rain trickled down through the forest canopy
dusk had come but you could hardly have seen the sun through the clouds
you'd gone to the next village over for Mutter's medicine
unfortunately, the idea of camping in the woods seemed like the better option than trying to outrun the storm
you knew that meant most likely traveling later in the dark
you weren't looking forward to that
however, your family's financial situation meant faster and smoother travel by horseback or wagon was out
not for quite some time
you were born to wheat farmers and your land was not nearly as bountiful as some of the neighboring farms
sometimes you felt like the land or even your family was cursed
never able to climb up out of the hole
always in debt
yet your family persevered
some stubbornness born from years of suffering
men in your family had to push
what choice did they have?
this of course, meant the one horse on your farm was an ancient plow horse
working Gunther much harder would put him at risk
so any journey had to be on foot
generations of toil leading to you huddled under a pine tree
life didn't seem fair
raindrops intensified their assault, filling the woods with new noise
you took in the scenery and relaxed
why not appreciate the little things if you were trapped
you were trapped in this life just as much as you were trapped under this tree

you watched as any remaining sunlight vanished, swallowed by the blackness
the clouds prevented the stars from truly shining overhead but occasionally you'd get glimpses of the moon
the silver would try to slice through the storm
but the rain wasn't giving up without a fight
leaving you stuck
getting pneumonia while trying to treat your mother's illness wouldn't be smart
Mutter needed you more than ever since Vater passed away
his heart couldn't take all the stress eventually
found him face down one day in the chicken coop
since then you'd been responsible
the weight of your farm, no your entire family, hinged on you
your siblings did what they could
hell, they were the only reason you had felt confident enough grabbing the medicine
this trek was a long time to be away from the farm
weather just made it longer
you hoped they were alright
you felt the weight of the tiny satchel of herbs
they were supposed to treat her cough
she'd been getting worse
you could see it even if your younger siblings couldn't
Mutter even tried downplaying it
she put on a brave face
so you would too
you'd just have to persevere like you always had
fight uphill
fight on and on and on
that killed your father
but responsibility was a cage one forges for himself
if not you'd be no better than an animal
what pulled you out of you melancholic musings was a noise you could make over the sound of rain
it sounded like someone running
this late in the evening?
your mind went to the worst case scenario of someone accosted by highwaymen
that was a bit outlandish and perhaps whimsical
you still drew the knife you had on you for self defense
your eyes and ears trying to pick out the movement
sounded like a lot of running
even with the knife you weren't ready to blindly charge into the dark sea of trees
a romantic day dream was not a good reason to get mauled by a bear
you couldn't place the number of footsteps but it sounded chaotic
finally you could hear ragged breath
it sounded female
more footsteps behind
was it a woman being chased after all?
you debated
maybe it wasn't any of your business
when you heard a scream you decided to take action
you bolted towards the noise, knife drawn
almost tripping over a tree root on the way, you intercepted the chase
some peasant girl being chased by wild dogs
you wish you had something more substantial than a knife but tackled and stabbed a distracted dog regardless
you yelled to the girl to climb the nearest tree while you bought time for her
chivalry wasn't a strong suit of yours but you'd seen your sheep beset by these animals
that's no way for someone to die
after the first hound was downed the other two became cautious
they growled and bared their teeth
you didn't have the element of surprise on your side but it at least sounded like the girl got to safety
your knife arm was pulled in
your other stretched out in front of you
you had no chance in a straight fight with them
they were massive dogs
however, you knew their instinct would have them lunge and try to pull you down
sacrifice your arm or hand to get at one of their stomachs and necks
this whole thing had been reckless but knowing what you know now you wouldn't have turned away
it was a game
you needed them to make the first move
they needed you to do the same
one of you had to blink and the one on the right got impatient
pain burned through your forearm as teeth clamped down
but you had your opening and violently stabbed the mutt to death as you fought through the pain
it had a good deep grip on your arm and your white sleeve was now a mess of crimson
pain and rage fueled your stabs and you were just as stubborn as this beast
you used the flailing legs of the damned thing to keep its friend at bay, swinging the animal like a club best you could
the other dog all of a sudden reconsidered it's options when it's companion let go of your arm
a dozen stab wounds would have put anything that size down and thankfully it finally realized it was dead by number twelve
you were in bad shape though
not down but that was about your one viable strategy and you really didn't want to repeat that trick
still, in your weakened state it could have gone for your throat
it didn't, choosing discretion over another attack
you were feeling a little shaky and the bleeding felt like it wouldn't stop
goddamn that was stupid
that was your last thought before you fell over and blacked out
you had no idea what happened but you woke up in what looked like a cave
some sort of bleak, damp hole in the ground
your arm was bandaged
you still felt weak
the mildew smell was strong
a dog bite putting you down would have been pathetic
you still needed to take care of…
in a panic you sat up and fumbled around for your bag
the medicine
where was the medicine?
you looked around the cave in a panic
you noticed two eyes in the dark opening of the cave staring into your soul
in a panic you sat up and fumbled around for your bag
the medicine
where was the medicine?
you looked around the cave in a panic
this wasn't a cave
you were lying on a small bed in a tiny room
it wasn't even dark out
soft morning light trickled in through the window in the door
the bag was on a table near the bed along with some of your other belongings
your arm was bandaged
all that panic over a nightmare
you sighed and pushed up off the bed
the room wasn't familiar
still, you couldn't waste time when your family was worrying about you
no telling how late in the day it was
last thing you needed was Mutter thinking a bandit have slit your throat
you felt rude leaving
whoever tended to you had saved you
you had a feeling that girl was involved
as rude as it was maybe you'd see them again
you snatched your coin purse, knife and the herbs off the table
ignoring the pang of hunger, you headed out the door
a voice stopped you
"so the gallant hero makes off without a word?"
you turned to see a crone watching you from a chair near the door
but you didn't see her when you walked out
perhaps in the rush you didn't pay attention
but you could have sworn the area around the door was vacant a moment ago
she had peasant garb
not quite matching the girl from last night
there was no way this woman could have climbed a tree either
she looked like a stiff breeze could have knocked her over
you apologized
but you had to get going
the old woman didn't seem offended
instead asking what the hurry was for
you had to be honest
your farm was first and foremost on your mind
she apologized for keeping you and remarked she understood
"family is important after all," she mused as she rubbed her chin
on that note you excused yourself
you set off into the woods
the problem was, as you realized quickly, you didn't know what part of the woods you were in
you had lived around here for years and never heard of an old woman out in the woods
when you got back home you'd have to ask Mutter
she'd maybe have an answer
your arm ached a little but thankfully it seemed like nothing serious
that story was going to be hard to tell
trekking deeper into the trees, you finally came up upon a dirt road
that stretch looked familiar and you used the sun to set your direction
your rescue last night was a distant thought aside from that reminder
it all seemed to work out in the end
no idea what that whole situation was
when you finally left the forest and saw your land, your heart soared
your family had been worried sick
so you coming home mostly intact was met with joy
as was the treatment for Mutter's illness
when you described what happened and your experience with the old woman your mother didn't seem to have an answer
she helped clean and cover the wound again
it would be a liability with doing work today
thankfully, nothing strenuous today
most of the harder chores had been done by your siblings
something that made you really appreciate them
there was just tending to the chickens
by comparison that chore was almost relaxing
you enjoyed the solitude with the animals
though something didn't sit right
when you got out to the coop you felt like eyes were on you
but there was just the field and you saw nothing out there
the wheat had been harvested so there was nowhere to hide
but you couldn't just shrug off the paranoia you felt
you couldn't shake the feeling you were watched
just didn't know where
you tried not to let whoever know though
just had to pretend you hadn't noticed
maybe they'd go away
but letting them know you noticed seemed like a bad idea
you fed the chickens while giving the woods a side glance occasionally
you never felt this way out in the fields before
once you got the chickens taken care of you were called back to the house
lunch was ready and good thing too
you'd went all this time since you'd woken up without a meal
dumpling soup and beer
it was filling and warm
the littlest sister in your family had become adept at dumpling making
she found it fun
Emma beamed with pride that you liked her soup
your siblings ranged I ages from Emma's five to Anna being only a couple years younger than you
with a few brothers stuck in the middle
you were man of the house by process of elimination
the afternoon was easier
with the harvest done there was little to tend to with the crops
the cow and sheep had been cared for
a chill had come in over the mountains to the east
Mutter insisted you not push yourself too hard
so you took it easy but not without debate
at least you could patrol the perimeter of the farm a little
your Vater had a shotgun he'd used for hunting that you cherished
you didn't take it out into the woods because you wanted your family to have something
you had the gun resting on your shoulder and walked the field, checking the fences
confidence had returned to you with the firearm in hand
the unwelcome gaze seemed to have vanished
you didn't see anything out of the ordinary and you decided to head back in before it got dark again
night came and you all had a light supper before bed
even if you had to share it with your brothers, your bed was a welcome comfort
the next two weeks were the routine you'd settled into
Mutter's medicine was getting low again
you knew that meant another trek through the woods
thankfully your arm was feeling much better
the temptation to bring the gun was there
but you declined
you'd just make sure you weren't caught in rain or dark
you set out at sunrise on a Tuesday
crumbs and a razor thin slice of cheese washed down with beer was your morning meal and you'd set out before the rest of the family woke up
the sun was just cracking up over the horizon
the apothecary wouldn't be that long a trip if you hurried
no sight seeing
just point A to point B
however, halfway through the woods that same feeling of paranoia returned
your hair stood up on your neck but you tried not to let it show like that time with the chickens
the routine of the past weeks had almost put you at ease and made you forget that experience
it was still dawn and your eyes caught nothing out of the ordinary in the light
you did pick up the pace and held your hand over the handle of your knife
the birds had quieted down
all you could hear was the breeze through the branches
had to speed up
but not a full sprint
you didn't want to look like prey to whatever was out there
thankfully, you made good time and got the herbs before noon
you dreaded going back through the woods but you couldn't delay
when you entered to woods you felt comfortable
that feeling vanished the second you saw something in the middle of the walking path
it was a strange effigy made of sticks
barely came up to your knee
just planted in the middle of the path
you didn't see it leaving the farm
someone really had been watching you
it wasn't just paranoia speaking
you moved gingerly around the stickman
you didn't feel eyes on you but you didn't like any of this
maybe you needed another path to that medicine in the future
further along
another stickman
then another
they grew more frequent as you headed back to the farm
and you were growing concerned
whoever was doing this was hanging around your house
it couldn't be that old lady could it?
