Gingaza Chapter 1 Episode 17: The Power I Received

Ramona: I have been awaiting your arrival, Kaguya-sama. Let's practice right away. Come, come!

Koyomi: Could you not bring the role into reality? Also, practice is off. What are your plans for the rest of the day?

Ramona: A day off? We don't have a lot of time before the show.

Ramona: If I don’t cram practice in until the deadline, there might be delays.

Koyomi: have a Sense for understanding how tired other people are, but you don't know yourself at all.

Koyomi: I’m giving you this. Go on.

Ramona: This is for......Sirius' Phantom of the Opera!

Ramona: Why are you giving me such a platinum ticket!?

Koyomi: Because you seem to be taking on too many things at once, I'm inviting you to take a break.

Ramona: Wh-......

Koyomi: Looks like I hit the nail on the head. Honestly......

Koyomi: Oh yes, your friend Kathrina is going to be on the show.

Ramona: Well, I'd love to see her in action. But that aside-

Ramona: -I never thought I'd be invited by Koyomi! How fortuitous!

Ramona: So we’ve developed a friendship to the extent that we can go to the theatre together!

Koyomi: Taking care of your health is also part of your job as an actor. Oh, that's a line I heard somewhere recently. It sounds like a guess.

Ramona: Are you possibly angry......?

Koyomi: Shall we head over? ♪

Koyomi: Phew, she’s so precious, my telomeres have grown......Yae, your presence is a blessing to the earth......

Ramona: Yeah, but above all, Kathrina was so alive.

Ramona: ......So much so that I no longer need to worry.

Koyomi: ......Now, let's go back to the rehearsal room and finish up. We don't have time to be dazed.

Ramona: Yeah, you're right......

Ramona: (Kathrina stood up admirably on her own. But can I......say that I stood up myself?)

Director: Less than a week to go until the main performance. The score at this stage is 80. That’s probably a respectable score.

Director: But there is no one in Gingaza who is satisfied with a respectable score. From tomorrow onwards, we will aim even higher.

Ramona: .......

Lilja: Ramona secured. We will now take her back to the moon. Hikari, finish it off.

Hikari: Firm hold! And lift her up!

Hikari: I'll run with the engine at full throttle! Woooah!

Ramona: H-Hey! I'm not a bale of rice! Where are you taking me carrying me on your back!?

Xue: Kukuku, you've finally arrived. Germany. Rejoice, you're now going to try out for the Gluttony Championship.

Xue: Drink up every last drop of this boiling hotpot. If you do, I'll write off your debt this one time.

Ramona: Hah?

Hikari: You see, we all thought about it.

Hikari: Spicy food is a good way to blow away your fatigue!

Ramona: ......Wait. The ingredients for the hot pot are more luxurious than usual. This is free!?

Lilja: Xue’s own food.

Ramona: I can't believe it...... but why again.......

Hikari: The director recently complimented me. He said that my range of expression has improved. It's thanks to Ramo-san.

Lilja: I want things to go well for you. Because we've had a naked relationship.

Xue: If you have time to talk, get on with it and eat!

Xue: Like I said, it’s all about the paycheque for me, okay?

Hikari: What? You said 'I'll make her eat something delicious' while you were happily shopping.

Xue: It’s for the P-A-Y-C-H-E-Q-U-E!

Xue: Eat the hotpot and take a bite out of Koyomi at any cost! Got it!?

Ramona: ......Thank you, everyone. Thanks to you, I've made up my mind.

Ramona: 'Listen well, messenger of the moon! Even at the cost of my life, I will not let you take the Princess with you!'

Ramona: (Koyomi, I will do everything in my power to defeat the burden you carry. So that you can enjoy the theatre again!)

Koyomi: '......Misao, I excuse you. Leave me and live another life.'

Koyomi: (I can't believe you've improved so much over the last few days. It's almost as if your previous lackluster performance was a lie.)

Koyomi: (But as the lead actor, I can't do a mediocre play!)

Hikari: Both of you are amazing.

Xue: No, those two can do more! You owe me for feeding you, Ramona!

Lilja: I'm looking forward to the show tomorrow......

Ramona: Yeah, now it’s time for the real thing......!

Pub: 24 Sep 2023 14:25 UTC
Views: 261