within the city you felt kind of shocked
actual humans
Tails was very conscious of the area and had a semblance of shame
Sonic… that was a different story
he had no shame
hooked onto your arm as you investigated
it hadn't taken long for Robotnik to make his move
some slime creature accosting cops had to have him involved
then his robots came out of the woodwork
Sonic was really the real deal when things called for it
seeing him tear through robots and fighting that monster impressed you
you really did have a super hero chasing after your dick
Tails had foiled a separate ploy to blow up the city
over the course of your city trip you did realize how out of your depth you were
you'd become the Lois Lane here
Sonic and Tails would never allow you in danger and they'd gotten really good at keeping you safe
the issue was you were worried about them not being safe
usually these isekai things ended with a guy having super powers
but you were just… you
hell, the city's gratitude was the only reason you could get a meal
your money was pretty useless on another world
let no one tell you a good deed goes unrewarded
but you did feel slightly guilty
you wanted to be more than just a trophy wife here
if those two were putting in the effort you should too
your solution came from a source you didn't expect
one day you were stuck in safety when you ran into a familiar pink hedgehog
things were… difficult
very awkward
she'd come out of the casino that Sonic and Tails had cleared out awhile before
at first you tried pretending you were buried in your phone
but she wasn't fooled and instantly went for your bench
she poked your chest
”you've got a lot of nerve.”
she wasn't happy
you couldn't blame her
you wouldn't be happy to be cucked
to your credit Sonic was very very gay
you brought up how you were kind of stuck here while those two went on their world saving and she sort of relented
you apologized for how things went down
she did relax a little
time seemed to heal the wounds a little
not completely but you weren't dodging a hammer
you patted the bench and asked her if she would hear you out a little
you didn't expect forgiveness but you also had no idea what had gone on
you weren't even from here
that did at least seem to get through
”so what do you want?”
there was still a little edge to her voice
not completely hostile but she didn't exactly trust you
you had to ask an outside party
how could you be useful?
you were defenseless in the face of the odds Sonic dealt with
even she seemed more capable
you were just a guy
you didn't want to just be someone to be rescued, an easy target
that gave her pause
she sat down next to you, readjusting her skirt
you remembered Sonic mentioning in passing he'd saved her
but why did she need saving?
she was plenty strong
you didn't mention this but you knew she'd have a decent perspective
you felt useless here and you didn't want to feel useless
she opened up and admitted what you knew about Sonic saving her
the metal Sonic
a whole adventure
then he ran off
she thought it was love at first sight
she sighed and looked down
you felt a little guilty
glancing over to her, you didn't know how to deal with this
she thought Sonic saved her because he loved her
but he was just being a hero
it just came naturally to him
that gave you an epiphany
Sonic would probably still be heroic even without the speed
Amy here overcame odds
moping about it wouldn't do anything
you'd just have to rise to the occasion
you'd originally treated this adventure as an extended vacation
yet both Sonic and Tails were saving people
so you should shape up
who knows, maybe you'd save them for a change
Amy looked crestfallen
you apologized again for the mess that happened
you pointed out Sonic saved her because that's just who he is
he'd save anyone
no way would you bring up your relationship with him at the moment
no need to make the wounds worse
she'd recover and find someone
you knew that the dating game was hard no matter where you were
she just didn't need to give up
and neither did you
you told her to keep in touch and not go solo as much
you knew you weren't her favorite person right now but Robotnik wasn't above kidnapping before
”you should watch out too”
she still sounded a little on edge but you hoped she'd be over it eventually
you weren't giving up those guys now
rivals be damned
it took a little while before Sonic and Tails came back
you'd ended up sharing lunch with Amy and they practically froze when they saw her
she ended up dismissing herself but thanked you for the meal
after the initial awkwardness the two guys sat down with you
as grateful as the city was at its new heroes, you did feel a few judgemental stares
the hedgehog in a skimpy swimsuit with a pink tied up shirt
sitting in your lap didn't help
he just hopped there like he owned it
you knew you'd have to clean up that free hotel room you all had earned after you all had privacy
at least people were grateful around here
Tails fumbled around with some new technology he'd brought back while Sonic described the excursion
you suggested coming with the next time and Sonic lost the jovial smile to tell you absolutely not
you wanted to help
they were out there
they'd fought that slime a second time
met their friend Knuckles
and fought a ton of robots
you were just here
”and you're going to stay put until Robotnik is dealt with.”
he poked your nose for emphasis
it was rare to see him assertive but you were proposing getting into harm's way
but wasn't he doing the exact same?
