You smile as you watch Sunset and Celestia "hug" while Luna watches with interest one hand grazing her chest while the other traces her lips. Celestia smiles down at Sunset with a mix of deep warmth and even deeper arousal.

She coos softly, her hands sliding down Sunset's back, the bimbo magic suffusing the area, toying with the four of you, probing and curious. You're really tempted to see where this goes but you think you've got all you need. As well as everything else, the link has shared the trust the two Principal's have for you which has done away with any lingering suspicions that Sunset may have had.

This should help as well, as with a snap of your fingers you dispel the slowly creeping magic, absorbing it into your body as you let out a loud "AHEM."

The trance is broken, Luna jerks and yanks her hand from under her shirt, Celestia's eyes widening as she steps back and a happily delirious Sunset comes up for air after her tit smother.

You wave the rest of the magic away, feeling it suffuse your body and energize you as you make a show of fending it off from the three of them.

'That was close...' You say, 'It seems to magic is even more ingrained into the school that I had thought...We should probably curtail any activities that might..."activate" the bimbo magic...

The three of them nod, looking varying degrees of worried and chagrined and disappointed that they wouldn't get another boost

Good, Make it look like you were the voice of reason trying to reign them in as they pulled against you. Celestia's almost ready to tip with how lax she is now, she'll probably take an opprtunity herself and that'll spread through the link, corrupting the other two. You wonder if you should just start LINKING people to the slowly growing cauldron of bimbo that was the three of them.

You could also go the other way...If you could break Raven's slavish loyalty to Starveheart or better yet redirect it to you before throwing her in the mix...

It's nearing the end of the day now and tommorow is the weekend. Sunset's book buzzes and with alacrity she snatches it up, cracking it open-

'It's from Princess Twilight!' Her eyes dart through the glowing text, her brow furrowing,
'It doesn't make ANY mention of the Bimbo magic!' She exclaims, 'Instead it mentions...two rogue changeling's...right, okay, That's Starveheart and...'

You squirm but you'd be somewhat prepared for this, 'I...may not have left either the Hive or Thorax on the best of terms.' The others look at you expectantly, 'For all my life I've been trained as a Magus, A pretty good one as well. I've got...duties and commitments that are expected of me. I thought Thorax and his brood were different in what they wanted from me but no...I'm too valuable a resource to "lose". So I took my chance and I booked it here, hoping for a quieter life, maybe a few freinds and a few books. Instead I got...' You wave your hand at your big boobs and the residual magic fleeing from the room,

'You got Canterlot High.' Sunset grins, a knowing look in her eyes, 'I get it.'

The other's aren't looking at you with suspicion, only compassion and trust before the books buzz again,

'They're sending someone!' Sunset's face twists into a grimace, 'Twilight can't make it herself, something involving a Manticore...They're sending ANOTHER changeling?'

You blink, confused, last you heard someone called "Honourheart" was on your flank.

'She's Starveheart's sister?' Sunset says, incredulous and baffled,

Oh shit. That was news to you but you suppose it made sense given unoriginal naming conventions. Then again, you had heard that Starveheart had a sister. A runty little thing that never seemed to "get" changeling society. Too trusting, too revealing, too forward. Less about plots and deceit than charging in swinging with no tact or decorum.

Figures she would go to Thorax.

'When does she get here?' Celestia says curiously, easily looking over Sunset's shoulder, absently squeezing her large boobs into Sunset's back. Luna joins her on the other side and unconsciously does the same, surrounding Sunset with MILFY boobs, the link silently communicating wants and desires would probably result in a bunch more of these situations...

'Soon. She's going to come through in the next hour or so...'

Shit. Well, she's finally on the way. Thorax's agent...

Then again, you're not in a bad as position as you could be. You three "friends" seem to be willing to listen to you here. You could send one or all of them to greet Honourheart and explain things to her. You trust them to read the situation and not give away your identity, allowing you to get a decent read on her while staying hidden.

You could also go yourself along with them, You could play it off as the "oh I just wanted to be free" spiel and see if that goes over well. If you're reading her right though, You have a feeling she's one of the "I made a vow to muh king" types and whatever alliances you make, she's not going to let you go at the end of all of this.

You've got a bunch of spells you could cast on her but you've no idea if she's been buffed up by the ponies. You could LINK her in but that's got just as much chance as throwing a spanner in "your" works as well. You'd rather not have her rigid, stick up the ass "we always get out mare" infecting your nicely primed trio of soon-to-be bimbos...

You could also completly leave her in the dark, poison the trio against her although you wouldn't have any sight on her then but she wouldn't have any leads on your or any support she could lean on either but if they've sent her she must have at least a degree of investigative ability...

1) Send the three off on their own to meet Honourheart and give her your sob story while you go off and try and catch up with one of the things you were thinking about before. Time may have passed though and who knows what's happened since then!

A) Find one of the thralls, (Specify which one)
B) Go artefact hunting.
C) What's up with Fluttershy?
D) Other?
  1. Go with them and meet Honourheart as yourself, confess who your are and try and win her over into a temporary alliance. You might also be able to cast some spells on her while she's shaky from the mirror transport.

[MANA 3/5]
[BOONS 0/2]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)

3) Have them leave her in the dark and have one, two or all of them accompany you on some other excursion. Either one listed above or maybe another brisk, "transformative" afterschool run? Those shorts could do with some charge!

4) Other?

1A with one vote. Go find Zephyr

You bite your lip, frowning in thought and Sunset places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a warm smile, 'Hey. It's okay, We'll explain to her, you don't have to see her if you don't want to.'

You give a grateful smile, a sincere one this time as she squeezes your shoulder, 'Thanks Sunset...Could you um-Maybe not tell her what I look like or who I am?'

Luna nods, 'I think that can be arranged, we're not going to betray you, even if this Honourheart is working in behalf of this King Thorax.'

'Yes, You've been nothing but patient and considerate to us Gossamer,' Celestia says, pulling you into a very welcome, very booby hug. 'You've done nothing to warrant being dragged away and we'll make this clear to Honourheart.' The taller woman cups your ass and whispers in a heated tone, 'Especially with how *accommodating" you've been to our condition.' She pulls you closer once more and then releases you, smiling.


'I'm going to try and scope out one of Starveheart's minions.' You say decisively and after another round of agreements and long. Intimate hugs you stride down the halls of Canterlot High. The air is crackling in the wake of Starveheart's work. Friendly touches lingering for too long, hugs becoming minor grope sessions. You pass Daisy and her boyfriend Caramel Apple in a blatant, passionate make out session. Daisy pressing her small, petite body into Caramel's taller one, his back to the locker in the middle of the halls. She grabs his hand and the two of them dash off to a more secluded spot.

At least it won't be hard to find one of thralls.

You decide to go for Zephyr Breeze first, vaguely remembering the lanky though slight young man. His reputation isn't exactly one of a master lady killer and he wasn't a super hunk by any stretch so you think he's probably a safe better.

Before you left, Celestia told you that he does some on and off work as a cleaner/janitor for the sports facilities. Sunset made it clear it was less for the pride of the job and more so he could ogle Rainbow Dash and the other members of the team.

Sounds easy enough.

True to Celestia's prediction, you find Zephyr hanging out in the fitness suite off the side of the main gym complex. He's crackling with arcane energy, a now all to familiar choker around his scrawny neck. His wandering eye, normally a mere annoyance to the women using the suite now seemed to really be effecting them, their bodies and minds effected by Zephyr's horny thoughts now charged with magic.

It's fairly empty fortunately, there are two members of the team, Fleetfoot and Surprise in their wondercolt colours. Coach Spitfire is there as well, standing over Zephyr and scolding him for one of any possible errors or faults in his less than stellar performance.

Zephyr though, rather than looking chagrined or put out stares out with a dopey, vacant look, his eyes zoning in on Coach Spitfire's tracksuit covered chest. Which seemed ballsy even for the notoriously horny Zephyr.

Spitfire appears to be getting more and more worked up but not only in anger you notice as magic begins to weave between Her, Zephyr and the two other Wondercolts.

Their uniforms begin to shift, the baggy blue and gold shorts slimming down, slowly becoming matching sets of tight workout shorts, there shirts pulling tighten against hardening nipples. Coach Spitfires baggy tracksuit pants begin to follow suite, becoming a set of tight blue yoga pants that highlight her defined legs and pert ass.

You're torn here, unsure of how to actually crack this thing open. You're not skilled enough to disenchant both the Bimbomagic and Starveheart's spell at the same time...

You could maybe disenchant one? Or maybe boost the other so it overloads the other? You think it wouldn't be clean or pretty but you could blast through your own reserves to fully halt both magic sides. Then again, by now you're pretty adept at manipulating the bimbo-magic. You might be able to give it a little shove and use it to try and blot out Starveheart's magic. Either way, the effects on Zephyr and the Wondercolt's are going to be pretty significant.

A) Disenchant fully -2 Mana but stops bimbo and Starveheart's magic

B) Boost bimbomagic and try and overwhelm Starveheart's magic. No mana. (Will roll a dice to see how well this goes:
1-5, enhance both, Starveheart and Bimbo magic go stronger.
5-15, Boost just Bimbo, Bimbo magic grows stronger but Zephyr is freed.
15-20, Boost Bimbo and manage to wrest control from Starveheart, leaving Zephyr at your command.

C) See if you can cast another spell from your list, maybe you can influence what the bimbo magic does?

D)Do nothing, just observe and see what happens

E) Other?

[Locked in with 2 for B and rolled a 13]

You kneel behind a rack of weights and watch as the waves of energy emanating off of Zephyr grow more erratic as his thoughts turn dirtier and dirtier, influencing the three women. You gather as much magic as you can gather and send it fluttering off, redirecting the stray bimbo magic around the gym into Zephyr, trying to isolate it from Starveheart's spell.

Zephyr grunts as the magic fills in, tipping wildly with your added power as it's sucked back into him, carrying Spitfire, Suprise's and Fleetfoot desires along with it.

He grows.

He shoots up about half a foot, then another half, growing in sharp, erratic spurts, his already lanky form now towering over Coach Spitfire. His scrawny body fills with bulk, thick hard muscles filling his upperbody, stretching his formerly loose shirt. He grunts again as his shoulder's broaden, the seams on his shirt popping and tearing as his back widens before fully exploding open, leaving him topless. A large and rippling torso pulses with magic, his skinny body no more as three sets of eyes immediately shoot to his abs, toning with a defined six-pack.

His shorts have faired better than his shirt but it's a close thing, the material straining as it fights against it's wearer's new trunk like thighs, rock hard ass and swelling cock. You watch, fascinated as the outline of Zephyr's dick bulges along his shorts, the silhouette growing in visibility as it girths.

The collar, sparking weakly green against the deluge of pink magic snaps, unable to remain on Zephyr's thick neck and tinkles to the floor.

Then the magic explodes out, shooting into the Wondercolt's, carrying Zephyr's fantasy this time. Fleetfoot and Spitfire, two fairly tall women shrink slightly, while Surprise get's a nice little increase. The magic arcs up there hair and it billows out behind them,

Spitfire's severe ,almost military cut thickens, the sides still shaved as the fiery crest shoots back and down her swiftly toning back. It grows more vibrant, it's two tone yellow and orange bright and vivid.

Fleetfoot's pale hair grows out, busting out of it's scrunchie as faint colours begins to bleed into it, a pale shadow of Rainbow's own prismatic hair.

Surprise's blond curls straightens, her previously well kept hair becomes windswept and jagged, folding over one side of her face as her shorts fully tighten around her large swelling rump. The shorts grow smaller and smaller and tighter and tighter as her ass begins to strain the stretchy material, her cutie mark half visible.

Fleetfoot grins salaciously as she leers at the hunk of meat that was the new Zephyr, grasping her tits through her tight shirt, now straining over her large tits. The Canterlot logo was stretched as her back and shoulders firm to support her track scholarship while also having the biggest boobs in the team.

Well, largest apart from the coach. She seemed to have taken the brunt of the changes and where Fleetfoot and Surprise had got tits and ass respectively, Spitfire had got both.

Her bright blue yoga pants were painted to her defined thighs and huge ass, the material riding into her crack and outlining her pussy. Her tracksuit top was half open, her large tits physically stopping her from zipping it up anymore.

She prodded a finger into Zephyr's massive chest harshly, her bright orange nail not even denting the firm wall of muscle.

'ZEPHYR BREEZE!' She barked, her lungs magnified by her changes, the sharp command echoing through the gym and you feel your spine start to straighten on pure instinct at her drill sergeant's elocution.

'Yeah Coach?' Zephyr said, his voice still carrying that "devil-may-care" note that hadn't ever done him any favours when he was a scrawny streak of piss, but now he was a 6 and a half foot tall of manmeat, his voice deep and resonant it made your leg's quiver slightly.

'What have I told you about going without a shirt when in my gym!' She said, eyes blazing as she craned her neck to look at the taller man, 'You're distracting my girls.' She said, her voice possessive as she mentioned "her girls"

'I've told you several times Breeze, If your going without a shirt, you go without shorts as well. I won't have you distracting my team by being a fucking tease, now lose 'em!' She barks and Zephyr shrugs, slowly sliding down his shorts and letting his huge, thick dick spring free to the sighs and moans of Fleetfoot and Suprise.

And yourself...

The bimbo, or himbo magic hadn't dissipated when you had boosted it, in fact it seemed to be clinging to Zephyr even more than it had before, billowing out of him in waves.

'Now, seeing as you've already interrupted my session, you can make yourself useful...' Coach Spitfire says, licking her lips as she gropes Zephyr's heavy balls in her long nailed hand.

The collar sparks weakly on the floor, the magic swiftly leaving it. Maybe you could grab it before the magic fully fled. If you could reverse engineer the magic, you might be able to learn a new spell!
Then again, you would have to step into the incoming orgy and god knows what Zephyr's magic will do to you...

The safe bet was to dip and wait outside and then try and talk with Zephyr once he's "finished" and less likely to blast you with a wave of concentrated lust magic.

Or you could stay in and watch like the pervy little bug you are...

Or you could just dip, Zephyr's free from Starveheart and you've got more important stuff to be doing anyway,

A) Try and grab the amulet, expose yourself to Zephyr and his magic,
B) Wait outside
C) Stay and watch, maybe cast a spell or two to guide Zephyr down the right path?
D) Leave
E) Other

You go for it, scrambling forward behind the weights as the amulet sparks Zephyr's feet. You feel the overpowering waves of magic lap at you, trying to shift your body and psyche but as long as you are quick and don't draw Zephyr's attention you should be fine.

His attention seems to be diverted as surprise lies on a workout bench infront of him, spreading her legs and holding her knees up to her chest, revealing her large, bouncy ass. Spitfire snaps her fingers and points to the ground and Zephyr with a cheeky, lust grin kneels. Even kneeling he's still big, coming up to the now short Spitfire's chest.

'Well Breeze.' She says in a sharp clipped tone, 'You know the drill. Surprise has been very distracted watching you flaunt yourself and we've got a playoff with Griffonstone at the end of the week, I can't STAND slackness so eat her out so I can run her nice ass around the track with her full attention!'

'Yes Ma'am' Zephyr quips and Spitfire slaps in on the ass, the firm unyielding muscle rock solid,

'Don't sass me Breeze. I'll break you, don't get me an excuse. Fleetfoot, get down their and keep his cock warm.'

'Yes Coach!' Fleetfoot says, sliding beneath the bench and Zephyr and wrapping his large, meaty dick in her huge tits, gently licking the angry red head.

You hear Zephyr grunt then Suprise squeal as he buries his face between her thick, pale thighs. The magic redoubles, crackling around you as Fleetfoot throats Zephyr's cock and you stretch to reach the collar and-

'Got it!' You hiss, snagging it in your hands a moment before a dainty yet strong hand grabs your wrist,

'Got you.' Coach Spitfire says, yanking you up easily as the magic swirls and buffets you, the toned, sexy woman unaware of the nexus behind her as Zephyr easily hauls Suprise into the air, her thighs wresting on his broad shoulders as the large stud begins to thrust hard between Fleetfoot's tits, into her eager mouth.

'And you are?' Coach Spitfire says cooly, eye brow quirked, her posture confident despite her lack of pants, a tiny flame shaped tuft of bright yellow fuzz above her dripping quim. Then again, you never got new pants either, still naked from the waist down.

'I'm um-Gossamer Wing-I'm the new TA-'

Suprise squeals, eyes rolling as femcum rolls down Zephyr's chin as she cums, going boneless over Zephyr's shoulder as he's fully fucking Fleetfoot's mouth at this point.

Zephyr grabs Suprise and after prying her off his face, slings her over his shoulder, massaging her large ass as he turns to look at you and Spitfire. He grunts, swelling once more as the magic ripples across him and his large muscles flex as he easily scoops up Fleetfoot with his other arm, hauling her upside down and parallel to him, against his large chest. Fleetfoot's mouth never leaving his dick, then again, given how her throat bulges it's probable he's dick's just grown another few inches.

'We got some fresh blood Coach?' He says, leering at you. The magic flickers over and your clothes shift around you, your tight, nerdy sweater beginning to morph into tightly fitting sportswear,

'Maybe.' Spitfire says, carressing your toned thighs, gripping them thoughtfully, 'Runner's legs, Let's see how "encourageable" she is' Spitfire says in the same business-like tone as she presses her thumb into your sensetive slit.

You moan, eyes popping as you reach out to grab Spitfire's shoulder for support,

You feel the years that you gained with Harshwhinny begin to slip off of you as Zephyr begins to make you into another young gymslut.

You have to regain control of this situation!

The current changes are based on Zephyr's perceptions, maybe if you try and assert your authority you can swing his unconscious magic back into line?

But how to do that?

A) You could try and stand firm, bank on your TA cred. You could try and channel your inner Harshwhinny but you might end up looking like her!
B) He seemed to respond to Spitfire, maybe barking out orders might curb the stud. You're not sure how much Spitfire will appreciate that although a little YOUTHEN spell along with Zephyr's magic might see a nice little promotion for you to...maybe Coach?
C) You still have the collar in your hands! You have no idea what it does but you could blast some mana through it and see what happens? -2 mana.
D) Fuck it, Zephyr's hot and you haven't had a good dick in an AGE. Settle back and play into it?'
F) Cast a spell?
G) Other

[-1 mana
Remaining mana 2/5]

You sniff imperiously and straighten up, slapping Spitfire's hand away, drawing on your mana reserves to battle against the arrogant studs influence. Your changes halt, leaving you the same sexily bookish looking TA you were before.

'I am a TA Coach Spitfire, I appreciate I have interrupted your "lesson" but I'm not one of your desperate gym jocks you can just grope.' You say shortly, feeling a bit of Harshwhinny in your voice. Spitfire actually looks impressed, folding her arms under her tits and giving you another appraising look, legs spread wide

'So...You're Celestia and Luna's little assistant...They've mentioned you-They're both pretty good but if you want a real afterschool workout, my door's always open, and so are my legs...'

Shit, she was as bad as Zephyr! Still, that was to be expected, was this going on all over the school? Whole swathes of the school being warped by the thralls? Still, that could wait...

'Yes, They told me to come here for my "induction"' You say, eyeing Zephyr pointedly, 'They insisted in fact.'

Spitfire chuckles, 'Those two sluts, I bet they did. Suprise, Fleetfoot, you're out, get dressed and into your running gear, we're sprinting up Canterhorn in T-minus 5 minutes. Put 'em down Breeze.'

Zephyr does so, large muscles hoisting the girls around easily. Fleetfoot mewls as she's taken away from Zephyr's massive dong, 'But Coach-I didn't-Ow!'

Spitfire slaps her on the ass, 'Tough shit. T-Minus 4 minutes thirty seconds Ms Fleetfoot, Don't make me wait.' She says briskly and the two quickly hurry off, half fucked and horny.

