>You are Anon.
>At least, that's what your name is now...
>You are currently in a pet store, looking around at all the animals.
>Nothing out of the ordinary, right?
>You're in a cage, completely naked, and being shown off to a plethora of bipedal animals.
>Dogs, cats, lions, tigers, bears, oh my.
>The natural order of things has done a complete 180.
>All these animals, these Furries, they're the dominant species in this world you're now in. All of them.
>The only species that does not possess their level of intelligence, as far as you know, are humans.
>Humans of all ages, both male and female, are pets, and these Furries are their masters.
>Well, YOUR masters...
>You don't know how you got here, or why.
>The last thing you remember is going to sleep back at home in your bed.
>Nothing special happened, it was a normal end to a normal day.
>When you woke up, you were laying on a metal table with a ten-foot tall jaguar in a lab coat poking at you or something.
>Yes, a ten-foot tall jaguar. These Furries were huge.
>Needless to say, you freaked out when you saw him and fell off the table.
>The jaguar exclaimed and seemed to rush to your aid, but you just scrambled away in a panic.
>You tried to run out the door, but it was closed. You were trapped.
>The jaguar purred softly and picked you up. You seem to recall him saying something, but you can't remember what he said exactly.
>That was all you could remember of day one here. Everything was such a shock.
>Since then, you've gotten a bit used to being here.
>What choice did you have? You were just a dumb animal to these Furries.
>Luckily, you still possessed your superior human intelligence.
>After your initial panic had died down, you started thinking logically about your situation.
>These other humans behaved like dogs. Carefree, happy, playful puppy dogs.
>You acted like one here too.
>You couldn't help it. It's like some weird magic spell had been cast on you.
>You can't form words anymore. None that Furries can understand, anyway.
>If you do speak, they only hear your words as growls, groans, or barks.
>You also can't stand up on two feet anymore unless you're running.
>Some primal instinct in your head was compelling you to remain on all fours.
>Because of this little culture shock, you kept to yourself at first.
>You needed to learn how you were supposed to act here.
>The Furs that worked as handlers here probably thought you were shy.
>You aren't. You were merely biding your time and observing.
>If you indicated at all that you were as intelligent as they were, you'd likely be putting a price on your own head for some freaky experiment.
>You had to blend in if you wanted to find an explanation for why and how you were here.
>It's been a week and a half.
>Easily, the longest amount of time you've ever been completely naked before.
>Seeing clothes on humans was very rare here.
>It wasn't as hard to adjust to it as you thought it would be though.
>It was actually kind of liberating. You don't really notice it anymore.
>A part of you thought it would be nice to stay here.
>What's not to like?
>You've got food, water, a bed, and no responsibilities.
>You're just supposed to bark and act cute for the animal people.
>Sounds nice, but it's probably wise to wait and see what the world is like before you make an informed decision.
>You're not getting much information from this little cage you're locked in.
>Outside, you watch Furs walk around the pet store, shopping for whatever they need for their pet humans.
>You're hoping someone adopts you soon.
>If there's one thing you've learned so far, it's that you're only getting out of here if someone adopts you.
>You've tried to think of a way to escape, but the Furs who handle you and the other humans are far too fast, and they always catch you.
>You hear a door open behind you as one of the handlers walks closer.
>"Very good girl, Sarah! Yes, you went potty like a good girl!"
>You get up off your bed and look into the back area.
>A large hen is leading a human female toward you by a leash.
>That's Sarah.
>You became friends with her a few days after you got here.
>Her cage was right next to yours.
>Sarah happily crawls beside the hen, hanging her tongue out of her mouth and smiling.
>She's a very cute girl. She has long brown hair, hazel green eyes, and she looks like she's in her early twenties, about your same age.
>Her waist has a slight curve, and her breasts are not too big, but not too small either. She's• somewhere between a B cup and a C.
>She acts like she's 9 though.
>All the humans do.
>Which meant you had to also.
>When they get to your cage, the hen bends over and takes Sarah's• leash off.
>She unlocks her cage, and Sarah crawls inside before she closes it.
>The hen smiles and leans close to Sarah.
>"You keep being a good girl, okay?"
>Sarah barks happily and wags her butt in response, making the hen chuckle a little.