he was about to bring up he had powers
but you dismissed that
he'd do the right thing even without them
what you'd realized earlier was both these two were heroic even without the weirdness they had going for them
you suggested taking this discussion upstairs to your room and Sonic agreed
that was the quickest way to get his attention
being stuck cooped up in the city at least made this visit a little more special
you knew those two would be eager for stress relief
you could at least do that much
the discussion about you being more help could come later with the possible help of post nut clarity helping your case
in the bedroom Sonic instantly lost all his assertiveness
you decided the talk could wait afterwards and picked them both up once the door shut behind you
firm hand on each their asses, you walked over to the bed
that poor bed had seen some use since you'd arrived in Station Square
the whole deviant sex with these was tolerated but not exactly normal around these parts
you noticed how people would sometimes gawk at Sonic wearing the fruitiest number possible
maybe it was the giant hedgehog thing
granted, they seemed aware of these anthro people
why they secluded themselves to one island you hadn't the faintest idea
but the place was nice
it didn't give a thrill to be able to pick them both up at once
Tails wouldn't admit he liked it but he did wiggle in your palm just a little
Sonic clung to you, even tracing a finger over your chest
you could only lift them both for a sort burst but it was enough to show off
you couldn't lie and say you weren't also excited to see them
the hedgehog grabbed at your crotch and chuckled
”hope you missed me”
you did
you palmed both their asses when you sat down on the bed
both of them arched themselves closer to you
you hoped after a clearer head that you could reason through to them
you understood just where they were coming from
but you didn't want to be useless
you felt pretty useless
here though, you were in control
you took turns kissing each guy
they'd been so pent up on whatever quest had come their way
no wonder they both practically begged you with their body language
it was hard not to want to enjoy yourself a little here
both of them rested on one leg, Sonic in particular grinding up against it
Tails was still shy about it but a few kisses relaxed him
you still wanted to be more than just this to them though
you knew you mattered
but being useful was hard to define
their asses were on the line
why shouldn't you be concerned?
want to help?
you'd strike at the pillow talk phase
right now though…
your palm gripped Sonic's cheek and he moaned
you'd enjoy yourselves
you whispered into the hedgehogs ear
you hoped he wasn't too tired to keep up
the taunt worked
he bopped you in the arm
you couldn't help it if he was a… slowpoke
that earned you another bop
he grinned
you didn't want to leave Tails out and started kissing his shoulder
that was a weak spot
he gripped at your shirt and leaned in
then you were back to Sonic
it was a challenge keeping both of them satisfied
but you were up to the task
you had to say, as stressful as this new world was, this was a benefit
Sonic didn't go to much into foreplay this time
he'd snatched up the bottle of lube on your nightstand and started undoing your jeans
one thing you were happy about this city was being able to get a few changes of clothes
Sonic and Tails didn't exactly share your pants size
Tails climbed off your leg to let his friend yank your pants down
you made yourself busy undoing his coveralls, surprising him
Sonic buried himself in your exposed crotch and kissed your nuts while you undressed the fox
you'd probably give first dibs to the hedgehog
him moving up and suckling on your tip was clouding your judgment
his fingers were working lube into his ass
with Tails completely nude you pulled him close and attacked his nipple
one palm on his ass and the other on Sonic’s head
you enjoyed yourself a little
yeah this world could be great
despite earlier fears, they worked together well
neither came off as jealous
they were content to share
and you felt relief over that
the whole situation was nuts without a love triangle
they would be the death of you though
Sonic was already a handful
thank God Tails was far more shy
they had ganged up on you and your world was a blur of heat and fur
Sonic passionately kissed your cock while Tails thrust his chest up to your mouth
cool lube replaced the hot mouth and you could tell someone was impatient
several pounds of ass impaled itself on your dick was one fluid motion
your cock vanished inside him with a groan escaping his lips
you growled into the fox's fluffy chest
Sonic had taken your taunt as a challenge and was riding you reverse cowgirl
well he was putting his hips into it while you practically devoured the shy fox
Tails whimpered when you grabbed the base of his tails
not hard enough to hurt, just enough to get his attention
your other hand ran over Sonic's slim chest as you held on along for the ride
he almost instantly shot a load after hopping on your dick
Tails was trying not to make it obvious he was grinding against you
the whole thing was a blur but you did notice the wet stains on your shirt quickly enough
you snatched one of Sonic’s hands and placed his lubed up fingers right near the fox's tailhole
he didn't need to be told what to do next and soon Tails was clinging and scratching at your shirt as you got finger fucked
your hand drifted from Sonic’s chest down to his cock and you tried pumping him with the timing of his thrusts down
at least the best you could without acquiring carpal tunnel
he arched his back and came pretty quickly with your hand coaching things along
without warning he hopped off as easily as he hopped on and grabbed Tails by the waist and impaled his friend on your dick
all before bot the fox and you could react
Tails nearly bit his tongue and you fought the urge to cum
”I didn't want to hog it all to myself. sharing is caring isn't it?”
he pushed Tails legs up in the air and started kissing the fox
you had a front row seat to the debauchery and you clamped your hands on Sonic's hips
he broke the kiss confused and looked over Tails’ shoulder
”hey, I think you're ignoring the main attraction here”
you pushed him against the fox and they both moaned when they frotted against each other
that cleared things up for the hedgehog
you grabbed Sonic by the hips and had him lock his legs around the small of your back
Tails was sandwiched in
his hole twitched around the invader inside him and you basked in it for the moment
then Sonic peeked around the fox to look at you again
”am I going to have to get him to call you daddy again to get this ride to start again?”