'Breeze, Take care of Ms Wing and then be at my house in two hours time, I'm going to need someone to soap my tits after I've run those two ragged,' As she's about to step out, she steps closer, gripping Zephyr's wet dick and giving it a few encouraging tugs and says in a quiet voice you're not supposed to hear, 'Fuck this prissy bitch six ways to Sunday Breeze and I'll make sure Rainbow wears the tight uniform for training.' You watch as Zephyr's already massive meat seems to swell even more at that and a fat drop of pre beads at the tip.

With that, Spitfire leaves and you're alone with the stud who grins, arrogant and smug, his previously empty bravado now anything but...

'So you want to suck my dick first or should I just bounce your ass for five minutes until you're done?'

You step forward, eyebrow raised, before kneeling down infront of him as he takes a seat on the workout bench, the sturdy platform creaking under his weight as you take his wood in your hand,

'You're very confident.' You say, once again batting away the magic trying to dumb you into a drooling slut. You work your small hands and he sighs, trunk like legs spreading as his fat balls gurgle,

'It's how it goes with most girls-Ah, that's good-' He murmurs as you trace your long, dexterous tongue up a particularly throbbing vein,

You grin at him, 'I'm not most girls.' You say, enveloping his cock in you warm, willing mouth,

'Yeah, That's what most girl's saayyyooh-that'sgood!'

You grin around his dick, you're cheating a bit. You highly doubt that even in this new reality where Zephyr actually fuck's he's had the long, forked tongue of changeling wrap around his shaft.

It's possible that Starveheart did but somehow you doubt it...

She wouldn't debase herself to "give" pleasure to someone without getting anything back.

That, and in the hive you were the dick sucking champion of the Academy. You actually had some interesting ideas about sucking emotions straight out of a host. Nothing came of it but you did get some damn get practice in.

You throat him even further, slapping away his hands as he tries to push you further down. You take it slow, rationing out the amount of pleasure you give him, massaging his balls and driving him on and on to greater heights of arousal.

You feel the magic pulse and shift around you but you're in control here.

You taste his pre on your tongue and savour it before fulling bottoming his massive hilt, your throat bulging before you unleash on him. Your throat shifts and squeezes madly, aided by changeling magic as your tongue lashes every inch of cock it can reach.

'Oh fffuck!' He grunts, whining and gasping, you feel his dick twitching and pulsing and you grin as you feel the man about to cum. Hah, Even for a guy buffed with magic you still had it, Breeze wasn't all that-

You suddenly feel a large hand clamp around your head, dragging you off and up and you find yourself staring into Zephyr's smug eyes, full of lust but control as well...

'Nice try Slut.' He concedes before his other hand snakes down between your legs and slides two fingers into your soaking pussy. You gasp, eyes crossing for a moment before Zephyr's arm releases your head and lifts you bodily against the wall, his fingers working madly inside you while the other easily takes your sweater off over your head.

'Oooo-' You squeal, legs kicking air, eyes rolling as Zephyr's thick, skilled fingers play you like a fiddle,

'You're pretty good. No, You're really fucking good but I spend all my time around a bunch of horny sluts who do nothing but workout and work my dick-You pick up a few things-'

He curls his fingers, pressing his thumb into your clit and you squeal, gushing as you cum hard. He grins and holding you with one arm, licks your juices off his fingers and makes a small appreciative noise,

'You taste great as well!' He says, 'Fuck the Principal's, How about being my workout partner?'

You moan, still coming down, when he suddenly moves you again, pressing you, face and tits into a large punching bag in the corner. You feel his huge girth slide over your dripping sex, your lips hugging is shaft as he lubes his dick on your juices

'Still, I suppose we'll have to stretch out first.' He says, the corniness of the line lost on the both of you.

It was lost on him because he was a deluded bastard that thought he was funny.

It was lost on you as your cute quim was suddenly spread tight as the thick head of his dick pushed through the folds.

A small thought occurs to you as you're well and truly stuffed. This is the first dick you've had since you got here,

'Fuck you're tight!' Breeze says, easing more and more of his massive shlong into you, He frowns in confusion, looking between you and his dick,

'Huh, And you're actually taking the whole thing-I wouldn't of expected it from someone as small as you. Not that I'm complaining' He grunts, his heavy balls slapping against your thighs.

That would be your changeling magic, rearranging everything, acting on your unconscious reflex to make this guys fuck as good as possible. Your pussy walls grip and ripple along his length and he groans, strong arms pressing into your,

'Holy shit-' He pulls out and slides back in and moans again, 'Holy shit-'He repeats, 'If you had Rainbow hair and a set of abs I think I'd be in love!'


He begins to pick up speed, the punching back swaying and squeaking as he drives his massive cock back and forth.

You cum again, walls clamping down, sensetive and soaking as you squirt down his legs,

He doesn't slow, only speeds up, his powerful legs and glutes a blur as he pistons into you,

'Sorry Gossamer-' He leans close to your moaning, drooling, flushed face, 'Coaches orders. You really shouldn't have stood up to her infront of her girls.' He barely seems winded although his voice is thick with pleasure as your pussy is probably the best thing he's ever fucked.

Once you go black...

'I'm probably gonna have to f-fuck her twice as hard as you so tonight-Ah!-So she doesn't turn up to school in a bad mood tommorow!'

You squeal, cumming again under his expert care, mind hazy as you feel something hard and cold in your hands,

The collar!

It's ruined but you might be able to get it working again...Working for you...It'll burn through your remaining mana and you won't be able to DISENCHANT it for that spell but Zephyr's a one man slut maker! It'd be pretty useful having him at your beck and call...

On the other hand, You really want that spell and Zephyr's going to create bimbo's anyway without your command and you're really liking the way he's pounding your pussy at the moment.

'You want me to finish in your ass?' He grunts, his orgasm close despite his legendary stamina,

A) Power up the Collar and slap it on the stud!
B) Save it for disenchantment later, you can get more out of it by learning how it works.
C) Other?

[Locked in B]

Zephyr chuckles at your squeal of pleasure, your feet pressing into his beefy thighs as he hooks his arms around under your own, supporting you as he power's into you, your body shaking and tensing from the world rocking thrusts.

The magic sucks and pulses around him, the saturating the area as the gym begins to shift and change, sex toys and paraphernalia joining the weights as realty warps to this horny bull's will. Sex machines sit side by side or in same cases, combine with the weight and exercise machines, ensuring the wondercolts can receive pleasure as they work on their bodies.

'No, I suppose you're more of a creampie kind of girl.' He grunts, slamming into you with greater urgency, his movement's becoming erratic as his own pleasure overwhelms his methodical fucking, 'Fuck your pussy!' He groans as it clamps down on his cock, milking it for everything it's worth as he explodes inside you. His heavy balls pulse and clench as his spasming dick dumps what feels like pints of spunk deep into your core. You go boneless, only suspended by Zephyr's strong arms and his cast iron dick as you gush once more, thick spunk and femcum spurting out the sides of your tight pussy lip as Zephyr's load fills you to the brim and then over.

It feels like ages before his hot, sticky load is fully spent and then, without any other preamble he slides his huge length out of you and you cry out softly in it's absence. Thick batter oozes down your thighs as Zephyr cleans his dick off with a workout rag, his huge dick not even going fully flaccid as he squeezes it back into his tight shorts again.

He adjusts himself and takes a series of photo's of your well creamed pussy and tight, toned ass,

'Well Gossamer, You're welcome. Feel free to come back anytime as long as I'm not working out or with Rainbow Dash.'

You sigh, trying to get your well fucked body to work again as he begins to leave,

A) Chase after him. You could either explain the situation to him or maybe do some magic or maybe you just don't want to let that cock out of your sight!
B) Go find the team, Sunset and the Principals must be done with Honourheart by now?
C) Sit a while and try and workout what this Collar does!
D) Go "assist" Harshwhinny in her class or maybe go see how Zephyr's changes have effected the rest of the team? Surely Lightning is around here somewhere?
E) Other?

You lie there, ass in the air on the floor of the gym, well and truly fucked for several minutes before standing up, spunk still leaking down your legs as you hit the showers. You take a good long shower, taking the time to clean yourself off and massage your aching body.

It takes an age to wash all of Zephyr's spunk out, the arrogant stud's load had been truly massive and it was thick and sticky and on closer inspection, charged with more of his himbo magic. You taste some of it and instantly grow wet again, mind flooding with hard fucks with the himbo.

On a whim, you bottle some in a small flask, the aphrodisiac might prove useful. You're not an alchemist but you think you might be able to work something out with it provided you don't use it for something else.

While the hot water cascades over you, you take a better look at the collar, the green grey gem flickers weakly with Starveheart's magic. You think you can still repair it but without Zephyr's saturated himbo magic around it'll probably take about 3 mana to do...

You would then have a collar you could slap on anyone, provided you get close enough, that would ensure complete obedience. Provided you could get close to them though. There may also be protections on Starveheart and Honourheart that might make this difficult but from what you can guess, everyone else is fair game!

Alternatively, you could disenchant it and gain the TRANCE spell and +1 max mana. The trance spell is a pale echo of Starveheart's refined ability but would allow you to place a person into a hypnotic slumber for a short period. During this time they'll be susceptible to minor commands and post hypnotic suggestions. Regular trances would help secure your control and imbed more complex and deeper commands into their mind. Those already touched by your magic, for example those who have gone under significant TF's at your hand will be especially vulnerable.

What to do though...You don't have the mana to repair the collar fully just yet but you could pocket it for later?

A) Disenchant the collar for TRANCE and +1 max mana
B) Keep it for powering up and using later.
C) Don't decide just yet.
D) Other?

You decide to disenchant, it's possible you'll be able to snag another one and you really need the mana at the moment as well as that vital spell.

You crush the gem in your hand, consuming the energy and humming in satisfaction as you feel your power grow. You feel your mind expand as your figure out how to cast TRANCE. Now...who to test it on, that was the question...

You step out of the shower, fully clean and rejuvenated to see that it's getting on, the school's locking up, You manage to bum a short sports skirt that hangs loose and fluttery around your ass and a matching tanktop now your sweater is pretty ruined.

What to do now though...

The school is deserted although you do see a few people around, Ms Harshwhinny's lights are still, the sexy MILF grading papers and sucking on her pen. She's already been blasted with a fair amount of magic, your TRANCE would be particularly effective on her...

A note in the Principals office tells you that they've gone back home, taking Sunset with them for the night. You can catch up with them whenever, looking forward to sleeping over at their house again, especially now that Sunset is there. There won't be enough beds, unless you double up of course...

Of course, there is also Starveheart's office. It's not locked, swiftly abandoned during Luna's stinkbomb escapade. You doubt the pen's going to be in there and who knows what traps Starveheart might have laid in there but you might find something you can use or enchant for her?

Finally, You happen to know where Zephyr's gone as well. He should be at Coach Spitfire's house at the moment. You wouldn't mind some payback on those two...or maybe you just want another fucking.

A) Go see Harshwhinny
B) Go back to the Principal's, You've got mana to burn before you turn in and it might as well be on them!
C) Check out Starveheart's and hope she hasn't left any nasty suprises
D) Go See Zephyr and Spitfire
E) Other

[MANA 3/6]
(also as I forgot to mention last time)
[HIMBO CUM - This magically charged lets you enchant it with one spell for free and can be multi-stacked with spells like an ITEM OF POWER however it must be ingested by someone before it takes effect and is only one use. (unless you could get more?)

[Locked in with 3 votes for C]

You gird your loins and collect as much magic as possible around you in a protective ward before cracking the door to Staveheart's office. The rank smell of Luna's stinkbombs along side a truly herculean amount of airfresherner assaults your senses and your eyes begin to water immediatly as you try not to retch.

Breathing through your mouth you quickly sidle in and shut the door behind you, cutting off the light from the hallway and leaving the small office only lit by the soft light of the early moon basking in through the windows/

Your eyes adjust fairly quickly to the gloom and after only a brief panic where you almost trip over the bin you begin to truly search the room.

It is suffused, top to tail with bimbo magic. It spurts out of the walls, the heady, cloying presence of the stuff blanketing you and weighing on your mind, trying to shift and change you and you harden your mind against it. The small vial of Himbo cum in your pocket vibrates and sloshes madly in the presence of such magic.

She has, She's installed a LUSTTAP onto the pen. The mad, stupid fool!

You don't even think you could siphon or use any of this without fully succumbing to a drooly, horny bimboey fate.

Hive Alive, how on earth did she survive in this place? You caught sight of her leaving just before you confronted Zephyr and she looked damn near identical to how she had before, tall, lean, pretty yes but not the lewd, sexbomb of sensuous sexuality she should have been from spending even only an morning in this place!

Did she have some secret defence?

Best not to stay here long. You can already feel your wondercolts tanktop tightening against a chest that's eager to start swelling again, your nipples poking through the fabric.

There are a few things you manage to clock right away, none of them the pen unfortunately.

First, there is Starveheart's leather bound folder, flipping it open reveals dozens of contracts, all of the same suite.

"Be my slave for life and do as I command. Adore the Me and Hive forever more."

Pretty standard stuff...

It changes as you look through it though, the contracts get...more and more indecent. Oh they were plenty indecent before but they were always business first, pleasure as a reward. Now they're getting...distracted to say the least.

'Be my slave for life and do what I say and I'll let you fuck my perfect pussy as you swear your dick/pussy to me and the hive forever more.'

Wild. Maybe it is effecting her after all...or maybe she's just releasing how far away Queen Chrysalis is right about now and is just having a bit of fun?


You think although you don't have the pen you might be able to do something here. You could make a few...changes, imbue the wording with some of your spells and mask it under an AURA OF NORMALITY. Any new person that signs one of these forms will get a blast of your magic as well, riding along on Starveheart's...

That wouldn't do for those already out there though...

There's another, a deactivated collar is on the floor under the desk. It appears to be LINKED to the other, active ones in a manner similar to your own spell. This was exceedingly careless of Starveheart, a direct line into her network. You, nor any other mage worth her salt would have left this one active when not in use and protected...

Then again, she isn't a mage so she probably doesn't know better. Unfortunalty it's already keyed up so you couldn't use it to thrall someone yourself but you could slip one of your spells into here as well, quite easily and have it carried out the thralls currently about outside, riding around on THEIR magic...

Then, finally and most amusingly after picking the lock, the only draw that was locked, a matte black dildo. It hums in your hand, not literally but with a familiar magic and with the oddest pang of nostalgia you've ever had, you realise that the dildo is a Hive LoveMaker TopBUZZZ.

This was one of the good ones, bleeding edge or rather, sopping edge of vibrator technology.

Manufactured in the Hive by a rather quirky pair of 'lings, Buzz and Hum, who much to the reluctant delight of the King and the Princesses' publicly gone over to Thorax and much to the despair of Queen Chrysalis who it was said was something of a fan and patron of the two inventors.

Last you heard, In a fit of pique Chrysalis had mandated all TopBUZZZ's banned on grounds of associating with traitors although you suspect that she just wanted to horde the dwindling supplies for herself.

Last you heard, The two were making themselves very popular and very rich as they were welcomed, surprisingly eagerly, into the pony community, blowing all other competition out of the water.

Anyway, you're half tempted to snag this for yourself. It really is one of the better models but you also think, there's no way Starveheart is wasting this bad boy, not when she's risking treason charges with it. You could sling something on this as well, the spell shoving into the vicious bitch as she shoves this into her pussy.

[You can select multiple options rather than just one, mana is the only limit, for example if you want to cast a spell on both the Collar and the Vibe it'd be 1B and 3D. I'll take a general reading of what people want if the votes don't have a clear winner]

Cast a spell/spells on:

  1. The folder,
  2. The Collar
  3. The Vibe
  4. None of them, (Take the Vibe, Crush the Collar [+1 mana] and doodle a cock on her folder.
    1. Other?

[MANA 3/6]
[BOONS 0/2]
[Spells available:
B)Increase Arousal
C)Decrease Inhibitions
D) Youth/Age
E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)

[-2 MANA]
[1/6 remaining]
You pick up the vibe and still resisting the bimbo magic begin to funnel your own magic into it, the magically imbued toy twists and writhes, girthing slightly as you overlay your spells over it. Looking around and biting your lip you take a seat in the tall imposing chair and rest your long legs on the desk, spreading them wide as you take the vibe into your mouth, leaving it glistening and lubed.

Hey, It's a TopBUZZ, You're not passing up this opportunity, no matter the circumstance. You think you can hold the bimbomagic back if you keep your mind focused. You spread your legs further, the short sports dress falling away easily as you tease the toy against your quim. You sigh as the smart changeling toy shifts in response to your general shape and thoughts before slowly pushing it into your tight pussy, thinking hard on the various changes you want to envelop Starveheart the next time she uses the toy.

You think she'd look a hell of a lot better as a student. Shave some of those stress years off the scary bitch.

'Mmm-' You sigh as the toy buzzes in you, a small tendril reaching out and enveloping your clit in a snug little suction cup before humming softly. Your eyes roll, pussy schlicking as you slide the toy in and out, imaging the proud and imperious Starveheart as a little teeny brat. You don't imagine it will do much to impede her, she still has the pen but it's a start.

You then fixate on the idea of authority and submitting to it, the likes of Harshwhinny, Spitfire or Luna bending you over a desk, a long ruler ready to strike at a ready, willing and naughty ass. Then you push that into the dildo as well. It's not much but she'll start thinking about it in her idle moments or when she's jilling herself.

You sigh softly at that image, cumming quietly around the toy before yanking it out and without cleaning it, throwing it back into the draw and locking it. You AURA OF NORMANLTY should chip in and you enjoy a perverse thrill of Starveheart sliding that toy into herself, your juices mingling with hers as she replaces this nice big office with a schooldesk.

With that, you quickly leave the office before the pink magic begins to seep into you any more than it has.

It's well and truly dark before you make it back to the Principal's house and you find them still up, along side Sunset shimmer. They seem to watching a particularly raunchy movie and drinking a series of fruit cocktails, even Sunset.

You frown slighty before seeing the soft pink glow in the cocktails and realise where they must have got the fruit to make the cocktails. The heady bimbo magic and the liquor has really done a number on the three of them. Luna and Celestia sit either side of Sunset, Celestia in her crackling pink shorts and Luna in just panties, large breasts pressing in on the giggling and blushing Sunset.

They seem to be engaged in an playful argument about which one gets to share and cuddle with Sunset tonight.

'Oh! Hey Gossamer-' Celestia says, a little blearily. 'Oops-Luna!' Celestia scolds as a particular sneaky pull from her sister frees one large tit from her sports bra.

Luna simply sticks her tongue out at her Sister, hooking one of legs around Sunset and pulling her closer, wrapping around her as Sunset's dragged to her side of the coach,

'She's called Sunset, Sister, Not Sunrise-Sunset always cums before the moon-' The pun laden with lust innuendo as Luna's strong hands begin to massage Sunset's neck,

Celestia stands up somewhat shakily, the pink BIMBO SHORTS charged again and you realise they must have got in and done another impromptu workout. The front of the shorts are damp as Celestia leers at her sister and her student.

A) Intervene, It's late and you don't need the shorts popping off again.
B) Fuck it, join in, bring on the buff, busty babes.
C) Hey, Zephyr might still be around! You're not sure how his brand of magic would react to Celestia fitness bimbo shorts, it might get pretty wacky...but...Well, It's not like he's going to say no...
D) Other?

You also have the option of casting a spell if you desire, You only have 1 mana left before you meditate so you may as well!

[MANA 1/6]
[BOONS 0/2]
[Spells available:
B)Increase Arousal
C)Decrease Inhibitions
D) Youth/Age
E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)
H) TRANCE [Your Link should allow you trance all three at once]

'And what about me?' You say chidingly and the three look over at you, interest and desire in their faces. Celestia slides her hands down her smooth, buxom body as she sways over to you and looks down at you, thrusting her large chest forward. Sunset moans slightly as Luna's hands slide down from her shoulders to her breasts, sliding under the shirt and tweaking the flame haired woman's nipples.

