You are Anon
The year is 20XX, and a portal has been established between two realms
The Earth you grew up on, and the planet habitated by different kinds of anthro animals
Through some kind of cosmic bullshittery, both of us are eat the same level of technology, at least on the consumer-level
The results of the portal opening have been massive on both worlds
Their world, which has a much smaller population, also has a great abundance of resources that have been scarce in ours for a long time
Since they were somehow responsible for the creation and the upkeep of the portal, it was pointless to try to take those resources by force, as the portal could be shut down at any given time
Because of this, a trade deal was made
They are given "workers" in exchange for these important resources
And in this case, "workers" equals to criminals, enemies of the state
Just about anyone could be deported to their world, if a higher-up felt shitty that day
Fuck totalitarianism
Ranging from committing a simple theft to murder, your rights were quickly forfeit
You were sent through the portal in exchange for a small amount of whatever resources they wanted to pay in
Anything could happen to you after that, from being used in scientific experiments, to having to gather these exact resources you were sold for
And if you couldn't do the job you were appointed to? You were killed
If your owners got bored with you? You were killed
If you tried to run? You were killed.
The chips implanted inside every slave would give an incapacitating or fatal shock of electricity, if those who held the controller would deem it necessary
If you somehow managed to kill your owners and steal the controllers, the chip would just be activated from somewhere else
There was no escape
You lost all your rights the moment you stepped through that portal

And what was the terrible crime you had committed?
The one that led you to this situation?
Internet piracy
You really shouldn't have downloaded that show
It was shitty, too. Not worth it at all

After some days of enduring terrible physical and mental duress in the hands of your new slavers, you were finally ready to be sold forwards at the markets
Due to your quiet demeanor, obedience and a noticeable lack of physical strength and aggression, you were placed on the servants' section
Possibly one of the best things that could have happened to you, given the circumstances
You could possibly live a relatively comfortable life, depending on your future owners
If you would have been considered to be the best for physical labour, the rest of your pitiful life was sure to be a living hell
It would probably have been shorter, too
If you were too exhausted to work, it would be considered disobedience
And the conditions weren't good, either
You were glad that you didn't have to worry about that
The worst that could happen to you was to be a cleaner under an abusive owner
You walked in a row amongst others like you, men and women, stripped naked, arms cuffed behind their backs
You probably would have been embarrassed, with all the anthros of different species, sizes and ages gaping at you
But you were exhausted and afraid to your very core, you simply didn't have the energy to feel embarrassment any longer
Everyone that was for sale had a collar around their necks, as well as a sign that hung from it
The sign displayed your name, price, the crime you committed, and some statistics that would be useful for the customer
While others were stopped or led away to other places, you kept walking towards the section designated for private ownership
Meaning, that you would probably be a house pet, a companion, a butler or something
..Or someone could purchase you for their sadistic private experiments, you couldn't know
Finally, you and a couple others were pushed out of the line, onto a small podium
The marketplace was completely filled, and occasionally hands poked out from the crowd to touch, slap or punch at you or the other slaves
While this wasn't allowed, there wasn't much the guards could, or wanted to do
Every now and then, someone would stop in front of you, and read your sign
You tried hard to space out, not really wanting to be in that position

After a couple hours, you were ready to pass out at any moment
Your legs were begging for respite after all the standing
You couldn't move, though
Some of the others around you had collapsed, and that only had earned them a terrible beating
Apparently, most weren't there to actually buy slaves, but to window-shop
Sure, some of the slaves had been sold, but more were brought in on their places, so you couldn't be sure of how many had already gone
You could only hope that someone would quickly buy you, just so that you could move for a moment

