CuiNori Rentry !
( Real And True )

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UPDATE : un-archived once again. Do you want the url or not cuit make up yo mind bitch damn..
"Do you and your boyfriend seriously have a ship name" No. No we do not, i came up with this after
a severe manic episode caused by me spending nearly 12 hours in a car by myself with no wifi and 3 songs
downloaded. He does not have any say in this rentry (hi cuit sorry lmk if this is cringe)

july 10th 2024

bf being nice to me (said he likes my voice)

july 11th 2024

yesterday he put this as his wallpaper, very cute! a little confused
but he has the spirit so it is whatever. in 3 days we will have been dating for 3 months
which is quite the milestone. i like my boyfriend a lot. i love him! i love his voice and
i really really like his face cause he's really pretty. i think he has nice hands. i also
like his eyes. and i like how nice he is!! today is his dad's birthday and he'll still try
and find a way to talk to me even though he doesn't need to! so cute i love him sm.
i talked to him about a missing person case going on in the country i was born in and
how the person is trans and i asked him if he thought anyone would be horrible like
that when talking about me if i died or went missing , and he said he didn't want to think
about it, and i thought that was nice. i think he's really nice. um i've said that already though.

july 12th 2024

day 88 of LOVING my BOYFRIEND i can't believe it's been 88 days idk.
today we were supposed to call and didnt get to so that may have to wait until tomorrow !!
wanted to talk to him more but i have come down with a fever and a headache. womp womp
um idk today was a slow day ._. i still lov him tho !!

july 13th 2024

be me
have a boyfriend
date him for 89 days

THIS ISNT MEANR TO BE DRY I SWEAR i am very ill atm  he told me to. take a rest day aughhh i love my man he's so sweet. whenever i finish a commission he asks me to show him i love him he's so cuteee even tho he has no idea what rentry is

july 14th (3 months)

crying my eyes the fuck out rn sorry I LOVE YOU!!! we watched nyan neko sugar girls (the whole thing) as a celebratory thing and i am currently suffering from a bruised hand due to the fact i had to bite it in order not to laugh my ass off (it was like 2 in the morning) honorable mentions from that event here and here I am sorry my boyfriend texts like someone's dad but he will be soon so that's fine

anyways when i told him thank you for watching PEAK with me he said he'd do anything for me !! hes so cute If you're seeing this i am sorry i made you endure that (we should watch it together again sometime)

july 15th -- no update he pissed me off (i love my man tho)
nevermind guys he sent me a tiktok !!!! He want me FR

july 16th -- "it's not your fault" <3 i love him so much. having someone put up with the fact that you can't be perfectly stable every day and not blaming you for it or having a motive for it is so nice

july 19th -- I was supposed to do this and i did not paste it here from my notes pls dont kill me. STOP LOOKING AT THIS i'll finish it by 12 i'm working on /yakuzas

Okay !! i talked to my boyfriend again today ... shocker !! he woke up early actually which was nice because i didnt have to feel like a dog waiting for its owner to come home from work even though i do not really mind either way. today he got his blood taken and today i simultaneously found out that there are people who do not need to be held down and sedated for blood work... very brave !! he is a very good boy. his birthday is on the 27th and he DOES NOT WANT ME TO GETNHIM ANYTHING WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU but other than that it is okay!

favorite convo from today is here

july 21st 2024

a few more days to his birthday! he Did Not tell me goodnight yesterday. today i did a secret thing. For him um if you follow me on twitter you'd get it. Nothing bad i think idk if it's bad... i love my bf yesterday we called and then listened to music! i get kinda sad when he doesn't wanna talk to me but it's whatever i guess.... thinking of making him his own rentry but No! none of you weirdos on the internet need to know anything about my man

july 27th 2024 -- birthday :3

i'm so in love with you.

i'm so in love with everything about you. i like you and i like that so much. that i like you. because if i didn't like you first and foremost, then it would have been like everything else. being with you wasn't an obligation. it wasn't something i had to do because i was lonely. it wasn't that. it never was. i like that. and i love you. i love that you're not half my age (woah, a first!) and i love that you're not a loser and i love that you're silly and i love that you tolerate me, i love that you don't use me.

i remember when you said "what would i even want?" and i wanted to cry. i wanted to cry so fucking hard. i wanted to die right then and there so i could immortalize that. it's five words and somehow it's so fucking special. it took five words. and there have been other things you've said and it's small things and it still makes me want to cry because i'm just not used to it.

i started dating you on accident! i think?? and it was like jamel's fault cuz i told him we were dating and he told you, but you didnt know and you were like "oh well if nori says so" AND IT MADE ME SO HAPPY CAUSE I THOUGHT MY DELUSIONS WERE FALSE HOPE!!!! i dont think i was ever that happy actually Fuck You Jamel but thank you either way ^_^ d1 homeboy fr!! I still hate him. Back to the matter at hand I was so fucking happy though!!! i think i called you my boyfriend before that but i did it a lot more after.

