
"So you and Harry and his ex-wife, huh? How was she?"

"Like they say, 'the worst I ever had was wonderful'," Tony said with a laugh. "I guess she was okay. She wasn't into having two men at the same time, but I guess Harry insisted. She was nothing like Judy. It took her a long time to heat up. Also she wouldn't take it up her ass. That always pissed Harry off. Jim, are you sure Judy is going to be okay with this?"

"Why don't you ask me?" Judy said. Neither Tony or I had seem her approach. "Tony, dear," Judy said "We didn't want you to have to change partners because of us. Yes, Butch and I talked about it and I'm fine with it if you are. Butch even bought a new camera to take pictures of me. Wasn't that nice of him?"

"Yeah," Tony said laughing. "Butch is a jewel. Getting Harry involved would make my life a lot less complicated, but it just might make your live more so. Did you hear what I said about him?"

"Some of it, I guess. So he's a bull. Well, I guess I'll just have to be a cow won't I? Was his wife a white woman?"

"Half white, half black," Tony said. "Not much good from either race. She was a ball buster and Harry is lucky to be rid of her."

"Just as long as he understands that I won't put up with pain. I'm not into that," Judy said moving away from us. I had to smile at that comment. Judy actually likes a little pain with her sex. Maybe not as much as the B&D or S&M clique but she does like some pain.

Tony went off to mingle with the guests and it wasn't long before Harry came back and sat beside me.

"I talked with Tony," he said. "I hear things have been cleared for me. Maybe it's time for the rules." What an arrogant asshole! He was going to give me rules? I was about to enlighten him when I realized he was waiting on me to explain the rules. I stared at him.

"What do you mean?" I said because I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Your house, your wife," Harry said. "You make the rules. What are they?"

"Nothing very complicated," I said after giving it some thought. "Judy calls the shots and what she says goes. I'll admit that I like to watch her in action, I also like to be involved in everything. Just for the record, I'm straight. I don't get too shook-up if we happen to touch while we're playing. As far as rough stuff, when Judy says enough it better come to a screeching halt. You understand?" He nodded. "Mainly it's all for fun. If it stops being fun, it stops all together. First hint of anything being said outside our group and it's over."

"I understand," Harry said. "When?"

"I don't know. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. Maybe later tonight when the party winds down. It will depend on Judy. Like I said she calls the shots. If I were you I'd spend some time getting close to her. Let her get to know you." He smiled, nodded and took off like his ass was on fire. The rest of the afternoon when I saw Judy, Harry wasn't far away.

His interest wasn't all that obvious because there were several men who vied for her attention.. There was eight or nine younger women there, but Judy was the belle of the ball and she loved every minute of it.

Not all of her admirers were men. One Latina woman seemed to take a lot of interest in Judy. Offering to help out in the kitchen or at the grill and things of that nature. I wasn't sure if she was just being nice or if it was something more. I asked Tony about her.

"That's Carla," Tony said. "As far as I know she isn't gay. I know she dates guys. I'll ask around."

Harry was more forthcoming. He told me that Carla was recently divorced. She apparently dated men but not black men.

"The bitch is a racist," Harry said. "Won't have anything to do with the brothers. She had a black partner for a short while and she dumped him."

"Maybe he was just an asshole," I suggested. "I've seen her laughing and cutting up with some of the blacks. Oh, I get it. She turned you down, huh?" He grinned.

"Turned me down flat and not very nice about it. Of course I was still married at the time and so was she." I suggested that that may have had something to do with it. He laughed. "Yeah, maybe. I'm willing to keep an open mind about her."

A short while later I had an opportunity to talk with Carla. Carla is a pretty woman. Her Hispanic heritage is readily apparent. Pretty brown eyes and black hair. I handed her a beer and sat down beside her.

"Having a good time?" I asked.

"Yes sir, I certainly am. First party I'm been to in a long time. I want to thank you and Judy for throwing it for us." I told her that it was Tony's idea and Judy's hard work. "Just the same it's awfully nice of both of you. Can I ask you a question?" I told her that she was free to ask but I was free to not answer. "Fair enough," she said with a big smile. "Does Tony live here? I mean I can't figure it out. He mentioned something about his room upstairs. I know it's none of my business."