you didn't like this thought whatsoever
emerging from the woods, you saw one last stickman with something tied to its neck
against your better judgment you took it
it was an orange bag
looking inside, you saw some sort of herbs
what was the meaning of this?
you fumbled with the bag before someone shouted from the farm
your family realized you were home
you stood in front of the effigy and blocked it from view
no need to bring up questions from the family and make them worry more
tonight you'd patrol the perimeter
checking the fences
well that's what you'd tell everyone
once your brother went back to his chore you uprooted the stickman and tossed it into the woods
you hadn't the faintest clue what all that meant but you didn't appreciate the prank
Mutter had her medicine
that's all that mattered
the rest of the day turned into routine
the chickens produced a lot of eggs today
that night you slipped out with a lantern and the shotgun
you lied and said you needed some night air and you'd be back shortly
it was probably stupid to go out in the dark
but it felt like the best chance to catch whatever this was off guard
you paused when you rounded the house and saw another effigy
right next to the porch and everything
clearly, someone thought this was a jest
you didn't think it was funny
you snatched up the effigy and went to toss it into the woods
when you chucked it into the brush something rustled out there
you swung the barrels and discharged into the woods
you didn't know if you hit anything but you reasoned you needed to get the Hell back inside now
that scare meant you'd need to reload
hopefully whatever was out there didn't realize that as you backed up
Anna was peeking out the door
she was quiet but it was clear that shot had been heard
you tried to compose yourself and lied
you'd seen a fox around the chickens
they seemed to buy it
you didn't tell anyone about the eyes shining in the treeline right before heading back in
you'd locked up the house and tried to settle into sleep
you had to put up a strong act
otherwise you'd worry the family
the shotgun was reloaded and placed above the fireplace
you decided tonight to sleep near it, on the couch facing the slowly crackling fire
perhaps the stress had gotten to you though, for as soon as you got to rest you began to be plagued by dreams
vivid ones
it began with a weight on you, pressing you into the couch
you couldn't pick out what was causing it
just that it was heavy enough to pin you
the room was just as you left it when you dozed off
just with a fog hanging over your mind
it was like something was there
but you couldn't tell specifically
the weight was memorable though
the weight moved over you
in particular your crotch kept getting attention
rubbed over and over
when you woke up you realized it was still dark out and you then realized you'd ejaculated in your pants
was the dream that good?
you tried to ignore the sinful act
trying to go to bed again had the dream start over
something over you and your crotch was rubbed against
whispers picked up around you
a feminine voice, unfamiliar to you, murmuring all around you
the shape pinning you
the voice
it was just vague that you knew it was someone but you couldn't make it out
this was so frustrating
what was this
without warning you found yourself out in the woods in the dark
a mouth pushed against yours and forced a hot liquid down your throat
the hot liquid instantly spread heat through your body
the rubbing intensified
the darkness overwhelmed you
when you woke up again, you saw eyes outside the window before the shape fled from the scene

you had no idea what was going on
all this couldn't be mere coincidence
the rest of the night you stayed up and tended to the fireplace
you tried to ignore everything, hoping it would just go away
there was no explanation for all of this other than perhaps witchcraft
maybe that was the source of all this
though you didn't know what witchcraft really was
you tried not to think about it
thinking about it might attract more of it
telling your family seemed like a bad idea
you didn't want them worrying
it was just more responsibility to shoulder
you could weather it
asking your town priest seemed like a good idea
although, he might accuse you
you'd have to figure it out
whoever this was was getting bolder
that shape at the window bothered you
was it tied to the dream?
had to be
why did that dream make you feel that way?
the next morning you were still up, making some excuse about your stomach to Mutter
she offered more bread for breakfast as a way to calm it
but you felt guilty about lying to begin with
whatever devilry going on in those woods couldn't be allowed to come into the home
you noticed a pattern of calm after your trips out there
it only picked up on your trips for the medicine
then whatever it was tended to leave you alone for a while
at least that was the theory
that meant heading out for more medicine was unfortunate
but needed
whatever was out there had you between a rock and a hard place
you needed to cut through the forest as the fastest route
this time, you would come ready
it felt ridiculous and selfish taking the shotgun with you
but you wanted the insurance and whatever it was seemed only interested in you
so you hinged on that bet, hoping you'd only have to worry about yourself
it didn't take long on the trip for something to happen this time
a fork off the usual walking path that was never there before
you'd like to think you knew these woods but whatever this was wasn't here two weeks ago
one could reason you hadn't been harmed by whatever this was
that could be a ploy
it could want your soul, your body being useless to it
whatever it was it wasn't human
and you weren't falling for whatever trick it had here
you avoided the new path and hugged your gun a little tighter as you walked forward
plus, just because no harm had come to you before didn't mean it couldn't happen
that night with the dogs had to be the link
you normally never went out that late
these forests bordered your fields for generations
you'd have heard about something in here by now
the urge to bring it up to Mutter was there
maybe it was some family secret
it was possible
after about a half hour of walking you made a realization
you recognized none of this
familiar landmarks like a broken tree or a certain rock were nowhere to be seen
this path was completely alien
it was impossible
it should be the regular path
you ignored the intersection then carried on and…
if whatever was out here did the branch in the first place what could stop it from changing other things?
you turned and went to run back the way you came only to see the path now led to a cabin
not unlike that old woman's, but just different enough
when you turned to go away from the cabin you saw… the cabin
the door opened on its own
this had to be some devil's work
you didn't want to be here but you seemed trapped
but playing this game seemed like a bad idea
yet you were offered no other choice
you were trapped out here
you turned to look and sure enough the only sight you had before you was a cabin with an open door
to your left
no matter where you stood you were presented an open door
it was not a choice
so what you decided was instead of fulfilling the whims so some forest demon… you'd sit down
whatever game it wanted you to play you weren't participating
you couldn't see into the house all that well
and you weren't curious enough to peek
that's how you'd die
trying to crawl close enough to look inside
it was wanting you to be impatient
but you weren't doing this
whatever this was
the air felt strange
as if the whole situation wasn't strange
but there was the strange sweet smell
coming from the doorway
in fact, you aimed the gun towards the open doorway now
"what are you doing?"
the feminine voice behind you was calm but wasn't exactly calming
you fumbled with the gun and nearly misfired it into the cabin in front of you
you'd leapt to your feet and stumbled around
a young woman in peasant clothes
hair red as the sunrise
you tried not to look at her ample exposed chest
she looked you over and you looked past her
more importantly than whoever this was you saw a way out
you shoved past and ran down the dirt road, not even sparing a look over your shoulder
you wanted no part of this
when you couldn't breath only then did you stop
your lungs feeling like they were on fire
when you finally regained your strength you made a terrible discovery
the sun was going downcast the horizon
you knew you set out in the morning
the trip shouldn't have taken that long
at this rate the forest couldn't be trusted
it wasn't yours and you had become very aware of that
you had little time to mull over things when the sun just vanished over the hills
faster than it should
you remembered that drifting through the woods and couldn't explain just where it came from
so in a scene very familiar to you now, you took shelter under a tree
whatever was going on, you were in its clutches
you set the shotgun down on your lap
this wasn't your finest hour
you'd manage a way out of this though
you had to
the laughing grew in intensity and you were on edge now
it was that damn dog incident
that was the start of all this
that peasant girl was tied to all this
trying to look cute and harmless with her cleavage out
you did one good deed and this is what it got you
when the laughing stopped you relaxed a little
then whispering picked up
a myriad of voice formed a sort of quiet chorus
the shotgun was the only thing giving you any confidence now
even that you had your doubts on how effective it would be
your mind was racing
whatever demons were out there were intent on you
but you needed the farm
you needed your family
you tried hard to think of them
you'd see them again
this thing would not claim you
you fell back on prayer
while not the most devout, it brought you comfort
blocking out everything, shutting you eyes tight
when the whispers were replaced by birdsong only then did you peek
the sun was out again, in fact it really hadn't moved much since morning
was the whole thing an illusion?

