Im sure the deadbeats must have been surprised if they didn't keep up with risuner events. All of a sudden we had 9 pinisi and even though our skeleton friends had bigger boats and more of them, oh I bet our nuts that they would have been surprised at our massive rate of BUILDING BOATS!
All 9 ships landed on the western side of /morig/ after circling around them and saying hi. As for the formation, well it was a little difficult but we could all see each other which was good and we did have crew with enough knowledge to know what we were doing.
Luckily enough /morig/ was full of docks so we just showed up at whatever one we saw that didn't have the giant cannon boats. They didn't wanna get in the way of their navy. Of course when 9 risuner boats showed up the deadbeats had a lot of questions. Luckily we had a note for them written in their language made in advance

Hello deadbeats. We are the Risuner tri fleet and it is our mission to go to the magical forest nation of /uuu/. There are 2 other places nearby with possibly some really cool stuff so instead of sending fleets separately we thought to combine all 3 of those expeditions into a big one.
We kind of used your land to see if we could travel in formation and as a secondary launching stage for the long trip over there. If things go wrong and it turns out they are hostile to us, we would like to ask of you something. We have been told the "space people" may be dangerous but have the shiniest and prettiest things. For whatever you like (this can be negotiated and can include nut exchanging if you like) in the event all goes wrong and we lose our valuable crew we ask you take your giant cannon boats and blow them all up.
This is only a backup plan though and it is ok if you say no. Also while we are here we would like to do a very quick trade. We brought some bog iron and will give you all of it in exchange for whatever food you have that will last a while. Fruits too if you got them. Thank you our boney friends.

This note made some deadbeats shiver and others laugh. It was a very strange proposal. We told them never to mention this note to other nations as we do want to be friends with the magic forest people but we commonly have a fear. The /meat/ raiders probably made us look kind of like pushovers and we want to show everyone that we are fucking badass now. Our next stop was possibly /ggg/ but if that was a no go then we will head straight to /uuu/. We had 6 pinisi FILLED with food so hopefully it would be enough.

The part that goes unspoken is that Moriji would only strike back if actual Deadbeats were involved in the potential conflict; if there were only Risuners, the people's opinion would be to stay out of it, especially if it happens so far away.
The offer is on the table: you can leave with the clipper coming along, otherwise the 9 pinisi can purchase their supplies and be on their way.
Here are profiles for the notables on the clipper's crew.

Gustus Albiji is an experienced Deadbeat trader. His newest ship the Black Comet, is a jewel of Moriji shipbuilding and engineering, designed to carry precious and time-sensitive cargos across the oceans as fast as possible. Profit motivates him, but when the cards are down, he would die for Mori her island.

Lieutenant Justicia Kinui is a promising young officer of the Black Fleet. She graduated from the Southern Naval Academy with specializations in biology, chuubanitology and botany. Her previous assignments put her in Risuner territory, where she was familiarized with their culture.

Lieutenant Desuvius Akai graduated at the top of his class at the Naval Engineering Academy. He is a complete nerd in matters of material science, artillery, and ship construction, topics where he has published a series of papers. He gained an interest in alien technology after a tour through /moon/ and /pagi/ for humanitarian relief missions while /kson/ was a nascent nation.

Pub: 09 Jun 2022 10:01 UTC
Edit: 09 Jun 2022 10:02 UTC
Views: 704