Shinji Ikari lounged on the bed. He was naked, his huge body enjoying the pleasant cool of the bedroom. Kaworu Nagisa, his boyfriend, was feeding him doughnuts.

"Ohm, numm," mumbled Shinji as Kaworu gently fed him a glazed doughnut. His double chin rippled as he chewed.

"Such a good boy," said Kaworu, gently stroking Shinji's enormous belly.



"Uhhn," moaned Shinji as he farted. He was digesting an enormous meal, a large pizza with breadsticks that he'd polished off a few hours ago. The doughnuts were dessert.

He was incredibly fat. Shinji weighed more than 200 kilograms, with no signs of his weight gain slowing. His hoggish cheeks bloated and rippled, giving him a wide and piggish face. They oozed down into jowls and into his beefy second chin, which sagged onto the tops of his enormous boy breasts. Shinji had huge hooters, bloating and spreading as he laid on his back. To either side of his breasts, his flabby upper arms rested, so stuffed with fat that they sagged over his elbows. His forearms were fat, too, and he had chubby hands and soft fingers.

"Mmm," hummed Shinji, comfortably resting a hand on his gut. His belly was enormous, an ocean of blubber, making his middle huge. It sagged down well past his penis, resting midway down his hefty thighs. His hips were wide, and his thighs were packed with fat, oozing slightly over his knees. Kaworu finished the glazed doughnut and began to feed Shinji a powdered sugar doughnut. Shinji cooed at the taste, and pleasurably waggled his chubby toes.

"I never tire of feeding you, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, red eyes gazing into Shinji's blue eyes as the doughnut gradually disappeared into the fat boy's mouth. "It's so enjoyable to see you enjoy food."

Shinji smiled, powdered sugar flecking his lips. "I love being fed by you, Kaworu-san. You make delicious food even more enjoyable." Shinji let Kaworu feed him the last bite of the doughnut. He chewed and swallowed. "Mmm," he hummed pleasurably, plump hands resting on his vast belly. "I think with you, I could eat until I explode."

"Hmm," hummed Kaworu. He danced fingers on Shinji's belly. Shinji giggled. Kaworu slowly moved his hand down the heavy, soft slope of the belly, down to the hefty oozing overhang. Here, at the biggest expanse of Shinji's belly, his bright red stretch marks were particularly prominent.

Kaworu set the doughnut box between Shinji's breasts. "I'll need you to feed yourself for a moment, Shinji-kun," he said, his voice soft and rich. His hands free, Kaworu moved down to Shinji's belly and gently moved his hand beneath the heavy girth of the belly.

Shinji obediently began to eat another doughnut. And soon enough, he felt Kaworu's soft, but firm tugging on his small, stubby penis. His cheeks flushed, and he quirked a smile before cramming more doughnut into his mouth. "Mmm," he moaned, as Kaworu gave him a handjob. His enormous body fidgeted, making the bed creak. "MmmMMMMMmmm," he moaned. His penis was undersized. It was buried in fat, not just beneath his belly but amid his gelatinous thighs, and beneath his heavy fupa. So these days it wasn't particularly prominent. But Kaworu knew exactly what to do with it, and now Shinji was fully erect, coming closer and closer to climax. The sexual stimulation caused his greed and gluttony to increase, and he began to eat faster, bites of doughnuts coming faster to his mouth and faster down his throat. There had been a dozen in the box. Shinji had eaten seven of them, and now he bit into the eighth, filled with raspberry jelly. He chewed. He ate. Kaworu stroked. He tugged. Shinji felt better and better, more and more aroused, his dick was rigid beneath his flab, he brought the doughnut to his mouth again--

"Ohhhmmm," mumbled Shinji, mouth full of doughnut as he ejaculated. The climax was immensely pleasurable, enhanced by the sweet sugary delight on his tongue. His fat underbelly became coated in semen as his penis squirted and squirted. His big, brown nipples were rock hard.

Kaworu gently withdrew his hand. It was coated in Shinji's spunk. He reached for a kleenex to wipe himself off. "How did that feel?"

"So gooooood," moaned Shinji. He had one final bite of doughnut in his hand. He popped it into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed.

Kaworu gently stroked Shinji's flabby cheek. "What a marvelous hog you are, Shinji-kun."


"Ungh," moaned Shinji, feeling a sudden, heavy pressure in his lower guts. "Ohh, Kaworu, I... I need... toilet..."

"Of course, my pet," said Kaworu, removing the doughnut box from Shinji's chest. He grabbed Shinji's hands with his own, and with surprising strength for such a slender boy, Kaworu helped Shinji sit up. Shinji turned, his belly sagging off the side of the bed. Behind him, his immense ass sprawled on the mattress. Shinji had enormous, bulging butt cheeks, huge and bloated, oozing behind him in a shelf ass. Then Kaworu helped Shinji's bare feet touch the ground, and with care and tenderness, Kaworu hauled Shinji to his feet. He didn't even break a sweat, despite Shinji's great weight.


"Mmm," mumbled Shinji as he waddled for the door of the bedroom. "Mmm... it's gonna be a big one." He patted his belly absent-mindedly. "I hope I don't clog the toilet again."

"Just do what makes you comfortable, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. "That's all that matters. Here: you don't want to forget these." Shinji stopped. Kaworu put the doughnut box into his chubby hand. Smiling, face as piggish as ever, Shinji began to waddle out of the room, towards the bathroom, enormous buttocks swaying behind him, doughnut box in his hand.

Pub: 22 Nov 2021 03:55 UTC
Views: 991