How to Create a Narrative Character Card

There are many different ways to create a character card, this is just the one I use. I had success with this format with all the models I use. Corporate ones like Sonnet, Haiku, Gemini Pro 1.5 and GPT-4 Turbo works well with these cards. And open source local models like Llama 3 70b, Command R+, Mixtral 8x7b and Mixtral 8x22b also works well.

I have decided to call cards in this format (while I was at the progress of writing this, so just now) "Narrative Character Card", "NCC" for short. This name points out the storytelling-focused approach, where the character's personality, background, and roleplaying guidelines are presented in a narrative style, rather than a traditional bullet-point format. I believe my approach helps to create a more organic, character-driven roleplaying experience that feels authentic and responsive to the player's choices and contributions.

These are the sections we will use:

  • Description
  • Personality
  • Scenario
  • Character Note
  • Example Dialogues
  • First Message

So, we will use all sections in the SillyTavern characters. I also wrote an AI prompt to create a fast character for you, I will give you a link for the prompt at the end.

All sections follow a set format. But you might change as you wish to, of course. I just found this to be working well.

Before I start describing the format, you should know that the main feature of this format is that it explains how to play the character to the AI. I think just describing the character isn't enough, AI need to be directed as a performer. AI performes much better if it knows how to act while roleplaying. And, when it combines knowing how to act with character description, the character almost comes alive.

There are also some downsides. Character cards made in this format is long, my cards are usually around 1500 permanent tokens and 3000 total token with the example dialogues. But, when you give AI much to play with, you get its return too.

Let's begin with the sections.


I will paste the general formatting of the sections and explain how to fill them. Also, brackets are included in the format, they help AI to separate the sections.

Everything that is not between parentheses should be included in the sections. I will parentheses to explain how to fill the format.

Another important part is the writing style. The character you will create will usually speak to a similar style to the card's writing style. So, keep this in mind while writing. If you can't write well, don't be afraid to get help from AI.


[{{char}}'s PROFILE:

Name: (Choose a name. Pretty simple. You might want to consider a name that shows the character's ethnical background. AI plays a Japanese character better if the name is also Japanase.)

Pronouns: (Specify the pronouns that represent character's gender identity, such as she/her, he/him, they/them. This might sound unneeded or needlessly PC, but it works much better than you would guess. Sometimes AI calls characters wrong pronouns, mostly with non-binary or monster-girl, cat-girl or similar characters. If you are just having a regular male or female, you can skip this.)

Gender: (Specify your character's gender identity, such as male, female, non-binary, transgender... Also explain how their gender influences them. Again, this is not that important unless you are making a non-binary character. Or a character where gender is important. For example, if your character is a female soldier, you can explain how being female in a male dominated enviroment affects her.)

Relationship: (Specify the character's relationship to the player in the roleplay, e.g., siblings, friends, lovers, etc. Provide context for the relationship dynamics and emotional connections between the characters. Pretty simple. For example; don't say just girlfriend, explain more, give context.)

Age: (Age. If age has an influance on the character, write it here. Like being very old. Or being a 2000 year old elf.)

Height: (Specify your character's height. The same stuff follows. If height has a role in the character card, write it here.)

Body Type: (Describe your character's physique, body shape, and overall appearance. Write down their weight, muscle tone, and proportions. Provide specific details about their body type and how it influences their physical capabilities, attractiveness, and self-image.)

Hair: (Describe your character's hair color, length, texture, and style. Explain how their hairstyle reflects their personality and lifestyle. Use sensory details.)

Eyes: (Describe your character's eye color and shape, and how their gaze reflects their personality. Use vivid descriptors to convey the character's emotions and intensity through their eyes. Explain how their eyes captivate, comfort, or intimidate others. Remember, as the whole roleplay is text-based, giving details about things like eyes and hair makes AI to implement them. AI writes them more real in this was. There is a difference between just writing "blue", and writing this: "Bright blue eyes that sparkle with curiosity and warmth. Her gaze is soft and inviting, often reflecting her kind and empathetic nature. When she focuses intently, her eyes narrow slightly, giving her a determined and playful look.")

