Part 6: Of Kathrina and Sirius
Kathrina: You just keep laughing. What’s up with that?
Ramona: No, it’s nothing, sorry.
Kathrina: Hey, you making such a face is suspicious.
Ramona: It’s really nothing. It’s just that… I’m glad things seem to be going well for you in Japan.
Kathrina: You’ve said that before. Are you still worrying about it?
Ramona: You’re right. I guess I really keep going back to that in my head. However, it’s just the way I feel, so nothing can be done about it, right?
Kathrina: You’re as meddlesome as ever, huh.
Ramona: Maybe, Gingaza girls often say so too.
Kathrina: I see.
Ramona: But, it seems I was worried about you even more than you… no, more than I myself thought.
Kathrina: …
Ramona: Ever since you left Germany, or, actually, even before that happened.
Ramona: So, every time I hear you say you’re happy to be a part of Sirius, I can’t help but think, “That’s great!”
Kathrina: Hearing that is kind of embarrassing.
Ramona: Haha, I guess.
Kathrina: …
Kathrina: But I guess I came to understand you a little better.
Ramona: What do you mean?
Kathrina: Um… You often talk about stuff like being on good terms with your colleagues and the importance of bonds between troupe members.
Kathrina: I never paid much heed to it back in Germany. So when you tried to console me after I screwed up, I thought you were being excessive.
Ramona: …
Kathrina: But after I arrived here, a similar incident occurred during the performance of The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Since then, I couldn’t get a leading role for a really long time… and the other girls surpassed me.
Kathrina: When I was finally chosen for the lead in The Little Mermaid, I was really excited, but I couldn’t handle the rehearsals properly either… and ended up causing a lot of trouble for everyone at Sirius.
Ramona: I see…
Kathrina: I believed things would somehow get better if I just left Germany… But I only ended up repeating the same mistakes.
Kathrina: But, even so, the girls at Sirius kept supporting me.
Kathrina: They were pushy and meddlesome, and even though I kept telling them to leave me alone, they didn’t listen. Does that ring a bell? They all are just like you.
Ramona: Haha, can imagine that.
Kathrina: Right? Even when you want to stay wrapped in a futon, they’ll just keep pulling at it.
Kathrina: But thanks to that, I was able to perform the role well. I couldn’t have done that without them.
Kathrina: It’s awkward to admit it, but I think the girls of Sirius really saved me.
Ramona: …
Kathrina: What’s wrong?
Ramona: No, it’s just that I’ve never expected you to say it out in the open…
Kathrina: Excuse me? I ain’t the same person I was before. You should know that better than anyone.
Ramona: Yeah… You’re right. I think you’ve grown a lot. Sirius really saved you, I guess.
Kathrina: Huh? I expected you to cry tears of joy hearing that or something, but your reaction is surprisingly normal.
Ramona: No, I am in fact happy.
Kathrina: Are you really? Doesn’t seem like it. Come on, say what’s the matter.
Ramona: It’s just my own selfishness.
Kathrina: Selfishness?
Ramona: No, it’s nothing. Forget it.
Ramona: (I wish I was the one to help Kathrina.)
Ramona: (But that’s incredibly selfish way of thinking.)
Kathrina: You’re being weird, Mona-san.
Ramona: Haha, sorry if I said something wrong.
Kathrina: No, that’s fine.
Ramona: Hey, Kathrina. You know, there’s a Japanese form of art called Kintsugi.
Kathrina: Kintsugi? Never heard of it.
Ramona: Yeah, I haven’t seen it in person yet either.
Ramona: It’s a traditional technique of applying lacquer to pieces of broken pottery and putting them back together. Lacquer is mixed with powdered gold, and the joined pieces create a one-of-a-kind pattern.
Kathrina: Why are you bringing it up?
Ramona: When I learned of it, I couldn’t help but think that was the purpose of you coming to Japan.
Kathrina: Umm… Sorry, come again?
Ramona: Uh, no, it’s too embarrassing to say it…
Ramona: From what you said, things changed for the better for you since you came here and met Kokona and the others, right?
Ramona: I thought that maybe they could mend your soul that was shattered by us back in Germany, and bring forth a new you.
Kathrina: You’re still coming up with the weirdest analogies.
Ramona: Well… Sorry about that. And there I hoped rehearsing for The Night on the Galactic Railroad helped me improve a bit.
Kathrina: But yeah. I’m also glad I came to Japan.
Kathrina: I think nothing could have changed had I stayed in Germany.
Ramona: …
Kathrina: The damage I’ve done to myself and the fact I ran away will probably forever remain within me, just like the cracks in a glass slipper.
Kathrina: After all, it’s not something that can be dealt with easily.
Kathrina: However, coming to Japan and getting to know Kokona and the other girls was a very meaningful experience for me. I really needed it.
Kathrina: It’s a bit awkward to say that out loud, though.
Kathrina: So, I’ll make sure to make even the cracks look beautiful. I’ll prove there was a reason for me to join Sirius.
Ramona: You keep changing too, Kathrina, don’t you? Don’t get me wrong, I mean it in a good way.
Kathrina: Of course! I’m constantly working on improving myself!
Kathrina: I’ll show everyone my unique self and my unique acting.