that earned him your hand drifting downwards and two fingers gripping into him like a bowling ball
Tails was squirming against you, whimpering with your dick lodged against his prostate
it was awkward starting up but you made do thrusting into the fox
he didn't seem to mind
Sonic worked kisses along the fox's neck as their manhoods pressed against each other
damn they'd be the death of you
you'd lost track of when you finally climaxed into Tails
you didn't stop slamming into him though
you'd even nipped at his neck as you bred him deeply
that was enough to get his gifted manhood to throb and make a mess of the two guys’ fur
he moaned into Sonic’s shoulder as he came and you finally slowed once he relaxed
no need to push him too hard
Sonic wasn't as merciful though
he grabbed Tails’ dick and started stroking them both
he quickly milked another orgasm from the fox then himself
all the while Tails bucking and moaning
after that you pulled them onto the bed with you
it was rather comfortable with both of them serving as a blanket
you suggested a shower
after that little encounter all three of you would need it

the shower was really appreciated
Sonic and Tails weren't absolutely filthy but they had been out for a while
your habit of washing up together would usually lead to Sonic trying to instigate nonstop marathon shower sex
and he did try here
but you needed a minute to recover
because goddamn were you spent for a little bit
you'd toss their clothes in the washing machines downstairs
neither seemed opposed to being nude around you in the hotel room
you'd managed to find higher end shampoo for them both
sure it would go to waste the second then ran out into the jungle
but for now they be soft to the touch
you reflected on Amy before
you'd find a way to make yourself useful
she did
you hoped to chat with her some more
maybe patch things up with her and her little hero
you had no intention just handing Sonic off though
the hands trying to scrub your back were hard to ignore
well at least he was being helpful
you made sure to get Tails’ well, tails, lathered up
you had no idea how they kept up with their fur before you
for some very girly fucks they sure did act like guys when it came to dirt and grime
both were very happy when you touched behind their ears
you'd gotten to be an expert at working with Sonic’s quills
you hadn't jabbed yourself in ages
after the shampoo and soap you felt refreshed and relaxed
not enough to immediately slamfuck the hedgehog despite his fondest dreams
you had to get their clothes cleaned up
Sonic once more suggested Tails trade out his slightly more conservative attire for something that hugged his junk just right
Tails, still remarkably shy despite standing fully nude in your room, denied the idea
”oh come on, all that wagon you're dragging and you don't show it off?”
Tails instinctively covered his ass with his now fluffy tails
he did not want to me your eyes
”I do not have a ‘wagon’”
he protested and Sonic tried to get you involved
he kicked up his feet on a table after making himself comfortable in an office chair
his thumb hooked towards you
”I'm pretty sure he likes the wagon.”
you had laundry to do and tried to avoid the conversation for the moment
you dropped the clothes into the washer, thanking the hotel staff as you made your way back up
when you got back to the room they were still talking about asses
well ok, Sonic was still talking about asses and Tails was asserting he had no idea who this Sir Mix-a-lot was
a bit of the earth culture clearly wore off on Sonic
”think about how easy flight would be in a breezy miniskirt.”
did Sonic normally try to pimp out his friends?
”only the cute ones.”
at the moment Tails was a tomato
they really did have sibling energy
behind the teasing Sonic did care though
he didn't push Tails’ buttons too hard
that was usually your job
Tails had taken a spot at the edge of your bed and he looked shy as ever
”I'm not cute,” he tried to mumble out
that put Sonic into action
before Tails could finish the sentence, the hedgehog was next to him on the bed
he poked the fox in the chest
”you're cute and that's that.”
Sonic turned to look at you
”little help?”
you laughed a little but you sat down next to Tails
he was cute
he could argue until he ran out of breath but he was cute
you had grabbed a brush and started working on his tails, something he seemed to appreciate
”oh well,” Sonic shrugged, “I got you into a dress before and I'll just have to do it again”
you thought back
you don't recall that and brought that up
”remember the practice kissing?”
he said that around Tails and the fox bopped him in the arm as a sign to stop
he rubbed his arm, feigning injury
well that would explain things
this time Tails spoke up
”we've got more important things to worry about. like Robotnik”
Sonic rolled his eyes
”yeah yeah. definitely not my favorite subject but I get it. definitely not the guy I want to have to chase though.”
that made you recall
you wanted to do more and brought it up to them
that made Sonic sigh
you'd had this talk before
you prepared for the same responses
”it's too dangerous”
”we can't put you in harm's way”
”it's different”
you had a vested interest in making sure they came home
you pointed that out
what if you could help
Amy down there was kidnap bait before
so why couldn't you be more of a help
the mention of Amy made the hedgehog flinch a little
still spooked by her, you guessed
couldn't Tails just build you a gun or something?
a grappling hook?
some sort of explosives?
their reactions differed at the suggestion
see, Amy had that hammer
she wasn't as fast as Sonic, but she had something
sure, it might be a crutch but it might also be a boon
Sonic offered the same protests as before but Tails furrowed his brow
hand on his chin, he'd started brainstorming
Sonic took notice
”nope, I know that look”
Tails saw the idea as a challenge
”Tails, come on. he shouldn't be out there.”
you brought up that if Robotnik was as dangerous as you'd been told, was anywhere safe?