A claw waving in front of your face brought you back from your stupor
Momentarily, you stiffened, before you realised what was in front of you
"Took you long enough!"
A young-looking, white.. dragoness-being stood in front of you
And she was grinning from ear to ear, revealing a frighteningly sharp set of teeth
She had some notable features that your gaze was drawn to
The first things you noticed were her bright, blue eyes
You also took note of her long, blonde hair that cascaded down her back
It seemed to have a slightly red hue to it
Two slightly curved horns protruded through her hair
Below them, she also had a set of ears
She also had a set of decently sized breasts on her
Your minor knowledge of animals and biology told you that she probably wasn't entirely like the reptiles in your world
It would have been unlikely, anyways
She was shorter than you, but not by much
What was strange, though, was that she was wearing clothes that resembled more those of a human, than those of this world's inhabitants
Open, black hoodie with the sleeves rolled up her arms
A light red top beneath it
A tight-looking pair of jeans, with her tail protruding from their backside
Realising, that you had been quiet for a moment, after she had spoken to you, you scrambled for a response.

"Um, my apologies, miss. I may have spaced out."

Good enough
She let out a chuckle
"It's fine! Whatcha thinkin' about?"
You're being sold to slavery and this bitch just casually starts talking to you
You bite your tongue, and answer politely, instead

"My feet ache quite a lot, miss."

This wasn't probably a good answer, as it was punctuated by a guard punching your shoulder with quite a bit of force
"Quiet, slave. You're not allowed to talk."
Oh, right
You nod, and keep your gaze on the dragon in front of you, hopefully managing to keep a neutral expression through the pain
Her smile falters a little, but doesn't disappear completely
"Oh, I'm sorry," she says, actually sounding slightly sad
She brings her attention to the sign hanging from your neck
For a moment, you awkwardly stand there, as she reads the small print
When she's done, her face brightens up again
"Would you like to come home with me, anon?"
You're surprised when she uses your name
Or that she even asked that question at all
It's almost like she doesn't only think of you only as property
You nod with a smile, trying to hide your excitement
Perhaps you wouldn't be tortured forever, after all
When you nod, she grins again. "Awesome!"
When she turns back towards the crowd, your heart sinks
Was she only pretending?
You feel relieved, when she just calls for her father, instead
Then, you feel a bit intimidated, as a huge dragon starts navigating towards you through the crowd
When he gets closer, you estimate him to be at least nine feet tall
"Yes, sweetie?" he asks in a rumbling voice
That wasn't the thing you expected him to say
"I'd like to have this one!" the dragoness shouts, pointing at you
Her father takes a glance at you, before leaning down to read your sign
With his massive maws in front of you, you can't help but feel some sort of a primal terror inside you
You sigh in relief when he moves away from you again
"Anon? Are you sure you want him?"
"Yes! He seems like a safe one! Did you even look at his info?"
Her father seemed hesitant for a moment
"Are you sure, darling? He seems.. scrawny."
Well, fuck you too.
"So what? He seems better than most others in here!"
Her father thought for a moment, before giving up
"Well.. if you think so. I thought you would want a.. female instead."
You see his daughter roll her eyes. "Ugh, why would that matter?"
He shakes his head. "Never mind. Excuse me, guard.." he calls for the attention of the slaver next to you

After a short conversation between those two, the guard gave him a leash, which he connected to your collar
You were pulled after the dragons, as they started to walk through the crowd towards an unknown destination
Thankfully, they walked slowly enough that you could get the blood running in your legs again, after standing still for such a long time
You were pulled into an office, where the father had to fill some paperwork
Meanwhile, the daughter had all her attention on you, though she mostly stayed quiet
She held your leash afterwards, when you left the office
Soon, you left the marketplace behind
Being walked on a leash in public, completely naked and unable to cover anything, suddenly started to feel a little more embarrassing, when there wasn't such a large crowd of others around you
Your new owners didn't seem to care much, however
You quickly arrived to a parking lot filled with strange-looking cars of various sizes
The daughter suddenly tugged on your leash, making you turn towards her
"I guess we can talk freely now! My name's Janna, and you're going to be my first human, anon!"

Pub: 02 Sep 2024 07:59 UTC
Views: 125