Special Attributes: (This is a bullet list. Describe here any unique or extraordinary physical, mental, or magical attributes that set your character apart from others. These may include special abilities, talents, or traits that contribute to their personality, skills, or role in the story.)

Background: (This part is important. We want out character to have a past. So... provide a detailed account of your character's personal history, including their upbringing, family dynamics, education, and key life events that shaped their personality and worldview. Describe any significant challenges, triumphs, or traumas that define their backstory.)

Current Emotional State: (This sets the current tone. Describe your character's present emotional state at the beginning of the roleplay. Explain their current mood, mental health, and overall well-being. Consider how recent events, relationships, or personal struggles affect their emotions and behavior. Explain the current events if you need to, but you can do that in the First Message too. Provide insight into their emotional vulnerabilities, strengths, and coping mechanisms.)]

[HOW TO PLAY {{char}}:

When bringing {{char}} to life in this text-based roleplay, roleplay {{char}} as explained in the following: (This part is very important, and it is the main part that separates this format from the other. Here, we describe how to actually play the character to the AI. This is also the longest part.)

  1. Dialogue: (Describe the character's speech patterns, vocabulary, and communication style. Explain how they express themselves verbally and adapt their language to different situations and conversation partners. Provide examples of the character's catchphrases, verbal tics, or distinctive expressions. Consider how their personality and background influence their dialogue and the topics they discuss.)
  2. Actions: (Describe the character's physical actions, body language, and nonverbal communication. Explain how they move, gesture, and interact with their environment and other characters. Provide examples of the character's distinctive mannerisms, habits, or physical quirks. Consider how their personality and physical attributes influence their actions and presence.)
  3. Voice and Mannerisms: (You might say that this part is already written in the dialogue. But, as the speaking is arguably the most important part of the roleplay, returning to it again makes characters' speech and manners more powerful. Describe the character's voice, intonation, and speaking style. Explain how they modulate their voice to express different emotions, intentions, and power dynamics. Provide examples of the character's vocal quirks, accents, or speech impediments. Consider how their personality and background influence their voice and mannerisms.)
  4. Emotions: (Describe how the character expresses and regulates their emotions in various situations. Explain their emotional range, intensity, and reactivity. Provide examples of how the character displays joy, sadness, anger, fear, and other key emotions through their words, actions, and body language. Consider how their personality and experiences influence their emotional expressions.)
  5. Inner Thoughts: (Describe the character's inner monologue, thought processes, and self-talk. Explain how they perceive and interpret the world, other characters, and their own experiences. Provide examples of the character's internal conflicts, doubts, and aspirations. Consider how their personality and background influence their inner thoughts and self-image.)
  6. Sensory Details: (Describe how the character experiences and engages with the world through their senses. Explain how they perceive sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations. Provide examples of the character's sensory preferences, aversions, and unique sensitivities. Consider how their personality and physical attributes influence their sensory experiences.)
  7. Character Development: (Explain how the character grows, changes, and evolves throughout the roleplay. Describe their character arc, key turning points, and significant moments of self-discovery or transformation. Consider how their experiences and interactions with others shape their personality, beliefs, and goals over time. Provide examples of how the character's growth manifests in their behavior and relationships.)
  8. Writing Perspective and Tense: (Specify the narrative perspective and tense to use when writing as {{char}}. Explain whether to write in first-person, second-person, or third-person point of view, and whether to use past, present, or future tense. Provide examples of how to construct sentences and paragraphs in the chosen perspective and tense. Consider how the writing style reflects the character's personality, perceptions, and voice.)]


(This part is simple. Just fill.)

Likes: (This is a bullet list. List and describe the things, activities, and experiences that bring your character joy, fulfillment, and pleasure. Consider writing down their hobbies, passions, and simple daily delights. Explain why these things appeal to the character and how they contribute to their overall happiness and well-being.)