"No, Tony has his own place," I answered. "He's here a lot because we like his company. He claims one of the spare rooms and keeps some of his things here."

"Oh, I see. Your wife is nice. I like her."

"She is my crown jewel," I said. "Someone told me that you got divorced recently. Was he a cop, too?"

"No sir, and that was part of the problem," she said. "He couldn't handle it. The hours and the pressures. Toby wanted children and I didn't. That was the other problem. His jealously didn't help matters."

"Yeah, I can see where that would be a problem," I said. She asked how long Judy and I had been married and I told her.

"Wow, that's great," Carla said. "Are you ever jealous of her?"

"Not very much," I answered.

"I mean, look at those guys hovering around her. You're not the least bit jealous?" Judy was on the other side of the pool with her swarm of men in attendance. Harry was putting lotion on her back and Tony was waiting his turn to do something for her.

"No, not a bit. Judy loves the attention and she deserves it."

"My ex would have gone ballistic if black men had shown me that much attention. I guess Judy is color blind, huh? No prejudice?"

"Oh Judy has a lot of prejudices. She doesn't care for people who are judgmental. Nor anyone who is unfair to others. She can't stand the lazy or anyone who won't try. Yeah, she's colorblind. How about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you race prejudice?" She shook her head.

"Not a bit. My husband was a born again bigot, but I'm not."

"Do you date black men...or women?" That question got me a hard look. "Hey, you started first," I said

"Okay, I guess you're right. I did start the personal questioning. No, I don't date black men or date women of any race. I'm straight. Not that I wouldn't date a black man. I just haven't been approached by one I like. Now that we're getting down and dirty, does your wife date black men?" Carla put the cards right on the table. My first thoughts were to either deny it or ignore it. I did neither.

"My wife is a free spirit," I said reaching a decision. "Follow me and I'll show you something." Carla followed me to the bedroom. I got a shoebox of photographs down from the shelf in the closet and handed it to her. "See for yourself," I said.

Carla sat on the bed and looked into the box. Her eyes got wide when she saw the first photo. It was one I had taken of Tony and Judy. Judy was on her knees and Tony was just putting his cock in her pussy.

"Oh...my...God!" Carla said. "You're swingers?"

"Sort of, I guess. Judy developed a thing for black men and I want her to be happy." There were about fifty photos in the box. When Carla got to the last one she started over again. I sat down beside her and gave commentary to each photo as she came to them.

"These are the hottest photos I have ever seen," she said softly, almost to herself.

"I have others on the computer that I haven't printed yet," I said. When she leaned forward I could see down the top of her bathing suit at her small but well formed breasts. Her nipples were hard. She was looking at one I had taken using the timer. It showed me in Judy's ass and Tony in her cunt. Judy had a look of pure joy on her face. I tore my eyes away from Carla's tits to look at her. There was a look of pure envy on her face.

"So this is where you two got to," Judy said from the door. "What do you think, Carla? Do you like my pictures?" Carla was staring opened mouth at my wife. She had jumped when she heard Judy's voice. Judy gave me a mean look that clearly said we'd be talking more about this breach of privacy. This was something we hadn't discussed. Judy came around and sat beside Carla. She took a photo from Carla's shaking hand. "Yeah, this is a good one. You can see his hard black cock is deep inside me." Judy started going through the photos, commenting on certain ones. "This one is also good," she said handing the photo to Carla. "I'm getting it from two hard cocks. Have you ever experienced two dicks at the same time, Carla?" The woman, still in shock, shook her head. "Pity," Judy said. "There's nothing else like it. Are these pictures turning you on, Carla?" Carla shook her head and then changed it to a nod.

"Yes... I guess they are," she stammered. Then to my utter amazement Judy slipped the straps of Carla's top off and pulled the top down exposing Carla's pretty brown tits. Carla's hard puffy nipples were sticking out boldly. I jumped up and closed the door to the bedroom. The house was still full of people and I thought there had been enough disclosures for one day.

