Anon's Stalker

Chapter 4


When you eventually wake up again the slant of the sun coming through the window is low.
You have no idea if its morning or evening.
You take stock of your surroundings.
A lot of tubes still stuck into your body,
A few machines by your bed, now silently monitoring you.
A table with a pitcher of water and cups, remote, a TV across from you.
You pull down the bed sheet.
Your left arm is slung tight against your chest.
You feel your shoulder and its tender underneath the gauze.
Your hand moves up to your neck and despite the heavy padding of a bandage taped to it you can't touch it without hissing in pain.
That pig really fucked you up.
You think back to the previous night.
Your fantasy had been played out but it was nothing like you expected.
You've always wanted a strong girl to sweep you off your feet.
You even wanted a claiming bite without thinking about just how much it would hurt.
You never considered that your future mate would be anything other than a well put together, rather than some unhinged, unwashed, alcoholic madwoman.
In hindsight it was a silly expectation. Anthros don't do that anymore. Its not been a thing for decades.
Bile churns in your stomach as you try not to focus on the event itself.
You can still smell and taste her.
The feeling of her tusk gliding so smoothly into your neck as she gored you was such a shocking feeling in the moment.
You feel yourself break out into a cold sweat as you sit up looking for a bag or trashcan.
You grab a clean bedpan and hold it under your chin while trying to fight the contractions in your gut but eventually give in.
You hack into the can but nothing comes up. The coughing fit afterwards leaves your neck throbbing with pain.
The nausea recedes slightly and you pour a glass of water and down it in a few gulps.
Having something come up is less painful than dry heaving.
You need to get your mind off this.
Your grab the remote and turn the TV on.
"A suine woman was arrested yesterday after a viol-"
No no no. You flip through the channels until you land on some educational show about how boat propellers are made.
Good enough.
Your relaxation is cut short half an hour later with a knock on the door.
A nurse peeks in. "Mr. Mous, you have guests if you are feeling well enough."
She swings the door open and behind her are a german shepherd and a badger wearing officer blues.
Fuck. Better to get it over with.
They stride in. The shepherd keeps a courteous distance away but the badger kneels down next to the bed and pulls out a clipboard.
"Anon Mous, correct?"
You nod.
"We'd like to ask you a few questions about what happened last night if you're feeling up to it."

"Alright." You croak.

"Thanks to the Male Protection Act you wont need to testify in court." She motions to a camera strapped to her chest. "I just need to swear you in and record your answers now and that will be sufficient instead of putting you through the ordeal of facing your attacker in court. Do you swear or affirm to tell the whole truth and only the truth?"


"Thank you. I'm sure revisiting this isn't fun so we will move though it as quick as possible."
You appreciate her compassion.
She looks down at the clipboard. "Will you release your medical records only pertaining to this event to the court for use in the relation to the case?"
You nod.
"I'm sorry if its hard to talk but we need verbal responses for the record."


"Thank you."
She flips a page on the clipboard and shows you a series of numbered mugshots. "Please indicate, if any, which of these anthros were involved in the event."
The lineup was a real underhand toss. A rabbit, an alligator, a horse,
a boar with a black eye, a deep cut on her lip, wearing a tank top soaked with your blood.
You grab the bedpan from the table and sit up in anticipation.
You squeeze your eyes shut and grit your teeth.
Your hands are shaking as you white knuckle your grip on the container.
You would very much like to not vomit on camera.
Eventually you settle down. You put the bedpan back and rub sweat off your face.
Both the doberman and badger only watch silently with concern.
"I'm sorry to put you through this Anon but we need this from you to put her away. You wont see her again."
You hold up four fingers.

"The fourth one. The pig."

The german shepherd speaks up. "We don't need to put him through full testimony. Just confirm the already available testimony."
The badger nods to her and speaks softly as if it hurts her to say the words she does. "I'll go through the testimony of a witness, Margaret Severn, and I only need you to confirm its accuracy and then we will be done. Are you ready?"
You sigh.


"Ms. Severn and Sandra Winnow exited the Hot Hoof Tavern at approximately 2130 hours on Saturday the 12th, yesterday. When Ms. Winnow noticed you she immediately pushed you into a wall and sexually assaulted you before battering you with an attempted claiming bite. You struggled against this and-"
Again you grab for the bedpan again and this time vomit into it right away.
Tears well behind your squeezed shut eyelids, both from the pain in your neck and the embarrassment.
So much for maintaining any dignity when this plays in court.
You stay hunched over the bowl for a few more moments.
Eventually you set it back down and pour yourself another glass of water.
After chugging it you lay back on the bed.
Your bed gown is soaked with sweat and very uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry. May I continue?" You can hear a hitch in her voice.
Her partner has her eyes set on the foot of the bed while she focuses on keeping a steely expression.
You nod.
"During the struggle she stabbed your neck with a tusk and..."
She looks over at the shepherd and motions with the clipboard.
The other officer approaches and looks at it.
The badger points to a line. "...I don't want to repeat this."
The dog takes it and reads it over for a moment.
She swallows and continues for her partner, clearly skipping something. "Ms. Severn re-entered the tavern and gathered help. The other anthros who came with her exited the building and... separated Mr. Mous and Ms. Winnow.
She pauses again, reading the transcript silently. She can't hide her angry expression. "The bar patrons held Ms. Winnow in place until police and emergency medical aid arrived."
Obviously she left out exactly how your attacker had acquired her injuries.
Whatever other details the badger didn't want to repeat, you appreciate that being left unsaid.
The german shepherd concludes. "Is this accurate to your recollection of the events?"
You swallow down the rising bile in your throat.

"I would say she slammed me into the wall... and I don't remember anything after being gored."

She scribbles for a moment.
The badger takes the clipboard back. "Thank you, Anon. This was very brave of you."
You sigh and rub your face again. Hopefully you can go back to not thinking about this soon.
"One last thing. We can put in a restraint order to stop media from contacting you, we can indicate that you are open for contact, or neither."

"No media."

She ticks a box.
"Thank you again Anon. I know this is really hard to do but you were very brave about it. I'm sure she wont be getting out any time soon."
She stands from her kneeling position. "I hope you have a fast recovery Anon. You're very strong, remember that."
The both turn and head out.
The german shepherd stops at the door and turns to you. After a moment of indecision she speaks. You can hear the contempt in her voice. "They'll probably pull her teeth out for that. Definitely her tusks."
You don't respond and she exits.
You don't know what to think about that.
Maybe a bit of satisfaction but you're emotionally drained and hungry.
The sun is setting, at least you know what time it is now.
You press the call button on your bedside and a few minutes later a nurse arrives.
She spots the bedpan and you look at her sheepishly. "Sorry."
She grabs it. "Don't worry, its what I signed up for. I deal with much worse everyday."

"Could I get something to eat? I've not had anything since yesterday."

"You're on a liquid only diet so I can only offer a strawberry or blueberry nutrient shake."
You order strawberry and it arrives quickly along with a clean bedpan.
You turn the TV on and its another documentary about the construction of some new sky scraper with novel earthquake mitigating technology.
Very riveting.
You finish off your shake and drift off to the monotone narration from the TV.

Pub: 16 Mar 2023 02:58 UTC
Views: 1265