and I
Soulstones 2
Status: Complete, thank god
[1] There's no way this is worse
[2] Fuck, it's worse
[3] >An unironic Twilight reference
[4] Myth gets banned and cancelled, and Writefag returns
[End] Never again (until postgame releases, haha...)
Status: Complete
[1] A much needed not dogshit game after Soulstones
[2] Desolationbros...
Post Unbound Filler threads
After (nearly) everyone finished Unbound, Wagie and I embarked on Moto's newly updated Solar Light & Lunar Dark kaizomod while we waited for Empire's v10.5 release
[1] Holy shit, actual pokemon options
[2] Empirechads...It's time
Empire v10.5
Status: Complete
[1] Telius...Home...
[2] Farm hell; Now with more lag!
[3] Apparently I was cursed with the most broken version of Empire
[4] This is the worst field effect ever, holy fuck
[5] Uncharted content
[6] It's over...(Until V11, haha...)
[End] Postgame break thread for Orevald and Bunken while we decide what game to play next
Super Pokemon Eevee Edition
Status: Complete
[1] Oh, this is really short actually
[2] We interrupt your regularly scheduled Eeveekino to watch me play quite possibly the worst fangame in existence
[3] Death to Hyperpajeets
[4] Neat plot twist
[5] What an abrupt ending, surely there's a postgame to tie up the loose ends of the story
Post Eevee Edition Filler Threads
While I finished Demice's Infinite Fusion autism, thread decided to play Bushido, and that's not really long enough for a dedicated thread.
Meanwhile, Wagie opened Pandora's Box...
[1] Holy status spam
[2] Died early to pre Presents shitposting
[4] After an Aeon, I will reincarnate you and your life will be endless torture
[5] The nightmare is over...
[6] This is why you don't let trannies lead projects
[7] The Eevee Expo is Real!
Eon Guardians
Status: Complete
[1] How do you let a bug this bad slip by
[2] Boring as fuck
[End] Jannies fear the cute chocolate bird
[Extra] Oops
Edelweiss Chronicles
Status: Complete
[1] There is no kino here, only shitty 3d models and a multitude of furries
[2] Dad went out for milk and made a furry cult
[3] Holy shit, the dev remembered TMs exist
Status: Complete
[1] Oh boy, this is gonna suck
[2] There's been some shitty MCs, but holy fuck
[3] Where's the midway healing points for these shitty routes
[4] Everybody remembers where they were when Relic Castle died
Post Vanguard Filler Threads
Wagie and I decide to say fuck it and play Azure, since it'll still be a while until 2.5 releases
[1] Holy shit, challenging battles without going overboard and making them retardedly difficult?
[2] Cute girls and annoying field effects
Fire Ash
[1] Ash Clappem's multi region journey begins
[2] >Win the battle, lose anyway KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO league edition
[3] What's with the french and ntr
[4] Ash Clappem dies of cringe and resigns from the Johto league
[5] Finally, cringekino
[6] The cringekino actually ended on a pretty good note surprisingly
[7] A game that even the Empireshill discord faggot hates...
[8] And he was right, holy fuck
[9] Probably one of the worst sections in pokemon fangame history
[10] The shit game is over
[11] Jobbing so hard you get sent to tardschool
[12] With the power of Anti Jobbing Lessons and Shillmons...
[13] After finally winning a league, Ash Clappem's """reward""" is being tethered to a fujobait character
[14] And with the power of a fujobait cheerleader, Ash Clappem is finally the very best
[15] "Grinding will never be necessary, but only if you pick my favorite starter"
Floral Tempus EX
Status: Complete
[1] Wow, another ridiculously overtuned first gym? How original
[2] The redhead may be a coalburning dyke, but at least we have the cute tomboy and her sister
[3] What an epic and definitely not obvious plot twist
[4] OY VEY!
[5] Villain: Mindbroken
[6] Why did the dev think it was a good idea to have the final boss use the same exact team that you've already beaten 4 times in a row
[7] It's over
Spanish fangames
Opalo (This time with more people)
Status: Complete
[1] Death to shillmons
[2] 20 genders
[3] Shut it down!
[4] Shillmon gets revenge for the Lynching
[5] Pokefuckers are a lot more common than they should be
Status: Complete
[1] The BVLL's rampage continues
[2] Grandus Cockus
[3] What did they do to Alexander the Great
The really short ones
Status: Complete
These were too short and ended up sharing threads with other games
[Estelar] >Trannies already
[Last Chance] Despite the trannies, it was actually fun
Full Moon
Status: Complete
[1] Cringe alert
[2] The return of the coolant volcano, complete with a Garchomp execution!
[3] Timelocking story progression is probably one of the most retarded mechanics I've seen in these fangames
[4] >NTRing Chan with your self insert
[6] Drawn to Life reference was definitely not on the bingo card
[8] It's finally fucking over
Post Full Moon filler threads
Wagie and I needed a short break after that hell
[1] Diadem's pretty neat
[2] Odyssey looks interesting
Status: Complete
[1] A lot of autistic waifus in this one
[2] Total Sandnigger death
[3] Never go to reddit bros
Empire V11
Status: Complete:
[1] Cringekino
[2] The """""beta testers""""" yet again show off their incompetence
The VytroVerse
Status: Complete
Saiph was done at the end of the Empire thread
[Sors] Holy fucking trainerspam and backtracking
[Sors #2/Saiph 2] A good solomon makes Sors bearable-ish
[Saiph 2 #2] He didn't learn...