you could be in the back waiting to get kidnapped or hurt
or help these two make sure the mad scientist got what was coming to him
there was no guarantee of safety here
you'd have a better chance with them than here alone
Sonic was stubborn but he did see your point with that last statement
as fast as he was he couldn't be everywhere all the time
so why not get something going to have a fighting chance out there
you might be able to protect them too
the hedgehog didn't like it, he saw what you were talking about but he didn't like it
it helped you brought up the idea of Tails building something to help you
if it was just you talking about running out there by yourself he probably wouldn't agree
but he trusted the fox's handiwork
you brought up that if Sonic didn't have his speed he'd still try to help
sure, he had super powers
but that wasn't the heroic part
”you know, flattery is a pretty low blow”
the grin he gave while saying that at least told you it was working
you felt like you finally got through to him
this was the closest to a victory you have had on this
Tails was now pacing the hotel room, oblivious to his nudity
the shame had been forgotten while he was in “work mode”
that reminded you
you needed to get the laundry into the dryer
well, Sonic’s swimsuit could airdry
but the rest had to get into the dryer
you asked to hit pause on the conversation and Sonic agreed
you hoped the privacy might give them some time to go over your proposal together
at least if you went with them you'd feel less guilty too
using up people's goodwill like this wasn't your style
you felt like a freeloader
as nice as having shitty TV and air conditioning again was, you wanted to pay your own way
after that was done you headed back up to your room
Tails had his bare ass up in the air as he drew on a napkin on the floor
Sonic had decided to take a catnap apparently and you quietly shut the door behind you
you tried to ignore the ass and looked over what the inventor was doing
from what you saw, it was pretty much a spindly exoskeleton
not exactly power armor
something that could fit over your arms and legs
he caught you looking and quietly started explaining
it wouldn't make you super strong or fast
but it would enhance your abilities
he'd work on armor next
but this was the driving force behind it
he could salvage all of this off enemy robots and have it built pretty quickly
even use their weapons
you'd been gone for 5 minutes tops and he'd designed a bootleg Iron Man suit
”next outing I'll have you help me scavenge what we need while Sonic pushes Robotnik around”
he eyed the detailed little drawing and his notes
”if all goes well I'll have this ready in a couple weeks”
well you didn't expect it to be overnight but you'd hoped on helping now
this was just the compromise you'd have to live with though
with the pace these two were going at they'd have this wrapped up before then
but the project had merit
and at least you could help them in the future
you kissed Tails on the head and thanked him for hearing you out
”I don't think Sonic likes the idea much… but I see your point.”
he got up and saw sleeping beauty sprawled out in all his glory on the bed and decided to slip the napkin on the nightstand
”of course this would be easier if I had access to my shop but Robotnik takes priority right now.”
when he bent over to place the napkin your mind went back to what Sonic said earlier
you palmed a cheek with each hand
he gasped
you silently laughed
he did have a nice ass
it wasn't as muscled as the hedgehog's
sort of
he had more thickness
probably with how his tails worked
you leaned down on him
his hands reached for the nightstand to balance himself
your hands clamped onto his hips
you whispered how you'd love to see him in something short
his protests were cut short by your clothed cock wedged in-between his cheeks
you were at full mast
he was looking over his shoulder and panting
why shouldn't he dress girly
didn't he want to show off for “daddy”
you cringed a little saying that last part but it got a groan out of him
and a laugh to your left
Sonic was awake and apparently at half mast himself
”well, go on~”
well you didn't need a written invitation
you dropped your pants and slapped your dick on the fox's ass with an audible thwack
Tails looked to you and then to Sonic
you slid between his ass and rubbed your manhood over his hole
he whimpered
this was just like over that work table
hopefully today wouldn't end with another plane crash
you fucked Tail's ass, pressing his cheeks together around your cock
Sonic looked amused and a little curious
you hadn't done this with him
granted, he usually rushed into impaling himself on your dick
”see buddy, I told you you have a nice ass.”
Tails was blushing and Sonic decided to start jerking off while he watched
”also glad I was right about that daddy thing.”
you glared at Sonic and he laughed
but you didn't let yourself get too distracted
the hedgehog reached over with his free hand and pulled the fox into a slow, lazy kiss
now Tails was getting attacked from both sides
you ramped up your thrusting
making sure to really put pressure against his hole
meanwhile, Sonic kept up the kiss
his own cock throbbing in his hand
the next couple of minutes was a blur
but right when you were going to cum everything shifted and Sonic was now swallowing the load that would have decorated Tails
you were confused for about a millisecond
until he pulled off your cock and once more planted a deep kiss on his friend
you knew what he was doing but seeing your cum on their tongues as they briefly broke the kisses was hot nonetheless
you knew Sonic was trying to get a rise from you but you were also a little spent at the moment
he even gave a half lidded glance to you as they broke the kiss
a faint smile on his face as a fine trail of spit connected the two furry guys
”you're going to have to give me one of those too. glad to see you agree in Tails wearing something short though.”