you made the best of the situation and rushed towards the village
sprinting meant you made it out of the woods in good time
you spared a glance over your shoulder as you caught your breath
nothing seemed amiss but you dreaded the walk back
but you dreaded the idea of doing it in the dark even more so you'd have to hurry
you'd brought a few things to trade for the herbs
you hated it but you were reduced to trading out family heirlooms at this point
not that Mutter knew that
you weren't about to tell her either
hopefully she wouldn't notice
the few pieces of gold you had to trade with was getting slimmer and slimmer
you'd persist
just like everything else
you wished the town your farm was apart of had a doctor, let alone a herbalist
something to do away with these trips through the woods
maybe even cheaper too
you'd heard talk of a train being possible in the near future with the local gossip
you'd never seen one before but you'd heard how fast they could be and it sounded implausible
not the most unreal thing in hindsight
you didn't dally, sightseeing wasn't a good thing with the day only being so long
from what you guessed you had time to spare before sundown, though every day meant less and less time
soon winter would come and you'd have no real window
staying overnight in town for your safety was too costly an idea
setting up camp in the woods seemed unwise
you reasoned you'd have to just camp on the outskirts if it came to that
hopefully it wouldn't
Mutter's medicine in hand you started through the woods
the leaves had started to turn orange and brown, some already falling to the forest floor
you gripped your shotgun but the trip through the village made you somewhat relaxed
the solitude out here was a comfort though
you didn't feel any presence
birds sang, squirrels skitted across the trees above you
you even saw a doe on your way home
you mulled over shooting her but she bolted upon realizing you were standing so close
maybe another time
when you came back to the homestead Anna came to greet you
said someone came by looking for you
confused, you asked who it was
"some girl, she's sitting inside with Mutter"
you were still perplexed but went along
when you opened the door you froze in the doorway
sitting next to Mutter on the couch
that red headed girl from before
Mutter and the girl seemed deep in conversation
all smiles
when you walked in you all seemed to pause
you from shock and them from the guest
the girl was a spitting image
you could have sworn…
you tried to not let the stress show on your face in front of Mutter
the shotgun was pointed towards the floor but you were keenly aware of it in your hand
with Mutter involved you didn't want to bring it to that
the girl broke the ice
strange name
but she seemed friendly enough
Mutter spoke up
said this Füchsin had already met you before
that's when it occurred to you
the dogs
of course
but what about the crazy stuff in the woods?
not like you could ask openly
this woman was still a stranger and couldn't be trusted
while you saved her and you had a sneaking suspicion she was the one to patch your arm up
you behaved yourself and tried not to fly into accusations of witchcraft
for all you knew, she had nothing to do with it
maybe stress was making you mentally unsound
Füchsin excused herself from the conversation and gave a small pouch to Mutter
you were confused until the girl explained she ran a herb trade of her own in the woods
out of gratitude she'd help your situation
that blindsided you
no more trips through the woods
Mutter would be safe
holy hell
she'd lived out there with her grandmother as a hermit of sorts
while you still were suspicious she dangled a fantastic deal in front of you
you'd bite
when she asked for you to escort her home you'd agree
this was overwhelming
the medicine for free
all the gold and work, unnecessary
all for saving her, something you'd have done without thinking
of course you'd help
it also sort of helped she looked gorgeous
if you were more of an unscrupulous sort you may have been tempted
Mutter didn't seem to notice Füchsin's massive cleavage but you were a young man
the pale skin was practically on display
red firey hair constrained in a bonnet
a fierce look in her eyes when they locked with yours
she was striking
and she wanted a walk home
you left the shotgun by the door just in case for the family
hopefully you'd get there just fine
the solution to all your problems was walking in front of you towards the woods and filled out a dress better than a bar maid
only once out in the woods did she really speak up to you
"I didn't really need an escort out here."
she turned to meet your confused gaze
"I merely wanted privacy for a business proposal"
oh no
she reclined against a tree and checked her nails while the weight of what she said hung over you
you felt like she was fishing for him to question
it wasn't the smartest idea to engage this stranger
you felt like trusting her in hindsight wasn't a good idea
but you wanted to believe a solution had landed in your lap
a way out for your family
perhaps that was too good a deal
but you were curious
so you finally decided to play along
fine, what was the proposition?
she smiled and it felt like the predator was with you right now
"well, what if I told you I wasn't some sort of helpless damsel? is that a deal breaker?"
you lifted an eyebrow
she continued
"what if I wasn't human?"
oh dammit
dammit dammit
she was a demon
you accused her of it immediately, flying off the handle
her reaction… was to giggle
she was laughing as you brandished a knife in her direction
you turned to run
you knew this deal was too good to be true
a horde of those effigies stood behind you
the little stickmen weren't just decoration
they moved and had blocked your path
you spun on your heel once more to accuse her of this and she'd covered the distance to stand right behind you
the smile made you uncomfortable
she swiftly disarmed you of the knife and tossed it to the little stickmen behind you
you didn't even have time to react as she moved like a pickpocket
"you didn't even hear the deal"
well you didn't have much choice
bravado was hard to hold up right now
but you'd hear her out
she could do her worst
at that last declaration she giggled again
you flinched when she grabbed your shirt and tore it open, exposing your chest
you wouldn't give her the satisfaction of fear
"there we go," she said as she eyed you, "don't you feel more comfortable?"
sensing the tension, she scoffed at your concern about your immortal soul right now
"if I was a demon would I be threatened by dogs?"
ok, she had a point
she pulled her bonnet off with a flourish and a tiny effigy caught it as it was tossed aside
you didn't know how to react when she started completely undressing
the dress was tossed aside, leaving her skin bare for the world to see
more specifically you
"don't get too used to this."
you had no idea what that meant
she reached up to her face and gripped into her hair
confusion turned into horror when she started pulling her face off
you stumbled and fell backwards as the sound of tearing fabric broke up the silence of the woods
that's what struck you
the sound
someone pulling apart thin fabric with their hands
when Füchsin had pulled her face off enough something else stuck with you
her eyes
you remembered those eyes
her face wasn't human whatsoever
that smiling facade now pulled past a canine snout decorated with a mouth of canine teeth
the red of her hair was the same red as her fur
it reminded you of a fox
she kept peeling like the human form was sort of clingy suit
broad shoulders, then a puff of white fur on his chest that could put that cleavage to shame
slender arms terminating in long claws
a fluffy crimson tail and generous hips
you were dumbstruck as she smiled at you before wiggling her hips out of the last bit of costume
you realized then that she wasn't a she
a strange sheath sat above two furry testicles
it wasn't quite like yours but Füchsin here wasn't a woman
the non human part was a more pressing concern though
you'd been frozen on the forest floor, incapable of doing more than inwardly panicking at whatever you'd just seen
the creature calling itself Füchsin tossed the skin aside as one would do an old coat then rested his hands on his hips
"I told you I wasn't a demon," he admonished you in a silky voice more feminine than the girl's he was just using
you had no idea what all of this was
one thing was certain and that was you were in over your head
this maybe explained some things
not a lot
but your mind was piecing together some things
so the dream?
"well I'm glad you remembered. just testing the waters, so to speak."
how could dogs have harmed him if he has these… talents
"I'm still a fox."
that wasn't a sufficient answer but you wanted to move things along
maybe you really were mentally unwell
what was this deal?
might as well get on with it
hopefully the death would be quick
you stood up and dusted yourself off and asked
"that's a good boy. well, how's marriage for your farm thriving sound?"
a clawed hand cupped your chin, the paw pads soft to the touch
there was a smirk in his eyes as you were stunned
marriage to… who?
he ruffled your hair with his paw
Füchsin stood a bit shorter than you so he had to reach a little
"I think you can figure out the bride pretty easy."
the voice was honeyed and he seemed to relish in your discomfort
running still was an option
you didn't have to entertain whatever this was
but that offer
you could save the farm, your family
it could be that easy
but this was a man before you, and an inhuman one at that
that weighed on your mind
this had to be a ploy
some sort of trap
you grabbed his wrist and pushed the hand away from your face
you couldn't allow yourself to fall into this thing's grasp
all the temptations to just suddenly solve all your issues
dangling solutions in front of you
"for a marriage?"
his eyes focused on your hand
the grin faded from his face
"what do you think you're doing?"
he looked annoyed and pulled his arm away
how could you not be hostile and scared with how whoever this was had spent weeks tormenting you
all for a marriage
why should you even humor that?
you asked that bluntly
"well I would like to play nice…"
Füchsin grinned but this smile carried little of the previous mirth
"I wear my best skin to impress you and even give your mother medicine."
the fox turned from you and paced
the stickmen could be knocked over and you could make a run for it
this thing knew where you lived and could stop you from getting those herbs for Mutter
this situation was tense
why did he even want to marry you anyways
you were a poor farmer with barely much to your name
the fox sauntered, that was the best way to put it, like he was showing off
just pacing, eyeing you
"well, until I get the answer I want, I guess you're just staying here."
ok screw this
you turned away from the fox and went to run
a clawed hand held your shoulder back
"why are you so hasty now?"
the honeyed tone was gone
you were frozen in midstep
there was magic afoot here
you were shoved over lighty
the stickmen servants caught you and you saw Füchsin gesture for them to move
it was impossible to move anything but your eyes
the assembled servants carried you like ants carrying food to their nest
you prayed this wasn't how you died
you were taken to a burrow
you recognized it as the cave you'd seen in your dream after the dog attack
only now did you realize that wasn't a dream
the effigies gently deposited you on a cot
only then did the fox approach you and touch you
with his touch you found yourself able to move again
"we could have just done this the easy way, sweetie."
you flinched away from his touch but the wall of the cave was to your back
he had some sort of gourd of liquid in his other paw
the orange caught your eye before he knocked back whatever was in it
then he pinned you to the wall and forcefully kissed you
it took you seconds to realize he was force feeding you whatever was in that gourd and you struggled to escape
he let you go and you tried coughing it up whole trying to get out of bed
"oh you won't want to go too far."
what the hell did he mean by that
you shot him a look and he reached up and petted you
the grin returned
you grew nervous
"you probably know just a little about something called a love potion, correct?"
you nodded slowly as he moved to play with your face
"a sort of elixir to make you fall head over heels for me."
oh God he was trying to coerce you with chemicals
"well that wasn't it. I just poisoned us and only I know where the antidote is."
your eyes shot wide
you almost reached out for the fox but Füchsin backed off the bed and gave you a wag of one clawed finger
"marriage now, live long life later. I don't think I could make it simpler."
your mind was racing
just why would this creature want marriage this badly?
you asked him if he realized he'd die too
"oh I'm well aware. point is, how much do you think I'll wager? you probably think I'll just get scared."
he leaned in and poked you on the nose
"this is very serious."
you had to ask for real
why you?
"simple. you rescued me so I'm merely extending my hand in marriage out of gratitude."
he poisoned you
you were poisoned right now
you arguing this point got him to politely pat your head like one would placate a child
"that's because you don't know what's good for you."
he then procured a small box from a shelf
the thought of running occurred but with this poison how far could you go?