'Oh...Well now that you're here, You've nicely settled our little dispute~' Celestia coos, ever the diplomat as she toys with your hair, moving closer her huge tits filling your vision. 'You can "share" with me and Luna and Sunset can-'

You reach out and grab her thicc ass and she moans loudly as you massage it through the tight shorts, your hand humming with magic as you begin to weave your spell, your eyes flickering green slighty,

'You've grown again-' You say shortly, feeling firm muscle beneath the prodigious rump and Celestia whines as you move your other arm around, groping her other cheek, bouncing, pinching and massaging it,

'You're horny, I can smell it on you. We know arousal inflicts changes, that's why I told you to masturbate alone, not have an orgy.' You scold, punishing her ass as you hike the shorts higher into her ass,

'Oooh-Gossamer, I-I'm sorry-'

Luna and Sunset look on hungrily, Sunset having fully shucked her shirt and purple bra, her bouncy tits on full display as Luna palms them with one hand, sliding her other into Sunset's tight black jeans. Sunset coos in pleasure and begins to grind her body between the older woman's long, defined legs.

The link pulses madly, sending shared pleasure across each of their sensetive bodies and Sunset squeals as you give a particularly harsh pinch to Celestia's ass, quieting the big MILF.

'Quiet.' You command, using TRANCE to lull them into a more, placid state of being,

The three of them are stubborn however, strong willed even in their current state and it'll take more than that as you slide your hands into the shorts, teasing Celestia's asshole with your fingers, directing your magic to assault the woman's soaking pussy and she squeals, body tensing, massive tits jiggling and a twin echo comes from Sunset and Luna, their three minds opening slighty as their eyes glaze somewhat,

'I'm out there, fighting to stop you changing anymore, risking myself and you three are in here, fucking around.'

You slide a finger up Celestia's tight asshole and give one of nipples a quick nip and she squeals, pussy juicing,

'Gossamer-Magic, It's the magic-' Celestia whines,

'I'm resisting it, It's not hard unless your a desperate slut.' You spank her ass at this one, the sharp sound ringing as you send another TRANCE across at them,

'You're weak.'

TRANCE, their mouths slacken slightly, your words sliding into an open mind,

'We're...w-w-w-' Celestia mumbles, the other two copying in a dazed haze,

TRANCE, their eyes were fully glazed now, still bucking and grinding and trying to eke out what pleasure you allow them you have.

'You're Weak.'

'We're weak.' They moan in unison as you hit them with another TRANCE, and they go even more boneless, Celestia sagging against you as you abuse her asshole and pussy,

'Weak and horny' Celestia's shorts flex and pulse, desperate to release, fully charged with magic but you hold it back, your control of it greater than it had been at the start,

'Weak and horny.' The three repeat, moaning and sighing as the words congeal in their minds,

'You can't trust yourselves to make the right decisions, You WANT to become slutty, fat titted bimbo's don't you? You want it ALOT.' You enunciate the words, speaking in a soft pentameter, driving the words in and building on your previous spells and tweaks.

'Mmmyes-We want it-' Sunset says, biting her lip, vacant eyes glowing with need all the same,

'Want it soooo badly!' Luna agrees, bucking against Sunset's ass, grinding her pussy against it.

'You can't be trusted to know best.'

'W-We can't be...' Celestia says, her flat, taut stomach tensing as her body jerks, her mind under assault and you SPANK her again while doing another TRANCE and she relaxes.

You spank her again, then hit her with another, and then you do it again. You begin to condition the Principal's mind to associate a hard swat on the ass to listening and obeying you. The LINK carrying the same condition to the other two.

'You CAN'T be trusted to know best.' You say firmly, pushing Celestia onto the couch and wriggling under her. She's quite a bit taller than you but that doesn't matter as you bend her over your lap, sliding her soaking shorts off and pocketing them for later.

Her massive, juicy ass is pressed against your chest and you slap it again, the huge sun cutie mark wobbling as you do,

'We can't be trusted!' Celestia mewls, arching her back before you shove her face into Sunset's snatch and snap your fingers at Luna who swiftly mounts Sunset's face, the sighs and squeals redoubling as you shove your free hand into Celestia's pussy, your magic sparking as whines, desperate to cum. You hold her there, desperate and on the edge and the other two whine in frustration as well,

'I can though. I've been working, I saved all of you, I know best.'

You slap Celestia's ass again and she moans in assent and Luna cries out,

'You know best!'

'You trust me.'


'We trust you!'

'You trust me more than you trust ANYONE'

'We-We trust youuu more than-than-'


Celestia's pale ass was growing red and her mind seemed to be leaking out her pussy as you finger blasted her,

'You trust me more than you trust ANYONE!'

'Yes! Yes We trust you more than anyone!'

'More than ANYONE, More than your freinds Sunset, more than eachother, More than Honourheart or Princess Twilight. You're MINE and you'll do whatever,I,Say!' You say, punctuating each word with a Spank before you work your fingers furiously into Celestia's pussy and trigger the cascade.

Celestia bucks and screams into Sunset's pussy as she cums, her pussy gushing a fountain of femcum into your lap as she grips Sunset's thighs and pulls her tight against her face. Sunset's body twitches and jerks madly as she cums, her voice muffled as Luna's strong, thick thighs clamp over her head as she roughly rides Sunset's face, her own eyes rolling into the back of her skull as they flash a deep green.

The LINK writhes and warps, sending huge bursts of pleasure and sensation up and down the link. It changes, your green magic interweaving with the pink as it transforms into a small slender chain that links the three of them to you.

They moan and sigh as they come down and Luna looks at your with eyes of total devotion and trust.



(Unless anyone has any other wants, I think this is a good point to end the in game day and restore mana?)

You meditate, regaining all of your mana before trying to work out another spell you can learn,


1A) Body Modification - Tits/Ass/Dick

1B) Body Modification - Fitness

1C) Horny Magic - Upgrade for Increase Arousal. Boost arousal automatically toggles whenever you cast ANY other spell.

1D) LustTap - You've spent a night focusing on the lustful emotions felt by the two horny sister's. You think you might be able to tweak yourself so you can regain energy by consuming lust instead. For every orgasm you cause, you regain one mana.

1E) Modify intelligence/Attention Span

1F) Boost another already acquired spell, making it more powerful.

You also think about the spell and kink you imbued into Starveheart's dildo. There's enough ambient bimbo magic hanging around Celestia's room as you pull her taller body against you, that you might be able to age yourself up and possibly even give yourself a promotion from cute TA to Hot Teacher!

You'll be exposing yourself to Bimbo magic but it'll let you slide into Starveheart's daydreams a little easier?

2A) Do it
2B) Hold off
2C) Funnel it into Sunset instead,
2D) Other?


got off track with changeling world building sorry not sorry


You pull Celestia deeper into your side and she snuggles into you as you run your hand through her hair while Luna pushes her breasts into your back, her long legs entwined over your short ones while Sunset lies snoring softly between your legs, occasionally sighing and pressing her face closer to your pussy.

Your emerald green pussy. You had undisguised yourself, allowing your true form to breath properly for the first time in far to long. You look at your slender hand, it's long green nails and soflty drag them across Luna's tight stomach causing her to moan in her sleep and press her face and lips into your large, black tits.

You had spent a long time after fully enthralling them training them to love your body, now they obsess over the smell, taste and touch of it. It was a shame you were going to change it now but they wouldn't care.

You knew best after all.

You suck the magic into your body, groaning and grinding your pussy across Sunset's face and she sleepily moans out as you begin to grow, short fits legs lengthening into a pair that went up and up and up. Your thigh's thicken, pressing in around Sunset's head and an orgasm rolls over you, slowly and gently as you squirt softly glowing changeling cum across Sunset's face. She laps it up, sighing contentedly in time with you as your own chest swells, losing some of it's perkiness to be replaced with natural, teardrop sag. You feel your body heat up, your changeling biology kicking into overdrive, you squeal and nip Celestia's tit as another orgasm rocks you, this one sharper light a lightning bolt as some ancient function kicks in and you body seems to evolve as the bimbo magic kicks you down a branch of the changeling life cycle that is not supposed to be accessible.

Not while the current Queen was about at least...

You groan, your magic sparking and guttering as your horn lengthens, your dark green strands of hair thickening and billowing out like a halo, surrounding your now decidedly curvaceous body in a blanket.
It shoots out in a kaleidoscope of colours, so unlike Chrysalis's drab, lanky green, yours was a bright rainbow of colours, thick and full.

A effect of the Bimbomagic, your own desire to be different or maybe an after effect of Zephyr's Rainbow dash kink?

Your fangs, cute and inoffensive as one of the mage caste, now grow, long and dangerous as they fill with venom.

Although...judging by the way Celestia was moaning and groping her tits, it didn't seem to sedate people, more the opposite of such. Her hand scrabbled under her pillow and pulled out a small, gold coloured dildo which then quickly shoved up her snatch and work rapidly as the tiny nip sent bolts of pure ecstasy through the MILF's body.

You chuckle, your voice sultry and deeper with a odd reverberating, hypnotising cadence. You send a little magic into the dildo and smile a toothy grin as it girths drastically, stretching her pussy and lengthening by several inches.

Are you a queen now?

No...You don't think so, You're a princess or whatever the changeling equivalent is. When a new hive needs to be created, A "princess" would be sent into a particularly dense population belonging to another species and begin to infiltrate and subvert it, given stronger powers and greater connection to her powers in an effort to pave the way for a mass migration.

It was said that the princess would shift and adapt to the environment and her new form would form the basis for all changelings of her hive to follow. If they were somewhere cold, she'd grow extra padding or insulation, their body temperature raising. If they were somewhere with particularly boisterous neighbours, they'd grow stronger, quicker, forming thicker exoskeletons and large muscles.

That hadn't happened in living memory as Chrysalis's hive had gained complete hegemonic control and had made sure that noling ever became a Princess. The thin, rangy appearance of Chrysalis's changelings had been a fault of being based in the hot, dry love starved badlands and, despite all of Chrysalis's propaganda been a route that would have proved fruitful. She and the hive had religiously pursued a route of theft and overindulgence, making them exceedingly good at draining love from unwilling and unsuspecting prey at the cost of any chance of coexistence. In doing so they had effectively neutered themselves as the more they ate, the greater their appetite grew. Even if Thorax hadn't intervened when he had or they had won at the wedding and conquered Equestria, Chrysalis's hive would have imploded at some point, sooner rather than later.

The ragged survivors would have spread like seeds on the wind settled and adapted in amongst the other races, either adapting or dying. Of those that adapted, some would rise to the top, becoming "princesses" and then Queen's of their new hives and so they cycle continued, the species changed and survived

There is some speculation that Thorax, despite being named a "King" by the ponies was in fact "Queen". A strange and bizarre adaption, with eye catching colours and a garish appearance that favoured essentially "peacocking" the pony's collective fight or flight response.

Judging by how many pony's were hooking up with these new Pastels, it seemed to be working at least...

Which leads you back to yourself, surrounded by Bimbomagic, charged with lust and your own arcane ability, you seem to have tripped into being the potential leader of a new Hive of changelings focusing on...big boobs and sex?


You could kinda see it working, especially as you seem to be able to breath in Celestia's desperate lust and it filled and nourished you as much as love did, your body adapting once more...

Yes, This could work...

What to do tommorow though...

[NEW SKILL LEARNED - LUSTBITE - Costs no mana, increases arousal and senstivity, discreet but you'll have to get close first...
[BIMBO LEVEL - [**-]- [Magus of the Pink]
--] - Sexy teacher!

What to do, What to do...
[There is a bunch of stuff here but you have two whole days to go about these and the ones you didn't pick will reoccur so don't feel like you're going to miss out on the others if you pick one.]

A) Go with Sunset to go see Fluttershy, may also see Zephyr.
B) Stop at Harshwhinny's home
C) You still have Lightning dust's sports bag bizarrely, her homework and gym gear should probably be returned, after a quick enchantment maybe?
E) Try and corner Zephyr on his lonesome
F) One of the other thralls?
G) Meet up with Honourheart
H) Try and track down Starveheart, You have no idea where she lives but you could just follow the sluts maybe?
I) Try and track down more ITEMS OF POWER, It's long time you met with the Shadowy Hot Lady!
J) Other?

(Sorry for lots of options here but with the weekend, bit a sandbox and time is really your own, Feel free to hit [J] and come up with something else)

You wake up, this time before the sister's and you grin, taking the time to lightly nip and graze around Celestia's thighs, tiny nibbles that smear glowing pink venom all over Celestia's thighs, pussy and clit. Then you quietly command Sunset and Luna to hold her arms down while you kneel between her legs as she starts to stir and moan, hot, horny sensitivity bursting out from between her legs.

By the time she wakes up, her pussy is boiling with need, spasming and soaking as she whines and mewls, eyes wide and desperate as her restrained body cries out for need.

'Ooooh-Please-Please Gossamer! Touch me-Lick-m-me!' You grin down at her, the tall, powerful woman pleading getting you hot and bothered yourself. You edge her a little more, using a little more magic to boost her obediance again. You don't let her cum, forbidding her until she's done a full, intense workout in the garden, completly nude.

You're gladdened at how quickly she jumps to obey and after a leisurely shower where Sunset soaps down your curvy, onyx body and you learn, much to your delight, that you can put Sunset into a trance just with your tits and your voice. You put a small command in that every time she stares at your tits this morning, she cums.

You sling on a small gauzy gown and cinch it under you large, mature breasts. You hear Sunset moan softly behind you as she towels herself off and you use a bit of magic to swell your tits ever so slightly, grinning.

You pass Luna in the hall, having changed for her workout and slide Celestia's dildo up her tight quim, still slick with her sister's juices. You cast a small spell, delighted by how easy your magic is coming to you, and have it begin to vibrate depending on Luna's mood, making sure she's constantly edged.

'Keep it in all day. Don't cum.' And Luna whines but nods as the toy begins to pulse and blast her tight pussy as you pull her tight yoga pants back up, the thick vibe obvious through the thin fabric.

You come down the stairs and sit outside, eating some porridge as you watch a wide eyed and moaning Celestia do variations of the plank position, her pussy puffy and her clit engorged with your venom. You spread your legs, the gown falling away and Celestia's wild eyes stare at your pussy hungrily.

You yawn and throw your gown off theatrically and all three of them sigh dreamily as you shift back into your human form. You throw on a deep blue skirt on that stretches over you wide hips and large ass, a pair of stockings and a garter and panty set that's the same colour as your skirt. Finally you but on a nice white blouse that although rather plain, is unbuttoned to reveal a nice deep line of cleavage, the shirt tight enough around the midriff to shove your breasts into a tight canyon.

You hear Sunset sigh behind, cumming again as you adjust your boobs.

Your lacy blue bra showing as you put on a pair of totally unneeded but very sexy glasses, you consider putting your hair up and then shrug, enjoying the way the long glossy locks catch the light, faint motes of colour visible as you saunter out the door, leaving the three moaning women flushed and desperate behind you.

Life was good.

You hum as you saunter down the street, Lightning's back slung causally over your shoulder, your long, multicoloured fingernails tapping a jaunty tune on the strap.

You knock on Lightning Dust's door and you're greeted by a bleary eyed Lightning Dust, wearing a her PJ's. A pair of teal shorts and a baggy black shirt that hangs over her slim, fit body. The short girl frowns at your tits then cranes her neck up to look at you, standing above her on tall heels.

'Hey Lightning.' You say, not sure if the sporty girl will recognise you after your changes,

'Fuck me, Wing, What the hell happened to you?'

Apparently so. Possibly due to your own magic when you disenchanted her the first time.

'Magic.' You say, shrugging and hold up her bag in your slender hand, 'I have your bag. Can I come in?'

'Mph. If you don't mind the mess.' She steps aside, rubbing her face as she pads over to the kitchen. The house isn't huge, in fact it's the opposite. Cramped and cluttered and you have to step over a few beer cans and empty pizza boxes and wince,

'They're not mine.' She says, pulling a bunch of clutter off the ratty sofa and offering you a seat,

'My dad's.' She answers, before you can answer,

'He's not here.' She says, not defence or hostile, she says it as if by rote. 'I don't know where he is. You want something to drink?'


'Not beer, I've got water and uh...water...'

'I'll take a glass of water.'

As she fills the glass, you ponder on what you're actually going to do here,

(Select one or more)
A) Just start slinging spells at her,
B) Enchant something, there's a bunch of stuff around here that you reckon belongs to her,
C) You also still have nice vial of HIMBO juice which you reckon you could enchant without a mana cost, then buff it with extra mana for greater effect. Lightning's porridge has been left unattended as she gets you water.
D) Do nothing, just talk it out with her, she seems pretty unaffected despite Zephyr's shenanigans. Maybe you could get a good read on what's going on with the wonderbolts.
E) You also still have the shorts. You're not sure if she'll take them back without some encouragement but you could also start stacking enchantments on them as well?
F) Other?

[MANA 7/7]
[BOONS 0/2]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)


Lets hit her breakfast with



You idly watch Lightning's ass as she bends slighty to fill a glass with water, her legs still benefiting from the short's magic. Long and toned, you have a brief image of wrapping them around your head and tonguing her out.

Ah well, maybe later. You palm the vial of Zephyr's thick spunk, mixed with your own juices and squeeze the vial, your magic flowing into it as you work to solidfy the image of a older, yet still fit and sexy Lightning Dust. You concentrate, imagining Lightning as a mature and loyal co-coach. You don't think you can make her a full coach unfortunatly.

Your magic's not that powerful and reality snaps back when you try. You feel it might be easier Spitfire was not the Coach, you figure if you could youth or TF her in some other way, you could slide Lightning in much easier.

The spunk glows softly, roiling and swirling as you uncap the vial and swiftly pour the thick, powerful spunk into the porridge. You feel Zephyr's own magic in there and hope it adds a bit of punch to your own magic.

It slides into the porridge and seeps in, the entire bowl glowing softly as Lightning turns back to see you, sitting one long leg over the other, kicking you heels idly.

She slides the water to you and for the first time you notice something.

There's another bowl of porridge, freshly made and steaming, small bananas have been sliced into segments and mixed in. You frown, it was made before you get here so who was it for?

Lightning doesn't see your look, shaking a small amount of sugar into her porridge and stirring it, inadvertently mixing the spunk in as she does. She digs in, heaping a large spoon of the glowing, white substance onto a spoon and looks up at you,

'So what the hell happened? I've been keeping my eye open and uh...I've some...weird shit.'

She slides the porridge into her mouth and moans loudly, eyes flickering and chest rising sharply before she swallows and breaths out, breathing deeply,

She doesn't seem to little hiccup , her face flushed as she squirms, moaning again as she spoons more porridge into her mouth. The baggy shirt starts to grow slightly tighter as her breasts swell, her hair growing longer, from a ragged tomboy cut to a slight less ragged ponytail,

'What happened with you?' You ask, curious, leaning in.

You're genuinely interested when you hear a soft thump from upstairs and you look up, then back at her,

'Uh-My dad.' She says, eyes darting about nervously before spooning another large dollop of creamy porridge into her mouth, eyes once more closing as she sighs before barrelling on,

'Man, I saw some...uh...weird stuff when I went running up Canterhorn yesterday evening-'

Oh shit, Didn't Spitfire say she was going up there with Suprise and Fleetfoot?

'I saw Coach Spitfire but she was different-like-' She places her hands infront of her chest and then spread them, 'She was fucking huge! Fleetfoot and Suprise as well!' She runs her hands over her toned arms, 'They were acting really weird as well. I mean, I was scared as hell but Spitfire starting barking all sorts of shit at me. Stuff she would never ever say if she wanted to keep her job.' She bites her lip, 'Funny thing is, I started to go along with it and I felt myself changing like when I first met you, with the shorts...'