he laughed as Tails’ sense of shame returned
he pulled the fox onto the bed laughing all the while
”is it that meat between your legs? it is a little big for a skirt…”
Tails could not be any more red
he even tried covering his crotch with his tails
yeah, they could not be more different
you realized the dryer was probably done
despite obviously now smelling of sex, you felt it rude to leave the machine full and excused yourself for a minute
you felt amazing
you'd be able to help them
post nut clarity felt pretty great too
the laundry was thankfully done and no one really bothered you at the desk
you sort of appreciated something close to your old life
but you found Tails’ workshop was the most comfortable you'd been
it sounded strange
but maybe you prefered Sonic and Tails’ company over people
might have to do with the rampant uncontrolled sex
but both were great guys in their own way
that did make you think
once the Robotnik thing was over
do a date
Sonic wasn't one for formality and structured stuff
but like a picnic would be nice
you really hadn't had too much of a chance to cook over here
you got back to your room and they had the TV on
Sonic got bored most likely
Station Square didn't exactly have a billion channels
it was quick to see a news report about rampaging robots downtown
you tossed them their clothes because you knew they'd jump
and you insisted you were coming with
Sonic was going to argue but decided against it
instead he told you to keep up
something you knew was impossible
the news in the lobby said the robots were fighting each other
you pondered that while sprinting out the door
Tails had taken flight and was almost keeping up with Sonic
you were stuck running several blocks behind
but you wouldn't stop
a 15 minute jog later you finally had to take a break
your lungs were burning for how hard you pushed yourself
so you weren't as fast as Sonic
you knew that much
but you refused to quit
you'd push yourself
when you heard gunfire you hesitated but ran towards it regardless
it was a cluster fuck by the time you arrived
sure enough, there was a robot fighting other robots
Sonic and Tails had seen this and decided to take care of the horde first
the one robot had a machine gun and kept magdumping into what looked like it's clone
by now civilians were out of the crossfire
the robots’ attention was split between 3 targets now
you picked up a piece of debris, a piece of rebar from a shattered barricade
you saw one aiming it's guns at Tails in the air and smashed the thing as hard as you could
pain shot through your arms as the vibration was immediate and terrible
smashing metal on metal with ni gloves hurt like a bitch
but the robot's little processor was kaput
the robots’ attention was now divided between 4 targets
you ducked behind a building when a bunch of muzzles pointed at you
one of the others used the distraction and took out another
metal smashed and you heard a distinctly feminine shout as more metal was splintered
with Amy here there were 5 targets to divide the robots’ attention
you peaked out of cover and saw the two clones shooting at each other, solely focused on the other's elimination
meanwhile the other 3 were giving the enemy serious problems
the horde started focusing completely on the 3 fleshy targets and not the rebellious machine
you scored another lucky hit on another distracted robot
sucker punches didn't seem fair but they had guns
you just had a piece of steel that hurt your hands every time you slammed it down
those rare machines that turned to track you were instantly in turn wiped out by Sonic
he was watching over you even while you tried to help
you sort of felt guilty but still contributed best you could
minutes passed and tmin the commotion the orange underdog robot had won its gunfight
Sonic went to finish it off before Amy stopped them before they came to blows
said the machine was friendly
not the oddest thing you'd heard of
Tails busied himself cataloging the wreckage and you went along with him gathering parts
the blue hedgehog didn't like letting one of Robotnik's machines go but he dropped the issue
the situation was a little awkward but you were too busy helping Tails take apart machinery to read the room much
Amy gave the machine a chance to leave and it took it
you could tell Sonic was tense from a glance
but he allowed it
you were sort of relieved given it felt ghoulish dismantling robots in front of one
Amy still sort of put the fear of God into the blue hedgehog but he tried not to show it
your earlier talk had mellowed her out a little
didn't even brandish her hammer
the conversation between them was still tense despite this
her feelings for him wouldn't just vanish over the course of one conversation
that would be too easy a fix
but the anger was gone
Sonic was less blunt this time around
he'd already stated the facts up on that pyramid an he wasn't one to make someone actually suffer
teasing was one thing
the two attempted to share information on Robotnik
they had a common goal there
apparently Amy had been saved before by that robot
whatever it was it was making a beeline for other command units
so why not let it do its thing?
Sonic rested his hands on his hips
he could see the logic in that
but it always could be a trick by Robotnik
gain your trust
then attack when your guard is down
he would do something that underhanded
Sonic warned Amy to be careful before turning to Tails and you arm deep in some robot
you had no idea what Tails was cataloging but maybe this would speed up his project
fighting these things with a length of rebar sucked
Amy was about to leave but you made sure to tell her to stay safe out there
she did the same
maybe there was a chance she'd move on after all
after that excitement Sonic came over
Tails was busy cataloging parts
the cops were playing clean up
once more Sonic had saved the city but some people had noticed he'd let one of the machines go
you knew how fickle people could be
you took Sonic aside and pointed out it probably wasn't smart to stay here any more
eventually the hospitality would run dry
best case scenario you get a bill
worst case pitchforks and torches
Tails did remark over your conversation a lot of this could be used to patch up the Tornado
that would be perfect
you'd have the thing patched up and back to the shop in no time
then deal with Robotnik's next move
Sonic agreed with the idea and with the idea of getting out of dodge
rumors would start spreading
so best to leave
he wasn't one to stay in one place too long either
with the surface to air gun silenced you could leave in peace
you'd head back to the hotel and get what was left of your belongings and clean the place up
then meet them at the Tornado
Sonic would circle back if you got lost
the grabbed the parts they needed and you split up
the hotel was pretty dead
you slipped in, cleaned up and got out quietly
for what it was worth you left a thank you note on the nightstand for whatever poor maid had to clean up
it sucked giving up the armor idea for the time being but getting the Tornado running was a better investment right now
Sonic could probably run across the ocean again but he wasn't about to abandon you two
as nice as being around your own kind was, you were happier with those boys
at least at the workshop you could publicly pound them
you made your way into the jungle and Sonic had met you halfway into the brush
”Tails is busy with the plane.”
