Anthros usually avoid him
His profession of slayer, a hunter of those that prey on mankind, kinda put them off
Not that he had anything against them, for the most part anthros and humans existed peacefully
But there are always exceptions
Boys being reported missing in the forest brought him here
Not afraid of the night anymore he confidently ventured along the gloomy dark woodland path
But its been hours without a single clue revealing itself
In fact its eerily silent
As the cool nights breeze shifts direction he pickup a faint sweet aroma in the air, one unlike anything you'd expect in a forest
Something is near, dangerously close by.
With a tight grip on his trusted blade he called out to the darkness
"Your stench betrays you! Reveal yourself!"
A brief silence
Then suddenly the bush beside him rustled loudly
A pale monsters head bursts from it, making him recoil, blade drawn, ready for battle!
Yet rather than attack the beasts head bobs around in a goofy manner
Giggling like a girl
From the foliage the owner of the goat skull staff appears, laughing.
Its a wild female, likely a witch doctor or druid, wearing little more than the tools of her trade
She looks at the human and smiles. Saying something in a language he cannot understand.
Feeling not so threatened by a practically naked female with only a crude bone knife at her hips he sheathed his sword, relaxing slightly
The other tools in her belt caught his eye, however
Glass vials, forged metal? They looked human made and brand new!
She must of had dealings with humans recently
Noticing he was staring below her belt for a long time the girl shakes her staff, using the motion to draw his attention up her body, over her painted chest, past her firm and free breasts, meeting those pale blue eyes and her sly grin head on
The scent from before seems stronger now, her eyes have an odd gleam to them...and give off a whole lot of mischievous vibes
She speaks again in wild tongue
From the increasingly sultry tone and way shes now looking below your belt, he didn't need to understand to feel a little dirty.
This isn't why he was here though
With a shake of his head the slayer pointed to the bottles, trying to think of a way to best explain his intentions
With a disarmingly soft chuckle the wild woman nods, seemingly comprehending
Moving closer she takes the half empty vial of red fluid from her belt, shaking it and removing the stopper
Its the source of sweetness floating in the night air and incredibly strong up close, it causes him to shudder, the hairs on neck to twitch while a hot flush rolls across his face
Furthermore there was a name etched into the glassware
"Wild one, i must examine that vial!"
His request was met with a puzzled look, sadly the girl does not seem to understand human tongue either
Instead he tried simply holding his hand out for the bottle
For some reason a big smile spreads across the girls face...
Before realizing it, a portion of the viscus fluid is deposited into his palm!
The effect is immediate
Warmth shot up the slayers arm, the slight breeze now feeling like a downy feather duster brushing against it
In shock he tried flicking the liquid away, sending stray droplets splashing across his own face and the wild ones breasts
Is this poison?!
He went for his sword in panic
But the ice cold steel was unbearably painful to touch, it felt impossibly heavy, slipping from his grasp, clattering uselessly to the ground
In desperation he lunged for her bone dagger, flopping face first into her chest fluff, limbs giving way while throbbing with a fiery tingling from whatever toxin this was working rapidly on his body
Was this truly the end?
Did the missing boys share this fate?
Her body felt oddly each beat of her heart washed warmth over him in waves
His mind became hazy, he had to get away...but the warmth felt good
Greatly amused by the spectacle of a flailing human, the wild one caught his collapsing body
She could feel his heart pounding erratically
Not one moment ago he seemed so eager to share the pleasure potion with her, now he was flopping like a fish without water...
Stroking him against her soft belly seemed to have a calming effect. Maybe he was just feeling the cold? Without the protection of fur the poor thing would be feeling every cool breeze like an arctic blast
Anointing herself with more liquid she sat her limp new friend up against the tree, wrapping her tail around his legs, locking her limbs to his torso and hugging his face deep into her breasts. Covering as much of him as possible from the night air
He let out muffled protests at being smothered. Weak efforts to repel the female and wriggle free sent out prangs of pleasure with every motion, his body gradually becoming accustom to the heightened sensitivity
Without even realizing it, he was soon holding her to him, not wanting to let go while lapping around those sweet aphrodisiac soaked tits, suckling like a babe
Head spinning the slayer was unsure if this was real or a fever dream before he expired
Was a wild witch really nibbling on his ears while he tried to milk her??
Then just like a dream the suffocating breasts vanished
He let out a gasp for air and a sad moan
Shifting position the fired up witch now had another itch that needed tending
Her twitching tail came and rested across his head, a glowing and soaked puss presented itself, drooling before him
Before she had finished fully moving around the intoxicated male mechanically took hold of her legs, spreading them as he dived blindly in, drowned in an ocean of lust, completely unphased by her surprised squeal
It had taken several variations but this batch of her potion was absolutely hitting the spot!
Squishing his head between her powerful thighs and stretching out, her whole body shook in orgasm. Yet onward he plowed! This was maybe a little TOO potent!
He was lost to pleasure and in danger of exhausting her!
Desperately clawing off the humans pants she squirmed to wrap her panting maw round the over sensitive shaft throbbing within
It erupted like a fountain the moment her dribbling tongue curled around it
Releasing them seemed to neutralize the concoctions effects. She kept working along the pulsing length, sucking hard on the tip, swallowing each gooey spurt, massaging his balls with her paws, making sure he was utterly drained
With a heavy sigh the spent human slumped back against the tree, letting her soggy legs fall to the ground
It was like he just came out of a blast furnace and got dunked in a frozen lake
Sweat and female juices soaked into his clothing, matted his hair, all he could smell and taste was her as he blacked out
Coming to his senses at day break he yawned
Flinching when one hell of a hangover kicked in, just what did he do last night?
Suddenly he noticed his red stained hand
A lack of pants
And that he was in the hut of a wild woman whom was walking towards him with what looked like a whole bucket of red liquid and a happy skip in her step

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 13:26 UTC
Views: 359