[Saiph 2 #3] Thank god Sors 2 isn't finished yet
Post Vytroshit filler threads
Waiting for Vanguard 3.0
[1] "i know how to make my le epic romhack fun, i'll add in a bunch of kaizofaggotry! and it'll take over 20 hours to get to veilstone!"
[2] Virgin Vanguard MC vs CHAD Apex MC
[3] Gonna be a severe case of Whiplash going from Apex to Vanguard
[4] The teleportation HM is a really based idea
[5] Never change, reborncord
Vanguard 3.0
Status: Complete
[1] what a totally different game
[2] Death to all Cionstas
[3] And kill the balancenigger too
[4] It's genuinely impressive how things unironically got worse
[5] VS portrait jumpscare
[6] We were promised something """good""", and instead we get this shit
[7] Better luck next revamp, Ayrei
Post Vanguard filler threads
Wagie and I decided to try reborn Yang in the lull of notable games to play (It was a mistake)
[1] Holy evasionfaggotry
[2] Oh, a difficulty autism mod for reborn, surely it can't be that bad
[3] Did somebody say CHAOS?
[5] D r o w n
[6] The endgame really wasn't tested too well, was it
[7] no chuddie, you can't use fire moves to get rid of the flower garden field, that's le cheating
[8] The nightmare is over
[9] Perish Song is still kino
[10] Schizokino locked behind dogshit performance
[11] Still a pretty good game though
Reborn Multi LP 2
Status: Complete
[1] Rebornlikes truly have a hold on all of us
[2] Allgen's favorite hazard is sticky web
[4] How is Cain not on a watchlist
[5] The Jihadbird returns
[6] Why did allgen feel the need to make Fiore gauntlet so retarded
[7] Cass is truly a blight on rebornlikes
[8] Eevee Expo xisters lost
[9] Glass Gauntlet is truly an experience
[10] Drowning people is okay because it was just a "bad day"
[11] You VILL see Cass' epic child rape storywriting
[12] Reddit is a very good place to get your info on... ""men's rights activism"", according to Amethyst
[13] Anna's Wish had dire consequences
[14] Total Terrain Death
[15] Why did T*rra have to revive
[16] Flora may be dogshit, but at least she called Bennett a fag
[17] Of all the retarded meteorfaggot ""redemptions"", Bennett's is definitely up there
[18] Cass' "commentary" starts showing again
[19] "it's fine to torch an underground church containing decades to centuries of knowledge and history because religion is le bad
[20] Pokemon being SOVLLESS pieces of data certainly explains why they matter so little in rejuvenation
[21] After ER's DLC, Wagie decides to suffer Urmumium again
[22] Balancekeks fucking lost
[23] >Respect doesn't need to be earned
[25] Nuclear hell is over
[26] May we never have to experience Demice's autism again
[27] Victory Hell is still hellish
[28] Reddit is the """gift""" that keeps on giving
[29] Another Lin grounded
[30] Mythkeks just keep on losing
Desolation Multi LP
Status: Complete
[1] "criticism le bad!!!"
[2] Can't wait for the School of Boring's obligatory revamp
[3] Renegadekino
[5] Holy Shitcode
[6] This game DESPERATELY needs to revamp it's TM locations
[7] Why does the schizo game have so much effort put into it
[8] A valuable lesson on 4chan's no-no words
[9] Being referenced in the worst fangame ever was not on my /vp/ plays bingo card
[10] UnfezantCHADS won
Ashen Frost (Again)
Status: Complete
[1] May V*rtualization stay in the depths of hell where it belongs
[2] Another victim of Demice's autism
[3] "t-the ai will only input read sometimes, so it's completely fine!"
[4] The retarded fight design section begins
[5] Oh god it's the Inseki gym leader convention
[6] Let the Dykeshit begin
[7] Dealing 50% of a mon's max hp at the end of every turn just because they're weak to fire is such a fair and balanced weather effect
[8] Kaizo Forest time
[9] How do you have a battle 25 levels above the player and it still be pretty easy
[10] Playing Virtualization gets you sent to mental health facilities, who knew?
Post Ashen Frost filler threads
[1] What a boring coomer game
[3] The Gl*sslands claim another victim
Z Multi LP
Status: Complete
[1] What a nice and friendly Hypno, I'm sure nothing could go wrong in following it!
[2] Nigger moment
[3] Game Jam time
[4] Some are better than others...