there was a hint in his voice
you knew what kind of hint
you wouldn't have to wait for the workshop to publicly pound one of your boyfriends
you leaned back against a tree and let him start undoing your pants
he went to kneel and you knew what was coming next
all the excitement earlier must have made him pent up
you felt a little guilty leaving Tails to work on the plane
but Sonic had to work on something else that smacked him on the face
the smile on his face almost reminded you on a like a drunk
he looked up to you and kissed the shaft a couple times
you placed your hand on his head and basked in the feeling
you didn't know how people got bored with a partner
every time he kissed your cock and looked up at you with those green eyes it was like that first time again
you had lost count just how much you'd fucked either of these guys
you wondered if they remembered
not that you could ask Sonic right now
you had his mouth busy
when your cock twitched he giggled
he knew he did that and even pressed face first to your cock he had a proud glint in his eyes
amazingly he was taking his time
Sonic was not one to pace himself
so you decided, why not spice things up a little?
you told him to slip out of his swimsuit bottom and he quickly complied
maybe he had an idea of what you planned
maybe he just wanted to obey
you picked him up easily, he was a manlet
flipping him upside down was harder but you managed
he wasn't confused and instantly worked with you
you sat down in the brush as you now were both face to crotch with each other
you'd never done this for him but why not test the waters a little?
his legs rested on your shoulders and your hand went back to his head
getting shoved back into your crotch had him leaking precum
when you gave the tip of his cock a peck he moaned and arched his back
with his mouth open you shoved it down on your cock
your other hand gripped at his firm asscheek for stability
you weren't normally one for blowjobs but you'd known Sonic long enough by now
him and Tails were about the only time you'd ever think to do this
but you wanted to assert yourself a little too
you were sure neither minded
to both their credit, neither brought it up before
you had him throating your dick and you'd kiss along his
like clockwork, he had that hammer trigger and came within a minute
no warning either
just a whorish moan around your dick and his whole body tensed
you had a feeling you were going to drain him in one sitting
eventually you worked up to fucking his throat, holding his head in place
he was experienced in taking your cock by now
you made a note that he'd look good with running mascara right about now
you'd have to suggest that
his cock was easy to deal with
with his trigger he came from the littlest attention
allowed you devote more energy to his mouth
no one could say you were selfish though
when you sucked the cock down to the base he came down your throat
the feeling was weird
but for these two you'd do it
you wondered how he'd react to you snowballing him
his next couple were surprises and your shirt was going to positively reek of him until you could wash it
six rapid fire hedgehog orgasms later he was actually tuckered out
his last climax was a dry one, his balls all tapped out for the moment
he'd accepted his throat’s new role as a fleshlight in stride
he would occasionally have to fight and pull back to get oxygen into his lungs but you'd shove his face back onto your cock after the breaks
you grabbed his other asscheek and just face fucked him with the full force of your hips
yeah he'd need runny mascara
his cock once more throbbed to life and you started suckling on it again as you felt your orgasm welling up faster as faster
he knew you were close and grabbed around your legs
he was choosing your cock over oxygen
preferring choking on your dick
both of you tried to make sure you came together
you actually stood up easily now, sucking at his sore dick as you bulged out his throat with every angry thrust
he came before you again but with one feral growl you poured thick ropes up into his eager mouth
you nearly fell back over, accidently pile driving Sonic into the jungle floor, but your legs held
both of you broke away to catch your breath
all the while you held him upside down
after a few ragged breaths you kissed his inner thigh and he roughly laughed
it took him a little while to recuperate but he spoke up
for some reason his voice was a little hoarse
”well if you weren't gay for that ‘I love you’ stuff, you are now”
you stuffed his face in your crotch and he let out a muffled laugh

eventually, you and Sonic recovered and cleaned up
you were relaxed on the rest of your jungle walk
with any luck, Tails would have the plane halfway fixed up
something about Sonic you appreciated when you thought about it
he kept pace with you
for all his running around he brought himself down your level
you grasped at his hand as you walked and he laughed but didn't pull away
you'd scored a couple of superheroes and they were both into you
you could still taste him on your tongue
the walk was leisurely and surprisingly quiet
Sonic seemed to silently enjoy your company
it was a nice little moment that was a breather after all the action
Tails was still deep in the engine but he didn't seem troubled with the repairs
he kept working even after Sonic smacked him on the ass as a way to announce his presence
he did yelp a little
you stashed your stuff in the seat of the plane and asked the mechanic the diagnosis
he was fairly confident
might even be done today
he apologized that this would set back that suit idea
but you were happy to get back to what you thought was home
plus this might help more
Sonic had taken a spot under a palm tree and had closed his eyes
you passed Tails a wrench
the rest of the day was relatively chill
Tails did a lion's share of the repair work
you knew how to change a car tire and that was about the extent of your knowledge