"now then," he remarked while opening up the box to you
gold bands were the only thing in the box and you didn't need him explaining what that meant
the teeth had returned as Füchsin's yellow gaze awaited your next move
he was forcing your hand and he was smug about it
"come now, don't want to leave the family behind do you?"
he spoke that in the voice of that old woman you initially met
that earned him a glare
you should have left him to those dogs
blatantly manipulation like this was not a way to put you at ease
you set your jaw and took a ring from the box, the surrender leaving a bitter taste in your mouth
this thing, he was a demon
in your eyes he felt unnatural and the threat to you and yours had you on edge
but he had you over a barrel
this bargain was the only way you could see out
so, now what?
"glad you asked," his voice returning to what you guessed was his natural one
he slipped a ring onto a slender clawed finger and looked at it after, paying you little mind before he realized you hadn't put on yours
he looked down expectantly
you put the ring on and it fit surprisingly well
he tossed the box to the side and it clattered on the cave floor
your marriage should have been a happy day
instead you were in some gloomy cave that smelled of herbs and smoke
how the hell did he make this look like a cabin?
happy thoughts and prayer
that worked last time
maybe you could drive him away again
after the antidote
you needed the antidote
demanded it
"oh that," he said with a laugh
"I fed you water. surprise."
you immediately went to pull off the ring
goddamn witchcraft
he tricked you with water
but… the ring refused to budge
he stood there, triumphant
a hand on his hip
"I needed you to volunteer for the spell to work. you should be flattered. those are an heirloom."
you were free to get out of bed now and took the opportunity
you stood over the fox and he looked up to you
"good men like you are hard to find."
oh so now we resorted to flattery
you were at a loss what to do now so you hoped that prayer and good thoughts trick would work
"it won't work sweetie."
you looked a little shocked
"I can't completely read your thoughts but I do get little flashes."
"anyways, I ended up pulling back after realizing I went too far that day."
the fox gently placed his arms on your shoulders and leaned into you
you felt so defeated right now
maybe he was trying to decieve you again
mentally, you sought safety in prayer regardless of what he claimed
he wasn't leaving after even after a half dozen repeated prayers
closing your eyes to the whole situation didn't help
he seemed to let you have this
either out of courtesy or to rub the victory in your face you couldn't tell
but he still had a smirk
"God might have taken issue with me before, but guess who bagged himself a Christian husband?"
he nuzzled up to your chest and you still had no idea how to react to any of this
light outside the cave dimming made you keenly aware of how late things had carried on
he took notice of you staring
"oh you don't want to go out there after dark. I've heard there's a witch that lives out in these woods."
he laughed and played with your hair
then in a flash of movement he shoved you back onto the cot, pinning you to the bed
"I insist you stay as my guest."
the way he straddled you left hardly any guess at his intentions
you pushed him back, finding your agency being stripped of you too much to bare at this point
he didn't fight the shove
instead he gripped your arm rested his chin in your palm, striking a pose as he looked down at you
you wanted to get up but he decided to be dead weight and make it that much harder
soft fur brushed over your bare skin
"I know for a fact these strong hands and arms are wasted just plowing a field."
he nuzzled his face against the arm shoving him back
"doesn't your wife deserve to get the same attention?"
attempts to wave him off ended with him wrestling your arm
as in he ended up locking his arms, legs and tail around your right arm
you had some experience with wrestling from your family and he was frankly small enough you fought the hold
moving was difficult but not not impossible
you looked around the around for something as the fox grappled your arm
something to break the hold
then you'd run and never come back to these woods
"don't you dare," he hissed out
maybe he could really ready your mind
you didn't know the exact science of that but that was going to make things difficult
your arm made moving off the bed difficult
but you ended up somehow dragging yourself and flopped face first onto the cave floor
the fox's furry thighs clamped tighter around your bicep
"I could freeze you again. I could. but that's too easy."
you drug yourself across the cave floor
searching for anything
he had a cauldron of some sort of bubbling concoction with a slow fire underneath
that was an option
"seeing you gut that hound to save me… God you don't know how much that sold you as 'the one'"
something wet rubbed against your arm as he kept trying to pin you
he had trinkets and baubles on shelves too high to reach
you tried hard to shake him off again to no effect
he sounded desperate and frustrated
your shirt sleeve was a mess
when he started licking at your hand you froze, unable to comprehend just what that was about
you shouted at him and asked just what the hell he was doing
"let me lick you!" he shouted as you tried to wave your arm
this was becoming ridiculous
he went from trying to charm you to extortion to this
it felt like forever grappling with him in the floor
he tried licking your hand until you finally managed to get your hand clasped over his muzzle
at least you'd get some quiet but he wasn't letting go and you could see it getting dark out
out in the woods with this thing sounded like hell again
you could get more violent
but something stayed your hand
maybe because he was essentially smaller in every way to you
you would feel guilty
maybe it was fear you would incur worse from him
might have been both
you had a hold of him at the moment and you didn't want him getting a better grip
the whole time he tried jerking his snout out of your hand
you toyed with the idea of grabbing wood from under the cauldron
that was a last resort
what you did instead was instead of flailing around any more you readied yourself
he didn't anticipate you putting all your strength into pushing you both up and in one motion grab the scruff of his neck
it worked on your old cat
you discovered he wasn't a cat when he grappled both your arms now that they were close together
it didn't throw you off balance to one side but he had you locked in tightly
"mmmph mmmph mmmph"
at least your hand was still steadfast
neither of you would yield
he clung to your arms tightly and you refused to take a one knee
one hand was free now to grab anything off the shelves
you snatched a bottle with a sprayer attached to it
you tried to spritz it in his face but he kept moving
wasn't easy to aim blind
you stopped when you realized it was a perfume that smelled of apples
making him smell nicer wouldn't help the situation
the fox continued to wiggle around your arms with the deft maneuvering of a snake
you realized too late he just needed to tire you out
that was his whole goal, to make you expend energy
and you were getting weaker carrying the spasming fox
you roared and in one desperate final act ripped an arm free
judging by the fox pausing you'd left an impression
you weren't getting toyed with
he was awestruck looking at you looking down at him
he just wiggled against your arm
you felt his weight once more throwing you off balance
this time you landed on top of him
he'd have to give up with you smothering him
he released his hand and started tearing at your pants
his claws shredded through the material easily
you still had a hold of his muzzle but the grip was awkward now
in the struggle you ended up with the fox's head between your legs
the way he was shredding at your garments meant you were scared to let him go
putting him at crotch level seemed like a bad idea in hindsight
you didn't have the luxury of thinking too hard right now
Füchsin had your manhood exposed now and you bucked when you felt a warm tongue over the length
what the hell was he doing?
you tried to stand up but his arms snaked around you and he grabbed onto your pants
he had worked your length in his needle toothed mouth and you were hesitant to get really violent

you were fighting the urge right now
you had to stay flaccid
it would be admitting defeat if you got hard
you couldn't let the fox own you like that
a combination of fear and prayer was sort of working
however the fox man was tempting you with every lick
you'd never done anything like this
this was sodomy
you'd never even had a woman do this
the line for brides is shorter for someone only owning a couple acres in nowhere
let alone getting this far without marriage
and here was Füchsin throating your manhood
some sort of man beast witch and he was intimate with your manhood
the space he had under you allowed him to bob a little and you felt the blood rushing there
he was winning dammit
you felt like you were taken hostage
letting his muzzle slip was a mistake
a little voice I the back of your head was speaking up now
the devil on your shoulder
honeyed words came to mind, in a soft teasing tone
it didn't feel that bad did it?
in fact…
didn't it feel good?
a reward for all the stress and grief
didn't you deserve to be rewarded?
you felt your dick growing
the sin was great, you knew that
you were keenly aware
but maybe just once you'd have a moment of weakness
to just allow it
you'd spent your life toiling
was this some sort of reward, maybe?
it was starting to make your head feel fuzzy
you could always free yourself after
run away
that was it
let him think he'd won now
then repent later
you relaxed a little as you allowed him to think he had victory
the tongue worked the top of your shaft and every time Füchsin targeted the head you bucked a little and the fox shoved you as deep as possible into his mouth
given how he was non-human, he had an easier time with your length
you felt him moan against you occasionally
this was good
so hot and amazing
there was nothing to compare it to
he kept your arm locked in with his legs but he rutted against your arm
his own manhood leaking onto your shirt sleeve
you don't remember what coaxed your orgasm
somehow all the tension and fear ebbed away in that moment
you felt at ease
when you softened and he pulled his mouth away the weight of what you did hit you
you'd laid with another man, possibly a demon
all for momentary pleasure
he released your leg and you fell over to the side of him
you were damned now
he took the initiative and hopped on your chest
his ass nearly knocked the wind out of you
"doesn't it feel good?"
the fox witch's cock throbbed and you could see it for the first time
red and angry, with some sort of ball at the base poking out of the sheath
he leaned his head down to look you in the eye
"I mean, if you're damned you're damned."
he casually wiggled on your chest
his fluffy crimson tail wagged
"but… you wouldn't be damned alone."
his clawed finger pressed the head of his cock down to meet your mouth
he gently pressed the tip there and smeared precum over your lips
you were dealing with matters of your soul and he was trying to glaze your mouth
he grinned down at you as you mulled over your life now
you didn't have to give in there and you did
"I could show you a place that probably burns a lot hotter than hellfire."
the witch had won
you'd given your seed away through inaction and lust
he pulled the cock away from your mouth and look slightly perplexed
"I didn't think hunting a husband would end in depression. you're not going to, say, punish me? I did lead you into eternal damnation, right?"
he clicked his tongue against his cheek and looked down disappointed
"where was that drive from a few moments ago? I wanted to marry a man, not a fish."