When I got back to the women, Judy was sucking on one of Carla's tits. I wasn't about to be left out so I sucked the other one. It didn't take long until Carla was moaning and whining. She was saying something and it took me a moment to realize that she was muttering in Spanish.

"Get her bottoms off," Judy said. I pulled the strings on her bottoms and pulled them out of the way. "Eat her pussy, Butch," Judy commanded pushing Carla down flat on the bed.

Since I love to eat pussy I certainly didn't mind at all. Carla had her pussy shaved except for a small tuff of hair at the top. She tasted delicious. She was also sopping wet. She was a woman badly in need of a good fucking.

While I tended to the pussy eating, Judy was kissing and playing with Carla's breasts. In over twenty years, Judy had never mentioned sex with another woman. I was pretty sure she hadn't been holding out on me. Judy took her tongue out of Carla's mouth long enough to order me to fuck Carla. While Judy held Carla's legs open I shoved my cock in her Carla's pussy. Carla came before I hardly got in her. She came again a moment later when I started stroking in and out. Carla proved to be a screamer. It was a good thing that our guests was making their own racket and that the music was loud.

Judy had her swim suit off and pulled Carla's mouth to her big round tits. Carla sucked like a child long deprived of it's milk.

"Do you want to eat me?' Judy asked Carla softly. Carla nodded and Judy straddled her head, putting her pussy to Carla's face. Judy didn't last very long before she had a climax. Whatever Carla was doing must have been good. I felt my own climax building and I told them so.

"Pull out, Butch!" Judy said. "She may not be on birth control." I jerked my cock out just in time and Judy took me in her mouth and sucked my cum out while still sitting on the woman's face. When I had gotten out of the way, the two women went into a classic sixty-nine.

Once when I was in Texas at a printer's conference I went across the Mexican border to a sex show and saw two women eating each other. It was wild, but nothing to compare with Judy and Carla. They reached a mutual orgasm just about the same time and both women lay still basking in the afterglow.

"After all these years, I'm still learning things about you," I said to Judy when she rolled off of Carla.

"Ain't it so, Butch!" Judy said breathlessly. "Ain't it the fuckin' truth! Wow! That was something." Her face was covered with Carla's juice. I had to kiss her at that moment. Carla was beginning to stir. I kissed her also and she smiled at me and returned my kiss with gusto.

"I thought you said you were straight," I teased her.

"I am. I mean I thought I was," Carla said still breathless. "I've never even touched another woman before. I mean like that."

"Welcome to the club," Judy said. "Me neither. Now I'm wondering what else I've missed. Come on you two. We need to get back to the party or they'll be wondering about us." I had to retrieve her top from the fan that circled overhead. Judy quickly dressed and started for the door.

"Wait," Carla said. She was still naked and laying on the bed. "Thank you," she said when Judy turned back to her.

"Thank you," Judy said with a big grin. "We'll do it again sometime. Soon," she added, closing the door behind her.

"Thank you too, Butch," Carla said smiling up at me. "Is it all right if I call you Butch?" I told her if was fine. "Can you...I mean can we...you know? Once again, please." Since I was hard as a rock I certainly didn't see any reason not to fuck her again. I mounted her and drove my cock home. "Cum in me this time," she said. "I'm on the pill. Fuck me hard and cum in me, please Butch. It's been so long since I had a man." I did and I'm not sure I could have kept from it anyway.

"Where did you disappear to?" Tony asked me when I was back in my seat in the poolside shade."Took a nap," I answered.

"Got a nooner," Tony said with a laugh. "Don't bullshit an old bullshitter. Mind if I get one, too?" I shook my head and watched Carla's hip swinging approach. She sat down on the other side of me.

"How we doing on beer?" Tony asked Carla.

"One keg's empty and they just tapped the second one. You're fine for the time being," she answered, stretching her legs out on the lounger.

"Okay, we're going through a keg about every two hours. Should last a while. There's three cases of can beer down in the refrigerator in the basement if we get low."

