'RICHARD!' he heard someone scream and the vision around him began to shimmer and finally explode as light rushed back to his eyes. He was once more standing in the doorway of the large room, but this time the doors were open wide and he was falling towards the ground beyond them. A moment later a pair of arms grabbed him by the waist and he was hauled up, a terrified and weary looking face staring at him intently as silent tears ran down the tanned cheeks.

'Da... Daiya?' he breathed and the woman's big eyes sparkled at her name and she nodded. 'What happened?'

'I was just going to ask you the same thing,' the beautiful Dark Elf laughed softly and helped Richard to his feet. 'You suddenly fell through the doors and scared everyone!'

'D... did I?' he asked and looked around him as he tried to get his bearings. 'I was listening to your discussion and then... then...' he began to say but his brain ached when he tried to remember the vision he had just seen and he winced.

'It's okay,' Daiya said and pulled him into a long and powerful hug that she seemed to need more than he did in that moment. 'I'm just glad you're safe!'

Daiya began to sob silently into his shoulder and Richard wrapped his own arms around his gorgeous wife, patting her back gently. That was when he noticed Lillin out of the corner of his eye, pointing towards them and whispering something to Aura who stood next to her with a concerned look on her beautiful face. She whispered something back to Lillin and nodded in agreement before moving towards him and Daiya.

'Daiya, back away from him for a moment,' Lillin said in a steely tone and was instantly at their side, pushing them apart roughly.

'Wait... what the hell-' Daiya growled but was quickly shut up when Aura pointed towards Richard's hands. 'Oh... Richard, take a deep breath!'

'Why?' he asked in confusion and held both of his hands up to look at them. All four rings on his fingers had suddenly started glowing a bright black and what looked like particles of black light were spreading out from them, blotting out light wherever it went. 'What the hell is this?!'

'Richard, you need to calm down right now!' Aura pleaded and there was a frightened look in her eyes that couldn't be missed. Her words and the look on her face only further freaked Richard out and the rings on his fingers began to glow brighter. 'Take a deep breath and think of something that makes you happy!'

A powerful and addicting strength surged through Richard and he realized that something was terribly wrong with it. Before he had almost passed out while listening outside the door, he had had that violent image of many people dying and he recognized the intense and bloodthirsty sense of dread spreading through his limbs and mind. He didn't fully understand what was going on, but he knew he couldn't let this power surge through him any longer. He screwed up his eyes and focused on the happiest moment in his short life, the day he stood next to Daiya at the altar and they were married. The smile that was tickling the sides of his lips began to spread through the rest of his nervous system and he felt his body physically and emotionally relax as the dark power bubbling in his stomach was quickly pushed away. When he opened his eyes once more he saw relieved faces staring back at him and noticed that the rings were glowing with a slight golden-white hue.

'Better?' Lillin asked and he nodded slowly as he tried to gather his thoughts. 'Well, if nothing else this proves that the rings Master Amelia created are strong enough to withstand the surge of magic going through his body.'

'So far,' the eldest one in the room sighed and eyed the rings on Richard's fingers. 'With the wave of power we all just felt it wouldn't surprise me that the rings will crack or shatter at some point.'

Richard held his hands to his face once more and looked at the slightly glowing rings with confusion. Before, there had been black light and black particles flowing from the rings, but now the light had gone from black to gold. He had no idea what was going on or why they were on his fingers. He grabbed at the one on his left thumb and tried to pull it off but found that it was fitted so tightly that it didn't even budge. It was like the ring was a part of his body and it felt like he was trying to pry off a piece of his own flesh. It actually hurt a little.

'The rings won't come off unless we allow it,' the elderly woman said when she noticed what he was trying to do.

'What are these things?'

'Artifacts that Master Amelia created specifically to keep you and everyone around you safe,' Lillin answered and Richard threw her a dumbstruck look. 'The spells placed on those rings read your state of mind and emotions on a constant basis, and if your darker emotions begin to rise to the surface the rings will release the magic in your body in a constant stream so you don't have another episode.'

'Simply put, it bleeds your power if the rings feel that you are in danger of succumbing to your more vengeful emotions.' Master Amelia explained in an easier way and Lillin nodded in agreement. That hadn't been the part that Richard was having trouble understanding though.

'Another episode? What do you mean by that?' he asked as Daiya once more came towards him and snuggled softly into his side. As anxious as he was to hold her right now, he couldn't focus on her with the conversation that was going on.

'Do you not remember what happened two weeks ago?' Aura asked with concern and he flashed her a confused look.