well, that snapped you back
you had dealt with plenty from Füchsin
you'd been scared and terrified of whatever it was on your chest
and now he was insulting you
you weren't taking this insult lying down
you'd been mock poisoned
frightened through the woods
cursed with jewelry
wrestled to the ground
had your seed shot down some strange man's throat
and now he was attempting to emasculate you
you shot your hands up and grabbed his wrists
he was shocked
actually wiped the smug off his face
you used the rest of your body to shove him back off you and stood up
you towered over him right now, not just physically
enough was enough
you wouldn't be a toy for whatever this was
you shoved him against the cave wall
your eyes locked on his
whatever was going on you were a man and you weren't going to let him control this or you
witch or demon, he wasn't the master of your soul
you asked why you shouldn't just dunk him in that glorified stew pot he's got going
in a miracle you'd actually given him pause
you were fed up with all of this
he couldn't just dangle a solution to all your problems over your head like that and not expect anger
couldn't just seduce you
it was your turn to be stunned into silence when he licked his mouth and narrowed his eyes at you
you had thought that last sentence and he seemed to react in time
maybe he really could skim thoughts from your mind
"sure enough, it isn't perfect mind you."
he wiggled his fingers on his ring paw to draw your eye there
the things really were cursed
you asked how to undo that
you figured you wouldn't get an answer but it couldn't hurt
"wedding rings work like wedding vows"
he gave you a minute to process that before the horror dawned on you
"just a jest. a joke."
you stared daggers into him
"relax, I can reveal it to you. just come closer."
you didn't lose any of your rage and stared him down
"I need to whisper it into your ear"
you were skeptical but what could he do with his wrists restrained and his feet off the ground
even if he nipped at you you were still stronger
his back was against the actual wall
you'd indulge the damn witch
you leaned in close and he moved his muzzle to your ear
in a warm sultry voice he whispered
"that's my man"
his legs shot up and he wrapped them around your waist and you realized you'd allowed him to grapple you again
he made sure to brush his manhood against yours as you tried to pry him off
every move seemed to get him frotting against you
"please don't fight it, my love. you wanted it in your dreams."
he used your objection as an opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth
with the way his face was, it was clumsy kissing you
he licked at you with all the enthusiasm of a puppy greeting its master while you tried to fumble away
it wasn't that he was strong or heavy
his combination of stubbornness and dexterity made it hard to dislodge him once he had a hold of you
the fox witch's legs had clamped and locked around you tightly
it was a struggle you were trying to win
you tried not to think about his soft fur against your skin
how his manhood jousted with yours with all the moving
you would resist
that devil on your shoulder wouldn't win this time
you couldn't let it
the struggle ended up having Füchsin throwing his weight to one side and knocking you off balance
you landed with him on his back on the bed
you still pinning him, his legs locked tight
he kept clumsily showering you with licks and you cursed
he could not be winning this
your erection said otherwise and he knew it
he rolled his hips against yours
"don't you want to plant your seeds?" he murmured
this vulgar flirting wasn't working
the promise of relief, of pleasure
no dammit
it wasn't happening
"don't you deserve to be taken care of for once?"
this wasn't a fox
he was a viper
all the sweet promises of "what you deserved"
he couldn't get his paws free
his voice was mingling with the devil's on your shoulder
this ring
would you have to chop off your finger?
that made him snap
"don't you dare."
he started coming on stronger in your mind
all heaving chests
crimson fur splattered with your seed
"I'm not trying to take away your life. just make it better"
he was taunting you in your mind as he tried kissing you as messy as possible
damn witchcraft
trying to flash images of fertile acres
a happy, healthy, family
all these little promises
this witch was trying to hex you, charm you
it was… working
"you work so hard."
the voice was so sweet in your head
he didn't need to win the struggle physically
not when he had his claws in your mind
slowly he was attempting and succeeding in eroding your resolve
he kept throwing happy futures out there
whispering sweet possibilities
if only you fulfilled your marriage
with how he'd slithered into your mind all you could think of is the snake that tempted Eve
yet, you weren't in Eden
your life wasn't ideal
and here he was trying to sing sweet promises into your mind
maybe you wanted them
Mutter healthy
the kids growing up fine
your family's land something now even more prosperous
would they smile down at you proudly?
you had no idea
but this bargain
the promise
you could make a better life for everyone if you just
did it
the voice didn't say what it was but instinctually you knew what it was
you knew what your duty as a husband entailed
you had so much weight on your shoulders and maybe that was what broke you
with the relief promised
maybe you could trade your soul
you sighed and relaxed
you hated giving up and allowing this witch to have victory
he sensed your grip loosening and pulled his arms away so he could wrap them around you
he ruffled his paw through your hair
"there there, I think you've worked hard enough."
maybe you were lonely for some companionship because that gesture melted away your resistance
he cooed to your ear as he gently played with your hair
was this what a wife was like?
were you avoiding this warmth this whole time?
you melted against the fox witch's warm coat
he whispered sweet nothings into your ear instead of your mind
"I will stay out of your head. in my haste I didn't consider your feelings."
his body felt hot against yours even after he'd calmed down
"you can at least see the benefits now though. it doesn't have to be so tough for you."
he licked along your neck and softly rolled his hips against you
"I don't have to be a woman or even human to know not to pass up a man like you."
he started smelling you and you were reminded of a dog
those eyes that had haunted you days before had a different quality in them when he pushed you back softly
they had a pleading look behind them and he didn't need more honeyed words
maybe it would be alright
the fox could be your wife
maybe things didn't have to be so hard
he had tricked you before
but was your life that much better before this?
you'd toiled and lost
and he offered such a prize
maybe it was bait, but dammit you were going to take it
you just prayed you made the right decision here
this time, you initiated and forced your tongue into his toothy muzzle and he bucked against you
your hands went for his hips
this was your wife now
you were probably already damned
you could blame anything on what happened next
truth was you chose to lay with him
Füchsin called over one of those little stickmen and you were aware you'd been watched the whole time
they presented him a jar
then a smaller bottle
you trusted this wasn't anything weird
maybe not the smartest idea but you hoped this led to those little promises
he swigged a little of the small bottle
then handed it to you
against your better judgement you downed the remainder
it burned on the way down
but what happened next was shocking
you felt burning hot and your dick was painfully erect
he seemed to be burning up too
your dicks were slick and pounding as your hearts pumped like hammers
"consider it a little enhancement. not that I'm worried about performance."
it made you start to feel feral
you nipped at his neck
this witch made a mistake offering himself like this
he stopped you to get you to lube you your manhood with the contents of the jar
"that way no one gets hurt."
you growled how he wasn't sitting down all week
"that's the spirit, love"
he giggled and moaned when you pushed against his tail hole
he was lined up perfectly to be bred and you needed to oblige now
your mind was quickly becoming a haze and all you could center on was the hole giving way
the fox was at least easy on the eyes for something inhuman
maybe that was the drug talking
you bottomed out eventually and just sat there
he clenched at you
his tongue was out and he was panting next to your ear
it just felt right inside him
"so how's it feel? good enough you'll want it every night right?"
you grit your teeth as you pulled back
his confident attitude melted with a whine
it did feel amazing
this heat pulsing through you both felt like a furnace
it was even better than his mouth
you had no point of reference for how good this was
Füchsin cooed into your ear as he brushed your cheek
"let your wife take care of you"
there was a sweetness behind that voice
"let it all out."
he rubbed his legs against your back
he lapped at your neck
every time he felt you hit a certain spot he gasped
you picked up his ass to angle better and made deeper thrusts
"oh, you animal"
the laugh was sultry
his tail wagged between your legs as you kept pumping
it did feel good to finally let go
to just rut into him
you were fully aware how wrong this all was
but it just felt too good to stop
every night, he promised that
you might take him up on that offer
maybe it was the lust talking but he looked better than with his disguise
his chest fluff against yours was silky soft
his whole coat was soft to the touch but his chest in particular was like a pillow
flat as he was
could you rest your head on that?
you'd been at this for so long and family is one thing but Füchsin promised just so much more
you followed your base instincts and just kept pumping your length into the witch
he would slip sweet nothings into your ear, then tremble in your grip the next moment
"a happy home, all for you."
yeah, he'd broken your resolve down
you wanted this
craved it
the smell, the heat, the tight clench as he moaned out your name
he just kept drip feeding you honey and promises
and so help you
it had won you over
you mated him deep into his bed
your bed
if this witch was your wife you accepted it completely now
if he could make your life better why not
this already was an improvement
his ears flicked on top of his head as you growled then went for his neck again
the burning
it needed to all end one way
he groaned as one final thrust pushed your cock and it's load deep into him
he shot his own load onto your chests the heat seemed to just pour into him as you felt like your orgasm lasted for eternity
it made you see spots in the corner of your eyes and you collapsed on top of him
his own body seemed rocked by it and he kept spasming on your dick
what brought you back was him speaking after regaining his strength
you looked up to see him looking at his paws
"that witch…"
you looked confused but he was still staring at his paws
he stared daggers into your eyes
"I was supposed to be human. all I needed was someone's love turning me into their ideal form."
yeah you were confused
"I would have even been fine with the woman thing if it meant I was human."
was all this bullshit
just to get something from you?
that left everything on a sour note
first off, treating love as a business transaction wasn't the right way to go about things
he nearly spoke up but you hushed him
secondly, you wanted him
so even if there was a spell to "fix" whatever this was you'd toss it aside
he could feel your cock stir to life inside himself again and he got wide eyed
he wasn't walking away from this
this was your goddamn wife now
so if he was going to spook you all over the woods for a scheme, you were making sure his ass paid for it
you were collecting on all those sweet promises
you were making him take responsibility
you asked if he even meant all those pretty words he'd said before
a trace of guilt washed over his face
God help you you were getting better at reading his face
that was the first bit of remorse you'd seen on him
at least it was a good sign
he was going to be a good wife
you nipped at his neck once more and he grasped at your back
you growled that you'd make an honest man out of him
he'd take your last name
live on your land
make your dinners
if he was have as sweet as his words he'd have no problem
but this whole spell giving him humanity?
he was forgetting it
you were turning this on him
if he had your soul you'd have his
and every night you were laying him in bed until he had your kid
"I'm… a man."
