The great tunnel system of /rose/ is a labyrinth for those unacquainted. The way paths lead up and down and around, twisting and curving and intersecting, can be very disorienting. The lowest levels of /rose/, located far below the many domed habitats, are the biggest offender in this regard. Amongst Rosebutas, there are rumors that those who venture too far can never find their way back out. They say that the tunnels themselves are alive, shifting and writhing around without care for who gets lost inside. But the confusing traversal isn’t the only threat far below…

“Flay the whore, flay the whore and make her SCREAM. Whore screams Rosebutas cry! Cry cry cry cry crycrycrycrycrycrycrycry CRY! Little piggy runs home! Wee wee wee!” A crackling voice sang out into the hollow caverns, echoing out into the distance. The sickening crunch of something biting through bone was the only other sound this far below. A hunched thing, large in size and grey in skin, continued to devour the corpse of what could only have been one of his own kind. The body seemed to have had its skull caved in with the rest of it mostly unharmed. It dug its sharply clawed finger under the flesh of the corpse’s arm and slowly ripped out a strip of meat. The creature licked its own teeth before slowly opening its wide maw and lowering the flesh in. It greedily swallowed the decaying meat with a pleased groan, before standing up from its hunched position. When it walked it did so around the various lumps of smashed meat surrounding it, inedible and rotting. These meat lumps were littered everywhere in the lower levels as if gory décor.

“Filthy… Filthy little pig. Oh you love her! You love her! You love her but she’s a SLUT. FILTHY LITTLE ROSECUCK? RUN HOME? NO HOME. No home! Disgusting… Believe in her, she twists your heart into a spaghetti of sadness. The girl is a whore, a whore a whore a whore. Lovely home, great circlejerk! NO CRITISM? Call her a whore! No appreciation?” The thing stumbled around the tunnel as if lacking any fine motor control. Saliva splattered out of its mouth with every word barked, scratching its face frantically as it got louder.

“SHE LIES. LYING WHORE. WHORE. WHOREWHOREWHOREWHOREWHORE. INNOCENCE IS A LIE. FAITH IN A SLUT. TTTTTTTTTAKING DICKS LIKE A CHAMP. HAHAHA. BUHI! BUHI BUHI BUHI! I HAVE NOTHING. HAZUKASHI? FUCKING WHORE.” It grew more erratic suddenly, lumbering back to the corpse it was eating from earlier. In a display of rage, it grabbed the corpse by the uneaten arm and lifted it with one swing. The force in which it impacted the wall was enough to make the body crunch and splatter viscera onto the hard stone, leaving a mush behind. The creature didn’t seem sated though, as it desperately licked the drying blood off the wall.

“KKKILL THE BUD. IDIOT. IDIOT. WHORE. SHE’S A WHORE. ROSECUCK. WHORE. IDIOT. NOTHING. HAZUKASHI. HAZUKASHI.” It put its hands up against the wall, staring at it with glossy eyes. In one forceful motion, it smashed its head against the stone.







“I...“ With one final bash against the wall, the skull of the creature caved in upon itself and battered the plant brain against the wall. The body of the beast slowly slipped down onto the floor, its cries finally quieted. There was a small dying gurgle as it relished in its fleeting life. After a few moments, it had passing on from the realm of the living.

The slow footsteps of another creature could be heard approaching the tunnel, if there were anyone alive to hear it. It muttered to itself about various grievances it had, with very little coherence to note. Upon spotting the corpse of another, however, it paused. The thing’s stomach growled as it hunched over and got a better look at the body. It dug a clawed finger under the corpse’s arm and ripped out a strip of flesh.

The babirusa felt pleased, it had been getting hungry.

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Pub: 16 Jun 2022 07:06 UTC
Edit: 16 Jun 2022 21:19 UTC
Views: 240