'Two weeks ago? Not much really happened, besides school and training with Lillin at the stadium,' he answered and he felt Daiya's body tense up.

'Richard, that was a month ago,' Lillin said slowly and she ignored the half smile on his face. He honestly thought she was trying to play some kind of prank on him. 'After the school was attacked you and your friends went to go stay at the palace while Aura, Princess Daiya, and Coni fought at the Northern border. You escaped the palace and flew on your dragon to the battle ground.'

'You're kidding right?' he laughed but was met with serious gazes from everyone present. Even the mouthy and ill behaved Zya had a serious look on her face. 'Y... you're not, are you?'

'You and Daiya fought against a powerful fire mage and-'

'It was May,' Daiya offered and Richard suddenly had a brief vision of seeing her standing in the middle of a battlefield with her hand raised towards him.

'When Daiya was injured by this May person, you lost control of your magic and went into a rage. You destroyed anyone and anything in front of you and then just collapsed in the middle of the crater you created with a very powerful and very unique spell,' Lillin continued.

'You've been unconscious for exactly sixteen days, Richard,' Aura said and Richard felt like the rug had been pulled out from under his feet. His knees began to buckle as he realized that everything they were saying was true and horrible visions from the battle raged through his mind. The one that hurt the most was watching as May thrust a weapon in Daiya's side and left her for dead.

Without hesitation, Richard turned to his wife and lifted the edge of her shirt up and looked closely at both of her well toned and tanned sides. He sought any hint of a wound or scar but was only met with a single patch of skin that was far lighter than the rest of her body. It was just below her ribs and two to three inches long. This was undoubtedly where she had been stabbed but it was very strange that there wasn't so much as a scar there. It had only been two weeks, at the very least she should still be bandaged up. Daiya seemed to notice what he was searching for and she brushed his hands away from her shirt gently and wrapped her arms around his head and hugged him tightly.

'I'm okay, Richard,' she sighed softly into his ear. 'Aura used Arcane Magic to speed up the recovery while we were still on the battlefield. When that area of skin gets some sunlight you won't even notice it anymore.'

Richard softly kissed his taller wife on the cheek and nestled his chin gently onto her shoulder as a million different thoughts flooded his mind like a savage assault. He was having trouble understanding everything that had happened, especially since his memory seemed to be filled with holes and most of the images from the battle were blurry or mostly black and red. Never before had he even been so afraid of a color than he was now. The blackness that cascaded through his mind, the same color that had come from the rings was so evil and powerful that he could still feel that sensation clinging to his heart.

'Wh... where are we?' he asked in a low voice as he directed the question directly to the one woman in the room that mattered to him. He knew the others could hear, but with everything that had happened he didn't know how much he could trust Lillin or the others. Lillin had hinted to a loss of control but never warned him further than that, so he really didn't know what her angle was here and the same went for the others. Aura was there in the room as well, and he knew she would never do or say anything to harm or confuse him, but in that moment he was closest to Daiya.

'Castle Islan,' Daiya answered. 'You're safe here. This is where the Elemental Masters and their students train.'

'Although you and Lady Aura aren't supposed to be in the first place,' the girl in her early twenties gnashed her teeth and Daiya released her hold on Richard to turn to her.

'We've discussed this!' Daiya growled back.

'Alright, calm down you two,' Lillin sighed heavily and Aura nodded in agreement along with the other two women. 'You saw how Daiya reacted to you bad mouthing Richard a few minutes ago, Zya. Richard will react the same way and I can guarantee you that the outcome won't be cut and dry.'

'Oh give me a break!' Zya laughed and stepped closer towards both Richard and Daiya. 'This kid couldn't possibly have that kind of power in him! Just look at him, he's nothing but a commoner and the fact that he's married to the crown princess of the Dark Elf Kingdom is laughable! Daiya must have been pretty desperate!'

What happened after the girls words fell around Richard's ears was a blur, but he felt the flicker of blackness in his body ignite a small amount and the next thing he knew he had his right hand pointed towards Zya as bright white light gathered around his fingers. He could hear Daiya's warnings in his head but the words sounded like they had been dragged through mud. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears and his power was slowly starting to erode his will as the black flame began to grow. It was an image of him slaughtering soldiers on the battlefield that stopped him though, and in the span of simple blink of the eye he shifted his hand slightly above the woman's head and released the magic that had been building. A beam of pure white light shot from his hand and bracer and shattered a large stained-glass window that flickered with blues, reds, yellows, blacks, and greens.