you weren't listening
you had had enough of schemes
this fox had seduced you and you weren't letting him off easy
your cock throbbed inside him and he was keenly aware of your intentions
before the grace of God you were going to win against this witch
you'd come into this thinking you were damned and now you were set on fulfilling your oaths as a married couple
didn't matter if it was in a church or a cave
in fact, Füchsin was getting pulled into a church
you'd do this formally
he was wearing garters and they were staying on
against his earlier protests you started breeding him again
his body was getting used to yours and soon he was moaning again
his claws raked over your clothed back
when you broke the skin on his shoulder he screamed and shot another load
after all he could do was gasp out to God
the smug merchant fox had vanished
in his place your partner was whimpering and panting as you renewed your assault on his most vulnerable spot
you were going to tame Füchsin
those words he said were going to mean something
every thrust was enough to make him tremble
you were going to make this ring mean something
even if it was a curse you would flip it around
the fox witch clearly wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive
his attitude wavered in the face of your passion and he became submissive
you made him promise to do everything he said
you were going to hold him at that
your thrusts were relentless
you demanded he say he loved you
declare it
he was taken aback but you wouldn't budge
he needed to say it if he wanted more
you even slowed then stopped
"that's… not fair"
neither was getting scared through the woods or fake poisoned
you wanted those words
you wanted to make sure he kept his word
he whined when he realized he wouldn't get what he wanted
"fine, fine. I love you. that work?"
not so fast
you needed him to mean it
he finally sincerely said those three little words
and you replied in kind
after everything that happened you wanted this to be right
to work
it was strange and deviant but you hoped in the eyes of God you looked like you were right
all that sweet possibility would be yours
you'd lost count of how many loads you'd pumped into the fox witch over the night
you never pulled out
just a blur in your memory
by the end your previous climaxes were getting fucked out of him
whatever drug he'd fed you had done its work
your shirt and back were clawed up
Füchsin's own seed had made a mess between you
you two had mated nonstop like animals
you could get used to him underneath you like that
after one too many climaxes you passed out, pinning him in the bed
you woke up to a tongue licking at your face
any possibility of all last night being a dream was dismissed when you gazed into those eyes
"you make for a good blanket."
his soft paw ran over the cheek he hadn't kissed
"it didn't go the way I thought but I meant what I said last night."
your mind went to last night and your morning wood twitched inside your wife's foxhole
he groaned
you started up again
rutting into the tender hole offered to you
his softly giggled as you regained steam
"if you don't mind a male fox as yours then maybe I should be happier to be me"
you took him as yours
every slow thrust got a reaction from him
"fill me up, love. it's so chilly out. I need your warmth."
he had seemed to return to his affectionate doting tone
you used him like a heat source too
this time you decided to do something a little different
he yelped when you picked him up
but his tail weakly wagged
he was pressed against the cave wall and you slowly pumped into him
you enjoyed his company
though you'd eventually want to learn more about Füchsin than the warm tailhole you'd almost took permanent residence in
it was his fault for mentioning last night and being clenched around you
"how about we clean up after this. then I'll make you breakfast before you head back."
we head back, you corrected him
you deposited one last load in him and pulled out
spent did not begin to cover how you felt
you probably poured a week's worth of energy into the fox
he was just as exhausted
you didn't even humor his walking and you cradled him in your arms
the gesture shocked him
"even after everything you still act like a gentleman"
he leaned against you
you noticed activity outside the cave and the stickmen were collecting water in a wash tub
so he had the foresight to have that happening
it was heated by a slow fire
married life didn't seem too bad

he offered the bath first and you weren't fighting that
the warm water felt cleansing after all this
Füchsin presented you the strangest bar of soap
smelled of spices
well, might as well
you cleaned up without much thought
a bath was a welcome change
the dirt scrubbed off easily and then you noticed the fox looming over you with a knife raised to the air
he laughed when you panicked and floundered out of the tub
you weren't becoming soup goddammit
"relax relax. I was cutting up breakfast and couldn't resist"
you scowled and he kept laughing
just what did he get from spooking you?
"I get bored. you spend a long time in the woods by yourself and it skews your sense of humor"
you eyed him waving around the knife
"so next time I'll make sure you aren't naked. deal?"
you hadn't even considered there was a difference
he shrugged and went back into the cave grinning
the sadist
well you didn't want the bath to go to waste and finished cleaning off
it felt weird to realize how different everything became after a night
while you still didn't exactly completely trust the witch, you were willing to try this
he did look good even in the sun
so, you'd laid with a beast and a man and a witch
you'd made peace with that
but longing for something more had made you optimistic
he brought a bowl of gruel out for you and you sat on a tree stump near the tub
he'd had the effigies bring clean water for the tub and you watched him bent over the fire, poking it to check the embers
"stares like that and yet you spent half the night locked in a wrestling bout…"
he shot you a look over his shoulder
it was devious, just not murderous
you ate the gruel and realized maybe you should have been wary about food he just hands to you
but it was energy
and didn't taste too bad
could use butter
the fox slowly lowered himself into the wooden tub and sighed
"I needed this. someone mistook my ass for a fortress door and kept battering it."
he wiggled into the tub and laid back
he softly laughed
"I don't quite know if I'm 'bring home to mother material'"
his smile was soft as his arms rested on the tub rim
"promise is a promise though," he lifted his paw up to look at his ring finger
"we'll get that field as productive as you were last night"
he lounged in the tub for a bit while you ate
then one of his stickmen came with a long bottle and a brush
"care to help?"
you were curious and set down your empty bowl
while you had him calm and in your hands you decided to press him for information
what did he mean by becoming human?
he explained as you washed his coat that he wasn't always a witch
he used to be a plain old familiar working for a witch
she decided to curse him with this weird half man life instead of just being an adorable little fox
he wears her skin
that made you drop the bar of soap into the tub
he just casually says that
so… that woman?
he let the moment hang there before laughing
"I skinned her."
then he punched you in the arm
"it's a joke. don't need to be so serious all the time"
his sense of humor was a little strange
"she had been long dead after I skinned her."
you did a double take
"I didn't say what part I was joking about. some rival witch did it."
you were reevaluating your choices here and he caught that
"all the more reason I don't disguise myself around you, right?"
his paw stroked your face and you calmed down a little
not enough to forget what he said
but enough to keep washing him
you tied yourself to this
and that had hushed you a little
you'd been looking at a dead woman yesterday
just trusting Füchsin didn't seem wise
you washed his crimson coat all over
when he slapped the soap into the water it was obvious what his intent was
you were still floored by his revelation and the flirting felt awkward
maybe he was attempting to lighten the mood
but you felt like you'd been gut punched and were recovering from getting the wind knocked out of you
now he was purposely moving the soap around the water
playing keepaway with a bar of soap was sort of humiliating but he had the good sense to wrap it up as quickly as he started
he grabbed your wrist with his paw and directed your hand down
"you have to make sure my coat is its best. that is if you really want me to stay like this."
he hand you handling one of his thighs
for how small he was it all seemed to be centered on his hip region
he encouraged you to squeeze and moaned into your ear when you did
"not quite birthing hips but I'm sure you'll test that, right"
his distraction was working
you did say you were going to tame him
so maybe you just had to put more effort in
his full luscious read hair was warm against your face
at least that part of his "costume" was real
he nuzzled up to your bare neck, licking along it
you stroked his thigh until something poked your hand
you knew what it was and you grasped at it immediately
he giggled into your neck
your hand squeezed at the bulb at the base and he arched his back and groaned
his little distraction was working now
you'd tasted lust before and he knew maybe he could use that to his advantage
he was more dangerous than you originally thought
maybe it was because he was an animal becoming a man, of course his morality wouldn't be like yours
maybe it really was up to you
you'd tame him
you sighed as he cuddled up to your neck
he stroked your arm in appreciation
"I'll have a new shirt for you. no good having you come home to Mutter half naked."
he nipped at your neck for emphasis
you wanted to work out whatever this was
you came out and asked if he could deliver on the farm
"I wouldn't let my husband down, now would I?"
he rubbed his paw under your chin
"your family is going to thrive"
"oh wait," he murmured into your neck, "our family."
Füchsin panted in your grip
he definitely took to companionship
his manhood throbbed in your hand and he couldn't help himself any more
your wife decided a slow hand wasn't enough and started thrusting his hips up
his cock felt burning hot
he whined as you matched his pace
he grabbed your face and opened his jaws around it
he shoved his tongue into your mouth in one of his frenzied kisses
he grasped your head in both paws and threatened to drag you into the bath
his orgasm hit him hard and he screamed into your mouth as he dirtied the bath water
when he pulled his mouth away his fluffy chest was heaving
"would your family miss you if I just stole you away?"
yes, so he'd better not try it
"heh, relax. you are tantalizing but I wouldn't hurt you."
he pulled you close and whispered
"you are definitely making the case for me to stay cursed though."
he rubbed his forehead into your neck and asked you to finish up
you hurried along his body, taking care to clean his chest and tail fluff
his hair looked difficult thanks to its volume but you'd manage
when he dunked his head you had his shampoo handed to you
these effigies were useful, if unsettling
you had a little experience taking care of girls before so his hair wasn't too alien
you asked if he wanted a braid later and he seemed genuinely touched
one clean fox later, you helped him step out of the tub and dry off
you brushed his coat after it was dry and he ended up sitting in your lap while you braided his long fiery hair
you wanted your wife presentable to you family, even if the circumstances couldn't be stranger
you were shocked how politely he sat in front of you while you did his hair
it was easy for you by now, with experience you'd gained from raising sisters
you reflected on just where that experience had taken you
never would have thought it would end up with you here
but this was a step in the eight direction
that's what you told yourself
Füchsin was strange and you should have your guard up
yet he ended up looking so delicate like this
he just trusted you
when his fair locks were braided he relaxed against you briefly
"let's head out. I'm sure we've given them a scare."
he pushed himself up out of your lap and went to get himself ready
his costume would definitely take some getting used to
so that was a dead woman he was living through
this deal had better be worth it
to get your mind off it you asked him some more questions
he'd mentioned a rival witch
"yeah, master picked a fight with someone she shouldn't have. the crone gave her a heart attack."
you skin crawled at the idea something worse lurked out there
Füchsin seemed harmless by comparison
the effigies were to tend to the homestead while the fox brought an armful of gifts
you initially looked confused but he said he wanted to make a good impression
you couldn't meet the eyes of his costume but he did have a point
the new shirt he handed you was a little itchy but it wasn't that bad
heading back home was much easier when someone wasn't making it difficult
your curiosity got the better of you on your walk and you had to ask
was this rival witch nearby? was there a threat?