She shudders at the memory and also from the way her tits are now pressing against the baggy shirt, her small shorts growing tighter as she grows taller. She leans over, resting her arms on the counter under her chest, making her clevage visible through the neckhole as she scrapes the lost of the porridge up,

'Anyway, I got the hell out of there, beat feet all the way home, I reckon I beat my personal best-' She says with a note of pride in her tone before her face falls again, 'Then I checked my phone, saw all these pictures of...' Her breath hitches again, eyes going glossy, '...Zephyr...' She sound dreamy before she shakes her head quickly, taking the full glass of water and throwing it over her face,

'Gah! You see! He makes me come off all-' She rubs her thighs together, a little plumper than they were before,

'I know. I've seen Zephyr. He got hit by the magic, Thunderlane as well-'

'Fuck-He's Rainbow's ex, It's a good thing I called-' She cuts off suddenly, eyes looking at you, alarmed before she looks away quickly, the magic collecting around her as it boils up to a crescendo,

'Who did you call Lightning?' You ask, alarmed, who had she told? You hear another thump from upstairs and a muffled calling out as the magic spreads across the room, cleaning up the cans and straightening the furniture as Lightning begins to age up swiftly before you, twenties, mid twenties, she hits thirty something and then stops, her face mature and intelligent, still full of energy but stripped off the brash ego of youth.

Her tight shorts ride high on her hips, more like sporty booty shorts that ride up slightly around a ass that seems built for running. Her now stretched shirt hangs of her shoulder slightly, revealing a suprisngly risqué bra for such a sporty gal. Then again, with tits like those you suppose you take what you can get.

You look around and now you know what you're looking for you see it, a rucksack by the door, modern and cool, The buckle has been replaced with a buckle in the shape of a cloud, several rainbow bolts of lightning shooting from it.

You turn back to Lightning, eyebrow raised and she sighs, folding her arms under her breasts,

'Look, with what I saw I thought...I had to get her away from Zephyr and now apparently, Thunderlane!'

The thumping gets louder as Rainbow Dash bounds down the stairs in a dead sprint, hopping the last few steps and skidding to a stop,

'Hey Coach, where do you keep your towels, I check your draws but all I found was some real sexy underwear, there something I should know-' The Rainbow haired woman skids to a halt, mouth slamming shut as she spots you, face going red,

'Oh, Uh-Hi...Ms....Wing? Isn't it?'

You smile, plump lips parting as you assess the sporty little bearer,

'Yes, Yes it is...'

What to do now...
Choose one or more:

A) Spells AHOY! (Rainbow, Lightning or both?)
B) Feed Rainbow the same bullshit you've already given Lightning, although she doesn't seem to have noticed anything's different or changed yet
C) Slip away and Call Zephyr (and/or Thunderlane? Two cocks are better than one, although you're pretty sure that much HIMBO would be pretty difficult to control and Thunderlane is still thralled.)
D) Do nothing, just observe for now
E) Other?

[MANA 7/7]
[BOONS 0/2]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)

(Sorry for ghosting last night had a nap and slept for like 12 hours. Short one but more to come.)

'Look, I couldn't just leave her alone.' Lightning huffs as Rainbow scarfs down her porridge as she sits on the sofa, watching the TV. You notice idly that the snug, rundown place has been cleaned up somewhat, you assume as the place is now owned exclusively by Lightning and not her deadbeat dad,

'and if what you said is true, I was right!' Lightning says, folding her arms, 'If Zephyr or one of these other...thralls found her then she'd be no better than Flatfoot or Suprise...' She bites her lip, the fit, full bodied woman grimacing and you release that not only were Suprise and Fleetfoot her teammates before you changed her but now also were women she'd trained and cared for...

You nod, placing a hand on her shoulder and with a comforting smile that hides a masks a sinister intent you pull her into a hug and begin weaving the pink and green tinged light between the two of them. Lightning tenses into it and then returns it a little awkwardly and then sinks into a little deeper as your magic begin to swirl around her head, flowing over to Rainbow Dash. You briefly pause and ponder on how you want to configure the LINK.

Rainbow sighs as well, leaning back into the couch as she feels the comforting hug as well as Lightning's residual feelings of arousal from the spunk, through the bond, you wish Sunset or the Principal's were here as well as LINKING only seems to work in a close proximity for now.

A)You could snap it into place and have Rainbow age up to the same age as Lightning, making her a cocoach as well. You're not sure how that would effect her friendship with the other five bearers now that she would be significantly older.

B) You could do a half measure, age Rainbow up to a TA like you were, only a few years older than she is now.

C)Or you could just establish the link but filter that be it out, leaving them connected and sharing future changes but leaving Rainbow's age unchanged.

[-1 mana, 6/7 remaining]
The link writhes into being, marked by the twin sighs of Co-Coach and Student and you smile as you gently sit Lightning down on the worn but remarkably comfy armchair.

'It's alright Lightning, you did the right thing. You were right to do what you did.' Your words seem to sooth the stressed woman as you murmur in her ear, hair draping across her cheek, hands rubbing her muscled, knotted shoulders and neck.

Rainbow, sitting on the opposing sofa rolls her own shoulders, subconsciously feeling your kneading, relaxing fingers as they dance across Lightning's shoulders.

She occasionally sneaks glances over at the two of you before snapping her eyes back to the TV before snatching another glance, watching the tall, curvy new teacher massage her fit, buxom mentor. Lightning's shirt slips off her shoulder again and you gently graze your nails across the top of her spine and she shudders notably,

You hum, the soft tune echoing with a little hypnotic changeling reverb as you continue your massage, Lightning sinking even deeper when-

'So, You guys those kind of freinds?' Rainbow cuts in and Lightning's eyes flutter open and she sits up sharply, blushing as you chuckle,

'Unfortunatly not, I only met her yesterday during the induction.'

You're not too mad, you were experimenting after all and you hadn't really been putting any magic into anything other than the Link.

'Ah-Oh, No!' Lightning quickly, flushing as she pulled her shirt back up around her solid shoulders and hurriedly shrugs off your questing fingers. 'Wait, Unfortunatly?'

You just give her a coy smile and sit down next to Rainbow Dash, who scoots over on the couch for you, giving you both a gleeful grin at your teasing of her high strung mentor as well as your mentor's reaction,

'Hey, don't let me stop you Coach, maybe a quickie will help you chill out a bit-'

'Rainbow!' Lightning barks and even you jump slighty in spite of yourself, Lightning really having mastered the stern, teacher voice, 'We're not doing ....thatAnd I'm not the Coach, I'm just the assisting coach.'

Rainbow just shrugs, eating more porridge, her attention going back to the TV with a snort of derision,
'Yeah, because "Coach" Spitfire does such a better job than you.'

Lightning flinches at that, confusion in her voice, she may not have noticed the age-up but she still knew that yesterday, Rainbow adored Spitfire. She was practically her idol. Sure Rainbow liked Lightning but she practically wanted to be Spitfire,

'W-What-' She says before shooting a glance at you, 'What do you mean?'

Rainbow gives Lightning a flat stare, 'C'mon Ms Lightning, Her only interest in the teams fitness is so she can have a bunch of hot gym babes licking her abs, ass and pussy.' Rainbow says with typical brash blasé,

'I-um-She works very hard-' Lightning looks at you bewildered and you just shrug and mouth "Magic" at her,

'Yeah-She really does, I've never seen someone so dedicated to getting porked by Zephyr Fucking Breeze of all people-' She says, her scorn only deepening as she mentions Fluttershy's brother, 'I don't know how someone as cool as Fluttershy and her parents can be related to that idiot.'

'He is very big.* You defend, smiling, fingers on your lips and Rainbow shoots you an suspicious look which you deflect with a wider grin, 'Some women find that very attractive in a man.'

'Some Women don't find men attractive at all." Rainbow says promptly, kicking her feet up onto a rickety footstool and spreading her arms behind her head,

Lightning pauses at Rainbow's admission then sighs in relif, glad that Rainbow still sees Zephyr the same as she always has.

You're delighted that she's into women but you wouldn't mind seeing the short, fit women utterly stuffed by Zephyr the Stud.

What now?


[Pick one or more]
A) Magus got to mage, More spells.
B) Maybe bring the shorts back into the mix? Lightning would recognise them though. You could try to be stealthy or just whip them out and try to convince Lightning? You can also disenchant them to gain BODY MODIFICATION - FITNESS. Because Celestia so dutifully charged them, you think you could do it without losing Mana
C) Zephyr?
D) Lightning and Rainbow are discussing some kind of fitness retreat in Whitetail, You could tag along? You've put on a little padding but you still you could keep up with them...with a little difficulty.
E) Leave and explore one of the other areas on your own, (Fluttershy's house, Harshwhinny, Etc)
F) Other

[MANA 6/7]
[BOONS 0/2]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)

[I'll lock in A, 2H then and start laying some groundwork]

You nod, humming softly, a gentle but insistent note that carries across the small room. The two don't notice it at first, still watching TV and mulling over what was just said but as you carry on, inflecting the soflty shifting notes with magic, gaining a soft buzzing reverb the women begin to blink, eyelids fluttering softly.

The hum enters their heads, unnoticed as it fades into the background yet still present as you slowly reach over and gently take Lightning's foot in your hand, draping it across your lap as she looks at you quizzically, eyes a little unfocused,

'What are you doing-Oh!' She gasps as you press your thumb into the base of her foot and rubbing deep circles in the sensetive skin.

'Just trying to help my friend relax' You say, pulsing a TRANCE at her and watching her lean back and sigh softly, 'That's okay isn't it?'

'Oh yeah...That's-Ah-That's okay...'

Rainbow gives you both a knowing grin but soon matches Lightning's relaxed, boneless posture as the link carries your TRANCE over to her as well. You begin to hum again, louder and slowly begin to turn down the TV. You soft, hypnotic humming slowly washing through the two sporty women's minds as you drag long nails over Lightning's feet and are rewarded with a soft dreamy giggle and the sound of the sofa shifting as Lightning sinks even deeper into it, eyes half lidded, Rainbow's eyes unfocused as her own feet twitch slightly as you map all of Lightning's pressure points.

'This is nice isn't it.'



'You're loving this massage aren't you? You're so tense lately and this is just what you needed to relax'


'Yesss' The link carries the blissed out floating feeling over to Rainbow,

'You're IN LOVE with my massages.'

They both let out little mewls and you wish you had another pair of hands.

Hah, what are you talking about, you have magic!

With a quick flick of your fingers you copy and replicate the feeling of your deft hands onto Rainbow's feet before standing up and moving behind the younger woman and after lowering Lightning's leg, you gently slide Rainbow over your lap instead and begin to press pleasurable little shapes into Rainbow's neck and shoulders.

You wish you could go further and strip her tight pyjama top off but both of them are pretty untouched mentally and you don't think you could get away with it.

Babysteps for now.

'You're always welcome to them you know, The both of you...' You giggle as Lightning and Rainbow's legs tense up in sync as your magic dances across their feet, creeping up their calves and knees.


'In fact, You crave my massages don't you?


'Always willing to let me sink my fingers into you and take your worries, anxiety's and mind into this nice floaty, relaxed trance. Sssshhh, just sink deeper and deeper.


The two of them totally boneless, limbs and eyelids heavy as your magic softly caresses and teases their bodies and the sigh in blissed out contentment.

You chuckle and happy that they're nice and primed, give Rainbow and Lightning a little nip, your lust infused venom sinking into them.

Very swiftly, the two of them begin to moan and squirm as a deep, pleasurable arousal begins to spread from where you nipped them.


'Oooh, Do my little touches make you soo horny?'

The two groan in assentation, bodies rising and falling as waves of powerful horniness crash over them,
Rainbow's hand begins to slide under her body, between her legs and you gently pull it away much to Rainbow's mewling dissapointment.

You watch the link flow and stream as various dirty fantasies begin to flow through their minds and you gently coax them over the link, mingling the two women's desires before sending the combination back.

Lightning, as it turns out already has some lesbian qualities, more than a few actually and there's even more than a little interest in both versions of Coach Spitfire which you gently coax out and enflame. There's even buried deep, a part of her with a crush on Rainbow Dash. You think that before the age up when they were rivals, it was based on a shared competitiveness mixed with some confused jealously. You think it might have actually be stronger then as well before the age up caused it be shifted to some deeply buried fantasies masking as a strange maternal instinct and a teacher's pride at her best student but not wanting to abuse her professional position.

You dig that shit up because hot damn. You give it a swirl and throw it into Rainbow and are delighted for it to meet a similar if opposing fantasy on the other side. Without her adoration to focus on Spitfire, she seemed to have shifted it to Lightning who while never as impressive as the flame haired Coach was hard working, dedicated and very loyal to her students.

You don't think this is the first time Coach Lightning has taken her star student out for advanced classes and there's a deep admiration and respect that's just bordering on a crush. You make sure it's pushed over into a crush, bordering on a lusty kind of hero worship as you harness Rainbow's arousal into what you want her to see.

Rainbow, unsurprisingly doesn't have much in the way of fantasies for guys, you catch a few cuddle and kissing session and even a blowjob she gave Thunderlane when they were dating but none of them are particularly strong. In fact, you get the impression that she discovered she liked girls while she was dating the tall guy and then dropped him which must have been a blow to the ego...

Or maybe not, You've heard Thunderlane's a pretty decent guy so who knows.

You hold off on unburying them, not sure if you want to make Rainbow horny for Thunderlane while he's still thralled and you also leave Rainbow's distaste for Zephyr, sure that you can't break through that with the amount of magic you're using.

Thankfully, Lightning appears to have been adventurous in her younger days and has quite a collection of hot, sporty guys in her mental spankbank. You grab them and throw them into Rainbow's horny, open mind as you gently coo into her ear,


'Maybe you just didn't find the right dick? Maybe you should give it another try, your pussy feels so empty and a cock would fill that right up for you!'

Rainbow sighs, legs spreading and you resist the urge to slide your finger down her pyjama pants and finger her pussy, instead you keep this up for a bit longer, pruning and clipping fantasies you don't like while boosting the ones you do and sharing the love.

By the end, Rainbow and Lightning are moaning, sweaty and ready to cum and you grin,


'Now, You're both going to wake from my relaxing, perfect trance and all you're going to remember is me giving you the best, most pleasureable massage you've ever had. '


The two moan and sigh, squirming against the chairs as your magic pulses across them,

'You'll wake up refreshed and full of energy. You'll want more, want to feel relaxed and refreshed and you will but what you won't realise right away until your in bed, horny and fingering yourself at the memory of it is that what you really wanted,'


'Really, Really wanted.'


'Was me.'


'Now Cum and wake up.'

The two cry out, arching their backs as their legs quiver, their teased and sensetive pussies jucing their bottoms. Lightning's tight shorts darken and Rainbow moans into your thigh, grinding her hips against the sofa before slowly coming down, eyes fluttering open as the trance breaks.

Their eyes are open and alert but confused, unable to remember anything other than a really nice massage. They both feel like they've just cummed their brains at but neither of them can quite remember it.

Rainbow looks up at you from where she's just drooled over your soft, stocking clad thigh and blushes in embarrassment,

'Hey Cutie.' You tease down at her and she sits up quickly readjusting herself and crossing her legs as arousal runs down her thigh.

'Oh my Gosh! I'm so sorry-I didn't mean to-'

'It's fine Cutie, It's not the first time someone has fallen asleep while I'm giving them a massage, I consider a point of pride I can make someone so relaxed. Did you enjoy it, How do you feel?'

Rainbow rolls her shoulder's eyes wide, 'Yeah! It was great! I feel amazing! That's crazy! Can we go again? I loved it!' Her voice goes breathy at the end there before she blinks and blushes, shying away

Lightning, seeing her own soaked shorts and quickly stands up, stands up mortified, hiding her stained shorts as she quickly walks up the stairs calling out after her,

'No time for that, Ms Gossamer has a lot to do and so do we! Get your shit together for Whitetail, Have a wash but We'll be sprinting through Froggy Bottom Bogg so don't feel the need to do your makeup'

Rainbow snorts at that last one, eyeing her teacher's tight ass as she bounds up the stairs after her.

What to do now...

You feel like you could easily work your way into their little getaway but from what you gathered they'll be at it most of the day. It would be a good opprtunity to double down on your programming but you have other stuff to get on with.

The Shadowy Hot Lady after all, is still out there handing out ITEMS OF POWER. You could either try and track her down, she could be pretty powerful though given what she's throwing out. Could be safer to try and track down one of the ITEMS OF POWER that she's gifted to people.

Also, You could try and grab Sunset and see what Fluttershy's deal is. Maybe she got one of these gifts
With Sunset as loyal and as horny as she is, you could even make her do most of the legwork...

A) Go with the sporty duo
B) Go track down Shadowy Hot Lady
C) Go track down an ITEM OF POWER
D) Fluttershy

You leave just after they do, breathing in the clear, crisp morning air and grin at the wild things the two sporty babes are going to be dreaming about tonight. Maybe you'll pay them a visit, have a little slumber party...

For now though, You get a text from Sunset, a picture of Celestia's large ass, Sunset running a tongue over the big, sun cutiemark, Celestia's hands just in view tied behind her back, legs spread.

You grin and text back,
'Meet me at Fluttershy's.'

Her only response is a picture of Luna, still not allowed to cum, the thick vibrator still between her legs. She's sitting on the sofa, juices pooled beneath her, eyes rolled into the back of her head and teeth gritted, knuckles white as they grip into the arm rests

Good Girl.

You get the Fluttershy's just before lunch, Sunset meeting you outside wearing a pair of black, denim booty shorts and a red tanktop, tall red and yellow socks hiked up above her knees as she blows a bubble. She's really getting into this bimbo thing, you expect once you learn how she's going to be begging you to give her bigger tits.

She seems very excited about seeing Fluttershy again as she quickly steps up and wraps on the door excitedly.

A worried eye peeks out of the crack in the door and "eeps" when she sees you before relaxing as she sees Sunset.

'Oh Sunset, It's you! Please, Come in!'

She starts undoing the chain on the door before pausing and biting her lip, 'It''s got worse.'

With that she opens the door and you are greeted with a truly spectacular pair of tits. The mass of flesh is squeezed into a white and green long sleeved shirt with a pair of butterflies on the front. Said butterflies were warped by her boobs, the sleeves riding up to expose her forearms and the bottom of the shirt had crept up, exposing her pale tummy and belly button.

She still seems somewhat hesitant to open the door, shooting you a nervous glance which you return with a warm smile,

'Fluttershy, this is Ms Gossamer, She's from Equestria as well and she's here to help. She'll know best.' Her eyes were fixated hungrily on Fluttershy's rack as she gently pushed the door open and Fluttershy gave another soft squeak, trying to keep her lower body behind the door as Sunset opened it.

The door stops as Fluttershy inevitably gets wedge behind the door, her large tits squeezing as she squeaks, back against the wall.

'Fluttershy...What are you doing?'

'I-um-I couldn't find any pants that would fit...'

Her face as red as a beet, she steps out and god damn, she's thicc. Her large plush thighs and fat asscheeks were thicker than Celestia's without the benefit of Celestia's height. Fluttershy wasn't short by any means but her outrageous proportions gave her a squashed look. She crossed her legs, holding her hands infront of her bare legs, her cute love heart panties being devoured by her ass, pulled tight against her mound.

She shuffles aside as you click the door shut behind her and follow her into her room, Fluttershy trying to guide you while also walking behind you where she's her lurid proportions aren't as visible.

You pass Zephyr's room, the door cracked slightly to see a large shape, crackling with magic sleeping on the bed. The too small bed sagging under his bulk and the weight of the indistinct but feminine shape sleeping ontop of his large chest, a huge cock wedged up her ass.

Fluttershy sits on her own bed, squirming and fiddling with her shirt, still blushing as Sunset snaps out of her revere and finally asks,

'Fluttershy, What happened, you were nowhere like this yesterday!'

'I...Well....It happened again you see-'

'I thought you said it couldn't?' Sunset says confused, 'I thought you had locked it away under your bed until we heard back from Twilight...'

You look down under her bed and Fluttershy sheepishly kicks a very unlocked box under her bed,

'I was just...looking at it and it-' She sighs, squeezing her legs together, 'It just went off-' She sighs as she pulls a expensive high end camera, the type used by professional photographer's from behind her back, biting her lip.

You reach out to grab it and she pulls back, hugging it to her chest possessively a flash of...e going through her eyes as she looks at you.