>The hen walks back where she came, wiggling her feathers in front of your cage and saying hello as she passes you.
>You stick your tongue out at her and pant happily like a good little human.
>You hate to admit it, but all this is actually kind of fun. You're really enjoying yourself here.
>You watch her as she leaves and closes the door behind her.
>"Hi, Anon!"
>You turn back to face Sarah.
>She's holding onto the bars separating you two and panting happily, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth.
>You smile and go to her.
"Hi Sarah."
>"Guess what?! Guess what?! I saw something really cool outside!"
>You chuckle and sit down in front of her.
"What did you see?"
>"It was this thing! This flying thing with big wings! I think it was a bug, but I've never seen one before! It was so pretty! You should've seen it, Anon!"
>Sounds like she saw a butterfly.
"Cool! I wish I could've seen it."
>"Maybe you will when Ma'am takes you outside! Maybe it will still be there!"
"If it is, I'll say hi for you, okay?"
>She gasps and brightens up even more, wagging her butt back and forth excitedly.
>"You will?! Oh thank you! Thank you!"
>She's cute, even though she's acting like a child.
>You spend the next few hours listening to her talk about the squeaky toy she always plays with, napping, and eating.
>After a little while, the same hen that brought Sarah back came to get you.
>She put a collar and leash around your neck and led you outside. Sarah barked and said goodbye to you from behind.
>The hen opened the door and led you onto the grass.
>There was a chain link fence surrounding the perimeter of the yard that was easily 12 feet high.
>Out of curiosity, you tried to climb it a few days ago, in hopes of escaping, but the handlers were on you in no time at all.
>One of them, a male fox, smacked your ass and said "NO" very harshly.
>Coming from a huge talking animal, it was unnerving, to say the least.
>You hadn't done it again since.
>The hen reaches down to you and takes off your leash.
>"Okay, Anon! Go potty!"
>You stifle a groan.
>You hate that word.
>But, you do have to pee, so you turn around and crawl out onto the field.
>The same magic that was compelling you to remain on all fours and bark also greatly heightened your sense of smell.
>And this field smelled like piss...
>Smelled like shit too, but not as much as it smelled like piss.
>You miss your porcelain throne back home.
>You sigh and raise your leg up, peeing on the patch of grass beneath you.
>This was extremely uncomfortable to do at first, knowing you were being watched.
>Now though, you didn't give even a little bit of a damn.
>Once you finish, you turn around and crawl back to the hen, panting happily.
>She smiles wide and crouches down a little.
>"Good boy, Anon! You went potty! Good boy!"
>Once you get there, she reaches down and rubs her feathers on your head, giving you a scratch.
>It felt soooo good.
>You were surprised by how much you loved getting your head scratched, and you couldn't get enough of it now.
>You smile and rub your head against the hen's feathered wings as she scratches you.
>She giggles a little and clips the leash back on your collar.
>"Good boy, Anon! Come on, let's go inside!"
>You smile and crawl alongside her as she leads you back into the pet store.
>You pass a few other cages, most of them filled with humans as well.
>Humans of all kinds. Some are younger than you, some are older, some are sleeping, and some are watching you and barking.
>You get to your cage and the hen takes the collar off you again before you crawl inside.
>She closes the cage door and crouches down in front of it, smiling at you.
>"You be a good boy tonight, okay Anon? Be a good boy. See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow, Ma'am!"
>What she heard was a slight "Wuff".
>You'll be cute for her. She gave you head scratches.
>She giggles and stands up straight again, leaving you alone.
>You move to the side of your cage to check on Sarah.
>She's on her side in her bed, her squeaky toy in her mouth and sleeping soundly.
>She's adorable.
>You smile and lay down in your bed as well, placing your hands behind your head and crossing one leg over to rest on your knee.
>You stare up at the metal ceiling silently.
>The store will be closing soon.
>Maybe tomorrow will be the day someone takes you home.
>You don't care who it is at this point, you just need to get out of here.
>The next day, you wake up to Sarah greeting you ecstatically•.
>The male fox handler comes along to refill your water before he takes the two of you outside with a few other humans to eat breakfast, and to run around and play.