"this was years ago. she probably moved on out of boredom."
it didn't exactly ease your fears but he had a point
you'd have run into something like that by now if that witch was still local
the walk was peaceful
"maybe my master didn't mean to curse me. I mean, I thought being this half thing was one."
you walked along and let him continue
"maybe I was just impatient or blind to the benefits."
he laughed with that last work
leaving little imagination to what benefits he meant
"you don't know what being able to just shed this skin around someone means to me. to just be… me. you make me actually want that."
he reasoned that maybe it wasn't half life after all
that his envy was unfounded
the skin wasn't what made one human
he realized that now
"what makes one human is that 'soul'"
this was a surprising
you didn't expect this much depth from him after that display last night
"so, worst case scenario I have yours now."
that… was a way of looking at it
you figured that was another jest and let it be
the walk was relaxing but you couldn't lie and say you weren't happy to see home
once more a sibling caught sight of you and there was much rejoicing
you'd worried them and they'd tried searching close to home but thankfully no one really pushed into the woods yet
you would have felt awful if anyone had went and got lost out there for your sake
Mutter was a little shocked to see you had company
but you perked her up by announcing your engagement
you had to fib a little
not an outright lie to say you'd met this "woman" before
more stretching the truth than anything
Mutter was happy to see you had finally gotten someone
before, you'd had issue attracting any marriage material
the land you owned wasn't particularly impressive
plus, your family infamy
but you'd survived
and look at where you'd gotten
you'd finally be able to settle down like your parents
Mutter hugged you tightly, tears in her eyes
Füchsin had set his gift basket on the table and witnessed the family reunion with interest
you saw that look on his face
well, the old witch face
still would take getting used to
but thankfully, he wouldn't be wearing it full time
trying not to refer to him as him would also a be challenge
you'd just have to play that off if you ever did it
not like anyone would expect it
you certainly didn't
God worked in strange ways
so why not see this as a blessing?
his presence was welcomed and not thankfully questioned
after that day he was a regular guest on the farm
it was hard to keep up the facade he was a human girl
it was easier to fall for him though
his heart slow grew accustomed to your affection
sure enough, he was true to his word
the next year's crops came up like weeds
stronger and more fertile than ever before
with the next harvest came your end of the bargain
Füchsin didn't have anyone to walk him down the aisle sadly
the ceremony was informal but you felt it necessary
you said your vows before the town priest
a lush farm and a beautiful wife
you were the talk of the town now
every night or every other night you would head to the woods to indulge yourselves
sex before marriage was unwise but you'd already broken so many taboos you'd lost count
what was another?
you couldn't lie and say you hadn't been corrupted a little
and enjoyed the corruption
you just hoped God for forgive you two
you refused to fool around with him while he was in disguise
partially for how creepy it was
but mostly because you wanted the real him
he began learning more about the soul
the concept he was chasing
the whole reason he pushed to get a man
he was hesitant to do church at first but he appreciated your company
that and you figured it might help him
slowly, you both began to comprise
and ultimately that's what a marriage was
you had your parent's marriage as a model but they weren't a complete match for obvious reasons
with the marriage came Füchsin's property becoming co-owned
so those woods were in your name
you ended up deciding to leave the family house in the care of your siblings
the witch cave was only a short walk into the woods and no one could fault you two lovebirds for wanting privacy
you had an idea for a project too
with Füchsin's blessing you built an enclosed front onto the cave
essentially a wood wall, with a shanty roof over head
you made room for a stove in the future, hopefully the profits from the farm would mean that was possible sooner rather than later
not pretty but it was within your skillset
the effigies helped reduce the time and effort
it was starting to look like a real home
sort of like that one you saw after you were attacked
you always wondered about that and asked him once
he didn't want to play his hand too early then and figured something like that would put you at ease
doesn't explain why he decided to screw with you but he was strange like that
the cave was nice but you wanted to have a roof over your heads
it felt right
it took a season of building and learning while juggling the farm but you managed something
you split your attention between the family and your spouse and you were getting good at it
Füchsin was taking to domestic life
whereas he originally sought marriage as a solution to his issue, he had grown to enjoy your company
he even meant it when he said he loved you
though you'd honestly figured he always did
maybe living alone in the woods like this had him starved for affection
but it felt like when he said it now it was warmer
you had to avoid the subject when Mutter asked about grandkids
that would be your brother's responsibility down the line
another harvest had come
the help Füchsin offered was amazing
his craft amplified your own work, experience and knowledge
he swore everything you did helped
even offered his own experience with herbs
a tiny garden in the woods was different than a wheat harvest but it worked
with the growing success finally came a suitor for your oldest sister
after speaking with the boy in depth, you gave your blessing
he had a neighboring farm that would become entwined with yours if it all worked out
more importantly he sounded honest
the medicine for Mutter worked
and the money you saved eventually went into making things in their house easier
new cooking pots
new shoes for the kids
a heap of fresh blankets
it was starting to feel like things were working
the family thought nothing of you two heading off every night to Füchsin's house
after all, you needed the independence
another successful harvest meant one other thing
your anniversary
the second the door to your home closed Füchsin had stripped the dress and skin
both were hung with care
the mystery of that skin you chalked up to magic
he was fetching you a snack when you embraced him from behind
you hoped God would bless this eventually because this felt right
your doubts over the whole thing had faded
no matter what happened you would happily live with this
Füchsin was your wife
and these rings weren't a curse any more
you even allowed him into your mind after a fashion, he never pushed the subject though
times like this you actually took advantage of it
you flooded your head with an ocean of dirty thoughts, knowing he'd see
he giggled and grabbed a bottle from a shelf
he deftly opened the bottle and clawed fingers shoved two tablets into your mouth
then two into his
a familiar growing fire burned between you two
he was definitely going for potency with this batch of pills
the fox nuzzled up to your touch and fed you a slice of cheese over his shoulder
"got to keep your strength up tonight"
you both ate like this, standing over his counter/work table
you held him tightly and he'd feed you over his shoulder
a little awkward but you enjoyed the companionship
hard to believe you'd wrestled him away from here and he thought you were a means to an end once
both of you had grown to learn things
the misery of weathering everything had vanished
you woke up happy for the routine because you could see the growth
things had gotten better and you could say the fox man gripped I your arms was responsible
you were going to have him take responsibility for something else the second he was done cutting up and giving you an apple
you loved his smell
that was always the first thing you to greet you in the morning
buried in his hair you'd always be aware of it
he always smelled of all the plants he worked with
just this earthy blend
always reminded you of your woods
when he set down the knife and asked if you were satisfied you reached down and picked him up
he was like a plush toy in your grip
softer too
the care you'd put into his coat was paying off
it had a sheen to it
since moving the cooking to outside you had enough room for a nicer seat than just the bed
you set Füchsin down and sat down in the wooden chair
the sun had set behind the horizon and the cave was getting darker
those eyes watched you and you trusted them wholly now
"I hope you don't plan on working tomorrow," he replied as he slunk down between your legs
his snout pressed up to your aching dick
he huffed you through your pants
a giggle
guess he liked your smell too

hard to think at one point this man terrified you
over time it just felt natural to think of him as man or wife
the fox and witch thing felt almost secondary
he was just your Füchsin
he was beastial, primal
but you ended up balancing that out
if he still didn't have a soul he could have yours
but over the seasons you'd felt a spark of something was there
your contemplation was broken up by his tongue lapping at your pants
he seemed to prefer you when you worked
said you tasted better
you didn't see much of a difference but it was nice to be appreciated
his ears flicked on his head as your hand went to play with his hair
even in the darkened cave you could see the hunger in his body language
the tail wagging helped
he could never hide that
claws hooked your waistband and he ever so delicately ripped your pants down and off
took talent to do that without looking
because those eyes that originally haunted you were focused on your violent manhood
through the pants versus his tongue on the bare skin was a world of difference that you could never explain
the heat of his breath
the way he pleaded up to you silently
his beguiling eyes reflecting a hint of mischief along with his desire
he was naughty
and you encouraged it
gripping his hair, you occasionally buried his muzzle into your crotch
he'd lap at your balls, worshiping them
he huffed in your scent and you could tell he was stroking himself between your legs
"I hope you don't mind if your anniversary gift is something you've used before."
you had a pretty good idea what it was
you had no complaints
you remarked at least then you knew it was the perfect fit
he giggled as his paw went to lovingly stroke your own gift to him
"and at least I know I love what you've got me."
he got coy and rubbed his cheek against the tip
the herbs he'd given you had your dick angrily throbbing and his warmth felt almost soothing and cool by comparison
he teased the shaft with a practiced ease
his experience with you was paying off
hard to believe a man could know how to satisfy another this well
you'd come around to it and never had need of a woman after you met him
he just was a wife
a better wife
you could see his teeth gleam in a sultry smile as he savored you
the first time he'd gulped you down it had awoken things in you
hell, before that such acts were unheard of
such sexual activities counted as sodomy
he craved you sodomizing him
secretly, you ended up loving it too
it was hard to reconcile with your faith
both of you knew acts like this counted as sin
you had learned to ignore such guilt
you'd waste every drop of your seed in your wife regardless of sin or not
you heeded no punishment in the face of your growing lusts and passions
it was a strange and corrupt love and you had to hide its true form
but when you ended up facing God you'd proudly hold up your wedding band
this was your life and you'd live it without regrets
just then he spoke up, breaking the deep concentration you were in
"you're sweet. I saw that. however, someone worries too much"
a clawed finger softly rubbed at the underside of your tip
"no more worrying, please?"
