shitboss dni bingo or whatever the fuck

think you're me irl (or if u think u like them more than me CAUSE U DONT) think you like takenaka momozou more than me (you dont <3) u srsly hate takeritsu (why would u even follow me in the first place) you talk shit abt my spinterests you dont support self dx teruki hanazawa kinnies i hate you all im so srs. irls and introjects dni too it sends me into an episode <3 nonpsychotic singlet kinnies in general esp if u call urself an irl (YOU ARE NOT AN IRL. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AN IRL.) mspec/bi/pan/straight lesbians terfs dont support shegays/hesbians or think gender = prns + if ur one of those dumb bitches who are like "dont use she/he on xyz character theyre transmasc/transfem" while saying gender=/=prns DO U EVEN HEAR URSELF RN proship/profiction "fiction doesnt affect reality" lolicon/shotacon UR ALL FREAKS KYS paraphiliacs (necro/pedo/zoophiles) MAPs (ur a pedophile) nsfw only accs dsmp/dteam fan endogenic/mixed origin/nontraumagenic systems (ur a singlet) furry antis ooo i draw anthro animals how scary and terrifying wont use tone indicators (quit being a bitch) you say the t slur/fb slur as a tme you think tme = transmasc. its more than just that shtwt/barcodetwt/styrotwt/edtwt thinspo/fatspo FREAKS you like the toothpaste mlm flag lesbophobic/transphobic/ableist/racist/etc dont support xenogenders/neopronouns lesboys that are men south park fans

ps; i sound really angry & mean here but IM REALLY NOT
if u dont fit my dni feel free to interact with me whenever im friendly most of the time
I JUST REALLY HATE THE THINGS I DONT LIKE !!! u know what i mean ?

main rentry

Pub: 11 Nov 2022 23:24 UTC
Edit: 30 Mar 2023 16:01 UTC
Views: 1211