How to fully uninstall SillyTavern on Windows 10!!!
Feel free to "fork" this guide and make it more proper!!! I don't know what I'm talking about!!!
This guide is for people who used up 8 GB just installing SillyTavern on a computer with basically zero coding things already installed (Git etc.)
Here's what I did! I cleared up roughly 8 GB so I'm assuming everything's perfectly deleted and gone!
- Delete the SillyTavern folder
- Uninstall node via
Apps & features/add and remove programs
- Uninstall all Python instances that were installed around the day I installed Silly Tavern via
Apps & features/add and remove programs
- Delete ProgramData/chocolatey (I think it's safe??? An anon said it's the normal way to delete it i think?) (this was installed when installing node)
- uninstall visual studio build tools (this and the next two were installed by node in the "Tools for Native Modules" part!) via
Apps & features/add and remove programs
- uninstall visual studio installer via
Apps & features/add and remove programs
- uninstall git via
Apps & features/add and remove programs
now, putting together the info in the Apps & features/add and remove programs settings in windows 10, and stuff in windirstat, it doesn't LOOK like most of the stuff up there adds up to 8 GB... but it does somehow!!! i checked settings > storage
afterwards and idk!!! it just werks!!!
I have 8 GB of free space freed up now!!! yay!!