Derision? A sneer?

You're not sure...

What to do now?

A) You could probably pry the camera from her but her fingers are twitching over the various buttons and dials and if this thing really does change people, you'd rather not make Fluttershy even twitcher.
B) Allow her to keep it and try and get some answers. On closer inspection, it does appear to be effecting her though. The magic is crawling up her arms and oozing into her mind.
C) Spells!
D) Excuse yourself and go fuck Zephyr. You're not sure what good this would do but it sure as shit feel nice.
E) Other?

[MANA 6/7]
[BOONS 0/2]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)

[Locked in B and hide behind Sunset]

You ease back, gently pulling Sunset away from Fluttershy as the flame haired woman was leaning in, either to salivate over Fluttershy's tits or to try and snatch the camera. Either way, you don't think that's such a hot idea at the moment.

'Fluttershy-Where did you get that camera?' You ask gently, trying to be as non threatening as possible.

You carefully look around, you have an inkling that being in the line of sight of that camera when it goes off might not be the best idea. You carefully also make sure you're not going to be caught by a reflection of the flash in a mirror.

Just in case.

While your doing this you catch sight of Fluttershy' s back via her small dresser and makeup mirror. You manage to see the electronic screen on the back of the camera as Fluttershy holds it tight in her hands. It's got a bunch of settings you would normally expect to see, flash,lighting,zoom that kind of thing.

But there's another in blocky, virtual script, flashing softly,


It appears to be part of a horizontal scroll along with a few other options that you can't quite see before Fluttershy follows your gaze and swiftly angles herself it away from your reflected line of sight.

'Well, if you have to know-' There was more than a trace of it now, an uncharacteristic bite to the normal softly spoken women as her long, straight hair begins to bunch up into shoulder length pigtails before your eyes, '-I was walking out by Whitetail with my camera, trying to get some pictures of all the cute critters that lived there but I tripped and my camera broke-' She huffs, folding her arms under her large breasts and scowling, 'My whole morning was ruined!' She whines, petulantly, shrinking slightly,

'Then a Sexy, Lady who you can't quite remember exactly gave you the camera?' You ask, predicating the answer,

'-Don't interrupt!' She says, shooting you a look, 'But yes, that's pretty much what happened.'

'Fluttershy-' Sunset begins, watching Fluttershy's transformation with rapt intrest, rubbing her thighs together as the lanky Fluttershy, previously taller that Sunset, shrinks beneath Sunset's gaze. Her tits and ass were unaffected though, looking even more out of proportion on the short woman.

'Fluttershy, We need to see that camera-We think it's affecting you-'

'No!' Fluttershy says, pressing the camera into her wobbling tits, lens still facing towards the two of you,

You quickly reign Sunset in, hand on her shoulder once more and with a bit of trepidation, pull the girl behind you so the bratty Fluttershy is staring at you, spreading your hands out in a placating gesture,

'We're not going to take the Camera, But we would like a look at it, I'm sure you took some really good photo's with it, Didn't you? You push a little HUM into your voice there and although she's still looking at you with deep suspiscion she angles the camera slightly so you can see the screen,

'Well, Yes-I got some really nice photo's of a beaver dam-' Her voice loses it's bratty edge, growing softer as a bit of the old Fluttershy leaks out, scrolling through various admittedly good shots of various thankfully unbimboed wildlife.

You move closer, still humming slightly before freezing as she scrolls past a...concerning picture,

It's a quick snap and one of the few that's not focused on Wildlife. It's a picture of two figures, one tall and grimacing in a put upon (but reluctantly enjoying herself) kind of way in a brown leather jacket with a white furred ruff and a shorter, smiling in a blazed out kind of way, thai dye shirt loose and flowing over her slim body.

Gilda and Treehugger.

I mean, Treehugger makes sense, but Gilda?

You can't quite tell what [Filter] it was set on when the photo was taken and you're not sure if proxmity to the camera or the fact there are two of them in the shot would split the magic but you wonder what the airy stoner and the churlish tough look like right now...

'Oh, That's a nice photo, Fluttershy. Did they come out with you? Where are they now?'

'Hmm? Oh yes, That's Gilda and Treehugger. We're part of the Canterlot Wildlife club, Well, I mean me and Treehugger are, Gilda works at the shelter with me caring for rescue dogs and she came, I invited her...She's cool...'

Fluttershy blushes at that, biting her lip and you sense the certain surety of a crush.

'Anyway, They went out to get snacks and um...Treehugger's...."stuff"

You're close enough now that you might be able to swipe the camera with a much better degree of success. It's not a sure thing but through a careful angling if anyone's going to get it's probably going to be Sunset.


Then again, If you wait for Gilda and Treehugger to get back with Treehugger's snacks and given what you know about the little stoner, you might be able to relax Fluttershy into a deeper sense of security with a shit ton of weed. That is two other people who have more loyalty to Fluttershy than you though and would take her side if it all kicked off. You're not sure, Gilda especially, if they're going to be too friendly to a literal Teacher as well.

Hmm...You hear Zephyr shift in the next room. That's another option, calling him in would add more magic to the area but Fluttershy would certainly find it hard to keep hold of the camera as her brother claps her cheeks...

The magic's thick in the air and you still feel like Fluttershy could still resist it, not entirely but enough for her to realise something's up?

A) Snatch Camera, Dice roll to decide who gets flashed, 1-5 Yourself, 5-15 Sunset, 5-20, Fluttershy. You're also not sure what setting the camera is on right now, It's might not be [BRAT] anymore.

B) Wait for the other two to get back.

C) Zephyr


E) Other?

[MANA 6/7]
[BOONS 0/2]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)
2I) Lust tap - (Passive)

You make admiring noises at Fluttershy's photos while subtly weaving a little magic of your own, light flowing from your fingers and seeping into Fluttershy who moans softly, fingers loosening on the camera as you boost her arousal. You watch as her panties grow slighty damper and she crosses her thicc thighs over one another and begins to slowly grind over her flowery bedding, biting her lip. She zooms in on Gilda's body, her long legs in a set of tight black jeans. You seize on that and begin to slide images and fantasies of her and Gilda into her mind.

Not the soft and gentle lovemaking that Fluttershy had dreamt off with the taller, stockier woman. Those fantasies slowly get replaced No this was a rough, hard fucking where Gilda let out all her pent up frustrations, the tough woman using Fluttershy as a soft, squeezable stress toy. Fluttershy moans, one hand going to touch her panty clad pussy and then-

'Wait-' Her eyes jump to your glowing hands, her magic boiling around her as she squeals, pushing away from you and bringing the camera up and she gasps as she sees your curvaceous, onxy skinned changeling form. She gasps but can't quite take a photo, her free hand still down her panties.

You lunge as she manages to get her slick fingers around the release trigger of the camera but Sunset grabs her other arm and hauls down and the camera tilts towards Sunset-


'Oooooh!' Sunset moans, eyes blinking as the magic envelopes her and you bat Fluttershy's hand away, gripping the camera and snatching it from her hands as you kneel on top of the outraged shortstack.

'It's mine!' She whines, reaching for the camera but being taller easily hold it out of her grip. Fluttershy is furious and you notice her face shifting slightly, her nose upturning slightly and her face becoming softer, less kind and more entitled as shades of makeup begin to appear across her face.

'It's mine! Mine! Mine!' The bratty bimbo says before you blast her with another surge of arousal and her squeals devolve into desperate moaning, her hands gripping her soft breasts.

You hazard a look over at Sunset who is equally delirious and not faring much better,KIM the magic wrapping around her, changing her,

You look at the filter and make a face,

Wonderful, of course.

You think you might be able halt or reverse it with a bit of mana or you could let it play out. You've heard stories about the old Sunset Shimmer, the terror of Canterlot High. You wouldn't mind seeing that now Sunset's devoted to you...

Then again, you could also boost it. Having your own personal bimbo attack dog you could set on people. You grin at the idea of letting her loose on Celestia and Luna while you're away, might be a bit visible if Honourheart is watching though...

A) Try and halt it, -1 mana and Sunset returns to normal
B) Let it go on, 'No mana cost, Bully Sunset
C) Boost it, -1 mana, Super bully Sunset.

Locked in B with 2

[You guys still have the Lust Tap by the way if you're skimping because of Mana all you have to do is get Sunset off or go next door and fuck Zephyr]

[Also seeing as it's been mentioned, what's peoples thoughts of actually "changeling'ifying' people?]

You watch with interest as Sunset begins to change, her breasts rising and she moans as her purple crop top stretches around her tits. It rises it, exposing her slim stomach and a pair of red panties, hiked up high as over her jean shorts as her ass swells out. Sunset giggles, delighted at her transformation as she undoes the button on her shorts with a sigh of relif as they pull tighter against her pussy. Her panties are hitched right into her box and she sighs as she digs her fingers into her sensetive folds.

Her thighs begin to bulge slighty out of her short legs as they thicken, the bottom of her cutie mark visible of the undersized shorts.

'Oooh-Gossamer-I feel-I feel funny-' A smirk crosses her face as she changes, hair billowing out, surrounding her as she grows taller, her arms tensing in pleasure as she grows stronger, all the better to pin someone against a locker and-

'Ooooh no-I don't-I don't want to be that again-' She says, squeezing her eyes shut, torn between a resurgence in her in her old bitchy persona and her new, kinder values.

Unfortunatly, the bitchy side had the advantage the camera's magic and Sunset's kink for being for being transformed and between them they swamp Sunset's redemption

'Oh fuck-sooo good!' She says, eyes rolling, shucking her jacket and top to reveal toned biceps and a cracking pair of tits. Not as big as Fluttershy's but still very nice.

She arches her back, frigging herself furiously, a lecherous look on her face as she stands up and walks over to Fluttershy.

'I told you to give me the camera Fluttershy-Now look at you,' She says, grasping Fluttershy's cheeks in her hand and forcing the girl to look at her from her back.

Fluttershy tries to say something but it comes out garbled due to Sunset's grip.

'What was that? You love having tits bigger than your brain? I mean, it's not difficult I guess,'

Fluttershy mumbles something that doesn't sound all to flattering and tries to shake Sunset's hand off her face, but restrained under you, she can't manage it and Sunset chuckles again, squeezing harder,

'Hmm? You've always wanted to taste my pussy? Well, I'm flattered Fluttershy but we're freinds! Are you sure you want to jeopardise that bond just so I can ride your face?'

Fluttershy glares murderously as Sunset forces her to nod her head and Sunset smiles, shrugging,

'Alright Fluttershy, If you insist...' She releases Fluttershy and the girl opens her mouth to spit something back but Sunset casually boosts your magic again and Fluttershy squeals as her pussy juices, her legs clamping together as Sunset refines the implanted fantasy,

As bitchy as the camera had made her, Fluttershy now had a deep seated kink to be fucked hard as punishment.

You swap places with Sunset, sliding off as Sunset gleefully mounts her freinds chest, teasing and toying with the pink haired girl's pussy while grinding her own over Fluttershy's chest and moaning, hands running through her hair as you look at the camera.

It's a camera obviously, but it's got several different filter settings that you deduce by all available evidence, mainly the way the Sunset is gleefully edging the newly entitled shortstack that is Fluttershy, changes those photographed,

The filters are:


Huh, Alright.

What to do now though...

A) Disenchant camera and gain +2 mana and Body Modification (All)
B) Join in with Sunset and Fluttershy, maybe restore some mana?
C) Same as B) but with Zephyr.
D) Experiment with the camera a bit, maybe take a few snaps? You're not sure if they stack or not but Gilda and Treehugger should be coming home soon... (Specify Filter)
E) Other?

(Struggled with this one a bit, not through choices made just got block so it's not my best.)

[Shit I meant D. Also, what was the verdict on transforming people into Changelings? A queen needs subjects after all?]

You tab over to [BOSSY] biting your lip slightly in nervous anticipation, the thrill of aroused excitement trailing up your spine as you flip the camera over to you. With a trembling, long nailed finger you depress the button.


'Oooh!' You groan, pleasure wracking your body as confidence explodes through your entire core. You groan, tits swelling alongside your ego, the top button exploding off your shirt and it's all you can do to keep yourself from reverting back to changeling form, not wanting to ruin your clothes in a burst of flame.

Then again, your juices and enhancing frame might do that itself. You don't grow much taller but you suddenly feel bigger. Sunset and Fluttershy stop their teasing and squealing respectively as your sheer presence suddenly fills the room. Your blouse explodes open as your tits finally win the fight, the flesh spilling over the cups of your bra before the magic twists that as well, giving you a little more breathing room as it goes to a daring halfcup. Your plain shirt reforms, melding with your pants to create a tight, professional sleeveless number, pinstriped and sharp, a boob window giving a delicious but untouchable view of the mass of boob, the sides are also open slighty as well, showing an expanse of sideboob.

You keep your stockings though which is nice as they now have so much more leg to show off, you're probably about as tall as Celestia now, your tall, although you don't have her amazonian frame, your severe heels push you up so you'll have the height advantage.

Several gold bands and other assorted jewelry in a multitued of hues and colours appear on your arms and neck. Not enough to be tacky, merely eye catching. The gems glint and flicker, drawing the eye to where you want it to go, all the while your commanding but relaxed tone draws them deeper.

You look at the photo and see your changeling from, eyes blissed out, your horn long and powerful, your eyes no longer the eyes of a drone but the dangerous and accurate eyes of a highborn. Your hair has pulled into a tight, multicoloured crest and your fangs are long and sharp in your grinning face.

The two bimbo's are still staring at you and you smile wide and the shiver in anticipation,
'Now Now girls, Let's not fight.'

Your words now carry the imperceptible hum constantly, without you having to force it and they look up at you wide eyed and chastened at your commanding tone,

'But-My camera-' Fluttershy says, trying to rise when you gently press a finger into her clit and she warbles off, thicc thighs jiggling as you roll it between your long nails,

'Shhh-Sunset, please get off Ms Fluttershy.'

'But Gossamer-' Sunset says, not finished edging Fluttershy but you cut her off with a casual raise of the hand,

'It wasn't a question Sunset. Also, Ms Gossamer...or alternately "Mistress" '

Sunset shudders, femcum leaking out of her pussy and onto Fluttershy' soft stomach as she rolls off then kneels against the bed.

Fluttershy whines and pouts, her Bratty personality fighting and losing against your new [BOSSY] aura.

Now that you've got the short, curvy slut your hand, you wonder what to do with her...

[Pick one or more. Not all of these are mutually exclusive. You could for example(please) change Fluttershy into a beefy, buxom changeling tank who loves being punished]

A) You could lock in her new bratty persona and boost her love of hard, rough fucking, stoking her subby sexual tendencies while leaving her outward, demanding personality anything but...
B) Try and revert her to her old, shy self. You're not sure what you can do about the body but she'll be her old self again.
C) You feel a strange and hungry power growing in you after your last change, you think you could change this mewling desperate creature into a beautiful, changeling like yourself. The first of a brand new hive.
D) You still have the camera...[Bully][Brat][Beefy][Brainy][Bossy][Bubbly]
E) Spells?
F) Other

[MANA 6/7]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)
2I) Lust tap - (Passive)

[Locked in B and C with 2 votes]

As interesting as this new Fluttershy was, you think it might wear thin after a while, you lean down and begin to massage her temples with your long fingers while you use your magic to press and massage her pussy and thighs. You push a little magic into your ministrations and Fluttershy squeals, pussy plumping as you [INCREASE AROUSAL].

She moans, eyes rolling, hips bucking and large tits wobbling madly as her clit strums,

'Ooooh! Giv-Give-Lemme-Lemme cum!' She demands and you tut and only increase the tempo and she tenses, eyes almost completly white as you order Sunset to disrobe you and your little Slutset quickly hurries to follow your orders, previous aggressiveness forgotten as she recently removes your dress.

'Shhh-' You say, still swirling little circles on her temples, drawing her mind into a pleasureable, pussy quivering trance.

'Nnnng' She squeals, her bucking and writhing lessening as you begin to hum, opening her mind up while continuing the poor sheer boiling need into her already edged clit.

'I-I need it!' She wails, quivering and gasping,

'Mmm-I know Pet, I know but first I've got to make some changes and then you can cum Okay?'

'Hah! Ah!' She breaths, arms unable to move and twitching desperatly,

You slowly begin to strip her off her immaturity, carefully unpicking the bimbomagic from her psyche as Sunset finishes undressing you and hurridly kneels again, eyes desperate to see what she knows is coming,

You groan yourself as green, pink hued flames lick up your body, your tits swelling, ass burgeoning out as your waist cinches in while your skin turns dark. Your hands become slender, delicate yet wicked looking talons, each tip a different colour as your hair billows out behind you, running down your toned back like a prismatic waterfall.

Fluttershy looks up at you, worry clashing with wanton lust in her eyes as the tall, powerful, wicked creature sat on her chest. You seize on that, coaxing the old timid Fluttershy out while holding onto the vibrant fizzing ball of magic you've been separating from her.

'That's a good girl, There's no need to be scared-' You say, voice low and sensuous, the cadence of your voice soft yet authoritarian as you stroke Fluttershy's hair back, leaning over and giving a smile that bares your fangs.

A deep, pink liquid leaks out the tips and you force some of it out, dripping several thick drops into Fluttershy's gasping mouth.

Instantly Fluttershy goes buck wild, howling with need as her entire body comes afire with need, her legs scissor open and closed rapidly, her skin ultra sensetive and burning with need. Your own skin feels strange as well, full and tingling as you stare down at the lust crazed women beneath you.

You shift a few things around as you reassert the timid kindhearted girl, you keep her lusty thoughts though and with the amount of magic and lust venom you've flooded into her while denying her an orgasm you feel she's going to be a very horny wallflower.

Your skin tingles again and you hunch slightly, gasping as your own pussy juices and your tits swell as magic seems to coalesce inside them.

'Ffuck!' You whimper as your nipples grow thick and hard and then-

'Mistress! Your leaking!' Sunset gasps and you moan as a thick, green liquid begins to ooze out of your nipple. It glows in a soft, multihued pattern and a small drop of it falls down and lands in Fluttershy's mouth and you both groan in sync as you feel a soft link form between you.

Royal Jelly

Oh Hive, your going to blow!

You lean down, dragging Fluttershy's face against your huge breasts, shoving your hard, leaking nipple between her lips and squeezing.

'Ooooh HIVE!' You squeal, whole body cumming as a thick blast of your royal essence shoots into Fluttershy's mouth, hitting the back of her throat. The feeling is electric, red hot pleasure shooting up and down your spine and Fluttershy squeals into your large, onyx breast as she suck hard the delicious, pussy tingling cream twice as pleasurable for her.

You go boneless, magic fizzing and popping as you grip onto the bed frame, gouging large scratches into the frame as you cum, body writhing as the connection between you and Fluttershy increases, your influence seeping through her entire body, binding to her magic and biology and altering it, corrupting it.

You lean back, one tit fully drained as powerful aftershocks go through you, a thin trail of saliva bridging Fluttershy's eager lips to your thick, glistening nipple.

You barely have control anymore, all instinctual programming as the pleasure burns through your mind, when you feel a pair of firm arms wrap around your back, squeezing your full tits with deft hands and you hear Sunset purr in your ear,

'Oooh-Ms Gossamer-Do you need some help?'

You moan and Fluttershy gasps and sighs, eyes glazed and darting around full of lust but she mewls in desperation as she hears her freind's voice,

'S-Sunset-I feel weird~' Fluttershy gasps, body wracked with soft green magic, her eyes flickering as small tongues of fire begin to sprout across her body and she coos in pleasure. 'I-I really need to cum, I-I think something's-Oooh-going to-ffff-happen when I do but I need to cum please!'

Sunset grins and leans you over, grinding her pussy into your back as she forces your tits over Fluttershy's face,

'You want it to happen though don't you Flutters?'