In the same moment the glass exploded in a brutal cascade of jagged shards, Richard's mind cleared and he gained control of his emotions once more. Lillin and Aura didn't seem to notice the sudden shift in his body language though, as Richard suddenly found himself being lifted from the ground as two long purple ropes of arcane magic bound him tightly and tossed him away from the group of people who stared at him with wide eyes and anxious looks.

'Calm down Richard!' Lillin yelled loudly and he focused solely on her emotionless face that sat apart from the others.

'I am calm,' he whispered in answer. 'Sorry. I... I couldn't control myself. I'm okay now though.'

Aura looked him dead in the eyes and released her spell a moment later, but Lillin didn't seem too convinced and kept Richard hovering five feet off the ground and completely bound. It was a weird sensation being restrained by magical ropes and it sent a small electrical shock through his body and nervous system. A second later Richard realized that Lillin was probably using her lightning element to keep a continuous current running through his body so he would have trouble controlling his muscles. It was definitely working, that was for sure.

'What was that?' the youngest girl in the room asked in amazement and she picked up a shard of glass that had fallen to the ground. 'It was pretty!'

'That truly was Light Magic,' the elderly woman whispered. 'The rumors and stories you told us were true, Master Lillin.'

'I'm glad you realize that, now please have a talk with your apprentice about filtering her thoughts around Richard for now. We got lucky and we can't afford to risk him losing control again,' she stated bluntly and then turned back to the man dangling above everyone. 'There are some things that you and I need to discuss. Why don't we go some place a little quieter, shall we?'

Richard didn't even get a chance to answer as Lillin walked from the room and dragged a slightly trembling Richard behind her, the magical bonds still around his arms and legs. She pulled him down a few halls and then opened two large doors that led out onto a very large balcony that overlooked a massive patch of land that seemed to be some kind of training ground. The moment Richard was through the doors she waved her hand towards them and they closed on their own a second before the bonds around him vanished into nothing.

'You need to maintain a calm state of mind at all times, Richard. Another outburst like that and you might do something you will regret for as long as you live!'

'I... I'm sorry. I couldn't stop myself though... it was like my body had a mind of its own and I was just a passenger. What is going on with me?!' he demanded loudly and then quickly took a deep breath as his powers began to rise up within him once more.

'You're letting your emotions rule you. That's a simply as I can put it. To be honest, I really don't know what's going on besides that, and everything I do know comes from old records and stories passed down from one Master to another. If anything, you should know more than me right now because it's happening to you. What does it feel like when the black power starts to take over your mind?'

Richard didn't answer right away; he looked away from Lillin and walked towards the rail at the edge of the veranda and gazed out over the ground below them. 'I guess if I had to explain it, I would say that it feels like two dogs are at war within me. I felt it from the moment I woke up and it's honestly taking all I have right now just to keep the more vicious dog at bay.'

'Two dogs fighting?' she asked for confirmation and he nodded slowly. 'I suppose that's a good way to explain it. Those dogs are the two sides of your emotions; the happy and good emotions and then the dark and angry emotions.'

'Which one will win?'

'Whichever one you feed the most would be my guess. Richard, your magic isn't just manipulating the light around you... it's also using your emotions to create what only you can create. The white magic you have used the most feeds off the better side of your emotions, while the dark power you used during the battle use those darker and more spiteful emotions. The first you went through a similar problem when he was younger as well.'

'Then we should know how he managed to control it, right?' he asked hopefully but the pale redhead shook her head sadly.

'You kept your magic and how it worked a secret, so there is little to no information on it. The rings you are wearing are the only solution three Masters could come up with, and we honestly don't know how long they will be able to dilute and disperse your magic. The truth is that your strength is beyond what we can comprehend and all we can do is apply a bandage for now.'

Richard's elbows were supporting the weight of his upper body on the railing and he lifted both hands to his face and rubbed his eyes as he tried to think clearly. Everything had become so complicated over the last few weeks and he was having difficulty understanding even half of what was going on. He thought he had finally gotten a good life when he came back to this world for the second time. He could wield strong magic that no one else could, he had a close group of friends, a loving mother figure and even two aunts who weren't that bad either. The cherry on the top of this sundae was Daiya. Actually she was more like a whole bag full of cherries and he felt extremely lucky to just be friends with her, let alone actually be married to her. But from the moment they put those rings on their fingers things had gone from good to horrible and he felt lost a sea with no knowledge of how to swim. His magic was out of control, his friends were somewhere else, his family was split up at the moment, and his wife had been badly injured because of him. He might not have been the one to actually stab her, but he held just as much blame because May had been after him.

'What do I do?' he asked after a few minutes of silence and he heard Lillin sigh next to him.