Tony spotted Judy and for the moment she was without her following. He took off after her. Tony whispered something to Judy and she laughed and nodded and they headed inside. Nooner time.

"I don't get it," Judy said to me. "How can you know your wife is with other men and not be jealous?"

"Life too short to get caught up in that emotion," I answered. "Jealousy eats away at you and the next thing you know there's nothing left. Judy doesn't do anything without me knowing about it. She's not cheating on me. I guess if she was slipping around I'd get pissed."

"Thank you for sharing the photos with me," Carla said. "I would like to actually watch sometime."

"Just watch?" I teased. "Are you sure you wouldn't want some black cock in your pussy?"

"Maybe," she smiled at me. "I guess so. I've read stories about threesomes and group sex. Today was the first time I ever seriously considered it. What we did was...wild. The wildest thing I've ever done."

"But you liked it, didn't you?"

"Oh sure. I loved it. But doing it with another woman..." she shook her head and smiled. "Boy, that was something all right. And you are a wonderful lover, Butch." No man ever hears that too much. Makes a fellow's head swell. I glanced down and saw that wasn't all that it made swell. Little Butch was stirring again.

"Don't be in any hurry to leave tonight," I said careful to make sure no one was close. "I think Judy may take on two black guys later. You want to watch? It will be her first time with two black men."

"Yes," she answered simply. Harry Wilcox came up.

"Hey, where's Judy? I haven't seen her for a while? Kitchen maybe?"

"Nope, she's upstairs getting fucked by Tony," I said. If I had smacked him with a bloody rabbit he couldn't have looked more surprised. He stared at me, glanced at Carla, who hadn't changed expressions, and back to me again.

"Are you serious? I mean..." his voice faded off into nothing. After a few moments he said, "Oh... Reckon I should go check on them?"

"Not now, Harry. They need to be alone. You'll get your turn later. When Judy takes on two of you studs, I damn sure want to be there and watch. In fact, me and Carla plan on being there, don't we Carla?"

"You bet," she said grinning at a bewildered Harry. I don't think he thought we were serious. "I'll be the cheerleader to cheer you on."

"You better not be jerkin' my fuckin' chain," Harry muttered walking away.

"So Harry is the second man?" Carla said. "I've heard stories about Harry." I asked her what kind of stories. "I heard that he's hung like a horse for one thing. I heard he took some chick home and screwed her on the bed while his wife was there. Stuff like that."

"Tony told us he's a bull," I said.

"I arrested a girl a few months ago. She mentioned Harry's name to get a break. She said he was one hell of a stud."

"Did you give her a break?" I asked. "I mean after a friend of Harry's."

"As a matter of fact I did," Carla said with a laugh. "Not because of Harry but because she gave me some information I wanted. Oh, oh, there goes Betty's top." I looked in the direction she was looking and a pudgy blonde was in the pool and her top was on the deck. "Betty is a cop groupie," Carla explained. "Never misses a cop party and never keeps her clothes on very long. That's a signal for the more faint hearted to depart. This is usually where I take off. Not tonight however. I'm in for the long haul."

"Good for you," I said. "Maybe I'll get a chance to eat your pussy again."

"I'll hold you to it," she laughed. "My God, I'm turning into some kind of slut."

"My kind of woman," I assured her.

"Hey! New rule! No bathing suits allowed in the pool!" some asshole yelled. I started to let them know I made the damned rules in my damned pool until I realized it was a good rule. It wasn't long before the pool was full of naked and half naked people. Made the viewing a lot better. Yeah, good rule. I was going to keep it in place.

It was a strange thing. The party didn't wind down like parties are supposed to do. This one came to a sudden stop. One minute there were naked people frolicking in the pool and other playing slap and tickle and drinking beer. The next minute they were all gone. I wondered if there had been some sort of signal and I missed it.

It left Judy and me, Carla, Tony and Harry to clean up. Then I noticed that there was very little cleaning up to do. Not only had they left, the nice people cleaned up before they left. Then suddenly it dawned on me that Judy and I were about to enter a new and a different phase of our life.