'Mmm!' She says, muffled by the fat boobs and Sunset breaths heavily, heady on her own power and arousal as she gropes and squeezes your sensetive milkers, churning up your royal jelly,

'You want more milk Fluttershy?' She says, pulling back and allowing Fluttershy to gasp out,

'It's changing-I can feel it inside me-' She moans, more flames licking up her skin, carressing and rubbing against her, her eyes glowing softly as her body begins to change again,

'It feels good Fluttershy. You crave more of Mommy's milk don't you? You want to cum and change and change and cum-' Sunset says, quiet and firm as she trails a finger up and down Fluttershy's sensetive pussy, 'You can trust me Fluttershy, Just say yes and change '

'MMMYES-YES-YES PLEASE-Mmph!' Her cries are cut off as Sunset shoves your full tit back over her face, squeezing hard and you can't do anything but moan and hold on as your aggressive servant expertly milks your precious, corrupting royal jelly into the willing soon to be changeling's mouth.

She doesn't let up, so thorough in her skill and abilties as she forces your tits to give up their bounty as Fluttershy screams around your nipple as she's finally allowed to cum.

The link between you surges, solidifying into a deep green chain that binds Fluttershy to you, as she twitches and jerks, her body wracked with pleasure and change as the fire envelops her. Her skin darkens, as expected, losing all body hair beneath the neck as it becomes firm yet flexible chitin, her eyes flash and pulse and she blinks and they go from teal human to a matching blue slits of a changeling highborn.

She squeals and moans, as she orgasms again, body unable to regulate itself as they begin to string together as every inch of her body is stimulated at the same time. Her hair burns away, only to immediatly be replaced by the gauzy yet thick substance that changelings have, not a crest but a shiny sheet of deep pink. She loses her thicc love handles as her waist pulls in, thin and waspish as her tits explode outwards again, her thighs pressing together, her pussy lips a bright, glowing blue the same colour as her eyes. They squirt a huge fountain of femcum as a long, powerful horn forms on Fluttershy's head and you hear a soft buzz as her new wings spasm and flex.

You watch her throat begin to work furiously, long tongue flicking madly over your breast as she begins to consume the love from the air.

No, not the love...The Lust...You appear to have given her, and presumably any other changeling you make a built in LUSTTAP. Their bodies reworking and altering to survive on sex instead of love.

Fluttershy squeals as her libido skyrockets, her clit a firm little blue nub as she begins to exude lustful pheromones as your INCREASE AROUSAL spell incorporates into her natural physiology.

With those two new tricks up her sleeve, It may be a very good idea or a very bad idea to leave the buggy little succubus with Zephyr...

Sunset moans and cums herself but loyally stays up as she grips your free tit and with a small vial, she milks a few large spurts of royal jelly for later.

You fall back into an unresisting Sunset as you begin to cumdown, breaking the seal around Fluttershy's lips with a soft sound of dissapointment. You moan, body still jerking with aftershocks and just lie there for several moments, breathing heavily, breasts significantly less full.

You gasp and moan as Fluttershy, gorgeous yet dangerously cute face leans up and buries itself in between your legs, lapping and kissing at your thighs and quim with absolute adoration that you feel between your connection.

'Oooh-Thank you, Thank you, thank you My Queen!'

You carress her thick, pink hair and sigh softly,

What to do now...

A) Stay and wait for Gilda and Treehugger. You're totally tapped but you could shapeshift into something a little less "narcy" than a teacher and start playing with the unsuspecting duo.
B) Cloak yourself somehow, You're interested to see Fluttershy's new talents at work and you could just sit back and watch your new subject explore a bit.
C) Zephyr again? Either yourself or just throw Fluttershy in there and watch the insatiable slut meet the inexhaustible stud.
D) Leave, You've done enough here and it's getting late. Your Principal's will be missing you, especially as you still haven't given Luna permission to cum all day.
E) Other?

(let me guys know what you guys think of the lactation angle, It's not for everyone and we can retcon it if it's an issue)

You slowly stand up on wobbling legs and Sunset grins sliding forward to grind her quim against Fluttershy's neon pussy, pulling the small, busty changeling against her.

'My turn now-' Sunset says, Fluttershy's new pheromones and ultra arousing juices driving Sunset on, a wicked grin on her face as she looms over Fluttershy, hoisting the girl's leg over her shoulder/

'Oooh-No Sunset I'm still to sensitive! Eee!' Fluttershy mewls even as she begins grinding against Sunset,

That would be her trick you know. Innocent, oversexed Fluttershy would act the reserved wallflower while subtly stoking the desires of everyone around her, softly goading them to throw her down and let her feed on their desire as they pounded her pussy.

You approved but right now, Sunset wasn't your goal. You had more important things to do...

'Sunset, get off of her.' Sunset sighs in dissapointment but hurries to obey, her dissapointment turning to elation as you pass the camera to Sunset who takes it reverently.

'Here. When Gilda and Treehugger get back, flash them with every setting on that thing, multiple times. I want to see what stacks, how they mingle, what it looks like.'

Fluttershy cries out softly in dismay, sliding off the bed and pressing her large tits into your leg as she looks up at you with desperate pleading eyes,

'Oh no My Queen-' She says, lip trembling, 'They're my freinds!'

You pat her on the hair and she melts slighty, 'Relax My little Flutterbug, by the time Sunset's done they'll be better than ever and if you do what I say, I'll let them fuck you, now Cum for me and let's go see your brother'

She squeals in delight and pleasure, her pussy squirting across the floor as you pick her up and teach her how to change shape. She moans in pleasure at the feeling of it, even a simple transformation being warped into a lewd parody as her ridiculously curvy body slimmed down into something a bit more realistic.

Emphasis on "a bit*

She's made herself tall and slim, her face deftly made up and her eyes are big and innocent, her tits are much smaller, barely a handful but perky. She's instead invested heavily in her ass, giving herself a truly big badonk which she's squeezed into a pair of shorts you suspect may have belonged to Rainbow Dash. As for her shirt, it's a simple t shirt with a beaver on it that clings to her slim torso and showing off her modest chest. You grope her ass as you lead her towards Zephyr's room and she begins to breath heavily and salivate, her throat working as she begins to taste the sheer arousal behind the door,

'Oooh, Not my brother~' She says, her fingers diving into her shorts, 'He's so big I hear him fff-having sex with loads of other women and-'

'And it makes you super horny doesn't it?'

She blushes and nods shyly, her eyes burning with lust as she shlicks her pussy,

'He smells so gooood~' Fluttershy says, her fangs showing as she flicks her tongue out, tasting Zephyr's musk as you hover on the edge of the doorway, watching him sleep.

'Mind your fangs Love and here's the thing about all those other women-' You says squeezing her close as she sighs and moans, 'None of them leave him satisfied, He's always so backed up no matter how much he blows his load in lesser sluts-'

Fluttershy sniffs, either in sympathy for her poor, unsatisfied brother or to get more of his scent into her,

'Until you Fluttershy' You purr into her ear and she looks up at you with wide, hopeful eyes, 'You're going to go in there and drain him fully. You're going to go in there and fuck him until he can't fuck anymore, you're going to do the work of five sluts and finally satisfy your brother and you're going to do it every morning so your beefcake of a brother starts the day with his balls fully emptied, and you'll become whatever you need to be to get it done. That's the changeling way. Understand?'

She squeals and nods vigorously, eyes determined and full of purpose and love for her brother and his poor neglected dick.

You "cloak" yourself with all your best magics as she strides in.

You hide in Zephyr's wardrobe and peek through the slats as Fluttershy decides on her approach, knowing that this will be her default hunting tactic from now on.

What does she choose?

A) Ultra subby, Pheromones cause those around(non changelings) to get more sexually dominant with Fluttershy as she plays up the meek innocent while subtly weaving seduction. [Infiltrator path]
B) Try and stay true to her old self. Pheromones grow stronger but do not effect people outside of INCREASE AROUSAL. Probably best if you want to send her back in amongst her freinds as big personality changes might be noticeable. [Friendship Path]
C) Ultra Dominant, Pheromones cause submissiveness in those around her and aggressiveness in herself. Body changes as she grows into the [Warrior Path]

Locked in B with three votes

Fluttershy doesn't shift her posture at all as she walks up the snoring bulk of Zephyr and gently sits down, the bed squeaking softly at her slight weight as she stares down at Zephyr hungrily. Thankfully it appears whoever he was fucking before has left leaving only his large from, dwarfing the bed as Fluttershy peels the sheets back.

She coos softly as she sees Zephyr's massive cock, half hard as it always is, draped across his beefy thigh. She gently traces her hands over his thighs and Zephyr grunts in his sleep, breathing deeply and inhaling his sister's powerful pheromones. His cock begins to twitch, hardening as he groans in his sleep, balls churning with spunk as Fluttershy leans down and breaths in his lust before sitting up straight and adopting her most chagrined and innocent face as she casually drapes the sheets back over him and gives him a gentle shake.

'Zephyr?' She says quietly, her hand placed just right to "accidently" shake him by his fat fuckstick and Zephyr groans, thrusting up into her as she shakes him a bit harder, leaning over and placing a hand on his broad chest, 'Zephyr-Eep!' She gasps as Zephyr's hands come up instinctively, gripping his sister's ass and pulling her closer, taking another deep inhale of her powerful scent as he wakes up,

'Mmm-That's good slut-Wait-Fluttershy?' His eyes go wide and he sits up sharply, Fluttershy tactically falling so her plump pawg landed on his lap and she gasps,

'Oh Zephyr! Sorry, I was just trying to wake you.' She says, placing her hands on his broad shoulders for stability, casually rubbing her ass up the length of his shaft and he groans again, his hyperstud mind addled by Fluttershy,

'Y-You could try knocking.' He says, trying to keep his hips from rising and sandwiching his dick between Fluttershy's ass cheeks, 'W-What did you need?'

'Oh-It's a little embarrassing.' She says, biting her lip and giving him a deep, doe eyed look that by the looks of it, was boiling Zephyr's blood as she wiggled in his lap, only a tiny sheet between his python and Fluttershy's pillowy ass.

'Ngh, Maybe one of your freinds could help you then? You know me Flu-ugh-ttershy-' He looked to really be struggling now, his magic writhing around him, demanding that he fuck as Fluttershy slowly hotboxed him in a cloud of lust. He placed a hand on her thigh as if to push her off but Fluttershy places her dainty one on top of his, leaning up close to him, voice intense,

'I can't Zephyr, You're the only one that can help, I need you!'

'O-Okay-' Zephyr says, swallowing, 'What do you need?'

'Well-' She says, still pulled close, looking every bit the innocent dove, 'One of my freinds-Well-I was hoping you could teach to please a guy?'

'Well-Um, It's not difficult, I mean, uh a sandwich is a good start-'

Fluttershy gave him a look.
'No. That's now what I meant. I meant, sexually.'

Zephyr went tense as a dozen lurid, filthy fantasies ran through his head but to the man's credit, he rallied, fighting through the overwhelming pressure of his HIMBO magic battering at him and refined changeling lust inducing scents and fought,

'I-I'm not sure-Oh fuck-if I'm the right-I'm your brother, Fluttershy!'

You're actually impressed.

Fluttershy gave him his most pleading and heartbroken look and sniffled theatrically before flinging herself forward, wrapping her arms around his broad back in a desperate hug,

'Oh but you have all those women around! I hear you through the walls and they always sound so happy when they scream out your name and they make YOU so happy as well and it makes ME so horny when I listen and I just want to "learn" so I can do that as well!'

Zephyr gulps as she presses her lithe body into his, moulding it against his studly body and you see her eyes flash as she looks at you over his shoulder, a shy smile on her face as you see her deftly pull the sheets back as she rises up with her magic causing Zephyr's rock hard dick to spring into open air, a thick bead of pre leaking out the head.

He still looked like he wasn't sure so with a lithe dexterity and perfect care, Fluttershy sank back down, "accidently" coming to rest on his naked cock, wedging it perfectly between her ass and he groans loudly as Fluttershy grinds her thick ass up his dick giving a soft 'Ooh!' as he involuntarily pushes the hilt of it into her pussy.

'Ah Fuck! Fluttershy-' Zephyr groans, eyes rolling as she presses her boiling mound into his cock, only a tiny bit of fabric between his dick and it's purpose.

'Oh! Zephyr-I'm so sorry!' She gasps,'Is that-Gosh!' She reaches down to grab his dick, shifting again and stimulating his pillar,

'Fluttershy, Don't-AhmOooh-' Zephyr goes boneless, his huge powerful form helpless as the small, sexy babe plays with his dick. His reluctance to fuck his own sister is fighting the himbo magic for Fluttershy and she's playing him like a fiddle, taking control if a very delicate, soft way.

'It's very big!' She says, inspecting it with her dainty hands before giving in a experimental tug, causing Zephyr to moan again, a thick drop of pre oozing from the tip, 'Is this right? Oh, Goodness your leaking!' She whispers before Fluttershy quickly darts forward, long tongue pressing into his sensetive head and he thrusts up involuntarily and Fluttershy squeaks as the fat cock surges past her lips, her long changeling tongue swiftly wraps around the few inches he's hilted and squeeze and milk it for everything it's worth, her hands coming to cup his massive balls.

With a explosive grunt, Zephyr grips Fluttershy's hair and you think she has him but then, to your astonishment and disgust he pulls her off his dick with a disappointed moan from Fluttershy. You're going to intervene but Fluttershy shoots your a quick look, still coy and in control as Zephyr breaths heavily,

'Fluttershy-' He rumbles then cuts off as Fluttershy rolls his large testes between her fingers,

'Zephyr, Please!' She begs, 'Your big balls feel so full and I know you've only just blown-Let me help you, please.' The last word is filled with a familiar hypnotic buzz and Zephyr blinks as it hits him, his eyes flashing green slighty.

She's a quick study...

'You never let anyone take care of your huge dick, Spitfire, Suprise, All the other sluts you fuck, you always focus on their pleasure. Let me focus on yours. Let your loving sister drain your fat balls

That hum again and Zephyr's eyes flash green as he lets go of Fluttershy's hair, spreading his legs and leaning back as Fluttershy goes back in, slowly this time, savouring it and dragging out the pleasure for Zephyr who moans and gasps as Fluttershy licks his dick,

'Oooh, It tastes so nice Zephyr, tastes like pussy as well, who were you pleasing before I came in?'

'Fleetfoot...' He moans, his hands going to grip her head but her eyes flash again and he drops them as Fluttershy implants a pretty clear condition that she's running this show.

'She did a very bad job of making you cum-How many times did you make her cum? And I bet you only blew once!' She says, disapprovingly before she works on throating more dick. She struggles though and saliva runs down his shaft, gagging loudly before pulling back,

'You don't need her though. You only need me'

I...only need you

Good boy. Just let me make you feel good. Fluttershy throats again, getting further this time as she uses her magic to shift her throat and remove her gag reflex.

'Oh fuck! Fluttershy, H-How are you-' Zephyr moans as Fluttershy's throat begins to massage and ripple up and down his dick as she presses her face into his crotch, tongue whipping and writhing over his shaft.

He moans and groans, muscles popping and flexing as Fluttershy works her throat into a perfect massage sleeve for Zephyr's dick. You can see her throat working, bulging as it engulfs the huge dick, moving as Fluttershy gulps down pre and lust energy, growing more powerful, more energised as siphons off her brother's lust.

'I-I'm going to cum!' Zephyr whines, all trace of the confident stud who fucked you yesterday gone, replaced by a man totally at the mercy of another's skilful touch as his balls clench, jetting thick spunk into Fluttershy's throat. It clamps down, rippling and squeezing madly as it does it's best to draw out the orgasm. Fluttershy's eyes flash injecting a bit of magic into Zephyr's dick as she gulps down spunk, her stomach forming a little paunch at the sheer volume of the stuff as Fluttershy makes sure to get as much cum as possible.

The bed shakes and creaks as madly as Zephyr writhes, his huge form helpless under his smaller sister's powers. His orgasm goes on for a long time, Fluttershy giving him another boost every time he's about to flag and you watch her devour Zephyr's magic, her hair floating behind you, charged with energy, giggle and hum around his dick, blissed out at giving pleasure and release to her brother.

Finally, Zephyr slumps back, dazed and spent as Fluttershy releases the hold she has on his dick, drawing back, still gulping and licking for any stray spunk.

'T-That was amazing...' Zephyr says, dazed,

'Yes, Thank you Zephyr' She says shimmying out of her shorts and Zephyr looks at her, blinking slowly,

'W-What are you doing?' He said,

'I'm so horny Zephyr, I've had to listen to you pounding pussy in here for months and I want a turn, I want to show them how it's done, how you really take care of a man'

Zephyr's dick twitches, his magic trying to regain control and Fluttershy giggles as she loops it around her fingers and pours it back into his dick. Zephyr groans as he's instantly hard again as Fluttershy mounts him then sighs as Fluttershy sinks deeply onto him,

'Oooh-Sooo good' Fluttershy said, both hands on Zephyr's chest, feet on his thighs as she rocks back and forth, 'It is isn't it Zephyr, My pussy is the best you've ever had.

'Yes-It's so good-' Zephyr says, bucking his hips and Shy sooths him with a soft coo,

'No, Zephyr, let me do all the work. I'm all you need now'

'Yessss.' He says, relaxing as Fluttershy work's more of his dick into her tight pussy, juices gushing as she does,

'I-ooh-I'm the only one you need now.

'You're-You're the only one!'

'You don't need Spitfire, or Fleetfoot or even Rainbow Dash. You only need me*

Zephyr just moans, nodding his head, eyes pleading as Fluttershy sighs and moans,

'Gosh, You're cock is just stuffing me! I'm going to come in here every day Zephyr and make sure your well fucked...' She moans, legs quivering as she shakes her head, 'I won't have my brother going out there with his balls not properly milked.'

'Your cock is mine to care for, your cum is mine to swallow and mine to paint my pussy with.'

'Y-Yes! Yes it's yours!'

'You can go out and fuck all the sluts you want as hard as you want but you remember this You are mine, your dick is mine and I love you.

Zephyr roars, eyes rolling as Fluttershy's perfect cunt milks another orgasm out of him and she drinks it in, once again curtailing Zephyr's magic. Zephyr slumps back, eyes rolling as his mind refocuses on Fluttershy. With anyone else, he would fuck and pound and swagger but with her, he was her spunk fountain, he would never need to masturbate again. If his dick wasn't in some other random slut, it would be in Fluttershy.

You exit the closet, grinning and pat Fluttershy on the head and she giggles, magic flowing into you from her as she sends another pulse into Zephyr and gasps as Zephyr's dick swells inside her again.

You leave her to it. Hopefully that should curb the worst of Zephyr's changes although you're curious what so much magic pouring into her will do...

[Gotta stop here as I'm pretty worn out. I want to do Sunset, Gilda and Treehugger scenes but I might just do it off screen and maybe come back to it later as a small vignette dealie. Will do questions tommorow]

also listening to the endless legend 2 ost while writing and it fucking slaps

You step out of the room, hearing Zephyr and Fluttershy get started again, unsure if the two them will ever truly stop. The meek and quiet sexpot capable of luring in anyone. You're glad you didn't change her as you're pretty sure you now have a perfect weapon to seduce the remaining bearers to your side as you send the unassuming succubus into their ranks.

Rainbow would want to protect her and slowly fall into a lustful adoration for her.
Rarity would grow to obsess over the beauty and grace this new friend showed, wanting nothing more to observe her.
Applejack would always be there to lend a shoulder to cry on, her platonic feelings slowly twisted until she couldn't tell the lies from the truth.
Pinkie Pie...

You had no idea but you're pretty sure it'll be fine.

You step into Fluttershy's room and behold Sunset's work. Sunset is slumped on a chair in the corner of the room, camera in her loose grip looking well and truly fucked

Her face is splattered with femcum and her clothes are torn, skin red with spank marks. On Fluttershy's bed is the massive from of Gilda, slamming into into a curvy shorter form of Treehugger with the biggest strapon you've ever seen. The strapon is cinched tight over Gilda's thick, jacked thighs and her glutes flex and pop, tearing through what's left of her jeans as she powers into Treehugger.