'Everything and anything I or anyone else here tells you. I brought you to Islan for the sole reason to be trained in an environment that was safe and secluded. After your little mishap in the arena when we were training, I knew I had to get you away from the school and the problems of the war. You will remain here until you are strong enough to go back into the world on your own.'

'Look, I know I am a little volatile right now but it wasn't always like this. Maybe after a few days of relaxation I will go back to how I was and have total control over my powers.'

'I know you want for that to be true, but it's not,' Lillin sighed and Richard was surprised to hear a little sadness in her voice. 'I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now and the one thing I have noticed is that your darker and more powerful magic has been building up inside your heart and mind. All it took was a single event for you to lose control and take the lives of more than eight thousand people like it was nothing. You need to stay here until you can gain better control of those powers and suppress them so they never bother you or anyone again. Even if it takes ten years, you will stay here until everyone is satisfied that you won't lose control again.'

'What about my friends? What about the war! I can't just sit here and do nothi-' he yelled but Lillin quickly cut him off.

'What about your friends? If you hadn't used too much of your magic you probably would have tried to kill your own wife and mother! It's safer for them and you if you are here for right now! Do you have any idea what Aura and Daiya gave up to bring you here?!'

The sudden outburst caught Richard by surprise and all he could do was stare at his young master as she glared at him angrily, her cheeks puffed out and her eyes narrowed. That shock was quickly replaced by curiosity as her words rang through his mind and he focused on only a single part of her tirade.

'What they gave up?' he asked and now Lillin's eyes left his face as her face relaxed and almost took on a sad look. 'What did they give up?'

'Castle Islan is for the use of Masters and their students, Richard. Only they know the spells to get through the barrier protecting this floating fortress and it is changed every month so no one can sneak in. However, not all Masters or Sons and Daughters are welcome here anymore.'

'What do you mean?' he pressed her when she stopped talking for a moment.

'Until two thousand years ago, the Masters answered to one person and one person only; the Grand Master. This position was awarded to the smartest and most powerful among their ranks and he or she became their monarch that even other heads of state respected. However, the last Grand Master left the seat vacant after the Great War and it was never filled. The reason for this was that only someone of equal or greater strength could take that title and it had been assumed that no one would ever be a strong as the last Grand Master was. A few people thought otherwise though.

'Twelve hundred years ago, the Master of Fire tried to take the title through force but was defeated when the other Masters banded against him. Since that time, Masters and Sons and Daughters of Fire have been forbidden from coming to Castle Islan. This includes Daiya. Only fifty years ago, the Master of Arcane tried the same thing but was quickly defeated and also banned from stepping foot within this castle, meaning that Aura is also forbidden as well.'

'What are you trying to say?' Richard asked but he was sure he really didn't want to know.

'The only reason Aura and Daiya are allowed to be here right now is because they had to officially denounce their claims to their respective titles of Master of their elements. The night we arrived they gave up their positions all so you could be taken in and kept safe while you learn to control your powers better. So don't you dare let their sacrifice go to waste!'

The two of them sat there in silence for a few moments as Richard soaked up his masters words and tried to figure out what exactly that meant. In all the time Richard had known both Aura and Daiya, the fact that they were Daughters of Fire and Arcane was never brought up much when they talked, so he really didn't know how they actually felt about those titles. From what he had learned from other students at the academy he knew it was a big deal, something that everyone wanted. To be recognized as the strongest in your field was something that only a few select people would ever attain, so why had they just thrown that away so easily? He really didn't like that he was most likely the biggest reason for this fact, it didn't make him feel very proud of himself at all.

'No matter what you say, the fact remains that you will be staying here for an undetermined amount of time. Now I suggest you take what is left of today and relax up in your room, your training begins tomorrow morning.'

'Wait... what about-'

'Don't make your wife wait any longer, Richard,' Lillin cut him off and began to walk back towards the door they had come through a few minutes ago. 'Daiya has barely left your side in the past two weeks and I am sure she is anxious for you to return to your room.'

With that, Lillin opened the door and disappeared from sight as it closed slowly behind her on noisy hinges. Richard stood there and stared at the closed door for a few moments as a weak and warm breeze caressed his skin and carried the scent of flowers. For the first time he realized that he was somewhere warm and not stuck in the cold winter that had befallen most of the continent. He didn't worry about such trivial matters right now though, his heart began to beat faster as his mind shifted to his beautiful wife that was waiting for him.