WAAAAHHH and the first time i saw how you looked SUCH A PRETTY BOY!! i had a nosebleed. One hundred percent factual i am Not lying. and then i showed you off nd everyone was not as enthusiastic...... it Okay i love u tho ur the prettiest boy in the world 2 me. the prettiest boy ever! i could go on and on about why, but i'm pretty sure i have before. Won't bore you...

you said i was pretty!! you had me as your wallpaper!! You're fucking INSANE but it made me feel really nice actually cause i was used to compliments being about everything except my face. and when you kept talking about it waaaaahhhh i have never felt this loved in my entire life ... like not even by my parents or anything but i guess that. Says a lot... anyways

and you .... didn't mind me being a boy.... you've never actually ever referred to me as female (seperate from the april fools incident and i think u didnt know) EVEN when you were mad at me!! Not even calling me your girlfriend or anything YOU CALL ME YOUR HUSBAND WAAAHHHHH it's so cute. i love that i love that i love it so so much........

+1 million aura cuz u were never creepy or anything towards my friends... cough cough Max! :sob: BUT i love you for that!! you're very chill with my friends and you're someone i can talk to them about <3 i love that so much! and i love how every conversation we have doesn't have to be sexual or whatever and i love that you don't leave me for days and come back if you want something from me. which you usually... don't..... Another SHOCKER!!

I like how you remember small things like "you like talking to your dad right?" or "you like your sister right?" and also how you like my rentries and stuff! Even though you have no idea what is ever going on you don't ignore me and i like that a lot ^—^ i like how you let me make this for you. i like how you try to be interested in my interests REIGEN ARATAKA FANCLUB IS LITERALLY JUST ME AND YOU AT THIS POINT!! sorry But my point . still stands!! I like how you let me ramble about things i like and how you pay attention when i show you things like d4dj scores. "you got so many perfect!" i love you SO FUCKING MUCH OH MY GOD

i couldnt give a fuck what any of our friends say! or think!! cause i love you so much it's insane! actually!! i really do. and i am so so glad you stuck with me — even if i'm ever mad at you i dont hate you and i never will because i couldn't bring myself to!! even when you make me upset or sad i still love you. i still love you. i'll keep on "still" loving you. forever and ever!!

happy birthday. <3

august 2nd 2024

asked if he'd love me if i was an email 01 02
played roblox together 01 02

he's so sweet he's so cute kyaah we're gonna call today

august 4th 2024

he told me to shut up yesterday im so. oh my god omhmy god oh y god

Um anyways i love my bf ^_^ we watched mob as usual yesterday i wanna play pressure with him nd the server while i write this but two of his friends don't like me and it pisses me off so probably not. He liked my art :33 hi cuit

august 5th 2024

Hi cuit so this one's for you IF I HAVE TO SEE FUCKING SATORU GOJO ONE MORE TIME IM GOING INSANE I HATE THAT MAN um the figurine is cool though (please do not stop showing it to me by all means)

I womder if this rentry will ever run out of space. I hope it does but i think it's a solemn topic

Anyways guys!! Hey ^_^ so today we also did not talk. Hm. Umm we'll talk tomorrow i wanna actually talk cuz i like his voice but i do NOT talk irl 90% of the time and when it's time for me to speak i forget english . . .

will update tomorrow with incriminating evidence if he tries to backshot me in game

august 7th 2024

Yesterday was NOT the day i fear... um. Well! Anyways today i talked to him about my very normal d4dj gambling habits (which he did not understand) and then my game crashed and won't open! Curse you dinkleberg

Um he said something funny today that's here and also honorable mention from allen here Cuit pls don't look please dont look please dont look please don

i love my bf by the way chat he's so nice to me he said it was amazing when i told him the results from my nationals im so happy heueheueh

august 11th 2024

putting pictures here tires me because i have like 10 reclaims i need to finish by next week but i try my best. Hi did i mention i love my bf? He's so silly. mansplained to me about gremmy thourmeaux or whatever his name is (from bleach) and i damn near busted a blood vessel. Sorry actually that's so fucking gross anyways... we did end up playing pressure!! the heavenly restrictions of lag got to us tho... I bought simulacra a while ago so i'm not allowed 2 play it til we call!! i wanna play it for the first time w/ him ^_^

august 14th 2024

Christmas is just a week away can you believe it just a week

UAAYAYAYAYAYA FOUR MONTHS!! 123 FUCKING DAYS!! AND NOTHING NESSECARILY DAMAGING TO OUR RELATIONSHIP HAS OCCURRED !!! AND WE HAVEN'T BROKEN UP!! and i am very very very happy if you couldnt tell..... i love my boyfriend so much!! very glad he remembered today or i woukd have been mad as fuck but he did so it's all okay! I love him so much i love him soooo much. Even when he pisses me off and says stuff i dont like or whatever it's okay cuz i still love him!! and i'll love him until i die <3

August 15th (add-on)

yayaayayayayayayay Um idk. sorry But I really genuinely value my boyfriend!!! i've never willingly been in a relationship like this or had someone that i could love this way without being forced to (whether by them or due to societal pressure) and 4 months is a lot to me. all my relationships that were longer than this weren't consistent, they were on and off, they weren't real -- but me and him are! i love him so much and i love that he loves me. i love that he tries with me, i love everything about him.

what if ninja got a low tapper fade 😔<- this was cuit btw

Pub: 05 Dec 2021 16:40 UTC
Edit: 24 Aug 2024 19:15 UTC
Views: 410