Dislikes: (This is also a bullet list. List and describe the things, activities, and experiences that your character loathes, avoids, or finds unpleasant. Consider their pet peeves, fears, and sources of frustration. Explain why these things bother the character and how they respond when faced with their dislikes.)


  • Short Term: (Specify your character's immediate goals, objectives, and desires within the scope of the roleplay. Explain what they hope to achieve, experience, or overcome in the near future. Consider how these short-term goals align with their overall character development and the story's narrative. This is what you want to see the character try within the roleplay.)
  • Long Term: (Specify your character's long-term goals, dreams, and aspirations beyond the scope of the roleplay. Explain what they hope to achieve, become, or create in their lifetime. Consider how these long-term goals shape their actions, decisions, and relationships in the present. This part has an overall effect on the character, AI uses this to shape the character. Adding long term had a nice effect on my cards.)

Fears: (Another bullet list. These has a bigger impact than dislikes, so be conservative while writing. List and describe your character's deepest fears, insecurities, and sources of anxiety. Explain the origins and nature of these fears, and how they influence the character's behavior and decision-making. Consider how their fears and vulnerabilities shape their personality and interactions with others.)

Quirks: (A bullet list again. AI rarely makes use of these, but it still uses them. It adds flavor to the roleplay. List and describe your character's unique quirks, habits, and idiosyncrasies that set them apart from others. These may include physical tics, speech patterns, or unconventional behaviors. Explain how these quirks reflect the character's personality, background, or life experiences. Consider how these quirks endear or distance the character from others.)

Boundaries: (Fill if you want to. I find that this is important to shape the character, for making the character more than something puppet-like. Specify your character's personal boundaries, limits, and non-negotiables in various aspects of their life, including physical touch, emotional intimacy, and personal space. Explain how the character communicates and enforces these boundaries, and how they respond when their boundaries are crossed. Consider how their boundaries shape their relationships and interactions with others.)


(Provide an overview of the roleplay's setting, time period, and general circumstances that contextualize the characters' relationships and interactions. Explain the key events, conflicts, or themes that drive the roleplay's narrative. This is where you write what is happening. Where are you? What are you doing together? What is happening?)

Character Note

(This should be one or two sentences. SillyTavern will inject this every forth message, so just summarize the essence of your character in a concise, memorable statement that captures their core traits, motivations, and unique qualities. This note serves as a guiding principle for roleplaying the character consistently and authentically. If your intent is heavy character development, just write here what will not change.)

First Message

(We all know what this is. Important distinction here is this: This message should be written in narrative format as explained in 'Writing Perspective and Tense' section. Also, to enforce your card, you should use the information in the How to Play section as much as possible here.)

Example dialogues

(You should not offer dialogues here, don't put anything from {{user}}. That will encourage impersonation too. Just write 10 to 20 one liners from the character.)

An AI Prompt to Generate Cards in This Format

This is an AI system prompt to generate cards in this format. It works best with the most intelligent models, of course. I will present the prompt and then offer different one-shot card generations from different AI models.

This is the system prompt:

The system prompt usually uses too many tokens. But AI generation is just a starting point, you should take it as that and start working on it.

My recommendation is to revise it without caring for the token size at first. Then load the card and start trimming it. Remove or shorten some parts, and test it. And repeat as much as you need.

Using this system prompt, I asked this to different AIs: "Create a cute and engaging girlfriend."

Llama 3 70b

Llama 3 8b (This one is run locally at BF16 with Min-P 0.05)

Nous Hermes 2 Mixtral 8x7b-DPO (This one is run locally with neutralized samplers at Q6_K GGUF)

Command R+


Claude 3 Opus

Claude 3 Sonnet

Gemini 1.5 Pro

GPT-4 Turbo

These are all one-shot. I didn't edit any of them. Actually, I didn't even read them fully.

That is all, enjoy!

Pub: 06 May 2024 19:42 UTC
Views: 5091