Empire V12
Status: Complete
[1] Our expectations were already disastrously low, but holy FUCK
[2] Please take more than 3 months for V13 Octavius
Post Empire Filler Threads
Rejuvenation LAWDS mostly
[1] The Ubercat's conquest begins
[2] LAWDS is the AelitaCHAD mod
[3] virgin humiliation ritual
[4] Aelitakino is a strong motivator for tripfags to play Rejuvenation again
[5] brb gonna casually throw 350-500$ at a artist for 10-15 battle backgrounds to impress discord trannies, it's only money after all
[6] god Chapter 15 is dogshit
[7] Low Aelitakino supply doesn't help either
[8] oh wow, we were really ded kek
Hidden Place
Status: Complete
[1] Directions are overrated anyway
[2] "weather is le too strong because my CHARIZARD FROM KANTOOOOOOO rapes bug types in sun"
Unbreakable Ties
Status: Complete
[1] It's always the cute girls...
[2] Waifu acquired
[3] Holy fucking KINO
[4] I don't think anybody was expecting this game to top our lists when we started, but man...
[5] 2 ntr games in one thread!
[6] Snakewoodkeks get a remake that's just as broken
[7] How many synonyms for kino and cinema are there
Post Unbreakable Kino filler threads
Shorter games
[1] We truly can't run from Empire
[2] Jan won.
[3] This is the best you could come up with, even when relying on undertalefaggotry?
[4] What an epic ending
[5] DigiGODS
[6] "What? You don't like battling 35 bosses over the course of two hours? Well too bad, chuddie"
[7] It truly was the insanity room
[8] Typhlosionbros' 9/11
[9] Eevee Expo jannies have shit taste apparently
[10] The leaks have permanently altered our perception of dialogue
Empyrean (Again)
Status: Complete*
Just the T*wers left
[1] This time, Pandora's box comes pre opened
[2] This game really aged well
[3] The sexo is still gigabased
[4] And now it's schizotime
[5] The autism grinds begin
[6] erm you have to fight my epic boss at 1 hp because.....because you just do, okay
[7] And let the postgame autism begin...
[8] man, all these epic obscure, convoluted, vague, nonsensical hints are great
[9] Card autism is truly terrible
[10] Spectral Thief is funny
[11] what an epic boss
[12] >Strongest Pokemon in the game >Still a manlet
[13] Puzzle hell
[14] A much needed break from the postgame autism
[15] T*wer Prep (mostly) complete
Post Empyrean Filler Threads
Due to scheduling conflicts, the group T*wer suffering session has been temporarily delayed, suffering can still continue though
[1] He's gone, but not forgotten
[2] ScovillainGODS won
[3] Our HERO
[4] The T*wers loom...
[5] You WILL fight nearly 3000 pokemon and you WILL like it
[6] Foul PlayGODS
[7] A second T*wer has hit the tripfags' sanity
[8] Based Chudnolt
[9] EmpireGODS
[10] Most fair and balanced Empire boss
[11] average mentally ill rejuv fan
[12] Maybe one day we will escape Reborn
[13] Shit rng moment
[14] Great Gauntlet
[15] "i-it's not like the other .5 updates i swear!!!!"
[16] holy 32k characters
[17] CacturneGODS claim victory over a retarded difficultytranny
[18] You WILL fight a kaizofied rival every route and you WILL like it
[19] HOLY SHIT IT'S exactly what everyone expected
[20] Sasuga Voltsy sama
[21] wow what a heckin wholesome comfy game, surely it won't randomly devolve into schizophrenia
[22] "CURIE was hecking epicerino, i need to have one of those in MY epic kaizoslop!!"
[23] All the suffering was worth it...
[24] epic superboss that totally isn't broken
[25] ArticaGODS won so fucking much
Status: Complete
[1] Crazy noisy Bizarre game
[2] No matter how much you run, gatcha is eternal
[3] What a terrible early Christmas present
[4] Sasuga Ayrei
[6] wow the BEST FANGAME OF 2024 finally gets good in act 2!? (it doesn't)
Post Bizarre Filler Threads
Waiting on Reminiscencia (haha)
[2] A surprise betrayal on the home stretch!
Soulstones 2 Multi LP 2
Status: Complete
[1] The le extended sidequests just means you have to do18 things instead of 9
[2] oh my science angelo wants to destroy the leylines, we have to stop angelo from destroying the leylines! but why does angelo want to destroy the leylines? it doesn't matter, we have to stop angelo from destroying the leylines
[4] And your christmas present is a shitty dev gauntlet
Post Shitstones filler threads
[1] This region needs a few more nukes apparently
[2] Paldeakeks...it's over...
[3] There's nothing like starting the new year by playing shitty fangames
[4] Thank you for saving us from lawds Elena sama
[5] And to no one's surprise,, Vanguard remains as shit as it was in 3.0
Reminiscencia DLC
Status: Complete
[1] We made it bros
[2] We must grope all the cute girls
[3] We will never escape the looping
Post Remi DLC
[1] "why yes, let's use my personal leddit account to shill for my game, surely nobody will notice"
[2] oh my craftkino
[3] You WILL NOT look at the trrainer decumentation and you WILL like it
[4] man i love having to deal with rng
[5] GODrados claims more victims
Status: In progress
[1] "no you see i HAVE to spend $100 per fakemon on artwork and sprites, and now i must complain about it!"
[2] This game really needs the QoL bump from the port
[3] DLC Moment