She's huge, at least as tall as Zephyr and just as built with the added size of a pair of massive tits, each one twice as big as your head, sitting above a ripped set of abs. You feel her [Bossy] and [Bully] presence as soon as you step in and it's only with great difficulty and the fact she's preoccupied destroying Treehugger's pussy that you don't quail instantly.

The strapon obviously extends far into Gilda as she's moaning and gasping between words, holding Treehugger down with one large hand, sinking into the hippie's fat chest.

The Amazonian giant groans and easily hauls Treehugger up, being twice her size as she presses Treehugger to her chest, slamming into her ass.

Treehugger comes up for air, breathing heavily as she nipples and tweaks Gilda's nipples,

'Far out~' She sighs, her eyes bright and intelligent even as she pulls a joint from behind her ear and inhales it, 'It's like the camera, like, uses the-Ah!-thaumodynamic principals in -Oh whoa-the magical flux on the universes's latent magic-Fah, Gilda!My cunny!- to shift out bodies-'

'Shut up and suck my fat tit you spacy bimbo!' Gilda grunts, whipping the joint of Treehugger's hand and tucking it behind her ear before shoving Treehugger back onto her chest, burying the girls face in tit.

'I know what's happened! Fucking magic, Pony magic from her!' She jabs a finger at Sunset who gives a coy smile that enrages Gilda, whose pace picks up, Treehugger squealing into her chest as her pussy gushes, Gilda rocking harshly into the girl,

'You're turn again Sunslut! Once I-Once I-Ffffff' Her huge thighs, capable of popping a melon clean, clench together as she hunches over her weed smoking fuck sleeve.


You quickly grab Sunset and hustle her to the door. She explains her finding's about the camera.

The camera has 6 uses a day. The first stack on a person costs [1], the second costs [2], the third costs [3]

They do not replace eachother, only add.

So if you stacked, 1 beefy and 2 brainy, it would cost [6] uses
1 beefy[1],1 brainy[2] for a total of [3] uses, leaving 3 remaining.

So with six uses you could first level stack six people
Or second level stack 3
Or full stack 1.

Sunset hastens to add that [full stack] is an untested term right now as she had to stop as she ran out of charges. She seems eager to test the possibility of adding even more stacks onto the giant, amazon and the short, curvy braniac stoner.

You may hold off on that for now,
(For sake of not gipping you all out of your new toy, I'm going to fiat this and say that somehow the camera still has [6 charges] despite Sunset's shenanigans. I am slighty worried I'm adding yet another mechanic to keep track of but fuck it. Bear in mind, this won't alter minds so much. You can get Honourheart or Starveheart with it but it's not going to change their motivations, only their shape and personalty.

A) You think you've probably done enough here. Sunset looks pretty worn out and this is a decent moment for you to just dip. You can have Fluttershy "deal" with these two. You're pretty confident in her abilities actually.

B) Then again, you wouldn't mind a bit of experimenting yourself. You still have the magic from Fluttershy and Zephyr that you use to reinvigorate the camera with. (Specify who and what filter)

C) You could just join in, you wouldn't mind having a ride on Gilda or Treehugger. You've got enough [Bossy] that you could take control if you wished, or maybe you want to controlled by the bully and the brainiac.

D) Spells! It might be an idea to try and manipulate the strongest and smartest girl's in the school.

E) Other?

+2 MAX MANA. This is representative of Fluttershy siphoning magic to you throughout the day.

[MANA 7/9]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)
2I) Lust tap - (Passive)

You leave, pulling the well fucked and groggy Sunset behind you, thanks to the quick [Bully] flash she had got she was, taller, fitter and generally more intimidating but that had paled in comparison to Gilda and Sunset had quickly lost control

Fluttershy hadn't seemed to bothered though as she dragged a hapless Zephyr by the cock into her room, closing the door behind them, Gilda and Treehugger.

You finally get back, finding Celestia and Luna fully watching porn and their large plasma screen, Celestia, wearing a sheer robe, was eating [BOONED] grapes and idly fingering herself while Luna moaned and twitched on the coach, grinding her hips futilely. She gasps as your walk in, shakily standing up, pussy dripping, her toned and powerful body glistening with sweat and need,

'Oooh-Please Gossamer-I n-need to cum! I'I'm so horny!'

'Mmm-'Celestia says, opening her legs and exposing her own soaking pussy as the gown falls aside, 'She's been like this since you left-It's been very distracting.' She said, leering at the twitching woman.

'No.' You response, command in your voice and Luna moans, knees buckling, pussy gushing and you hand Sunset off to her, 'Put her to bed then join me and Celestia in the shower, I want you to clean me and then we're going clubbing~'

Your [Bossy] aura causes Luna to shudder and even Celestia looks dreamy as she stands up, shrugging off her robe and walking with you naked to the shower.

She undresses you, carefully and with reverence, breathing you in as she slides your stockings and panties off. Luna swiftly walks in on trembling legs, dripping femcum onto the floor and you delight at how subservient and servile they are, their opinion of you dominated by the knowledge that you always know best

God, you wish you had more jelly. You still had Sunset's bottle but the sheer rush of transforming Fluttershy...You want to do it to these two formerly upstanding and dedicated women.

The gasp in wonder and arousal as you shift back into your true form, powerful and sensuous as you step into the shower, you point at Luna and she shivers,
'Luna, you've been very loyal today, You may clean my legs and pussy, be as thorough as you need to be but do not cum, Celestia, soap my tits and torso, feel free to cum as much as you want.'

The both leap to it, Luna whining at her constant denial of release while Celestia's hand immediatly darts between her legs as the other carresses your rack and back.

'Good. After this I want you to dress...'

Hmm, this was a good point, how did you want them to dress? Where were you even going?

1A) The Refined Wine, A pricy and elegant place, As two respected members of the community, Celestia and Luna both had a place there. It would be a good place to cosy up to the rich and influential?
1B) Berry's bar, A cosy, middle of the road bar run by Berry Twist. A decent place for a good time and maybe more?
1C) The Flank - An infamous and debauched strip/dance club. You can't think of much reason to go here but you wouldn't mind seeing Celestia up on a pole...
1D) Other?

How should they dress?

2A) Upscale - Would fit in fine in 1A), perfect if you want to use them to schmooze amongs the upper crust
2B) Casual - Would draw looks in anywhere other than Berry's but would be the best for blending in, You'd rather not have to deal with anyone asking awkward questions
2C) Slutwear- With their new, heavnely bodies poured into tight clubwear, they'll certainly draw attention. Whether it is the right kind is another matter entirely.
2D) Other?

Locked in 1C,2C

i always end up overdoing clothing descriptions edition

You step out of the shower, letting your pets towel you off before sending them off to wash and change themselves. You decide on a tight little spaghetti dress that hugs your curvacious body with a tight, green shiny fabric and a pair of tall, strappy purple heels. It's sexy, without screaming "I need cock"

You order Celestia and Luna to dress in the most whorish outfits they own and they flush, Luna practically unable to speak as she leans on her taller sister as the vibrator in her pussy buzzes weakly,

Celestia speaks up, voice nervous and caked with arousal,

'M-Ms Gossamer-What if someone sees us? Students...Other teachers...Parents?' She squeezes her legs together as you walk over to her, taking her chin in your hand,

'I've thought about that-' You say, your breasts feeling tight again, a creeping pleasure dormant in the two big jugs, 'and I've decided that you disgracing yourself infront of anyone that might respect you is going to be immensely pleasurable to me.' You lean in, pressing your lips to Celestia's and feeling her quiver as she melts into your grasp, two large sets of tits pressing together.

You break, a long trail of saliva connecting your lips to her parted, lusty ones, 'and I always know best don't I?'

Yes...' Both of them whisper reverently and you smile,

'I'll tell you what, Whoever pleases me the most tonight gets a very special treat

You're not sure what the treat is yet, maybe a drink from your tits, maybe the shorts, maybe several flashes from the camera.

Either way, they're not going to care so much about who sees them after their reward!

You grab the camera and idly look through it at Fluttershy's nature shots as well as Sunset's sex fuelled ones as you wait for the two to get dressed.

You look up when a twin pair of shadows falls over you and you look up, mouth dropping over as you see the pair,

Celestia was wearing a tight revealing vinyl dress with a yellow trim that squeezed her body in all the right places. It clung to her ass, or at least the top two thirds of her ass, the bottom of cutie mark and her thick, powerful thighs were completly visible and if she bent at all it would ride up and expose a shiny golden thong that was hitched up her plump box. The dress was sleeveless, showing off her toned arms, and went all the way up to and surrounding her neck. A large, diamond shaped boob window barely restrained the mass of tit as it did it's best to squeeze out the gap.

She's wearing a matching white set of tall, strapped heels that are sure to leave her as one of the tallest people in the room. Her hair is done up in a stylish bob off to one side, a pair of gold chopsticks pressed through them.

It's an elegant outfit, albeit one that's bit run through a porn engine at least a dozen times and that's what Celestia appears to be running with, she stands tall and regal despite her pornographic outfit, there's something unapproachable about her.

Luna has gone in the complete opposite direction. She's wearing a pair of snug black bootyshorts that ride as high on her thighs and ass as Celestia's dress does. They're made of some shiny, sequined material and pasted so tight over her firm ass and plump pussy that she might as well not have been wearing anything at all. If you couldn't see the tops of her thong over the purple belted waistband of the shorts, you'd swear she wasn't wearing any kind of underwear at all.

Luna has dug out from somewhere a deep blue boob tube with a star pattern on it, the various constellations warped by how tight it is around her chest, the tops of her areola are visible and she's one errant shake away from spilling out entirely, in fact you think her hard nipples are the only thing restraining it.

She's got a set of silver bands around her wrists, forearms and defined biceps and slipped in a belly button piercing of all things that draws the eye to her firm abs.

Most shocking of all though and certainly a point in her favour for your treat is the fact she's fully shaved one side of her head with a sharp fade, letting the rest of her hair down in blue wavy locks across her right side giving off a more feral, punky vibe.

Fuck, she's even got a tongue barbell, where did they get this stuff?

Oh well, You make your way to The Flank, which is a large building helpfully lit up by a giant neon sign of a woman's ass, loveheart cutie mark emblazoned on it, getting spanked.


Three bombshells that you are and with the aid of a little magic you are unsurprisingly ushered into the club with alacrity. Despite it's reputation outward appearance, it's not a bad little get up in here.

The main centre is taken up by a huge stage with multiple poles, strobe lights swaying across it as various women, none as hot as you three but not far off, gyrate and dance across it.

There's a smaller but louder area set slighty underground which appears to be a dance floor, dozens of people dressed more or less like your two sluts are pressed into eachother, dancing and bobbing madly. You feel...more than an hint of Bimbo magic coming from there...

Upstairs seems the most sedate of all, several booths with balcony's overlook the floors below, it's the most sparsely populated but you notice money flowing freely up there, several private strippers giving dedicated shows, while other customers just smoke and drink. A broad chested, built man in a red shirt and black jacker with a set of powerful salt and pepper sideburns is smoking a cigar, obviously bored.

The bar is suprisngly, not that busy, a young handsome man is polishing glasses and occasionally sharing witty banter with the other, more buxom, more naked employees. Something about him looks familair, a shock of blue hair and an easy smile-

Luna moans behind you, this time in despair rather than because you swapped the single vibrator out for two smaller but more powerful egg vibes and she's still desperate to cum.

'Sister-It's Flash Sentry!' Luna hisses, trying to hide behind her sister who has gone very pale, even as she rubs her thighs together, her arousal leaking down her leg.

Well Well Well, What is he doing here?

He...actually doesn't look like he's doing more than tending bar.

He's not lustily ogling women which seems like it would be a big perk in a place like this...

What to do, What to do...This is kind of Celestia and Luna's show more than it is yours, but maybe a little guidance?

A) The pole awaits! It appears they are having an amateur night and better than that, it's a competition with the possibility of an actual crown. Of this is perfect if you wanted to maybe stoke a little sibling rivalry!

B) That dance floor...You sense Bimbo Magic mixed with...Starveheart...

C) The booths, They employees might not take to kindly to you hustling in but maybe the bulky man sitting on his own wants some company?

D) Oh yesss, Go send your two sluts to introduce you to Flash Sentry!

E) Spells or Camera?

F) Other?

[MANA 7/9]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)
2I) Lust tap - (Passive)

Camera, specify how many times you flash and with what

[Seeing as Tirek is a canonically video game character in EQG, I think Tirek is going to be the CEO of a AAA game company, making him perhaps worse and blacker of heart than his Equestrian counterpart]

[Lock in 1A) poledance with 2G. then go B) to check out the dance floor]

-2 mana,
Remaining 5/9

You grip both the sisters by the ass and nod towards the pole,
'Why don't you go and see who's better?' You say, imbuing just a little competitiveness into their minds and then with a soft purr, clicked your fingers and created a two small, captivating balls of pink green light in your hands.

It roils and pulses and Luna and Celestia stare at them lips parted as images dance and shift in them,
'A little help to get you started-' You slowly push the balls into their mouths and watch the light dance inside their throats as it sinks into their cores. The groan as they swallow it, eyes flickering with magic as the begin to glow imperceptibly.

You slap them both on the ass and send them towards the stage, the link pulses between them pulses and grows, branching out like roots over those in the crowd as they sway up to the stage.

By the time they make it up there and are introduced, there is already much more interest than there was in other performers. Flash has looked up form the bar, squinting over the floor of the club and even the bored man smoking a cigar in the balcony's leans over, eyebrow quirked.

There's silence for a moment as the lights dim, the music fading and then, two spotlights flash on at the back of the long, catwalk like stage.

Much to you and the shared surprise and delight of the crowd, the two don't even wait for the announcer, Luna even slapping the microhpone out of his hand with a lazy swat as they sway onto the stage. Hips undulating hypnotically, Celestia's in tight white and Luna's in clinging black.

They reach the centre of the stage, to large silver poles on either side as they forgo the one in the middle. Celestia leans against the pole, raising her long leg up, knee first as she presses her body into it, then straightens the leg, hooking her calf around the upper end of the pole in a stunning display of flexibility, her leg almost vertical and pressing into her big chest as she flashes everyone on her side of the stage, those sitting close can see the glistening arousal on her thighs and they lean closer, Celestia's imbue fantasy seeping into their minds as the crowd gazes up in awe.

Luna, slightly less elegantly and with more enthusiasm than skill simply rips her panties out from under her shorts, grunting slighty as the fabric slides along her pussy before it's released, obviously soaking as she holds it up the light. The crowd on her side begin to grow restless, less rapt than Celestia's more rowdy as she walks slowly past the pole, heels clacking as she balances on the edge of the stage, holding the soaking panties above the crowd, dangling it like bait above a shoal of piranha. She selects a likely candidate, a dorky, bespectacled young man whose been looking terrified ever sense he entered the club at the urging of his freinds. She squats down, smooth legs apart as she gives the kid a hungry smile and slowly pushes the panties into his open mouth before slapping him firmly on the cheek a few times and standing, ass pushed out as she walks back to the pole and with a familiarity that makes you wonder if it's just your magic making her skilled or if Luna has had some other jobs in her mysterious past. She hooks her firm legs around the pole and lets go with her hands, grappling with just her legs as she bends over backwards, her core tensing as she hangs perpendicular and upside down, her hair falling over the cheering crowd.

Seeing that Luna is winning the crowd, a few of her awestruck devotees being swayed by her sister, Celestia scowls and redoubles her efforts. She brings her heel down hard onto the stage, a sharp crack echoing out as it meets the stage and all eyes go back to her as she faces the pole and bends, her dress riding up and exposing two thirds of her ass, cutie mark on full display.

With a slow and delicate motion, she grips the gold zip on the back of her dress in a long, pink nailed finger and slowly begins to pull it down, exposing her smooth, softly contoured back. The crowd on her side is almost completly silent, gaping up at her with wide eyes, only letting out a soft sigh of dissapointment as the zip get's stuck just over her large ass.

The soft grin on Celestia's face shows that's it's all part of the plan though as she pouts at the crowd in sadness then taking a leaf from her sister's book, she slowly backs up and squats, vinyl clad ass to the crowd as she gives a warm and welcoming look at a punky looking girl in the front row who, although moments ago was full of swagger, now appears to have the same deer in the headlight look as the dorky guy on Luna's side.

You see rather than hear Celestia say something and the punky, grey haired girl swallows notably before reaching up and helping Celestia fix her "stuck" zip. The rest of the crowd, suspended by Celestia's magic only watches with bated breath as more and more ass slowly comes into view, the thick cheeks pushing the dress off as the beleaguered zipper is slowly drawn down.

The dress falls away, the silky material puddling around Celestia's heeled feet and she softly carresses her ass, adjusting the thong and covering her chest with one arm, still facing away. She leans down and like a queen bestowing a sword to a dashing knight, drapes the warm, white dress over the punky girl, giving her a long, heated kiss on the cheek and giggling softly as she pulls away, standing and grabbing the pole and pivoting around it, in the same motion, throwing her arm wide as she swings around on the pole and revealing her huge chest.

Holy shit, you are so glad you boosted their fitness

The magic crackles around the room, flowing from the two sister's into the crowd and then back into the sisters.

Luna redoubles her efforts, a smirk on her face as she sees Celestia mimic her "audience participation" and making an obscene gesture to the crowd who roar and laugh as she bends back upright and tenses around the pole. Her crowd goes quiet or at least, quieter as a look of cogeneration comes over her face as she flexes her large booty, the stretchy mateiral of her shorts pulling tight.

Too tight.

Her thighs and ass flex as with a rip still audible over the music and the now gobsmacked crowd as the shorts explode off of Luna's jacked thighs and strong and bouncy ass.

The crowd goes ballistic, money, lots of money is launched onto the stage but the two sister's ignore it, too wrapped up in their rivalry and pleasing you to care about cash.

The crowd are enraptured and you know that each and every member of the audience, from the dorky guy to the punky girl have had their type significantly altered to fit, powerful MILFs, no matter what else, these two are going to be who they jack off or jill to every night before bed and when they wake up.

You also look over and spot Flash Sentry, eyes bugging out as he stares at his two Principal's ensnaring an entire room full of people. He's blinking his eyes furiously as their magic begins to seep into him but he's resisting valiantly. You can't tell but the way he's slighty hunched you expect his nursing a raging hardon as he quickly grabs his phone from his pocket and taps furiously on it, eyes desperate.

You wonder who he's calling...

The magic pulses over the crowd, washing up and over them as they look as the sister's stare at you with intense eyes and you feel the magic, malleable and controllable in your hands.
What to do with it though...

A) Take it for yourself, you already feel tight like you're ready to create another changeling and you're sure this inwash of magic will be more than enough to push you over the edge. You could turn the two sisters or maybe save it for an extra powerful change on someone else...Sunset perhaps?

B) Throw it all into the sisters. They're doing amazingly and they've barely started. You could throw all the levers to full and pump them with so much magic, the combined lust and energy of an entire strip club of people. Two incredibly powerful bimbo goddesses, still loyal and completly subservient to you. [Daybreaker/Nightmare moon path]

C) Hold onto it. You don't think you can do this for long but it might be useful for whatever is going in on the dance floor?

D) Other?

[Lock in B with two votes then. ]

You grin, feeling the little kernel of your magic that the two of them swallowed pulse and writhe inside of the two sisters, drawing in the energy of dozens of horny club goers. They then push it into you and you moan, smiling and leaning against the bar as the power fills you.

But, well, this was their show after all, it's only fair they get the prize!

You tamper the flow into yourself and push it back into the two sisters and smile as the magic pressure inside of the ramps up rapidly. You watch as the two of them frown, confusion on their faces for a half second before their eyes roll back, energy rapidly building in their bodies, the magic, arousal and fantasies of the entire club, carefully tailored and coaxed by the two sisters surge inside them, powering over the link and rebounding between their two minds like a ping pong ball.

They moan and the crowd is enraptured and giddy as the two MILF's cum in front of crowd, hugging the poles to their bodies as they shudder, acting on auto-pilot as they continuie their lewd and dedicated show.

