Woman in the Vortex
Hikari: I got you a plate! Here, a fork! And a knife to cut it into pieces for Ramo-san!
Xue: You're so lively only at times like this......
Hikari: I get lively when I dance as well!
Hikari: Koyomi-san and Lilja-san, forks!
Koyomi, Lilja: Thank you.
Koyomi: But is this really okay? It's addressed to Ramona-san.
Ramona: Yeah. Eating alone isn't very tasty, is it? I also want everyone to enjoy the food of my homeland.
Lilja: What is it anyway? Stollen. A German cake?
Ramona: By and large, yes. It’s cut into small pieces and eaten from the end of November until Christmas.
Hikari: Eh!? Do we have to endure eating it little by little!?
Hikari: I wonder if I can hold out until Christmas......
Ramona: It gets even better as the days go by and the fruit’s flavours soak in.
Ramona: Well, it's not like you can't eat them all at once.
Koyomi: But you all have dinner, don't you? Even if it's the end of training, shouldn't you eat moderately?
Lilja: Yes. I'm fine with less.
Xue: That’s true. I'll only have a bit too.
Hikari: Eh!?
Hikari: O-Okay, me too then......
Ramona: Oops, sorry. I was clumsy and this piece ended up being cut too thick.
Hikari: !!!
Hikari: I want that one!
Ramona: Heh heh, then this is for Hikari. This one, which is thinner, is Lilja’s, this is Xue’s, and this is Koyomi’s.
Xue: You, Germany, aren't you spoiling Hikari too much?
Lilja: Isn't it okay if Ramo wants to do it?
Xue: Hmm.......
Hikari: Is there enough for everyone?
Hikari: Well then-
Everyone: Thanks for the food!
Hikari: Mmm! Delicious, full of powdered sugar!
Xue: This is......!
Koyomi: Yeah, it's pretty good......!
Lilja: Plenty of dried fruits. Looks good for the skin.
Ramona: I'm glad you enjoyed it. There's more, so let's eat it again next time.
Hikari: But hey, why did they bother with an empty box?
Xue: Don't tell me the contents were stolen before they arrived?
Ramona: No, I don't think so. It was sealed properly.
Lilja: Do you have any idea what you lent her? You knew her a long time ago, didn't you?
Ramona: Hmmm......
Hikari: Ramo-san is so kind, I'm sure she lends all kinds of things to all kinds of people.
Koyomi: Not just lending them out, but saying, "This is a good opportunity, so please use them!", she's the type of person who would give things away.
Xue: It's a loss if you keep giving away, Germany. It's not fair unless you give and you get, bartering.
Ramona: .......
Lilja: Ramo?
Ramona: Oh, no, I'm sorry. It’s just, I had an idea.
Xue: What about? That it was stolen?
Ramona: No, not that, It's more like something I lent to the sender. Just…….
Lilja: Just?
Ramona: I didn't mean to lend it, I didn't think it was possible......
Xue: What the hell, get it straight.
Koyomi: Now now, it's Ramona-san's personal story.
Ramona: (Speaking of things I lent her......)
Ramona: (No, it can’t be-)