The five of us were on the patio, the lights, except for the underwater pool light, were out. The light from the pool cast an aqua green cast on us. There was a sexual tension in the air that you could cut with a knife.

"Now what?" Judy asked with a slight tremble in her voice. She was standing between Tony and Harry.

"I think it's time for you to give these guys some pussy," I said in a tone of voice that wasn't as laid-back as I hoped. Tony put an arm around her shoulders. "Are you ready to take on two black studs?" I asked.

Harry didn't give her an opportunity to answer. He shoved his hand down the front of her bathing suit and grabbed her nipple causing her to gasp loudly.

"Time for some black cock from me," he growled. "I been teased and fucked with long enough. You want to get fucked out here or somewhere else?"

"The bedroom," Judy answered. "Let's go inside." Harry released her nipple and snatched the top completely off and tossed it aside. He did the same for her bottom. Completely naked, Judy led them in the house and up the stairs. Carla and I were right behind them.

There was a lot going on and I'll try to tell it in some semblance of chronological order if I can. Harry Wilcox took over as the primer mover. I stayed back and let him be the leader. It was easier for one thing and for another I wanted to see how it would unfold. Tony seemed content to let his partner take the lead, also.

Harry took Judy to the bed and tossed her down on it. Then he proceeded to eat her cunt. Ever move. Every action Harry did was quick and abrupt. His first act was to find Judy's clit with his teeth and bite it hard causing her to yelp. I didn't say anything because he knew the rules and Judy could stop it anytime she desired. Harry ate her to a loud orgasm. The he pulled her up and told her to remove his swimsuit. She did as he ordered. She untied the string and pulled his trunks down.

Judy had become used to seeing Tony's big black cock but what leaped out of Harry's trunks caused her to lean back away from it. I heard Carla, who was standing beside me gasp at the sight of Harry's huge cock. Like the rest of him it was coal black. Harry Wilcox's cock was at least ten inches long and as thick as a beer can. It had a huge mushroom shaped head. I guessed that the damned thing had to account for ten pounds of Harry's total weight. Harry's cock was something to see without a doubt. Even I, a devout straight man, was impressed. I felt Carla's hand searching for mine.

"My God," Judy said taking the monster in her hand and stroking it. "Is this thing real?"

"Yeah, bitch," Harry snarled. "It's real and it's going to fuck your little white cunt. Suck it, cunt!"

Judy gave it her best effort, but she couldn't keep her jaws open wide enough to actually get all of it him her mouth for any length of time. Harry was apparently used to that and he allowed her to kiss and lick the big head and along the shaft. He let her orally worship his cock for about five minutes.

Judy has always been a vocal fuck by moaning, groaning and chattering during sex. When Harry put that awesome cock in her she took it up a few notches to screaming. It what Tony said was true, that Harry liked to hear the women scream, he certainly got what he wanted from Judy. We aren't very close to the neighbors, but I turned up the stereo just in case they could hear Judy screaming and begging to be fucked.

Judy had her legs as far back and as open as she could get them and even over her vocalization I could hear the wet sounds of Harry's big black cock working in and out of her pussy. After Harry had taken Judy to several hard orgasms, he turned her onto her hands and knees and proceeded to fuck her doggy style. Because her head was buried in a pillow her screams of pain and delight were muffled. My cock was so hard I was afraid to even touch it.

"Look at them," Carla said in awe. "How can any woman take such a big thing?"

"I don't know," I said. "But you want to try, don't you?" I had already removed her top exposing her perfect little titties and puffy nipples. I took her bottom off and found her clit and toyed with it. Tony came to where Carla and I were. He joined me in teasing the little Hispanic cop. In just a few minutes Carla was reduced to a quivering moaning mess.

While Tony and I maneuvered Carla to the small lounge sofa Judy got on top of Harry and riding him like a bucking bronco. Judy was back in top voice.

I pushed Carla down onto the sofa and put my face to her steaming pussy. Eating any pussy is great for me but I especially like to eat one that wet and ready to be fucked. I glanced up to see Carla had Tony's cock in her mouth.