They glide and twist with mouth watering grace and finesses even as inwardly their bodies are boiling over with magic. They begin to pant, perspiration causing their body to glisten as they stream with arousal, the LINK bulging as each sister reflexively tries to dump the excess magic only to mingle with each other's and bounce back.

You smile as you magically pinch the link between the two of them and Sunset making sure nothing more than several very sexy dreams spill over into Sunset.

They two sister's stare at you, wild eyed as they reach a fever pitch and you look at the two of them, meeting their eyes and mouth one word,


The magic inside them reaches a critical pitch and implodes like a blazing supernova, sucking in energy before blasting it back out.

The two sister's twin screams of ecstasy merge into one as the room in momentarily frozen in time, strobe lighting eclipsed by the bright, glaring presence eminating off the MILF'S.

Luna's entire body is silhouetted by a roiling miasma of pure darkness, lit only by a tiny, hair thin outline of pure white moonlight that's coming of Luna, her blue hair billowing behind her head like halo, tiny spots of inky blackness slowly seeping into it, stealing over it as it darkens, her face shifting, lips pouting as her stern but comforting countenance swiftly morphs into a mask of shadowy eyed sexuality, kind blue eyes draining and becoming sharp and hard and intense.

Her body lengthens, muscles shifting under her perfect, skin, paled to an ivory hue and cleared of all blemishes as her tits shoot outward, her back going from toned to cut, forced to carry that massive rack, her body stays proportionally as lithe and defined as it was before but you feel the magic inside her, hardening her body and you know this tall, lithe goddess could probably out wrestle the much larger Gilda.

Hell, She'd break Gilda and make Gilda love it...

Now there was an idea...

She seemed to draw in the light around her, the soft white glow around her ensuring she was the softly glowing centre of attention in any room she walked in. If her absolute knockout body didn't do that for her as she flexes again and her massive tits explode the tight top and she holds her defined, powerful arms out, a wicked grin on her beautiful face as she demands worship, her hair, shifting between deep starlit black and depthless, midnight blue, curling behind her, carressing her defined abs and thick thighs as if with a mind of it's own. She stares down, commanding and imperious, her presence dominating her side of the stage and she reaches out a long, black fingernail and points at someone in the crowd,


You don't see the figure clearly but their silhouette buckles and shivers and the crowd roars in approval and Luna...This new Luna, shudders with her own pleasure, goosepimples dotting her impossibly pale skin, heady with her own power and the feeling of her Cutie Mark shifting and twisting on her perfect ass.

Then Celestia changes and Luna's crowd goes quiet. The entire club goes quiet in fact and you see Flash gripping the bar, knuckles white, phone slipping from his fingers as Celestia does her very best to "eclipse" her little sister.

Whereas Luna seemed to draw in, magic imploding, Celestia's exploded

She shot a clear heads worth of height, legs that seemed to go on for miles now seemed to go on forever, all definition fading to replaced with acres of thick tanned, thigh, her pussy following, plump and eager with a thick, pronounced clit that would rub and stimulate if she ever decided to not forgo underwear.

You and the rest of the crowd watch astounded as she squeezes her plush thighs together and squirted a hot scalding fountain of femcum, soaking the first row of onlookers who moaned and sighed and begged for more.

That wasn't the astounding part though, the astounding part was watching the bowl buckle and warp as she squeezed it with her legs and you realise that although the muscles fading, sinking beneath the plush womanly figure, it's still very much there, stronger even.

She cackles, a true cackle as she looks at the soaked and stunned devotees in the front row then groans as her tits expand again, spilling out of her hands even as they dig deep, long, fiery orange nails digging in to the heavy boobs.

'You want more?' She purrs, warmth gone, replaced with boiling hot, uncontrolled desire as she spreads her long legs, pressing her massive ass around the pole and presenting her pussy as she moans, cumming again as her crowd, surges forth, needy and desperate for more of their goddess's cum. Celestia grins a perfect white smile and draws more magic out of the supplicating crowd, giggling and shuddering as her pale skin darkened, a perfect golden hue, spreading out from her gushing pussy and spreading like a wave, a sunkissed tide that caused Celestia to shiver and moan as her skin become sensetive and hot. Her sweat, glistening and shiny begins to steam off of her skin in small wisps, the same glow of oversaturated magic that surrounded her sister now surrounding her. But while Luna's was understated and seductive, humming around her as an accent to draw the eye to her beauty, Celestia's pulsed and flared manically, not demanding but taking. It spreads to her hair, the soft pastel colours bleeding together, retreating as if afraid as the fiery red and oranges and golds begin to consume them, burning with such intensity as the wildly erratic hair billows out without rhyme or reason as it's length seems to shift and change, lashing out madly like red hot whips.

However, when they whip and slap her devotees, who are not trying to crawl onto stage to bathe in her perfect light, they don't appear to be feel pain, quite the opposite in fact.

The punky girl with the Celestia's dress moans and whines as hangs half onto to the stage and screams in ectasy as Celestia's hair flows over her, licking at her face and body. When it flows over her, burning her clothes away, the previously pale girl has a deep tan, her two tone black and purple hair now a fiery red, jerking and spasming and squealing with pleasure until Celestia, with a look on infinite mercy and grace in her eyes, eyes that swirled amber and red of a collapsing red giant, leaned down and bestowed a kiss on her forehead.

The punk eyes roll as the compassion of a goddess and the most pleasure she's ever felt explode through her body. She jerks once, twice, her tanned hips, thickening and bucking as she squeals silently, mouth gaping, unable to breath let alone make a sound.

And then she passes out, body still jerking and spasming with aftershocks as Celestia stands slowly and turns to her sister.

Celestia grips her tits, moaning and giggling madly and sucks in more magic, bathing herself in it, glutting herself on it as she shoots a naughty look at Luna and grows another foot as her heels extend in length and she puts a long, golden nail to her plump, golden glossed lips and pouts innocently, towering over her little sister in a calculated display.

'Oops-Sorry Lulu, I guess I got carried away-' She said, striding forward and smiling a beaming, smile down at her sister who grins with far to much teeth to be totally sisterly and friendly.

'It's okay "Tia", ' She said, drinking in her sister's body like a connoisseur sampling the finest wine while biting out her sister's nickname, 'I know you have trouble controlling yourself.' She says, taking her own, graceful and purposeful step forward.

Celestia giggles, brining her hand delicately infront of her mouth, and several members of the crowd buckle and whine at that perfect sound but Luna is a unaffected, her hair slowly coiling behind her, a deep dark cloud that sailors would fear getting lost in.

The only sign of conflict was as Celestia's fiery hair, more on whim and fancy lashed and twirled into Luna's space where it was swiftly and carefully whipped, pushed and batted away by Luna's calm locks.

'I appear to have broken my pole-' She says regretfully, not looking back at her warped and ruined pole, wrapping a slender hand around the centre stage pole, 'I'll have to use this one!' She smiles, burning orange eyes never leaving Luna's ice blues.

Luna tenses ever so slighty as her sister claimed the centre stage, her beaming radiance attempting to shunt Luna off to the side and somthing deep inside Luna snarled at that but outwardly,

'Oh?' She says coolly, her hand above her sister's as it also grips the pole, 'I thought I might take centre stage, 'After all, Ms Wing promised me a treat for being the most impressive-'

Celestia giggles again and Luna rankles ever so slightly, 'Oh I did not realise that you were...Perhaps I missed the moment when that was decided? Also "Lulu", your pole is still perfectly intact-'

The sound of straining metal sounds across the club as Luna casually reaches behind her and with barely a hint of strain, rips the pole from its fastenings.

'Oops.' She says, her icy countenance breaking as she begins grinning up at her sister who grins back just as widely, despite outward appearances, the two of them enjoying this very much as the draw closer to eachother, huge breasts crushing together, their twin magics and manes casting the stage in a vibrant mix of oranges, blues and purples that you would only glimpse on the rarest of dawns or dusks.

The two slide around eachother and the pole, competing but both perfectly in sync with the other, smooth perfect bodies gliding over eachother, nipples grazing sensetive skin as they gyrate and twirl around the pole.

There's one amazing moment where Celestia hooks her calf around a section of pole that Luna was aiming for and pulls herself up, smirking at Luna as she looms over her sister, looking down over her mountains of tanned tit. In response, Luna wraps her pale leg around Celestia's and uses her as a mount, pushing her chest into Celestia's face. In response to that, Celestia raises her tanned thigh and pushes it between Luna's legs, pressing into Luna's pussy who moans, almost losing her grip before retaliating and sliding her own defined thigh into Celestia's fat pussy who gushes and moans but stays up.

The two begin to grind against eachother, softly at first then with greater speed, then two as one releasing their legs and scissoring them in a synchronisation that would make ballet dancers weep, swing them around, spraying juices over the crowd before crushing their pussies together, still holding onto the pole with their arms, grinning wildly as they begin to grind against eachother.

Way back by the bar, you sit and grin a toothy grin as the two embodiments of sex try to out fuck eachother off a pole. The smile fades slighty as you consider the implications of this,

Were they going to do this with each disagreement? Shit, what happens when what they're disagreeing with is who gets to tongue out your pussy or big spoon with you in bed?

Fuck it, you'll come to that later, for now you take a sip of a rather nice mojito that you managed to coax out of Flash before he went back to frantically texting with one hand, the other one, with the same frantic desperation was pumping his not immodest cock.

He was not the only one, in fact, anyone in sight of the two sexual goddesses on stage was in a state of masturbation in one form or another.

Apart from, you notice with curiosity, the red suited man who was not. In fact, he seemed in the stages of leaving. Although, you notice, he's throwing his fine jacket on with a certain degree of urgency, eyes averted from the stage and his jaw clenched tight in resistance. His jaw wasn't the only thing either, his pants were looking decidedly snug as he hurries towards the fire door on the upper floors, obviously not trusting himself to go through the lust filled gauntlet of the club floor.

The dance floor in the basement below was still bouncing as well, Starveheart's magic slowly wisping up, strong but...fading. It's slowly getting drowned about by the sister's wild magic but you also think the source of it might be getting ready to leave.

Flash is grunting, getting closer to his own climax. You figure that a man whose still texting during this show is pretty strong willed. Once he's blown his load you think he'll be a thinking much clearer and may not be as...malleable to your attention. Your sure Sunset would appreciate him and he'd be a good thing to throw at Celestia and Luna when they're feeling frisky.

Unfortunatly, you think that grabbing the two of the stage would take a fair bit of time given how "deep" they are in their performance. It'd be good to have the heavies with you but you feel like a like of your immediate options are on a time frame.

A) Follow the large gentleman who seems resistant to the magic that brought a whole club to it's knees.
B) It's faint but you need to chase down that Starveheart trace, it's probably a thrall rather than the Starveheart herself but you're not taking the chance.
C) Pally up to Flash while he's "distracted", you can see magic seeping into his mind and although he's fighting it, he's not doing too well and now would be a decent time to strike.
D) Other?

[MANA 5/9]
[Spells available:
2B)Increase Arousal
2C)Decrease Inhibitions
2D) Youth/Age
2E) AURA OF NORMALCY (Passive/Togglable)]
2G)Implant Fantasy. (Specify how much mana you want to use)
2I) Lust tap - (Passive)

Camera, specify how many times you flash and with what

(Yeah this one was a bit busto. I feel like I did Luna dirty as I focused on Celestia too much but I was on a roll when I got to her and tbh I couldn't bring myself to go back and add more meat to her chapters as I just need to shift this along a bit. Rest assured though that she's just as powerful and sexy as Luna. They're also both still loyal despite any aggression or forwardness on their parts.)

[Reading the comments, maybe make Luna taller but I'm happy with it. I've been keeping proportions in generalisations to give me a bit more flexibility in writing so I don't get bogged down by inches/centimetres and measurements I'm not totally sure on]

You finish the last of your cocktail, smacking your lips before setting the drink down and glancing over at Flash who is now torn between beating his dick and glancing desperatly at his phone, awaiting a response that seems to be a long time in coming.

'Heya handsome, Can I get a refill?' You purr, flicking your hair back and leaning over the bar, pressing your tits up.

He glances up, panic in his eyes as he sees you holding an empty glass and he groans, pressing his legs together. You flood a little magic into his dick and giggle as his balls swell slightly and he grunts again as you blueball him. You watch the sister's magic flow into him and he shakes his head, large dick oozing pre onto his hand as he takes it away, trying to clear his head.

'I-uh-I just gotta go was my hands-'

'Oh please-let me...' You say, reaching to grab his wrist and firmly pull him closer to you and he knocks your glass over as you bring his pre stained hand to your mouth and begin to lick his jism off his hands,

'Mmm-Not bad-' You say, giving him a smouldering look and you're delighted that for a moment he takes his eyes off the two sister's and looks at you instead.

His eyes focus and he frowns at you, gripping his phone tight as he sees that you're not as affected by the show as everyone else is.'

'What-Hah-What have you done?'

'Ooh~Smart and Handsome, You're the first person to actually clock me.'

You life your arm and grin as despite his struggle you're actually able to pull him further over the bar and you giggle at how powerful you are now.

You reach out and grab his dick after it crests the bar and he groans, eyes rolling, phone slipping from his hand so he can grab the top of the bar, either to push against you or to make himself comfortable, you're not sure. You release his other hand, freshly cleaned and he uses it to hold himself over the bar as you massage his cock.

With your free hand you deftly swipe his phone out of the air,

'Hey!' He whines and you chuckle, blowing him a kiss and almost burst out laughing at who Flash was texting,

Sunset Shimmer.


Sunset seems to be putting up a good show and was just trying to convince him to start filming when you intervened. You feel a little regretful for putting your foot in your subject's plan. You don't think the blue haired man would last even a minute of filming the scene going on behind you.

Oh well, you know she'd forgive you.

Then you lip curls in disgust as you see another chat, not as frequent as the ones between Sunset and him but-


The picture is of a pretty but determined girl with bright pastel hair, cut short in a short wavy mohawk to mimic her crest and aqua eyes, obviously caught by suprise at the photo, a sheepish grin on her face as she waves.

Flash: Hey! hope you've worked out how to use the phone, just texting so you have my number,
Honourheart: Yeah! So useful! Fingers are weird but I had to be a griffon once so it's kinda the same.
F: That's wild. :o
H: It's just me! Also what's :o mean?
F: Turn you phone sideways and look again.
H: Ooooh :)
F: :)
H: I have to go now, I've got a meeting with Sunset and the Principals, let me know if you see anything strange! I really appreciate this Flash.
F: It's no problem! Not my first rodeo!
F: Shoot, is that offensive?
F: Sorry.
H: No it's not! I've done a few in my time, never won a ribbon though. I just had the meeting with Sunset and the Principals it was....strange.
F: How so?
H: They spoke very well of Gossamer, who they've talked to and love apparently but wouldn't tell me who she was.
F: You think mind control or somthing? Sunset's immune to that I think, or at least has been in the past.
H: Maybe, I haven't detected any magic from Gossamer but she could be stealthng it, she's a powerful mage after all or she could just be a smooth talker. Not every manipulation requires magic after all. My dear sister on the other hand, has been spreading herself around like the mad bitch she is, it's actually making it hard to track down Gossamer.
F: You think Wing is more dangerous than your sister?
H: Starveheart is mad and good at what she does but she's at least loyal to her principals. Gossamer is a wildcard and a deserter. She doesn't have any principals or, that's at least what I thought before I got here...
F: I gtg to work but I'll keep my eyes open and text if I see anything!
H: What's gtg mean. Also if you wanted a naked lady to dance infront of you, you could just ask me. ;)
H: Oh right, got to go. Also ignore that middle bit it was autocorrect.
H: Flash?
H: That last thing was a winky face by the way.
H: On the way.

Of course Flash of all people would make freinds with the weird alien from another dimension.
Hive, It's practically his kink by now. Or atleast it was before you dangled the two slutty goddesses infront of him.

More interesting though is the fact that he and by extension Honourheart doesn't seem to be aware that you've already corrupted Sunset.

This leads to some interesting options for how to deal with him.

A) Deal with him yourself. You need a good fuck.
B) Let Sunset continue her plan. She's been a trooper and deserved a reward.
C) The sister's are finishing soon. You did promise them a treat.
D) You could let him go if Honourheart's on the way. It would be difficult but you could spin some cock and bull story and maybe alleviate suspiscion? The evidence around you is pretty damning though...
E) Other?

[Locked in B + 2E]

You giggle, still massaging Flash's cock when his phone buzzes and you receive another text from Sunset asking for an update. You grin and decide to sow some more seeds,

'Sorry Slutset. It's the sexy changeling currently groping your boyfriends dick at the moment- He's a bit busy at the moment!'

You send her a photo of your hand around Flash's big dick. You hope Sunset really drives into studding Flash up, his cocks already a handful and the images that dance in your mind of boosting him even further causes your pussy to twitch/

'Oh no! Evil villainess-' Sunset texts back and you roll the eyes at how thick she's laying it on, 'Leave him alone. Our friendship will beat you!'

Your eyes flick back to Flash before laying his phone down on the bar and gently releasing his dick and he slumps back down behind the bar, breathing heavily, dick twitching as you lick his pre off your fingers again.

'Hm, I'm really not as bad as you might think Flash, I didn't have anything to do with that-' You lie, pointing behind yourself at the stage, 'You can tell Sunset and Honourheart that I literally had you by the balls and I let you go clean, remember that.'

You smile then glide back into the crowd, noting that Starveheart's magic is completly gone so you leave the dance floor and sit in a corner, watching the doorway and the bar as with difficulty, Flash pulls his trousers back up, his jeans tight around his shaft.

He's able to keep it together as Celestia and Luna leave the stage, Celestia with her heeled foot, flicking the microphone off the floor from where the announcer had dropped it as he sits, exhausted, legs spread and cum splattered, and into her hand

'Thank you My little Sluts-' Her voice sliding over the crowd like hot honey, 'I've been Cel' She cuts off and looks down at her sister who palms her sister's ass and pulls herself into a hug, large breasts squashed together.

We've been...Daybreaker and...'

'Nightmare Moon, You have my permission to eat me out when you dream of me tonight.'

'Oh Sister~You're too generous!'

The too laugh as they drop the mic and sway out, the room darkening as they leave dozens of whining and dissapointment club goers.

You'll follow them soon but you're interested to see what happens when the Honourheart arrives.

The short, mohawked girl hurries into the club some time later, her nose wrinkling as she smells the overwhelming scent of sex. She's pretty and you can kind of see the resemblance between her and her sister although Honourheart is shorter and stockier, barrelling through tables and goers like a freight train rather than going around or over them. She leaves a trail behind her as she sprints to Flash, she grabs his shoulder, supporting him and talking to him in a low voice that you can't quite hear but looks urgent and comforting.

Flash, sweating and biting his lip, wriggling in his tight pants and Honourheart glances down and bites her lip before giving a coy little smile and begins to pull Flash towards the door and you get the impression she's going to relive her freind.

You're suprised she's that forward, given the amount of sex magic in the air that she must be able to detect. You knew she's not as smooth and meticulous as her sister but Flash is coated in the stuff and she can see it, that's reckless even by your standards.

As she pulls him towards the exit she shoots one last look across the club, her eyes sharp and scanning. Do they linger on you for a little too long before moving over you?

You can't tell.

You're very tempted to follow, Flash is saturated with magic and you might be able to throw a few more things onto either him or Honourheart but it's been a long day and you don't really want to push your luck.

And that last look had sent prickles up your neck. Best to let Sunset deal with it.

A) Follow and see if you can set the table for Sunset. Honourhearts pretty much untouched at the moment and she might have some tricks to wean Flash off of his Evil Principal fetish.

B) Just dip. You've got dangerous MILF's to be ridden by.

C) Other?

[Locked in A with 3 votes]
[Changeling inspirations: ]

[Awesome art - Smol moon big sun - here comes the sun bad moon rising]

Pub: 03 Oct 2022 08:52 UTC
Edit: 10 Oct 2022 07:31 UTC
Views: 2423