
You put your chopsticks down and groaned slightly. That was far from being a light lunch and you knew it very well from the way your clothes were tightening around your middle. All you wanted to do was aid your digestion before going back to work, maybe even pop an antacid while at that; you had way too much food and could go the rest of the day without taking a single bite more.

Unfortunately for you, the company you had for lunch seemed to disagree heavily with that.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're full already~" Mio smiled as she pushed a plate of karaage towards you. "You haven't even touched what I made for you..." Her smile widened as the fried chicken was within your reach.

"B-But I just had a whole bucket of KFP to myself and..."

"Yes, you had, and I'm very proud of you, but there's a big difference between KFP and my homemade cooking, right?" She placed one hand over her cheek, feigning a pout. "Don't tell me you got sick of my cooking already..."

"N-Never!" It was almost hilarious how quickly your willpower evaporated at those words, even if you even had a shred of willpower at this point. It was just a plate, but there was enough karaage there to fill an entire bento. "Mmnph... I really could never get tired of your homemade meals, Mio-sha..." You complimented her properly this time, even if more oily food was the last thing your stomach needed.

"You better! My special ingredient can't be found on a bucket full of KFP, after all..."

"Bwuur— nmph... r-really...?" You honestly didn't notice that much of a difference. Mio's food was good, very good, in fact, considering you had been eating it almost every day for a year now, but it was just as greasy and heavy on your system as the average Kiara Fried Phoenix meal. 'And what would that—uurp—...be...?"

"Love~" She beamed as she said that. "Lots and lots of love meant for the hardest-working member of our staff~"

After hearing that, you just had to finish everything. Besides, stuffing your face could hide how much you blushed from hearing those words.

"Aw, he gets so flustered when we compliment his eating prowess~!" But nothing escaped the vision of Lui, the company's hawk girl who could spot even your most coveted body language. "You still have to try the fancy chocolate I got ya, so no throwing the towel just yet..." The way Lui winked at your direction told you that there was nothing you could hide from her. And not like she was the only one who could see how your overfed gut was still far from threatening to burst the buttons out of your shirt.

"Eh? Chocolate? Lui-nee, I told you today he was going to taste test the new bread we're selling at the bakery!" The last member of the lunch group, Korone, chipped in, dropping a bag of bread on the table as soon as she finished talking. It caused the furniture to creak and some of its contents to spill out. There were enough portions there to last a full day of sales.

"Doesn't he taste-test for you every day already, Koro-san...? I mean, judging by his size...~" Another wink from Lui, and this time you felt even guiltier and heavier somehow. The blush on your round cheeks might as well be permanent when around these three.

"Don't worry, you two~ He's a big, big man, and he never leaves a plate half-cleaned...~" Mio noted.

"BHHOOAA-AAAEeerp...!!" Almost as if on cue, you burped some fullness away.

"See...? He just made room for more! And excuse you, by the way..." The wolf woman waved her hand in front of her nose playfully.

"P-Pardon me... this was all very good but work resumes soon a-and..."

"Don't try to walk out of this, punk!" Korone did her best yakuza impersonation as she joked her way into coaxing you into overeating even more. Or at least you assumed it was one of her jokes — wasn't the knife she had used for her lunch itching way too close to your fingers...?

"He's not going to walk out on us." Lui explained, slyly. "Waddle, maybe~" Lui's teasing always seemed to cut deep into your core, surpassing even the way the button of your jeans pressed against the lower half of your fat gut.

"Don't you all see...?" Mio wiped her lips with a napkin and walked towards your side of the table, hugging you gently from behind. "He just needs help finishing the remaining food. These big, strong arms must be so tired from using utensils after they tired themselves with all that office work...~" Mio's words, ushered so closely to your ear, left you completely defenseless as she touched your arms. They were big, but you were unsure how strong they actually were, with how your biceps were covered with a thick, squishy layer of adipose that Mio was already sinking her nails in… finding no signs of any musculature.

"Oh! Hand-feeding time! Alright, alright~" Korone got just as excited as Mio once she realized where things were going. You swore you never saw her bushy tail wagging so happily while on stage as it did when she was forcing snacks down your throat.

"At least try putting up a fight to deny all of this...~" Lui was the last one to get closer to you. "Plenty o' ways to go about it, like 'I've been stuffing myself since morning', 'I'm gonna burst outta this shirt if I go on', 'I'm the fattest person in the office already'...~" She bent over slightly, running well-manicured nails around the cavernous dent caused by your navel, visible through a sweaty and ill-fitting shirt. "Hard to believe you weren't always a tub of lard..."

Lui's words and prodding made you shiver and exhale a bit, and your belly only expanded after you stopped sucking in what little you could.