he turned his face to plant the tip of his muzzle to the tip of your manhood
he let go of the organ and eyed you
his mouth open just enough to feel every breath
you knew what he wanted and he knew you needed it
if God really took issue with your choice in wife you didn't mind being wrong
the blazing red fur started to look ebony with the lack of light
your wife was a little predator stalking it's prize
and with one violent shove down you fed the fox it's hard earned reward
you grunted as your length disappeared into his muzzle
his eyes vanished in the dark
he'd shut them as he savored the feel
his other paw ventured down to his own throbbing manhood judging by the frenzied wet noises
his frantically licked at the upside of your shaft as he desperately pleasure himself
you'd forced all of it into his mouth
only now did you realize what he had intended
he wanted you to crave this, of your own free will
and you did
doubts melted away as quickly as they had appeared
he made it very difficult to worry about God
in fact, that hot mouth threatening to melt you was God now
that was a blasphemy
and you were beyond worrying thanks to him
Füchsin was so right
no more worrying
he moaned around you and you nearly bucked deeper
occasionally he took joy in watching you squirm when he nibbled
just softly enough to grab your attention
it's funny to think at one point the threat of that was what ensured your seed shot down his throat the first time back then
you'd realized pretty quickly he loved that position of submission
he loved gagging, though his beastial form didn't allow for it as much
sometimes you could angle his face and get it deeper
you fucked him, claimed him
his body shuddered in your grip as he climaxed
the whole time he didn't stop trying to please you
you shot the first seed on the night down his throat
with that medicine there was no break
you picked him up and your vision in the dark was good enough to deposit him in your cot
the nightstand next to the bed and the familiar jar was within reach
he made an ointment with a minty scent recently and you'd both enjoyed it
even in the dark you could see him presenting his smooth stomach, submitting to you
you slathered your tool with one hand while your other hand lost itself in the fluff of his chest
you felt his chest heave against your palm
his heart hammered
the plush tail between his legs wagged
it was an intimacy you'd never give up
whether it was wrong or not was irrelevant
this warmth coursing through you met and melded with his
embers becoming one fire
a primal sense of belonging
his eyes watched yours
a need flared in them
a look that no doubt matched yours
you didn't need light to guide your manhood
it just came naturally
it belonged there
feeling the soft ring of muscle part, you enjoyed the heat as you kept going deeper
a low whine reverberated in his chest under your hand
he arched his back just a little
as feral as this medicine threatened to make you, you could still appreciate him
this was your wife
and he was beautiful, burning even in the dark
when your hips finally met you allowed him to relax with the fullness
after all, he was going to have you in him all night
your free hand wrapped around his own manhood and you started squeezing and stroking
instead of violently mating right away, you wanted to tease him
hard to believe he scared you at one point
his claws gripped at the bed as you essentially forced his body to milk your manhood with every clench of his ass
you whispered his name down to him as he panted
the darkness had swallowed your coupling and you kept burning together
this was right
this was love
your strokes and squeezes on his manhood was driving him wild
you hadn't budged since lodging yourself as possible in him
instead focused on working his shaft
the precum was slick to the touch and seemed to slather his red rod
a side effect of the drugs did seem to make that supply seem never ending
sort of helped with the act
but did leave the bedsheets worst for the wear
his expertise had worked well in making the crops better and stronger every year
your Mutter and even siblings faired better with Füchsin's medicines
and you personally had never felt this virile before
not that you needed it for him
when your cock throbbed deep in him he must have been all close to the edge
his body twitched as he screamed your name and shot his second load of the night
not to be outdone you let his orgasm milk your length
you were close but quickly lost the patience for doing this the teasing way
you snatched the fox up and pulled him to your chest
his arms took their natural place around your shoulder and he buried his muzzle in your shoulder
"you haven't filled me yet," he pleaded
the pout in his voice was evident
even after taming your wife he had a mischievous streak
it made you grin, especially when he giggled at you slapping your hands down on both of his cheeks
he would get it alright
he wagged his tail, the fur brushing against your bare arms
both of you burned like a furnace
fire poured over you, like being cloaked in the summer sun
you would just have to sink into your wife and take care of it
this anniversary gift was welcome and you hoped to get it next year too
you built up a slow, heavy rhythm
chugging along like one of those steam engines
his paws ruffled your hair and he yelped every time you bottomed out in him
his fur was getting slick with your sweat, the embrace only making you both warmer
Füchsin absolutely loved when you handled him like this
you braced your legs to stand better while you worked
the way his insides clung to you it almost prevented you from actually cumming
but he pleaded with you to fill his guts and you why not give your wife what he wants
his ass tight in your grip, you started slamming up to meet him halfway with every thrust
he clutched to you for dear life and shot another load between your chests
God you two would need a bath in the morning
your first time was your fear and anger bubbling up into the surface and violently pounding the witch into orgasms
with your relationship growing like it has, that time almost felt too dark to reminisce upon
you'd had fun, sure
but the negativity tied to it was distant
now your coupling was beautiful
if God really would condemn you for the love you felt as Füchsin's face cuddled against your bare neck so be it
you'd stand with your back straight and your chin up
though holy shit you'd have to curb these doses of his concoctions
the potency was nice but you worried about the toll
as nice as going out in your wife's embrace sounded you didn't need to traumatize the poor fox with that guilt
this was just for tonight
you slammed up into him and it felt like pulses rocking your body as you bred him deep
each spasm of your muscles threatened to have you tip over you didn't allow it
rain colliding with the shoddy roof outside mixed with the wet mess of your love making
you had Füchsin leaned against the wood wall with one leg in the air, presenting himself to you
you took the offer, having barely left him wanting
his hole was already a twitching mess and you fed yourself back into it
you grabbed the back of his head and kissed him best you could
you never wanted him to be human or a woman
this was who you shared a bed with
and that truth was satisfying
you couldn't openly flaunt it to your family but like this, you wouldn't change him
this had all started on false pretenses but now the love was a real physical thing
you could reach to his chest and he to yours and you knew the other was the reason for its beating
you'd tamed this oddity of the woods
maybe he'd made you a little more wild
hard to say where one ended and the other began
especially when locked like this
and it was a lock
with both of you heaving and thrusting to meet each other there wasn't a gap between you
"I want to try something," he gasped out
curiosity got the best of you and you stopped mid thrust
he set his forehead to yours and had you close your eyes
for once you could see into his mind
open as a book
you saw all the futures he wanted
how he actually saw himself as happy with this half life now
how it shot forward decades to both of you gray, his coat like iron now
hordes of adopted children, acres of land
all while his body gripped your length like the fox was built for it
he was driving you mad
all his promises laid out bare in his mind
he'd accepted himself so you should to
you'd both make peace with God if it came to it
flashes of an apothecary in the woods
strong livestock
copious amounts of love making sandwiched between quiet romance
winters held up indoors, using each other for warmth
springs where you'd give the animals competition with your rutting
his imagination flooded your mind and his heart was opened to you
he was a book to be fingered through, allowed to be studied
when he opened his eyes you followed, the connection fading away
"I wasn't sure that would work. figured it would be easier to paint a picture that way than with words."
your lips crashed against his muzzle
the move was clumsy yet appreciated
you desired him more than breath
those futures would be yours, both of yours
your hips started moving again
full nuts slapping together
even if you couldn't get a child out of him didn't mean you wouldn't quit
his tight hole was getting painted as much as an actual womb
after kissing along his jawline you leaned down and buried your face in his chest fluff
you roared into his fluff as you deposited more ropes into his hungry body
he was wife, mate
as some point you just gave way to your instincts
no more thinking
no more worries
Füchsin and you were animals
the drug was really kicking in now
you ended up with your bitch on the cave floor
all fours
his rear presented to you
the heat was maddening
Füchsin was just as drunken as you
he knew enough through the haze to get what he needed
wiggling his hips as he sat there in the dark
you pounced and begun again
you didn't kept slamming it in
claiming him
he howled and yelped and his swinging dick sprayed ejaculate across the cave floor
that night in a high you'd gone through a rush of emotions, culminating in this wild abandon
you remember gripping his tail in one fist while you kept painting his fur and insides with your seed
the next morning you woke up on top of him, Füchsin feeling like a throw rug squished under you
he'd unceremoniously collapsed at some point last night and you just kept going
you rolled off onto the cave and that's when the ache hit all at once
good fucking lord did that hurt
you needed water and to never take those pills again
you wouldn't live to see Füchsin get those silver hairs if you kept that up
the fox which reached out blindly and when he found you he also expressed regret
"I don't think I'll walk right for a week."
he mumbled how it was at least worth it
you laughed to the roof and asked him to get those little servants to fetch something to drink and eat
no way in hell could you move
he was in no better shape
"happy anniversary, " he mumbled over to you
you repeated the sentiment
his tail weakly wagged
weary, you enjoyed the light cracking through the wood facade of your home
the cave reeked of sex more than usual and you'd have to air it out today
you sighed and wiggled your aching body closer to the red carpet that hissed when he tried moving over to you
well you hadn't planned on working much today anyways
your hand rubbed along Füchsin's fur on his back, slowly stroking him
you chalked all this up to a gift from God
why not view this as a blessing?
your future was secure, your family was prosperous, you fields rich
maybe God worked through deft little claws as well as he worked through your fingers
content, you waited for sustenance and basked in the warmth of the moment

Edit Report
Pub: 30 Sep 2023 16:07 UTC
Edit: 07 Nov 2023 01:58 UTC
Views: 2538