/morig/ Military Equipment Compendium


Battleship Classification System

The Black Fleet uses a classification system different from most of the world's with regard to it navy. Each military vessel is assigned a code made of a letter, and a number. The letter represents to overall firepower of the vessel via the kinetic energy generated by the vessel in a single volley of all its guns.
This is the standard which was used in the 12th century VTE:

Assassination Homicide Execution Rampage Slaughter Massacre Karnage eXtermination
5 MJ 10 MJ 25MJ 60 MJ 120 MJ 160 MJ 200 MJ 250 MJ

The numeral which follows represents the total displacement of the vessel; the number is incremented by one for every 250 tons.

Thus, for example, the MMS Flashing would be classified as an K-12 Battleship.

MMS Flashing Sword

Scaled Diagram
This ship features a lower deck (less weight and more speed, but easier to board and more green water), mixed rigging, and bronze-clad hull for anti-fouling and some mild protection against projectiles and ramming. Thirty-two of its cannons a Vitaiho Samus VIII cannons, which results in a signficant weight reduction would retaining firepower. The other cannons are Onee XV pieces.

MMS Black Comet

This private trading clipper is one of the fastest ships in the Deadbeat Merchant Navy, capable of up to 19 knots average speed in good conditions. To achieve this, it sacrifices any significant armament, lacking cannons, as well as a particularly large cargo space.

MMSM Night Shark

My Mori's SubMarine Night Shark is a Barakūda class watercraft asset jointly owned by the Black Fleet and Goddess faithful, combining Moriji's latest advances in chuubanitic and naval engineering. Developped and built by Marzhpin Shipworks in their Oppia shipyards, the Barakūda class was designed for insertion and extraction of chuubanitically enhanced operatives into seaborne and amphibious targets with a focus on stealth.

It was engineered with a crew of a minimum of two operatives in mind, and seating for up to four rowers, one helmswoman (usually the Captain of the vessel), one periscope operator (usually the XO of the vessel) and two passengers.

The core mechanism of the vessel is a gearbox which transmits power from a flywheel powered by the action of the rowers, to a variety of functionalities. First and foremost, the flywheel has a clutch connection of a helical propeller at the rear of the submersible. While this propeller can be actuated by any humanoid, base humans may have difficulty mustering the strength necessary to power it effectively, as it is designed around the capability of users of enhanced strength. The gearbox can also be shifted to direct power to a set of ballast pumps which allow the submersible to vary its buoyancy, allowing for safe dives down to as much as three meters below the surface. Beside handling the rudder, completing gear shifts is the other responsibility of the helmswoman.

The top of the submarine has a set of four hatches. One is the access hatch to the pressure vessel of the submarine, while the other three are modular utility hatches. These may be used to store mission equipment, compact artillery platform (such as swivel guns), or diving apparatuses, including ports for connection to an umbilical. The compact CSDB-16 (Chuubanitic Spring-Drawn Ballista Model 16) is an example of one such platform, able to propel heavy loads dozens of meters up relatively quietly. The CSDB-16 is ideal for inserting operatives into locations elevated relative to the surface of the water.


White Arms


The nodachi is the iconic weapon of the Deadbeat warrior. The huge blade maximizes cutting power, but usually still allows for thrusting techniques.


This polearm is the bread and butter of the Goddess Faithful priesthood. It allows the user to engage multiple opponents at once while keeping them at a distance, a situation commonly encountered when fighting schizos.

Heavy Naginata

The most high quality specimens of this weapon often feature Mont Mori diamond spikes, on the weapon's butt, and sometimes on an armor-piercing spike jutting from the back of the thick, long curved blade.


This concussive weapon is found in the hands of many Deadbeat soldiers. It is effective against armored opponents.

Heavy Crossbow

Goddess Faithful priestesses do not use firearms. Instead, heavy crossbows are preferred. The heavy bolt can have decent armor penetration, and shooting is both quiet and doesn't cause light and smoke, making this a superior weapon in stealthy operations.


Manually Rifled Breechloaded Gun (In Service ~1122 VTE)

The rifling carved on the inside of this weapon's barrel imparts rotational speed to the oblong bullets, increasing the weapons range and penetration significantly.

Ani XII Main Naval Artillery

Shell: 32 kg 220 mm Diameter Saboted Explosive Cannonball
Calibre: 223 mm Diameter
Muzzle Velocity: 450 m/s
Mass: 5000 kg

Onee XV Main Naval Artillery

Shell: 15 kg 163 mm Diameter Saboted Explosive Cannonball
Calibre: 165 mm Diameter
Muzzle Velocity: 460 m/s
Mass: 2300 kg

Chuubanite-Actuated Weaponry

Vitaihos are the product of Moriji's long history of high energy chuubanitics research, culminating in the invention of a weapon able to fire projectiles at high speeds through sheer magical power.
Animated Diagram

Vitaiho Samus VIII (In Service 1113 VTE - )

Shell: 12 kg 40 mm Diameter 300 mm Length Hardened Steel Penetrator
Shell: 13 kg 40 mm Diameter 300 mm Length Hardened Steel Explosive Penetrator
Calibre: 100 mm Diameter
Muzzle Velocity: 800 m/s
Mass: 2500 kg

Personal Equipment

Death Masks

Priestess Death Mask. Note the Mont Mori Diamonds embedded into the sacred inscription. The script reads "Memento Mori".
Priestess Death Mask.

Edit Report
Pub: 26 Mar 2022 23:45 UTC
Edit: 26 Nov 2022 00:00 UTC
Views: 1149