"Nonsense~" Mio intervened. It was no wonder she was the one who was more intimate around you, she cared deeply for your well-being and wouldn't allow Lui's teasing to get any harsher. "He is still muuuuuch too skinny. Practically wasting away. So..." The massage she was giving your hammy arms descended to your pliant love handles. "You're going to eat more for us, right? For good old Mio here...~?" Maybe she cared a bit too much about you...

You gulped, stifled a belch, and opened your mouth to word out you could have something small as dessert, but that brief window was enough for Korone to shove a massive melonpan on your mouth. Her hand didn't leave your maw until you were done biting, chewing and swallowing.

"So efficient... the bakery could really use his appetite as a food disposal unit!"

"Yeah, but I don't think there would be space for him over there~" Lui added as she grabbed some chocolate from the boxes she brought to the table. "More, piggy?" Even though she asked, she placed the sweet treats past your lips before you could approve.

Lui and Korone's synchronization was ruthless. The two didn't leave you any opening to protest or try to escape, jamming more and more food into your mouth. You were glad your superiors weren't there to see you. There were constant complaints about your eating habits in your cubicle, from the way you couldn't help yourself to the lion share of the free donuts or how your belching occasionally interrupted phone calls. You always apologized and insisted things were going to change, and yet... you were easy prey for the new recipes from the bakery Korone worked on, and Lui's tough love in the shape of caloric chocolate bombs.

And then there was Mio, tenderly rubbing, massaging and squeezing your gut, whispering words of encouragement for every desperate bite and painful swallow of food...

"Very well, that's how you do it, growing in real time for Mio, getting cuter and fatter for me~" Her hands turned into a vice grip on your belly as she said that, her breathing almost as heavy as your out-of-shape wheezing.

"Pheeew... I'm out already! Okay, I'm gonna need a review of all the stuff you gobbled now, so use that mouth of ya for something other than eating, okay?"

"Yeah, pretend like you actually work around here..."

"Girls, you can't just... here, let me..."

"...!?" You had finally managed to down all the food that came your way, so talking was the last thing you wanted to do. And you doubted you would manage to give Korone any proper review with how spoiled your taste buds were nowadays — as long as it was spicy or overly-sweet or fattening or heck, all three, your gut seemed to think it was a five-star meal.

But Mio had other plans. Her hands seemed to be searching for a specific place on your engorged middle, almost as if she was upset you didn't actually burst any buttons.

"See, right here, yep, let's get this cutie talking...~" And then she pressed harder on your stomach.

"Mnnb—" You tried to kill the massive bubble of trapped air that escaped your tortured organ through your throat but it didn't last long. "hwoOAAaaUUEEEEeeurrr-rrp!!" You roared, sweet and salty spittle pelting the women around you.

"I see, a strong eight, the croissants could use more filling while the melonpan and the shokupan are just at the right spot... noted, noted..." Korone brought a hand to her slobber-dotted chin, mentally and audibly noting everything from your “review”.

"A-Are you freakin' kidding me...!? Koro-san, how did you get anything out of this blob's lack of manners!?" Lui wiped her face with disgust... but through your post-belch daze, you could swear she licked her lips, too...

"Ahhh~ What a lovely sound~" Mio giggled, happily. "That will get me through dancing practice, for sure~ Although I was really hoping we could have seen that shirt go down, as well... it's been an entire week since the last accident, no...?"

"It can't be helped." Lui continued Mio's train of thought. "Koro-san, how about we all go to the bakery after we're finished with our activities? Let's see if this hog can really make it as a living food disposal unit...~" Lui's grin was perverse, but lust-fueled. You audibly gulped, causing a few more belches to come out of your overstuffed state.

"That's perfect! We can aim for more than just one button then! See ya there!!" The dog left the room almost in a run, as if destined to get done with her idol work as soon as possible to prepare everything for your second food rendezvous.

"No food coma allowed!" Lui said, following into Korone's footsteps after waving goodbye to Mio.

"I'm gonna go now too, but I'm looking forward to seeing my big, big boy outside of work hours~" Mio cupped your double chin, gently moving your head to gaze deeply into your eyes. "Maybe we can also pop the button out of your jeans... it must be getting so tight wearing these all the time, right~?" She pressed her lips on one of your chubby cheeks, licking some leftover chocolate in the process. "Now go be the number one office piggy there is~" She helped you get up, doing basically all the work. You were just too stuffed to move properly, it was not that you were that out of shape... yet. "Oooph...~ So cuddly and warm...~" Mio couldn't resist giving you a good wolf hug that could leave even a bear out of breath.

Gasping and waddling to your cubicle, you thought about starting a diet right there, of ditching the bakery meet-up, anything to put a halt into your slow descent into upgrading from office hog to office blob. But then you saw the office's cafeteria, and your nose smelled deep fried donuts, and your gut demanded to be well-trained for the evening. You couldn't disappoint as a food disposal unit.

And Mio was right. Your pants were getting super tight...

Pub: 25 Mar 2024 14:08 UTC
Views: 1007