it the plane needed an oil change, great you could do that
when you let Tails speak his mechanical jargon the shy fox vanished and was replaced by someone brimming with enthusiasm
you had the feeling he didn't have many opportunities to talk about stuff like this
he was smart
Sonic had and smirk as he napped against that tree
he was most likely awake but resting his eyes
Tails was positively beaming with pride when he was satisfied with the repairs
it would need more work at the shop but for now it could fly
the sunset meant that was something to do tomorrow
the three of you used a blanket on the sand and curled up against the plane for the evening
you awoke before dawn
both the boys cuddled up to you
times like this made this journey worth it
all the danger
it got you here
you felt warmer with both of them sandwiching you in
it was hard to go back to bed after
so you just laid there
basking in the moment
Sonic actually nuzzled up closer to your chest
he could be affectionate when he wanted to be
it was cute
today you'd head back to the shop
this was an eye opening trip
you'd met humans out here
but realized how much these two meant to you
no matter what happened you'd help them and be a part of their life
you hugged them tightly and watched as the soft glow of the sun finally started peaking over the horizon
eventually both of them woke up
there was groaning as the sun hit their eyes but otherwise everything was relaxed
Tails got up and started immediately doing flight checks
Sonic stretched and ended up in your lap with his back to you
out of reflex you embraced him and he sighed
Tails and you were about the only two that saw this side of him
when the fox signed off on the plane you picked up Sonic with you like a stuffed animal
you released him and took your spot in the plane
this time he clung to the support between the wings
he insisted he'd come with you all this time just in case
you couldn't fault the logic but you wish he wouldn't pick such a dangerous seat
”just because I can call you daddy doesn't mean I'm actually a baby”
well fine
didn't have to put it that way but fine
sure enough the engine quickly roared to life and Tails gently taxied the plane around
the crash cleared out enough of the jungle to make a path
not as smooth as the runway at his shop but it would do in a pinch
the fox enjoyed his position in your lap
you were going to enjoy that rundown bed at the shop
closest place you three could call home
then Robotnik was getting dealt with
when you finally took off you saw something on the horizon and cursed under your breath
speak of the devil
the size of the airship was daunting
you couldn't believe it
something that large was airborne and you were heading right for it
the workshop had been forgotten
Tails and Sonic must have made up their mind and honestly you couldn't blame them
between the outpost, the bomb and the robot rampage, Station Square must be on the guy's shitlist
that was your best guess
if he leveled the city and you could stop it, you should
Tails approached the ship low, probably to avoid the sensors
you had no idea what they planned when they'd get there
the sea water under you and that metal leviathan above you
no one really said much
they were no doubt as nervous as you
Tails looked over to the hedgehog and they nodded to each other
you braced for what they planned
with little warning the plane banked straight up
if it was any other pilot, any other plane, you'd be worried
a straight ascent carried you above the deck of the ship
that split second gave Tails the time to cruise low over the deck before the guns started tracking the aircraft
Sonic leapt forward off the wing and didn't lose momentum as he went sprinting off to the AA guns
meanwhile the Tornado looped back under the ship
this whole thing was surreal
minutes ago you three were napping together and this Robotnik decided to attack without warning
you were worried about the hedgehog fighting alone on the deck and Tails had to be too
despite the obscene amount of guns on that deck he pulled up and over it again
he was using the plane as bait while Sonic hammered at the defenses
the guns had to split their attention
Tails would appear and vanish at different angles
the automated defenses were overwhelmed trying to keep up
occasionally you'd call out a gun that was getting clever and he'd make note of it
it was a blinding display of speed from both of them
Sonic was moving so fast you could see an afterimage
while you felt safe, it just reinforced your desire to protect them
yesterday he was gagging on your cock
here he was dismantling the deck guns
the danger was preventing the fox in your lap from getting you hard
you trusted him to fly circles around the giant ship
all the while Sonic kept destroying parts of the ship
watching both of them in action was amazing
if you three got out of this intact you'd fuck both of them silly for this
you kissed Tails on the head and said he was doing great
you hoped he'd heard it over the plane
he was a man on a mission though, nimbly dancing the plane between streams of gunfire
eventually, after Sonic destroyed anything and everything on the deck, Tails did one final pass
the deck was going to be a landing pad
the landing was a lot easier on the Tornado than the jungle
when the plane finally stopped, Sonic rushed over and leaned against the plane
he played off his momentary exhaustion by folding his arms and propping his foot against the plane
when you hopped out, you kissed his head too
they were amazing and you were at least glad you had a front row seat to their heroics
unfortunately that's as far as it seemed to go
”we need to go in, I need you to stay with the plane.”
you almost protested Sonic's suggestion
but he'd be stubborn
you looked to Tails but it was 2v1
”he's right,” Tails replied
however Tails then added, no doubt to lessen any perceived insult
”we need our escape route secure if the ship goes down.”