>This was your exercise for the day.
>A couple handlers would stand by the building and watch as about 12 of you humans would chase, wrestle, and play with each other.
>You weren't totally used to playing like this yet.
>Back on Earth, you'd play with puppies in a similar fashion, but here, you were the puppy.
>And you were playing with other human puppies.
>But you're not going anywhere until some Fur takes you home, so you just decided to fake it till you make it.
>Lately, it doesn't feel like you've been faking it much though. You've been having lots of fun.
>The one game you really like playing is when you chase other humans, or be chased. It's like playing tag.
>Lots of humans play that game.
>When you finish eating your share of human food, you run onto the open field and look around for any humans wanting to play.
>Sarah is still eating, so you'll let her finish and find someone else.
>You see two human males a little bit away wrestling with each other.
>You smile and go over to them
>One of them sees you and stops licking his friend to look over at you, wagging his butt.
>"Hi! Wanna play?!"
>That was easy.
>He smiles and does a playful growl as he sticks his butt in the air, looking at you.
>You smile back and pounce on him.
>He opens his mouth and groans as he tries to bite you, but you do the same to him.
>The other human pushes you both to the ground.
>You roll onto your back and the three of you playfully groan as you bite each other.
>One of them straddles you, growling and smiling as he bites your shoulder.
>You push him off and move to straddle him.
>You keep his arms pinned to his sides and you both pant happily, smiling at each other.
>Then, you get the urge to just lick him.
>So you do.
>You lick his cheek a few times, just showing him how much fun you're having!
>He licks you back too!
>The two of you just spend the next few seconds licking each other's faces and necks.
>Then, you feel the other human behind you.
>He licks your asscheek and it forces you to gasp.
>You look back at him as he licks your backside a few more times.
>You also notice that he has an erection...
>The human you're straddling also has one, and it's pressed against yours.
>Then, the human mounts you from behind. You feel his cock slide underneath you and poke at your balls.
>What happened? How did you get here?
>One minute you were eating, and now you've got a human who's going to try to fuck you!
>The human doesn't stop. He just groans and bites down on your shoulder, making you wince.
>You don't want this, but you feel like you need it. You can't bring yourself to stop him.
>He positions his cock against your hole and starts to press.
>"Hey! Hey, no! Get off him! Bad boy!"
>The human stops pushing and you look to the source of the voice.
>The male fox is quickly on his way over to you three, yelling at the human to get off you.
>He whimpers and slides off, releasing you.
>The fox then grabs a squirt bottle and starts spraying the human with it.
>"Bad boy! Very bad!"
>The human whimpers again and runs away.
>You and the other human both scurry away as well.
>You weren't in trouble. You were just playing.
>That squirt bottle sucks.
>You had tried to fuck Sarah once after tackling each other and playing, but the handlers were quick to stop you.
>They sprayed you with that cold water and caused shrinkage.
>Shrinkage, Jerry!
>Needless to say, you couldn't help but stop after that.
>Sarah seemed disappointed too.
>Speaking of Sarah, she finds you after you ran away with the other human and runs with you.
>She's here now, so you're going to play with her.
>You've been extra friendly and playful with her. She's been your best friend here so far.
>You've been secretly hoping that the handlers would put you two together in the same cage.
>It's probably not going to happen though. They don't need you two making more humans.
>After a few more minutes of running and playing, you were thirsty, so you ran over to a bucket by the handlers and got a drink of water.
>Sarah drank some water too, and the both of you resumed playfully biting and licking each other.
>You couldn't help noticing that the handlers were watching you closely. One of them, a cat, had another squirt bottle ready.
>Despite your boner, you managed to steel yourself from mounting Sarah.
>A few more minutes later, the handlers all gathered you up and took you back inside.
>Back in your cage, you ate some food, drank a bit more water, and then decided to take a nap.
>You lay down in your bed and Sarah smiles at you.
>"I had fun playing with you today, Anon!"
>You smile back at her.
"I had fun too! We should do it again tomorrow!"
>She gasps. "Yeah! Yeah, that would be the best!"
>She wags her butt happily and pants.
>You smile at her again before yawning and going to sleep.
>Maybe someone will be here to adopt you when you wake up.