Still cuffed as the officer walks into the room, he slowly looks up from his constrained wrists and does his best to act charming despite his situation. Even as he recognizes the officer he keeps a smile on his face and gives his signature laugh.
“Hi Sonny, miss me that much?” It’s a bad joke but he gives it anyway, raising his hands as Sonny turns the chair around and straddles it.
“Yeah sure, I make a habit of having people I miss arrested and dragged into interrogation rooms.” Bringing his hand up to his hair he ruffles it slightly before giving Ren a deadpan stare. “This has to stop.”
Ren tries to keep the mood up despite knowing what Sonny’s likely talking about. It’s as much his fault as his own that this happened. It’s simple really, if you don’t fuck an alien, you won’t get pregnant; it’s not Ren’s fault that his pheromones attract people to him like this. Right? Sure Ren is in handcuffs in an interrogation room but it’s not like he’s about to actually be locked up or shipped off for experimentation on or anything. Sonny is mad and this is probably just part of how he shows it.
“I did say we should probably use prot-”
Hands slam on the desk before Sonny sighs to himself and stands up. As he walks around the table, Ren’s eyes follow him, trying to figure out from his body language where this is going. It sould be easy enough if this was going the brutality route to break himself free but Ren doesn’t know what kind of forces are watching from behind the one way glass that covers one wall. Someone standing behind there may actually be versed in his species and have something that could harm him so instead he sits there as Sonny approaches and bends down to speak into his ear in a quiet voice.
“We all know what your kind are capable of, if you continue to do this, then you will end up a science experiment.” Standing back up to his full height, Sonny just stares down at Ren as he lets the words sink in. “Control yourself and you won’t end up back here.”
The laugh Ren gives is slightly nervous the next time it comes out.
“You know I am trying, right?” And he is, compared to taking over worlds, knocking people up every few months is nothing. Most humans can’t even carry the pregnancy to term anyway and he understands why Sonny is so mad. One of the first humans Ren knocked up was Sonny and the childbirth almost killed him; it was only after that that Sonny started keeping such a strict eye on Ren and his activities.
“You’re going to do two things for me if you want to be released from here today.” Sonny doesn’t even look at him as he speaks, instead looking directly at the one way window. “One, you’re going to agree on camera to cease getting humans pregnant. The second I will mention after you’ve done that.”
Ren pauses for a moment, trying to figure out if Sonny can see something he can’t before shrugging. Being a bit more careful isn’t that hard, even if he is wired to procreate as often as possible.
“Fine, protection only, no more kids.” Glancing up to Sonny he’s glad to see him nod before he continues. “And if someone refuses then we stop there, good enough? And that’s all a promise.”
“Well we have it recorded now so if I ever have your brought in again, I can use it against you.” Sonny continues to look at the window, suddenly making a motion with his hand across his throat. “Camera off now, this guy and I need to have a little bit of a private talk.”
Ren’s pretty sure it’s against protocol to do that but Sonny surely knows what he’s saying and he’s always been a bit corrupt anyway. For about a minute he stands in place, room silent with a strange atmosphere growing before he turns back to look down at Ren.
“If you try anything officers will flood the room, you’re going to do as I say and only as I say, okay?” Sonny’s head tilts slightly as he stares at him and Ren just nods.
Humans are weird sometimes and Sonny is definitely one of the more interesting ones he’s met in his life. The first time they’d met he’d been a little curious about why Sonny wanted to know so much about his species but during their run ins over time he’s come to realize that he views him in a similar way to how he does animals. For some reason Sonny Brisko needs to understand everything he can about anyone or thing he encounters that isn’t human and Ren definitely falls into that bracket.
Seconds after the thought passes through his mind, Sonny’s hands move to his hips. Belts and fly are undone so swiftly that Ren has to wonder how common this is for him; how many people have gone free that perhaps shouldn’t have because they did what Sonny asked of them while in this room.
“Now I don’t want to hear any complaints from you and keep the fangs off my dick.” A hand moves to the back of Ren’s head, urging it towards his still soft cock. “Your kind can’t get people pregnant with your mouths, right?”
Rather than speaking, Ren decides to answer by licking along Sonny’s length. Even soft he’s not exactly small but this is nothing that Ren hasn’t seen before. He knows a couple of things about Sonny, one being that he’s roughly the same size hard as he is soft, the other being that despite his commanding attitude, he comes embarrassingly fast. Long tongue wrapping itself around Sonny’s length he takes his cock into his mouth before the hand in his hair tightens and his face begins to get fucked.
For Ren’s species it’s no issue to take a cock fucking his mouth like this, however it’s still embarrassing. There are likely still people watching from behind the window as Sonny uses him like a sex toy and regardless of cultural differences, that still not something Ren would be okay with at home. Over and over Sonny thrusts his full length down Ren’s throat, moans occasionally slipping out as he does so. Sonny can be a rather stoic man but Ren’s had him pinned beneath himself before and knows exactly the types of sound that can leave his mouth.
It isn’t too long before he’s starting to pant as his hips continue to fall flush against Ren’s mouth and with a glance up at his face he only sees that his head is tilted back in pleasure. It’s starting to get a little difficult as Sonny grows louder, even his jaw aches from the constant abuse as he continues to take his cock; if humans have suffered this treatment from Sonny then he feels sorry for them it’s hard to keep up with even for him. Despite that, and the humiliation of knowing he’s probably being watched doing this, his cuffed hands moved to his crotch and rub against his growing erection. There’s no helping it, his kind are born to flood the universe with their offspring and take over planets as they do so, for Ren’s body not to react would be far stranger.
He’s left feeling blue balled though as Sonny’s cock fill’s his mouth with bitter, salty release. Ren has no choice as his head is held in place but to swallow, the viscous liquid catching slightly in his throat. A glass of water would be great right about now.
As Sonny pulls out he wipes his cock off against Ren’s lips, but not before making one more demand.
“If I catch you in here again, next time will be way worse.”