Sonic nodded at that
you knew they were just trying to protect you
so you didn't waste time
one day you'd be able to protect them back
you told them to come back safe
you'd protect the plane
the you'd pound the hell out of them after they save the world
at least you had no problem with that being a role you had
watching them head off you felt pride
you knew they'd do it
the wait was worrying
you'd seen them fight
you knew they were capable
didn't stop you from worrying a little
you needed to keep yourself busy
you kept yourself busy by checking the status of the plane
you had no idea what you were doing but it helped to distract your mind
you heard explosions below deck and that made you shoot up
they died down as quickly as they started
your eyes scanned the deck, hoping for movement from your boys
still no sign
this was nerve-wracking
but you tried to busy yourself again
occasionally you'd hear a siren or some other sign of life below deck
at least that was a positive sign in your mind
they were causing a ruckus down there
you checked the time on your phone
they'd been down there for about 20 minutes
the urge to go down there was too strong
you slowly went over to the entrance and just when you started to go down they burst out of the doorway
Amy was in tow
well you didn't question things
speaking of, Sonic shoved a bunch of massive gems into your hands
you ran after them when you heard more explosions below deck and started seeing them appearing across the hull
the plane was warmed up enough to start immediately
Amy had hopped into the same seat as Tails and you were confused
Sonic directed you to toss the gems into the cockpit and he grabbed you and you both held onto the wing
this was insane
wind whipped through your hair as you ascended
the airship was crashing into the island
the dogfight had used the majority of the fuel left in the plane and Tails would have the land back on the island
but it would be easier than the last time
he found a stretch of beach that was perfect
Sonic clung hard to your waist as you held onto the wing support
you were never in a hurry to repeat this but the hedgehog was a comfort and you couldn't ask for a better pilot
the airship was ruined
and you were back on land
you had no idea what was with those gems
but they seemed important
when you landed you had to ask how I went
”well, Robotnik started off the conversation by asking what I was wearing. pretty rude.”
well maybe a bikini bottom on a twink with a nice ass was a little distracting
but you weren't saying that out loud with Amy around
he continued
the scientist had kidnapped Amy and had several chaos emeralds
4 of the 7 total to be exact
you asked about that and he explained they were a power source
even worked on him
that made you raise an eyebrow
”it's only an emergency thing. I've done it a couple times.”
well that had to be a sight
you set him down on the sand and reveled in being back on land
it wasn't exactly the workshop again but that airship had to be it for Robotnik right?
you had to ask about that
where was the mad scientist
”we busted up his ship and he decided to dip”
well you figured it wouldn't be that easy
Tails was finished checking out the plane and Amy was staring off into the ocean
you had to ask her what she was doing on the ship
the other two guys had lost their fear of her thanks to you
you didn't want to give yourself too much credit
she spoke up eventually
”I got kidnapped… again”
you sat next to her on the beach
you could tell she was sort of humiliated
it couldn't be easy feeling like that
hell you felt like that all the time
you had seen her in action
there was no shame
you brought up that she's doing what she can and that's all obe could do
at least she can say she was fighting
she did something
so she should be proud she had some effect
you asked if she wanted a help salvage that airship
normally it would be a thing between the guys but why not get more hands to help?
plus the company would be nice
she mulled it over
the agreed
Sonic might have balked at the idea but he kept it to himself
you were apparently in charge of protecting the chaos emeralds
with any hope you could salvage the fuel and more parts off the ship
best case scenario you could find out more of Robotnik's plans
that slime creature hadn't been seen in a while
you leaned over to Sonic and told him you'd make it up to him for the Amy thing
that put him at ease
the search went pretty well
sure enough, no mad scientist to be seen
Tails would pour through his computer and you asked Amy to watch his back
you wanted her to feel useful, having been in her position
she agreed and Tails went to work on the servers that were sort of intact
Sonic volunteered to grab scrap and fuel
and tugged you by the back of your shirt
you left the emeralds with them in case you needed your hands free
which you figured would happen soon
you didn't expect it to be the second you were out of earshot
Sonic pulled you down to kiss him when you two found a private corner
”I'm cashing in that ‘I'll make it up to you’”
but you had company right there
”I don't know if Amy would be down for watching you fuck me. kinky thought though.”
that wasn't the point, goddamn
he actually giggled when you picked him up
it was easy to manhandle him
just something that came naturally to him
his ass felt nice in your grip again
he'd saved the day from the villain and this was his reward
his legs locked behind you
God he was such a bottom
you ran your fingers along his back, your fingertips gliding through his short blue fur
the hedgehog clung to your body and you braced yourself against a wall
”well, we should get to looking for fuel.”
you were a little shocked but went to set him down
”woah, who said anything about splitting up?”
his arms wrapped around your neck and he pressed his face to your chest
”there's strength in numbers,” he murmured, “so I'll just stay here.”
he wasn't heavy or anything so you didn't argue
plus you'd picked him up so you sort of put yourself in this position
your life had become strange and at this point it didn't even register
you started looking through the airship while your boyfriend clung to you with all the tenacity of a stubborn cat
one hand on his ass held him up and allowed you to use the other
your search at least wasn't dull

Edit Report
Pub: 07 Jan 2024 16:39 UTC
Edit: 20 Feb 2024 12:26 UTC
Views: 1048