I ate Carla to a crashing climax and then got out of the way for Tony to do his thing. He slowly and carefully shoved his black cock into her pink, wet cunt. Carla had an orgasm even before he was all the way in her. I grabbed my camera and begun to snapped pictures of the girls being black fucked. I was a little pissed at myself becuase I hadn't started at the beginning.

I heard Judy caution Harry to take it easy several times. Frankly, I think I went into sensory overload. There were two women being fucked by black men. I was trying to divide my attention between the four of them. When I reviewed the images later I saw things that I didn't remember.

When Carla screamed 'no more!'. Tony joined Judy and Harry and they both started working on her. Judy tried to get Harry's monstrous cock in her butt, but it proved more work than either wanted to fool with. Tony had no trouble opening her ass and he and Harry doubled fucked my wife. Poor Judy was a blubbering mess.

I was snapping pictures like crazy. I had already filled one memory card and was half way through the second. Suddenly I felt a warm moist mouth on my cock. Carla had taken pity on me and decided to do something about my throbbing hard-on. It didn't take long in the excited condition I was in. I told her that I was about to cum and she looked up at me and kept sucking. When I shot-off she tried to swallow but I had more than she could handle. She choked and my cum dribbled down between her pert little tits.

Later, Judy put Harry's cock in Carla's pussy and held the smaller woman's legs open for his huge cock. Still later Tony managed to get his cock in Carla's ass and even later she also got double ducked. I fucked her cunt while Tony did her ass. Judy was on her hands and knees watching us as Harry pumped her from behind.

The mini orgy continued until there wasn't any energy left in any of us. Tony, Harry, and I were drained and Carla and Judy were full of our cum. I woke up laying between Judy and Carla. They both were covered in dried cum, but both looked beautiful to me.

We hosted a couple more parties for the cops and their groupies or whatever. It was a summer I'll never forget as long as I live. Harry and Tony fucked Judy and Carla . I fucked Carla and Judy and we all had a high ol' time. It was as if too much wasn't anywhere near enough.

Like most things, it came to an end. First Harry was accepted into the FBI. He left shortly thereafter. Then a few weeks later Tony got word that his application with the state police had been approved and he was soon packed up and gone. Judy was inconsolable for several weeks after Tony left. Judy and I still got together with Carla and while she was a great fuck, but it wasn't the same. The ladies proved to be inventive and sex with Carla was always great, but she didn't have the one thing Judy missed. A big black cock.

But as we humans are prone to do, we adjusted. Many times I thought back to Crimson Lake and how it all had started. At no time since that incident did I ever feel threatened or my love for Judy diminish. If anything I loved her more than ever.

During the summer I was much to busy to do any golfing and by Thanksgiving I had stored my clubs in the garage and forgot about turning pro. I thought I may have heard a collective sigh of relief from the PGA but I may have been mistaken.

One evening just after Christmas, Judy and I were in a restaurant having dinner. When a shadow fell across my plate, I looked up to see a distinguished looking older black man standing at the table. I recognized him immediately because we still had and still watched the disk of Beth Adams first porno flick.

"I'm sorry to intrude on your dinner," The man said. I noticed there were two other less dignified black men standing behind him. "Please forgive me, but I was over in Capital City a few days ago and I ran into a mutual friend of ours. Tony Allen said to say hello. I'm Trip Washington and these two reprobates are Curley Wilson and Monroe Bradford. Tony also mentioned that your beautiful wife may be interested in working for me part time. I think we might have mutual needs."

From the big grin on Judy's face, I assumed that she was indeed interested in the offer. It's true that when one door closes another one opens.

The End.

(Authors note: If you are interested in reading about Trip Washington, Curley, Monroe and Beth Adams, find "bobfr's Two Different Worlds". May I remind you that in the fantasy world there are no unwanted pregnancies, no aids, syphilis, gonorrhea, or genital herpes. In the fantasy world there are no serious repercussions from most bad decisions. In the fantasy world, women love to be pounded mercilessly by big hard cocks until they pass out. In the fantasy world, the jealousies are controlled, and people learn to live with what-ever lot befalls them. This is the real world, so get real and protect yourselves. Shooter)

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