It took Richard nearly half an hour to find his way back up to the room he had woken up in, but thankfully Daiya was there waiting for him. At first Richard thought they were going to have a heart to heart talk but was a little surprised when she tossed him onto the bed and proceeded to use him as a body pillow for most of the day. Not much was said between them beyond the obligatory I love you's and asking if either of them were comfortable or not. To be honest, Richard wasn't all that comfortable but he pushed that away as he didn't want to bother Daiya with anything in that moment. She must have been really shaken up by everything that had happened to him and she just seemed glad to have him in her arms once more, actually capable of breathing and speaking. He was pretty happy with that as well.

The sun had already vanished from the small window overlooking open air that surrounded most of the castle when Richard finally decided he wanted to talk to Daiya. They had both been nodding off for the last few hours and he knew if he didn't say something now they would end up falling asleep and he would forget about it completely. So much had happened that he really felt disconnected from the beautiful and powerful woman wrapping her arms and legs around his motionless form and he really wanted to get back on good terms with her again. It wasn't that she was cold towards him. She just seemed a little nervous or something. It was hard for him to figure it out to be honest.

'Daiya...' he started but let the sentence that had been on his lips die as he suddenly found two big brown eyes on his face a second later.

'I know what you want to say,' she sighed sadly and hugged him tighter, 'and no, I'm not afraid of you.'

'A... actually that's not what I was going to ask, but that's good to know. I wanted to know why you gave up being the Daughter of Fire just to bring me here.'

'Lillin told you about that, did she? It's pretty simple really, your well being was more important than something that I never really wanted to begin with.'

Daiya's answer took him by surprise and he shifted in her arms until they were face to face, her soft brown skin sparkling in the dying light of the day as she looked at him seriously. 'What do you mean you never wanted to be the Daughter of Fire?'

'Did you see that little girl downstairs?'

'Yeah...' he answered, not really sure where this was going or what this had to do with his question.

'Her name is Louise and she's only nine years old. She and I are very alike in that we were both chosen to be the inheritors of our Masters titles at very young ages. I was presented to the Master of Fire when I was only eight years old, right after I first displayed an affinity to the element, and from that time I have been the Daughter of Fire. Louise was chosen to be the Daughter of Earth when she was four years old so it's not as bad for her than it was for me. But from a very young age I haven't been able to lead a normal life because of my status as both a princess and the Daughter of Fire. I had so much responsibility and so many duties that I never really had a happy childhood. So, to be honest, I am glad I am no longer the Daughter of Fire. As much of a prestigious position that is, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I can breathe better again. I really had no idea how I was going to tackle the job of one day ruling a country and yet having to stay neutral in world affairs because of my position as a Master.'

'Wow...' Richard breathed and hugged his wife a little tighter as she sighed deeply and hugged him back. 'I had no idea it was so tough, but I'm glad you told me.'

'It wasn't all bad now that I think on it though. If I hadn't been of royal blood and considered one of the strongest fire mages on the continent, I probably would have ended up getting engaged to someone else a long time ago. So at least I was allowed to wait for you to come along.'

'Yeah... I guess that's true, eh?'

A less awkward silence fell around the room and Richard once more let himself be swallowed up in Daiya's warm and soft body as the weariness in his body and mind tried to drag him into a deep slumber. Daiya remained quiet for a few minutes but she seemed to be thinking something over because Richard could feel her warm eyes on his face as he tried to keep his own closed. After ten minutes of silence she finally spoke just as he was about to fall asleep, nearly scaring him by the suddenness.

'You're not thinking of trying to leave here are you?'

'Wha... what?' Richard blurted in answer and released his hold of Daiya to move back a few inches to get a better look at her.

'Both Lillin and Aura figured you wouldn't be happy being stuck here while the war was still raging and they guessed that you would try to leave at some point. I... I'll be keeping an eye on you.'

'Keeping an eye on me? Did they ask you to do that?'

'No... actually. Look, Richard, I agree that this is the best place for you to be right now. I want to make sure you get the best training available so you can control your magic better, and this is the best place in the world for that. So please, as a favor to me, just stay here.'

'What do I have to do?' he asked with a sigh and resigned himself to his current fate. He wasn't very happy about having to be away from his friends and some of his family, but as long as he had Daiya there then it wasn't all bad he supposed.

'You're going to get training I never had the chance to,' his wife explained and almost sounded a little jealous. 'You'll be told everything you need to know tomorrow morning, so for now just rest.'

'You just don't want me to get out of bed right now,' Richard joked and Daiya smiled up at him. He wrapped his arms around her tighter and nuzzled in as he let his body and mind relax, the warmth and softness of his wife's body filling his mind as they both began to drift off into a deep slumber.

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Pub: 31 Jan 2024 04:10 UTC
Views: 1100